HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-5-23, Page 4pertrnt Evens Whic t have Occurred C9urataa Baa tr 1 )�y T t1c> "TheMeasles n 1,0wn.,A0 appetite, could night, a0,? 1 took a severe settled o tt my lungs, so U csk itIt t c about � a my houses Myr doctor advised roe to take and six bottles restored ::r}ei'! tray housework, g„ Viaol is :the ln.i. used.';.....AAice ReR4`a' „ 2`f ew Cast1e:s Iiid, tee this w-rorade.:ui cod tonic, Vino!, for all ' n, nervous conditions., RE G1S'J. EXETER -1 st waaY:..;Sar +,.a ci1 ttrIO tett g e 04,11. A SY$T tigt orlcl's alrp,erainigs Care - pile cl ad Put Into servos and='tttPartiro Sbiapo for Readers of Adair Paper oh€1 Llour's I.:alycxytarerlt. TLDAY. 31erica,Ii ? unlit wzt daz xplo d s s :a bo, of Toronto for the fourtta . •ear azi to send ig Sub- rr ie Bolshevik Zf€ni giving Poland aonao' the Germans, lard eh afire at mak, direct hii Zeebrugge mole and burn large tan Ost-'Ial seaplane base; 2llgtat Commander Brooke Bank Toronto. has been awarded the Milt - tar's Cross for gallant work, Garman tPnerar; Staff : is abo tt to sign a new political, military and ocoi.',,or"''.v agree.'''z:o4 with Austri£i� g a ray 0 e 3r`i.'m7 Cou3 t„J.e `.car€'crz5vi€b,. Ro lit- ?:omist and: f5lruror Deputy er of the Buttals figure of Com-. i dead. • Hug hes of AustraYia has I'acI e port in Aerica. "'ay to the 'wax corzf+3r Laur«er wert ,ha sa>s o towers cn the e..eas on e;g rosy-, tee) 'Gra e ar ,1zt0 ;Nath, of I.atttla- . the ss, alne te b`t n t?ik t1 regralailtaras l:arepaLo; of ,9. Coughlan eouver was destr Watson Bros.' herr'. #0; ^r. The s'itipyarc Itptit,.`''-.fdt>.t 00, and '#1) -"e000 - large ; ,000;large :•aarneries, with a aaael (if 27,300 eases of canyeti salmon, raiinlet-able dishing boa s and gear„ and a large' part of til!e .own of Steveston, were hest oved in the Are of Tuesday, s Fioda 1' . causing . about 4 440,00e0. znb;ol i s plant i V zau also fae- lessis afkel;S' cnetaI rains i ester"7,''Provinces .aGaa l'leEV; of farmers.. €*rot incial aid for tb b re -bred ' horses potation- of Ontario itsar before Sit �i illin ltr,y t • A, steq,ner" Ott*. 4.{:.ffi s` and, Me 1} 4111e { a zard a l xrredita*tare Forea day morning at a port. The -.t R, arbi;a•a eozaeluded yes e d a: a Sir tilliate Nieredrth a the award would be real' future - The Central coded that +nembe,sh;p au the 'al prof.ssion does not constitute area- sonabie ground, for e_xe;,riation, Prem military service. The o itratt for P.14414.,tWexioza or a d copper xk Fal: Que.. torr" '140 Nickel Corporation or :ta on7lrletiort before the s a out th vel u bre a,ei; ad au Atlantic ing was <and. tot., cc ad_ S OSt, Pr Ma .,ABOR is 1 Ie 1�9i`°ar L li Conv°enier yu /14I n Bit] PROBLEM nee i?I' :3zn. rifaa Has Suitable for :yip; Qatari+.. (Co.anribxttrd by Ont N,g rieutture; lois QLE: s'ioN p as n 05Y n/tre as Hats Deaartarent 0 ftr .sed i€}ur L!e'adls: SOI, Labor and .o a r ns t t:o*a, he d+`;rc c„> of Glint te, Ca trate is Ci3ocerne(I; roti cent nCroially iii, gaert or old Ontario, south oC a or , 1'ar^ry Soundto Ot- a; ii fact. there are commercial izards prcadacta ;g fi^bit at a pro& ous!tierabl€ zlr;`tF r north than this, i ny people thank of commercial aap- ,:_z trds as bee n.,gec fi a _ e. . x 11- con- e milder parts of the pro- d to the lake districts, but fact is worth eine as.zing that haft'e varieties of apples suitable f0ciinereial eu'ture in every collar• of old Ontario. The winter 1 trdi_ e of the iaan,^ yo ielles g,ro vn ar Shout Oait.`r o is now very s,vell stabliiehed, and it, is possible to se- d r, Mies which will be hardy for s. he Ca.