HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-6-13, Page 2Ta - ' worw'gs just Ikrowli, et, for oV, 'INV in cad6, As a he had seen Viite had, JR, N I N, 0, forty-nine cr&sseq her at arrd 'Tiforcement f th C llis. A Pie new tell Yea -'s later 11, o nddture. of him hung in, the Coving,ton he sawv-that even then she liad within, regulation:.$ We 66PPIV a express chp, to ood coal po. pa painting her all that - ;he now- had. That c4les, I . I 1 in Phil ad el pbla The and remlit drilly. servatlon -has been plo,ced, in the bandsi ou s al vinte, forehe xyeled, steel-gra e I qd, gV en be had been there then; of the police mac price next week forty-eight cents I beard of respectability, a t e black broiw q, the thin binerY 01 tile, MLI-,IiC;,- aud '10, mouth that la man lit ri lips He' palities and of the different PYovini 743.3 Xink St,, W PEARE D THE HORRIBLE $OLJP,, , "t y wals like. straig ose, an the inobile throughout the Do I I lought of IN GERMAN PRISON Qtor" S. Montag -tie SQars Covingtoil caught his breath as he ir Iv I I f It is the dtj and privilege" me that those UP& -Her ey as his nanle; the n, es, po—but no, a and i wh o had,.. no, better excuse 'had ta' provinces, to elif al than employment, in said bad been handed down to !_ oilte The ken plVe there. H oxce feder d had thought of her eyes as th ,- Ord6rs of the Caa questionable ShoOdored, a i-fle, foul, da Food Par In ustries have beeri ordered to get, Corp. Lawe xlx -ico,, .Tay acro 5s deserts and over nioun-, cold7-as impenetrable. They, were have file 'effect of federal law, beip into more useful occu, rton, Now in Ifolland, Ile dQJgod Peter th In is, eYenlug tq ag, ad, risked his lia dozen 1101 sed aOce, or be, Pa. u on, authority of Orders I $eve e ige has been, Q I I , , Wpa g47eat chax 10 a day to reach tbought lie had seen into, them a, ittle ral Att ulPts and &i! 1P unknown El, Dor- ve Ile lag, -le 4 , . red th'' I done this Once or I e this tich. Suffer ori a, . twice Ihought 'he' -the Canada Gazette, I th I M , a c W11# had ed in, o4ser d in the streets s- e, chance 940 of, t 67 e Peter,", stied by tlie Privy Coun 11 and publish- 4v h I * Lrtly,Qr a woman—a slip of girl glipsQd gentle, fluttering figures t, into ,effect, Tlle idlers and fore, becomes the dutN lie ha -Zi I ,rom of police of- loafe rs have, disa n 04W York lie Iei behind to, 1, O c or t x all at,last in a civilized coun -he ir 1, e lie n 11 e 'Tie thev had been try ficers throughout the Dominion to' I ,he, be- llo. g- a,., Ilk for hill ged o 0 V r. closed house,, after a Iong wait, and m 'ry disa ,j. , * 4.9 sl C a I P_ Io 1nQti acquaint temselves, with A Pon wor rooms At A, LVA, t t, T1 s, Mopte's gran sudde ly flung open u these, re- T. w the lowers. It made bini dizzy -our food sujply orp. pointin( ations regarding in is to allot li ,i pounds ort the, gul, Gre# Brim, ill slAte of his v- try, 'had on, a tt e 15th Battalion he to renle ose mio t they are o beyed of sugar, per '!lend et the househ W and o see to it mbei Ol 'O tken prisoner y the 'Gernians at St. er I H At thisstage of th i'vate fruit we7chi, season for Julien,, -who is now at ThQ Hpgue, in a f b e world's food situa-, Pr oaced his lZ '(J + lie or rivo Peter t;on, -,vhen 4,750,000 People in Europe, PreS me seven fathe,-- oT,have sarved to deah as compared letter IToronto. -er Pel P erving fru: d 'to a, iri nd it 'so admitted f toli war to be popular in spent in the S'o tau N, he fought the direc result of battl orts just. receiN e, it is beyond ed show that 6,014 gardexns were able Tbe pl, 6 is f 11 f rl inll -en man against Ile, for bisown e,, U ve . lie had seen, IRA aithcr Ji o. Oil the grid, 101'hou He 4,2i50,000 soldiers' iyhc, have die a t low and har,:, squ,"red his ch6u] Iy AiLnemi ,p Ivere abso4,t,el soute that these food re- I Thab tse"of haPeter for her—he ed I-" one week. rats and, MtHy dirty., 1 don't think we had fou.