HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-5-23, Page 5'TAKE V W W 77 AL Sedition 4�h e Aga" t arges Mad ins� Dotland fo- .4 Sinn 176i Uto Ivin Iner-S. P S IWe bave a large stock Of Specially sel�cted field s h, Score Slight uccess on Fariners. bet�vlqq r They Aro r uctio[I. ,�sonable: prices, seeds for sale at reP $ti ulates P 60 lery IAin� 6 ri d 1-1 , Arniens, Front., ja vRounded, Up 5oo ifV',c()PIe lit Ireland, IVII() IVe lote, y quiet v� That Enemy trigue With 14', 1 I , I I f re ties 1141, Before buying, your requirements,, examine our BOYS WILL,AID THE PAR4ERS ,akpa �!ae,e in tile la,q t, (gage(l In UO day,�, and a 11 ber, Of eIMU11, Will Strik SO)n, nut flip Alfies To MEET OR,
flit t$ for the (Il'iVen A Ready,for the Next ofte rades and got q WiO:Qs� You will save� money. VV e Are I er C, to have 'a goodassortment of the diffierent grades of Govt. aAgrictlItIUAlist—Informat on I been intAkin ,,Xte!ld Ong Position tieC, frow to _t4n, xdseeds, —'Wheu heGerallat$ �Strjj�e 11) irreVelit Bee�Mr , itraitiAg—
mergency, to, Albout, the Work Tft�llt Has' Bet� the regious flint r "altep Austria 414y Try prive $ -tol- the Gard��6r L ll.s, to Aid a"I,
of Amions, for LONDON, Ufay e Coyern li,,t_,'-'�Aed Clover h of I wontrib !low go of has adopted the POI!Pyr Of the' Tiffloth I by ontarito L ON DoN, he -8rilla let' nfAkWippf Y Malta Iro hand Iii deahng� will, sedition in �un I I the Amiens t 0� batteries court, on - front, has Ireland. Ali Elie leader LAtV fibre is absolu 'cis' I - . r ? been recaptured by (4a BritiSh, tile S of the Stall X nec Aus at Orchard and'Bluegrilss � 1 o '01t S Fein Society who were Implicated in d trallan troops m,-aMng a, sdtcess_ furl aid during Ma they took 360 pri sollers gad � 0 the.plot with aeroplallew`11gs, yet be in
aye cause solrdbum been at- Saturday night erested by :a sAyift, F con c en ma pra propo$f, of Gtit no �g to Field tion ca W be, mad
d so,,- Britain has not now jor,2� a lif-ivi h Port, the Ponfidenco. pr
diers during Frid, dra-net drawn by the police guns, Ace
MU"I and Thr ip "14*" -) --74 shal Halg's re
nip Seeds,et and th,- nhato dearly hours of 4), In, operatioa'
turd;ay "I'll , " ". , 11 I The iuo�velrieilt lhall the standard makes of raills running ace and 4, t t of e it,, this provibee, tile cheaper
doll ill report reads. bookciT,.g orders for seed Coza iii t11Q follo�vijj, - Most of. those To furthr i'Y's nev ones -as I ell as the mort) expelt,
lk eA Ive he
re$ ellePl y of! q�jckj and quietl JA y plac- the flax eed crop ig lrei4iid f, -Oat is deemed h vari eties Io10 are gly Ag good saflsfac�jon i
perilously near a jai tire ifflaliuc-at. The Fr,&L�eh and n the
alaus of a X-liese VIE no'", 013,Sla are all smawere Mammoth Southern " eg tas the w- cozap :and take from their homes the Agricultural Seet�on Offetisi-ve lnache alk A.'�Mareh 21. i.E�Ije te 0, adjustment
arr� ng
bee -ajority of hepent 'Ph 7a and only a few scufflQs gartization and Seleded Red Cob whil , oi the O�� plies IR QV ,to ely e The a so that to 4e
-play took I fItby the ator,
gild 4 revolver' n t4, oper Alust exer
Seed Com is scarce P of Qtktarlv, called to io book yotir ord to latest reports 50g ar- hebotb ability.
