HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-5-2, Page 8 r. Phone STE TH XETER it ES Phone 6 its Clothing for C *idea style, you ars sure of bought months ago and have r% Ing %rice$, &rvine secured. or your style and servi iothes bought from i Youth's! Suits Trouser ^r All are made from snip s> - r retable tweeds in 1iro11,n and Grey mixtures an thn new form fitting 'models with belts., Spee { izal values, at 41a.L,0 and ti'16.011; Wiens Soft Yon wilt Elim a Choice from: An excellent' ttheyes. stmt $2,25 -toy 3;.° ew F1 ars s 's Suits ou'wilt built a done zztn for is to match the values es we tloiving in '.Rine andEtzaok` ;es ;and tin.,. worsteds. Prices 1 aa. from 15.09: to 25.00' Penman's Lisle` ose foie slatat i sezu 3- sortrnent of-' this lu Cal a=tele': ITPape° New }aper Witt lighten_ your b.<i..t and brighten, your bonze. tonic, to winter weary It tis R , rL^ii45 "- decide to hare : la,o cox , rooms pa- red. Big *-elections at e to a roll, ltia*: asso 5 proved Learning laaf and b£,e's :rver°y. silt' large quantities of reeom nerd it be. it \wear'+ weL and the colors are Sass, Siz=_s 1-2 t.a- 19,Per Nairns Scotch 111at ' . a A k pact-4flt Ski» ' tk'mak. Lara a ti Ei . lN to ♦3 xiar the a0c ws e ¢R°,° IaeasFl .aQ ;iat2 l,tl'?. 01 on the too 'i Isilage Corn for Sale t nn e; they ea than aC they s zit ice to bay. tt1{ 500 A. STEWART vhone: Che POWELL'S \\'a^ nun tla2rat the: of Is Trig 0.$$ -Orta s. ,lid i'tarac`' lland.Patnte alai T eZ riN to 21enrt w 1.1 : tat;gra ;{r Spit, s:zr1 `ti ::,Cel r. !f°%4, i>M rrlill,". ,lugs ,just ivOSI bbez balls od$ hare also ;tx°chied :TGA 0I:13 ....FOR NEW Gt PA NIG, T SI,'EC:IA.1g at our Caineiy The Big Variety Store tant{':'Sr ELL'S BAZAAR 55 . l 1 4T Market Beport-The follow hA report of thee, Er+7or1' arree e ~, a t d up to '4 t,d>6 Wheat t,10. Oats 80e, )3arley 1.30:' to 1.40, F eF, Family flour 0,70,;, Middlings .$40. °I l li= Bran moi. n, Eggs "tide. Dairy; butter 40e `,f2c Creamery butter 53c. Potatoes 1.35 to 1.50. Sugar beet. pulp 41.60 per sac; Lard. 25e. lions 19:25; ing is Market 1t i • LOCAL 04,14140 * i)reaNV Knight was home from 41'e over Sunday. 'e'Mrs., d jt_ a. Ur i,c3° and ^. is^, i t iced- "in London o -,^r Sunday. NT,r., J G. Jones was 13. Toronto or 'a couple of :days last week.. Miss P. Lundy, of Pittsburg, is vas- t n as-ttin a with lfr. and, Mrs. P.' Gillies; llr 03iver Davis of Zurich visited his I:•aac sats ia, town over Sunday. 3rclai€e Davis. o,' fotaell;h, yisit- •d acSs ft>xs- days atI T home ato{ as Mrs left r . f`iai.tord \IcPvo Lon- ' h. 'tita on W c -da sd er to join ah> co1ors, %F= s Elva Roweliffa hvis r:atten a „ scat o1i Lite staff of the Jfokons sttt- s, 0. t re>Bi'. ool v ur strata and 'orae oU .. ez Your prin; r e Iay 2 d,: 194 ouI}:: Yes we hove it. Oats, Oat 1.Cop, Mixed Chap, Oahe,OileFeed f lour, dried putt) anti ethers. 