HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-5-23, Page 3'Rw
T ggy�y��A TURN TO
Bronchitis comes from anegleeted cold,
and shirts with a short, painful, dry
cough, accompanied with rapid whcesing,
and a feeling of oppression or tilatness
tlarou; lr the chest.
You have, no doubt, wakened op in
or ring and have had to cough
several biles to:'Faise the phlegm. fro
Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this
department. initials only wilt be published with each question and its answer
as a means of identification, but foil name and address must be given in each
letter„ Write on one side of paper only. Answers will he mailed direct if
starpped and addressed envelope is enclosed; - t
Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Heieh Law, 230
Woodbine Ave., Toronto.
Marys -1
lila shades are not too suds and pare ail Ilia thiel epislermi$.
th bronchial tubes, and have found it badly soiled you can clean then', with Be careful and don't pare too closely-
gray, _ nis t pieceof,, enilothore
cliowwnsh or g_�7`, gr�<; h color,
y a of art gum or a brand -hely Repeat the applications
b haw*d cP
e husband" and <"" �t•tber thinks
of hisr,raoney than he dots of his
awl' children.
't'he fnxmer sometimes 1ias a laaz '
idea that such et1uil)rnent is expensive
and difficult to install. The hot-wa-
ter system
ot-ovater'system and shining sink and bah
room fixtures which he sees in the
city names, look complicated and he
fears his ability "-to take care of them LL
properly, to say nothing cat installing
them himself. He also 1ias the idea
that a Icitful of special t ;s, will be .,
reciuired to install them.
This is wrong„ The installation of
a hot-water system, with sial aanf�
bath, is really a very :simple opera.
tion land any farmer who can coat anti
and ycru eve reached relief right away, white eraser. This, of course, ti ill Lister° ---"Yes the need is desperate, thread a pipe so as to hake
r r . are Jortt and . who will follow <
not curc;d inameiiaate1y may turn into tivhat the shade experts themselves re~ more than9,000i000 people in Bel- caiefuily, ` should have
nr c nanox iia or some more serious
Tills is a. f rsn of bronchitis, which if take a good bit o£ patience, ;but ,v`
t ;is a• n<eed. Do you known tkta•
., e,nere
us troulai commend, Just erase the ,dirty If glum and :Northern France who are installing ouch i system,,
T t11e sh <les as•e t e • darty try the old aaractically tivithout bread? And \Olaf `-he use of, ssnap.e compression
Gure_she cold with Dr• Wood's s Norway p not s
reliable soap a..d wvater. Dause da you think Ilia axaela o £tile British joie �# ' done away moth •the neeu
nine Syrup and thereby prevent bran- ,
ranch wafer ,but appy the lather on a 'w'iereantile a4larine have done? They for stao Ial''• tools' and skill ixi handling
Mr. E jaarri New anl%tai d, Sask.. *, !sitz s .a lz 3 lit t ran itavestzre a� °r exp eniies;- `'I was troubled t tags, with sive special, t01s. P..e whole oetlav
.i 4 ,- coan1d,tlti � �t lal;.e a lace of linen.
utd � � r<;:aef, � �'�' � cantsle Mamie have to have tlaeac ra-
taaals cot, surely people . u 4
or eat, faf,ean or tvg j;dollars and :Host of
ai e*hi a� +<> stip # e coag :an Gor. . e Saes w „� ,g
� " • , ata ':� z0 thein.
t', tickling in ray throat. lie g - ww•ill come bac
t Wood's Bine R <remocre wT leen
i a Lottie o. 3)r. Norway . I, S., Pitexe :s azo wto .
Zi hates Feathers—Starvation , an
F'u • 'ae is tlaearetl `t .