den, P�v A call' solicited-,, s4 o g altfeiA on to tie ueeu�,7 ofl I
'of great at o thq 4TA fallen J* !g 1917 .4 jy '4s of tile C C �.00 " I A Qgr,� I I I
mail 1111 ITO' RED 4WICKIU ev ee W ARIM. 1P 000 A0 IMPOrtant Eve In 00P.41 I'A 01 , V N TOPIC EWS' S ot MR t$ W)IiC�4 H Occurred During th� Weak. I_)r jU for'll long time ClOad 4,4* �'W 0 IVW
nof alf ndI�Jnd fully Comiled And ATTACi"' ORNO. nbut the hemudy and AttrA0170 , . I T 4 Or . ..... . h hof o n, bao, Apilens ea41 W ti b rshto, be g, bull* %, to ro,niokia to w3v vilhigo4 a reflt4 01 rrootl�l ILaval eUn t!QM � , 't , _f n .1 atto' think th, 004 t th d L4Q 4_04 arits een,i 'T. Scott tll�- turn a �Iilld eye 1 , 1W
WIN zp EhQ
ld' aC Irflarld. 4apa to Pe It4 f
_;QV fa tbe: IA., 40 Ili ad.
U AM Iand pa,rr, ompor IV i.. .. . .... It t0i fit Ar Ir _0 tf i eil
It P 'fill, 94 I " on, t to V, I *0 Mo 9 bf, U9 Ifigi VA7011(ab It�ntj- It, Idoln W & ;Ind Ito todftX W��Jt Q�, $ nf * aA14 ti 11be Ve, �T Id IIONNT`b� fralli �7 to �1 lip I Stol,t, fit a wllil(.*. oot traw ce 1, 4Q old the boped for a 3 ll, , . I 11
a '51N.ot Oil Ow Tho 4ite,,,t �� T Tho
_j the tior
z.9 prevent te,,yull, tig of llax tht� o r Other Jn1port"ni. ilitt1*100A Noto Qttr � I r I 1.1 rniy I)e i tImIld., ti wa r
Jotlit Dillon fol I Ixll� with the old hathe seed u "'S trwn, front nd (lie anUt I 'IV h rc
Joined the sinq r� g Old od, In ll 011s baye no to C�
of f1w Rev,, _,t mIl,W1, n 0 t ies held Ford, %Aljo wa�s Ont., formerly a f tile Sinn. I.' and wilikout swarzaing cololl
-Ind in kny Soil whiell lein is good crop, #.)f o;lt$ xviij be In -
Cornwall into the proved to b aotivlly by nIli conspiracy with t he* WiroNvorms and, Nvilito g thj� 1)2ttjo liu�n is ierub, :Io de- .91( Lil tile must�itru It �_ nspatrlot;c du,�, to reduee�'
to 'Ittvild A number of drol) etivO to Otbo- eropf3, Ivi)l not lit- of Loney and Uitla�
their now alliance. beeguse the i tack flax, he secd sholild be the �1.holj,4 of tjlf� Quantity lie been pro -led than Uay �1(ith and tlIe sphas bet�,n Lahen �n on" I evel ll� thle
A four enein 4S aof by a. nor even allti-British, but�urop I,-; arvested d*,%,.I, I'd to Ifrom cra 3110011, 1,eg,
as a mark of the 11114,11L) downed I wh ry on Elie only Rome Rulers of July* by two of EMS servive O tbu the oll L Ivft ill excel- 4111 ill Ow- futurf, i to vause, the TorOtItO QQQ1101 will Among file Promnent Sinn, Vfqnersi Placed tinder a sli,tgle command. CpI Tii,.� mly be,
tile Government arrestpl] wore*. prof, condition for winter Wheat. A, It Is th more by swarm prevention than
ard Do thorough discil1r, wit),olkE �3
ought, will bave com- �4
ate, nd NvIll ask t�llli, Tor alicm President of tile Sin, RAID of 41 nv other way. Bulletin (Oa-� I I V Of."; Is for iiia ED EASTERN ENULAND. this IMOrtant brauch 'and I .
CIlemies be reduced to a, arlty wlull ;1 Arthur Griffith, founder of the Silin NOW -It c"Op. Tile fear that is Will be, directj,�- - gricultura)d
top t� a t�7;rio Department of
military Pay. Countess N�` Ithorull' Illy Dr. Thos. particularly hard oil 'Ml nl,�ter or takes this mli;er
should be carefully studied by 1Z,, Tile Canadian National Concil (>f Dill the is uri- FOur German Shot Down in the esz1frich on W1111iini Cogrve, Sinn rain founded, is it does not take wore iIN1111t beak British nd Foreign, at Its '111 v; Dr. Rlphard from 'It than any ordinary IR�ld crop. tht the now �allor. . _ NJ. P. for X,likolln ithink — Prov Aplarist�; 111141 meeting decided to Figgis, Thoinas Ilull. Ontario Agripultural Collgo, GLe!pt,.1
q, Hostile air. will extend to tile Italiall front. where with thie Navy, Leaglia of h. Pa le VIW)en Thousand Boys for Ontario the costs of 1cent; and the Austriaris lately havc su- -,Ind two n it tr '.k OR.
a carnapign for S own ;Q
t t ilo"* welfar��.. McGuinness, Sinn shOrtlY fter eleven o*elock muchartillery activity. oil t�h.,! otber flints For the, Grdaner.