8s,e ill azi Bros, 13e sure, it fits you. at;, the e:"ollax Ixavc the 'grousers nnade to fit yo) p'iney 'the Waist. They -sill stay u Inch 'better when: you wear a belt. 1 trur clothes will have ittdividoalit; yatt tet us make them for you, .A»1E S' SU T1NGS Beautifulr . ._"arcti 1?a'oia.n also good 'range o1' ,Blues. Come early acd, mer one of 'these before the ohl goods ar, all gone. GIVE 4 GALII heere LAD S AND GENTS, TAILOR the band Iglstairs¢ Opposite 3st 0 Venir, Hotel NEW CARTAGE RAM Tl*s Commencing April lst, 29Iti- Single shipments, ... ,_ 15c. each. Shipments uncles 409 Ibs, ... 15c. each Shipments over 400 lbs perowl Piano;, each Pianos, prtnate' Trunks, private ;. Grips, private Tram by day t"e by hot S1 ", .-creelv b b THOS. G. CREECH W1. T ......50c. $1.00 2-50- east 5c. each $5.50 ..dJe. IIORSES WANTED -.I want an za untrted number`. of horses id good eon" ditton„ Geldings from five Nears old and up weighing front 1500pound! op. ?hares from 4 yeara told p arid; a weighing from 1300 )Oris ap.Part e l bari t1,,> g required e, t3, 1erE'L tzn , r; gpOse, of would find a ready `9d 11` 1)y writ- ing me or calhng f io l,, 1P hone No;: 83, Exeter, IG, J: 0 ACP;ES FOE COR N Tile E x " e L Iltd is nrepu ote3s tog 1 ; for 1.9 'Toronto 0. hes eoan- . uteri t tl's dont: td aai' r 1'e' Il<'1JG1z< t2: tn'Fnifill! '1 Ca1t'1i, ov T;_eks!r to tt; w alis hs•c'n £`;s U h« r horn firs \\110, itetll+tet+xa at aisd ctdldt, Jas, t1r^.1 V.. 01adnas was in11 orris ;reek, attendin a n3eetira e kt r tR nary. Synod. 3Tr 1 T, Wood hay. purebasee 1Tr \ Falt T. Sweet, t to iia -:a: re p<tsture. rarer: in Iayroc nSitiip. d44W$,, John, Lothar F rad lye 1. V gar t o: 1,o der, wt)ti:T aura tr{tai; t r ndoni on 41.401,Y lea 1a"i.a>`ish al anti iS^ 1?' S Satt t; Fy. otk the Moste • Faiai;ti' C1OME OF THE NEW EDISON EXETER 33ARGAIN STORE Some specials in towels for this week ranging in price from 15c to t 5c each, These goods are much below present market ces, O erhalls, Smocks, work shirts, caps, braces etc Headquarters for all kinds of Shoes. Try one o our Made -to -M asure Slits, They please. The Ontario Flax Land Co. requires ac :he E::xet.er Flax Mill ind recital paid when €lax is so Vi(' TO 7U5?U 'h5.:, 1, . Iephone 10 CENT "CASCARETs FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sad Breath -Candy: Cathartic. No odds how bad, your liver, stomach er bowels; how ; much„ your head aches, now miserable you are front eon>stipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish bowel' you always get relief with Casearets. They- immediately :cleanse anti regulate the stomach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess' bile from the liver and carry, oft' !lac constipated waste`'roatt,er and poison from the intestines and bowels. .A. Io -cent hog frontyour drug- gist will creep your "liver and : bowels clean; stomach, sweet and head clear 'L months, They,ak 3vle 3if!fk1Y .p. AIS I rs. grcrr has 0 lar gill Olt fSav 2Itdt +t 'the iQ practolli. T, 