` titan d -4 Gerious eRsr :i Outer 4Ekl rt°ti° 04 lona 10 Sever', a;azi- and, eats of flat oljogr'apliy o areas alp ,fir cotzt;ties of On - or rd�t( r^B 21ror°e or less nn- a apple orchard- () f.'i',i fat ebaracaer`- coun:ry is much to be tid, so that oreaaards can he from frost by t:he better e afforded. t Ge of varieties for L-arlotks be trade the =.ul3.lect of bee ne raasaro roll fide srf drain The 'e district I ler n t t e Utilized for Food for the Hogs. MILK IN THE WARM WEATUER Proper Care of Dairy Froducts Vin the Slimmer Timo--'Threshing Gangs Will it Delp t0 'Relieve Farm Labor Shoartatge?--Work Is to Be Initia',t- ed This Tear., eon ted by Ontario Departure artculture, Toronto.). RE pen is mightier than ha the. sword — especially when It has a pig in it Then muI tiply ” that pig by 40,000, Mutt ilaiy this again by 2.00, lbs., and sari mpasirag total of 8,000,000 lbs, ss eaehed—mare pottlads` of pork, deed, than were exported by Canada.;, shortly befare the war. Yet Outerlo could produce that huge quantity by utilizing a valuable food cotaxn0dity at at present is almn$t entirely wasted the garbage of our aoirhs: arad cities. This is the evidence given by a commission appointed by the Agri» cultural Section of the Ontario Or- ganization of Resources Committee, to bayestigate the feeding of garbage to swine. The eolmazission consisted of J, i . Drethour, Burford; '. W. Jo'ir.:s,, Vaaiker �itle, and Justus, 1" ilder,enToronio, These genxieRzert, have lately ;V(atrned frQpil 4 tour, inlerieaa cat whets garbage 4; to h9.,q 4 tlnlol. EFnta 4191ra$M`u ' not tO gamy longel"'lh the tht(r. `1'hev .:bent points of the report which bas been prepared regardii; their findings are brief rt (ll 'fiat _huge has a food value of betweesa slack w;l a ton; (2) that it shoult be zea entirely untreated, ice., that et be heated, washed oe that residents of towns here garbage is to be ted, to their garbage, Placing table recuse only in a separate con. ainer; (4) that for every 100,000 of population a minimum of 6,000 ons of garbage is produces each! }-ear, whieb wiii feed 3,©00 bogs, (5) that the double treatrnent (se- rum and virus) for bog vitelert m 4 be g 5 f u to. make e ;bo plaza ieasi;,ple. A, s tail percentage itaage of out gni l;e t?a'i'il tell ¢u tta�ss tllleu b> &l for e )r ral cAuapelled to la -aa> tab tbo Uiigg;_k t serf County.. 0 X w sal of t+ais elte R PRI e. f stat nti ;riirrrae 'tip `rtiyinott nt�ariri.. csat the en 0, The: , egoism Depot Lei - to big - al* in .New tttt tc trafUo xreaad2tnt r CELA.N, .t'r(nb psi, k ar (1prices ` ed rand (fence45 e rand ffenc 40 c rrtar d T nee 5 ,.r rod barb star>_. anti brace -in e posts as los, prices, :naso 0 and .I0 toot Anchor, posts. Let e to bot= a o -.i my Sr°ic_s on, all kinds o; lumber and shingles: Place your order now zar what Fertilizes you: zaeed, .I TILIZEB 830,00 Phone 112, A. rA %T { IZ H G} ANION b3DA7,SELABD +A:h DF,PO11ATDD ioapi, Harvey�� G. Young, .=an of John 13, Young: Eases Lane. T Ianshard. was ;recently granted the D.S,O:tohilef nerving os the M.O. el an advanced dreaming station. The officil report nays (that "He established an ascan- edi post: under a hoary barrage and tv:as untiring during two days in'ev- anaoting over found hundred wound erl," 1Cagt. Yoaug took ` los M.D. at 'Toronto University in 1.0:16 and was an noterne at the General Hospital e'lore going overseas, or : ants and Children. ver 3 ''ea?'s ase e Ys hears ire e; i between Great lath 0 Jurymen, asSetri,blsd to sit at an In- quest 0n; "John Srnxr t .