HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-3-28, Page 4N s '•- .onvinc g Proof very well to make claims,' any be provev? We publish 1 /a Vin ire pr4Ve the About At. �.XRpptoaes, xko apt #,a�}I,! $ts; Iron and Ain..., ionszna${z City eru �tloatcrzz�l�,;x1a; &aetiad 5��-s Any ;doctor , Il tela you that the ingredient of 5,rinarl ns published above, combine the very elements raeedeci to 4 k ,; e,t1 r. All we. 3i ranus rim'a za at our exinene Titer is :o€: i n to' strength and. xi mid people, delicate persons who need rno': .:> 1f you are not ent:rel�t- will return _ your aft T cart aruesticrn; that proves o+,br ss ' and your protection,. I'GGIST, EXETER, F ick Headache, Soul? ;Stomach, luggish Liver and Bowels•-� Takes Gascarets tonight, Fug Tongue, Bad Taste, inti _ ou, Sallow Skin and Miserable Beak- ' ne come -from a torpidliver and tat, :els, whigh, cause your atom. - become 1U 4. whin undigested Mel) "44,A Rr % like gar s the.drst (A acli food, { bane l sten tG. untt?I'{i mieer4 - int!, i tion, foul ases,, 'had 'breath, yellow slut, xuentai rs, everything that is horrible anti ¢:ons a.tiaz ;. A Oascaret to -night will vw 3 oa;r constipated bowels a tboroalgh iettasix g ane,, straighten you, out by a€zruing, They work }axile you sleep - 1Q -cent hoz from your druggist will .aa r n feeling good: for months. ri 4 dalll ii •r w; °a:'ia The Diu Traci MOAT ala TORR And CIliCAGO Horn- , cz - Tim rice Wire Fenc or' bsaly w r^ ton bs'a ;R3 rc.tTv.. tit. ons' lyriy:E rI_tit tt Rai z7�d'=. L s5 Izxzoyy)�s orga all kin 1i;"r ai l,Thiri�;•kM:'CY. .I'l;nS ta' b"• .tor wt•b;i; Z_r4all,s'a;r fir, Pliant! 1:2„ .ri. J. ATWORTHY CTBANTON Mr. ' aA a a rt riled Tr: se, .naxat: fps, ami 9iS ,ta ate a ti:i;a,tza IVe ','N.010e" iat3 whieli ofd his gr iw Caldwell t1 t1 Zurich 14;:e bear people speaking a'ery intrad-' ty' of oar standard flour, itsn all right —llaarvey Eros. Mrs, »risdale o€ Sandusky-,. iS viSitinl; relatives in this yicnitc'., Mr, Norman Holtzman, of Prestoo visited ut the Lowe, of 1,-‘1,r. C.., Iloltz- wan ?AIr, 'Galvin 1i'idlinns, of "ti,, is visiting his brot1ler, for a few Beeks, ,arc,�, W. 'Morley ark ° fanazli flay moved etc Glencoz where he .bas ed o black audit shop, ATiss Vezda Pass who has spent 54 ii;f' time in J).'troit z4 visiting Iltc horn of hoar parents. Wilfrr.d McRrid€} who has beets gc'd as blacksmith with Mr, P. • icla. Elate, N, d sisters - LA; ler°t 1 assold, ;D)ishwooh, is working for Mr.' Jacob 1.)iechert c:,£ 'town. f'r L pd'Offre'., of Q Atbii £o Inert) ota+"ttS pl:ac 1aat',ttt ctsasc.d. the dwelling lling of Mfr. A, W. Morley `arid qcsiil 010Ye back irorzr Obatbam Zurich in the near future, ?[r Barad lir, P., W. Ia ss leave eidnd itai leave for Hi gar,. Sas . s)• 'weeks -where their son, (; orge4, rchas sl n t 4O 3c -re farm wi'tt.� and izrr/ittl<rtent ccafurrlle'^^;/£nT 1t4d9r tatfk, lilt, Ct�1�, bus, p ert t Atte"ten#)^ xa"tel "amt laeixi�tc#}rain'ih 4rot 'al r,o- The h at 1et"xAv 3 441i "1tx; e, q S sx': th 51 is. broth cot xlizct1 r III r,ze 2aa her) tro:rai za"s ,s 11- e era Corea ani r stseau �' rm on the Bro nson l>«tti n sl t1s ago be left fpr Tnoo rrro_pui,rd, and at tb laiT' dentia: )s'an' the ; i ner o Thu is eM spar. 11a p )aa� a few stillitrx.", i"+4a ,t}ltl'L a Ifect`• 14 our :l`to— 6If + pf last .)eek diadaazaprc h}lyl� re< leorrn ltr, 'c plier his bro- .l'tllcbet- els, Mr. Frantz horses and tile. n u "etarlo;atl