HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-6-6, Page 6I I 11 __
I - I 1'.1', 11 ----r
I I I , _WMW _
. I I I 11 I : I I I I , ---,,,rrm,mm,ppmRo" I
I I I , I I " , --"- 7-77 -
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All ' --------- I I
- - I I I Ill
I I I ,E ! 1.
: 1. I - I I J
I 1. _, I I
, r , I It I . 11
G! eat Battle Still Rages , NVi I , nislied Fury -Crown, ,
, 54
I "I I , 1; ,, ,, , i, ,,,-,, ,;.,40 4i ,
I . .., I ,
"' 1. ,s 1"J"' '. I Wjy -, Ited.
i , Prince's.Armw Belnt,l; 6 , lia I
, , I I
— I I .
.I, I I ,1,
11 1 I A despatch from the,Frcneh Armies tre, between Pere -u0 an I
I, I . " I
: ,: lu Frand'd s' st The Germans m ,Ile I "eSilvl about s-eveit miles north of the, j '
El!" Champagrle,pu hpd fart -her tov,-ards '_,Nlarne, the French reserves havel I
I , ' I
:;I __'ay. 'I It he German th2,-ust in t1te .
I n ,z -
, the River, Mar,e or. 'Thu -d . 4" :(, oQk&d t' .;
I ,
I , .. . , 6i-
11 I intention'r-ol, r ., blyI,L " rec tior, o
, Ole Teutolls ; prob4., 111v 'I, "N' f Clmtea z Thierry. It wouM I
iI l ,,,i I I ,ir that Vne allied reserve,-, lutvie 1,
, , to, 3QCUI.e, ",!:Ipo.g ",i'- 'I enA*bg, cb $i appe,
I - -4 - ", ,,, , .1 I
..I, 11 .1 .414;j' ,' , ,, " ... ,I, I I
, I siwatd wW ' th , - , . , I
turn ',,-,) :"K iu , q con -le into 4ctIi?# ", , larmed and have
, '.'V, 111 - , , i
1, of thei, I L I. 1 , " Izl, I , -1 I , " Sk i
;, 4WRill- arplle%l ! -k a , mn le their powip'..il"T _
,, , , ,
f e"I't . - , , , ,7_ . I .
, L, - ,,,,, li, It - In - - us , I
11), S 0 !*
, ,
"I f th4, 'G63UA#s, jW . _e)!, 41 I S I S s 0 11 S is re4grde"d , more vit', l 1 1
I : _;r .1 an ''. , 11, I , "Q!k , ! I Il- L I.., ; - I I I -I
T I PO4'r "t e . f _ - to the allies beq se of its j,rnportiai oe, `. I
,, apid a( v, .ce z4i p , I .111 .
I " - . 1 14 .I. ;
: i %, ,i,. , -, ,a! ",;Aw '., . oll dil r .-Piers 11 I 11
, ,; !, 'I,t,,' e movcane-w, Tl_ , pr-n6+pM vol` to tile 1 ,, , -'( ie -A, , ine th '
, .. . I., .I I - 0'. 11 ,,,, , 1 a
_., , ,'; y ,.;I ,.*# #L A -XT1 I . .
" - 11, of tbe f-ont, The Frenl'
e,, # )f the TeytpA 4 yjglow * e-,P,4! to the other en
11 :: , ', .1 , ,
r... I ., I", . I , I-
2 ,V%, i , "Its, . I
". . . :,%
, K . , . I'- , `41*0 " 4h oE ,) ree-','arp, liol,(Png- the higlj < i
lhrust,r,g 144W I , , , - )z,n,,! on th j
- .
1, ; , I , . 11 I , . '
I i , I . 1*4 , ' 11,
, I 6b 'L s, , , : 1 , , - .
, 1,er )7111016 5 wm n a, z oi, Bel'vi a n d 11 o r4- 1
_ ,Taa,A o, , " n:()AV, 0 ,,,.,,,:v
,0,0 4te
)!: 'heavy Pre. , tiagt ', .I' nl-,,nding the South
p I 'com , e-ru aU(j
, I
!, : , On both fk -nks also, srl,ong forees' sottth-7k,;7estern exit fr lm fl, e, c" 11
I I 1',N`,
1, , , I I
" 's
,, I I T 7 a It ro 'd run to , , . I
are en -aged. ',-he f! r s t, a f hese cap- IrOlu whell-ce the = a
, 1 I I , ,
I *bL I
: tureq so`,sson' . On z eas tern"Vi"ens coi-eret's. The possesSion of , 11
flank, howeve", they ale aieet 4 ,-wi ii;'Cl.ivr.,, -, iLi Thiei-ry an_- Z b)solute coul . .1
I tile Stf nn -St de_fen ,! from he Franco- zr,arki of S ,!Ssorns mt-j it', 4rt er'- e,$, I
I Briti,sh fofce I I
IS, whicb, 34'vortliotle s wo,,,.1d not only hold out -1 , Li, ot
, , ; s`zn , .11
I I .L
havV, beex obl`ged -to ,malig=.,14 ordet, '117z,lt te Paris, kp , t ivogild enable t I . .
,, _ - " I
, , ,h
, " ,. I -
: to, 11 ep thiz" fn ,)t , v ' nk up his b4ttle frQUta 0,41' .,
I , It itr4ht. . epjy ; jj
I , I
Allied e-cn-s A" now ta ;Ipg a:,, the Aisup, aa.4 ,,3QZAI ,W_144, A ua out
I I - 1, ` -
I i4 .
01 ons n Ine b4t* rltlq, Th w his olI ;1mlien't ,,so t t toi tue
1 P , , , , , Ija
: I _=1e, being ,hv_* ' in to strengthow''Purp,0304 of A vQqnt r t , ,,-
I 1. , f 0, ,A ftqj ., it wouj d
I I t" - where tw, oxeii egase to be a W.Ient at , .
I _'A e,eF',',' ',,,-, . ,r.,
", , 0, , , I I .1 __ - an. 1
rf "'.1 -n `M`11,3`3112 L 0,1% I .