Farmers In the Peterborol dfatritt Fein Member Varms.
or- b(,r )trs. . of Parliament for the -91IM1,1Y evellit"; and proceeded a a Thorough cultiv,jt;
to- and, th�, Italia a are keeping cam,- of the soll
o town wards London,
re said to have It large surplus of southern division Of County Long -
In 1916 and 1917 the Department 'All Watch, carrying Out numeroug must be pfactlsea ia �one garden Thq,
L latioll IV hich bombard- coamon, hoe, wheel hoe and the* gar� 'otitheott %vho bptv�, hogs, even buying more hog5 to' feed ohn -11. Contee a Belfast Sinn Fein- I brou-1it don it the raid over estt- Ing his line 1
Mr. n(t potatoes, and intend feeding then) to ford; J. lfcGrath, Walter Scoles, of tducal ion made rega Four enemy airplanes were raids on the 'Oe.'s bries and
-sp-rit; the - wirter inoliths flit, permitted students to 'leave school in Of communications and den cultivator Should be kept going
rather than selling at tj .vas sLntenced. to death in April, 1).'Ovided that their term,s Orn Says an Official staj(�_ troop concentrations immediattly aft -r each rain. T h s,, [le Prevailig er, who I price. connection itil events at Dundalk ork 'was satisfactory, for the pur- tirent ilist Issued. The statement, seed the field should be thin.-. tBend. Toronto contributed �$75,00() to the; during the, rebellion of 1916, nd Pose of an.-ag"'g In f ys AVar Treaty Abrogated. tued CaratullY, giving each plant tho, Mr. ,Ind '_Afrs. obt, B. jreyc, Red Triangle F �;a of I und �-starday. and It Denis McCullough, another Stun they spent three months or mo�a "Reports Show that four of the an- ' LONDON -=Oulllt Of St-)ilce required, for AVaterlOo rilatives here, for Is understood tL-at the Ontario Gov- -Alav The war
a farat, they.were glyen their school airplanes which rided. London rety betwe'en France,. Italy, Britain Z I the cut Nvorm. vldch will be a-^.'
ernment is ngi, 100,000, while the The arrest.or the Sinn Fein leaders standing without passing bo custow- and the southest last night t; I row"ll. 'Use Poison �ra:n, masa �ork County Council :voted $45,OOG was inadc bY detectives acting in co- ary promotion elainingo een brought doivn. replced by a new treaty, according Uve at this season. The asparagus have nd has been abrogated and last week. operation vith the military, -while Ili When the students bad, reponded at, crediton oil te provinces ti "The rid ppOars to bave been on to th,4- Manche ter Guardian, The bad sLould have the seco-nd p,plica_ I delegate from, tho Ev- hey Avere carried out to tile Government's appeal aud had a lrge scale. A considerable aum- old, treat-.- embodied the terms -upon Uon of 100 lbs. per of nitrate
The fifth annual Good Roads C - by the Royl Irish Const 'Un-clicl S. S. l' tbls villa,,e. abulary volunteered in thousands for the ber of bombs -were dropped. 'Which lt�ly entered the war, and the i soda. All Stocks should be car -a-, fully cut even if they.canot be used. grass opened in Hamilton, work which they ealized to be of "No details of casualties or dam- Guardia assumes that it is greatly ( lady fried Nicaragua has declared Wr Turks fit Peniia. such Importance there remained the age ire Yet avallable.11 modified by the new con lEarly celery, tomatoes and other, vention. This
ilicb., are for- against Germany and her allies. problem of Pl�ttiag each individual was the treaty which was published tender plants Should be set out tho' Six Toroato policemen, ,svere refus- lars nd Kurds, advancirt U. applicant for work Ili touch NO lit Ukraine. by th in 's and �T, Scftn,�tl )KOSCOW, May ll.—Turkish rag
in Persia, ith a a Bolshevik G(>vernment in Rus- first of this month, while citrons. 'Sellat-11 hls b0011 oil ed exbmptioa by Judge Coatsivorth. farmer who desired assistance. This sia on Jan. 26 1918. cucumbers,' pumpkins and melons
Che s',ck lit. but is recovering. have occupied Sollibulak and Ushnit, MOSCOW May 12.—The Smoiny Leon TrotYhy, vho in January� should be planted. A small amount,
Military headquarters are looking was. accomplished through the on-
Soth of Lake Urmia accordin- to Prczs Burca'll
I publi-shes a secret, cir-
'Tile friet-As of`31r, J, V, Ifick-, for new quarters for the casualty newspaper despatches froa Tiflis. tar.io Government System of, at, addressed by the German Gov- was the Do.lshevik Fol-ei-a jjliniste�, of nitrate of soda arou d celery an1j. ublic Will 13(� to heat tbat llt,. u A! despatch from Tabriz says that EmPloymetrt Bureau 14 cases where ernment to the German newspapers, tomato plants four or five days aftelz� published sensational Secret treaties
z3; ab[,� to b,! oll't and. arouittl with Only 22 young -men are the Turkish'objective is Enzell, whic the students were unable to make explaining that the id and document setting out, will aid Ili their growth.'