Chita and pneumonia taking bold on cloth wsaung out in hot water and j a Making is
have a r tl;to a reduction of nf,,y Per lead pipe; and Makin g wiped joints.
your stem. o pieceatti w AlI cent, in t, li meta allowance. ? wheal . There is no necessity o£ a plumber's
}• a:oec`an c. small. a L1ane. . • s "'
dela cats e swash- . r
„-Qi and'Yrs^.... Iiia �+leZ6tas9�IiMYi r7'f 411x; .�r1�L. S,. � -... -
'h 4
bronchitis and ca OVAR y s with "hers for vr0rlln r aterzaa need not be over
1 was espeetially bad haw a damp dad,, a he green mi t ra nal* ggest th' l"f 'ou press l the o£ Canada 0
1 went to a druggist,and asked ktam, �glt�.+ 3 �p
will male the small sacrifice i ,� ;u
h la d tIa h d w>h31e damp the st Fneaa ing less bread and meat, and sub- .e, .lszaal1y eaxs, rented f_orn pP
stitpting fish and vegetables. ho'uses..
a".dSLi3 ata' .+ r
tth, which 1 found' gave uu the hair erxn :neatly, without the use ` , a . a_ s„ae:cs a...i.
think"s the be «�,� ei. _ i , ' Europe not 1 s 1 ,.
p bronchitis i rt , sl ,,l XF kc, of # e alae" a n { rased e, Ir au la.eaen d.ispo_a, ,s3.
Paaa t know Ile of
the i.; ,• . ; a Feaa€her, It is only too real. It has
r o arae!-" • the hair or, the 1111 with peraxsdc au a tby an expert that to" wear..
circ.! aa$ww z- rs tauve a llo bst of it n kt i,, itwill. 1 good i kaeen esttanaUed I
+ substitute s.. " -fele ammonia. wwi,l make i s >_ f far tv''a or
.i .. a.. F,il?Stat�t-e i�awr' .t%1:,' I ni . about, {Sk,R,t °�0 an.ers:ans l2a•.w'e died e .
DO 110't � g
•. fi s: fi :. x � rr rn• R'w. '�'�. 414 - �t less coos-sic/rot 4,I��Aelk!wAse 1. :�.. ,; . +�'„x '” e Sat1CP ,,k .,, zarrner �"5%�•
fiio0ai.., I_ rs las y I. :, as =,..hoax n s I aryl ze w.ar ,.,,.,:
aro- er• 3 ra;ne trees Iii. trade Maar p% ' could' g0 to a reliable siaawct list, "YOU u
began„ :vha.d about 4 250,000 nave been «ox§e dr
mice 25c. and ilc.p aha $q 'ed on?Y can get a depilatory Powder at Gine
Powder ilted in Corn/ioxg You neve:: thought t -h
�r�•'1'ise`£.:ilalbzzrraC•o.,k;aiq}teSC;:TvrontcnA d - : x I xc*1ll s�esrove he „aar
rlt tz ino t n•
at -
;at hunger a having i.lIed off more
er two, hit it will eurne 040
tai to a: xelt n ; drag
(;tang t4 1
heat, Thickly Sown, I
Found Very Effective.
By, a, smother erop is meant a aro
gown for the purpose of rmotherin:
out no -Sous weeds. Couch grass ofte
1 i ot biesoase, but canb
ae . very e � t 'r
ontroiled h, the arse of a sissotio.
ara;a. i',aekvrheat is 'v'ery ranm.atily°
hared for this purpose. It is So',wl
tI*41: ^ on well Prepared la:ao'1. It
comes up aluaeklyF and grow: rapidly, plaec
a rel t?lal v L e wee - ry little irig
eppoxt:Rtl'a'd ors remove; ik
Which it-
wlacut laoaaidl
effpr 43l~adattla
'1,1111;•001,16,..,, 1°,c`V'd
e' p t,o gros
cry p'a wilier.
