The Exeter Times, 1918-3-28, Page 8Ladies Sul# and OddCoat Our New Suits and Coats areplendidl deand4�i �p8designedof w - k they ced. We �� to show Via€ e s range from to Tussah Dresses WO !tor" .tills Ct a, - win' a wig alis "oat-zer s,^ g'Toile; i via.,u:.. ia, , 4"a d Patte. Black Silks 1 o taro .c" at' tvir xaioes uiiii` e o r present valor of be obtoinable, again sen -t COoy dit n:. lost, toot fti, "e Bene .v,. sTEws►ttr P pow The New No needles oe ge POWELL'S BAZAAR 6 SON TEE EXET�' T O RE Easier shoes .;o:v is the e to ecure your Easter Shoes. Our : stock is complete and consists of the new styles in different colors and leathers, with spool or sport heels for ladies', We have "a big stock of Boys and girls ` shoes and have chosenour lines with regard to durability as well as style. In men's shoes we have the Astoria in the leading styles and colors. Get your order in for one of our special Made -to - Measure Suits. They are right. 1. ate ax and Co, BEAVERS ling n $35 s 3Esrey., fiv buttber uptiOee SL ?�2c i 4b* Llr 53e s.. 'lots 1., ?0 to L$5. .r be Q d 3 ., „,l,1,5t a0. itr 5.70. SOUR, ACID;,STOMACHS, OASES OR INDIGES1JoN LOCAL dR441i 4 4. in 'Toronto.. !1 4E_ bk14 lS s in t.3e d+ton. '.. `r5S. k'it .oxi is Iioio kys 3 r lo Mrs f: ao .," lrs. ti his 6 3 xi1 5 Tailored Order WliIt E FAR ; MOR RECOMIN T COSTS NO MORE We have a largos na2uiber i>t New Fall ,Scuts and Overcoat - hags that await your arrivazl— a wide assortment of fast ions, ehoseu colors soft, liandsonao browns and beautiful greys fit all shades. OUR ASSORTMENT OE ` LADIES' SUITJN V S ;. is the finest tee ire ever had,r6t in Igziin y1 failul d to ' Se e cloths t t{�z ccs a savatale of fi ztnd z't oleasin ess of am;arance that a r4?a g - ?n, ltrtnever hope to equal. Na" ikaross s how well aha co, ear in a cult or coal unto, ba bas on cot to meas- nre 41r..r stook is:; comptete, GIVE VS A Ctir-'1 Sheere 1 ;3.iht•im Per e fkf 4fs llE<,Si".tt Oil skis' ''Pape,s Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. hne "it:! ` In five minutes all stom- ach :distress, due to "acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn,, 'oouiness or 'belching of gas or erne ta b fs ikii tart' gested rood, no dizzines breath or, Pape's ° D`Mi in so elieed It is the styes offer in baro esti ess int �t11C' di dating; foul noted for `its stortnfel s: Mina h e get- t�ki>rs, it tb .-`stoinacla a large fifty. aiu Afrom a. tat •i,te, LISe dal rd ves p it ff tao i drying the oey's us William St. Jos, *Tewel 1 re -7 u rued. horny r %%omits with his daughter, ENTS` TIL° he Veotr d' d!Ct i a "pi1gxzxd oth tF.esi,l,eimoarfvceei y+l IixIzkO�eI?Fr eoS oddztt,rrE,IofzIorm1efifs ivwie6tasn9 : t ,au� tibl3• Anil asplay advertiSt ming awl known on applic ',t ni1sO� a Pe fro, 4 years olic.. tvhit,1oi u grefromtred sX300 tupoundsfft' iz o � avern Int kiss recently ad- nudid se ed. cu in Officers and Postmas- 1vn l fried a ready market by sttxrs� Of a number of prohibited ar-, ui 'rne or. calling tzp an Phone licies that ca zaat be sent srversetas,� 83. Exeter. 0, J DOW or to e;eztain foreign eauutries with „� it a special licezlse first and ammo, - h t `prohibited, artioles aro those of 250 ACRES FOR CORN WANTED milk, eggs, aodt fruits, tiicludine ay.- ,1,> , apricots «,. nd k res. Car. pies, peaches, prunes, t aasiixd , a Ltd, is prepared to contract. with, far- im niers to Crow 2on -acres calming corn for 1018. Frico Per ton advanced to $'9•04- Eeed eorn costs over 35o ,perr b. will be sold to growers fOr 25e iotment, Exeter Canning Co. the first ill of his oa a' have no loarrel with society -01,1Y. against 'the stolid usages of society, 1 1 believe in socioty with both hantlo op,, Ina 1 believe the mast God -for- saken, t".400d-7r0r-alothing., useless wo- maa who life is fralMes. and there L' hotbiog to her, my friends, but a frame, upon wh'ell to hang, fashionable Dominion election it ii.h Roane i lea from the General Rottiroing or- 10iiicer 10O Corfac=1. an„a are os follows Mc'fitlati 11 all' Continent Of0 nolo Mosley of Leamington r has sold bio to get.s. possession will Moly bo lift im Apri I „again bo tortool. on, Mrs. Wm. Walkat left reek or Hamilton to visit her a aria will also visit Ira sot' Tohn in Toronto before rislurreiri. Mr, Maurice Quance loos reolgoied his Position as harnessmaker with Mr. W. i,L. 13eer and will leavo shortly Tor London. to join t e colors. Any person. wishing 3farquis wheat for seed. please leave you order with (Harvey Bros, as we have beeo asked t act as distributing agents. Mrs. T. Elliott returned last week from 'Flint, Olich. where sha woo called, owing to rilie Olness of her darghter-in-law, Mrs. E. Elliott. Mr. oncl Mrs, Frank Johns and Mr. and MI:, El. Crocker and children the late Aliso Maud Johns during- tile The Times have installed a too horse power electric motor for ran- ning the presses and have sold their four horse i,ower gasoline engine to Orr. Cephas Porn. W. it. Itaziewood‘who has lieen 'V i.e- ding his brother. Mr, Walter; ilazte- %%mod oil Eirktor• and other o'd friends since before Christmas has returne.d to his home in Cortmatioia Albtrfa.. W. G. Medd, ot Winclielsea was in town last 1.