HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-5-2, Page 6ash a
A desp,^
p e c 3'.
�s- a,saa
n furt
tit l tlaaPi tiI e ? ;
s a sfi4*1S�kkl. 4U
he oi.'de hit >3ohi4 the w
?c ix7e'in. This :P'dliil) has
i•id's al
side record foi ,'i, d=les of 1
apaeitr of 6,000 pounigids.
Sxer, "but her eggs can wait for
• I �tn€5 nt. cables 2a
Mk y boat in a kind o
She seemed to s eld,
l'on'er, for with a. bot
01I �3 l li TO disentaangle herself :Cr
yaThzcli held liar. But, It .•as
-the trawlers s i d been too len
'0ti1c io leaf loopholes
arine ' "fid' 1'aed,
him," si,,,'iu
lis„" 1,'£;L,IE'id.
give Nitta rave intim
up and breathe, but DU longer -
C, ONE tIt r
ossed their de
veld the ;l
i= e
cat's cradle
-ahe to r.'e_;
ainst 13,000 fe
Pore of the G eat it Tea
in a Few ;Pointed
Capt: Thomas Roes UPiifith, on of
3, D, GTrifiith, Deputy I'i lister of
Public Works, Victoria. is os been de-
cora"te4 with the Military oss. for,
cansp'ieuous bravery.
F, D Edwar•t.s Avho Iost lbd`th ands
us the:. result of wounds atthe
ltas been aupointec, okhce> _iPi-coni
round oi. Rl'esthaven military conval-
escent hospital, Victoria.
Lieut. 3. B 11t,Lach ia, of 't'i t9t°ia
who left with the 1.6th Brigade, C.!
A., has been awardedthe lts1Il icy
Cross for devot'o3i to bleary during the
ade by the olieras;oris zacioie +'is*axa ,atiziae r
xlie Police Conim.;,sion,rs' of Vic-
toria forwarded to the Attorney -Gen-
eral for his fiat for prosecution a
number of names of the ".N -ho l
1eged to have violated the Lord's
e; Act.
Canadian Pae fie ltaila a;
is eaji?a0d: ,instituted a daily service
o over ill
to rood, down the"Okanagan Valley t
,en S Famous, redrlbean: the tot w'
service that
`i w,CLF w
-�7w y''.k €s e n rex
Arrtiies I"mil,:sv
Be Soexl.
.0111 problem in It
as that , eS^ tit
7tnt S+s sotn il}
Bite says `r,:.. Itlyi'S,a
Ilefore telae i It
0001 to_is at eoa,-.
attf,cit. for
.areb 31, 1918,,
i Mi401y1
3i tlr-Z" f1$-
34t �+ to 8 One et t e ii.'tlio + ixj "iidtSla £' Shue passed, but Fritz made
First Se 3 i rd, Sir Bri.e t'xeai(le ta:k''.t move .
ort# X.
s, saie3 eee at t t� the' 5�tkt3ia #1 ne lnt n,i c
�L;Itdextia^.ter I:Nlaltis}exit,
21” tu ;s being "held" is ai1ia i * .sa a'i1xet x, i t a ilagg;etl si;Pall fi'osia tlto t
t t� r+t1 wise ? ivornoo 01431
t`op me e
the starboard after one 3fr
hie lying o
aahser t LY's linger coMrogltceel bit t<:p tl
down till it touched the U-boat's little, them,
dflen i i e:: wlwsa'' tt, Ming li'a?t l t 's
It was the $e44fi=,$,4' n rural to ware este ; I� orttl;laa:
s r,over the port for mos trawler an '='`s';
clipped a was k»
tae. ltadl "`Sliektt451 as sttiaaaaat
small red: tin of high e?:p1osiv4 to the oubl a o
a a i
��k?AFL?an average 'iJd1
e'. parted ovo pi'sn'
hol fa;f be r me so ael'u'tf
ilable stock' were
the as alien Test alit1y the, bar^ -taut wire and allowed it to slide steak
. Tile,l
that a'
lstedx td
Son 3a1CZan
tx'ie i the i'<,xt
aaralyzed„ fast tra
by burning wood in-
decidedto stop
vers 3 s and four sgtt'at trawlers e,
orae l themselves ill= ,a peek
bar{a, work' v rt and h00 ,txiet
40 the aeaplan
.1t0 ses
ne, deliver.}
and immediately, there fano,&eft came to .it
crashing of two dist* upon two lir- plce€«dl 2' l
g keys; tete rp isin ; v two grey
oun.ls of water, 0 rambling,'
rifled explo iota
"The seapin ne ei
patch of 4^a ag cit
tt, Fritz bad be,
eat the destroyer I"Alfa "I"
her observer slappiza
x%ides into ibis mac
on after timae s.
