HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-4-25, Page 8Ph n STEWART o A. Phone 16 Stylish Clothing for Men and Boys e4t1e style, S Clqyqy Caea k? o 1 ° aee it elacheS %7oi1#;/at Tron2 t3.S. aFti, a_c<t,xtak etar sasaar c Pd. Sarsice" n5e1Ie� ry'bought months a FnaVing _'deert ti. Tr q 9acea' "Grey' ra tiea St long Suits roPx sun. in Big ., the With belt 15.00 an ': oe 'mall £ d. it Ca a ehoneoar f ent assn Bea 0 S lea's Suits Pen ages. all Papers v al::* lighten Sor::r a r-onic to WE wans, Bight ',"low v "these rooms pa - !cottons }a-.! ettons. aae, & to it he size 39u '1,4 Improved Lean nut 104 i wrie tela the ,l 1.1,1e4 ty�a lTh .00 's Lisle ose Land blaelr :ver 2aantaaars'0 ' neaik it vacs at ell and the fax , izes 8 1_2 to n° ti s i l 0:n yrs a Walrus Scotch Lin ()ems aoa will ii r the n a.t 4,r41a, 1Pa he LAa. iAtee -Lr"- LitAo:eaatrt bet u n :arela better. and. :a`n1 be chi,a':n£ r to bay apa e e ket eport-The following 1ft' e `egort of the Exeter Market corrected 'up to Wednesday' 24th. Wheat 2,10. Oats 85e. Barley 1.41 to 1 50. Family flour 0.70. Middlings $10. Bran }35, 'OQar$, buy 35 gel? :4 O,t a baiter 10e 42o E'r uery butler 53c. Pet1.3e to L60. et i 1p aE i.ii0 1 e It ooh we or 0 1 lookwell tvhs n c LOCAL• • skAt44.44, '20 lt} £iotafe;' is ars nenneste ac t , rl tea, ,L'odra iitdikii AtA t .cx,.y lta _a, to dt0w.."���, y 2L in) Main St. Cantrell, t1r. Arthur Middle nils visited i ?s•3ndo this 5t'eek. r. `1 rtaenaa<.1z p ]Iiott. has been of b a2. o �loa}F c Ai s. R. N. C2< ecla_ anil Son k a g kL�; ��.E1ot Or* Friday'. 411,1 r` ase _tt anion of London vis-; r 'hom here over the ti Mr, Thos. `2 'eel li ra truep, to dc_s Tress bas - on Ensilage Corn for Sale S ART Pho POWELL S ve You Ever A Curtain Tes W sa that Mr. s DIAMOND Ai�1BEROLA r'4o to arly r talAin. .IAa.S .th:aa vi we Gl ng to make the test in yo'Jr o vn ham via the tamous Curtain, Test. POWELL BAZAAR 5 XET B.A.RGA. IST STORE in towels for this week ranging in price from 15 to c each, These goods are much below present market verhalls, Smocks, work shirts, caps, braces etc Headquarters for all kinds of Shoes. Try one of our Made-to-IVieasure Slits, They please. )3. IV F. BEAVERS s•..'#' her pe Piis si`E. �tl 1h. 4 qh Grand flew. 1, !i:Me4 ia1'1 Dr. Fiend a` ^rill €anda2c in lay 'n'fhytAarian c a I) of rents 31r. o: town, t.0 t . of °o AI ,d 0 of the Flax Land anted The Ontario Flax Land Co. requires 00 acres of Land or the Exeter Flax Mill land rental paid when flax is sown eh:phone 13 ,L,A2 MIL SOUFI, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time itn In. five tninutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indhrestion, heartburn sourness or belchine. of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloatinn, foul breath or headache. ' Pape's Diapepsin noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickes*tomacli sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once by e•ettin,, latnre fifty - cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how rieedless it is to suffer from indi- gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- qdir caused by fermentation 1111. to solve acids in„.fitomanh. lltliss Edna 0 fethodist retarned, to With "-her W,Ohun, Mr, Gn A, Phillipson, of Tltore are STIV 30 �saae vu�,: our Sprii r;. £ats you at tkae 0,sers made CRt ' G 1St. Thel a at bettel" when lou wear a b� Your clothes will have individuality zf ya?a let us make them fqr you. ..ADZES' SUW' 'WNGS I Beat:tiinal Greir, 13.x4 wn, also a ood range of Blues, Come carie and Ite'o1 .th s,- before the old goads callar. LAME land L�Gsa Sheere Mr. P, ty r sp9ynt Sunday 1n town. Cr, l:sl0 d c i ;hotfer o $pa°2at a a ,,,,4 tat his be r2 t3h1rs, Ted Elsie of Lon are visaing with relatives Vera aokenshire of ri is visiting withw pfS al present u Mr. and yrs. runt r l aaf ear *i lett , las week. . 1liller baa t turned laaaue' ending the pastyt ar with her son40.%rocket, „Alta. 11ir. and tlrs.; G. :l di bor t, tended the 'funeral of, relativffaes aat slat{izesville on S. da Last ,11onday even ng <aTvoat. fifty-" .friends of Wm. Gossanan gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Rinker tto give hint a right loyal semi off. Tin" evening;-tw•as pleasaanU spent', ini`' earn d ,Ent s.c :aftrr c►a a light i �, a *as served, Dur'sng the ev nb g r hn wa �prese'nted with a 1'vnntain pep atl Testament and the fahon ing aSlitire . , Me g iiliai2 costt n, IA! aired 'dr Pellii, as with gt. taawaonal led here, U GENTS' ¶A!1~rOBi de Opposite the Centra! as Hotet. 