°' reported to have been ltiilcd In l`e : Toronto, but the supposed fatality was found to bae�e not occurred, A state of siege, lea;; bean ordered Qt Srnieho',4, ,ii suburb rb of Prague, Bo - rola, where 150 women w=ere sent to prison. for tacking part in ;znti-Cov- er Cov- alent demonstrations, ,4fr. :Eiowar�d Folio, an extensive traWeller in Indra, in an .ti#ervier, aflv`ie.'a.terl 1.10t�.'ia' mt11t'' for that eotin- tr , and stated that twent.s million iightIng men could be raised. Windsor has decided an raising by n .1,L mills addition to the tax rate the money required for immediate patriotic: uses, rather than by a .5?0,- 000 debenture issue on public cam.- paigns. The tC'nited Farriers of AI'sr i is exec',itiive committee expressed un- qualified endorsat:on of the action of the Dominion Government in cancel- ling the exemptions of men of 20 to 22 years. A notice of expropriation under the 3 ar Measures' Act is in the process of being'served to secure possession of St, Andrew's College as a military hospital, and a million dollars will be expended on buildings. Two colored men were arrested in Toronto, who are alleged tc have trafficked in drugs, and $900 worth was discovered in a suitcase, believed to have beets purchased in Montreal, anti intended for the United States. '.fEFURSDA.Y. T. Ambrose Woods, a yell -known Toronto sporrsnian, died at his home, The' army and navy veterans, in convention at Winnipeg, have formed a Dominion organization. Fifteen cents a pound has been fix- ed as the cosi; of Government fish un- der the "cash-and-carry' system, In an explosion at the Oliphant Munson collieries, in Alberta, John Brownrigg, manager, a blacksmith, were killed. Of 226,490 pounds of food destroy. ed in Toronto hotween April 4 an,d, 29,the greater part was lost throw, freezing: in transportation. The laying of rails on the Bloor. street viaduct in Toronto will be pro - ceded with, a;cordiug to a (derision by ibo Ontario Raaiway-Hoard, The Now.York Times announces its>2dve1LiFing columns that copies of its latest -edition wilt: be :forwarded 10 1, aShingtoi`, hT airplane every Raar05114'• 03 11,657 ca.s appealed from eaec to,, toe Central' Appeal Judge s. g da le la oi tit ar e Use ned after luncheon. in Drees train traits Toronto and a reight hound for Treoton, at 4.05 a.m., Fireman Butlaud of the eX- press, residing at Trenton, Brakeman "Martin of the freight ero rs sold- erer- ONDA T. O. Knott, a leading I estate and insurance agent in. London, is Stoeks tobaeco in, Bavaria are OW and_ will be exhausted by the end f the month, Central Toronto Ora in large numbers attended s Cooke's Church. Toronto's contribution to the Red Triangle Fund has ../ready reached the total of $534,000. S. E. Holliday, Mount Forest, was instantly killed, being run over by a roller he was driving. Ralph Ostrom, Toronto, was, after an exciting chase, arrested by the police charged with the theft of a motor car. The Canadian Officers' Training Corps at Laval University, Quebec, has been conaoleted 250 men hav- ing enlisted. A memorial tablet to the late Rev. Dr. S. Harper Gray was unveiled in Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Toronto. J. J. Cunningham, retired assistant general freigut agent of the omorlo Olootreol died at his home 13rantford. Advices from the Maritime Pro- -toes are to the effect that farmers are not sowing- as tunch land in wheat s was hoped end. expected. The war treaty bet WeE)11 Prance, Italy, Britain and Russia ha; been -ea Ly; t Manchester Guard ia \bout 1,500 men' and women t (tie on strike la wiDitip,eg, treight-ha.ndlers haying gone out on Saturday, while some other unions 'lave voted to strike. Sosepla Parent is dead, his brothez baurant may die, and three