oL riga a also, of 1 fo tt "...rwwi.r. , nciez{ I3iCt 3 e d fatht"r. one broa tionaestcald, flay »,Tres. 1), . Nivea o, orad 1rs,,. Nelson ��'"trrni E ION JUICE A SKIN WHITENE w tt ttaiake a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. juice of two fresh lemons stn airt;rl 'tot coalztt.rain; three owes of orelaarl a).ltite tat<1i t:,•a as wholsivinrier rat of flan± tr.a t zeaaa ixl ;ii:les' l4s1trn,' fri;ha iiutitlet kat Korean ttae cost pro must m all jnx of five ordinary cold drat . C are should t e tGl on to strain ao denaorjuieo thrssugh a 3'ine doth so o ietltcon lsaalp rat^ts in, bleat tlais k Lien well 3 ekl: heli far months. Every ainrnan knows that lemon_ juice. is:-uyed to }detach and remove such 'blemishes as tyles, sallowness and tan and h; flat : ideal skin softener, Wit b,91ter and #rtth>itiifie7r. Tani try it'. fltf three. otaztees of orchard WititCE at ally caru;; atom 'anti two lemonsfrom the: grocer stmt make my ca quarter pint of this sweetly frngroiit 1711100 lotion rand massage' it daily into ilte:face, neck, arms and hands. Auction Sale OF STOCi AND EFFECTS za Victoria Street, Exeter on :`aiur- a• March 30th, at one o'clock p.m,. ho 1 ollon ing --{ Cola"r';sup.p'CYsecl to b eta. g.00d Yorkshire broom . sows, due miciclte Of Agrilt; 3`cokeriis and 9 :Silver Gray '1?orkir:.bens, Effects—Small n,natttity Alfalfa hay, net/,' horse plow; 12 -tooth Planner Tr, cuitia aloe, rase sctiff1 r, Planter Jr.'. book seek drill; set rain. harrows; 1 grader a rgarden rolier;: l idle : c the and snath; crasse>ut saw f2 .-ber,ry. crates; 490 new quart berry lao•Nes ; manure drag; slao-v'el; 4 hoes; 2 rakes, oat bin, i,Y)Oollen horse. blank- Set coach harness, good .a_e oecr set single harness; Ra itiond. • sewing aver tae; Sly„?i ,s crates rub!›, 1st` a scr"te and 1.)1Q,.0.1„;-.,, , raatoes °ud gr,der-a. 1 rtoaaa l;arziiaaer i uantit) grain bogs: and ;sa ttl 1 krtt i range, conal or )a -flocs, "led hryt,:+; or'', tzar water; d three• lilt,' net t. ' '' :stove with oven; +erf�,913; gla net S3?t aa.iti in.zcltht;;; °p' t''Il' t; tables, anti! .sc tern;;1. w5ty`:egg incubator brooder eoe '.l, eve; tailor's goose; 33�1 Y a nttasare „. putd,rq barn, a tax k&t 1Dotut7ae5, 1011 n, atnereas other Torous• --Cas t giKe;1 ",, Pate o e NSON. An h't er?IClitrg !"lot ad a khat 04 piaazseo.for ad at to r got cl late lava z tz1<`z po Ler, Bottles. er bottle auto tires. T u ;e. dust Clea watlx gasoliali Our Troubiias. Cxl#bs--So you blame your present troTables on the middleman. ,altos.- lot: exactly. 1, blame all our troubles ori the first inai- Toss 11/1 nth of ai, *Vas the Omer eoeked to io "Ye5, ail hot ;the bilk Take ttztl have it bated tlowu,»--S opt- isp&tela, oR. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look, Mother!' If tongue 6s coated, (cleanse tittle bowels with "Cali- lornia Syrup of Figs."' Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged -up waste, sour bile aud, fermenting food gently moves out; of the bowels, and you have; u well, playful child again.. • icl children needn't be coaxed to .5r, I take this harmless. "fruit laxative_” Millionsof mothers keep it handy bee cause .they know its action on i'he atom - nob, liver and bowel) is prompt and, sure. Asa: your druggist for a bottle of 'California (Syrup of Piggs,'g which eon, Mains directions for babies, ehildrelz rat all ages and for grown -asps. CAST .RIA For. lamas and Children Use For Ov Always. bears the Signature of 30Years E id 00- tionecr,, Sales conduct'tl ita silly la rGlitr, Ternis moderate.. Orders loft at Times Office u•,11, be -promptly at- tt�tided to, Phone 119, Lirkton, Act - dr , Rirktou,: 1'. 