40 rOA OE end regret ode .that his evening wish vont' new calEn ld bad tire 1/104,ortune a ladde,r ori Monday tp• quite bardlY and n, Inn forehead that wisit tches to 'Close, retort). bed, but his to see hint a- t 10 TRA regoixod Wilfrocif od botory Atop goo linerst It seats !louse, Fri 0 closyd dering the ‘010,e OF. Aa ty • , on the good e aid of ti ntis laanY anti pot,. trust v glory" We Gree -rs, Jackson. Airs. Wm. jr, of Shipka ited 'friends /tore last week. Woodbarti has' sold.' her pi - Miss Zilialn„ it' eel 1 Illying 'visit. to lier red up T Xs 'about read3 ve. Atch for results. 1 don last week 01 aid a retint HOUSE FOR ALE-e-Oon. of r114, most desirable re idt.IICOS Exeternn'. coupled, until recently by Jas. 'War-. r. Apply at Alf, Walters shoe storm Don't i your countel check too low, We are agentS for ppleford Counter Cheque Rook f Hamilton the large.st concern kind in Canada. YOU can b as PheaP from us as yott can fro 11 everY 'war. For =Alt "ain, Apply at Times Office henh se FOR SALE -Two s llse geed -repair, NEW CARTAGE, RATEF;, ilmhents tilde* 4a9 lbs, yer 400 Ins Crt'a' Wit 0 will assume his duties' tor early in May. Casualty IN TION 1),nuin of h new fuel Ot coal in regulations than six, forgo ant lorses t1.1,9 prnpared to cent to grow 250 acres -d COnit costs eYner 050 rogf itt " seven 41 onneetiOtl reittrited 10 .1 horn bsra. of Curtners t join most„ enjoyable e‘ iihng, the posi ion as is a bsonee. bus //eon app piano selections, Atonday, May tit 01'11,ERS DECOI1ATE1) under '41irection of NV, m. Clark, Rep.' room, Sive service 111 Rail on mon evertiro. twelve moth ,,rs who have Mcssrs. 'Melville Remick and Lioden1< .-"*Prgall. or Toronto arrived in town I, iamt .r.ror-t wore tit'et'rl Saturday' last and will work on witll ttrmtv't "w<101 th" 4%"°01- onths. for the oceasion. Mrs. Gordon Wright Gunner M. *lance wait home front Inc evening and in her very eapable rred to a battery at Guelph and I , are making in the present war. litr TneSday for that eit.Y. l address was entittgd "The Gain 3lessrs. Chtts4 Sanders. R. N. Creech Sacrifice." Miss McLean of London nd McEvoy motored to Loudon. also gave an interesting address. Mr. n Saturday last to sec Mr. Robert, Gordon 'Wright outlined OW work of tinders who is ill at the hospital in" th- 'Associated Kin andi told of num- hat city. Mr. Sand ,rs is progressing! eraus 'instances where the organiza, slowly. tion had been able to help soldiers de - church next Sunday, The Sacrament; Portant feature of the evening how.* of the Lords supper morning and ever was the de‘oration of the moth - evening. Morning service at 11, o'clock- ers and the following were presen- At this service the congregation will ts,-d with ntedals, by asked whather they desire a Mrs. W. A. Turnbull, :qrs. 3. C. change in ;the hoor of the evening Gardiner, Mrs. „Ily. Strang, Mrs. so!rvioo„ Port/talc, 'Mrs. Phillip Hera, Mrs, Rev. a. F. Knight of Hensall ands Rev, C. W., Raker c,f croditon oc- Isaac 'Thhn- 113... Johns. 3n -s. copied the pulpit. Ja:nes Street Wmds?). Ives unable to be present." Methodist church on Sabbath. last morning and evening respectively and "ct.t17•11 tjec°ratd ;`)rs's Delivered two acceptable sermons in Fo.ilick sang an acceptable smo and Misses Gn Inssett and AI. Seldon play - the interests of Social Service and Evangelism. Contributions were taken up in aid of the above fund, and also in aid of Calgary AIethodist church and,' met with splendid support. The ovt,R Tin Top. pastor, Rev. W. Baird, conducted services on the Crediton circuit. If n wounded Canathan soldier were td knack atryour door and ask for GARDEN PERILS. ing 'Yon, waind rot do for him. As he is "somewhere in Frax.ce" he cannot I've ,spaded, up my acre lot, to make visit you, but the is knock - a wartime garden ;.. nwill be the ing year door for him to-daY. smoothest little plot you. ever SaNt' a Through that tried and tested. agency bard in. I i.own the kinl hon.lgs yott ;can minister, nal.: to one, but to greens that uscut to please oar dad- all of our ,sonlier boys at home and ies, and have beds (tr. inias and. beans overseas. Your ,money will lessen and leeks and finnan haddies. And SDII1C poor laci's lonliness, ease an- ncig,hbors CDITIC along and say, "In 00-ter's pain, p.rcserve, reason. pro - vain is all your toilir,g I For vagrant vide recreation, and, camouflage hens win come this way, your treas- much of the gbastlinesrs of France ured garden speillr.g. And dogs will and ;Flanders fox your fathers and come, and once or int ice they '11 wallow brothers. in your lettuce; then you'll recall our In it3 Red Triangle Fund Campaign sage advice, ab, then you WCHa'1, forget on May 7, 8 and 9, the Canadian 1. us! And wher, the moonlight white 3f.C.A. 1:1 going "0Yer the top." Never inter -se the world in silver v.,ashes, 'before sa much money been asit-ed a cow will crriab your gard_n fer,ce. from a ncncrous b this ,r., and eat your -Hubbard squashes. Some stitution. 