The Exeter Times, 1918-3-28, Page 7COLDand
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Mrs, 0.DresserBa field, Oot.,
v'rite:-"1 vent to tell you of the ben@
got. Lena your medicine.
Lase, winter I had, 3 very bad coop
1101i,Pulsestdeptreaking two bottles of
,ofrit,Zst Syriii) 1 vas eur
aink Itat
10 O10
t. 1)r,
'01' ti1rO
Haim it;
peo tile best cough
1 elwaye keep a
ttt1.1.0"11'ittilectsso 1 este have it
told e a
She teed be
(1i with
bronchitis, a
nedicine from, th
ent to lei getting,
ne bottle ef Dr. WO
30.01 anti f.'ht‘ oavs ^
wet than it the doetor
1113 131
'071 Of
the 0141'
' ducted by Professor Henry G. Befl
The object of this d.e.partreent is to place at the Ser-
vice Pi' our farrn re- 'era the advice of an acknowledged
authority on ail suoiects pertaining to eons and crops.
Address ail cprestions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In
care of The VVilson Publisbiel Company, Limited, To
onto, and answers will eppear In this column In the order
n which they are reeelyAtteinsildf, space is limited it is
le where framed Otto; It Is necessary et
&tilfliped and addressed envetiF td :be enciosed with the
queetion, when the answer *se mailed directe
F:-1 would mould /Ike to ask you a tt fore they germinate. 11 you wioll
fquestion s abut sweecittelosveurf n. eFat 111 a cultivated erten such as
ave tw v acres sem i a 4 , or Potatoes, I do elet think you neea i
have feat of a sufficient qualltitY of
SWeet clover thiSlast year.Jt.was seed cominet up to seriously dimity's)1 ti
real good crop and was cut Tor sePett, your yield, that is, provitie eion give
It si clay loam and is in fedfir condits:' the cultivated crop eerier and careful
1101I. If 1 ploiverl the stubble milli t attention. The clover plant isthe '
c e up again, or will 1t,i two-year plant; hence, a eoupie
P f 11 s10ot plowed? rhereyears of eultiyated crops elloold hbet et "
Ibe seed shelled 111 -telei out a very large quantity et the fled 1 have or
le very sandy soiLi that -would come up as •veeds. 113?-
hin it uld be advisable to)
Have you would do we
ll to sow
it How itunclii clover seed oe yo
sow to the acre? Wonld reeommend that you Plow 0
r the second meop ste you wise to a
the ,firett erop of hay. A '
oill de is humus, and 1 ten
p that °will produceas 1
t of }minus1117
1101 1k3v0r. 11
all etebabilid Fabd.
ciente unq of go
0 dim ground, is; aide
rtthtill of the seed!.
et some of ,11101 ireco „
uay lie in tile hulled $ette. Per 11;
eionei be- SCCCI i* not hulle'
TElEyear, m 1
er aong` seedRsc):* bo"c't
the growers. im and wornar wiUi gardea
spaeoa must Produce to the.tfimit of his or her ability. And.
that la why Rennieie sesels are so essential--iive, "vigorous!
eeeds from tested eteek, to ensure record crops.
Bilusp,E4 PRQUTS t--- Amager Pkt. Oz.
CAB�ASEkennies fir.e
CABOAtfitt e
Cl" 1-11)Frkolith-Resist lag -
Extra Seledhs
New Giant Aeterniu
Rennie's XXX, Gat
Omer's Peet -lees Firl
Early Bloom/of,' Ce
erne s
Giant Zinnia-
, . 5
0 20
Zire gt 1 al t I./ ir .JE 7
o 1. 13 11 0
others and ciatiob
'portment. iials„ on
oecibine Ave, Toreptot
re era* Ily 1110
hed with each que
and address m
Answers will
Z. 1-A complete rcply lo your i
iuteresting letter cannot be sent for a ;
wad: bile:snist:T.trleerlt.ehe miatter a tba in -I
'llatic)::,iiv1 watero. i ife serit ;It%exliPi:rntli7i41°aseadobe s'r
son 130 reoeived. Regarding 11,1te coils
o the large kitchen into e
(ii(llq'-lOolnend kiimhena .'