It ts from the files of 11ac- iud and Ile hopes to exemptionout Of 117 cases dealt with wi' their own ar ea of peaceiArith the Russian Foreign, office. tile one The latter part of this mouth ana: I 11 become the central base from rngements, A minimum Ukraine being a question of bread I '02 -soon fully xeevocr�d. bY three tribunals.- wage of $15 per month was set, but referred to In the boe despatch was the beginning of next, late celery, which the British will be menaced 1D Soon realized the value of the German commissioners The C.P.P. steamer Medora was 11qesopotartria. is quite erroneous, and that, on, the I signed by Sil-Bi. cabbage, cauliflower and� kale ar6 Cns are aolvi8ed to Savo Sunk by a Germain U-boat he fai Grey, British 1111,a�is_ Her pas- Itecent despatches fro he students, label,, and offered �ts ha ter for Foreign Affairs, and the transplanted into the deld. Sowing
in ve convinced themselves dearth Sbuiers and crew were sa�ed. the N.Teso- high as $.35 per month. The average of ef of cor and beaus should be ma�e`
th��ir grdo:ns. Woo(l tsht�s Potamian front have reported a Brit- _,reals in Ukraine owing to insuf- !all, French and Russian Ambass- The E lections Committee -considers is age paid was $18. dorsinLoadon. It set forth in detall very,week during this month. in 113otaAi n should not. be the Yukon election question a purely aqvance UP the Tigris river to w It is expected that 15,000 boys be- ficiolilt sowings nd the fact that 'die aashc egal one and ands it to the judgos. the territorial s are of no use OF, vkuk, after considerable' wall property�.owners have buried b c011cessiOn$ dematided I wit], tI T rks. and 19 will Y Italy before that country entered gardens 'e U Enzell, which lies tween the ages of 14 Lhe"ir grain. The circular ad,dz: To Eradicate Bad Wee'ds. waa,vainst the Central Powers. If troubled with mustard In Iraig; I iss Jennie E. Nelson, of paris, available this spring for farm rk "The peasants who -ire nearly at[
to the eastZird of Kirkk, may in- . wo. the
the or Station died'suddenly while acking dicate an attempt by the Turks lit the provin a. The ininim It the 20 p.c. so 't�oai brau'ch of thL 0- ual Wag armed, are hostile to Germany, crons, spray wit U W househ;ld, furniture preparatory to attack the British line of comatu this year w -11"31)e $15 per alonth, Avith c Food Crisis past, of frou sulphate, (2 bs. of Iron Sal -
tor thc� qoVon moving. ations therefore are ris river. board. It is hoped that every farmer n.on-existent. phat-3 to each alloil of vater). it
No- Dr� Frorac L. Briftain presented who caumake use of the services of a such spraying is to be effective it'
ationtlis an, vattied � cations along the Tig' It is Possible, however, PAIS, May 20.—Victor Beret, the JanC, that in the course of 0�1r present anti French Food Minister, was sked bv ry his animal report at the meetin�- 'High School
boy will mike early subseq the Associat ust be'don�e early just when the,' Gel-inan ue3it ad-vance reater supplies ed Press Yesterdi,y what the BurE",aU Of IMUniCipal research titly. application through the District T ta I ]&lay 20-.�Tutiny'js re- y bo df effect tha first threc, metless da.?_1 arst mustard plant 14155; nt, lzcoverbd and that by arm- S in the field areJ'