Nc t,.r1, is really
Grateful,. end if R it,
.ghat' we're here tor, 1 Canada
ine spilled on the wwhte E Pc-- eena ,
gap1e than Germany's Otis' did -au 9
i wwartla pondering; owe
Rd �m-lait by b C
quite a fish sting
of the efforts
ood Board no 'less
r.°e, o t of the total catch i
Hca the anodic
rrizn in it you rah goj'Western Provinces since Jana
ou i niu%-Ing the stain the same a bus heel) cansnmed at home, as coni
anfi you remove 'Iron -rust pared with only 15 per Bent, last year
��y, Y`�,3 ;S�fi1Ri€1 an l a lax,-
r �
Mttinl, Lemon and alt might not be This has resulted nal. a very ars-
. g ooh h although `on mightl sawing of meat,
o..g <,na g b
t1y this bast. Sprinkleh the stain 3, A. D.: Your, ten -yea
„ ; share
waste salt, nloistenww: with lemon ,juice and : nano,, contribute her to
seal, t3aore lemon juice he termini -neat by recitingthe f
eossar;;- If this doesn't; lit -le poem;
R tai salts of lemon, to lie SMING' AND Si,• 11 mt
the bee - a bought n tha drug store in crystal',
3a;di v.cry`,rtrm. Immerse the stain in as solnti P3z Is up,
rear.c..z car lttcink cin ee asehalf ae n; Asa,: rain! of'the. Ts .at not a pity
re is
eon^,es t0 i1«stal'ting 11ae
e _5 f a sevua a
waste n p ;rr �
,em, £x might ne advisaMe
le ' se m ices of a plumber
three days hut. alaeless a
nforst to hi: -e Sonia
i a` •s waiter system
me; even
Cesary, li
e Qucl water -I`
an lig...
„trent sys-
sli ttld he t1- i
t lar tht
irougiz hi
t ;lase irt+s
ildin; rat' tin
a rihllt to a
Lind et.
en--, an,erxt.
CANn 2&i
ot:t to
i ;:niv faDrnal:... ww'E1rl'
'rttuetia to
• far 31: w, as p e �Illtrii-- i•°, t -s The r•uhu a
being ild3T,i U.eyb tha
nils lean df Corny tore in Dun -1
oaiptw. "Ihc ltuet wr'#Ieat wau soGwu
g: i:1te o#' dna e laatshel per :lyre, I$
it c lw smothered out the weeds i
Hawke, gave as wail
daf g aiaa
it cut anti it ft,
ra* autunilr. Crt Ilii tgaatust a
in tt inti In sowwin s
and that i-�, it tnta;3t la:
to n ;lz to n'iother th
•%-s" a9
s rinse))
She wwaa s.UG11 a little tls#ilz asa �fansT,ik of w ?q:z nzaNttiCl hall
^e.n lis iiia Hears, ¢ hen ri nse„ ) And .sovery prettyl,
n r , : About the fifth,' Summer is extremely grand.
ly.,ll"w'`e 1 nidi 'Ilia pro- ass - We must pay her duty,
Seth klt.t; t is Sprirb4;t
avw+eoi Tisi;at eIsato awes liar b warty g
ltrttrlttw for the Children.
Tito oircrnlaatiorl of "Twenty
dlinrt ".rectae," at boo!,, for school chit
chert or their seniors, issued about two
year.; ago by the Canadian Forestry ,
Association for free distribution, has c
rcaehed its seventeenth thousand and
-will soon he over he twenty -thousand
rnarl:, -Recently, Boards of Education
have been purchasing extensive edi-
tions o£ this little book forresenta-
'don to the senior children. The!The Wife tail Children ... Entitled „ v
School Board of Sault; S.to. Muria, Sayer. terplay of Wit, las now one now Srna-
Onnw,, ordered 1,200 copies. By I. 1V. Diel:ers0n. other member of the audience put, inn
a word of inquiry and the teacher, ap-
Ask the women of: any good farm -1 closets , belies' heatrns;• ait<i electric„,,,t,,, R the question or e n0.>in4 the
teeth ipr eeeale the upper,
cls 1' two cor three ass
getiofttb,7 appear las .P1-
h o=rder of their eruption rs as,
tows: Upper :et--tswa eentrol itleie 1
between the seventh araar tenth
t ris ; twva
canines,, betwwea+n the.:
th nssd s x;latetintln zn r:wttts; twwa,
!best` atlra,nes, u4,tww e twweaat"lath 4 i.
gt t t1e
oen Lit
.eth of the y sons
wwta k73e.at1thw. f°:la'lil
the uliper ones.
;vtri h .� TEw rc rcw.e boniona be� !leaving us so lonely',
sur o your shoes 3 t properly, and re. In the place of little Spring
any pressor r•laat there may heal We'll have Summer only',
P'rota o t• the joint ww.it"h a felt ring. Re Summer with her lofty airs,
(Wee the inflnmmatiorz with tincture', And her stzitelyr faces
iodine , and then apply benzoinated Tn the illnee of. little Spring
Soak your feet in hot soap -1 With her childish graces.