1000 quite practicable, and the 1"es1-1 't
i he im enoemons iseiving of eueagy
thein e e. The beet, location ,
i ea
0' the eentie of the
wa1l hetn-ediiiing-rooin1(1 t,
10 dinie eS thr i hat yr1U ett)ultiss4 eljoarns‘'.2 't
a 1 „
u t 001', w'lsh thern in the,
he r
.rnn- t15
1Tariased°--,-% But
t' .„,
S 11
-°,),"ol:°Ret fi'D'I "Sold
Canada Food Beers! is
0 selmol by between
1(1 no ;?-1 10 • P Th�
house 1141(1
'will helm "1
they will solve 111
proh1b la',4 trit#
the PI0O1 s
Jesus' urnque re1ajorito C30
Is him above °Nina Y men.
• hardly conceive ef the Ixolbesi.
011 silYina'y witheut hiasphon
ook npen me and behold God!"
10, 11 Vielievest thou mit that I a
the Eather, tied the Father in in0
ot say that the Father an
eame person, but that
in the other, Thet"
kW hydrie words and
"Ms 'Me for the very
from, hie dis-
, with the
to hip'
owed th
I e
11fl01 14I( 1111111 011t,?,
1151' to 1115 5011 111
11t1 that
1 go
t° sr 1111411r4 love.
rin hOari
honulinIr.le hi bii-
11 j1 130(1 all 10001 0110
of the. type °
wear with hroguee811(1
are peon t
°fain ha 3 IlOot leathers after the eloso
ef the war. They point out tied, the
(ientral Empil es represent -between
130,000.000 and 1-10,000,000 of people
.V11001'0icheally barefooted mei
who, t'hell tence is declared, will rush
info the m
They pradict u rise in leather to
gold dust 1i08S, point out that
WO must conserve the raw materiaileof
the empire, especially in hide products,
to supply anything like our own re-
tements in boots and shoes.
Since the beginning of the war Bri-
tain has supplied to the army and the
armies t of our allies upward of 45,-
000,000 pairs of boots.
Corn Chow -One can of corn or
one pint of fresh corn grated, four
cups of skinetnilk, one teaspoon salt,
four ounces of crackers. Fry the
onion in two tablespoons of vegetable
oil until it is a delicate brown. Add
the corn and potatoes, cover with wa-
ter and cook until soft. Add the
- -milk, in which the crackers have been
soaking, and the salt, and bring again
to a boil. Serve piping hot.
Thousands of- people go 'il`bout," their
daily work on the verge of death and
yet don't know it.
Every once in a while a pain will
shoot through the heart, but little at-
tention is paid to it at the time, and it
is only when a violent shock comes that-
- the weakness of the heart is apparent.
There is only one cure for the weak
heart and that is Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills,
Mr. H. A. Young, 83 Hayter St.,
Toronto, Ont., writes: -"I used to have
sharp pains shoot through my heart,
• ered from shortness of breath, and
as so nervous 1 could DOt sleep at
night. A friend advised me to try
Milburn'sHeart and Nerve Pills, and
after one box I found great relief. Three
boxes completely cured me."
