HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-6-6, Page 4�a? S ii5 Soon Castle tuna: da�v 0 n03c Ith St, grantee this iron tonic, wap nervous neasie:°sverc: ul et: so1 lea S i.e to tat: a my • A.1?ie9 Are Gala ing Supremacy `lying' Service. ih@ Monuh of May, 1,i3, 'taxa V4'1 ' Dowxi d and tho ot,al i:tort es ou .All ;Fronts l xceed y €7 alae Iteccaxtl ,4<stablished fzn (tyra1 - 5 atzsix )lak+ the Lacgesf;. Juno 3. -The TiarAe t.:» ceele: on aerial operations St says, to Friday- .unlit, 34 37 air- planes were reported downed on alt battle ffiotits in T" `'b s surpasses by 67 the tact+ r 'Alareh, which,. whet la`r62, COA CIated the record month. The losses on the various fronts during 3,1ay were; ur lea s oro Italian s RUG1STa, cod alt ons, Z: ETZ On tial dr tggist in ail''. (trio town had RAILWAY SYST EM Macedonian rigOstine iNteannotantia 071 12,0 3 T', mails or Om totals on the M1, eb rOOt were that. 492 German. ma - f li inxo tte isa.nds or the Brkt- M sa to the Fr -e zap: h. 1,3 to the s auk lave to the Belgians �, yi�$ *tai lriggi 0,g1.rned MARl,rlktn, they it'A':e not. pa„ OrT.4.0`adlt4.4. machines 1 stio'ot 7stlolli, bat this 14 e total of lteStera front., 1&A 111 r: »aeconnt- lt*l� $ i 3 WOW de-,, we,Tdrive seven pe Hues. were T e Oh+ Ore u4 Within to It Cel ed•Dur, 1,1 ich f Cho rf'�E,' tia¢sy 1'i"orh.`s 11al,pkeaainngs fiealopitcd rind i'nt dt.41,a35 and Aft:. Shape. the: $eta:neOasr Papefi Saalatk Otte; nnpcx�al out TUESD tilt tb * end of blued, .. x zxng t s r is meetiz g Rr?.. e Nat t Ston S?, '4 �g� } 4 i T W � Ca wrxs t izaeett Rtt.bh i StE rd 9 St. Are Andiltieliwft,etille Realty Co.. { R4 c-c;e t �il� . a rat�a�l '"#lie �irpi �$ of the ° titbit Ulitithonities. toloc ibo rob' IQ:tI1,Prof'tetAy " Over at 3500,A°0s . (M6gelph �rttrneq: ion Railway Roarii declared a dividend of $r per cent. saEsnib 4$i t`.'. o I0 200 for the quar- ter b skhs Sfa:'gkx B out $1,70n fe, =torit;, inipayasrds. l.Da Aat.•arneri sold the 1. ass to r - E ai organize .n_l£ori_ furca, meeting at i amflton ra;sed he minim:tu z stipendI,Q£14., tt iaerease $100 for the next two Yeats sa(i endorsed war-tinie prohibition - The ea/Indian Salvage Department according to a report' received by "staj.-Gen_ lieu#.kuru, saved the 'Cana- diazr public during the nine, nkontbt 0, -rzdang with February last $211,05 n ,43ccaz ni A put an extensive in a?i agent„ Id r' oc "ae. to Niagara a ,i axr ,..t'1, awl camps be - :.n i e tE r s y. and ac#,'.€?LExT•E .chic;,io;4 ir provided fer d,00.0 LIE a tb forme( eentre., Al; the thotEsal.* t w,iete , ptiarcha ed throne,: tine`elder' l ^$eFk rine# of Agricu.x re lz• v been snapped u' gai•Sters. and ,aoR ° e been 4i alarty Qf s tt+ haee Toru; :t1 4d 4 place .6fasrii TRR APRIL 2ND. xa Itt'u o icraa, tin ct.unt it rlall';t. 'ketole de Ti'a?fieres (Fren k) ii otr i estray_ en disert ered. 70 Mile1 t o?' Korth Bay, 'erel ozrio Board of Health fail- tt'k its estimates increased by Board of Control yesterday. lI. Cews,-of Wind l us (lee hued au offer of$2Qt} n i,1 1165. salary, in view of )vat )ns. ss"omen started work in tlne las €rq the Grand Trunk fail l nand if they make :ore ss -ill b' eai,en on, the Parry Sound Assist's, dune 'a4 as t00)45guilty of tnarderhn ila$oyx r, \Fong Jew, op the 29t)n 11, 1..$17, and w.tS seaatenced to he rasa x,,,-; it( New Dr tinsss° icic O 1(0,T,1]ttnteato Ownership op Orad :anOtner on itt sviL®14,C#CflO inViO na aFe. On tool 5 a)1cn OtikCja. 