I _ e -,t
11 . for tho: pue,
I ill- &--- a b,arrrjer to a
I- , , larft_r oeimft
ae-xnn q. , I
" .
k 4 - ' p &4I J$a - On
" 0#
ifAtc h, t tit, X . ,
I _ _44 d j L -
'11w'.f 0i rIV14#41m, tile
- ,
: ';'1111 , ,
i ('zq*WWV1r4Nvu ,'Pr!jwp!s arm , h5le
C .
- , s, $.. 14
,_ ;k' , , — I
I to M-1 I wl. ..".4sidiv.."Able W, 0=. 4. ft
_ , ,
I ,
i tti_ 0I 0
I . ki Is twi 0-04,01 ftwna
I li"I", , "O"t
irotm rooppi, ret,4404. ioglw
1.1 11
11 I I . . . 1, I I I I
. :1 - I — I , I ,
I , , : , I I I "I I I
I Gc,1,1-any C411I Or, )Tlen of Baltic I I
I I , I
; Provinces to Joha Fler'Colors, What Is Going On %n the flighlands /I
A despatch from Paris .says'. Qer- and Lowlands of Auld
ma y has begun her campaign to I
. I Ti I I
I utilize tlie vast resource,- of human Scotia., I
I _',
ln tteri4l ul 411P )3,, ,Itic 1)ro,m'ce3 to The death is announced ilu Paisley ,I,
augment d4 cirmated ranIks -in tile of John Hardie, TVI.A., mathernatievI
army, ,j:ccording to In despatch from master in Paisley,,Gramniar School.
Switzerland, which, deQ! that i I
lares the lilit I
I The M ary !qedal has been award -
Derpater Ze`;Wng, the German, pro- ed 'to, I Private H, L., Rust, Gordons. I At:-
, paga.1a organ for the Baltic, pub- ,
, I 22 Chapel IsU-eet, Aberdeen, I
lishes an appeal to young men in James Llder of Boddiiq,;,1aw, ,t well . ,
Courland and Livollin, inviting' theni known lffidl,othian agric"Ilturist, died . ,111,
to Join, under the German flag, "Ger- 11
... !ii
recently at tile age of 78 ye,;;rs - ;111
I many," sa, jl
ys the appeal, 1-h4zs now The ,'Military Td-edaIl has been award ', I
. ,
more, tha,i enex the reed of Soldiers; i ",
ed to Lance -Corporal lVilHailn AM,-. l,.., *- ...
it is naturttl fliat the children of tbel 1.
),, I,cbil,e G111, 4,11" A;
. I Corps, Larkhall, I ;
provinces delivered frorn 'Nia-_\imalist i , , I .;
I ,omier froall Cnnad--, met 4rrqd to lj..11
v tyranny Should g-,wle them Selves up to I I
the Penicuik Parish CouncH 161, A - :,
!enable Germany to inter-sify 'her ef- , ,d .
I -du vance -, made by thelil to his vife and I I;
fective,s, and per1orr-1 their ty like ,. ' i
I fami,ly.
all ehildren of the Fmpufe "` !
Thq Itypefounders of En;aad and I
__1C41_____ .
'Would, T I I Scotland havi,- made a f urther ;rzcrease I !
, rust, to the Wypjr !
To Protect Their Right FlaulL ill prices, o -will- to the increased, cost .1 .
- .11 of producOon. ' -4 01
, I ,
A (IeSpatch from T I Tleadquar- Provost Sutherland hj,4 ,s
,eat a
, I '
I I chec ue f Q $500 to the ftths ,
ter's ,-ays-, 11-0d oil the. flanl g Ar. - , A'te TQ-; m II,
zlis -,I - hg,
I a to D, at"
soissons and 170,cims, the G- , r- Xla Ccl -C;t a 5 a dmlatk , . I at - J
ars tl -zw.xing the r en ire st, e-!I-th Academy 14,
1 outhwqr,,',S, eb,vio'4 Iv with t1he ' I -,rae The , eath is announced of Corpor-
1fol, tl,I: !r go::"L It, is pr&,- ble that 41 James M. KII Qwlad,4 ns, Son .
the Germar - of 1, 4,-, A. ,eit, , . 'ettW,top o LQifa, 1
-, , ,, N
ho, ,1, , , ,g
. ,)-, ta estgtdish thelr-1 1 I
selves qr the X r-n, , Nv,. A! Cjrimor d.
;M zA View to ' .
tkkmin- 01e, 4 rec I lip l or tl ,,I-, mtatu P -I VV. S -;theV!ar,4 Awstralia*s
_ , i , Z , L
I I . I .myokingwit smz Of 4the'r1601 I
4 " , " . ... I - 11 1, I A I I I li i 11 I
, - , '' ., 11 I ' '11, li
I W6 of. t1w "Wo ,g,;, g : i-414, bot , C " , ___ -I '"i a . A .... q .: ' L ' '11, fla's beq,4 w val*d 4.'lio
, 'a " - I 11
'i . , . !"Id6'a, to V,'beiiii *6 j .
. I 1, , Ill 2
. . a , IS", ,, 1); , .
- 1. I ,
I , , i I I I
I ".. -_ --------.-- , . I.
