The Exeter Times, 1918-5-9, Page 1li Batt oRTY-SECoRDD'YEAR-- NO: 2 243 { }.DETER, ONT.; THUS :'r ,Ho: o14i.i. i + ,- + 4'r r « +++ 44+ I^:+ 'r+=Ir: +3r++ : «i '+++. , •V,.;,.i•ss-Vr : i* i 'r+ ++ 4'4^ JONES & MAY PHONE 32, Recials for Early May Girls' Kiddies at 7 ;:five dozen i ir2s' 3l ddies for ages #i to colors, ate!! worths ;1,00 garment, our gip;^cin I adies middies and stuoek; ,jaack"et, on 'tip, ay s in fancy and elli,a priee eac e.: //ewes at from $1.2.5 pecia House-dressAproe .00 Six dozen, large overall as washing prints, r£^,ola.rly wort? 01113' 1,04 .each. 4'.t se for se -dressy ltlnth of good ad few Trench Raincoai Ladies and Men ,1 'Ci•e psi ae en to bran d rat w Cit ttcla l)coats for Ladies triad pit se a:d •flit its, tat` iicritderfully moderalW Offccas 1e girls for >thoa «ceatir ;oath ltacat attaclwit at 411., special Hosiery Bargain this month Iai dAzl'ii Fair. .l'enman':Y 4:4 D -a Ii 3,! hos i7; ala':rfrctiftni iia Sseave, in black; only ael,ul:irly :v s a.d 3:ao par or throe pair, for 1.00, quail taaav It1 =.light zF"1➢2tr. 111=, dies Silk Gloves Summmer erve, a large tango', of the celebrated -Niagara - )Laid" ud Kay - k gloves in stock. All f'►ng..rs double -ripped ;in rl goo "d wearing $ilk, many lines at last 4ca,oars prices. Colors a•hptb, black,grey tc:, Frites Trout i.5o, to 1,50, pr A magnificent .slso;ving of New \V,r Ah .Make 3•our :selections early,. • Jones AND owl's for the corrin t tso •:4'4 +.'..4,w.a..•.. •. •..+...• a•r a a"'I"11'... ♦'1 ♦. • w ...'9 A. D .*4y 4 . >.. .... .'iw.y:.w.!w.-w.'r 4 w ..• A:•• t.d: - w .O: :.!«+«O . ..-.:.R:..w4 '".i... .. + ♦+'i.. +..: +.•wq..w1`gA.♦'iw.w'I'wa . d'i +r aw0 a..9 `I.. .. AY IV' ORN It%S Tib A A public me NG MAY 0th 1913 et`h w. held. #IA,.t Toavzaa,lt oat'12y evenarsg.iahl interelt.s of. gre ter dirodt;ctl4 ►' °' treolarly= ;that of orgariiz,141 F o to tss,st. with luras lvor6, dgtt staaaixacr', `fha li ill «v^as z rgvv 3• iaiav 1x419[', ,? and farm V/..'. 13c,a ve $ occ,dYFta'.d: fe 'remark:4 s5'ek'e mode by 117 z o tl ° r # , ust .i . 1. zl zt .t. >sd b , p pr ne p I i Sai i o. &iAC° tea^i;ln u'[ o t b irt,[aroltto. is - - rY t Est @ C C • r tea, e C3trto e ).sn .a,` . s1;),S r<`altth 4f,tltzzc"d fltat Marren :tic ,at Preantit' the 32 r' arcs of l;rodci,ton, the "sa oil tl".-r!aken, by na nt she represents, Jasc actio',' out `_' 1 t£h'vvorli rraaek farms - itich i,rov- alai.. C zr17 «ten," organized n Qeat out; iasto different' d it, hast tsl sr.e. war 1: ho.' {r , (, + ...._ «n ill. '. be, F yy "R'i scute, It tis Eos d gotaip: be- est, b@isl Se: his co,' rls, to h£ d1Ct1. B'_k 'S" >i,"iiated .e t BOYS _R a . - The '°Earn and Givk" campaign in Iowa, in connection with the'Y,3r.C.?. :has ba'en nobly.responded to by 'a tauutfcr oP bo s si,;3o k' a e ed to rti lkti sot"it, real ,sacrtticc +o'rhe salve, of I)rov,din ,comfort. -t And entc.ri- '. ie»l for' Elie lJo3°s over- ras. \trice i.•ig "ti's?' iw ld an zha I.i1a- 3-101xday 031 nn" and after the 6 alga ‘17,--5 ; tllt.li,:c, ro em rf «• o up thereby s .i H••' i a n t fi fi ving in o iaurat sof plausti th ails ra IyF s.st. Ts t ) }Y +' s.;a kd eau 1 .-faro 11, and th ,c a«'ire nhoser. tr to s dea called ilt-,> Army and '4td5 y they are now outt after recruits an by boars .stave promise to ear/1 .and € a5 Cera dollars to ,help carryou the s•17 of Char .:M.C.A. ` which' is doing. so134.4014 for the .boys at the front. Aorl too a)zs uYrpe^thea_ to I.I. of triia h^:t'- n.c' ed. tb -nisetu s Mich ibev .. spirit. of .slat-, i. hots .