'r.A"oxl i1Rtrlo:ae. .elute„* ,atth'nn- ¢P:a rAttte e`xt ica' deterrt mutton dnrtsa e*att the war P,o 3 siteces8!ul 47TZA was gi.vet before the Bos - "an "a+ or onto by Mr, S. H burg, ,feetlao, t 744 act" 1'.saa.i )a$3%W.)4t;S nFrs >iltt t thgeteityitQf Ib' loot At Oik t n e040 -WO t. ell plaxincy baa tram 1 31*llt 11104010 t l a t as t i'At ke'E1t011t'y be tCttxx+o + ototottll ittltt nitder:' 00MriW». �lt,rrpt lite to... t s� €[+knfitorn.M P0 Rinildttrk. lutplt4 til" Mitts: ` s le f' 1 CO TO behind Z`ha Gra Ia3 itn ,pcss opus: Cotnme S. ort as 3Jar1L1111`:n t teelx 'exlezi 0ysd; axtld eig UBE IS ATTACKED, Over a Ton of ProJeetilk G 'Dropped c on German eicr., TelegralhY de- et oar 'Aim eat - EL OTT President Print ipai, �i�4aO♦ii♦�iiO•►Pii�ii�i IVa r Time prices on Wire Fence. s eetr lid :fence, .15 cents per rod,; 7 strand ;:enee xd cep 'p r same, /3 atrand ';fence 55 cents ger rod, Stezi ;gates, barb wire and brae: wire, cedar fence posts at low prices, also 0 and 10 foot Anchor. posts. Let aa3e tquote you my prices on all kinds of .lumber and shingles. Place your order now :for what T'ertil zer you meed. FERTILIZER $30,30 Phone 12., A. ATWORTHY GRANTON:L) d3LANS1JAP1,1 MAN DECORATED Capt. Harvest G. Young, son o2 Mr. , obn D,, Young, Base Tornio hlainshs rd was recently granted: the D.S.O,ws h I B.erving as the -.M.O. of an advancer! ;dressing station. The official report says tthat'. "He established an advanc- ed post under a heavy barrage and was untiring; during two (lain"in ov- a:Pooh:an over Immo hundred It-nuizd- ed." Caprl. -S o ;ng took : his N.,D. at Toronto University in 1916 and was!cane araterne at the General tic pita!I before going overseas, { LONDON. June . - Another air raid on T anrIsrube has been nude by British air squadrons, according to $dt etTicia1 -statement en aerial aper - ons, Which reads. "Our tarp/ones anti balloons aagai0. crtrried out .match successful work yesterday*. '.pairing the morning our Tong -distance bombing machines crossed the Rhine and in spite or strong opposition from enemy air- craft dropped over fi ton. or bombs on the station, and workshops, at Karlsruhe. One machine engaged In. this raid failed to return. a`.,�.riather group of our airplanes have dropped a ton of bombs on the railway triangle of :ifet "-S.abions with good effect and without ,losses. Dur - Ina the.course of the day 31 tons of bmobs were dropped on different tar- gets "behind the enemy lines. "Twenty German machines were destroyed In air fighting and six were driven down out of control. One ether hostile .machine was shot down by anti-aircraft fire, One of our machines is missing. "During last night 16 toil of bombs were dropped by us on tar- gets in. enemy territory. Six tons were dropped on the Bruges docks and on the Zeebrugge -Bruges Canal. In addition four tons were dropped on railway junctions and the stations at Metz-Sablons, Karthaus and Thionciile. All our night -bombing machines returned. "One German light bombing air- plane was brough down in Hames be- hind our lines." German "Man Trip." PARIS, June 3. -The latest Ger- man barbarity consists of a man -trap i similar to a bear trap, discovered in No Man's Land by Corpl. Leonardo Manses and Sergt. Victor L. Vaupel, United States Engineers. The contrivance, which Is chained to stakes in the ground, is three feet long and his jaws 18 incites wide with teeth two inches long. It is de- igned to give the victim great pain and