HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-4-11, Page 23L' 14, 71. the brie tlxey flydshe aac'a1Afaast, it woaald ke too Pat€ lie met her, eyes, They were stea I# rr<iets, Tey 'were honest. e And clear, and iienfident. ,and he knew. it. ,deep breath and leaned fR �, . `'award, lnaput� aledy she leaned a�,r.�,, l e t.alale :and placed her nand ta�pt '.'near old i§croute,'` It was iso Tate --acro 4 "°pa nada 534,Z Gold Bonds or Churning fereaAn. Highest;' nion o - PRICE: ,9 is and Interest est ece nbea i *}3o, ie c 5.77%, ist December, 1 ',t ei 5.65 tl eapa ra x: sY ;. and. December Bearer or Re :s"er d Bonds. It kM 500 and $I,0 ae frons kin PiJ€i'AoaA `,rice et o " St ai �sM � WANTEO Food Control Corner t W1.Ces paid. 'ire suPPlY caws, ress,eharges, and remit daily. t(uaa dairy Z1, Creamery Co,: 'King St. West. Toronto reathed. Ie saw her, sdancing •olden !. as sort of mist. of g Inc- felt the : steady t'.r b of O T SAO nict,Cei TORONTO ftp A3L,s1ED nae ai t ier hand as qui it; It .vas .3 a aT ."Lois. eonftct A of°ttzs' be added to the soup just before serv- ing:,. T inaa?ae the rebd#e sauce use -two tablespoonfuls of fat, ore' tablesp,00aa- tut„ pf flour to e< cli• cup of milk, and Qu ro i<aste. Mie the flour, with u�,61,:at 1 of cold water: or emoath then add sou l milli' to paake it' ,our easily. II•t t t�ze rest of the mills in a double boiler. (never boil the milk) c better dFin a e, as ton hot. for ass, sloe. `asked. od a P3' cre n 3 n ? " s afternoon?" e a , 7'f sts3.., If Lou t „ae.a s to move on as soar, as yon.'. ',d:ygin tc7 i[za-LS..” he E'1.'w?iEil[lE'.0.i, \L its: int obl-4irn iaa,htnaess.' Cf the be 'wad is to laid If. J2adz a ft wait --racy, the next best.. paused a :niaaneaat to 'consider a c1 "ien. It was odd that it hada , .,over' c ccu1 rt'd to 13hn before. I Ica , e it!" he continued, ued We'll to Etnis by motor. It”- a# be- iaati+ail there. 1 made; the trip ar.-a - i. ta�.c wilt zinc pt" .Rag up 5cl ao"'tie way. ga.Ri Soak ant.. us. e°ti 1 it ave. a ;to is 3l fzae four 4aairtur e g-adua,ly « nd stir con- stantly •a, he• mixture thickens, :add and' let cook a,ta1.. the butter seasoning c 0 ,z fi .� e minutes.. , Cream Pen nears., 1 pint colt; Ater, i teastaoars fttl sugra', 1 guar( ilaiza �1`dzite sauce. Method s aamo ias t<,ted abov .. C �'e;,c d oaf' C,i xin Soap, -1 i nt. CnO 0f 11111 Slice cc. Me - and v5"ben hot .wa3L through add the, corn, i pint cow warm', 1 (talon, 1 qua_t thin white s that: same as stated above. Cream of celery, turnip, rotato, bean sours all nwde ,none no above, o ix Ckowwder.----" can corns ?-int' cane fat suit aaork, 1. dike onion, patat ilk a $ crackers: Su.,,,. to .t.0 ,, Reeppe?. i k out the :at "pr ► ,> €l. in pT .ce of, the „.alt'. oris tint, Add the Onion to 4xte melt - and cook urrtil, br'ot iii40 a ?ax, Salu`telp add` the Iia the g reat airily camp in Missis-'7toh��e� lappa, the officer in charge of'the Wit 2!3 ,onto 30' e • Uazited States 'continues to aggravate the already serious situation.Ever J ` carload a£ wheat ar 'flour and bacon Sar or frozen meat that Canada caa.get to the sea -board is badly wanted. "`The Italian Got ernrent Commis - school for eooks and bakers inaugurat- ed the "Cut It Thin" caampaig'ar. I -le had the bread kalt os sharpened, had the bread sliced carefully and cut down, the bread t caazsa,rxA�tiaaa in that camp for two weeks, during 'which. careful check was ke t, by''61,2fad pounds, makhig an average clary sa of 4,085 pauardS o h�,eod, -� T►;K� r (tidy sa',red• the Govern** 51 those two weeks; but att'a'r 'ant a tugs of 24 pounds ,. 0 pGa-ac.