'irwo and. a quarter million, night a horse, from baiter free, per- dailars id a large sum of rtioney. ever. haps a gray With dapples- wilt -collie in t.hese days of, svvollen war-budg,ets all your apples. And bogs will come and. climb, an Yoncler tree and swallow haolluthIthethnael*d•thise "tishuernrc, aasnkdedwleodroliNtioiri from distant pens, long leagues they'l. be 'fortimonoin,g. Nor once have the came a-kiting,fro eat the onions that purse -strings of- Cana,dians been the hens. passed up as unir.viting. Oh draWn 'tightnin the rface an urgetit we have raised soch ,gartiens sass, to appeal ,ror foods; whether for phi!. Coed sacra vagt-ant varmints, ar.d anthropic or patriotic needs. ia,,nn wept and cried Alms! and torni The work of the Y.M.C.A. at ful bliss I felt to ee things growing any s...igge,sti*Olf, "charite'' nd it is -By Walt Mason 'patriotisni 'Out taint -AN, ed an instrumental duett. T;4'.17. A. A.. Tramper filled the position Of chairman . at sevnn v 1, tast week ,.it h lends wig to London ,.•s(i.i,Y morning for their anw home don. TI,n6y have been good cite - and will be nrcatly missed in. the peopl.. LCD With then) tO OJAI th'Akt 110110. W1111. is our lo9S will London's galn. Pte. Clarenen, Oxley who has boon invalided home front Franee incaPn- citated for work at the front spent s-veral dons Centralia. During his visit here the Patriot)* Lvagne nri.4 "ented him with two pairS or seeks and t W(11 $.4) irb, Also or, Sunday nit Pr. I/0a the Class of which Pte. WaSA inembn. presented him Bible and address. The address was read laly Miss Iva Essery and pre4 Id:Igor) madg by Miss Brooks. Pte. Qxley was completely taken by sair- prinn but replied and thanked the p.sople front his heart for their kind rtmernberance of hon. The 5. school then gave him a saute every per - sot waving tit handkerchiefs. launched a proposition for the „rats- ing of $5,000 on the Exeter Distrtet. for the erection of a school in. conli. nection with the West Chna Mission. Five membYrs, were present incluttng the pastor, 13 e v. itt.r. Barnard, and cacti' p,romised to subscribe $50.00 such a project can be carried cot., The objective for Elimville was piac-t ed at $560 and for the circuit $il700 Tbe question of rais,rig $5000.00 will be brought before the disttict niect4, circuit will show an in -I cr,,ase of ;15100.00 thig year. PIANO 'TUNING, 17. II. Stewart will be in town for a lett,' days. Leave order far your tuning at S. Martin anti Son store. Try our a Flour,, it is excellent 'tniality r,d flavour but it is slightly da er in color. Harvey Bros. Funeral Di ector I Night, call. 8 nd Furniture OPERA 0 " LOCK t their SI LEMON JUICE IS A SKI TENER for a few cents. MO httlag t7.1r14?Ari,:ititrac,-,•1,31 0-4 hard whit,. malc.es wholu quarter of the raoA, remarl:ahle eautifier at about the emt one must for a 'quail jar of the ordinary gold Clore shothl be taken to strain lemon juice throut,,ii a line cloth so lemon pulp gas ill, then this lotion 1301.9 fresh fOr mouth:,. Every woman known that lemon juice 35 01,,ed to bleach and remove such hiezaii,hes the ideal :-kin softener, whitener and Just try it! Get three ounces rchard white t any drug store 1 wo lemong front the grocer and make 0 a quarter pint of this sweetly, fragran lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. of '1'11311 rtion Furniture ND Undertaking TnE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND PURN1TCRE DEALER ,1; New Spring Styles 111 spring Suitings, Overcoatings Raincoats and Pantings We have something worth while to show you at prices 'We have received shipnaents for "die New Spring Goods in all, lines of) Men's 'Wear and have some attractive nee our New Spring Hats in. the latest Sltacles and Shaps,---IsTings We also have some ( coptional nifty Nu‘v'Shapes and Ties in all the.41,atest,4,' •