HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-4-25, Page 511S
We have a large stock of specially selected field
seeds for sale at reasonable prices.
, .
Before .1)uying your requirements, examine, our
grades and get quotations, You will save inoriey. We
have a good assortment of the cliffierent grades of Govt.
standard seeds.
Red Clover Alsike'
Thnotii3; AIfalfa''
t)tellard and Bluegrass
IVIangel and Turnip Seeds, etc.
We are booking orders for seed corn in the following
alatninoth Southern SIN -Feet
Leanilug, and Selected IZcd Cob
Seed Corn is scarce hook your orders early.
A call solicited,
* Genera. Merchant
ing grOat Pain 'whert immeditt'teryl, bp"
mashed , for medical attendance, „,"4.14
doctor responding alloost ltatitedt4;0$
hut her ea$e twos then so sitrions tilt
it was thought well to send for an-
oth•tr doctor but it Was ',found inl-
possibie to giTo, relir,,f and in a very
few hours Mrs. Stacey pass“d awaY'
front a s'veri; tiara5ltic 'stroke ii- the
head. The deceased was the eldest
4.1aught(,r ot the late Mr, Wm. Chap,
tnan to,i! ifensail and, had lived in tile
vit./ago ,e'ver sincer her marriage t',Ctitle,
2,8 Sears ago and was must highiY re,-
speetetd 'for her ;splendid ,itialitit,s,
( being It true wil-e, and, a loving tooth -
t r in tilt-, fullest and trocst sase of
U' 144ol
0 irlio s„ 50,y,
th,rr term, and hasidt,,s- hex liorthar„ti,
kaues. t‘ro sons to toottrr... WI- loss,
t; i,
and ii,do.i1a alOW:
nitine17,4, Ernie, who ,:tnitstt-d-and has
francIQ' t,ont!
.1?•ank it, Aivinston and•'.vho
to go ott,:rs,;as shortly. Th:t. p.O.leral,
svhtch o as. 1151(.1 on Titare-tiTy.' . a itdq•
000r.„. la,'...- , was t, privatt, ono, and tht,
rtitatihis were iLterred ill, the, licen;tat,
Cot. C,'Itt-ter,
wa-irt T 1,404 'tettc. tit to tin, tonih.tri
hospital bottle Oriottsfy Uh with ap-
'W VL Ittarl5 t.111 1)1411' AlTs, ,fatitos Sft:trits t0has beePi
qf,31,4,,,,Atartio,„ is. and, has, 4;e:a iuU U1„,,,01... „t,,,, 01; /Mitt c i tt
144610°' Dasu her au'- inill'iti74440,W
AtitiLie 81zwlair Tret'titi;, .4voit ,taviv„d howt, 400,00/44r4.01
43014.4 ft -Qu a 014N1, tr.4 ra. visit wtth 0001,4,6 ),..re,cutr,,
fri6„.114,i in S. Tboma5`,
!qr. B. J, 1),rysdat,t, retur.ned as fest^ :qr., It, Ctu(itnorat urns intrvilat5tItt.
days ago froto til46tate ofAlielliffatt' cin,‘ b/.1ie.14og OAF/ AL the t °
in- pnt some 4401'411i With our 1 Wage on iiitrtk,444,t‘ApP,th 'RN
ri,ttatives, from INft- ki-*** 04 1144
Cha nthertttiii et„. Niagara etATt 111:1 /1, .1' or th,,, ortv fte a very fixl,
who ant hvoy., ssittt kr4).„tcatA,px.9.0,006* huelc dyooliliat,j;
"5 5
:7t1;r„ Cbas gehter
reNtott.s, here for a Att.,- davt.i.
lasr. week.
Mr. Pn;it 1,141tOnS. 4`,f,t, for Pnehtr.,,,
r(tr. Oft Stf:tUirlfaZit
ht, aitttta,s.lakiag tr,,ratMEM,t.