make him call for help. This attracts his comrades, who become targets for a German machine-gun iusiiade which results in the annihi- lation' of the entire party, r1 The trap is in the Paris Y.M.C.A:. where it has been examined by a number of Americans who were as - jelled at the horror` of the device. It will be stipend to America as a Trophy. tf ;fants and Children Yea', Over $1,000,000 lads been contrl- skated by the I.O.D:E.. throughout Canada for war work Mince August, 1814, r a-, Vi Xtit�l tho l&e ew, at;stt be°ntttr'e t Cler�:w�ap 1'4001 aid` d to erla` prix it<rts dh a c rim nation tQ iu'i nation. ail Toro Madrid busi1104s lined lay thVi cut leak , of grip. Thirty Per to Ilioni, is affected by it Alfonso. At a special an}.eetitt of St. Paul's Augliean Clur .iV sa a i unanimously decided' that. Rota, lr, Cody shall be asked to .retln.irx flue razctorsbi a, Rev. Dr. i5". O. Wallace, of :Rloo Street Presbyterian Church hau ten- dered his resignnatioa from that paas- torate, at the conclusion i}f thirty years" ser -ice, Centre :Huron Liberals strongly, disapproved of the course and speech of Mr. Wm, P roudfoot, their Legis- lative member in connection with the Union Government. The 'London (England) Daily latah offers £10,000 as prize money tar competition among the workers in merchant shipbuilding yards In Great Britain. and Ireland: Mr. John K. Macdonald, for twen- ty-five years president of the Chil- dren's Aid Society, was presented with a life-sized portrait of himself in recognition of his valuable ser- vices In connection with that organ- A.ation. A new disease. botulism, from eat- ing insufficiently sterilized 'home- canned fruit or vegetables, was de- seribed to the Medieni Congress at Hamilton by Dr. (Capt.) Ernest Dickson, 'O.A.MC., late of Leland Stamford University, California. THURSDAY. promised xl rllttees woulai o tlneatnusing Ideal crop weather prevails over the West. The Salvation Arany' Hostel for Soldiers was opened in Toronto, Tiepor of another plot by Germans to destroy the Tampico oil ;,ells has reached Washington, The Navy- League of Canadais out to get 25,900 members in Quebec in tout days next month. .'i British steam':: brought from an Lngiish port, 90i0 civilians and 100 oft .era, \ C,,O.'s a710. men of the Cl _o Canada. A, ',V, Bennett, 1( .0.. has been; ap- pointed. p- ps r toat County judge tor Kent and V rein t_clan.d, N.i., succeeding the tate Judge R. A. _t3orenti.. ] f f} t i totes of t. r a _ 1P eptciert is raging in Spain ore :I1 to Aladridan it Is. said ;bat the disease WaS br cecu's cf internee, U-boats Tric Pere -Ydarquette L'a awa s and its maintenance nte.nance of way roloyes have cvmo to an ag, eeil.eni, o �zgos, conditions of worn, pronto tIe!T.5, 4'LC7. .1 ssen. 'lass=anby, an Albauian. arrested charged with the rnur- r'o: George Tucker at Weston, and sonic. of the dead man's effects were frunil unions his belongings, Thr Niagara Synod of the Angiacan 9t v (10, 01Ici t e Matt 'etL 111 alar'or O'Mara. finer 1a ordered by 111 Bench to take the o tla t}f all"l+x itr , l}a tare c xereisittr~ Ixi r axn iistcaria wunctions. irtany prominent persons through Dart that province haaA»e paid tribune t the late John Ross Robertson, pro- prietor of the Toronto Telegram, 'wile died yesterday. The Dominic n} Police will hence- forth be commanded and aadtuinister- nod ay tbe Provost Marshal at Qttaw"a, and be :known as a civil detachment car the itillitary