The Exeter Times, 1918-5-9, Page 8ne 16 Am STEWART Phone 16 a Room Rugs a aving Prices Any' ;ot the :fogs we areofferilig are i•orth dollars- :more and, a short -ciane it will be impossible to replace them at any priee. ll: re ;showing a big range of beautiful Bugs in all' gazes, 3\'e want. Ra o see them, Ja anese Bedroot For or. nia,:xpcnsive 'floor' eov9 er n; wu know of :nothing :at` tart, price. They- come in three sizes. ; The prices are $3,50 a nc $4.00 e€ footShoes Girls or o`s d Boos ber-,sols d a ho cheat -ter than lea .$1,25 awl SL59 is here t% -hien will want Hab- it is economy they 4a;',.. su tber boss, $1,4V White Canvas Shoes t1 .7,"'4513 an Nets pdi al~� 1 riei" _tinge - rdl. St Er Li (ileums 'e ark fortunate TO have of tins good wearing`, sani, Floor covering. The pat.. is. 'Oa are very neat. Get Marquisette s Curtains \ as r ofd otie s won't Go uli ag In and ,v€ a can t'epi ape .41le rn xrdrla new axed neat- patterns at $2.00; -:52,50. ti 3.00 , 3,75 to 5.00 Cotton Jerseys for The 1 5,2 tt..w 56e. Sum er der. for D r Boys xillw�nn rn now es here € n3v5 d, AU Its, tte,o poets, or e as tela slier^&. dir Ida& K car anklet l,•;:n ,tea. lie for the a a-rnn b.eatbcr,, 7ric $1,00, and $1.50. nsilage Corn for o dale tl:gns<&,ti .A. STEWART vhone ie tri Sao refit' the report cox'rxacted u 'Wheat *2.10.. Oats 75e. Barley 1.10 to TAO. Fatuity flour 5,70. Middlings $40, Bran $34, l r Eggs 3Gc Dairy£ butter 40c 42c, butter y Creamery '53 . T.c7G Potatoes 1...2 5 Sagar beet purr: $1.60 ner sack, hard 35e. 'Togs 19.50. ti -'The following re Look 4t' ter Mat•ket { J. a the &tb y � well :ooh Ni POWELL's the ar°.ri'a-al of a: i, is ,,,-. ur-xtagezl.t? of Fancy vont smote. Span al at d aatlAl o s nal dna Tina a 'New arabbe xl Molle' it e axed tin goodti*., -rave latsto arrived : V. Ton OTIFI WlN WS FOR NEW COOES /DA ; NIGHT SPECIAL. at our Candy Colt The Big Variety Store ?for w POWELL'S BAZAA2 OE 66 13031E' 0>;' THE NEW IS0N THE EZE'I..' x RAROAI STORE We can take care of your shoe needs. Our stock complete in all lines. Mens heavy shoes 83.00 to 85.50 per pair. Boy's heavy shoes 82.25 to 83.50 per'pair. Children's School Shoes $2.00 to 83.00 per pair. Ladies cushion sole shoes with rubber heels in button or lace. Astoria shoes for men. We have a nice range of samples for Made -to - Measure Suits which we will be pleased to show you. F.. BEAVERS ameastomemmonsommonft Flax Land rated The Ontario Flax Land Co. requires X00 acresf ® Land for the Exeter Flax Mill Half land rental paid when .. ..' flax is sown 'PLY TO JOS. DAVIS, Telephone 13 7 T4A ELAM, MILL 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick _ Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath -Candy Cathartic. No odds .ho'w bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you' 'are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish bowels ---you always get relief with Casearets. They < immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated. waste matter and poison from. the . intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent bog from your drug- gist will keep your liver and, bowels clean; stomach' sweet and head clear for months They work,While you sleep. • •44+• . ..