1. B the
anruat conEero-tee, of the- -1--vangOie4
Mr, johia,r4gMlge.ht',.'r 4(tAga'
elt.ArciA 114, it4 N. titetico,
isiting0100.0t:01 thtt, V4111,1,41li
retorthtd to :4%1040,0, Bt0,10ta,
ttid Alas '64(40 edit •o'o..
fa,01.5.„ ,,ortoo ititter', otifittfr, Arirs1
W, 14, ..I;31-bt,t't or a 4ySlasti
(0.1,. i)tatgla,ts or lien-,;al
inttrtyo this'.vitI1g* bls pnrt,haig.di
the Tloor, (t-od and coat liOt-is of
tittn, iirotoa!,t, and ,hzt,t,
taitt-n possessto$t,
N't shotlnet` 041 oT lh1hors*5,
Xolin "Deehar, Jr, ottr kt/wttrot. Littr,
l;otAt-.11. had th.‘,t natt;EortLne to stts-1
twin s-rion-1 ktijnries. 1115i r.4niro.al JTefl
on him: t„ty t...d u wtls 4 t
r`ot thit4 4Arr, Detth °r was hettt interr,-1
ii now r-ltrt„,d, as.
itto:01kilttv sa,:s‘ recorvi-,1.- ,,t144.14 hist
'tor parvnts Arr. and 5 040.,,..4101100.1,„54478? .r tit , .
Wit t',40,:',RX4qtkEtql ti4 her 11Q411k.,,, V.,,,,t1'.3441„rir,,,,,9:L ..,:),,foit. 94,141,,k)tr,5, 0i41 4- . • Lossy HAM
Dr, Antw„,, N,.,0” „14.c-,„,
i4 'qriaVlitgAVt° 4,1'4 Pal eat,44,44.444,.... APV .,:.r, Ithi ,wbvix tin. br,..040,1 „
sto wit”, 1'0140 bad 0“r,441A,).4,,0 COW 4200100#11i*itittVr 'Oct 040)4° TAO* of
Ittp4ntooti „swab, Itts. - ll.0 tlitte oblor0la
3FitliOttgalL Syt,l hT,rr.,4 ,W.1104: 04(fre.rtst41
Tor Iowa, U11,4, hiqwx t'Ot4
°w1°4 to 0" riu 1 britttgagotoottt, of elortrtiv -
wooso lo -r sititrr,4taflirt, tiol4040,0 4111000y
A ....Au. sKO :dr
ralia IT telt s
. ,
John tk ,Uttenartatt 111„
at"-lin14 0"1"40 th! 641,k)," 1, has ltst,ten asoliontret.tl, Mine
o nor itto stkto, '
tryttr. Avrt sttos,wh.tt impove4 it/ allorosst Wskilfitio.(loo
rsil$ ,arolt Afr, liartlsoarfre f;
rtbr r-otoot.d
pi 1 ; qr101" o1 the VItivprsity of Toronto
fl 4:dt I
INIffr- 011114'4+043 tr,tranddawh1o',o
40er itnsr-telt iinhelt mho Ivo: 11,4.0 rs Rob, iv ttm 4tkti. T4r.„.
zorirls:r from a ,,,,trort,t, attack. of Ito ,4414;', 11 eilla ‘1,"44) o'.44ot`O. Avtatary
t4da :r4 4°°W '°Wrfr*'*ilr; and Ls,tiit, ot", :tfr, Aktt
44' i- 10 rviir,krt dr it :sir. Itvwliattan ot 'nu'4.
