The Exeter Times, 1918-4-11, Page 4918t Tin, ME, And ervous was most ing seemed of 'tripoli cgatored he ha Frederick Vino! stad iron aiitirhag ihot-tle, Inc them He cRIPPSt e is chi/dren. so COT,6,„ and unSt and his gained Sommers, remedy you , 1 yt Got Well and That's True ttle boy, ' ee, was tired all the time, at school, and to help hint. I. gavots it to him. health end strencth itt weight? _Monaca, a constitational cod fen' delicate, Formula on know what you Claildeen love it., GGIST, EXET draggist in aro was Strop weak. so noth- 'learned It ---Mrs, Pa. weak, ovarY are who I i be has and 1 liver 1 / giva , 1 1 R„ f k Ont - The Double Tra Route ilittair To cla SCELLED Pomo r.va. vics , tCva 15,rk. T. , Wa Time prices on Wire Fence d f,fuee, 40 centS t 57,,, xoL t1 aie bir we bra ii5, Ihir, s ) ,,,,,*•1 „: ' ' otAbtoats. I.et kinds o 1inbrshingles. Plat ..7, ou order no,,v icr vliat Fertilizer 7 0 II rd. •,... F tTILIZER 8,3t1,0,1 `Phone 1.2,, A.3. CLATWORTHY GRANTON •* *********** 44 a 16)GENIAL afflimai BATFOlitin ONT... SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 2ND • CononerciaI life offera the + ' teat opportunities. Recent ,t `lady graduates ot this aehool • . are earning as high as $1000 ler. 9 . anainn. The last applitation we 4* ak* received from an office ma n : 4 with some experience offered . 110 initial salary of 51800 per an- 40 * • ea num. Students may enter our . * classes at any -time. Graduates . is placed in positions. Commercial do ., . • ..). Shorthand aria Telegraphy de- 4,4' ilt pa.rtments. Get our free cat- . . alogae. , , . , . . • U. ELLIOTT President 2 -* * -.* D, A. MeLACEILAN, Principal,* * • LTAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING safe your Hair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and SeragaT hair s inute evidence of a neglected of dandruff—that awful scurf. ere, is nothing so destructive to e hair as dandruff. It robs the hair lustre ,its strength and its very illy producing a feverish, bag of the scalp, svhich if epaedied eauses the hair roots to 6Psart and. die—then the hair 1IaS. A little Danderine to - 'any time --will surely save S TOPICS OF r$iortat Events Whc Occurred Durinz th C' Roan Words }InppeninZi tnrn tuily Complied and ut lut Handy and ttrwtiye Ship v tot, the Readers of Onr Piper Soit Rorn' Io ment. ) as sered nQUee On Ras- a ; Guarda must leaye was charged in Fran, ourt with the. 0- o hs P ,ber, Alfred Isaacs, London ethic Co. shut off a.night, leaving tit zee a red e sume.rs without liithL The eatened strike of rainer and ;steel workers of the iN'oya Scotit, Steel 4", Coal Co_ has been avorteci, T4e er..1,7,7 of Se b«I•t01)01 isthre-it eued with iniptnre by Turks 3 11: KinrdS 123,...'4rtti2iitrt.,4 from opposite ditoc- tiers, :Rioting e-'4,27arre,,l, again in Quene4i iast, ni,g„t4t,c,arinz tak.ing place by batii g,gdcoLLeis Four eviViaris t Columbia center tne do - FPO aws on the 4 T big Tio pedue COM pArt„ " The Loudon way baS been, r Veaa, Ilatard to rat qu, gval by 14 emIts seaser rate by 1,6 Five paeliell.Vers , rear Steil id ovetv ar TtaShilitea agetaahl,4 the ,atlah 11044" Igst 111Sb Utd 7N1174 S'tiltlaittg10104 • ft BotV1111, Ilegstl# /UMW et Citit=101;14-:k Celexablts that th a whole ,deldOr Quehee 'site Ain 2,tarci,_, of the coll,„•,•:- oQt • WO)14 rittiriP„. oo oz tn. Las'been, tar - 'ET, ,tveT • t4e, gitt,rais • C Th wttil.