%-etik looking for, the man who oaid he had neuriiis. Bo isays 's attack was aO%-,,ry boht one as he was not aware he had it uotil be saw it in the Je.tonai,—St Nary'o. Bar ,was Croditon ecia I't qty ar tors vs, I rollers dtly trday visiting o ft trt N Iwo e r8 r d ol. ATr. and Mrs. Nicol vo oo far aver/vend as to return to town with Mril, Sharp anti will visit for some time. The. Women's SorietY Rio St. Methodist oburch hold special servieco on Easter Suoday. Rev. A. E. *Totals. returned Missioni- ory from China will ocoupy the pulpit and his little son will also sing in Chinese. Th. ladies will occupy the choir and officiate, as ushers. meetino of the County Council was held in Clinton on Monday to consider the problem 0.3 ;greater pro - 'notion aid distribution of labor. R...evo Wm. Brook, of Ushorne; Reeve 1.V.13. Elliott and deputy-reevel John Love, of Stephen, were present. THE C.ASLTALTY LIST Pie, 3. Quackenbush, of Zurich, and Pte. AL C. Fraser, of Zurich have been reproted. %vounded during the past week and Pte. J. A. Stewart, of Kincardine is reported as killed in action. DIED IN STRATFORD with Mr. 'and Mrs. W. S, *way this week. On Saturday the,y were in Stratford attendino the funeral of Mrs. Fear's mother. Mrs'. Wm. Dav- idson. The deceased was in her 78th year. She had been poorly Tor same time but had „been seiriously ill only about a week. The floral tributes included a number of beauti- ful wreoths and. the funeral was largely atiendel Mr. Davidson is the county clerk Tor Perth county. Don't let vour counter check books run too 161v. We are agents for the Appleford Counter Cheque Book Co. of Hamilton the largest concern o this kind ill Canada. can buy as cheap frerio us, as" You can 'from the ,firm. tell 0A-. „out oo SlotViO, or Mu," 13-414t , 011ot or think Y oNvIrggoto TO 1 veen 9 ..LAN LAND WANTED Theo caotorio Flax co, rerloire 300 otr load for Exeter Flax MW, otod Rotaol, paid when Cox is Apply ..I0E DAVIS telephone EXETER FLAX 7,...1114o, N GE FOR SALE t the Ca nine- Faetor open and ensilage is offered for sale at $2.40 per ton. Purchaser to pay for weighing on R. 0-, Soldoo'socales ENETEI1 CANNING CO. TE5 ares trayannuals,-iron insertio wi ee:Insertions $1,00 arns or Rai Estate for Sale X, insert/ma for the montnl alsisertions q 250 for each 0613! #zzsertion. 1).1isee1Ianeous; arttp sale;, to moot, wanted* lost, fOr e[ ear Trion, 25o. Loral Nott t0. 1,0o . i per notices leas thou tm coli-Thazaks 50e. Legal advertising iW s.. and 50 per line: Auction sales 2'.. i� _ for coo per , an 1i,Q! for twee! to not t* insertiors. Pro eatog ono to 6,00' Yearf„ 13. AND Undertakin ROW frt UNE L. DIREMOR 11. URE DEALER icor ST "Ptth! Vide OW) rtain WO earl lot, itig Wheat wards inereo FOR ONTARIO S heat' Seeds ft Fall A\ voilable farm bra On y is ,good. ba bar all rem 10 .;i'ffix years . and ontierdroined e halt acres good hard boro. ti delivery outfit., horses ail 1st or bid tilact. for collection after that date ir 'terms are strictly casb on deliv- ery oci please do not ask for credit and theo we will r. or iitve to refose yom—Wid. RIVERS 21-2t. 11011S13 FOR Two storey frame house in good repair. stable, henhouse,' ;garden, ,fritit trees, etc., in good ocighborhood. Apply to, FOR SALE -75 acros Ira:10{1c ,eflulst0 'aas 3AgrottoS4Sf'la-isiairlit?‘Sv.. 1?-131kireii:3' WANTED to, rent by the year or •, boy a six roomed house with metier/11 conveniences'. by April lst.-11rs.Annie Melville, Fillmore, Sask. Box 91 FOR SALE--Onci 8-16 oil or oasoline Tractor, tractor plow, and s"teering device, only run, two summersoguar- anteed in first class working order. A! bargain. Wm. Ward I.11.0. agent Look at ,yo ir /abel. The subscription rate to the Exeter Times is e$1.25 year. It your label reads Jan. 19 it signifies that the paper is paid up to the beginning. of 1919; if Jan 18. it signifies you are already t%vo mon- ths in arrears, it Jan. 17 a year and two months, etc. etc. Look up your label and if in arrears' let us have an ear yr lemittance. titn St. Catharines , Clintora; Ont. vos , moony tang Compa'oy sliver Eros, Mnpio. Leaf Milling Company .separtme-at at Agriculture Markets 13ranclo ew cpring Style Raincoats and Pantings We hav something worth while to show you at prices especially atrractive. iNre have received shipments for the. New, Spring Goods -in all lines of 0oods to offer at Werth -while •ces, See our New Spring Mats in all he latest Shades and Shapes, ---Kings and Borcelanos. We also have some exceptional nifty T\Teiv Shapes and TLC'S in all the latest