Po11ti:u. A proclamation has 'been Issued at Dublin saying that the cou:.ties et Limerlek anti Tipperary will be pro- claimed special military areas if un - awful assemblies continue. Major Chas, H. Mayo, of Roches- ., Minn., one of the most famous surgeons in the world, gave an Im- portant address' ii-portant-address en cancer at the Med- i al Congress in Hamilton. Sweden Las released over 400,00a tons of shipping to the 'united. States and the .allies ,as the reeult of a com- mercial agreement just signed at Stockholm with the Unled States, tr1t;. 13‘kil01 1 DNRCUTpItS' :, , OL ;VALUABLE AT tTA Thi a3ae;cntor- ttha estate cit 'the: late R€CHA•14b %1TANPkVil) laaua in structcd Mr. G. W. 'Robinson, nuc- taous,ta, to offer for sale by public aoption no tate premises v'n TUESDAY J U N.E, Ft th, 191f3 et 2 o'cloo7 ilk tbeafteruaan. the fol-. tonging •proPect.t A34 those portions of farm lots nem - f ern '`3 ant 4 in 'the First cp r ,f hL ;Tons n ahi1) of Stephen, At IA the lots in, the Village., , ►a 'owned by the lion icin,a d o tw € d4nn �F1�0.tanni �, �Ofits-two F S amU.0ye fas oO , tat kn fit:y, a egtn` aataie frame �''a good barn. Tint ic,ca tion so eon- venientrt4lhigi401l,pchool and railway nation a Makes the pn•oraetriy° a very- one. ca•a-one, TERMS -Ten per cent or p at- hase ';money on 4,he day of sate and rio--'balance ou the, first of Jaaaazar4 1•010, aritbour' 111, a k"aarti1 r particulars and terms land,, conditions will be Made known Qu tiax day of sale or utas be had on ap- pb ainou .6i 1,i3(x 314.l0 S ag5 n'7.a. iLa -l.tM AN 4; aST i t1i.,1ka ,37 Ex ear, Qat., Soliettpr»A nor 1,xeerstofis,. ,� Ri'011I S;SON tCttoneps`',. AIDRE TEUTON BRUTALITY*, n: nded riot LONDON', Jtr1s+ on the piaiblis ;cd 001' 9 oat}etre:} of. t .. t saprs• that sizaee tlae isatie et is report there has occur Zoog list of attQc?psis riolatiou greenyent, OPS mail capitup x _ .x:orEaiti of Mareb 2 to mor, 1Wei bort be was ttakean orttt rn*ai,t.p, 1$0111 41111. r(Q>1 Wits; 'dfitrAat r, ktaieta tat aft gri5onerS ra satin 4 y, It say: ib4 ort of Sia parch Meat that Inbred ieF%tlaet"e' SFr., P -•. yet tesa r a ti. i uta , i " �+ Si� ...odu T _ z�*uy�•-:�13E� For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That � Genuine toe ast4r� Always Bears the .Signature ton - 0 CAP' AND RE 9S Bril>Ilrrltes .in Canada Busixes `r cite LE T,ER3 OP enznrii MONEY ORDERS SAVItS BANK DEPARTMENT,>. the'Or#LI Weak S 1, PTlSoner were kept working !re Of tieing hear t 4Qxa+3 Nanism aide',"ci it w:s tgl�yzyere t©r tri tie, 00l1o, telt*or till the C aux a 540 attoci Toroote iisi nfuer k k :labii :a..rrea MONDAY. Charles Yea, Toronto, a teacher, died of meningitis after an illness of twenty-four hours. The Duke of Devonshire and party.. visited St. Catharines and the avia- tion camp at BeamsvilIe on Saturday. An important medical and surgical clinic was held in Hamilton on Sat- urday by Major C. F. Mayo, on goitre. Lieut. T. Herman Heintzman, kill- ed in an airplane accident near Des eronto, was buried in Toronto with full military honors. St. James' Square Presbyterian Church, Toronto held special services in connection with the anniversary of Rev. D. N. Mo=.