- - -1 __ -- I 'n 11 I . . , 11
. ; I lali 11 Is pr I ing I
11 I ... I 1, 9;
4 11 ''.. I . ,. 11 11 , I 1 12-.411. 11 . ""At- I
I w t, '"hom'des . ii I 4 V, g IV , A 11 I i. A,fVV"4PIX 41% vi4v6* ,
7i, 1, 'trout, 0 .. 1
", I . a . ,bn) w, SS,25 to "N'so Lim" 10' "'All'UR'l,CA ALON,BIS,,R'BPLA,C4NG , .1 xv '' ntly, at tbee na I
`,. "_.1;,I, , M.- - oto, pogl-st, j mendcus ano"94 of bo9ty % tilanon., I ; , , __ , , -
, , - I A ot . "
I 1, I .1 . i i .. , , i 1,7jo--' 'r 1. . — I of. , 0, of 0110ity-four',
.. e t ; tt, I of , the V "d , ', tti$zt Ai ..,. ,A,& ., , , ' --11 I . : Lio -
I ,11 ,;0*%$Y,'4 lfk 'W) .9 I TONKNI
. . ,)J%L J`njhf j*a " and' %ft I T
11 _ I I I , t.erj, . 1 !1IMP-10 $ :1711 8 0b, tins 4 i . 11 " EN .r4 Kinnear. thp. ealloont Scat-
- I I - I . ;;-,,, ,-, - - ., " " , I, 10 to i 1,000PAP.110, 311
, i.,_______ ...... ... .. _._ . __;,__T 1:
. 1111 ;T I — I'll "
I I . , - ' _ , , _,_ `_ ' I ___" - . ' 10481. 4 mporial oallofi tips; Per , I i , ? * ,, T I I
, . tlu Iva 0- "I I 11 . I I . I , 0 Cl , "'UP `4
, 91, YM -P" I ''. I . 0 V, -IN i, Y, 'tilb IL14L -1
.. '' L . I 4", . . 1 aA14) baft0on, who bas ben tw,1910 1. Ur"Idstags I - D; = arlul five gallon cang"It A 44"p-atiph frow, Doaton says: 1-1As I ,
L . . . 11 , ,. L T1146 doposit's In (ha. ala"agow sxly
_ L the froI bi been up.- Toronto., june 4._NV,4, Ito A - 10 t 11 Oi
", C ., I 1wounded at. 0 J1, ; - * for I - . I . I
, S T ,`11 ? 15 -gallon ke-P deadwelgl# ship touuup hcm
i -, ,''UN , :
I FRO 'S, U ' -4 A mueh t1ke va-Ai
- I 1. , , ". , , , = pell A Alospatohlrom Part* sayst The W11A r4lik during , $qar
I Val.,I,,'4,00;'maplo supri I -1b, box, -@n'lauuehc(1fronxthosli1M- x1ji
I Ppiatt"d O.V.. Details conipallyj No. --No. I -Nori '.V Zlli; ,Xo 2 ,,, ,; ', bp I I annoyinted to S4.,I, an Inero4se of
, . $2.4101,4- '10 - r 110.. 24 to 25e. h , z . of removal of 01111 was
'11 Ulfstrict Depot, with 'headquarteri d0-1 I * N I. a do., $2.17% ; No,. " purle,i , Or Z I I 4rou frow Paris
1VTIAT THS WESTERN PROPLa I at the Central uUnding. v latorla. I '1 11cat, 8 ' _' , t a LrnIti Statts 14 tho "Ast "h"a 'began on Thursday mI IiI. 4r,203. 11
i"1411. in at I weolts -as W.44, aunl by Germart sub- 1,000 deah
some of thR b ig fth-hig fiam. tuclu Ing 4JR, ta*'Xie P A' NN"111 11r.,4sions—Wholefulo . evildrou from thep Noutmartre
AAR 1001IN041 ,* intorest'i at. Manitoba ,a4t&-_:Vo. 2 ,C.w,. $ 36 fl Marine$ during 'the, eitiro moI of! I
I .1,,,,jq, , $rlI ineats-flunis. me4lum 1 obairni 4L* let -of the ell, I
K;i 'Rhzan made 6 v1prous A , were plaggil all Rabort Perry, iqueou's Torracq.. West
Dees street, 'Ed, 'barall , duety
I I alit 'be., NO 3 C W, - ; April,!' -Pld Dr, Charlea A. Eat -cu. "tr pri, th , at 1
'K , ", w"130 to 3.2(, _ SC board in spegi -rain id, T
_"too &
pro 'of tt.%J, Qr,c# 'M , e , , . .
wanal FiXewe; com. 1 4,0.- No. I 70i q In store 49 0; V I I yvars, okf uaQ- ''I I ;;
i, fare *0 '114teraq 1W i'"fra -N Q. I fVed*l 't'p $$*I-' 'do"' b ',,.- 9.06L -Cd, U,n 0 al, t . . boi for a - ,
f tll N
'7 T Q$* .,VAL T-10,114' I to 40 l'alls, *11 to 0,30; breahftst; t. . , , 4t,jonaj _ vacation calow In the Dopattmout of
". , I %= ;;slon to prevent Mikermengoing to'; FeA Willm.m. I bacoll" 141 U.' , baph.s. plai 44- to .lea' of tha V.A.1ted" States Allier, in Cen6ftl France. Private David x1tcholl, sear,orthss i
4,00311 11 I- swoplas
li, . t4 a Few r4lated i Pringe Ptupet t wh1l their c-Awhei , of Xmerkan corn' -N70. a yellaw, kunj, 45q; 1 lonei As to 40c. ,` JRM4. adftewstuj Cho, Awe*oh So-
. "? warAp'lix i filoh. ' I Thi's Is Go Avst actlan tAlcen undor N he)), NNOth
I I 1, dFleds noultugh No. 4 V I 10I a 31 t huft'"d of 1XV& X. -I 1
, ,:, I 01141y" kiln 1, Cured, *#* W_- a 00 awcal ROOD et's b
. 1, . I -un.g. elear bacon, OM 1. 4 Ore. -
I , . 4rkd norAnal. - illan for remAI Palvi Ailldm street, Itotb4%, bas Wou uwurded t1w
I . , .
-7 '
A,, X. R, coln, of W Thirteenth ave. , Giario out, , I to al,91 Ali-ZIeliles, 2.4 to .300, ,.Last ,wcok 410110 Dr. zatai .-mid as I I
- s -No. 2 I 80 to L
1, 4 2 , - M, Z11111tany model.
