HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-2-28, Page 8TH tt XE R T' MES Pilo)()a 16 R T WART 6 Pure Cin This week we have rece ed a cars of Pure Cane sugar . Febrliary is considered the right tilne to buy. i you want 100 lbs, you ftad better buy now wiliie' i o't1 can get delivery. Seeds n,s g+3�4ak' eaten/lea/ate, •t ar Beet, Gran Haig. Rid. r rad. hi our eYia� ants Tar.. e "Rao -LS ties fi una beer Boots slot:, zited a pair Sot tlaka vveadi r. We sell bbers. Every pair th. a ,Hoa , ntee A. ST@WART Phone6 rS OurBargain Sale goes on Special offerings till end of February ,. • reCte d34kn a are c ylarket . Report -The following i1a e report of the Exeter Market r,recte d n y to \i eclnesclap 27th; Wheat 2.10, Oats 95e. I Bzrle Sl x5 to 8)1.50 Oklx 5;70. ;14.00 lz Bran v�,. CreainerY butfer 52c. Dairy butter 38c to 40c. Eggs 50c, to 52e. Potatoes 1.60 to 1.85.. Sugar beet pulp $1,60 R1er sack Lard 34e_ Hogs 18e. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLIN Thursday, 1+cbruat ave your' Hair! diet; a small bottle of itanderine right now ---Also stops itching .scalp. d scraggy in, brittle, colorless and e, � ' ndru=^•that awful. scurf. v s e s so destructive to �F1zai'e is nothing s- : nviIt robs the hair thehair.ca tai. i its lustre, its strength and its very t#e eventually producing a .feverish- Willing of the scalp, Which i (lied causes the hair roots to shrink. Ioo. n and die --thea the hair 041***********414********* le Danderine to- fatlXs out oast. Alit# • R tt asoty ani time --will, surely Isave LOCALsour hair •+�•tia a�ih a Get a, small bottle' of liinowlton's Danderiue from any drug store, You this surely can have beautiful hair and lots 1 of it if you will just try a little Dan- your hair'. 3 its 1�' 'e4'L )Na homu , '£roirn ; deraue. - have k' u � i r the,'v -end. Colt �aaad son To id rn oa' Monday . o Crawls t is sp e diiilg l ozadon ao St. `Johns. \`t`�n4$5flr, p3 { ' v .0110e of a neSleted. Miss Lettyt t at rs. t'x in 'London Ila �1at k:. e and children r o town over tb . kiixQta, Slc>z.'t fn� -Cr; iC,i1 } 11r, i 1(111 d0 i;sbor Co, Slat fp0 ! rat.use. \1 r )t1 fc't^tor Rea oUif iotg .4101(1 za aged snit. =a. laid Miss Cowa ore Monday.. ter, L o0, ed at he G donna -tl1A re -q vho onac1, btone^ tai Oof 31r. R3t,'zeGy' 042 ev� here tb 'hieh. $kat 411e, iS.tt 1x0. for ai.1i 0 L5 E1:.)3 A1)t 1:111', Thee aazanY , f tatlpit srI>t , of lid vt mat: 'eciFl l ii of la'' \' as 1, Mrs.. i rgaason, 'asitinp; in or,e tali 3I kt 1 IT FOR SALE -5 11090 oak en ,ehaa rails on, Lot X;o. l.4, Con S a r hen. Sealed ten( xs will bo xe001V on or before February 20th. DAMIAN' &,-STANBUR'i Barristers, Exeter Tailored to Order WILIi PE FAR MORE BECOMING IT cosTS NO MORE We .have a large number of New Fall' Suits ou i Overcast- ings that await your arrival--' a wide assortment of fasn!ons, chosen colors, soft, handsome browns and beautiful greys cif all shades, OUR ASSORTMENT OI LADIES' SUITINOS Is the finest we have ever had. The studied exactness in measuring Dud becoming des- igning of our tailored to order Oaths, produces, a comp.letuesa: of fitting and a pleasingness of appearance that a ready- made can never hope to equal, No lady knows, how well she can appear in a ouit or coal Cantil she has one cut to meas. flare. Our stock is edmplete,;,'. S heere f ni s ti GENTS' aril& taiz i. Ootel 'tteCTsite t h IOCxO o fikr; sY',iQ+ ;X 5 s'it `l lentil a'. Tlapo ca'61lliayat POWELL ' TU e• cza;i show you nolo BAZAAR Flax Land Wanted he On 4 rio Flax Land Co. rcquires 300 acres of Land for .1e Eeter Flax Mill tlfnci rental paid when flax is sown X. TO JOS, DAVI Tet 1 -hone 1.3 I it ntAl ,.