•den's pastorate. E. E. Nettleton, timekeeper in as Stratford factory, dropped dead Sat- urday aturday as he was giving time checks to employes going in to work. Eleven aviators from Leaside Camp flew to the Beamsville aerodrome to attend the inspection of the School of Aerial G-unnery by the Duke ` of Devonshire. Food worth $1,000,000, totalling 277,000 pounds, was destroyed or wasted in Montreal in fifteen months, through being kept in storage t:11 it rotted. Capt. • (Rev.) George Pidgeon had nigh praise for the work of the F.M.C.A.;in France in the course of his sermon at Bloor Street Presbyter- ian Church, Toronto. Major F. V. Woodman and Capt. E. N. Smith, R.A:P., flew from Deser- onto to Montreal, 200 miles, without a Stop, gin two hours, a record for Can';tla in non-stop distance and in speed. It is reported that a Zeppelin air- ship was shot down Saturday morn- ing oily the Jutland coast by a British torpedo-boar"""destroyer.- The crew of the airship was drowned, according to the report. 0. en 1r'e d Capruri'19 110(1 the linos rt' tat€red wz .hut and the 11 °ee chars before be OTHER HOSPITAL BOMBED the B Tote Army u Ixttnxe t uiloWCII at bl 1aest current rata's 'tor{, :D, UL tR l MANAG R, EXETER' RitANi OF C SIR EDMUND VVALXER. GERMAN FLEET PREPARING according to the Ttifts Tidende, re- port an unusual assemblage of Ger- mart warcraft in Heligoland Bight. The fisherinen also say there is un- usual reconnaissance activity by Ger- man vessels well up the Jutland coast. No Drink In French War Zone. PARIS, June 3.-A decree was is- sued yesterday by the French army authorities categorically forbidding the selling or consumption of alco- holic,drIn.ks in the war zone, Viola- tPonT of the -order will be strictly • Imp. 12560, 16260 Slcottisla Gem. Imp.' Registered. in the Canadian. 01,ydesdale Stta'd, Book os No. 12.500. Owned by John ltrilleir of Ilay. Foaled in 1999, has tecn enrolled under dhe Ontario Stal- lion Att. Inspected on the ilth ..day of December, 19.17 and found to be sound, of good conformation and an animal .typicai of the breed.. The celebrated Stahion will d or the rseaeon, of 1018 at his o table, Exeter North. IR JOHN AIRD.GetwerAll‘houtintr RESERVE FUND, SAVINGS BANK BUSWESS This Bank pays interest at 3% per atmum., on all deposits of $1 and upwards in this department. Small accounts are welcomed. 63 Creditor: Brancb-J. A. Me Donald Manager, PERRY F. DOUpE Licensed Auo- fioneer. Sales conducted iu any lo- cality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times 'Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton. Ad - °I. W. AOLUNSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND. VALUAToR ter Counties of Huron terth and Middlesex, Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to the Central liotel, Alain St. Exeter. Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed,„, Et, Graduate Victoria University. Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter, i'Associate Coroner of Huron DOMMitssioner; , Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc; ' Money to Loan at lowest ates 'of Interest. OFFICE -MAIN ST ;'KETER, ONT. MONEY TO DOAN. We ,have large ,aucionnt 'of privafe funds to loan ou.farm and properties, at .lowest ;rates of int- FIRMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INHITE4- Head °Mee, Farquhar, Onfh Vice -President TH!C)S„ RYAN, borne, and Biddulph.. OLIVER HARRIS, Alunro, Agent fel.- Hibbert, Fullerton. and Logna., Honor Graduate of Toronto Univert sity, Office over Dickson Si; Garin- ing's Law Office. Closed Wednecrdypn, 'afternoons, Phone Office 5a alte Residence 5b, Honor Graduate of Toronto lIniv,er- DENTIST ' Teet extracted without pain. any bad effects. Offpp oveUoct„ Alt