1. I Forvat Rre troI are ggaln in' t, VUUL% OV" !Q r, , ;4 tierces" 31141 to 32c; ab *$I tho possIbIlity at harm from A
1. X, ; I lobs I I L - , , . . - , _Jk,,
, I h8l; V9001re, ;910*, X a milte. 70 to 80c. According ,t , 1 ., 0 - jp% -r,WLrcqej ltjjjV, 100ig,06" , "' .. I 01 -ii g u,AA 4: I'lent'. Rua UU44 Dairlby, R4
evid'e4o'lu arlim, columma owing to "' "' I alm a'Aftlieg I Viking i sebool h ,4
, ,- , , . ,
. , ,i, W . A. Bacot), -to, alls' 82 to 3*460' W04ft4I iVld 401I ao U10%. 1. 1 , ,
Ants. $8 10, 23 6, V. ( I I ed , pupft, dulrgjj I ilavy, brotbor of. Aii&ur fjow 4yj `1 11
-10, i. -------.I— ...
r, OM0 yV'hQAt--.X,0. 2. Winter. V_c* t4l 26uc- tubA; 126% ,to .
0* romut, do! wokither. ,, of de 's- , I , a
I , ara tbut I R son. P ke. ii, Kights ouI ?I, .,VQMj;4n SISS
Ion, NA11 ,shartl, . I ...
I L th, taital, . , flvlvosii I 26 , . 6 I 11! L I
.11 demam4iiit'af tiventy-tis NNOrtl , - the `9HjWr;F sII ,ft. exeer,.! car let, V2.22.- basis, Ili Stara X44't. -A "I'll, - .. 1. was In virogress was strj; j -Raqdart, has 'been uum'dtd tho I
I i Mork 26%e* valls 00,74 I 1. 140.7 lost. Me.
I nt4d 1141L.0, drawn from UIU tion , - 'IS IN, IGUIVIVA4NI, 0tollicdo Ou,
NTet t XW .47".; pkints, 27,414 CROI . .
11 14 p, Ran", un -der fire. to ilic". * -1 t* , . L
I real. I —
vapts of 'tile Tulzon. Vrr1Ve4 at Prince _.___0,; __._ peos,.Namin4l. -, I WORU-14"T GOOD, ' Corporal ,Gv,orav ma.h.11, Gordon "I ;
I ptupert *-n route to France. I 0440-3141thij 1. I Riablanders, 01to tweped from a Carl. I
to ,.I $1,40, to $11.4% 1 GHRI AVrW , X I .
CON"CRUTE ROADS. I )Tonfre4l Waikets L'I 0
VAncouver d'am, 5,qrs; ( man vi vaulp, I= returned -to bla I
, aceordlfi fiel A 4Qsratff1 front, A=ter ..,RAN
I I lowaver elvae employees I tsoutsl& . -
, , xI o 2 -0. accordin -to lux. I
00 , - , Jun Cana (bal GtI am, .1cultural. roi, Gz G . L,
I I. . R '. . , , .'l S than The ot , holuo 19 wintla"M ,
. -I tests. Show the sa, , na of power g.f. " frelghtsoutilde .
stmik.16fIan Increase of t !IIII ii , .%q 04W-14 No. 2, 93c,-, Aa., NO. 4, port for Wcot rq and .N7ordl-,Aves,torn The death b,As boon reported by the .
il - . . .
I, . -Ular I - , , , 4 04 Flour, , I dosputch- -from. Paris voymBumm-
to duty 19= Q*r-*%" go, I fkad, $0% .41 I
, rulany ! ,
1401W states I -lie crop I "a German Goveraniont Of Lieut. L"o, I
I , I $10,03; mybagA'Tamuto. - _, -U
Manitaba flour, quality, - L ,
I I rVeted on swooth Surfaces. Go hat t si ihis a0a Qf i,6 "110,10 41scharg 4 by
aq. , staAdiina svrint ' *teat grado, djsk1j,o Inat A. 31.
I Xedal,o The surprising differences in tho i - ij"War quIl ,- $10.65, ats ,baget .t are, from , Aroo to ,four weelts the 6armans in The long4anjo bom. 'town, Rovil Flyins 1
1 '6 Jim ,-'ZI45,to "moo. Bran Sao *417110 thin In 19,17. The, growth,of
4 amount of Po i ontielo N ,ilk 1810 95to 11"I'l 03. , Rolled 6 , f , T, Glovor, Maxwd!
I A'aV, . iveriiek,. ded toAutul-.Ioadi 'aO',y bags, TOT0*0 and ontreal bardmout of Pa.09, Nybidi began vigala corps,
1, I Ohorts,' ,"O. Moujillp, s7l. 'HA - rye I r aud the
I " Y. s do,.3erll etl as lu, ,,uri, nt, At 4 frI solo belA
I I . , fre lity. X,.rom. pt -li1%1,0mont,, I . -on Al , , I at Borw. jok, 11
I Xv, 2. p I . 001141tion of Summer gnaiin as satis- ....
I I - $I on tuffoient W,nds of reads weroI, , _ - 'I'' 'loW "GO. . A . rondayi indicates that ney' 9=3 , tod, I III
I 'L . I . 01VII Cikr loft- red, 3 . er ton, car lots, $ r I . In ald of the Dritish FAIrmore :;
, , , to, baf inclu ,;Are being nsed. Larger AWIls aro ,. I
,, .
'Shown in toots iD;xde recently, The " real frefib ft RI -an, ;-.tletor Gross In go at is f, ell 035 lNud" the sum of 021"I %va's. X.
I ,,, too. 9 o:Ve4 t 1:1 t
I l- I ........ I'll, ;1 TWWrAl. "resistanco, to a truck's power offored per ton, g5; , do %Rk N'I ner. 9 190. P belft. cial ,ban formor1r. tbft' " " -
. %, 11 i , , . I . ,
;1 , , i real '4 F
- , 1, " roturn fro -M! Was I '! b shot s,.&jr Live Stocit market's , . ,.4
11 i Alas 0 y a dirt read was 09L Th. per ton, by 114y I 1, or on V 00I but clover is not uniformly c4llbeo af lha' Uuns being 24-centi. k 11. . "
I . ! i
I I `50 'to Torouto, June, 4 E, x tr,,i 0.11, ' 80, tjj a 443. Valor James Tait, of, Penloulk, -1
i , - t" K oleo . 0 report, 4 .