—v—.o,, tlt6_G` wit() fill two _t_ k,ii0, go to Ottawa a- t they would sol lIaremai ai e4"1 sc=filch the meet 47 House Requirements Cleaning °""t IAre list below a few of the necessary articles to lessen the labor of house cleaning. O'Cedar Mops and Polishes es O'cedar Mops Spruce Mops, O'cedar Polish 25c to $ 1.25 Carpet Beaters 5c` to gip 1a .20 Dust Bane in tins .30 Step Ladders $1.20 to $1.75 $1.50 $1.00` Garden Tools We have a complete line of Spading forks, Spades Shovels, Rakes, Hoes,.Bucco Cultivators etc at right prices. ' To those who require Paints, Varnish. Stains etc, purchase our High Standard paint, Campbells and Chi- namel$Va,rnish Stains at H1 AMAN'S d e. 27 Phones he Tines will' be pleased to' receve:. renewals from all whose Subscriptions are ow past l ®25 a yeare r:. pt' i1."it i'1I i1 1 ill 4 "9,II lii O, il?fi r- ,1'iYta 11;All i'tatlt. r 42sa f,r4^. 11wh41,A tEt74, A. it,a.rtTRO A 1I M.•r nt*rr; ltta alt, „'aka•• i „tN. D4Dla,: clivi I r,. rmart '. rult3x" tilts # trials :al,iSl. .;' T1iRrtitl t. $1.inde•i-'a :=;pais tsvo quartet Ir. iC 'li'I - gas 'r t bruit s1:+"rt•la a)s ariy chorch massae, ac'a invention, etc., 'l`h.s'programme tbrouOtout was - htg#t- y eats 1'taioing, M . ti V. A. D. ,COURSE., On Friday evenint of lis, wa:.k Mrs J. F. Thomson, Lady Superintendent of No, 4 .Nursing Division, St. Johns, Ambulance Brigade overseas, aa.aa the guest +til :Mrs. R, E. Cooke of Sr:ald'rs r 1 u 1 tt had s,ilmc, t 1 x. St.1 _. 'i 1 isms ,n Mr r. eter to c?rl; oise a Course of 1:., ire., and give: instructions in. first aid and h oino nurstg. A ]argc:. rxumbe r were. present, tit! after an interesting ad - tires!, a elas,s was formed. Mrs, Thom- son took IN b.:adaa;irlg and generally suparvi:ed the 9itstractio.r •.n :irat ;rid trad - !la 'Arc Grile uddy delivered the lcesurc The classes will be i ant need 1each Friday evening at 'o ciao 1: at Mrs. Cooke's, the room being, equip- . tied Jar the purpose. htsproposed . eted 'o 't6 atter the c.1 't,s i; c.ompi iiia t dit sion. h -,i,ou ;are anx;,aus to help j to this hour .of need full inforrn'tt'on I ca b 'obtained irons Mrs. Cook::. who .n a te is class, secretary. A better' ,:noice , canis not have been made she has ! in`• torten Lae iourse in England. Her `` husbaand r¢8'il sea are over seas doing I tb it bit find her daughter is a V. A.D. ' from No. 4, ByrOn Sanitarium pre- ! natatory to going overseas,. 1, SELVI S—DUNKIN , A very pretty w.,dding took place at "Glengarry Place" the home of Mr. anis Mrs: John J1;unktn, when the fortnre's .sister, hiss Ethel, daughter of S r, an .., r ol: town, 'was united in marriage to. Mr. John Selves, son o N r. John Selves or Lumley. The ceremony was performed, at six. o'clock by Rev. 17r. Fletcher.. of Thames Road in the presence of over one, hundred guests. The bride ntered the, parlor on the arm of her father;, to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. John rtunktni She was becomingly at- tired in a neddir: ; gown: or French', marquisette trimmed with white! inion and wore a bridal veil caught up with orange blossoms, carrying Casualt List J OF nrr, DWOUNDS 17.5 Pte. Gordon Elliott V I' c.. or on S. Elliott oL God %ch cr WOUNDED Pt. D. likenheacl, Erucefield Pte. It. O. Muir, Seaforth. W. i't. L Feagon, on Goderich. 8 odcn Pte. W. J. Shaddick,• ifensall. L'r.a. Elden Hastings, \Vingham.. ORI CAIIIPBEI;L—In St Marys April 29 to 3ir, and Lira: T. J..Cainpbell son.