HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-6-20, Page 1JONES AY s of Interest dor Bride Spatia] Tt.31,'i LI:s;ENS-3 ;gyp /men, Very special sal i; NBL ACJ I.:D TABLE weight. While k Zec as Vales fid an #rss ec vide, iaz1 of ',Q a V' se akx r,= e also have a sple. n.. i stack or Por,' 1 etez `'®1't iaPs ',red.. To•wefirzags, 5'ra.4 Cloth,' Pod �'a�•.r„4--,� Cloths s kt4t \`e; .ins tca Linton, e e, etc, PE Y: L Gar sile o; 1-11.4 NEN alk N e Fan Ta€st Pure 5t. en Crash To at 30c yd. e}$y z ng Q 3� A Bargein Penma Hosiery Ladies tY only Lathes,' 'tx t'ar tin- kacvles°Sa. t� es °lxtka,w, 'kET1Gh^i a.4 tr- i AA c '1 ate -an your Congoleu Now .Rint° Sacs saktt€r.r +iz� hark raci t`ti ones r t c y -to- tt°"dtr 'tie Rug b.. ?oto AND Mav Keep, out the fly Pests Jnsurue your family against the flies by equipping your house with new screen doors and screen windows. Screen Doors ,$2.00 to $3.50 Screen Windows 35c to 60c Screen Door Springs 10c Screen mire . for repairing doors and windows, all widths from 18M. to 36in.' Oil Stoves that give perrnan- ent,not temporary,satisfaction Either the New Process or the New Perfectionwill comply with above New Process stoves $22.00 $35.00 -New Perfection " $5.50` to 32.00 Our stock of forks, hoes, scythes, ropes etc. is complete Lawn Mowers that cut clean Every mower , fully guaranteed at reasonable prices -$7.50 to .$15 00. Grass catchers to fit any mower $1.50.. Irileamati's Hardware 27a' Phones 2713 The Times will be pleased to recieve renewals from all:hose Sutbscri tions are stow past e lir_ t!1 Ike tr have ttn�a�r surk7nt�ti 1' Ita rd weeks ago Mr, am Mrs. rota a lady in England stating their son Clinton had been killed in France. r. Ifogarth had received no official „atic,-.. from tin,. Records dept. and tit investigation was snArted by the kssoe'ated who have learn - that the tflogarth ,referred to WaS rth. 'Phis is not, the first instance wly;ro nhe Associated -Kin have ren- dered assistance ixt, straightening out matters in relation to soldiers and their interests in this commanity. EN BXETER LADIES „ PASS FIRS.T AID C013IIS.E ver3- successful First Aid ClaRs terniinated on Friday night Tune sail was the examiner. The examin- ing surgeon. conaplimented the in- structors on tile excellence oE 'the work and. the intellig,ence or the ,student,s. The class was conducted au taught by P. Thompson of the famous No. 14 Nursing division, active service, and Dr. J. E. illeGilli- cuddy, surgeon lecturer, who has nut '80 much earnest NV ork in making .Another fact worth menttoning is I that on the ockasion or the Vice -Regal, ally congratulated, Mrs. Thompson .on visit 'to London' the Duchess person - her 'wonderful' girls" overseas of i whoin.the lion. Arthur Stanley. chair -1 'nail of the- 73riTtis.a2 Red Cross-- had I told her. The fallowing were the successful candidates and winners of the much coveted. first aid certificates:, Misses Anna Dow, Lillian Boyle Louise 111artin, Etta May Bowey, Kathleen Stewart„,, Laura Barvey, Myrtle lie IV- itt llamie Quinn Viola Dobson ant/ Mrs. (Cooke, cla-ss secretary, e- vvishing to take a course in "Home Juno °.".,Ist at eight o'clock. 'Phis specially recommended. iAll nartionlars may be- had from Mrs. Sande —V 41, xi;;fresent, Ma} front the Ber, 017,t0t re Sr Ping and 'ti 9 rlacR. that. 151 t, thunder 4f aye;Y ,regi buck death ; an n rues not :.aver everAlea, xxa to staY there anti', kL 1 ktrei 3 'Lb -6 airts he~:inP's Iqx cteaii c'` fiat i L':LS a . i :� kat =- e' are here kms? y ' s4 d4.e 0.3314t4 ,reek Blares.. t T,„ «obi, and ;Mrs. on: =ne cscc Grand '/lend, TARLY „PI front Wzt IS a ill: were GO Stir01)1 i Diz, WED last exce KTIT „END 77 tt r. V Al at tzlitr„ fa iizzoci vor,v ft Ili/ thanks; ketl) good work „,00rt. all lionto to thank - in per. on /11°1103I g.fts am, good si co rely O. ..1.442 tho Town t-iraitt Iloop ,r v.. rs- 111 Mrs. 