I1 the buds are is.w�wwlr„
Trees are daar'it arzdl shady.
It is Spring who dressed
droit gra,
Such alittle lady!)
nil the birdssing land ar<1 st
'Iiacir enchanting' n.ting bis'tz
It 'ss Sprint who t
Such a singing mistress.
Spring is growing up,
lit` to
My 3YS!°r1
bet d
,tgIPt y. 1
• 'tall€satin
ta°..r lis 32C'
h0 sY to ta#i
et t c mor1 tri
wwrall ra�tz 66tiia*ut i
'her M.tti I:t at
is V
lsg a<12zP-
!rA,tS: 10 ,ger
to the face o active,
test fro
That s
ten `years
the beard which grow
e c�t
ce e
a vel different
�, e
es has done r than
The man who oes e 1
beard gr�> thick sun -curet a
ani out it
mostc�� s��t�.c�� � his fir -
Such an edge . t
r`o i g ! How has;
handle for a light o
neatly ' o rid.
jaw end
t iffes e fou can put
day to buy
Safety Razor
z: ash T
e s ave,
es ti -
11 Text, Mark.12.14;
Verse -,, Questioning togeth
e picture is that of the teacher ur-
rounded by a crowd, in, the temple
cinets, the utmost freedom of ques
and answer being observed, and e
zlc 'e eve
—he 's F
` ” 4
a I i
by no
the screw
i.'whieh the people .
dons as 'they' pwsed
pointed tempi tribute
or free.ivill. tor w
onse, temple dee
foringe, And bob
cast money .
t s. as copper coin
the masses hordlest
Araytime. ing e"amunitY what sPneial mndern lighting probably will in the fallacy, presses home the truth to the rich, eiTt 10 .1 rmitnit,/'
apple trees high I go coldiVenience saves -the most drudgery woke or a good water system. NO t f , muoa taut ,aw auo to .
so 'Ile
out Hoene -NI dealer may e .Sogar
cust se 120 days' supply only. Wholesale and
„ted, ore retail dostiors, and licensed maraufot.
to the rturers. using sugar in -their products-,
110 days
five mil
Farmers and all ot o
iiistanee of ton miles
vo talks of 1 ler. of grasS
"1:1111i2;e1s,,st"1.t111‘1';'111,tif:''''':\i's.c;t:ilitlie;5,;F:; rirfat:tarYcs 3,13.tn. '4,41!*.5,9"
a:n.1 less than ten rail '
GO dnys' supply ,
more frs
a early on r
1 ten days Ix ▪ o weeks ;
upon a
considered complete ing that he had auswered them \veil_ are tom, forlluming the ,i
; tomnie of more than a certain nropor- 1113V not have wore than su lament
an contributes most toward the com- system should be
fo -t of the family. At least nine w.ithout arrangements for hot water This scribe apPears to hare been an • '
swinging -
Up and away, where the birds are • tion of one's Poeeessions. It seenis sugar for the trade of 46 days. Ex- ,
ties in the home." Of all the home conveniences the puts iterth restion, not in the spirit
The blossoms drift down—zephyrs
laugh in the trees,
Ana drowsily comes the soft hum of
the bees•,
Oh, the breath of the lilacs in May -
time; Oh, May!
Stop longer! Stop longer! Don't
hurry away.
getables should not be cooked in
all iron kettle.
'°"(44eri BEFORE EYES
They stimulate the sluggish liver
dean the coated tongue, sweeten the
breath, clean away all waste and poison-
ous matter from the system, and prevent
as well as cure all sickness arising from
a disordered condition of the stomach,
Mrs. Joseph H. Therieau,
• N.S., writes: ---q was troubled
with it soar, stomach,. and took Eve vials
of Milburn s Laxa-laver Pills, and they
• My mother also used them for floating -
specks before the eyes. They cured het
also' aften\having taken four vials.' We
both highly recommend them to all
sufferers from diver troubles,"
1- Milburn's Taxa -Liver Pills ate 25o,
por vsal at all dealers or mailed direct os
receipt of rfric-i. by The T. Milburli•Cos
out of ten will answer "Running, -wa- even though it .may not be financiarly- onlooker, w o, no mg .