- out -lutely saght Ii ave a fl a MR , avil or d' ,challen, i d d many peop 1, i n com had 4 t as IT his right? Ill I in MAI hat --foq ile tivenf X-1 was there. lice Vol ha P q n7y of Ger our Canadian regulations --nild Vc friends in En I Teddy world outs;de g anj or In F Ta Un to Whai he' As tb a bar, an oa t it Ulm ij pjnce 'We have liaTo coz-t aAer whose the -fault? people oil the othti I have IV. g_t be sho N ew of N%hl 0 4 Patriotlglp, as.* bi-t in ,fe,with lanlj o'do now to ay M -very ofte had a bit of bread wid an. it Ives c one for P duty - ,hol'd inpire submission, Y19 c 41 bitnz-elf that, her. 'He o, restrictions by pubhe'and a or, ce At e t A, I !e scp, Oil,, t 4e squp' WAS jet:,04 ; , e enforcement of them by h X 0AL -to -4 lit, wag a ll to,: 5tlly :h en he hod rec c"ean Of tlie"if "W" 14 wtrl, for Re' WRTW, bare, in thz otic4nic pQsltior f th O face rioney fi . , 0 a Ile M aww"t , 0", Ine y,'0`rR oof the In e, It the TIOrders in official form Tng Nib lop tbrou 42 lj5tiT of Crown Attrnevs Tmpro for brendl 9m T- e d- f own per- of lWE of, ie t the ptlblic,, AS a restlit, thr6w(-ho ONTO e Ia. a pill ish_; Cn4d of recent qeks, ther 00 t r g 0 fCo, nViet, Ti niert. r V A R LE r, e, A Peter p&ved no p,t in. it 0e )J4gi5tra,,es aestood Ty I lArmly Ile, fo- o pc ?1e ter, could I)r4 000 jr fit t three mol:Abs I$qun ilrssarltile ibrOpg T. T5 :VQT an" pot by olz ,, deiep S We tip* it f, I4V re!, l% IN 'Oft (To be Ifluil, your Wei -lit. r A* 404k at d cut, four Puare Iadi'y The breaer bef,?re; ior nc(, d 'Ae n to we t T t, in ounce -you c In Mli to t( Oar, or les,5 tj to ti"A A unbe seen t1irmigh Are tbe*besit tht you can V'L-,P the afloat? of -,r is soft, ------- -- fu - %re, you power: or fr6-ht,? -T Are you pnllirg.your Tile, pearloss P Grfe=lon telice I I chiIM t= 64 mir Avid s Th *Uli , a! It nj ver three curs vith vii 44' 44' nqJ 0 eyon pulling your weight in the "kill lEND FO cof)R until soft - in. Crn I It isn't the 4.u*; rl a I and dr, I clur- butter sub, tjtuto,j The pick of the brave, and M SANWFLL-lioXIE Ntaag FENCF, COMPANY Ltd., nehoelienIon juice, one- strong; Winnipec, Nlnnitoba, T Z ,­_ seas' Every 110f and fov; grains of Ws he and it's I and it's you t that we ti -we 1111d ,, that end. Dont mc-'cayone, Add the potatoes, cool, drive the good vessel along. tj 1, in M You ave? Will pu work! Will r three minutes and add one-half table- IV -'spon finely chopped parsley, you fight? iDucliess'Potatoes.—To two cup- hot" Are you ready to take off your coat? iwo Onmoaned the -iced potatl 'es, oils Are you serving the St tte? M-er want to an add two tnblespo IW I :, ast i)Uttor substitute, one-half t Are you pulling C, AA we your weight m ­t oil n-3 VN,o are: Are you pullin- your woight in the ,lIt nd yoll,,s of two eggs slightlyi fbe, t, 1, I Shape in form of cor rigIll, into the frontier 0124d. Many WaV ; have vr ic orl boat? 15 Reabi y tried to:=w desired sape. Brush over withl te iluted To Preent Fading. .... ....... F egg (11 with one tLaspoonj "'I'lic n ,yt whel -,ve No v,rater and brown, in hot oven, A AS The delicate shade's of colored lin- brougOlt out of the Sck could see tlo Dutch I o of vegetables I' Is quite ells can be kept from fading by using fthe, vegetable, i