;; 4 3.0 t* ' . , ,I
rlelrlmrs of Me 1140VOI I a gravel road, L91 Ill. per toil, and by $1640; =,Rox, rll 0 U4.0, track hoavytteirs, $15I.00 to $16.00-.4hoice 1 ---.4 -
i . metro (0% Whes) Instead of 21. "
,ws ComrnLsslon were mot at the doeic'eapareto to AvIlich has bon added Toronto. beavy steers, $vIM to , ,14,26,- bnt T114 ROY01 890I h4sbeen ANwaded thi X ,iq
V _ . - 04NYT ' ,barge Is greater. and the
a , , ''Agio'S powder c
a, . Stiz. Nv--Car lots, Ver ,ton, $8.00 to OLIDMS -D.S.O. I I 1 14
. nd tQn ,,erad another cordial welcome', solup, other surfacing material, 60 lb., 0hers" c, ,. - I e Force of *'I I
I I ".60, track ,Toronto. attle, pboick", $14 06 to $14.ior-S XRFA SAVS,W, BXGLAND. detonation louder, b it th I iI!;'
to C"In';4H,34,84 at Prince Rupert j UTIL1110 the best sho,wing of all, vaina- do,, ,good, $13.25 t6 $13,50; -do., capt, Malcolm Smith, R0741 seotqi " 1
. I 'the explosion doesnot, seem to, have -, ''
ahildium, $12 - f P, I
I The Britt& Cobilubla 06viarnmelit'," jY 80 lbs, pet- ton, was made Q to $112,50-, do, ,com. A A sholl osplo(hod, Only a and son, of, Ie.x,A rovost 84lith, Vidin- 11 I
- . I , ,
I I f I On 41 !Country Froducit-Wholosale viiin,411.,00 to SILL15; butchel 4QSj)atVjj from OttaN Ia I It increased' I I ,,, ,;
me'etinf'r at ! I -slbulli. I , burgh, lias been mAwded the iviltary , 111.
, , otoria, altered the 1%-7 sulooth concrete highway to,which no domn yard,s froi man seated on a V;, :
i Satter-Oreamery, solids, per 1b., ohoico,,. $12.100 jo "43.00, do., good is ofAcIally ,,Announced through the Cross. ,
.7 other surface roatorlid had bon Udd-'42 to 4014c- print$, 'Ill, ' ,bull bench, and, did not ir
Taxatioa Att to, raliove In Nvbo _
, . ,. " per lb., 48 t is, $11,.'00 to $11.50; do" medi chief pr fol I ,, lI Ili;. t:,
pail a dotible ta.v ,two , , - I um ess consoes,oft1ce that the - . i
. per tent. on. ed. j 48%c; dair ,por IbI So to 47o. bUlls, $10.125 to 00-50- ,do rougli, lowing -troops have arrived ,safely in —II,01.1— PtIvOtO William Xur-I Liverpool I.: -
. ,
Using as a standard a threi , B99SI LOW' -laid, 33 to $40. , I Scottish, son of James I)TurrI Afh$r. 11 j
output and ten per tent. on income.. I %e * ;, i
- bulls, $7.60 to $8'r5b- bui,clie" - tntantry from Central On- 300 SOLDIERS KILLTi'D , .
Shivym Poi oosteis 23 to 25e* ,;,3 A. , rs, cows" England. 'the UI L, ;'
, rd workers .do not ilL.0 ,tile, -truck 'with a capacity load and a ' , fow-1, ejokv $12 00 ,to I . do-, ,good, tArno, Nova Scotia, Now Bruns vick, " h6le, has been awarded ',, "
11 "I
I . ; .
stipu ation for Ia forty-eiI hour SPeed, Of 12 miles per "hour on at 28 to 360; duck's, 29 to 130c; turkoys, $11_'Ad io fi,.50; do.,,me(hum, $1 13Y BRITISH AIRMAN- Starmedal. :1',
I I _a e , 1 27 to SOc. M. 6, and British Columbia. , il
week by the - Commis;eica at unsurf 01 'to $10.50; stockers, $9 1, . - CaptWil, Harcus Straolion, wl z :
)furphy ace onerete ,ToI the truel; .60 to 8,11 26 , . 10 ,Vlas I
,! Wholasaj*rs are selling re Qj 6 I Composite battalion from Halifax. A desp e In London says*1 As 0, ' I
. V a r to accompally tileir ten it is said, will make '7.2 ile - , to the i - feeders, $11,,025 to S,12.00;- ra at h fro' ,re ontly awarded, itic, Atilitiry (" ;, 1,
I eauver, L in a ,per tail trade atthe follI , Railway co , roost i '.1
I per Cent, hlerot I , v,rlces - and cutters, $0.00 to S,7.25-, milkers an,instaaco of the great efrtetiveness was a papil of the Ed I ;i I'll!',
'ISO. III oil Surfaced concrete, 4.8 mjjes i Clleese--Velv4 llirge, %9%- to Zile; good to e.hojee, , InbillI Royal I Z
ol , qo.00 , ,
; -on grav . 11 to ,1410 00, jig j Siege artilleIT'. ofthe continuous air raids whicli tho Iligh Schc6l. 1 .,, I
aN,mor N 1,
" .1
1111s Honor the Lieutenant -C el rowhi, and 3.6 miles oil dirt twins, 23 "14" to 24:1440; d, lirge ,26 ;i s, $15.00 to $18.50; lambs S2000 Details, I 'British are making day and night at I,ieut, Thom CO g. a f in ,, '!"