�Q'�1••"fOF TUE NEW ' Dino small I;PA14fi 4 i`ita t) vt°ori€a til' vo :, ,.1t datotintt !u z•eria=, i tics to 'etc. 4;1'1:1;»LlNG, Ray P.O. C.)T. ark. tt'atKY,° 1rri'1' teci y iris t 1' ,..t ¢i3z,3at315 �':'x lyl ..i as Ti ,pcaai tali (tilt, 41,141.11 v` st „ rater i:rt i ;ahnna' -11'411.t r7 ata" ;i1aii you tlaubtt:., ��:,'o?n sraly i T I. ^d IJu s'e u tan This F.,t1Letev Get t row! 4t ,l m,x 1+calrii, anti a, "r, '.iitt h' vt been, ai,..t Reddy g of t;d.rt' tit t tlautiirlaonn(;, tltb� ' 'a tryn C4 1y l rrn to ii�kitb,llg_d...4e�S,,,x�k' !g 1iIM 1C 1Rtal�akg1i loll, 1.. J. ' nisi"tot t1A t clasrreh nt I itislfZtlai 5 nt h, tl Ars. txsecolnila,* and datrtghtr"r and, ,alis' `1'itoutp .on of C:arnduff, .as s. !rive b,'on visiting in this several corn - v^. oaillty {ve e r rl } <,I k. a, lhfl Mon- th, Ftn- th. ''tit Fl ntl. will visit 'si - tl 1aTices 01113,1^1tt�. 114,5 llcrl)011'3 1 .1111~ r- titrn td tsa�n(1Tii they milli r, tp.-tangs an s zirnnto an(i yiill camas�nr} on h 11A•ya' spring styles. alis iatcf.nazaa, r C71iospr y, iL ill .+, ai t ,lis McDonald his 72i;inn,. i Mr. and ;\C.tnna, Sask.. It their home ;yfFe a r':r parents. nts. gshaw and :otI wJ.Sa Ii743 ,C; rty.. let your run tco lore;', We A1ipleford Coorttrr a1 llainilton tlaa• this kind in ia.iina ns cheap mrarTi F.iS the firm. hanshaw, or t on Monday* for va3itixig itis for- t. .and Mrs. Wm. r relatives in this tutor check books , tee zgents tot the f 1T" due Book Co., 1 concern of:1 in. ler; can buy 1.5'. yon clan from 1 Ci vi l pay ou to make a trip down town and look over our specials exhibited. Every day we are adding New Lines for clearance. oti south 7 ndow for S- 'al Sale $1,48 a -pair of es a tial 9i 0c a her :tpt"S, at t 8 n� 1# peeled kk es(batt ey rn'9y ::" ; Y (70, ",:*1* ,eV s for , 1'IIIa t'o vres,Ant at ;ar Ai'.?y It .-d-,-t Lay' sov, r,il of tb ' Inas aaatvs, 'Miss lie, 1Tiodlo:ra <lraalit with 4b work of the Y. 1F, C:. .'\, ; 'Wilfred Sh tpiun the aeroplane; a p - pili,r-tat fur 010 helpless vet tancle^a1. and \lass 1Iva. 1lorvey, tin' sIitimaritn'. 71°+;r 1r;rnd:'ord 1V1Y, av4 rr.l+cl tnialcla wars a 110nelsommt' ho knoiy 1n,,, (r1t,d by the d tit. this Alma Z1^ay, `1.'1IorI was at. la • sclao rt 7111S xa ipyt tT rlari t vi ring .\; xt Tuesday tla ^ league ac3T1 oiler talo the liner - laic. a1a>i.rihi'rs tai the S,i111.ht1h 1)1E4) T'Itih: l 1lES On 'Friday , of last well: 1t2, Julio I% -ed; r ^died at the zaooae of Itis brother Alex, in town, fraan it jnri^ d v.dien his arm was caught tai, a 'i;'an thresher while %voricing 011 0 tarot nea: l)asitwowd. Oa. Feby. 14th 51r. 11- t el. r had tart, of his hand a';n ti.1=tx^11 and the cirrat 10 the elks.