+ , agt, ed while ',11Shing near Chathatn, ;wtwaf$ pass - the 1u i tor third Toriaiate e a- Lag day ro Ise fivat1$ for enterta ratintlgh rze of the tingent. Robert Heyworth 14 years of age as shot and instantiv Sound by Jack Tizzard, who, tag ;tit a bird. Massachusetts is now supii the Federal prohibition The State Senate has ratified z.'he pro aibitery amendment, Two houses were detroyed *axes in Fait -batik last night, with t brigades unable to give assitan,i-: accontit of bad roads, Plight Lieut. C. K, Wilson, of To- ronto, was killed in an airplane al - dent in F.,ngland, sceordthg to a cable received by his parents. The eighth long-rangbombard- ment Of Paris began at 10.10 o'clock yesterday, when a Projectile exploded in the region of the city, The Reid Wrecking Co., with dry- dock and shipbuilding plant at Port Huron, will merge with the Founda- tion Company of New York, Exchange of the instruments of ratification of the peaee treaty con - 'laded between the Central Powers and Russia took place on March 30. Credits to the allies by the United States in the last year were raised to -day to more than $5,000,000,000 by a loan of $200,000,000 to Great Britain. Deeetrates of the O.E.A. had severe nVern14 athzs pee w' trongly or !nod. Preiuie Cemeneeau Fratce yes direct c1ena1 !in'statem,rat that had been asked for. e.ports of the Quebec roing from #ry Headquarters and tr Lt.-- laehia -were read in the Com- - Premier Borden. gs F of 1,eamiagton, ea in convulsions' poisoning through 11 tam syrup out of a rustl,- Dr Tiorae Pti',I ort to the annual meeting of tb 3urea of Industrial Research he that. public ownership enferPrfse should be aelf-suPPorting- FRI1).„1,T, A reyoutiou has broken out Southern, Costa Rica. Quebec is about normal again „ b the inUitarY nre in charge. The Daybigiatlaying Bill vas rea the third timo the House 0 Commons.. Important regulations t Pre food boarding have been in,ide 1),• Food Board. Canada's gold reserve see ty e millions the Dom lo u ding, provitaci41 g, - „ a Red Trian Mgt:, •ivas Nanned or Amazing admissions were made by Clirista Hatutitor before Afr, stt� The Hydro,,etentple Power siihas completed the purcbthe ConntY Xiight S.ad terms of la 'Grar het' wbtlad Gen, * •S„,a, of, high,est Al,••,-Leita, of son ot Col. MeL ,ubury Queen's, f€D0u-ralL commande the Caundian Jorsrnits, ha been decorated with ie Cross o Legion of Honor. The Provincial Department Agriculture win co-operate with, Q tawa to urgiug the growing of mor to meet war demands. far ationi 3 2,1)00 men tl 'ted under the Milifarle the cost of admlaisterin has amounted to near - a halt, or of the men and disinter- erYice. has vduntarfly the or ot Cost „sal -out -7,T. f Efinnatma for t to order an in - of Mis5 as dismissed he,, d Terzie $ Another Attempted Thrust at Amiens a Failure. Gennans Are Continuing Their *longing, Tactics With in eased Vermity and the Op1rathnLs At- 1)evelotaing Into a Magnified Ver- dun With, the Teutons Staking Everything to Secure Victory, LONDON, AOrn 5.— Germans are eontinaing their pluaging, tactics in the Amiens battle a -ea with their operation rapiolY developing into a greatly magnified Verdun, The similarity with the class),c example of a Germau attempt to beat an enemy by sheer force is Oily growing, This development, obtra4es self not only because of rtarro**g ef the area involved in the attaeir and the practice of hurlieg great masses of troops at the defenders of arrow front regardless of sacri- e aces, nut by reason of newly -develop- ' tendency to alternate the attacks, -lb, rest periods for one sector while the other is la action. Thus, Saturday the main attack vas delivepod7 on the Allied centre, !ter the blair launched south of the Somme on nrsday and that driven into the noalak taf the river on Friday had spent tlieMselves. nay's big plunge appears to jt,Starting point just 10 va OUR CHILD IS CROSS, FVJUSH CONSTIPATED orick,leaMnipetrhniieitartliesybirtiofwpteolonsfgielitgh‘IS:coaoia, l_ted Motiters ecu rest easy after giving "Oalifornie. Syrup of Figs" beeause in - hours