I 6 Lto 26%c 1. . $ 'as SE 1, 0 th
-4 to 266; tv.Tin 2 .1 to 421,00; calves, 0 elloi e, -—.4-- 4 im ..",
Presented to Majorr-, D, r wards* -a 'Xoads. It is estimated that if all the good t I _ :
Russian ordi r of I Butter-7,rosh, dalry.' elloice, 40 to different points behind 'the German atliam, who has -,voli ' f1jo . I ,
I I St. Sta'"Islaus" and: 'h19bW4YS travelled by the 400,000, $14,M to S15-50; ho s, fed and V,a- ANOT.Hri It AIR RAID 1),jilitary , if:
I . ,j,,Ili;. ,:#iotor tr i 42c; creamery- prints, ,fresh nlado, 45 ti,red, $20.00; do., Nverglied, otT cars, lines iVhere there are dense conee,n- Cross is tho Oldest son of, Thomas 'k,
I to Ueut. Charles S. Griffin ,the uck$ in Ameri0a IvOre 12011- to 4' C; Solids 44 to 45e. . - .25; do.4 f_o.b. $nf ,00. 1 inn Prisoner S,, 0 Wish. L I I -
'tw, , ,,,
tary Cross at Victoria, ,crete, thliannual saving, In'their oper- ' Margarine f 32 to 84c. lb. ,,,20 ON PARIS FAILED. tration o , troops, a Gem te6l, I 11
', - -
Montreal Zune L-Choico steers, stated that !in the recent air raid of I i4 ;,
I Word 1,,at, bee:p re'c"Ived at Vl, ,r Bg -*.I'-- I..
.tor.1a ation would be over $237,000,000 pc A despatch from Ptiris says., Some the British Flying Squadron Oil DOuai, ARMENIA BLEE * , 1 ,
, 1. L gs-_New ]a id, 40 ,to 41c; new S14 7 to iP5.225; good steers, $12.00 ",
Cos L " ;, ,
' Sub- . 'n, ' to 45c. q - x TO D B A TH. P
by p cs, frcm rel,ttj,,, Qs of plight year, as compared with the 't of aid, in carto -,, 43 DING 4
' ,14.50 Choice, buidier cows. sn. 00 airplanes crossed the line in the di- there were .300 soldiers killed and I ., I
Lient. Wilfrid Richards, in England,, operating -them on dirt roads. Dressed poultry -Spring chickens, to $11.150; poorer gradds, $9.'50 tolireetion of Pari4 on Thursday night. wounded in addition to great- damage A Chri.ritlan RaC i
: .I5'____ 170c; roortera 28cj fowl, 38 to 40c; , $12I,00. butthers' bulls ,were, $9.00 The alarm. was tounded at 11 o'cloalt, done, ,
'that he wnts killed while, flying near I turkeys 40 o' 45c, e Being Extermill. I
Salisbury, England., Germans Preparing Public 11 t to ,I ated by the 3joijen1s. 4.
- i p.06; sheep, $13.00 to $15-00; and the "all cleael signal was given. —e.-- I I , 4
1 . .hickens, 60e,!, g lambs, $8.00 to $12L. 0 each. I
I Live Poultry -Spring r 0 , ',"
I At thf_- i,,f,),,jPjjjdjn t Id i . The ellemy machines The cradle of Chr I
I g se --'i',;o of the , For Slowing Dowu in Drive. roostcrc,z 3c; turkeys, 30c; liens, 33 to a mi night
.1, - , I — , 24L) (Rnriilcle hogs, $20.550; sows, $18.00 to RAISBD 67,800 IIJEN istiallitY i!i Ar-
Great War Veterans " t No1v West- 37c $19.0 were under a hea-vy fire from the de- , menia. Ifer story I
, mm,,ter a res,oltitior, asked for the A despatch from London say,%,., Eeans - Canadian, hand-picked, - 0. .. . l , , UINDElt SERVICE, ACT. is the most tragic I
I I --- -_ fences of Paris, and some bombs were in human histor,,. F or Sixteen cen- I;
_ ins from Amsterdam indicate bus'llel $3.75: imp., hand-picked, To turies, in thefac; of the truciest per- 11:,
conscriptlon of all Cam-dian wheat I)y I Tel0gra ng t1le Ger_' ' I bake ptatties,,' successfully the dropped oil the region about the city-. A despatch from Toronto swy,8: It I
the Goi-,ernrnent. which is reques , Burma or Indian, $6.75 to $7,25); oven should have. a strong plide'r heat. I There were, no secutions her peop]
, ,ted that tbe eilorny is prepar!
I , , casualties. was ,announced unofficially that since . c bavo been fa,ith-
to a priee 11foI a -fair , . ,I -_ I _1
11 fix 11, profit IQ I Inall PlIbj le in. advance for the slowing r , ,, L' , tile lYfilitary Service Act ful unto death, ',\Tot Serj.)ja, nor Pei- , ! I
I #. - , T ,_ . was put into
the 17 AMI , r , 'I , I 11
, ;0 operation last October it has pro- - menia, f ur- I
h well-known' Can-, Ull An ilill_,, _Ik , '% ,
". -M "gAg1% ; , M, ilislies tile war's most borI ellap-
_ rroivei% I down which seems to have --c-ned . , M ft - land, nor nel-itim, but Ar,
J. B. Tyrrell., I L ers -en- X ', Wig , 'N
ursday. Military writ ,,_ ", ,, _ g.
, 4N", - -quired
,, , , duced 67,800 of the 100,000 ro
. i I
: 'i erally supposed, to be in direct, t' ch 'I ,
I adia'11 Milleralogist and geo,lo-vist, has, , , ter. The, 'Mosleni world in I
I completed arraugenlents ,to viiit fhe,' with the German high ,command, I M-., I &. -under its provisions. This takes in general
I.- , I
; ,Cariboo district this coming I I -1 all men who ha.ve reported from all refused to answer tile call ,Por a holy
, summer. suggest that counter-measures which' F ', .1, ER I points in the Dominion under all War, but the atttilint to e.%ternlinate
Robert A. BrYcG 31 E., of Porcupine Foeh -will undertake will, in I the next 1 .. ' the Armenians has been to the Turks
11 ' - - I I, drafts. I4
mid Cobalt, and Gordon Taylor, of To-, few days slow down, 11 not bring to I f a holy crusade. I,
Z jL"i
;ronto, ' -,U accompany him, I a standstill, the Germ advance L , ., ` : .1 I __17. ,
give t, 10 X .1; POSTAL SERVICE . The great ofrence of the Armenians h
, 'N
Operation of the curZeiv by-law; They suggest that a now offen ":. IN 1: .. ", . ,F,-,Nl PARIS AND LO-NDOIN. " 1, .