Milburn4s Heart and Nerve Flits are
•r50c. Per box; at all dealers, or mailed
a direct ori receipt of price by The T. Mil-
kintrn Cm, Limited, Toronto, Ont.'s -
For Plan
Up to A
ikeu frarna
11 palies, - 11411140, that 30111
o the kires or Gt,f
gueets. .105115 0110 tohl ris of himeeif 115
• with the Nt"o1 To 414(1' 13)
in his n.tin,-;
111 15 11111- nl- 8511 for 54l13, but to ,t
4011 y to be , 4- 0111' with Josue' 1110 rii 0 tio
I according to God's will.
ud prepare . place for
told them of the Father'S
I taught them to pray to
tho . 'Meat mere tatting than
that he should to tell' to them of Hum
time when the children of the Father
uld be gathered together in the
I e home? I conic again -
was that coining to occur? "At
the final and glorious coming?" But
it would be no emitters to them to
look for a dey which had not even
yet appeared. "At death?" But this
10 impoesible, taken in connection
with verse 18. "By the Holy Spirit?"
"I will not leave you desolate': I conic
to you." His final promise when he
sent them forth was, "I am Nvith you
•. . unto the end of the world."
Will receive you unto myself -Not
only will he conie to us, but we are
to go to him. 'nese are words at
wonderful tenderness. Where I am,
there ye may be also -All specula-
tions as to the nature of heaven are a
small, compared with this simple state-
ment. Let it suffice. that we are to
be where Jesus is, in the place which
he has prepared and where he is King:
4. Whither I go, ye know the way -
For nearly three years, by inimitable
illustration and extended conference,
he had endeavored to unfold to them
the nature Of his work and the great-
ness of the Kingdom, I
5. We know not whither thou goest
-All honor to the disciple who is un-
willing to let slip by a point which he
does not understand. But Thomas
had failed to. .see the great truth as
Jesus had presented it.
6. I am the way, and the truth, and
the life -Jesus now declares that it is
through him that we come to the
Father and through him that we ob-
t in entrance into the Father's house.
Peter wishes to follow him immedi-
ately, Thomas wants to know the way,
and, later, Philip wants to see the
Father.3; Jesus answers: "All these
questions are answered in me"; "I am.
the way to the Father." Christian
faith is not a personal opinion or ad-
herence to a doctrine; it is confidence
in- Christ,the loyalty of the life given
to him. ,
7.c-1-1 ye had known me, ye would
have known my Father -If •Jesus is
tie manifestation of God (verse 6),
then to know him is to. know God.
From henceforth e know him and
have seen him-4tis impossible to
comprehend the infinite God, but it is
possible to know the love of God as
seen in-' Christ. These questions in-
dicate that the ' disciples were not
overawed by the Master, but were on
terms of comfortable understanding,
so that'question and answer passed
Philipeasily. •
said, Lord, showus the
Father, and is sufficeth • us -Philip
will be satisfied if he' can have at least
a pledge of the glorious future re-
served 'for them.
9. Have I been so long time with
you, and dost thou not ;know mo
? --
A een*e of'disapPointment that, after
all, Philip had -pOittslearned the grac-
ious teeth the Ma terehad tried to
1101(1 Ija'
leen, Me :IiitthfaiP
15. If ye love me, ye Will keep r
coniminniments---The commandment
here alluded to are the,eharges he hes
given them while be has been with
them, To cherish end oliserv-tllofll
is the true indication of their love and
! the preparetion for what fellowin
113. 1Te shalt give you another Coin- '
forter---It is impossible for- an out,' /-
siGer, the world, to receive the Miser
Comforter, for the great gifts of the
Spirit cannot come to an uniipiritua
and unresponsiye soul.
18. I dvill not leave you desolate:
come unto you -Ile conies to them not
in the personal, bodily return, after
milleniums have passed, but through
the presence of the promised Holy
Spirit, as Comforter and Teacher.
19. The world beholdelli Inc no
more; but ye behold me -The world,
which has only knownJesus alter the
flesh, sees him no more, but to his
own he becomes visibie in the spiritual
sphere. Because I live, ye shall live
also -Death will be vanquished by
him, rind his victory includes our vic-
tory over death. -
20. In that day . I am in my
Father, and ye in me, and 1 in
The day is coming when the subject
which so puzzles them will be clearly
21. He that loveth me shall be loved
of my Father, and I will love him -
Love reveals itself to love. He
abides in the heart which responds
to him. (John 15.)