al/ the clogged -up waste, sour bile and fermenting, food gently moves out of the boweLs, and you hare well, 'playful child again. Sick children needn't be eoaxed to take this barmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handY he, cause -they know its action -on the stom- ach, liver and, bowels ie prompt and sure. Ask yaor Alru briAt for a battle of neatisenstaeoteaof riga," which cote, tains directions' for babies, children of all ages aud for grown-ups. Auction Sale OF ARA! STOCK & IMPLEMENT Oa Loi 5, Con. 2, Bay, on THURSDAY, APRIL iSth, 1918, lon„ Cat 13 0141- Sooaine, Where the ; v cow If is near ;he juitic- Preach- Appar- t Albert -Amiens vitnity of („,lorlde, east f Amiens, the ssos of troops d the posing line from Vaire wod, ea ot Corble, The stacn. was repulsed ivlth avy losses, Succeful British counter-ttnokc were iauucited against the Oerrnaniit itt Avelny Wood, ut the west side o e Aricre river north of Albert. Th British recaptured all their former sitiona. Field \$aJ. 3 x pert says t the Qek was, re, counter-, PIZeed the ly held by criticism for the Department of Edu- cation, elainaing that local authorities are unable to adopt the system to lo- cal needs. The Ontario Educational Associa- tion convention was formally opened last night with the address of the president, Dean Pakenhata of the Faculty of Education. The big White Star liner Celtic, which was torpedoed a day or two ago while on a voyage to the United States, has reached a British port safely. The Celtic is a vessel of more than 20,000 tons. THURSDAY. Bombing of German cities is caus- ing great damage to property - Armand Lavergne has been de- barred from entering St. Roch dis- trict of Quebec city. Oleomargarine regulations were the subject of lengthy and vigorous debate in the Comm -ns. The steamer alacassa left for Hamilton, opening the navigation season in Toronto harbor. A neutral observer who has just left Gerraany says the public begins to believe that offensive is a failure. The United'States will take meas- ures to hasten the operation of the program calling drafts to the colors. The new regulations for bakeries are reported to be working advan- tageously ti, both bakers and cus- tomers. Bernard P. alcEnaacy, well-knmwm mining man, died suddenly in his apartment on Sherbourne street, Toronto. Twenty-one returned officers will go to the United States to aid in the third American Liberty Loan cam- paign. Chemicals Valued at $50,000 tnat cannot he replaced on account of em- bargoes were destroyed in a fire im At a meeting o entral, -era! *tf9li SATCR, Lord Robert Cecil decia n has shown eear1y that to Prussian poUey and eala. Two men held up tbe sto, eyal Bank branch at Cote dos ;lgs, :Montreal, and eseaped. with 0.itt noreif, Toroato accorded a great welcotne tc tbe Archbishop 01 York, who ad- dresced a capacity autiteace itt last night. The Provincial Government wit appropriate .$25.000 to provide extra club quarters for Ontario soldiers itt London, England. Xing George sent a message of congratulation to President Wilson on the anniversary of the United States* entry into the war. The Provincial Dairy Conference at Quelph unanimously passed a resolu- tion looking to the formation of a provincial Dairy Committee, Alfred, Sex, of Brantford, died at the Base Hospital, Toronto, of spinal, meningitis, having taken ill three days after reporting for service. Toronto officials and military °Mt- cers gave a rousing Send-off to the -enty-six furlough men who started their returm acairney to France last Right. andge Wedderburn of the Comity' Court of St, Salm, N.B., former Speaker of the Legislature a.nd also ex-Provinciai Secretary. is dead, at the age of 84 years, Baron Rhondda British