! 11 .. BETWE that thev are Christian,, and tile
I abolition of billiards, open-air swim. I must be looked for on another part of ..I". I German Kaiser uttered not one word I i
MiD9 pool-, for the children-. Sunday the front. ill., "I'll, %1' ' r. I
I ,X.X. I—— I
.IX I - - - - -w W-- of protest when his Moslem I
__n 'g-.W ,g :P, .-P..'.
. , .. , I from Paris says: Avia-
. . . . . . . 4, " , ".
, .,:'
closing of fruit stands o e— M " V4 , ,A despatch ally
r .
perating un - 1*1 ", .;M0M:%NN_nM
I I . A2.1 0,-,iffi , <i.'N.* $
. . A 0 '§ sought to destroy .this Christi
- .., - . - :": 11 012111'. . ": tors De Vienne and Lorgnat fiew from I -,in race.
der the guise of restaurants are some I Keep the hoe and cultivator going "I'll M __ t — Fr e 81, - .
- 1 - ' I Paris to London and bach in , hydro- Opportunity for Armenian
of the tbings the Local Council of fo, keep down the -,veeds that will be, .file High Art of Camouflage. . slaugli.ter in the ticasus region has 11
very —troublesome if allowed -to get the I I lane in three hours and ten in-
alrp in ,Ca , ,
I 'Womer. want at New Westmi ster ts, exact duplicates of British battle ships, lay at anchor ill. the North Sea while the utes, carrying mail. It was the rst come to the Turks through the. -,Rus-,*- j", 1,
; I. . Loosening tl . f, si "', I
I Captain George E. Unaffey," Al'o , start of the .-ardener ie real warships were convoying troopsbips across Q Atlantic. These dummies' finally decoyed several German trip in connection with an aerial post- an Peace, Germany insistcd-',i that I I'
I . I
soil aerates it and conserves the I
-' I al Russian troops be withdrawn froin I
, and previously of h, ,moi sl -.Lips into the harbor at Kethalo, where British destroyers were lying in wait. I
I - Ill the fight which followed, the al service betweeri England and
I 72nd. (Seaforth Hig I - I ture. I
I I I ,,h anders of Can I German flotilla suffered severely. One of the wooden ship was beached. this region. - -
r I I I I I I I I I France which Is being or-anized. . The Russian Govern- " -
- , 11 I I I
"-111 . 11 _ -1 _ r I
I , - *
I -1-1. ,--------- __ . I—' I I 1. I I- -1 ,, ".---.--.-- ,- -"-.-.-" ., l-. I 11 - --------1--- I . - I— I . I ..- _____1 ------ ______ _.____.____ ment, whi yielded to Germ" -
I I I I , : e I - ' ell ally s de- ;
I 19 ' I I mand, and the A . -
I I I I rineirian National I I
I I I I* .F1,11R. " ., 'am Council a 11
a ,.. I 11
I I W 43 WD 4M ' Ma ff 55S' C 1. It' I 'n I (01- M. :M n a I I I re now protesting against
. . - . -_ I I . I I the wholesale slaughter of Armenia I
: I IL .A ------`-j-----7--- - . , I I I in the Caucasus by Turkish , troups. us 1, , ,
I I . , 171-L 50 THAT MOUSE I I
! . I I
;r . DOES THE, KI-FT,y QK I I THE iqvEsTio is, d , I I L . Arnleilia, furnished 160,000 soldiers I I
I ,WANT Soml= kOW AN 1 601,46 TO I , ?
I 1, FII na ? (I , I 'A P0014D OF TRS I
I I '/ h IL-rK, t GET RID Or- THAT <_ I I, to: Russia in this Nvar and it is still I
I 11 , /jv I /I :AT ONTRE . I I ylm !5-r COEESr-- I 4,P 1
1. I I I I readr to. offer an army of 150,000 to
I W111j,ii r- QD I E -r ? 1 t I 1 fight the Turks, saTs an Am rican I
I 1j, , L I /it ; . j IN'.. 11 , I I I writer. The Ulifed St-,j,es could r iot
I , Iiii A I - I I ll, I
I . , U . - I . I 11 I 11 i . I ` I I spend q10,000,00o more wisely than I
I I , I I . //, 1, 11 I Ili hIel '
I t 11 I ", I _ - I Ping Armenia to -et back ,into I . .
I I - - 1 '. I the war. Armenia looks' to America I
, 1. I I L , I I I I . I t I I I 11 I 1, I I _ I I not onl I y to save her peqple froul,,Ger7 . *_1 I I
u I "iLI': . I I _ ` I I . I . I I I isn slave blit also to - I
i. - i 1, : I -1 , ,!, f ,, r man and Turk' , I I
,,j, Vl , .1 I 1 7 1 1 1 - Y, I
I I . W ,) " " save them froi f", 'n4j"
. I I . I 11 _ Eirvi I
, I I I I - 0 __ _ - I I I - __ 9.
W' Y.,;",Q , 'L , 11 I ; ' 11 L J- ),I'1bj,_,_ "I . I ,
"I 4-1 1: . I I I I I I - - . f ,_ I , I , - — "Yar ;'I,' ' I -----L -_ L I I
! , ! . I __:.;;__ Ez , '\ I w- I I
I 'i,i : '' 1, I , I 1. I I - I I ,_ , I I La I I -, ' L
, .
'L I I I I I I rger Wheat Acreage. li '. Ot i)V, , "
"' "" jv;, 11 , :, I _77- 1 i " I I 1, I I 1%, I 1, Vll I
k Ili
11 * , ";,.: ? ` 1, I I I - 1'1
1111, I _ I I I I,AiI ,
111m, ,- . n I I _: _ F It I I " I Tel, ille draw the, atte tiou -C - %
I j j ,J,, , ; _ - , - i.