chrl w1.10 h o vorY rhi, veryto;Ttni+...1) 44.14E1! W.' JOliti
111 !low tam go hr stac,„„,,, took 1,14,y on Tra0, nioryn;4
And ;p:o a l'f1 044 glw N!‘ • Wit kid "red
1.`111 vorl, b -z trI1'4 jir,,tioQs 1V4U.g her usI4a1
tna5" continuo. 1.0 lzalirovtt -oat! Iv" k h 11th'it be w& ,
Atit;s, 1,:dn3 thinght,c ot throe and fonr o'etoizl: in ttw
ltugh :11cd.ronatd of this vil 4 h,tt "st- ..ztae•t• tolontl b veil( sky f a•
Gir:s1 Try ;t1 tirt1r get.$ $atti PIXlrhtY ,
braukifol---Orta small bolio
if you cam kr heavy ba ir notglis-
t4-41.4 with 11,404 mul iE rirlit,nt with
lifr: Los tt44' rilttoloporablr offtict.ti, mid
It tatv ,,,,,t,iiutiteni*Orp-044Tht
,. , '
414411 4;TC,' 2P00410.2 441b1eti f7:41
igtAkty 01 yoor ttolritt'45 it home -
al ttittly 0 it, Frol roFt tr:rry pat tirle '
dastlroft, YOU oar' sot. hare Melt itettrzt,
itrollit:r itoir if yoo 301\0 dandruff, Titia i
fir44trtotliv5 -Curf roiri ilto hair of lta il
.44 5-44494 aT,,, „,, vkly Igo,
and if not OVit1c^01111,? it Itrolitte,ui a 10V1.1-
i6b1W,ii Mil ittltipg of thy sc;31p; the
Itair roolti intni:41, Tootiot ana de ; thc,n,
tht; hair fa11., out lat,ta Surely get. a
44/44,311 hottlt4 of linos',.iton'n ])dt:rine,
4414 drog ..itore nod. ,j‘t,. '. ry it•
11•It a••••••••••••••
1 1. 4-1 4,
ET the Ford car introduce you to the beauties of
Nature and the outside world. Let it take you into
. into
. .
the country, or along the lakes where the -lir is
- ,
fresh and sweet.
A Ford car will open up new fields of pleasant possibili-
ties ..ior you and family and at the same time serve
. . .
you faithfully..ii business.
No doubt you have felt the need of a car—your wife
has often said, "1 wish. -we had a car," so why not buy
one now? There is no other car that gives such good
value for the money inyested as a Ford. This is why the
Ford car is so popular everywhere,
The Ford is powerful, easy to drive, economical, endtir-
irig. It is the ,car you need.
P• B• FC/RA'l
lurittlaout $575-'
Touring - - $595,
Coupe - - $770;k,
Sedan - $970.1:'
11 Open Letter--
Tir.) the eeve arid Ctmlicillors of Exeter
Rave your citizens organized to increase food production?
If they have not yet done so, We, the Organization of Resources Coninalttee,
earnestly ask you to call them together in a Mass Yleetilig, and lay before them the
necessity of imniediate and vigorous effort—the food situation is critieal.
It may astonish you to leant that in 1917 Ontario did not grow enough wheat
r its own needs. Consequently every Ontario farmer whose land is suitable, has
b-een urged to sow 5 acres more spring wheat this year so that Ontario's demand for
wheat shall not be met at the expense of that portion of the Western crop that should
more rightfully be shipped overseas.
For this same ren 'very householder who has a garden or a piece of
vacant land is Pefng urge4 tov vegetables, because the more ',vegeta es t gre
grown and eatejilln °Ilta**01eSs wheat and meat there NVill bo. consumed, and, that
being so, the Ontario wheiteroP should then b0 itilt,etent to reed our own Peo
and leave more Western wheat and other foods avallabie for e$port.
Bv intelligent effort, in the cultiVatioIt of lus oWn ba -el garden, (Wiry()
CUItivatim et a Licari)) piece of land, the average citizen can grow., this summer,
4ougit vegetables to support his family through the next winter. And remember.
If food restrictions ore enforced next winter, a $uppiy of vegetables in the ceilar
will be very desirable.
If you already have an unofficial or semi-official organization to stimulate food
production, so much the better. That will give you the basis for a comprehensive
A plan that has been adopted in many places is here oullined. You should
adapt it to the needs of your own community,
1. A General Committee should be
ormed, representing every impor-
tant interest of the community.