` 811,E —h) Fullarton; on Mondaty ril ''25. to Mr. and Mrs. George Riley; a ,daughter. SQU] 1 E -7n J3slanshard on Thursday Slay. '2nd, tooAin and ,Mrs. Edgar Squire a daughter. GINGERICII-.At Bronson Line, Stan- ley on 'April 25th, to Mr,' and Mrs. Sam Gingerich, a son. WARNER—In Stephen on. `April 29, to 3tr. and 37rs, ':Russell Warner, a daughter..• ,USER—At Babylon Line, Ashy, on, April 29th to Mr. and flus. C. Ileuser, a daughter. DEA11CIr—In Stanley, on April 30t1y to Mr. and 3lrs; E. Deariek a 11:iu- Granton an Tuesdas AP till, 30th Richard. Jernayrt, aged 82 years and 7 months. a BROWN. —IntExeter, on. May 1st, 2.-tn- nie pow wido1r of the late IlIugh NVallace, ,Brown aged 72 years, The proceeds of the sale of pure. bred 'Shorthorns held by ,T..,T. .ferner MX., or zunch amounted to $17,595. Tno, a.VE,ra,ge pr,ce for 50 cows was ball sold. tor $800 and seven bull calves, a verag,:c1 $136. I)r. Moore, of London was called 01V111g tO the continued illness of Mr. _A.E.Wood, at the holtne of his parents in tolvn and it was decided to re- move Min to Victoria, hospital at Lon-. don 'ondl he was' taker]. dOWII, TileSdaY bed through illness and her many friends will bope, for her ,speed,y, 3 4I s. Fred Iltrnktn a bouctitet, of bridal roses arid ferr.s.. flags making a very' attractive ap..1 pettrance. The. locrane and g,room ss eft, tbo C0114' 08.011 oP the wedding; erre- rams), three r.eaces and nephews ,,oP the br.de and a noice or the groom were luipti2,d, After congratulations. the guests so i down. to a. sunapitoous °rated. with y rt Pe. The groom's gift lo the bride vs as a 13,?cklace and to roe., wai pres, Mee_ to Miss Elva hut, 3t , .irt4`f, Verne Gl•i,ilina; o 1 SA:SI 'Icl'r e1-, . h beam' s l,t" i 11," 1,z,`', rall4 y 'peso; ;t'. tl sY A tt, cla T al th'. SOLI) tV-- ltav4 ;s. xv is sold vn<< mood lain tv.—IT0, ve3 Era 11. V'restartan: of Mr. 11. 0, t~otatlicott, wit° hats 1 file Iron and. . irac,,lin$ isa the mSt trine } rovf ea paid . eing a is firm is visiting at 4 il. ar' a J Toronto , ap the Rica a• Jl fn 1alae tit. ro4' rt ,i"3s ids-rttst'tt` oi:' 1jt,'. 11- b'(:'rt Jane.% o' t. . r trbe 'tendersmr v' a `. ` -:,,-1-'.-r... Tr :hair ;; 'orp `, TA€•Ant, +} last.I'r. Wtsr his aarentl ,dr_ and sirs. .F. i rr e lx f 12 tst c x A, h, ci ' over t ` 1 exi K t£ e.ea ^ r d 'a a sf e ll: I v IL.H o 1?, fruit ae`hu ll Bork r!kue b t -n q sl$ng L li i Rota. 4t - ' or mos? 1 tai M.-tj• .,flat"a2 's en on Via., oda 'n rn Co., aatea Fa>rle t conerrn Its lata 1 o ass Ka do.;., rS" 'Satln t.sr a 1115 been, .4 rROrGPeril* i Ala i 131 ' r.'. by man a.ad 'woolen p3osveg cea#s of F,^:"..Sorts hetes.--re'the agent • ni- fame;' o male. 6t, nt3 pir t9isvis;, tie Ai+4Y a Ad a 1)r^, 101 1»V.." a aci<av It S sada "Ai " '+ 1°kltptil.k' 3 1t l% I)LI A1' CLI TQ\ t 11' 1`lt0110( :Li k -.nn a ''d 1i. t I the daipi. on. M iuut;actur at'Sf" 1'rbr p,itiy, on 4£ rhe' I esl-kni)lt°0 fa ter h rs ;tip+l, h9tsta,r. s1, t.n of tat,+ dis- hoiue her, this at - It mom,. Whtio flu Ind been ill for sans,' t'mv, he had` only bwer-. confin- ed to the hoarse for the past week, Kith his brother it illiam he was in trested tat the Jackson Company, of ."'star 4 clothing, u'. t o c t r til factories c t .a#. , .afor#h, Exeter, ('.mini and God - rich, IRA was as member fo this coup t;i1 for .'outtp pars. Mit r, t 1,.,on wiry ;t great. fr,tend of the boys and girls and was a leading spirit in all the children's entertainments Ile was also k, hall}' iantc'ru.',ted in patriotto work. l t sines his wifil h leave, one son to -New Yon,. and three small children at home. .Fu fl YCII S ' C C II. S les t.0 1 YEAR I..b I.L SC I,Si TTI AI. G1FT TOO T' 1STOJi The last Quarterly Official Board mentum o£ the ear wash held . 