Fuel Con- troller, in a eable received in To- ronto, paid tribute to Ontario's ef- forts in food production, and urged continuation of the campaign. Ernest Decarie, M.P., Robert A. Ross, C.E Hon. Chas. Marcia M.P., Alphone Verville, and Mr. Ar- noldi, City 'Treasurer, have been ap- pointed by the Provincial Cabinet Commissioners for the city of Montreal. MONDAY.' President Poincare has refused to pardon Bola Pasha, who will accord- ingly be executed. ' Arrangements are being made for holding peace negotiations between Russian and the Ukraine. Major Albert Victor S. Nordheimer, Toronto, was reported killed in the present offensive, and his cousin, Roy B. Nordheiraer, was reported wound- ed. The House, before adjourning 'a the early hours of. Saturday morning, passed in a couple of minutes a war appropriation of nee hundred million dollars. The Canadian -Seed-purcha.sing Commission has in transit for distri- bution in Eastern Canada 300,000 bushels of high-grade inspected seed pate, to be sold at net cost. At a spectacular fire on Royce ave- nue Saturday afternoon, 200,000 gal- lons of lubricating oil in the Galena Signal Gas Co. plant were destroyed, at a loss in -excess of 4200,000. • Coal prices will remain stationary in. Toronto at $9.75 and $10 per ton during the sumnaer months, and nor- mal requirements of over six tons will be reduced by thirty per cent. - The "Father and Son Movement" was inaugurated in Hamilton with special services in a number of churches, and meetings are to be held through- this week to further the idea. The Government has provided $404,0.,c4013.15,DetwOd0aeenvlignite of EP"-foeirae4a,tp.lb,antto, r.,1;4tta,„5,,sasl3,1°,,.fue4.1 h , 31 d and tkt lu Aveluy itt positiona he Ilritish On San engaged i r loegt1 dghting at :iotts points rePulSed natt counter - They tI otf by artfl- two Attacks launch. bortmod of 'Buequoy, 0 AV -German detach,. atued a foothold itt a was Awed out by eoutt*ttaek, Auotber attack at riresne was .euttlsedbut the Ger- an elorfs along the Oise to enlarge gains were eoutinuel Chauny and he Frenelt commander isabie to withdraw to vieusly prepared, and :hese are being held etrougly. The attack launched against the British in the region of Albert, anti rthward on Friday was kept up well Into the evening, but its contin- uation gave the enemy little, if any, tdditional advantage!. His saint= here )ear to have boon largely limited o a slight rush forward tlong the tttere near Dernancourt. The Germans have "pttabed down South from Chauny and Barisis on the Oise front, capturing the villages af Pierremande and Foietabray, the latter lying on the southern outskirts af the lower Couey Wood, They re- port also the capture of fourteen hun- dred prisoners, Lassigny Farm, south of liebu- erne, also was the scene of very eavy fighting Saturday before the Germans finally regained it. No less than three attacks were delivered against the British positions, The first two were repulsed, but the third, which was delivered with large Cortes, compelled the British to fall back a little and abandon the place to the enemy, The British artillery continues to ootir,d the Gertaans all along the battlefront. An example of the fine work being dyne by the gunners is to be seen at Ervillers, which the Germans have been forced to aban- don because of the heavy fire. Mory has also been, made virtually unten- able, and other places are not very foetabl It was apparent Friday that before the attack, began that the Germans W01114 attempt an advance and the British artillery concentrated on all known places of assembly with a tremendoua bombardment. This un- doubtedly weakened the assault which followed. A spectacular feature of the fight- ing developed at