W: be aid Jar of w,,lys nhnds to us. Say, it Pry nd She d possiblc to have in entire dinner in'plenty of pulverized borax In the wa- Poor Policy C)TI fl e nal -4v of the one d;sh—a is, wholesome, r'ter in which they are washed, and his o-,vil nearl- y 'race s and very palatable. to hex in heart to sea that, ' he may use the ve-e- many people are familiar vith How rinsea' were We did e. rly 0 do tre Aieat Q' 'erY day and by a Here is the recipe i i Potatoes at home make mo ot of the camp. hange In CIO- Manmer of cook- enoug for, ov of tit is'.yo-ur Ia_h a five I -if" After jer rnay achieve coil- pounds fish (use moderate -priced varl- Some Califorrnia Indians AAA varia, we ust cornpleted it, oe of oil r* -nap store their corn supply in willow baas-' on senior sergeant at I ties such as cod, haddock or 11 45 8 V BEAM own y have boiled po- 9 potatoes peeled ana, cut in small kets, which are as larg6'­as the rooms us to ansIn Well, we 'jugged, and sent L 'ey, xwG wo d b a ­ ' _d tr toes daY Ili aday out? It- Is pieces, 1 onion,'sliced, 2 cups carrots of a 'ern house. t St 7 od "-'e to guess only about xjve per cut in pieces, 2 atips, milk, pepper, I , . Y, now I I n ngland are Cant, of the Canada cook tablesp on fat, Ill-,- tablespoons corn- -a I t One million wornen I E 9 to habi tual ly ill. more than two starch. worling in muntion plants. Two hun. hCook vegetables u- _ jS I" IRECKtES SUNBURN RMN Th ntil tender. t!*Tc is_ &AfLSN1X1fl dred and fifty th sands. are engaged, ;3tAV5.TMMA TgANDkrk omatter a ph pun One Of the simplest and easiest Jid fat, mix cornstarch with one- in c Avoor)6 to S 4Q4_ Triclis of Ilumbugs. A the cold milk and stir in " -15AEADILVABSOADED ': I e ' one v4iat'of dishes to prepare is riced potatoes. half Cup r agri"ulture. DZEUC-HTFULTO USE iiEVEOSO .,became of Iii -n. What lie ever I- F'R _ Ili military stables e 'I, Use a brush dipped Ili whiting to -ol In- them, ally- the liquid in the pot to thicken, Add d0no tO jraL7e, Ili,.; the houzeif is b GR'&rA horses are 17j)rt' IN 3' she might as well vary them by 'ho rest of the milk and ga mir- knolvii to bve pretendedto be lanie to any one? done any Z" the fish shine up your bookca P131"1119 them thxouZ' a and cut glaz4. Polish with neN 011der to avoid going toa militazy lar harm, hatwas true; but Potato ricer which has been removed from the v's- had h 0 done M-_Wrtic ilar or coare. strIllner, "Then they will bone'an cut in sm e exercise. A chimpanzee had been led all pieces, Cook un- ap r. good. I 41S the Positive that be flaky, light anJ delicious, til the fish is terder, about 10 mi- on whell sick. After his recov-, count, whn a mar, ,14, ids bcidf ra th Here' cry he often feigned coughill . g in or- a 0 are sonle other recipes tha,t nutes. Serve hot. d 9M e. n t -s. e at Id that is where der ta proa i, daintles. Onto stood 'on the night y The uckoo, as is well lys System as a Houselice -ion demands, there was just one pi g Aid, or less as occaF came bck.from Cane by t -,de of An in- its e, lie 6- ggs in another bird's nest, and, Peter ith her ey a f --a spa For many years b terruption ire slower) than we had WALKER HOUSE rkling and efore becoming a In towns along my, i to make the deception surer, -it takea eeks flushed as if she had come I expected, ar telephone visit may' dlsar- her farm cr s wife, I was one of fifty t away one Of the other bird's, eggs. straight from Eden. tachers in a large school', whose head range our well laid plans,. but sow- rou e, Animals ar Then "drumming" e conscious of their deceit tab- would.be j6yotis, n bytbe fact t1lat-they try, ulated: form'It iga little easien,than if 'Vold, t way if. we have it written do*n I 1,eacher was a woman of remarkable as is how A eil to act secretly and noiselessly;, tboy, executive ability. Methodical, order- ndlwouldnitgiv6 we ae awdously thinking, "What was a hoot ly,stati.