ter in the kitchen and bathing facih- possib e to do this at first. and correctness of JeStIS, replies, now lavish contribution of money to to denier from „Aron, it
'nave beeome the fashion to disolay ce,'S Rtir211' muss- be returned. at once ,
Why, then, is there otfiy a Small
. of criticism. ut wishing for a 1'04'
her loneliness. and poVerty, lost in the ' *
proportion of farro homes haying are the ones roost appreciated on the sponise to a t a qaer:t „ew.sa
these conveniences? farm as they aro in the city This 2ei throogirg but not 2,,est to the the price at which was sold,
time and drudgery in cooking', es o wort" in t e ouse an( on the card is esue responds at once ' ,
0 / Th or rise "i1aste-- Two =pot, .v.hich ever he the rower.
Rama ng stater th ouse saves , -tt se a tg ens -t. e ur- Iear srae . eor our rots the " " • • " "" ' •
and laundry -tvork, three of the tasks farm arid whi h h 4. -61 ."1-1 -t-To t ve r T ' re 'e • I- ol rages` to make 0110 Eng -
Puff Pastry Illegal.
' laeh penny, it 33,*ns the, smallest
1 the
which because of the la.ck of running comfort and selfrresp
th' was not now prohibited of manufacture:1
w,as alloyed to Th folloWing Productions, in which ,
ect of the the sentences used at the beginning of
water draw triost heavily on strength - costs a relatively trivia/ sum, inorning and evening p-ra",
=s; towarl aim= eo small a sugar is the principal constituent, tare
and vitality in preparing„ serving, The "efl;otia the first Hebrew word sum as a t'ingle,mit•es nu' 's
price of a gnod liog or an outlay
and clearing away after a meal for . of fifty dollars and about three or erna' •b oe for otner purposes.
tence The oneness of God f°1
five persons, water 15 'heeded III from: four days' labor will do away with ;IL orret.saeiglains,t 'polytheism. 43. Called unto him 'his disciples— crullers; Scotch .shortbrenos cakes;
t-tventy to ttventy-five operations.1 carrying water „from the- well and
30. Thou shalt loee the Lord thy
y he
than 5'0 per cent. cane sugar; marsh -1
These include washing ve'getables be- carrying: it away again after it hai,
Cod—This is the first duty of man HAD El mallow With more than 33 1-3 per
fore and after peeling, Washing cook-, been used. Seventy-five dollars added torward God and here is at the same,
Ing utensils, washing the hands, wash' to this will give the family a hot-wa-3time a revelation of the nature of God, , cent, sugar; cakes or biscuits iced or
ing the dishes and dish towels after ter sYstern attached to the rano:e and ;for it is only one who loves who de -i Cri rt d PliviPLES filled with sugar products. A tine of
the naeal. a serviceable bathtub with hot and mantis love; since love in hirn is su-;
is carried to the kitchen, dipped out Does this father whose bright boy duty. Ileathen deities were not gods penalties for the infraction of these
from. $100 to $1,000, or imprisonment
For each of these processes water cold water supply. ' preme he demands love as the suprenie; up to three months or both are the
h a ried to the pall or and girl are enterM ht t lv With -1.11 thy heoet I
g t a age when o e. • • • Boils and pimpF—es are simply evidences
of bad blood that is circulating in the
system coming to the surface.
The only way to rid yourself of these
painful and unsig,htly blood diseases
Is to have your blood Purified by Burdock
Blood Bitters. It removes every par-
ticle of foul material from the blood, and
the skin becomes clear and smooth, and
isato the back yard. Each of these,' they are most susceptible to ine s°n1- ' 05"n • • • t' •
—There can be no divided allegiance.:
• - d at leo-s•t part of a minute of either to love the farm and, to wish to Here' n a et ong way that
washings takes several steps smne lift. fluences for .good or evil, learning
all. our powers are to go forth in love'
liVith water available ;11/ -ad a sink for oet away at the first opportunity; 31. The second . . Thou shalt,
working, all this is very much sampli- whose_ wife has labored hard at his love thy neighbor as thy-self—This
, fled. The lifting of. water twice is side wiyh heart and hands in building second stands with the first as cam-
' practically eliminated", and the time up the farm and home but whose only pleting the idea of righteousness..