0. SPRING TERM FROA1A 2ND. offers al:;: t;rexat opportunities. Recent : 1. 4► 4B • lade- r ra1nates of this school<.6 are eanning`es high as $1000 r;er�,q enr_um, Tire last application we received from an office man, with some :experience offered. O initial salary of $1800 per ac.- • num. Students ,may enter our : • classes at any time, Gradoate.s placed. in positions, Commercial;!er •Shorthand ani Telegraphy de- e partnents.: Get our ,tree rat-. ,tp alogue.' ;� w, J.. ELLIOTT President :1 * D. b cLACHTJAN, i'rincirai. * [TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, pa HMR STOPS FALLING, ave your' Hair! Get a small bottle r„f Danderine right now—Alan stops itching scalp. brittle, colorless and scrag it snide evidence of a neglected dandruff—that awful scurf. nothing so destructive to ia:i`r Baa dandruff. It robs the hair ds in,stre, its strength and its very eventually producing, a feverish - ss , everish-ss, aril fixating of „the scalp, which if e5za'edied causes the hair roots to loosen and'61',,i.--then the hair: ,last A I1.0i Danderine to - an trme4wil1 surely save I no,Blvon's; store. Your; wit and lid tie Get Behind the of a Ford and Drive RY it, just once! Ask yourfriend to let you "pilot"' his car on an open stretch. You'll" like it, and will -be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven. If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own ear, there is some -1 thing good in store for you. It is vastlydifferent from just riding—being a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, -women and even grandfathers thousands of them - are driving Ford cars andenjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills ;. its strength and power show to advantage. Buy a Ford and, you will want to be behind .`;the wheel" constantly,, r�Y /OL't.lw� $59 $57 C1,1�,A ,ING Auction Sale F RM STOCK. I;t1PLEILENTS, A1e1) If0GS l.)0TATOES, ROOTS IIOL`SEIIOLD FURNITURE Tilos. Cameron has received: iestrne tions to sell by .Public. Auction oat Lot 29,; Con. 14, Tp, of II'ibbert on Tuesday April .2nd, 1918 at one a'c'ock 1,14 41,1Ou inQ.--=, do agr'assalto,rat zearnt: .;. 2 - tiding carceral acid ll} tia5cs 1 re hi 4.,TTL co )vri doe is - "�. 1), Biters; 4 fat ,",tel 05175old�.,; 4 'sstaetec rs 2 years Glees Gra seal;sa, 1110 1 oat/ s, Clue, are ,rater 8 hegs ns rand rti1110l;S. S Id `loos baec po- ziataips. A Tull dine or: g nne3 Baal zac•ss; `furnish See Postcs No reserve ented, 145 'i=i}vii hoast—keeping . 1iS—.Ada su; rash; OVcIr r¢so, lroi Ott Pr/l aril rs alireo ofd i sr A ril<; at1C` )rig ; atrlxa: ta. rliiturG;' eulaars. roprielor as t iA`iu of til0 veld it i tar tt 011100 111 4' ishirl;; catalyst/- ota>;. i r 0;a,rh Qat its ix'agsl.tezara Io.s a Auction OOICE COW ,i Thos, Cameron hal troll: ftp ell h.,: rtpublic Vet; tra1 hotel on Thi March at ol1S!' o'>alocic lowing,— Five l)iirharn gradefi, du ire A„arit curl May 4 Ibirharza ;rtic,)an . with csloesht root;" 3 h.oliteina; truth rcti1k- las: ti=holStei1S due later; 9 heifors Sliringa'1;;,. isornsl calves and young stoei:,' hour 'York brood Sofa°, due in !aril bred by Win. Frayne of Cs Pi RMS --Sim months credit will be 'rte•ia on