v;,i I Repi,esentative in order that he may (,,d -forces better rasults may be ob- terminating Friday bad upou coming into flower, 1-0 Yesterday. e diappointed. e over tained. In any case the hoped for replied. The Governor-General and ),,11,ty Pofted among Gernirt reggiments ,,,t not b There ar situation in France, He Good cutivation followed by rape, Aftor in jlltaQ,� of somj� will visit Niagara Falls 1 -lay 27t1a We§enberg, Esthonla, Several offi, 150,000 farmers in 011tario 'and only I in i) rove raent of our food supplies S "It means that our �,,w, boll't ttLe middle of June iu�
a�xay t h(,r ho a me hore L a 15 000 boys to 9-6 round st� th brave boys inches apart at the- -and r main until �he 20th. They,wiLl een killed, A is said. and, your
'The German high command, fm- faLuer will be the one who speaks a wis, eXllremely Problematical." the froat ,will
also visit St. ties and Wellam. I drills about 26 sday May 15th I _qenc,e-
atzrta �Slpr�ll a �! ol 82 peace Of has bee� mediately desptced forth receive all 'he moat Pecessary Irate Of 1��, pounds per pro_� e Si trustworthy quicidy—Dr. W, A. Riddell, Ont,arlo Fulfilled 'Missiori,' Did Not 11eturn. ivides means of enadicating perea- 11' troops to Wesenber, to trengthen them for tile rduo,, d b,cen a resident: of this �se�ctior, gred by�Rournauia ad the -Ind arrested Labor Dureau. -nearly !I ter ,If a out 200 of the, mutineers. Ten of L e o whi b task, of beat,"111,1- sow thistle and twitch, grass. Powers, The terms t c L "R ot - May M — The men, A,ho plete rot., -ZOWn to farge hb_z�t forced to sul ere,conoleraned to death. An- not tuelu w -ied out the raid on Pola and tor- urns yet e- alic were very cal i -ri UY Occ Ger Pray t J!udghig from tbc fi�gures Diry ob�J:ers for junc. other uti urred in., Get a S ceived bu
13 harsh. man pedoed an Austrian battleship -ell sent i, 'oni the Prls, regiment t Dvlask, t' -ed :the � unusul �honor confer- :_Vear a�O. A 11,11"IT) b(, of g�'01,, �if Rev. A, L. Ceggic, of Tot which Avas Th' I 11 ,, S in clover:or good June -grass Onto, was SUI 7 le tim,0 of year wbon I ne nd CQw us I L n say:that t�e pasture require very little attentjou,� , Ughters survive her. 91 ave of bsi rif6d "y atten' red'of the Pat-Intion of their narnes in five months' le� ported by prisoners vho,had retu conintand the Outlying thretening This is tLe ideal: onth f6r by the Presbytcry to engage"in wor f the interior of Russia, grower. Everyone the Adminalty Their s s o C1. Ili France witholut '_!,,�'ur�'e'from the VePartment was carrIed out with tbe ere are anyi lh,uld p, rank �or Operations. if th In- realost kill and bravery aiid croN,m_ �Ot daybe,'cw�.efull to cool' Summoned by Dillon. spray calend
British Y.M.C.A. given for th AV e success it Inerfted. eel r Grato secured,, DUBLIN, TMay 2 0. —John Dillon; of fruit tre'es 1 did aot return. they cannot h y col� well 'water. Chl dren Ii,ectio S are e e,d ith th milk and cream,' by �eftlng ja -i
C r y Cauvasse s in 'T Thev
spray ng. of ll kinds 20_Gera a water, or
1$140,0,S1 on'the first day of th� Ped, head of the --h Nationalists 'Sour milk� -and last. s%ummorted a meet L ops 11 ang e FOR has d cream are too frequently Sent to,
IFLETCHER'S Iris IFund' drive,' 'ion of Ous 1, ectr-'(y EO return --but they were Tri ab,j, the: prepara 11VC, oceupie� Bi,,rko, an' is- ing, O' the vari pared to car- jrish. party to discuss the at! n ',s to signal their contrades tha Lory" Don -t. forget to, w Irtight"S� meetipg r the 0*1f Of` south. of the flacA and fungleldc ri Id i L lIcream separator -,,ad strai situ 0 b 30, 't were pT'_ Ontarlo'i ash tile? 1 � § - . . , 4 , � �00 _ oh�Ccf hd beea att d
tOr aft r' each IIe,4