greater than these—For
I spent and' steps Laken are tremend- labor-saving derice has been a wash_ None other
the reason that at exhausts the rola-
misty reduced. In darl.:37 and loan- ing machine while he has invested in
dry work ;the lifting and tvallring are- everything he could find to make his tfloarleishriP000kfsmttatx•-'0' itwealigisi,auGsoddlalvtaYr' clthearned-1
perhaps greater than in coolting. Ali strbngLla go farther and his lab'Or nion'tvard. Noighbor, in the Jewish
this water, not less than from six to more efficient --does he realize that sense, included only his fellow Jew,'
seven bucketfuls each day, must be three or four of his fat steers will hot Jesus videns the meaning of
carried, some times from a distance give his wife and children hot and neighbor to fellow man. This wider
as great as two hundred feet. cold running water the go,oitocaitesnewa_ definition of neighbor is given by
k venient waiter supply not only beautiful bathroom and a tn the -Para') c °f
conseeves time and strength and ag'e disposal system with comfortable ,,SaHT,,:nllen18110'lvteano"f (c).1'01'1,cikainlei0u)dt,es'Aisa
health but is really a li:er whioh opens indoor toilets ?
the home to better Way6 living'. Are the steers so important that he (YUll'elrbilff.ebc'tiollosV'erbilatgatihnisst mic)tvae l'pofyeflolef
neig et as
'well the li(yuse3.3-ife knows that ()titer is to have hi -s; family sled him- se•i' with, which- Jesus' alloWs it to'
comforts suck). as hot 3vater, bathroom self raise these cortiforts? d vide the man.,
facilities, sewage disposal .and indoor If ,a,•;;;,,w ter -supply system, s v 34, Thou art not ,for m the
free rom all eruptsons.
Mr. Roy A. I3ovay, Trenton, Cnt.,
writes:—"Two years ago I. was "Very
11111Ch troubled with boils and pimples
on. my face and hOdy% A friend advised
me to take Burdock Blood Bitters.
got three bottles, and before had
finished the third one my boils and.
pimples had all disappeared, anid my
face and body were as clear and as
smooth ag any baby's could be."
Burdock Blood Bitters has 1)COT1 OD, the
market for over 4.0 years Yarrt are not
Qxperimenting wairn you bey -O.
l‘rtanufacturecl only by I no, 'I. 1\•111 --
sugar regulations, fines to be paid to
ties, whichever may institute the
proceedings. Excess holdings are ;
liable to seizure a.fter itriay, 5.
Red Cross Diatnond.
Among the valuables given in Eng-
land to the Red Cross to be sold for
its hens t one of the finest and
largest diamonds in the world. It is
of the tint known ae pale canary, a
color much sought by East Indian
The Red Cross, as the diamoml
been named, is probably the largest
yellow diamond in the world. When
discovered in 1901 in the De Beers
mines an Griounland West it svoig,hed
between 270 and 380 carats. now
inro an. original and bee 1,31 form in
burn Co., Linalind, 'P•ormit 0, Osat. Amsterdam.
Fe Yea
majority of she people are trots ed, more
sr less with some form of heart trouble.
Little attention is paid to the
weakness until the heart starts to beat
irregularly, and. they suddenly feel faint
and dizzy, and feel as if they were smother -
On the first sign of any weakness of
the heart. Milburn's Heart arid Nerve.
Pills should be taken and thus socure
prompt and permanent relief.
Mrs. W. EC Ferrier, Kilbride, Ont.,
writes s—s` I was troubled with my heart
for Bye years, and was so bad it would
send nie into fits and smothering.
could not do any work whale I. was af-
fected, but after taking three boxes of
have x'e.gained my health." ,
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills art
50c. per box at all dealers or mailed direct
011 receipt of price by The T. Milburt
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
EGGS and
lg hoot Prices Paid
se ononoourn; Market , Montreal