22-24. Judas (not Iscariot) -Judas
of the village of Keriotli is the mean-
ing of Iscariot in Judea. Literally,
Judas the man from Isenoth. Why
unto us, and not unto the -world? -
Jesus had really answered this in
Some farmers believe in feeding the soil This practice may be
good. In theta days of high prices for all farm crops we believe that is much more profitable to feed the crop the necessary plant feed
(fartlllzer) to produce maximum yields, and to redist diceace.
Years of experimentation have shown just how much Arn
(Nitrogen) Phosphoric Acid and Potash are required by all reps.
With this Information we heve prepared a bulletin showing filet what
grade or analysis of fertilizer you should use In the. of your
particular crop on your type of soli.
This bulletin free for the asking,
if you have never used fertilizer you find ts use this year
more profitable titan ever before.
Ogitark Fertirdzers
West Toronto Canada
To make a kitchen stove help waem When Johnny Comes Marching Home.
the room in which it is used a metal --
I cover that radiates thee_ifeat evenly When Johnny conies marching home
has been patented , again,
Hurrah, hurrah!
• verse 21, but he goes further.' Why) •
not to all men without discrimina-
tion? Why make a distinction? The
answer is that love . cherishes the
slightestwish of the one loved, and
he who does not love does not carry
out the wishes of the beloved.
Serie gt nie.
This is springtime: all the heart o
Is dancing madly, clapping wild its
Bursting with caeolling the thongs
that bind
Rushing with passion bove its mate to
And all thing6 smile and all things
m seem so gay.
'Tis like the dawning or eternal day.
The Telescope.
A grain of sand has wonder s tiler°
And Genius strolling
Stooped, gathered up a handful, and
To waiting worlds the secrets of the
10 shingly
Although generally described as a
disease, bonstipation can never exist
unless some of the organs are deranged,
which is enerally found to be the liver,
It Gdns. of an inability to regularly
evacuate the bowels, and. as a tegular
action of the bowels is absolutely es-
eential to general health, the least irrOgil"
huity should never be neglected. .
Milburn's Laa-Liver Pills have no
eqdal for relieving ainct curing constipa-
and all its alli-Ms trouble*.
Mrs. Martin Prince All3ert, Sitsk.
'writee:-`1, had one of 'the werst cases ot
constmaition rt43r doctor said he had ever
known,- and, Milbttre's taxa -Liver Pills
cured inc of it. My fathet-in-law had
used them'in feet he 'was' the one who
ve themto me. A number of people
around here use them, and they all say
that, they are the best piths they ever
Milburn's Laxa-Livett,k s are 25c. a
vial at all dealers direct on
pti, rice bye 6 ilhern Co.,
We'll give him a hearty welcome ihen.
Hurrah, hurrali!
The men, will cheer, the boys et 1
The ladies they will all turn out,
And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny come* marching Isomer'
The old church bell will peal with joy,
Hurrah, hurrah! '
To welcome home our darling boy,
Hurrah, hurrah!
The village lads and lassies say,
With ,roses they will strew the way,
And we'll all feel gay
'When" Johnny cornea marching home,
The tractor gets you somewhere,
which is moye than can be said of the
Smut in oats may be prevented by
soaking them in a solution of form-
aldehyde. Spread the grain around
thinly on the barn floor. Take a
pint of the formaldehyde and mix i
with fifty gallons of water. eWith
sprinkling pot moisten -the oats well
and leave them a couple 01 'lours,
This will not injure the germ of the
seed at all, but, svill kill the smut
germs. •
, extra
t One 11301134311 1(1 041 14014514
a14 41
11\'43 001
1101' I
I3.• Wit
1 11414311
til it
is, ro(10
'hild's name.
that dm o the child roeivtd
113 S11ma1d:1y tiventyeilve cents free
h hie father ;led his mother. This
'y cents 40115 to 00007' 5,311;111
'13"S 0411011.14 laments, es cs,
SulIday sehool, pencil*, candy, ete.„-s-
and the eemainder encli deceit was 10
he saved. The child was taught to
lteep an :maturate accomit of every
met he speed, and 4>1 CV,ry tuldittonal
. Mid of tlici
rally :Audited
penny he earned,
wants the mother
he account;
At first the al week
seemed a small fortune to the child
accustomed to asking for every cent,'
but he soon !minted that in order to
till his bank he would have to 'think,
-ice" before purchasing, a new knife
or a package 01 150111.