*****dl ****-Kier r LOCAL • 4 • 44**E** 4.40414** ;eat Deigns or summer millinery` well be displayed on Saturday, Ma ' In lleautifa 1 Gree, i3rowr, also t eine s 11th .ncF4i�n �, pattern oats, razil,aza" good range of Blues. Come early and lea ra4iad da, 1cghornas and, tagets, also I get oneof these before the old; goods suitable white trimming; and riot-- are all -gone. � a elr r+,nom Qaality and price-5-raght E. CT i-ILISS for our shop azi 1 thea rr :vorz eonxe 0 our Spriu SLJT old trap. 1, l two leading 1•aridti yield and freedom fro per 'bushel and ` .1,5t( xavelv Lot 13, Con, 3 Illogarth, ' Olt SALJ 1':x- 3 Empiire State as to quality, n disease; $2.00 r bag respec- te hne -S o e J. �. 5„J-tf. CORRECTION', lt the auu%rsiga cd, tvish to state pG \v c are wholly resuons r^ x.' "'a''' n1; caf the Soldiers' A� d 'mine til;tlic bier announcing a 13d surf ii lits you xt the collar, dance ii? \IcD veli s all, 't'1a Sold-- ! 17i ve tete. (trouser! itis Aid Sec;ea4' wa not , consulted ria at( the Waist, The'i wi 1 :stay*7ula' <�hoaat The prreposed (lance, nor did nzal.0 the ? when you' wear a heli, p 'they i„agree .or aathori4e 'the signing i, ., of t..srr name,r that their • ,' - should be eonaaecte<l tothes -trill base ax,ddv ilalit with the aata'r t ats mune them for fou, r any manner whatever, t Sig/led C. 1., \Milson, LADIES' SUITINO� ic.iore lis -rets Ort I+ Inst ector J. Fa, Toni, vias u town this week_ Mrs. T. Elliott has been visiting s artz ams„tir es in Flint, Mich. Mr. G:o_ Srallaaeoxnhe Ws' Straatfo wt as v siting ,n Lown, this we,ets,. \1r Reg, Parsons left Wednesday"i ,norm r for London to loin the cos- Gaderach IVL: US A aA.LIs ^ N. Sheere LADIES A.ND_ GENTS; TAILOB Stand tl stairs, Opposite the Ventral Rotel I'„ekardl. visited his moot Grs, lade Peekard in toi,ew:a daring r: tsc la' A iotaIna CCM in Cow ocn off,. son spent llater4; with his "`t5tf? a 4111M have ' have rar;lt: d 'ria taaiydty, of fait � , loos, 4,, I da.lield, lHel; ace arca ^nEz 1tasazn:exn's ardware will give a -1. Ch•,m'v„^rind l dlenitn7natrai oaa on 1Sa> ..3nicl and Ord, Keep till* dates nit mind fir, ' 81. Olge orad. fan nil of forth, 'spirt .Saaialsv' with his dat,-) 4„hten, No. john Breath* libnavitle, 4 F!aalto'llrlallkpl, def ''I`oa'datl#+0. at'4aq rotated b Istev ¥rs, 1a*7I e1ap_ stbea ' tnr a tea :Der hove Least xa *tot; I.dw. . "dry TV/AIWA' Ma :' Unailly'.ha 'e.' r'aaarxacd 1401140 after Attending, abe Synod in Londono last week, 111rat;telath as and alaaa,1btor, 1104 of Beeth are visiting the es/ brother, Mr, George Peis • �e leo eat**taro nxze,,;11e,pt. fkF rn* tbab thera =s to be a toot: Trlac n 'sea 44a coffee* tobaceo, rnarehe' ?i a erencd a demand for &hes net inti€ ,s, 0 '+ liL tiT sia-ye>11 turey Iu:r:rli llaanse ronven eifl 454 Pc!di � yazilt, to airs, T,rio#, a; Br. G. P. Batalston loaf onna aril r spending .a ak+ rtagsto attending the Dant 1 aaan, rho 'famous 'play a***tree Muse is Ilxuiglser, ar fine` ( Wine," to be given in Wooelh,a rli O;' INfay night. )Tr. Kort€loan lord, sorb 0t?Tel of float L flus Read Motori at Flinn, 3iiela,, 1 eda "London to tram. 11r,. R. Prebble and dl sriora, 'motored 'up on visited- with :Mr and rla muton and rehitives. Miss I% Wood, o1 the :Sank of ±Giant j snerce start is taking her lrol dlu�'s, and ber place on the cash as braatr: taken by `3Tr. Plaalllp5OS. islr. and Mrs.. P. F., Dative and.:l"rulr- ily of R1rkton and A'S Peglaar, the'� latter 'being a sister to Rev. S,. W,i Mu:cworthy spent Sunday iast it? Main St, parsonage. Cadet Jas, :Laing, or Portland, Ore- gran, re.g an, who is a member or the Hoye,/ Flying Corps, ,spent tete wee/et-end; with Mr. and 3Trs: :3). Mack. Laing is a cousin to Mr. 