1e. 1orgaii is tl ng the Svatod nano )te)rl;un chit re la°Id visas, I.acrert atnei (.1 n beer ►r I Bross» of Saraia :att.t!ita1 enn,r,al of the late John \\ 013 Fth'st ay, Airs. Thomas Prior tains re•tut qt d honao a's,vr an. ex.tr Teti vis;! in sht With her Joni tat Partin 4r 1a cI lie v ata .."1Irs, A. ,A, Tr+arnl).'r and al clan are cashing in London this re lslactrl. the former is .attending 4ngl+ern S'3 nod. 3Tr. H. I. Haydn -id is in T4ront attcntlnnsr rhe gr0tdnating exercises oT his daughter who is graduating from Toronto University Th, Thames Road ;Ea rrnrxrs Club -' all IS, addressed by Mr, Stothers, 1\tri- aralt lral Rep. of iPuronr Co. at 1 tnn- vnlle on Monday _evening next. Mr. and Mrs. It 1). 'Brush' of Thotnas 'rnoton.d up on Sunday alk visite(' their daughter, Mrs. A. . AVadd .x{:'t•he home or iMr. and. Mrs. -MUG orate z111s. G!Ilia h.es bt."( nasiding with, her parents, Rev, and +7 5 '< . la to Q l ,his co y. tba ma eita rch Slta. heir 'kind >ade'atioi2 .RY;ti R'':il}rxssioas 0 PAT S' alsiring uur TOM 11t*ag ave Sat, Msp 10 taxi lit >i1111er,s of rh' clerg,> f roost ou rier, M s, xlllar0 and drat#gkn r, ;ailed ',qrs. P. Nicol, to 'all haax Se Lt ails: rr;+ tge'41's livery l:ay (-raide-d! re:r ar fr , N\Po a in Wow A TED Pres. with €a 0 1; '35o per s for 2as carie your al- inning' Co. lilt TO or flax 25a for Mseella tlitecl, r sa!a tttt of tont nest ta.; NC 003, 0013. No natlees 01 l'hanks 500.' Leg;:! a4 ertising i l)ot, the anti 50 per line. .Itotttrn ;sales 2., Glass of for Ane in, :rtzoti and 3.00 tor two. rt, hall 1ns•°rtiors, Professional ads not PP, oaeding^ ono molt- $5.00 per Year, 0 Dunt ara fatal ?^il;iw^ 'twl'z1I bo iaq^dal nr ale*t%odastirnar4t1: r 1 aaacrrraar a ba,gtisgka1 gni 5, rvlen SA ill at4 be 1 tend tatasald, l glad ¢cr git aza,i 'lli -. lk,„ Uaarllood »tad d un \is ll` Il;;xa sa.tned Qr. T010(970, i aha #gn'a9C at" mother, :Irs. cka a, i•i trsAs.rj Ai:'tht' the t41'a',*.^- ! 1) Of Cavort:. gni 0 n ay wiled ling ieleIre°ss" l,ctz tie gor. ArR ::.byte r,:ao €+a lith.,+ the hi Misses QC ` cl t 8ttifi I.I; ttxl It; At nia.4 Main St. Epworth i oaa Toes evening, AIr.!tax: i 1'rarson of limes St League fr,a tail ta'Ses.°1larat aadtlles 011 '"1Mill tpro ln00j 1 atter the War", IIs relnaa ks n w,rci groat y aippre;cIated. ARRIVING ILO IB AIr, Thos. ;l.iaary ti ae•c'1•R t1 word t11n. Tuesday sdaay that 10s . on, Pte, Ernest Harvey had l;aladed at Italifa:x taut] was on his Ivoy home. J.Ii5 01011I' rc,rids in town will be glad to 1c°el- me 11 Itt hack.. t. Word has been, received that Dr Gunn Itis arrived let IIalifax from overse as. 1)t 040111 enlisted in the. ;lest of the beginning of the war ant! .7. T. Wood Mrs. cbarlro and ,lr1 s Margaret aald 1 Mrs. :MTatrt'n. of London, formerly of IL'v. and Mrs. Peter Nicol returned 6 Es; ter Airs. Gunn left Tuesday for. Inst Saturday after accompanying Ottawa to meet him. Dr. Gunn is its, remains o: th'a late Rev. S. Sharp recuperating (from his fourth attack Sharp to Staalcae o; trench fever, last week alter being in London for - s.veral sowits undergoing : treatment TREASURER'S REPORT ITU ftp\ t Victoria 1T,uspital. Nurse Johnston I:I,C.. W.C.A. DEC., JAN,. FEB., Mrs. 1-1'. Rundle returned home who has been in ,attendance has aslo r,'tu rned. The. Soldiers' Aid Society arknow- cdges the Ialleni.ag Concert S123,00 \pia! collections 551.74; 6 pair mels donated by Misses. Carl:,)), 1 pair so,ks by Mrs, W. ielarta.; 1 pair socks by \Irs: W. 'Howard. The total assessment for the town of Seaforth' is $1,010,209 of which the baseness assessment is X62,830 and. the Income 8513.785. The total population of Scaforth is 2110 and, the.n.ulnbeii of ,dogs owned is -60. The programme on Monday May 6th in the schoolroom of James Si.. Meth- odist ',church swill be of unusual, style trletes, solos, duetts. tlna:rtettes and piano soleei:•ons. Admission 25 cants Children under 14, 15c. Concert' to 8.34. - 'ext Sunday in James St. Metho- dist ' church the Pastor, .B .v. J. W. Baird, will begin a study of "Mod- ern Afesnaaes from Great 11Iym'in". 1 Mornin -" anth of our Fathers" - Faber. Evening -"Same Day the Sil- very Cord will Break:" by Fanny Cros- by. LEAG 1'TTf.13T.i3-\DT.ENT A. SUCCESS Tbe illustrated entertainment giv- ,•u i:u ,lalrl.as 8t. 111.:tho-diet church Tuesday evening' under the auspices of the Epworth Leag 1 . -Mrs well" a!- t:ended Find proved more than 1 a'ss- ing ir.i n e si. li ti J. W, ]3aird gave an illustrated address ori "The Rose tne Shan, and the lh'stle" and 120' beautifully colored p;eture:s of England, Scotland and Troland were thrown 'upon` the- canvas. Mss' Deb - T qavo an outline -got. the Merchant of Venice it ustr,.tcd '3sith twenty slides.Rev. as J', 1++. Tiixight. of Ile nsall also yap an illustrated tally on i)nr Solan tSiys,tcr>n7' Solos s, trL sung b1 1I ss Joel! mon iti1i s ' Iaagaret 5luxworflic, Ito v. 14Tr. 1Ciasghl.:J'hc on and and ente 5 ,as ,both irs,I UctIvo S.ato"rth tied. Cross Walton. Recl Cross Cniior,1 Goderich Red Cross STntforth ;)'a' ar Auxiliary, Achti Ili Soldiers Aid Clinton Woolens Pat. Soc. Clinton 'Girls 'Aux. soldiers "Ad, Exeter Winghani Red 'Cross 1 11. e sa.11 Red Cross Ply Lb. Red Cross :Circle Crc"diton 14ed Cross Varna Pat! aorto Society Centralia Pat, Leagua=. Colborne Iced ,Cross Goderich Tpu Par. Soc. Y. L. of S. L. of Cr. 'T. Jianmiiler Red' Cross IloinesiiIle 'Society I'arlield Red. Cross Teiburn Red Cross Eruss ifs ]fed. Cross S.:F :10. 10 1,Va wana ah. Stanley Maple Leaf Scmmerhill Society Westlteld Sot...ty Dungannon W. 1. Turners' church Goderich tie bet ceas I.0.O.F. A1h:meek Ch 1pt.I.O. D.E,Godurich D. A; 51. I.I-.DD, K. Club T3Jhmville and Sunshine 'O.ncl.,a.