1 to Main e t _ illi Street Methodist church on Monday exen.ng Iasi. .reports from the dill - fa rent societies; of the church =showed than to"to in healthy; .flourishing' condition. A presentation of 5100 was invade to the pastor, Rev. S. N' '. Mux - worthy in appreciation. of his services' _As this- is 3Ir. istuxworthy's fourth year on tits charge in accordance « ith the rules of the church he will b:+ moving this year. \.o successor has hen invited. the matter of sups ;Sly being left with the Stationing, Commatt e of the Conference.. Mr. Mats -worthy as presidc.nt of the Lon- don fCort,ference has bad a very stren- uous year, his services being in. much demand. The stewards were re -eke - Led as -follows; Rec. Steward; If. E. 11i:ton; E. A. Foilick, Chas. Tuckey, T. J. 3aestle, W. S. Flowey, B. Wil- liams "and Roht J -Torrey. Mr. B.W.F. Leavers and lir. B. Williams were ap p0.ntc•d delegates to District; meeting ti out diet. at Pte. Et.nest. Harvey, son, of Alit and, Mrs. 'It Harvey, arrived home on Thursday last from overseas. Mr. zits& Mrs. Harvey went to London to meet him. It was reported he ‘170.1 trrive Thursda,v evening awl few knew tantil the last irtoment that he quently •the number at the -depot to meet him -was not as la.rge as it WWI I.,d have lawns, Ilosvever lie was met by a couple of' autos and several friends Pte. lliirvey enlisted, with the 16 lsb ttalion. Ile was 'draug;hted, France shortly' after the arrival in lomgland Of that battalion and after five naonths in the. trenches daring winch tinie he passed through several t:cally all or the boys,of the iluron 13.i.taliort who were physically fit ploasant one, 'they being only five days on tic? water4 Pte. llarvey sviti after 'which he 'WM go to London for kin. Tin: iting 11'118 spent in arouse- taients. told.. /Sirs. Selves have ta- ',dttys leave of absence left )rooda,y to don the khaki, i9 Fr o d ii tr ij to '1 w ll:+trrvi ra, iCIi;;a ' 1.'Ko' KoN 'r,la.,tii ucta r4< $ii :h.; Imo.1 rclaa ` '.atitiiist a,-lat l .. gait 7',';1 c'.os' iii i , a -al ty" ani .t ralm)talt. tl-nr 2fra. ''fe,y,.r,-. . t.ht ns 'ra la'rs OI' the, of Elias .1.),ait;;a-.'seal i.Issocaa1rota heard kith s12=c 1+ regret of .1;011r it'aav- irti; tisfur ra,nother field of tabour. 1„Vc asssnr+s you that w1; deeply deplore t1tK: llaoatg`lat of your going- as your r.t:ti with its has been NO brief, You, have licca Ala example to us. rani. we all look til you as a ir,ici :r, Yost i 1't5e i1t) 1 it 3011rw tf za ,011011'=4r o: the meek and .oasis Jesus over willing to help in all shut;, ir.ar.dn- ing t0 the upbiaild of Christ's Icing- dU)n, We nil: you to ;acct -pi. this Tai'- daa•rti its 0 slight tot a 0 of remem- brance 30,1 of our ;esteem for s'Lar. May it serve is a. renrind:r of the: De santdays5 wei 'lrlabin' n o- t r gcth 1•. \fit sincerely trust that The bl sings or God inay follow you to your :new home and that there you may as zealously nor tintie :the .good. work a`t you have dome here. Signed on behalf of the ladies Aid airs. 'W. Snell, Mrs. C. Schroeder. 