HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-5-23, Page 7THE claim in th KIDDIES WHO LAUGH AND 1' LAY UNDER SHELL FJR Indomitable Character of the French 'cop le 't ho Hide Misery With a Smile, Picture to yourself an open space between, two working ,mines, 3kY, rows of cottages in the rear, a village, at your front,' and you have the battle line of one' of the most famous bat- teries df artillerymen fighting int; France, The rumble of shell -fire can be heard distinctly in the°' distance --- that low, mysterious whistling sound 61 shells passing overhead and the ,thud as they burst in the lines far behind. Aircraft sinks are busily engaged, forr there is b hostile raaehite high up in the air. Yet one can hear the merry chatter and childish laughter of the miners' little ones, They seem oblivious of the fact that there is any danger. Three years they have been here. There is one little child just three. years old, She was born amidst the shriek of the shell and the boom of tl e bombardment. Skit ail wonder, flecks that this little one noes not real ize take flrrirge�. it net ftairdag Death: o iti the. afternoon, T et 'attarncs an" to ;aFk An tare are sba,i. ll of a sudden there k at crash, Earth dies in every direction, 'the shrieks of lase children, as they seat - ter t cut-aeraand rush into the cottages, ring out as talc Qr,n:maluting voice of the sergeant-inaajar c+verliertttes through the air "Stand to Yon i.r 1101 %''e5.' ,nobler aa"iei^ is given, and with remarkable celerity --one man leading iu SUMO case, as many as four or five animals -et he horses are guided away from the danger zone. Thon again cotyles that oruineer3' s ':antler but. the shell has all'eady t falls wrong men working rage :heel. The oe will he two more aching hearts in Blighty tea, S vee men have ' been St"4 thirty horses era y3ltk e strength of: the battery .a Weans ,eeeondss. R bow colielcly the horses to amfr place, h Rt 'ibore are sti those ugly ;shell holes to iaa.arl. :i ee ne of tr'ageil. The following nlcirztiiak I la ad az to return to the shelled ai e aaaacl 1 rotaid herring believe my eye I loll cat ,expos to the shott;;red sheds where our laraavo lads hod fallen the previous [afterneon. Attached to u beam which was still left standing in the forage shed was a role. Seated upon it, swinging to and :fro, was to a:hild of ,fx, laughing merrily, an ex- pression of 9ierfeet h:tpliinc ;s in her bright eyes, Several other children wore around waiting their turn to have a swing, What i\iatters '.It? There was no doubt they were en- joying themselves thoroughly. And stili that hateful boom sounded in the distance, and still the :halls whistled overhead, A11 parents love their children, and one would imagine these little mites would be warned not to approach a spot Apparently so dangerous. And yet a group of women stood at the -corner watching their little children' at play. It is a doubtful point, but do these people know, or is it "just a way they have"? Ilere is the village blacksmith, tall and handsome and grey -bearded. For three years he has worked la- boriously at his forge day after day unifier shell fire. I v,'as interested, and , questioned flim "You still remain here," I said. "You must realize your danger! Sure- ly you could be further back?" °'Maise non, monsieur. All that re mains of my home is here," he ex- plained. "I had a good position in a big House in. This is all I have left! No, I won't leave it all behind." No one would buy it or come to live here. Besides," he added, "I want to be as near 'her' as possible." Ile lowered his voice. "You see, monsieur, she is oast there -my girl -my ,poor little Gabrielle!" He passed his hand across his forehead. "She was in when the war broke out," he continu- ed. "I had saved and paid for her ed- ucation at the school. She was seven- teen then, but now she is twenty, if she is alive." "But have you not beard from her?"' i asked. Business as Usual. "Not a word," he answered in a low whisper—"not a single letter. She may be alive, she may be dead. If I could only know!" , You see, she is so young, so pretty, so innocent! I hate to think of it, monsieur. We all know the Hun, and when I think of it— Mon Dieu!"' The little' clock on the mantelshelf ohinmcl the second hour after midday. The Frenchman f straightened his back. 4'• fete forced a slakiie and shook me by Pic hand. "To work, monsieur—hack to my work! It is the only; thing tkhich kelps me to forget!" It is "just a way they have," these wondea•ful, wonderful French! "a ti PURGATIVE ' WATER s the safest, surest and most .econornleai remedy for its c are. tale intaotines and removes the accumulated .waste matter rr'i mince health and ell angers lite. On Sale everywhere: 25 cents the bottle,, RIGA PURGATIVE WATER co. It dishes cls under MONTI EAL. '8 et as°nab'a gas boy, One -Pi year-, No. 5990,33071's :nee T170. sera, a In t3 sues;' 2 to 14 years Price 10 Th.? edea 1 «e cexi'l2=i lrilaos uitcl the ts each, BY-PROW/JOTS `' t G..' - -'C:TS -ow 'Moils r,a see in Caned Large Paiei; The bv-products cif the lukza'aer dustR y constitute ar 9# of wood material what t, arenow going ti ri is retarded in (...aria of t1zeX atter°ed population, and l"ars ed dts as wall as the reciim, 'iatai :Qf -zany„of rbc, pro,.nsses, is estimated that the logging was, whioh is left irn the forest relix &el about 25 per cert et the o” ire ' obviously the op zortanit es 1r. atio*i are l:axaated, ar.sl t11 len. in C ns dt , at p 'eseat, is ter; ly enforce Ibe prop in the ;a -et se riot's:. are I,3 id o vis in bet .aurt iR. Other fosse fire .sects, 'fungi, gjro .era, .ty^i�ered g'rovvtri, is tl4i d", if hrfea for sflceies: epiorae .fah $s p as uliire appeal to :the Ger. pee - 1 over the heads of ats leaders, every 'attempt to impress it with the, good faith and disinterestedness of its opponents in this war, every as- surance that we are fighting, not for rtlie extermination of the German people, but for their right to de- velop their great virtues and mani- est genial, in the humane forms in- ured alone under the influence of free institutions, pre-siytp iQSe;, in Ger- at:stIa leer-. t{_ M IY. 11 ' tiiterns existence eo Pt' e eel of tide sora oE. tpE F : leseribe by tate p1 n r ion." But no one INI10'�n en =nd intienateiy �an�zli, gide of German in$ wa s of thinking 1r ireles, whether 1fl1 'I. Q::s remove i leave, n fog' fl Se-cazfee, a r tragi o9phek'(', broatlat? tionary v.dt.hien +l grct nae empa ee cis; at there never r aI24 any C,#Ch opaai2dt3 MONS klAKE ane g E 1, I L t CON I " OU3T 0•,x...0 0 0— a� You say to the 3rug store assn, "Give me .a small bottle .of .freezone " This will cost very little but will positively everyBard or soft positively' remove corn or calsus from one's feet. A. few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a, tender, corn relieves the soreness in- ,r, and soon the entire corn or root and all, dries tap and CAA. ifted off with the fa ars. s new way to rid one's feet o 1 as iR'tr'etduced by a'Gir_Gir:.t says that: freezorae 4ih&e';+t'. ,shrivo�r'. 7 130 e m ly indistinguishbrU3ixz c f a British leans surge x." c e peF1- nie sting vL ith a ball made: o! ear t lage as a substitute for a metal or glass one. ,A sphere of such construction' when pat in pace establishes eonnec- tiozs with blood vessels and the sur -i ronriding tissues_ When thus fixed nz 1 the cavity it is supposed t;i he apallic i of m avemes;t corresponding t�k a no .-all e'ye and urth( s i", '. space S A that there 7 as is invar•= bis the ease whei i.4 ased. Althou; h time must' yet e wi e ,.aactieao .ity of tate scheme , .e;? 9 exPePt haat the w :.her ttilumn;a... Little, ns g red. k �F�'tare'`�hif T- 41" 5 ra 0 the fors the forest protective ;ed when. WB i'e. 'cs in Canada sh tines t i splendid play stilt for the est C`ulel Pattern Nor 7710, 73o ' per., .y . e'Blouse, In 4sizes; 2 to liar laeun Foul lois aro proving very popular this season. McCall Pattern No, 5071, Ladies' Overdress. In 6 sizes; 34 to d4 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local, McCall dealer, or from the IIIcCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Ilk boiling potatoes allow ;asi en ough water to boil dry. EC N MY TALK' is all- right — ECON P_ CTICE as better. I ` T CsW TAN POSTUN is an econornj drink — absolu4ej no 'waste. Beni, it is convenient, saves : fuel and sugar, and leaves nothing to be desired in the rv,iag of flavor' RYA, CUP! 3' 4 441 c have done a. great a legal to E our widespread forget re,ourct scours -IRP, co-Q*.1gr#.t.ten oI tr in overecn6ing easel sress ds Qt em-..: flip' for_ ens ova 1. alit a Filk at,d: j,*1za anci pubs a S.T Y Y' T" ten l 'cos er baa :tfit:�� t� 'la3 ail :i 130 ,talk At the i i of av o bzai a ozzikEa laiil',Ada o t#Fa} front iia+tel withtaatt ti d' ippia?4 to produce Y beard ' oap , 20.00 '.'yeti at' tiRbiaa3, ,tiro o to oft MN; it",ai antics fit, he man's `i a', .fat is tI1 .1i1 ibe 'i other facts tlia'f 'l'ize skimminf„I Grease ase f"r"om bo' tali free pans in al° tos,Y er eggs have Bully beef tins.. ;t ly marrow bones. dishwater. ro eek, , arlal e beth to ble.' beautify the `telly' drn,* eclat and the at.KaaAl2dni,6� 4�t1, 1staiaed '0n3 flak feta,, r of of `tit coo r In sat agar aF (0) Fran tiitit The grense ''froze i'rzo dirbw ttzr iw recovered by .means of Wa !Amp otr feted boo trap hi ;I near the tvnsh sinks. ,All animal fat.; are care- fully rea1l01'4ai in Lii4.',e a aldrena to prepare them for the uses to whiff, they are to be put. Such materials should he. coria er'ved: in Canada. 