. The work should be done by sub-
committees. The following list is
sufficiently comprehensive for the
largest places. You should adapt it
to your 0111 COMITIUTlity.
) A sub -committee on Finance. The
Organization of Resources Com-
mittee is willing to help local
brooches financially with publicity,
puhlk !fleeting's and organization.
(I)) A Publicity Committee to plate local
probteMS properly before the people.
supplementing the larger work of
the province -wide publicity, by
securing pledges, sending out (iron -
kir letters, arranging for addresses
in churches, schools, motion -picture
houses, etc., and by supplying local
papers with news items.
) A sub-conamitthe on Vacant Lot and
Back -Yard Gardening to include re-
*presentatives from horticultural so -
cities, school teachers, etc.
(d) A sub-cozmnittee on Farm Labour,
composed of employers of labour,
representative.s of organized labour,
war veterans, etc. Labour is the key
to the food production problem. All
boy, girl, part -tine and vacation
labour should be enlisted. Make sure
that sufficient labour is ready to meet
any demands made by your farming
community. This labour sheuld he
placed on farms locally through the
Agricultural Representatives or the
Government Employment Bureaux.
(e) A Farm Land: sub.tommittegi, posed
posed of grou,ps otinen to cultivate
larger tracts i it land in the
.5,ax growing is pronialhe and snit -
able ---flax seed and fibre are triwh
(f) A sub -committee on Schools, to en-
list all stiwol-children of sufficient
age to well; eliller in home gardens,
commuart.:. garden, gardens,
or on farm.
(g) A sub -committee of wwrien on Con-
servation to deal with the problems
of food -saving in the homes; the
more broadly representative it. is of
women's activities the better. Exist-
ing wonzen's organi;tatioris should
not be interfered with, but since con-
servation is one of the greatest prob-
lems, there should be a women's
committee in each community to
deal with this problem alone.
3. An Executive Committee should be,
appointed, to include the chairnum
of the general committee and the
chairinen of the sub -committees.
This committee should meet fre-
4. A Secretary to the coy should
be chosen, for his knowledge o the
situation, who would be free to de-
vote considerable time to the work.
Lack of food threatens the battle -line and coe ,,,,tist den
with the situation.
If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind ta
do so now, You will not regret 11. There is still lets of time. Potatoes
be planted up to June lst and these are the best substitutes for wheat f",nd meat.
Fr good, Practical advice upon how to lay out andcuitiv.2.1.-, a Ireget-2ble
Carden, write for a free copy of the booklet entitled: "A Vegetable, :Arden for
Every Home." This has been prepared by the Onta..io Deparlr„-,nt of Aor.i,..ai.tere for
the guidance of citizens who will respond te/ this call for increased procLactien.
Send for copy now. Mail the coupon below:
Org,‘6`nizat,ion of Resources Committee, Parlianaent Buildkags, Toronto
Dear Sirs:
Piease send me a copy of your booklet "A Vegetable G:Ir:Iert for 5
Every .11unte."
In Co -Operation with Canada Food Board
=472,M61”011MITSIMan moomov.mmenstimoii*mgetrzare.. —17.=coroo
.1rYLAN4I1 LEV,TrIlEtN' •'
lit,. 4iirliand .tt_sllericari corn is slo NS'
• 'ill'I'ttig#,h0,,o-re. Crow
Every exi: a, a 04t! f a r n er,s , • 1,, o•;0' 144441..,s,nmanc!r lid
1.0144.1 qtat lfl thtOl s'ortng W4fl 514V4i srttqc,,,tr )4:010.4,054tr*.4”' 4ita;'.. • •
bo4y rro1n 4440 rvina .1<410000t44h04t
about 500 000 000 i)a F..bo
. ,
VI Or`
t1c;.1I ipllottbttaltt&tSel:Stnto b'cle()4
but ';are' not sal
Trash Itot, potatoes;
i,tte411 ood„
-S'."ork to i*
Otth of Parkhn
the Ridout Street 1\10.1"
Lontkoz„, iast Y44e§4.11.,
01 vie