SA tide. A burst
he riirat o the
atav:o:iey chamber llttatttti^ail,
urglc; the seeeiiia
for it exlidaaei,
sly—its the
T,,Caa 'tte.,-
1;ii, Oa* ^itotht
1 tlie?
and and F angio
ue and the latter
si': co*ti at Italy's
:Ons 0 ironth i
itmre Th
sea in Ita:ry is aRa P;
'.a%iboo' co Pty,.
ice bridge in i
lit g Baa, leaving Ice f
thirty feet high along
Lieutenant, Gord4#i'n.
Te* West1ifi'„ter has lret'2t F1aYaik'Ctet3
he Military Cross for bra vamy aat
'mss-zhend aeae.
A big -pump with a capacity of 20,.,
io't?' Per Minute is to be instal,"
;s+„a s Delta,
time e ,cel , ;: formed ed ol'3.
Ck{fi.'esi, i:. 4.4 .r Nataysi'j9
peraat ori s€a far this
alJ 4)7'.;, n,
Id Cleat
to irernawe the q'tn
y,h,�eel fo It�ai h a
held sbent1y 'sit I olidor
ai by the at
i*iarl gra
nix t the lion
its results In
tored South
-s Attacks of
A deapatch from Lon
great doublc‘. German '
Somme and Arrnentiere
which began on Wednear
alum Sligh t Retirement
on II, Vytsehaete Line.
in th
strugg,Ie.' continuance
burden of e grea
ding the frantic pr
the Germans for
their drive toward
The British, having been ed hack A-triiells and tile extreme violence of
out of Vinera-13rezonnema, launched a the fighting, the gains thus far in that
counter-attack, re -took the village region have been trifling% Along the
and swept, the Germans baok almost to line from Albert south to Castel ex -
the lines which were held before the cept at Hangard-en-Santerre, the Ger-
present fighting began. The .A.ustra- roan assaults have been hurled back
lians assisted in the victory, The by the allied forces, which are strong -
French have been driven baek out of ly posted on the higher ground to
Hangard.-en-Santerre but are holding which they retired during the last
their positions close 'by, while on the days of the German drive in Picardy.
It is unofficially reported that from
four to six German divisions, or from
48,000 to 72,000 men, have been hurled
Wounded Americans are arriving at Ypres. The retirement of the British
ta hospital behind the French line in in this sector must have been small,
the Somme sector, showing that Gen. for 'there are no gains reported by
line south-west of Ypres, the British
have been compelled to withdraw
nlightly before furious attacks along
the Meteren-Baillenl-Wytschaete
1:71558' 5
21 tO $11
their siriuriiis ase
lel the seat bnttaar'.
11w strooget thing• Inzlalit';s tl'.
Two round, black objects .scented to
detach themselves from her hall and
float urf;aceavard, to hover a soeoivi'
and then commence bobbing down the
tide --bobbing dawn a lame much ,fre-
qi ented by 'those ships that brought
food, munition, of war, and hundreds
of culler things to 'England's shore,
"Minelayer, eh?” called the sea-
plane's observer.
"'That's it lad " came the telephoned
miter thi
read eo nme
lespatell ft�e1
espatch Calgary, Alta.,
says: Crop reports being received
that conditions were never better, and
it is estimated that the average '
crease in acreage seeded will be
the neighborhood of 20 per cent.. Cool
nig;hts have retarded germination
somewhat, but in many parts of the
South wheat is above the ground.