� of flo�rx^ for the ,'Lilies. _"eetll s- a a � e.s to sa„, fixe lae�ad, knives have been ]ept in the best of condition ever since down 'there, The latest e. cable rreceivedby the he Canada Fooa ' od � ad fr(am tlaBritishe � llinisir5� of Toad;. relative to the sitaa<A- Loon overseas states that compulsory rationing of nieaat, butter and fats" canoe into fore on February 25. throughout London -Ind the home counties. It adds: "Fourteen, nail - Born people are crow restricted to aboaat 1'1 lbs. of zn.eat, 4 o,'-, of butter ar' <rgarine and i> Ib, of sugar per eek. By March 25 conPpaxlsory rat- Toning of these food stuffs will be •ercai ias theUnited Kingdom. The ori on the ria ilwai,ys in the SSt,reia kt,to /tatted is ronto, Oat. BOATS 00,000 TONS �. ..IOT�.�, l3l.el i4NI IN THE 'R. ti ULE, cion states that the food situation there is unchanged but all the .Allied countries are naturally affected u1 tile elecreased imports reaching them.i' fron merican ports, x Several 'ears ago a teacher in a e � n. - the city= forcountry .drool went to . as � er` a i � z. r rete•ed ,C 1 144 e iA ,(i $ a gold crown din one' of her molars,' On Monday morning a little maid' spied the new tooth. Her eye ; gre, ,dark arid large with esciterc at 4aatd pleasure; for a monaeaat she was too edelighted to speak. ric Geddes Announces A,dciYt.iona t'rotlai Iee cess r`- Dews 4a.inor prents made to the count *tts the Speech delivered .1.0h House Of Commons aeceaatt b Ir Eric Campbell Geddes, First. Lord the dmiral. He appeared the of the � y appeared demand Which has become general re- gently that the country should be, giv- �a~ 1 SA ring the tonnage S„A #ast •trAf GeY C d1 e months was � e' 'Of 9,500,000, as the.:.4.. and also announced of Great iu.rit l n's ' q Lord Pirrie, as control ship -building. In announcing ofd Pirrie the 1 re ale yards at 13, iop, exact f(gures of (Altai*. .. a ...,a.®, -�..�.,,; ar s+• >k asad.a ca..e.:.,s e rt. �a"e. tl4 ?3!: Rf, Llai ships aiv fir ieere `x �iAsti4t, toes, 1 pt bac �aaafora� o dela -59. Ia ;t: i taablosp Pente� d:aaa t, 'oar title ,.gtn. �aaiot� as ,:lice park, 1 ill.. "'dn z • it the fat, its I oo, a add data tcxo'n `T aak^tR .the f~aG intra utz, it cs 1ao; ;totlsa i]oJ tail' cc..Dr ter minutes. idle d ;Primer' tcxr xtalnaites '01411. a a►a'laiS,, seasoning and heft to in tea; t, Serve with the,. €aA ue diia cold ;ilk on, the:, 'ler. (wittOnt 3 alga turitipa cupful celery;' 4 tablesptata, arils pot; R, tab e'. AV, aiaash peapb4 .. �sr atul e TIte aatd l►re+ptiro; :+t the the po int stew: anal cook;:' rnstaut. l er alr:ila: ^aatt►li Tire aai .when $ la tttei :furnishe,. oll,,b food el ents ter There.I no bett tt ',vias at .hoa ate do Mu oma, as betweeta o . deal last nl 'ht and, ' ovary" of the dinaiaa the toes h of vegetables, floes etea iia , vegetables are codi:ad, and ana' vide as flood of suaa'h bigia may be ;',tart: at so low .aa Lost, , chopped vex ups ,made from split peas, green ',,,__. % beaus, lentils or fish :acro richer, ie3.u� del%ltt?atll' hatisar a ado from celery, aaarrots, ; ar asparagus, and a f' Citleiuytrs slaoarlei be l�aatchcnci cur; -, liar mahca as good substantial ,dais :year so that they will mature tan ;filer a;aaaned car salt fishthe green stuff's of the summer. sea•1 be use iii Ish chowder when _ Store feed .. L: high of c wil planned; -under the He pause that last se it out. Th What h - T1-1 g I her 0 0 0 picaded, -you mustn't ean't help getting the a Nyhile and thinking I was tired, 1'm 1 being so very gay. And hope' 1 v a little, because I'', • IA e hail `, thought in th' morning I'd dud you ave Paris., the same old 1\lonte. kfloWn you /elong oat so king, and you always have been in town. the same." over "It was a pretty eNciting dav for scratched both of us," he tried to ew.plain. the -,vhole sun Reservation late When he retire nte tonne wlde ?.