Ville-sur-sancre, below Dernancourt. At this point the Brtish troops, who were advancing for a counter-attack; clashed in open ground with Germans who were com- ing forward for another drive at the British line. Hand-to-hand fighting of the bitterest sort ensued, and the Germans were finally forced to with- draw before the furious onslaught of the British. The fighting about Der- nancourt was intense and lasted nearly all day. The Germans delivered their last attack on the Alliert-Amiens railway at about six o'clock, and the fight continued until it was too dark to sea. The Germans at the end of --the day held a small section of the rail- way, but their gain of ground had been comparatia-ely small, Lady Lawyer's Ambition. LONDON, April 8.—Miss Adelaide II. Grenside, B.A., of Toronto Uni- versity, has joined the staff of Messrs. Munton, Morris, King ez Co., London, with the object of being articled to them as international law agents, to be supplemented by articles under the Solicitors Acts, if the profession is thrown open to women. German Is Arrested, AMSTERDAM, April 8.—The Lo- kal (Berlin) says that Cap- tain Beertleld, who waparticularly concerned in the distrIbdtion of -the memoir ot Prfnee L1 fr6kY,the former German , don has been -place nnd4pKktn r :arr - 2 v rp, the following :— ding. tising 6 year's old 5 years old, in foal' to Col - mare rising 9 years old. Witk calves at foot; 4 to he in far - a6.4 -3 2 ea„.t-s ol, 2 4eif- tsteer. 1 year ar d grade hail ?rat shoats, brooclsow with lit - ler 3 weeks ImPP.ments—A. full line of goo .farrn implements, harness, 2 top bug- gies, light wagon, cutter, lumber wagon hay rack, stook Tack, set bobsleighs, anniugmill ard uwuerotis other ,•:.t 'S A quantity hay, 75 hens ausi IlousebokI —Pandora range, creant sepzuator, 6 chairs, sideboard, uztsbing machine, pails and other ar- Id lii Las s h; ver n° da Geo the proprietor has lams of $10 and under, nut 10 months, oved joint noteui. A tients oft' B. S. 1 Sale by Tender Real Estate, Plant, iaobnery ttrd Eanipment of T,HE EXETER 'MANU- FACTURING CD3IPANY, LL)IITED Exeter. Ontario Tho orideraigned 5611 'vela autheriX,04 h.'S” the to seti bs: private sat, valoable prop0rty undt. e o a ("Allan mortga,, "nspected. Wong with I vrs aff0Oting the their law cakes at Ex line. halet < nd which tua, ot her ti - perty, It r at an Thr, property consists of all of tots 81, 82, and 115ou the west side ot tare, ew Street in the said Village and )arts of Lots 34, 35, and 36 on the corner of 'Wellington and Andrew Streets, together with all the plant rnachiners,, engines, boilers, Patterna, moulds, tools tou5 effects in or a- bout 'the said premises or belongin, to the Exeter Manufacturing Co. Lint- ' ed. I , The company bas been engaged in general foundry repair work as web as in the manufacture of road -mak- ing machinery, concrete block mach- inery, cast i.tot. culvert pipe, belts, telnelbarrows, plow points, pumps, water -troughs, and other hardware specialties and, is welt eruipped for these lines. The builditzs are brick and iframq arid the machinery in good working order so that ;thq purchaser could operate at once, Valuabte con- nections have been established jar handling the output and the Com- pany's goods have earned a, splendid reputation. Exeter is admirably located for. la- bor; transportation ifacilities are good and. taxes low. Sealed tenders wilt be received up to May 1st, 1918 • - Twenty Per cent of tender price be amid upon notice at acceptance of tender aad the balance within 30 days Possession upon completion of pay- ment. Terms for balance may be ar- ranged. All tenders should be addressed; to the undersigned solicitors and mark- ed "Exeter Manufacturing Co. Ten - .der." The Mortgagees reserve the right to refuse any tender. For: lirther particulars apply to— GLiaDMAN & STANBURY. Barristers, ole Exeter, Ontario. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Atm- Lioneer. Sales, c,onclucted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate. Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at - 'tended to, -Phone 116, Kirkton. Ad- dress. Kirton, P. 0. -SOUR, ACID --STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepain" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at, once. Time it-! In fire minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity. will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food no dizziness bloatingfo 1 breath or headache. -Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stotnacha. It is the surest, quiekes*tornaeli sweet. oiler in the whole world, and besides it is,rharmiess. But an end to Rtoma el' 411*Ft:es at once by getting a large fifty- centsase of .Pape's Diapepsin from any, Vato e Youeahze in five minutes' ow: 0 from in nae la.;t0 a„, mach ' CASTORII For Infants and Childrencr 't•494g TheProprielaryoribtenl*Yutekt, Alte getable Preparation farAs.,;' , sintitatiagliternadandReg* -ling dm Stealacksalldiltralsd Use - For Over Thirty Years ORIA 004, Aiov. Pl**, **MK pvirmi« Exact Copy of Wrapp CUNT 0 ***000000 * 0000 ** 0.0 * 000000600e 04,!4,0,00 .e...M.,OLSONS-i13ANK CAPITAL AND IMSERVE $81SeC1OGO 98 des in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted omOuL.R LErTERs OF IRED6I' DAK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT allowed at highest onrr D. CLARIP MANAGEn, EXETER HOG PRC)I)UCTION It is a matter of the greatest importance- -* that Canada should increase her produc- tion of BACON HOGS and other live stock as there is at present a world-wide short- age of meat. Good markets for some time - to come are assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE' will gladly make loans to assist farmers in good standing to acquire live stock. al EXETER BRANCH—A. E. SUM, liANAGER an. Crediton Branch—J. A. Mc Donald Manager, 1 , 1,11,2stai *01MMOMM01,. DR. G. F, ROULSTON. L. D. S., D. DEl DENTIST Honor Gradnate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over Dickson & Oarl- ing's Law Office. Closed Wednesdy. afternoons. Phone Office 5a and Residence 5b. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L,1.D., Honor Graduate of Toronto Unive4 sity, t1 La, • DENTIST ' ' °Mt Teeth extracted ;without pain. 30,ft any bad effects. Office over man & Stanbury's Office. Malt:1044 Exeter.. THE USBORNE & HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY Head Office, President, Nice -President, Farquhar, Ont. ;LIGET. NORRIS THOS, RYAN. DIRECTORS WM. BROCK. W.M. ROY 3. L. RUSSELL, J, T. ALLISON AGEN'I'S JOHN ESSERY. 'Exeter, Agent Us - borne, d'E'dd I h. ' oLivga HA.RRIS Munro Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and. Logna, ' W, A. TI'LTIRN/31.TLI,.. , Sleety-Treas. Farquhar, GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter, El. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR fer Counties of Huron texth and, Midtlleaex. Farm Stock ° tia" e,e Cockshutt e trat J W BROWNING M. D. M. O. Pq- S. Graduate Victoria Universittie4 • , Office and Residence, DominiO* Labratory; Exeter. 'Associate Coroner "of Huron tiJ I. R. CARLING, B. A; Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubiiia; Conanaissioner, Solicitor for tlit# Molsons Bank, etc. ' • , Money to Loan at lowest rats Oti" Interest. OFF'ICE-MAIN ST, EXETER, OM MONEY rro LoAN We bare a Iarge amount of prim t funds to loan on farm and vi1ing0" properties, at lowest .ratets of hitt crest. ' GLADAIAN & -STANRCTRY laarristera, Solicitors, Men t, Er ter. Ontario.