lfnrnishing` approved joint notes at 6 per cert per 0rmann My' 'past record ought to guarantee that this stock wilt be up to the mark and that 1 will deal fairly with the public. James Ferguson Thos. Cameron Proprietor 'Auctioneer ale c 1r 0 the Auction Sale TIOUSE & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS .on t1'ii7ia12a Street, Exeter, one b.1011k west of English Church., on. Saturday', April 6th, at ,one o'ch;. k' thatp,:.thi hollowing,— Chatteis—Hall rack with bevelled glass nearly new i,4 ;ft. extension table 2 small kitchen tables; 3 white 'iron beds with spin;s,and znnttresses, 6 dressers and 6 washstands; '2 :mall stands, 3 'rocking climes, arm ;chair, 6 dining room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, baseburner; Electric' jewel range, a good balder; two carpets; oilcloth Tor five, bedrooms; good stair linoleum, nearly new, clock, 5 toilet sets; half dozen bedroom mats; 4 pair of lace curtains; blinds; 4 or 5 dozen quarts' and half gallon sealers; 1 good oak vinegar barrel; 1 'oak' ten-gallon barrel crib -bed, baby cradle and baby buggy, sp inhler ; four gal. coal' oil can, two clothes hes baskets, washboard, lamp, set of irons. Real Estate -Good brick veneer house with two lots and barn; hard and salt water; with screens made to fit the windon-s, 'nearly new 1% doz•% Columbian and thimble, berry bushes ;, also 300 stats -berry plants all put in last sprang The house could easily'' be converted tnto a 7 -room boatding:' house; Terrns—Chattels, Cash; Real Es- tate made kenowa on day of sale. MRS. FRED LANE, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON,, Auct. END STOMACH TROUBLE, OASES OR DYSPEPSIA gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, or you belch gas and eructate sour undigest'ed food or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth. and stomach -head- ache, you can act relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to ialch. stomach distress now by gegingla pm any druglcore. You re'01111` Ike 0 smiwiwiswmwuilggwmasssammmmmisit /49 42 sax Ser-rsa AsT rorrinfards and Children. Mothers Know Tha Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature ggd pit Yea ,OCO frit alIotveri It CANADLAN BANK OF CO MERCE SIR JOHN AIRD,Gtocrafnuin r SIR EDMUND WALKER,' CAPITAL PAID UP, i5,000,00 RESERVE FUND 4. good banking connection is an essential to tilm success of the merchant. The officers,of this Bank are prepared to consult with yott regarding current acccounts loans and collections. 9 EXETER BRANCH—A. E. KURIFt, !MANAGER Creditor) Branch—J. A, Mo Donald Manager. DENTIST Honor araduo.te of Toronto Univer- sity, Office over Dickson & Carl- ing's 'Law Office'. Closed Wodnesdys afternoons. Phone Office 5a and Residence ,5b. 1 FliRMER'S MUTUAL EIRE INS,UR. Read Office Farquhar, Ont. Vice-president, TIIOS, [RYAN. JOHN ESSERY. "'Exeter, Agent "Us - borne, and IBiddulph. OLIVKR HARRIS, Munro, Agent for, Secty-,Treas, Farquhar, Solicitors, Exeter, 01'46 sigih# rtIA INSON 011 tee Honor Graduate of Toronto Univat.r. DENTIST Teeth eltracted (without pain) ori.1,a- Exeter, , S. Graduate Victoria Tiniveraity*.. Office .and Besidence, Barrister, olicitor, Notary Pub lea Tdolsons Earth, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates cas Interest. OFFICE—MAIN ST EXETER ON MONEY TO LOAN have a large, amount of PrIvat funds to loan on farm and ;Properties, at lowest rates of in ifT 141,41