I I ri 0 i 1c, -
I',? T,' - I - I - %-ZD I - __ , , ,
pi _ - ., ;__ " I I , ,;,j iI , I, , ,
q k, L - - I r - I I - 1, farmers of Canada t " , ,0, I-
'' -- 0 the grave need 1-t'i"!'', , ,_
,,, f, , ; ,,,;, : I I I I I I I , Nlt I 11 ! - 1 1 ` 4 1! ,,, I 11 I . I 'i 11-
11 - I I I I I 11
I I , , , , I .... :'' : - I - __ , of i
Y 1,; ,i ,) L'' 1, I , , , . I I I I I4R,i'!,;: I ' 1, I I I : , W I L -1 I I .1 I ;, I 11
., I'; ._', - I I I I 1'11 11hll , 1 11 '4.j I I I . I I : I I I 111
.1 '4 1 1' " I I L I ,planting every ac,rc in Nvhcat that "" I ' , .11,
, . I I I - ls'in shape to ,f lrow it. There, ,)I 1" 'j,, $i,L' 'j "A
` , I , ,$
I, , , '! . - 1, I
;, I I I , , hould ,
" I .1, , I I I 11 ., , ..
I ;, l,, """i,!,) ',,',, ' ,, '- , : ,, ,, !,i', , ,, ,; I ----I I =::L-r . I .1;', f? ., .1 I., 11
I , - - , , ` I " .7, ;;; -Iff ____ .. ........ -------! "" , " , - - - , , - ______Z__ _eU4.f fp.R.pMi,-,'. , .7 , 11
: , , , '. — _,____ _ — , .of be au idle man in Canada to -day `2i" " ,; ,: I
i 'I
11 I I
! "
I ",
1, I I
I 'I
1' 11
I , J. , . , , , _1 1, , I J,: 1'r, ` - ,, — r ; . I
. , -, , , , -,ii 6 ,o, ,, ,, , ,, , , i ; , ;, j , ,,,', "ij. ,, " ,'L I ? !, ,, i ,f ,, ,,I, ?. ,, l-'.,i,, 'i , ; I of 4
I I . I , '! *2 --, `iI , 'jf,l',,' "'t', " Jqi s ,`,'j,' '1 I, q 71 1 11F I I
, . ( o , ? 1k) I I 11
I C ,,, , I I physi , ,,,, '71)JNK '
iT.- : , Y 4, ,, , - - .C,, ? 11 cally'fit to work." -Hop.. -$ -1
L11" " ` " '' ,,11 g ." ," 14
1 , - I I , I, ' 4 ,Ilu," ti . , j, I , ,
I gri, , I 14 ` , ,
. R'' I
fi , .4 % - ,;,
,I I I 11 " , I 'I - . , ,, orable T A. Cr'erar. Minister of A . , I
10h,,tW k;. ! ' i, ,,!, J! ,, , 1*4 IV , ,;. V"J.; 14 I who is
I , #q" f?, jq'it j!j'' %Y p % t4 1 71*;>
- ... "" ,_. ". , _ -
,, I ; , ,", " . ,',"', 'I' : ",!!"; ! 'i , , .t, )6 ' ' " f .. V , _; I , I
'. -, X , "I V,n, :, 1 Ii " I all, 1, I K, ,, ,' % I, ", , 'n 0;,, 1 I I
1 ,II , I ' , (. ,, I , 1 I:; I ,,,;, I I
, ""', 11 I , ', ", ,.!, .l , *
I , , , , ?, , , 4 . -
- , ip, , I _,1 , I I Iq- , ,
. I " . I I ., , , I 1. ; . : 1, "! ,
, I . 1 I , , _; I ,
I I I I I I I - -, , 41 _ -- - 11 I , U, . I ""Ill
I , ,, , I I i
I . I : 1 I , I , , I I ----,---- , i,,, - _ Z3-3 , I I I ,
I I I'll I ,, 1 , , 11 , , ,
; , - , 'I ; ,,'', , , "' , ,L I Lliv !__j , ,4 I, , ". ;M , , ,a,g-iii, %L- , - culture fv danada, I '11 1 "'..
11: _' "" i 111,1111, ,_- , __%*_LR_A 1
, 111.1 - . e : 1 . ,,Y
... 11" I I ""'i, ,4 11,1 ... ; I . I , '
11 *r 1, I I . 11- I 11 ", "'g, 11"I", ,"'I!' ,, , ,, --m- i;w 'tgi, ,, , j' j ;I : ,',,Iv, !,, 11 I I , ',' A J'.'.- ';, j ` . II 1 ,I , ,., ,. . I I I I : . I
A , - , 4 , I , I I :, M ;,ggk,,* ,, I ,
11 , , ,,L I : -
, , AN .1, , , - hp, If ,'I R"U", :, ' , I ',' ' ', ,F i I i I _: I I : 11,
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I ., , 11 "., ', 11 "I"'I'l I 1 77 " , 1 I
, , , , ,7 ,
I ' I , I , "
, "
, "
, "
, ".
' , ".
''I ' f ""I'l""""""Ii,' 7, _1I`1.1.*j1!, 11'T ,I !"I"", . , ; , , _ I ,, ,
` 111"1111 , , .
, , " ," , I , I , , , , 1,117 1'11 - I 1 ' I I ,i ,,
1. . 1 I, , , I . I . . , . L ,
"' -& I ".,iialik, , 11 ,11, I . 'I, I I - I , . I i, I I I
,. I T " 'Aw _11_ 1.11, I , . I 1 I ,
R , , , "C' , I I I I'll,
11 f 2 % - .. ", , I I I I 11 I I . I I I I I . , I 1
d "a V,;, 4!, , I I - ,
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. E,110 - ?FA ", ". .NoN %.,$", p "t fl, i", ' ,; : , , ", :11, ":, , 1, `,, :T, . : , , ,-t - ,%,,,,;;I ' : I I I I I . I I I
... I " , , ., , I I . I I 1, I I I , '.
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, 11001 11 I '., '.. . . , :1 ,- e.RT,Ilr
, .111, I . . I., . 1. .fl , _, I , I 11 , .11 "