There are a few complaints of lack of
moisture and drying winds blowing
off the top soil, but this happens every
year in Southern Alberta to a greater
or less extent,
Now wells up from the sodden swamp
The peeper's chorus strong, 777/
An orchestra of froglet throats,
Like bubble, filled with song%
t Ottawasay; a..- 00The.
of voluntary enlist
October, 1011, were
se of Commons: On-
,ca2; 'Quebec, 418,981; Nova
old. Prince Edward Island, 23,-
4 New Brunswick, 18,022; Mani-;
, 52,784; Saskatchewan, 26,111;
rya, 36,270;; British Columbia and.
ILon, 44,609, Total, '439 806. The
:ion.alitien were given as; Canadian -
born, 197,473; British -born, 215,769;
other nationalities, ;215,5504. Total,
£ eel the t�Faa,° cai'91 tamyattiaai,
lad 'alxiatxtissioller a t a ent"l ,'
fiat the eel prod:inn, aln
osatisfaett1fly : txlved wit:la
her delay, h'alar to l aev'ea
7.o n continuing the war.
RUNS 171G111I:41 1'I'lll
a al'i,<tMA.'tiS Al'st.ai.`UND
A €iesdratta^.h: from Paris is ra«ays: 'rho
pzesenee of Bulgarian troops on the
western front is now confirmed, It
pert, f.rar~lr hutadro'i
The 110174:4,
I e ae ei;peditlO
the .,,ear for TitO
Ar retia coa,st,.1O,
x1031. ioo1P,
With clic? app
Stanley Smith to
"Vtxl;char?tat the int Off
h=1; ;gone from the lair
Rata, it syr;
iTntilL s„e
is not known here how large a force stn ainlaliiwt
. Stanoc+ieh, a Croatian
but a naturalized C'aniidiatti
granted t'xineption at New tVentl
;:ter on the grounds of bis aareupre
as fisherman,
is there or what troops are represent-
ed, but among the officers is the SOt1
of, the Bulgarian Alinister in 'Vienna,
In addition to the lorge force of
German troops now attacking the al-
lied line east of Arili0118, coneentra-
'tins are reported further north, op-
posite Arras, as far as Ypres.
tt, Americans Build Largest Tank in World.
"America," the largest battle tank in the world, and the first of its kind built for the United:, States.
g*iant tank weighs forty-five tons and is operated by stetun.
4,2* -tiatet. 730.13.11191.
‘tifil NWT
ritA NOV,
oFi AND oLiviA Is
014, oLlviAl 1-1,014 ARe..NoU
ErTING ‘146-114
FoR vihtmela, BUT eve
-1145 11411.16 HALF
r in
Mentioned in tlic I Gaz-
ette Winning Decoratio:
Ainong the raiders mentioned he
Royal Gazette recently Lieutenant
of his "many suecessful raids" bomb-
ed an enemy airship -.ailed, and on an-
other occasion bombed a railway sta-
tion from a height of 600 feet. Ho
also derailed part of a train and pour-
ed machine gun tire on its occupants.
The Military Cross is awarded to
Flying at the ex.treinely low altitude
of 450 feet, Lieutenant R. B. Ashcroft,
M.C., Notts and Derby, attacked en-
emy trIpops who were holding' up our
infantry. A similar feat was accom-
plished by Lieutenant A. 0. Goudale,
M.C., R.F.C. Both these officers gain
a bar to their Military Cross.
twenty-five offensive patrols and shot
down five enemy aircraft. Captain J.
Byford McCudden, M.C, took part in
thirty patrols, destroying five enemy
machines and driving down three
others out of control. Meeting five
enemy air scouts, Lieutenant A. E. -41,-;
McKeever, M.C., attacked and drove
clown two. On another occasion he
attacked nin.(ci scouts, destroyed two, -
drove down one and dispersed the re-
mainder. Each of these officers ob-
tains a bar to the Military Cross,
Of braverY on land the act of Ma- --
brother of Viscount Gorrnanston, well
earned him a bar to his decoration.
When the Major was restiriti,g with
his patrol before a superior ninnber
of hostile cavalry, the horse of one cif
his troopers fell. He immediately
rode back, placed the trooper on his
own horse and carried him one and a
half miles to safety, being pursued
the whole way. At moment of his
rescue the enemy were less than one,
hundred yards away.
To be able to dish a cauliflower
whole and unbroken is quite a feat.
The surest way of accomplishing it is
to boil it in a piece of cheese -cloth,
which allows it to be lifted from the
kettle without detriment to its ap-