-td schedule to England, and. -tor her: ned every morning. : ei saw her cheeks flush. Then drew back. i int.k we ought to forget thaC as possible," she told him. wus his opportunity. The' forget—the only 7ay—was:, past seven. ,pringing trom oedi to g-,0 (..n alone to Etois. It was not, he took his cold tub, shaved; and after too 11,-4,6 1(,,i that—if he started az dressing' proceeded to pack his bags. once. The process was simple; he called the ; "You mean we ought to go back to! hotel valet, gave the order to have the day before yesterday?" he ashed.,' them ready as soon as possible, and I "In our thoughts," she answered. I went below. From the office he "And forget -I liat we are—" telephoned upstairs to Marie, and She nodded quickly, mn allewbv* learned that madame would meet him him to finish,. in the breakfastroom at nine. This ; "Because," silo explained, -1 thinrci left him a half-hour in which to pay it must be -that w'hich is making youl his Yu t the hotel, order a reservar 11 serious. don't know you that way. tion on the express' to Calais and bay • It isn't you. I've .seen you all thesel a large. bunch of fresh vicele'ts, which years, wandering around svhereveri he had placed on the breakfast table— your fancy too you—ca..e.ilee "Good -morning, .Monte." now—I thought you were just going' He turned quitikly---so quickly that to keep right on, only taiting me with e started in surprise. I you. Isn't that what We planned?" "Is anything the matter?" she ask- "Yes," he nodded. "We started ed. yesterday." She was in blue this morning, and "I shall never forget that part of wore at an angle' a broad -brimmed. yesterday," she said. hat trimmed with black and white. He "It wasn't so bad, except for Hamil- vieuld have srtici she -shad not slept' "It wasn't so bad even with Ilamil- thought her eyes looked a trifle tired. ton. well. ton," she corrected. "I don't think didn't ltnoty yon tvere clown," '• 1. cap ever be afraid of him again." ie faltered. . I "Then it wasn't he that bothered ,The intervai, of /tours upon , you last night?" he asked. quicklY. ed. instantly. To -clay was but the which he had been denendin / • .11 "No!' she answered. continuation yesterday, As he She laughed uneasily. i• "No 'Monte; because you ere just ' • b dered if he placed before her all the IA1'0 FERTILIZERS, TOROPVTO TED CANADA left her, 11 she would' have said that. Here . was his ;second' opportunity to tell her what he had planned. If be did not intend to 'go on,' he should too late.; .1.•133rc;,,poon,it Teuld be too teas unit that tU tri^2wp e sus oat d (t iota; fit dui the teea .0 nut caa 1RQ v sh is not available. f.; s material for no`itrishing. The proportions for cream soups or soups made wtatout meat are: About one-half as much vegetable pulp as milk or white Stitlee with the addition of seasoning. If the vegetables used contain a large amount of starch, milk may be used without thickening anu where there is water ni which the. veg,etables were coolted an equal amount of vegetable water and pulp is used with the same amount of white sauce. The general direct ons for making cream soups are: Cook the vegetables in v% until they are soft, Then press through a coarse strainer and add the water in which they are cooked to the pulp that comes throug,h the strainer, Make the white sauce just before serving time and conibine the vege- table pulp with the white sauce after the sauce has cooked up. Da not let the soup stand long before serv- ing as it is likely to thicken too much. Serve very hot with crackers or bread cut in haIf-inch cubes and toasted a delicate brown. To make a richer soup an egg, slightly