'I"hcy are of great im- portance and the waaete in large hri- tels and restaurants is very consider- able. Watching Them. Go. Alone in the crowd that was wa'cit- ing them go, Unobtrusive and silent she stood; But the look on her face as the troops passed below, No one could forget, if he would. Tier head was held high, and her searched the men For some one familiar and de Iter hands wore close -locked Alton I looked once again, And I thought that she winked back. a tear. ,Then, all of a sudden, she .flung out her arm, And weaved a small kerchief of white, While into the face I thought lacking in charm,' There crept a new, wonderful light. "My two boys," she said, "they ate leaving to -day; But 1 am so proud and so glad!" And she left me there standing with nothing to say, For her smile was so brave and so sad. eyes And there in the crowd that was watching them go, Unnoticed and silent she stood; But the.look on her face as the troops passed below, I would not forget, if I could. Two ';eight 'gallon jars will hold thirty dozen eggs put down in water glass. Wherever there is space, along back fences and around the outbuildings, and out of the way spabs that are not utilized, grow manimot'h sunfloweii. seed :Cor pou,ttry feed. Old hens, young pullets and chicks should not be allowed to run togeth- er, as the smaller ones -will not be able to get sufficient feed and will stif- f in, consequence 'lt ars. t:. ti acikstuare" call and 0 CO rer a c to Be. 50 1n, 541) a The oi'iiinary well adapted for t alae tilde+; harrow' ;:ti to tooth tilted book. it f4tiit:€ti are enc nde �tl and lima A' zc ecu the t �1Y7ia"h 1Gia tic rem,. e +4 4 1 often cltolwe ihc+ v{5t^,a' iif out of the young ct"ltavatctl l,lcants. In their own way,. they ore ia; hsd ata the Hing and i shnuid he fought as determinedly. As the machine gun is trained agadaist rase eztemy by the soldier, So should the iaarrrier train his ataechin,iry against weed enemies rad nia.G, ^in erne! vigilance in his tight: a;> tits;a thein. I caned R horse cat the Mrrs;e vw!it k 111IN:lti`S LINIMENT, CIIRISIOPIIER SA 1NDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a :horse, badly torn by a pitch fork.,., with MINARD'S LINI- MENT. St. Peter's, 0,13. EDW. LINT IEF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling; by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W. PAYNE. Retired farmers are numerous in 1' Canada. They can perform a na- tional service by selling't=heir experi- ence and assistance to farmers in order to relieve the farm labor short- age. .&sli for Yana :two and take aao othor. it is claimed that the stolid and tolerait character of the British is due to much eating of beef. An excellent soup is made with nrilk, sliced potatoes and onions, and seasoning of parsley and celery leaves. To open or close a window without, leaving one's bed, or when the win- dow is out of reach, attach at strong cord to a screw"=eye in the top of the lower sash, extend the cord upward through a srnall pulley or screw -eye in, the window frame at -the top, also through one below in the sill. Con- tinue to a place convenient for mani- pulation. ISSL E 9 0-'18 118 oats over'weno:s Ti N ca ateao ne tele�t,4 t.h ren inh t3. The Au 4oS 4sa e.! n%ii'r�b Razor c-vnze m a `3E2C'.vhs d"i .inti e it Is the only reizOr, that is alwaya :i sdy for race--daat always e kaon ride because is sharpens, own blades a autoznaticcllr. Strops ---. slaws ---clean n--si ithoar raino rine; Maida, Give htia est t'.tifeStrap " ,a Ufa of the hber, litoStrog Safiy Parr Cod I. tjted -®faalo Asa.. Te rzio, 9,, F5 ILTON, and advise all a: Lydia FJ Pi,.f.'.,han pound and I will erlve eat bene FRANK Ia'ITzGEaALD, 25 N. east Street,!. West Philadelphia, Pa. There' are thousands' of women ever;'' where in Mrs. 'Fitzgerald's condition,` suilering from nervousness, backache,; headaches, and other Symptoms of ,is funetional derangement. I:t was 13 grateful splritfor health restoredwhiciri. ted her to write this letter so that 2the women maybenefit from her expert ence and find health as she has one. Por suggestions iii regard to'your conn clition write Lydia >r . inkbani ;I1ledieit e' �''�j� n '1‘ as®. he'tesult o f the 40 years experience at your aervlce. e, ydia egoat'<e Com - mind and it made' a well woman of. me. I can nowdo all my hoasewor3 ins" women, to try s Vegetable Com - guarantee they will fit from it."—Mrs. menoneacomanonemmoonsmemeumsnessunnosoomosnetnroi