One di' the girls showed a tondedcy
toward miserliness. The first week
e deposited her whole fifty cents in
15130 bank -only to regret it long be -
ore the week was out. The other
children were buying candy, and she
had no money. There was to be a
birthday party, and each ehild was
3143 (35013 \4'135 :1 141r0
- 3434311144111137 it 3041, 1441
130 e Vz.
tttir yours 1.11
the boy (11
the eider,
:l4l 1.11
3414 331414,
0 11-11111
1108, 11103
3011 vises
inoome hod
1304331 a . by outsidi
la, ..eres alsio had
been greaser, by their a
count, books. Tile 1311111inedeirs,
of good book • epin
P11111 4105 C10n4P1 ran tlint shdrchile
(leen think, th i'me , of money,"
that they have no a of money value.
such is the cae, 11 is the parents',
• the children's f suit. Give them
"ant more
- ding Be
1131 $I1OIV11IIOO 100 SC41
firm 113 your refusal
than the allotted 50111, exoopt as a
loan. Let them learn hy their 04011
experience llow to handle money to
the best advantage. At the same
time arouee their bitterest in saving
until it becomes a habit to lay aside
some part of their income. The value
01 such training can only be fully ap-
preciated by those who have had it to
learn in early manhood, and woman-
hood -or by those . who have never
learned it at ail.
Velvet Eggs.
Is your husband's breakfast ever
spoiled because his soft-boiled eggs
were forgotten and left in the kettle
too long? This can be so easily avoid-
ed if you will provide a dish or kettle
that holds just a quart, have your
water boiling thoroughly, so that the
steam pours from the spout of the
teakettle, put two eggs in the quart
vessel, pour the boiling want over
them and set on the table. Allow to
stand from three to five minutes be-
fore serving; and they will be just
like velvet. The good part about tills
methoti is that they may stay in the
dish as long over three minutes as
you want, and they will not become
bard if you do not cover the dish.
-always serve them, in something
pretty so they -may go on the table in
She warier. Each person has a sepa-
rate dials; as it is hard to regulate -the
proper amount of water after two oe
three eggs.
Make Your Mapks Work.
To -day ir Franee enly one .andeone
tenth pounds per individual' per Month
of cane sugar is allowed and in Italy
lait one pound pen month. Make the
sugar maples svorkethis seining,
ened and protected.
Thos e who never been troubled
with kidney trouble do not know the
suffering and misery' W 111 77n those
The dull pains, sharp pains, and quick
twinges, all point to the feet that the
kidneys reqpire attention,
Doani)i leiiney Pills are ecl
all kidney troubles,
Mrs. Albert Williams, Edam, Sask.;
writes: -"I have the greatest pleasure
in telling you. what Doan's Kidney Pills
dal for nie. Ten years ago 1 waag,,j.
had with my kidneys that I would fa.
awes-, and could not stand to do anythin
I -had been that way for two years:ds
had done all I could, but did riot get a
better until one day some one ieutt
little book in our door, and I saw how
another young girl had suffered like I
was then, so fathourdet I would try them
and I am glad to say that after takin
four bores I have never had the sams
lhing again, Thank..., te '.Doan."
Wlien asking for "Doanisiiirille" se
that, you get the oblong ox wit
the trade mark of a eiti
Price 50ettie up by
Co., irran‘aP :cravat