other per- sons were injured, as a rei=ult of an automobile overturning inio ditt.b aetir Tecumseh, Lack of white seameo has obliged the Britisla authorities to arrange 10 man the Imperial 'Munitions Board's wooden steamships building in Bri Columbia, with Chinese coeavs. re beets with to le and to the eveloping markets of the prairies, the more rapid has been the development of commercial city may he desirable, but if better 1 and climate are to be found at istance, the more *distant location s likely to be preferred, provided ransportation facilities are good. Some distriets in Ontario possess xcellent conditions of soil and cli- mate, but are lacking° in transporta- tion facilities, and until facilities are available tittle development can take ace commercial oreharding. Labor Situation 'Very Acute. At the present time the labor sit- uation is acttte, and is rendered more so from the stan.dpoind of the apple grower by virtee of the emphasis which, very torrectly, is being placed food stuffs. The labor shortage will result in the majority of small orch- ards being more or les.s neglected. But the large commercial grower of apples has been in difficulty for years over the matter of labor supply, For commercial orchard operations on Sizable basis, it is necessary to be within reach of a temporary supply of labor for apple piclting. Otherwise it becomes necessary to build dwell- ings for men and their families so that a supply of labor may be always available. The difficulties' of the labor situa- tion at picking time can be lessened considerably by the planting of Yarie- ties which ripen in succession, and by taking care to get the right pro- portion of each. A large area of one variety ripening at one time is ex- tremely difficult to handle. -- Prof. 3. W. Crow, Ontario Agricullural College, Guelph, The Forehanded Beekeeper. In March the careful bee- keeper will find a great, deal to do in the way of preparing next sea- son's supplies. All used appliances should be put in the best of shape and necessary new ones secure.d and prepared before. the busy spring sea- son arrives. New supplies necessary should be ordered at once, The bee- keeper's supersare his barns, his bees are his harvesters, and given barn - room they will harvest his crop with less risk of weather injury than farm- ers expect in almost any other crop, Without sufficient barn -room ,a per- centage of the crop will be lost. Con- tainers sufficieut for the large crop that may be expected next season should also be ordered at this tirrie. This applies particularly to_ present r -time conditions when supplies of etaterial are uncertain, Canona has talc tbject Detailed o nil prohibited t donh noe re allow tio- double atment. TVA the milk bufaltess. safe It lutist 1,a). drawn from t cows --preferably thoee havo raiised the tuberetilin test; the stable,. Pasture and all surroundings must be clean; the utensils which come in contact with the milk must be clean; the persons handling the milk should be a living advertisement of eXemplie fled. cleanliness; the delivery wag- gon; cans, measures„ ete, should he clean, In order that aseurance of safety may be doubly sure, it is ad- visable to pasteurize the nailk„—that is, heat it to 140 degrees to 150 de- grees F. hold at thls temperature for twen'ty to thirty minutes, then cool to 5 0 degrees F, or below and hold at this temperature until deliV- ered to the consumer. Pasteurized milk is the safest kind of milk for benna.ns to drink. The person buying railk hag certain duties in order to ensure a sate pro- duct, e,specially for children. Among these may be mentioned: Placing the milk at once on delivery in a refrig- erator or cool Cellar protected frOm dust and odors, and by keeping it in a tightly -closed vessel—preferably in the milk bottle covered with au in- verted glass tumbler, or special cov- er; the top of the milk -cap should be wiped to remove dust before taking it from the milk bottle; no more milk should be taken from the supply bot- tle than is required for a meal; any "left over" milk Should not be put into the supply vessel after the meal, as this will likely spoil the whOle of the milk on hand; milk taken to a siak-room should not be used for any other purpose, except it be boiled and then only for cooking; milk bottles should be washed as soon as empty and be pronaptly returned to the milkmata—in. no -case sheuld- milk bottles be used for any other purpose in the house than, for holding milk. -- Prof. H. H. Dean, Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, Ont. Clydesdale ,Stailion, SCOTTISII; GEM Imp. 12550, 16250 Scottish Cern, Imp. Registered. in the Canadian Clydesdale Staid Book Briller of Ilay. Foaled in 1999, has been enrolled under the .Ontario Stal- lion Act. Inspected on the 4th day of December, 1917 ando found' to be sound, of good conformation rind an animal. typical Of •Lhe breed. The. celebrated Staliion will ta for the season of .1318 at his own stable, Exeter North, 11 00 DROPS Por jnfants. and Chiil'dren,, t Genuine Gas#orirr iia p he Pre rtetar}°orYatenk tedtc10 AYegetableeparatio 41' an..e t n h Foo �� i �.t, . s �.� •e�,tt�tggl0tolna�ekl a .�, !� todFAi�d'� PA C1�tt�1��tEt nom„ %"�,� e— ��( „ •t� 9i1Cheerf,Y, 4°4'49' l°4 4 � '10.0 ;ref r d nol* Qpitrni iR �, fpr.-a„tY6�'•+`lI , 'AL AND EVE C,OCO 9$ 1310 nehes C B OF CO ERC E SIR EDMUND WALKER.' CAPITAL PAID UP, $i5,000,0 0 RESERVE FUND, , 0 R JOHN AIRD,Ost Matter, 1 Your savings) deposited with this Bank, earn current rates of interest._ Savings account depositors are assured, of security and courteous treatment. Joint accounts may be opened by two or more persons,„ with the privilege of withdrawal by any one of the number. EXETER RANCH—A. E, EIGEMi MANAGER ' X, ft' Creditors Branch—j, Az Me Donald. Manager. k PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Auo- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate. Orders lett at Times Office will be promptly ate tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton„ Ad- dress. Eirkton, P. 0. O. W. EROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND Perth and Middlesex, Farm Stock Warerooms, mext door to the Central /Joie!, Main St. Exeter. Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed, S, Graduate Victoria I.TniversitIto Office and Itesidellec, Dominion Labra.tory, Exeter, (Associate Coroner of guron Barrister, Solicitor Notary Publie, cOmmissioner, So'licitor for the lolsons 'Hank, etc, Money to Loan at lowest rates of Interest, ( OFFICE—MAIN ST!, EXETER, 0,N.T. MONEY TO LOA We have (a large amoont of private -, funds to loan on farm and 'village properties, at 'lowest iratele of FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE 'NADIR+ Head Office, Farquhar, President, ROBT. 'Vice -President, THOS., WM. BROCK. J. L.1BussgLu 0077 AGrE JOHN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent trl— OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent f peaty-Treas. Farquhar, Solioitors, Exeter, DENTIST c'e Tionor Graduate of Toronto Daiver- ing'slLaw Office. Closed Wednesdy,ti. afternoons. Phone Office 5a and BeSidence 5b. Honor aduate of Toronto Univer- , DENTIST lre.eth extraoted. without pain," - any bad,- effects. Office over Gla'd- Exeter, ,