'Thomas Laing of town. e3ld•.,John. ioini ci the a& is cotalint nrasily of 11• 4nndas. and t 31r. Salol Koehler al£ Ilfay who Mari ksi en in bed for as number of months suffer,ng from.a very severe illness! is .able to be around again. Ile visit -t ed with friends in town and Clsborne, during the -oast week. The masons are th.s week starting: on the 'found;atton of a nett, house to In erected by '3Cr. S. Jory an his farm in Stephen. The residence will bl up-to-datc4 in every particular, Mr. Jas. Jewell having the contract. Messrs, W. J. Statham and Ed. `'tiV11 laswere in Seaforth on Tuesday at- tend!ng the District Convention of the a T.O.o.F. Mr. Well Johns has been ap- pointed delegate to attend, the Grand Lodge to be heid in Hamilton. in June Pte. Ralph Batten who 'enlisted with tho 161st Battalion and who has been overseas about eighteen months returned home on Thursday evening last, Pte. 'Batten has been suffering with asthma and was 3aot able to stand the climate. Spec'a1 Sunday school session at Main St. _4Tcthodist church on Moth- er's day, Sunday, May 12tb at 3 p.m. consisting, of short addresses, songs choruses. The members of the cradle roll with their 'fathers and mothers are part.cularly invited. An exchange says than one trouble sv,th'thk' world is that there are too many people who will'riot cast their bread upon the waters unless they are assured that it will come back to them in a few days a full -groan; sand- w?,ch, alltrimmedwith ham, butter. and in ista rd. On one ;day last week, there were: two* men in the mill who hadbeen using our Standard Model Flour, and without being asked expressed them sieves thus. "that war flour is al- right, w3 like the flavour batter even than the -svhite flour and it raised fme, just a little darker 11arvey Pros. ,The \V if a will hold* their district convention in Main St. Methodist' church May 15th liesidleswomen on the ditrict Mrs. (;Rev.) Graham and Rev and Mrs. Johns will give address es. Vtorn;ng session 9.40 - new time; afternoon Session 1.40; evening :ses- sion 7,40. Lunch will be served in the basement. Registration (fee 25c. Every perso welcome. n.n d is 3 t dl,akiob, alt ! two bl ilius l' raa:all pasture ure lot o ly id? 'DOS, Russell St Atte F R l wlACt'lB,NgR1' Sale CUTTERS AN Central 'LatL 1 `'Vallee. oh MAY 1S, 1914 tit L." ab 'p, the +l'o5lowing„ 4r1 1 Inag gie~r, new; r"i ell w,; It 1l'a se liertA binder, raps. ACBt ,'1a4rAR#.'rti. new. i oav dbdaaca a *title aloe. new., `aax steel talus:. new,; .a viiln farrow, nem o, 1, sa w. tv. as' dere.iit 0:1 with, Sik, per a~C�tfl ^� o as^aPPa et Cita Iia rni ti;; it tl lin t a5a kto per :tannin Cd( d WM. WARD e OBIN:aO l�rdalarietors. l:i_l_:7TR.IC RhGULATIQN oy aorde: drf ii'c Power C rixi-ou, r. Sir' Kerns- Brayton, rxo wrd'pw fig ats r ectum wisedn' ' to , t.a,., r callifaF i47... win wmay: he used except Satur-- a o4 v night, atter May loth, 1915, un der pee its 'of $5000 or prison -a e.nt not pooped inag five, .e'ars, 10r bgth x3n and erer\" su ln. of once. 1'talaai a, a..? t es Conin i»1on: B Hind, Ch.?.xmacs Exeter, 250 ACRE FOB CORN W TED The Exeter Canning and et. is prepared to contract ;ragit it liens to aroav 2-a0 acres reunite cq 19I8Price ner ton advaneed tCa ;11,00e: Syed term costs over 35o per lb. will he said to grunt rs for 255&} a lb, Come early and secure, your ldntnaent. E v, tar Canning Co. O Asx SVEI1.T1SE, 'splay adrer 3sins: rale* ,n on application. in ertion 5 F< or B 1 eraInatsseeb*rrt nosue,rrfcini cfocir3at^heooms on*trhticelets t 13tOlions; 