+ re learning something evcry day drink his milk. ;we itriolt•.e. less hay, we husband hair oil, salve arta paste Oar lives have been one snaet tairosan. our money 10 the cow it's something Nve n,,Jci.c.,d the lesson. tre are lea now. I us, d to .throw Pay shat -s awav; when they we -re ',rat ,td around tn sole S, baying sou inore 'titan ,cia'01-5 Apidy The Exeter Carmen d, prepared. to contra s to grow 250 acres c, 1018, Price pc 'Seed corn . will be sold to A n wattle ter) . 'edam int APPLE GNFSLLAGE FOR. SALT; The silo at the Canning Factory is open, and ensilageis offered for sale at 52.40 Per ton. Purchaser to pay for weighing on B. G. Seldon'sscales EXETER CANNING CO. ADVERT[SfNG RATES I3isplay advertising rates - Made known on appheationr. Stray aniir►als,,--One insert_on 50r: three insertions $1,00 Farms or Real Estate for sale 500; each insertion for the month of four insertions; 25a for each subeegneut. insertion. Miscellaneous articles for said ro rent, watite& 1st tx [gond,, etss each insertion, 25o. Local Reader*, Notices, etc., 10o pig line per inser- tion. No notices leas than 25e. Card of Thanks 50e. Liegal advertising 10* iand• zas 50 per lino) Al isotion sales tea f 94 1 i � mid 00 3.904s for teswo $f� a f ea - ave you`xenewed your ion to The Tunes? es? ubsceri RIORiWI3, an cis liauted nSRSumber o,fANTLhorses-Iwantlou guoaf ate;: ditaan. Geldings from five 3ears and up weighing from: 1509,etozz. u M r ass L 4 ram x e p p, 1� 7l# 5u� R vtre' Fie frena 1300 ala having requu e4 stuff would £ d, ready mar ng me or calling up on 83. Exeter. G. 3. DOW Furniture AND Undertaking N. ROWE - TUE FUNERAL DIRECMOR t "Xt. dk. Plata' ti44,75 pet barrel. v, or order at the store this 1 car and we expect th 110VSE E011. SALE Oil RE - roomed 'house. kitchen and wood, bard and sort water, 1-4 acre lona. Elizabeth St. Apply to F. Gill tin- lord ()leer iday March 2411 SOCIAL The Thames Road Red Cross Society a having a box social and entertian- inent in the 'Thames Road church on Frida). evening March 1st, comm., ri:Ar11.-1 at eight o'clock. Admission lac. Every body welcome. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross work. Mrs. W. A. Turnbull. President; Roxit Cann, Secretary. FOR SALE -A few No lit for service. Jain hart born N Bat - MARRIED MAN 'WANTED for Sas- katchewan farm, able to handlt hor- Ifighest a-age.s and transportation. paid, Apply Times orrice. The Times is 'was' leasit;dabtade.relf- you have a visitor o " you are go - bout di. We do not hnow; everythiAg that R,oes on and the co-operalion the readers of, the paper is a valuable aid in getting the It is .1.-4orted that 700 married, men to be returned home shortly on a three months' furIough from service Mr. Montgomery Itavis of Tucker - ;calif!) has disposed of his Carra, on tire. (1-.1 concession to 'Arr. John .11;td- good halluings and Arr. Dodson has tEikas possession on .April. lot. Funeral airec xuent (2 ti Use confiden Ye rat 0 your h atti o es el the -tva gyve dates I e Sa Taunng Cal ,p045.; Th rrrtort Bake Dealer Exeter Tama MADE TO' MEASURE CLOT! NG FANCY 7ESTS ODD TROUSERS • HATS AND' CAPS SWEATER COATS - SHIRTS AND COLLARS SWELL RANGE OF NECKTIES in Vaiticy Boxes Gr_TTftl71)1-11-7WA:A-DR-M21:17oSce---' COnblaa SMOURS AND .OVERALLS: 11