3rrs. _lt yt•r respontiald thanking the ladies `.for their many words of appre- ciation spoken and acts or kindness done her during her stay in the com- munity, onic11*unity. nnu)ber of the frlends of Irvine Mcisaac gathered at his home last Thursday and spent, a social evening with him before bis departure for iiingston where he reporttt :Cor duty. The evening was pleasantly spent in ;untsr'menls after which a dainty: lunch ti:as served. - Blaring the evening he was pre-` s'nted ''with a 'fountain teen from his parents and a wrist -watch and the fol- lowing ;addres4 from the young people Dear Friend, ; Into your life as, into the lives of sit 'many of our boys bas come the call to acluty. It is a duty that 1ift~s. 0113- completely away from one's life work, snrroundin,i s and friends. But it advaincca one into the larger unself- Isla self-sacrificing life of serving one's 'King and 'Country and as we. believe God himself.. It is a s :7:0(2-, ,Litre in the History of nal ;ant and we can only trust and hope in the outcome. Canada they w l be ;proud of her sons, who have stop- ped tepied ;gloriously and LearIessly into the. 2' '(7231 10 .prove' that night is not; always right and that right manses prevat 'i While regret that zany boy has lo ' go, still «ce are in LiTill :c1,1* pratsd t-tf all who faire their places in the ranks of those' who hope no wan for s a fa: i lire Liberty in tha trues and finest !sense of the sword, When in the (days to come your thoughts roam back, to dear ofd Dash wood, Ire assured that you are leav- ing cav-in • behind you. staunch and loyal friends who wish yoit Godt:speed for to -day,: good-hick'for the- Morrow and asafe return vers, Keay: soon. To remind you thait y 0r, ;o ' Emily armed vvoth the b2 a tvi li •s of all your .molds we asit `it«ou, to accepts hilt. \We earns? -,,I,` desire. that peace A t, wxalt, of r, "'On - i- Olid ,.23tai ;7f'a .74 on 0 ,1 ay th- a .and f FRO .3 a Tit to °lay come and tha., than shp,i1 no more o h- wag khialti Er /lire retut home r, on .-tforilav and, fesr day,. wit day.s will leave for ai three l'r Oa his enlist -anent ngatnicd c; vi engineer svith I. in the west. This is lb? 3rd Mr. and .11rs. Risers have IN OLD .ELM Gardner and Loins Sttick- ifizila Ill 314 TO 11'11/10:1 p. They 33 -ere, takeu 'tram inside 'an elm tree. Tile, whlch are about tile size or balt 111 31 /1 CZitS. II.? unfit mai ts".1,. 'rhere are three naales arta of the TO d variety, while tile male Vra',.. larg- siker grey animal. WEEKLY' BATY 'HOLIDAY There is ari agRation oat to half day each week Joly ttnd -August. The' step 1.9 one id the a'attlat direction as it. will give all: an opportunity to assist, it lhe great, er product,on movement. The schen-lei vory little inconvenience to the eiti-d ZellS of town, or he corn.m.anitY anti this year when labor is scarce 'one, or two afternoons a 'Wee k might be' devoted to relieve the labor situa,-.., Last 'week Pte. Eniest :Harvey brot home Ivith him a souvenir that at least Was IA:121A 10,7 One of the Rx -e - ter boys now recuperating Eng,lantil, It was a sniall shrapnel ball that pasi sed thrwagh the hotly of Pte. R. B.. borne satil it had been a good frie.ad to him and fo good care ofi Elt.t, ; is at present 'with "the 8th Reserve., ar Camp, having al - roost fully r.tcovered. from his wounds or -weeks together before the latten ',returned. Caoadat, NO MORE LIQUOR SIIIPMENTS An,v stocks, of roquor left in the Express ()Met, after ISTay 1st have been, seized by the Int.peetors and it iship or bring, or cause' to ' ,sent Ishipoed or brought into' any'. than tovo and' on -hall' per eitat Thd stocks cm ' <ft: "prtvattat homes' .in