25c each ei ltzn Esate for salo f. o rent, wanted.. lot, found, et*. cis inserti n, 25c, Local Readers, Noticias, etc.,. /0-c per .line per ine.er. tion. No notices icss than 25e. fete of Thanks SCc Legal advertising IGr' n5per as . A action for one ins?rtain anLOS for t.wi1 insertions, Pt* al caard xint aslr a cededaaaog ateo tie eaa;at Irk*-'tQ per Tear Q rep. 10 rens Undertaking neral Di iter4, balr . E. Garf. T'hoNight csatl And Fu ur O1'ER ;A. HOUSE BLOCK 41 OUSEI.. QL SE Qlt SALE -One of the et desirabae residences in Exeter; occupied; until recently by Jas. ,Wal- ter, apply'. at AA.lf. \ratters shoe store I£ORSBS WANTED -2 want an`un- lii rafted Aumbcr of horses in good ton. ditaon. Geldings from five, 3eara old and up weighing from 1500 pounda- up. dares from 4 years old up and: weighing ng from 1300 pounds ` Up. PSirdeE,. having required stuff to ; dispose of would find a ready market by writ,- jag riting me -Or ''calling up on phone No, 83, Exeter. G. 3, DOW FOR„§ +ss-Na;'llrltck 11ouse,^ rznod-.. ern;:iq R" $taN" 'Ox, sale at a bar- gain, Apply-: at es Office IIS ^'4t FLAX LAND WANTED The Ontario Flax Co, require 309 acres of /and for Exeter' Flax Half Land ;Rental paid, when flax is sown. Apply JOE DAVIS te'epi one l3, EXETER. FLAX. MILL. Don't let your counter check run too idw. We are agents' Appletord Counter Ohc=:nue ES of Ilamilton the largest eon, this kind in Canada. You eta: as ohcapfrom us as you Can the firm. Furniture AND r lidert R. . ROWE ..� Ill: E^RAL DIREt3t}aI �? N1.J FVR*;1TUBE DALER - rtrig Styles Fn Spring Suifipgs, Overcoatings Raincoats and Panties ' e lething espe GIl.'W y at ale to show yd u active. ll'o have eeetved shipments 1'+Iak Spriig Goods in all, lies ot. afe se's Wear old ,have some attractive Goods to oiler at Worth -while prices, Sed our New Spring Ilsts is all ti latest Shades and Sb apes,-' izsin *aril "tiafie"ila`anos, \1`e also leave., SQrtad" exceptio ixon'ings in Colla Net, Sim s and 1te iu all ted, lar sx piaci s, ... l nal W. ,lA . PHONE 8i a prices, Don'# Wait and -Wish work Now and -lave When drastic regulations for the rationing of food come into -effect (and such an Order in Council may be made very early next Fall) you ' will wish then, that you had a crop ofnice vegetables ready to take off your garden or nearby piece of vacant land that you could have cultivated a -� i� you had really wanted to. Well, all we say is- o't wait d If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to ao so now. You will not regret it. There is still lots of time. Potatoes and beans may be planted up to June ist and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat. For good, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vegetable Varden, write for a free copy of the booklet titled ; "A Vegetable Garden for Every Hole." This has been prepared by the Ontario Department of Agriculture for the guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production. •••15 SOINS MO. ONO* f RAO 0111101 VOW MEI MOO etalle MOM 1.14169. W.W.I MINIM 11/9•316 MONANIM• 111114•1 Organization of Resoilaties Cont Parliament Buildings, Toronto .111/11011 111111.11•N. 0141. 4.•1110 Dear Sirs Please sena ,tae a ropy of your booklet `'A Vegetable Garden Every Horne." Name -: f u �^" r 4 �• Yb41't } I�� y, � t K h U t;' „ Ammo' peaaa swam liFra• ..110111i WWII" espirom, arm wawa. acne!. sm. Nam§ MEWS MUM* tC GAf ZATION ,OF.;^RESOURCES COMMITTEE fin Co -Operation with Canada Food Board 1 ti K�€ it