'IA irlker. of Exeter wrote 11:s olother very interestin, letter on ''.31others= Day" wdr:ch reprint below: but I ant afraid ray letters are rath- knolv 'what we idare put and' what 'u are not. ihrt Noe are alloAved to say some things. It is Sunday and tve, had a service in lhonor or it this morning' at church. It was ver3,7 It. has been very cold there to -clay. L was going to ‘vrite tbiS afternoon.. but the only Ivay could ,keep warm Ivas tor crawl under a blanke Land go to sleep. AO the present time. vve are camped. in a pretty -grove Nvhere the, trees, are rejm.cing in, all the glory or new leaf. Tim .zrass ur.der foot is ,gn. en and long and it ds a supretal delight to me after a long hot,march,1 to take off my boots .and cool my feet, in the long grass. ',Oho whale try-s"..de 'here 'is very pretty, Yes, is even prettier thani old, Ontario hi towards 'the setting, sun and ,sue Tor May. From Iv he re sit 1 can look miles the. Tollinr, fields dotted here and there Ivith small groves that hap- pen so in. e ho w or other t) be there. lien,. and there a rtbbon of .wthite !shOws where there is a road and from where sit I can count the spir,2S four country, churches tIlat point 0116. heavenward,s. 0, this is a rIch country. In times of -peace it must support f111 Iminei,s, population " but it is now alniost' urrinhabited save for the odcasional l'armer stay,s behind, t,o till the ground. Tio,n 1 leek. farther into the home." Ilhe-place of my natlyit,y. ..t%`asi years old, little, brag -3 harlot:, Fred Pritinnotrib,- had the 444o$7,1 hi,* naim. th.n.by winning pound cak4. arid a pair of 1.1,1 -aloft tVq•*1-1' mailed the follow- Foltick S3.67; AVilfred Stem art $3.47 Ira Taylor 2‘1. Pfaff :71:3.011; Treble ,$3.00 and tnany others. In all 1:3 natnes wero handed in,. 243 The total proceeds Wore $130.00 loth;ch was a. very gratifyino• amount. CR ANTON DOCTOR: DIED med`cal practitior)er Granton Tor -1,7 years. ,died suddenly at his store kno‘N-n and b,,loved. For over forty year:1 im has had, )the care of the s.ck and. many fanrilies have known the servIcea Of ot.her physician. His exper,`IdeLS have been numerous and, varied and duran, the earlier years hit practist_, Is hen toad sand means o.! travel. Vero not. Ivhat they are to- day itua.ny a tint° he Us faced Severe storras and even danger to administer had drag store ta. connection ,with. 1,,,s practise and during N\rednesday •13.o C.,,d not return ovithin boar search -‘v.is made ,Lor Into. e was foitnd rn another part of the store 'dead. •..Apoplexy is said to be ter graduating .from. Toronto Univer- say he settled in Granton. lie was VI, It to church oti t barn in whore. in. married,. In his ez.lrlier years when s'"':°' at'a Paradc, juvenile took part in contests in the largerfl .,, 1 tbat reason WaS lard to beat, Tie za, c.inoultdhisus‘evokithaenrd..!hairtodr .1.:Riale caa:s\e:\b: ea :31;501_ 1V/4,9 1.1a, f of town for many years. Vrarrottl. 'M inn. 0 NION DAY AT pro - Ile is survrt d by his widow, one son a net ono daughter, John of 13ttf,- foie and ot' Kingsville, both of tV110111 NV Ore 110111Q rot' t he funeral. cluldren, Highland dancing and pili- ng. Clinton 1:111its brass baud in, Two brothers also surl,u,c,e Ned and at an."' Estttn'ng --Nrusioal Pro -t ,Ioseph, of Grand Bend. The funeral' '°t1 0Pera06. Por - %VAS held Saturday conducted by Rev. J. 13aircl. darme. Proceeds of the day ,go to BIDDLTLPH. FARMER FAKED patriotic funds. Spend the holiday at OP FLOUR ANL) HOG b'g day's The following clipping was taken from one of tht.:- London papers. Two men impersonating Govern - /neat, officials recently visited the home of a" fanner in -13iddulph Tp. reqentino. the 'Canad.a. Food Board, conducted a search of the premises and commandeered 600 pounds or flour arid one large thog that had Jost. been Icilled. The amyl are said to have ,dr'..,ven up to „the front en- trance. of the residence and told the farmer that they were investigators employed by the 'food ,board to dis- hew much flour and iork NS'1S, TO 1.,IFT N1NTEE TROPHY. an unsuccessful effort to take. a\vo.Y the •.:11:ni,e0 elfillenge trophy ,from*, shots .and Si;.ip Creech by 3 shots. Om the sixteenth St. 'Thomas Nvas 7 ,up, on the t‘venty -.first •Ii:oceter was ths house and '\vIlan informed that st. Thom.,„,„„; 'cr our they seize, one ,of hhe carcases -, Tarnan, a staunch. Presbyterian tInd (I Con- servative. He is ;survived by three sons Tirs. iC.barles and' Oscar, or of pork' and 600 pounds of the ,flour, max‘veu placed it an tin.: ;,,,rear of their car ,91-nith, and drovci art. giving as the reason' 31-.0x,,-eu ing: 'such j(1.11,.ri--ticit'!s of 'food.' Sonic Trutt.; slcip. 16 ,e0r&ech',T.--,,s tile -.fact' that he had. been, neat,l,y, l Tire London' Elnavvoods„.„:Er