beaten, or a few teaspoonfuls et whipped cream may fouml to this year.. TYPEWRITER ' toed In pm•flni. order, /0. bloc tttne. rnertey ,ttn'ti trouble, ,n,11 buy a '1'ms/writer for your busmess. nrorfs-si on, or for your AZID St723:5,LY CO. TO, T.7.7.111, 5202 0 to these :do. urged all concerned to to service W0 pa rritige one seud---Arbother it be household draperies or ost delicate fabrics—will be speedily retuned to their original freshness, When 'You think of Cleaning or Dyein t. of PARRIgir8- =died 911 reglieSt Parker's Dye Wor. Cleaners anti Dyers 01.44110 the west 0 1P$. sold the 0400) from t to Ote owl mutt^ rondo Porn Itint wrath after &duet ensIderable nate gums en the ton. the figures a state - Tosses for of 113 t es ,or outside ivork this tor write na RAMSAY& S01% COMPANY Tomo MONTREAL v4oroom months 4.14' t Vigures on the tonnage at Britain and output ot via be published iregula 1r Erie fteRSerted. Tonnage FOB Steadily, x):11,1(4tTliee: ef Ustr,thd taititi;titrittertlf rau-9114 rh rnerellant. tonnage r:* d the First, Lord. lowest pi/Int This deellne boon coincident wi 9115 of munitions and before . Great. Britain woo 1,300,000 tear, the last quarter of 1917, said, c, the Allies were averaging 100,000 tons monthly of making oses good and were then replay - per cent. of their lost tonnage. oent, the first lord went. on, forty-oeven shipyards with 209 herfliS, were engaged on ocean-going mer- chant vessels.. The shipyard work was nipletely disorganized during the r two years of the war creia s causes, he explained. but never- heless there bad been an enoirmous accomplishment by the shipbuilding industry. The output for the last' quarter of 1917 was 420,000 tons, as against 213,000 tons for the' last quay- , • of 1916, while during the hist quarter of 1915 it had been only 12,000 tonWs.hen the controller of construction took over the shipyards there were fifty large merchant ships in various stages of construction, upon which work had been stopped for lack of ma- terial and of labor, said the first lord, and in many cases thely were congest- ing the yards. Can Make Losses Good. It was well within the capacity ot the Allied yards and even of. the Brit- ish yards, Sir Eric said, to make good the world's losses if ade.quately sup- plied with men and materials, In the fourth quarter of 1.917 the -foreign construction was' 512,000 tons, he add- ed, giving a total output of 932,000 tons, while the losses in the same period were 1,200,000 tons. the lut e since the intensive submarine w 'be - Great Britain. has lost at age 200,000 tons monthly dirrin the last quarter of 1917, and had built 140,000 tops monthly, the first lord an- nounced. British shipping had suffer- ed the inost, he pointed out, but the British had contributed the greatest. naval effort of the Allies and. had sus tained the greatest attack, and shouid riot Easy IF there was just one = SALL) In each town where Lz,„ last like that E Proverbial = ball of snow. = — Of which I have no doubt at all = — But you have oft' heard tell: = 55, I mean the one which people say = Was located down in--we:11T El' It doesa't matter 'bout tb.at snow = Which could never last; = What intirests you and me is = _ 'Having comforts to us passed. = And I know PEACE and JOY and ET: HAPPINESS To me would flow, If there was just one WALKER = HOUSE = In ea.ch town where I go. The House of Plenty TheWalkerHous Toronto Geo, Wright & Prop "My overalls and shirts are the best made, because—they save yon buying so many in a year. They simply don't wear out on schedule time I Insist on "Bob Long" brand. Ask your dealer for Big 11—the big grey overalls —the cloth with the test. TORONTO CANADA of 0 tuff drit