-tical, he dem, anda that each show- a sens 0 of guilt if detected - they It I was, planning to do next? For all the-inconven teal ber provide for her, use and. guid- t P%k 1, i- - I I 'but touch' of Ingram's, Velveola or o You are young but taYe precautions Ili advance to avoid ence of once have to say, "Dear me, I intended to ance a gereral 'Gutline of wc k for, The trains that poke so slow, YOU can'be youthful alv a discovery: -the mani- ys if Souveraine. Face Pov7der. It y in some, cases, d o tha I program of work fest and re ).-a 1 El If there was just,onFWALKER you care for your,:bomj3l6x1on al4I:I, conceals theminorblet-n- o s and. so -but I forgo. pentanc e; hfor ea, !h 'k, and a detailed prog 1,11nd a school slate: hung onflie wall 1 a 'Wee am HOUSE r6perly. Dailyiise ofIn ram's ishes.'In bees which steal hesitate often bb ' pencil -hung beside it,the easiest1m, In every p cludedinih 'cornolete r as If ,the work for each day. These with town !,go. fore and after thel' exploits, edules must,be elastic to ai ptace on which to Jo my, daily Milkwee'd, Cream -prevents -line dingraim's toil et prbductr daily sell 'Pro lik blemishes, overcomespimples, at your they feared,pi-inishment.' low of seizing, -unforeseen opportun- grani. 01 course, the,generl, plan of r: AruggiWs is Ingram's, `I'd hustle a the dickens, A naturalist desciibed how his men - And takeorders by -the ton. Since, Zodenta for, the teethi., key cornmiltPd ilieft, Whil -ies changes little Trom day M S Ing then would be" e he pre, routine dut - and other eruptions raA ) !Jtles or for unexpected occurreni_-es, ve f 'ur -to have ay,,t to d y, but I h, Q d ft well 1885Jts distinctive thera ei just one big round of 'solid fun. tended'to sleep the, animal regarde4 Aly ew weeks at housekeepin it, 'P -writing," especially t Wouldn'tnInd the rain or sleet y as been givin Milkweed Cream him with, hesitation, and sto 9 down in tic qualit h' 9 wexe aorrible tangle ti'll I bethought fo o guMan . ce of hired 6l ppe4 R bF r snow heath to the, skin and youthfut-, Velycola Souveraine race PoNMer 50c every time,'his Tmister moved or se0n P Some - r mud to of frost 0 color to the complexion. It 7110 to 1M)17 to my h6us6woil the same -, Ihiit, as fqllows: Af r beak:fast: 1, 1-' If toh re w tolie WALKER Rouge (3 shades) in' as j7 ed 011 the poilit of awal, of prepat" _OUSE 9: a,PrOgrarn, so to clear table; 2, put sitbin -room in i 4 9 - keieps' your skin toned up Zodenta, I . In every, town I go,. the proposed or necessary order,, e, chambr work; , ofCream Soap To) 25C tsoft and an. Alilkweel It has Mter of horses in Aes of the da,y, and I meallt OlAie5 prepare ve-P Baraied Talcum 25c Frnce hs declined by 80 p 't, )rt, ple"uro Te daily ,01"ogram' 'inust be hiorelR I hie The refined, -way to banish VAA -in ti er,House oilin C m lex., n TA ets 25o by, 16 per cent,, sheep, by, 3'6 spiac ess and shininess of nose, ced,by pers— and forehead:indu D'K F - I M G R AP.1 0. of t1lo, day"5 (lot- lfic wha; must be done by 41 Per cent.: p nnin- while sorlikhing else is doln" 10" it. is duties li t 0 fo' pirati6n' is to apply I" h' ting: of ae potatc, nan be Aiags this 1% by,a the 'sehool ii-iches aid shortens Ia.. el nd iba it- ffiii a Wriht Co.. Pro rietors L elas- es imoy