` (Unity Club Farquhar 1434 Cross 0.BaLr.any Society Salt.ord ' Red Gross Lon d e sb pro Re d Cross Ttiaanes Bold Red" Cross Burns church Ladies 2%d ilortn eiff :Wed Cross • D,s1.,a rot! lied CrokI \5OU1(11* Intstitute; +1x t;ar t ,vion Corl - Pak.a hoc,: C. r.ee e1 13'o gh'Chapt. D. 5•, Gad.erich' Blyth Ulris. AVa-i. l tl il;ary it.tnt iu 05,- 1. Mable Leaf Chapt. I. 0. D. L'', Godal`ic11 4931.38 1173.12 1158.77 1.042.18 705.13 651.63 9>1,71 579:29 550.80. 505.87 409 11, 320.40 375,7£; 365.40 354.71 346.1.1 308.85 283.14 268.76 232.03 2,17:40 207.25 192.49 1 82.00 180.61. 172 50 168,50 154.54 143.50 1:36,85 128.10 1.21,34' 131.3% 101,80 109,00, 03,15 91.25 '79.10 831) 02.50 14.75 28.450 7.31. 7.00' e'17,1. 37.31 aka ardiue 1000 tail And Fui OPERA USE Night vslt r re .HOISTS, FOR SALE -Coe Of the osi d t s desirable residences in Exeter; lolapied, until recently by Jas. Wal- . Apply' at :Air... \\wafters shoe store Try our i War lour,` 0 is excellent in i aatity and ,flavour hulit is slightly darker in color..1l„rarvey Bios, Don't tet your counter runt too low. We are agentt Apiilerord Counter lChe jue Bop, xa of ilamilton the largest coma this kind 0. in Canada. a a. Y ou 0 a os cheap from us as you can fropt. the firm. FOR SALE -New brick :house, Frzod- ern i1) every way. For Sale at a bar ;air', . Apply at Times Office mousE 5011 SALE -Two ;tors; frame ehauls in good oacl repair, stable, garden, -fruit trees, etc, in goo:: neighborhood. Apply to. Gladnaan A SCazabtrry, Exeter AA- LAND WANTED iii Ontario Flax Co, reqs„iris 301 f' land for Exeter Flax' nIal' 11(1 Rental paid when fiax i Apply JOE DAVIS tepen'taone FLAX MILL, I✓XETh.12. FLAX_,Ilirl,„ ere. so'vn, 13 • r it r , A D Undertaking R. N. RO THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE D AT,Et New Spring Styles spring Suiting; coating ah i o s and Panting; We h ,' sometlt°Ing worth \ °hale to show you ' specially aurae tt :re, is a-pr'in•tr. 1\ ear iUrt^ l; 5 ens st:b4 i s,i°ts for" s ,all lines: of •ar{on.,F.+n tzrtb-while 1)rr Pits i g ces v. N a M equipment Which Will effect a. time and labor; saving, and therefore a inoneY-saving/ must be care-, fully considered by every good farmer now -a -days. The farm wagon, which for years was the most useful bf all farm equipment, is now being replaced on the best/ farms b3r a sturdy, dependable motor truck. The truck will haul any farm product -fruit grain vegetables 1 atock, fertilizer, or wood -around the farm, or to the' town or ci'ty many miles distant, in ha,l.f the time, and' at a much lower cost. The Ford One -Ton truck is a rapid, economical andT very serviceable means of transport. One of these on your farm will save you weeks of time in a single season and will enable you to pass through a crisis of labor short- age with less difficulty. The Ford truck isiupplied as a chassis only. This per - 'nits you to select any of the many body styles especially designed for the Ford truck and already on thp market.' Thus you can mount the one which suits your individual Price $750 f.o.b. Ford Ont. It 2.7 r Cain ihp