HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-2-28, Page 7II7777*77�-­,­. HAD VERY BAD IV's M9 1' 10 C;rVPZ CaAtxot be raiwd b fticr�4* iTO Al f", -C 0 L D and"," r�rr o P ge of labor make t'oat ipossib-iN Wit-11ut ine d I ND I4A L oUSMg 0 U �G 'd Itils to s �IA RA, VIES Conducted IbY Professor Henry G. BeD D R W, 0 The bject 'of this depa FE �i 14*9 rag In 4 Irttrent is to place at the ser, ZER, v PL(14F ire Of otAr, farm reaclers. the advice of a r) aeRno:vIledved Vt devend upian ba -yikrd xnanure a�onc. ip, yalwcbla Do NORWAY authority, on all subjects pertaining but itisufficiet, to soils crops It he!Ps mallitain fertllity�retux art of,�hO plan; IAdditional sup 0 t CURED HER. Address all qw�stlons to Professor Henry 0. Bell, in foods. you plies f plan foea (Fier,Alzer)' FZR-WARREN 00. care of The Wilson loulalishing Company, Llmited, TOT must be, ad-dqd to Your sell to grow more on your PRESE'T Acre�ge, ronto, and at . . . . . O will appear in this Colurn4 In the order Experiments ��ave �ibpw!l that 4the Nitrogen n only 1QQ lbs, of 2-8-2 PE�pl RONTO C, Dros:ser, Bayf In %,vhi-,h they received. As space is limited It, is I In a TON of nianure, . ..... . fert!114,er preducrd as much as the, advisable where inimediate reply is necessary that a Nyallt to tell You of he e. atanlPed and addressed envelope be enclosed with the A bushell of to a, or ivil,-at buy IV lore fe r ti I 1 zer than be�ora t 0 quPsti0f4 when the answer will be mailed rectI He y G, sell the war. g from your medicine. nr cLt winter 1 had a very bad cot d4 itifter taking twp bottlQ�, of Dr. rs aud Frly Ripening. sitv of an antple sar, ly of or ask or aeelicy cough, but,, 1p 'AT up I Wred. The lesson of tile past yea -v is clear. Pilosphoric acid for gro-wing corr is iq'al;oa� one 10l, the bt�t cough Of of corn ir- On- t --hav 7t Audies�4, 0-NIT-AR10- LLIJITED ys keep a b small per I made by Houston and Jones of In -;i WEST TORON7TO Q Al%A L D A the hou�a so I can hav�� 'It rly, d in Pprd e Ag -l- was fully ripened whell ea ,fina and publi.shed U fM9t cilt -hort, life of the cro Experiment teI,Jp1d Ali oN h, p tati,on Bullctin�: addapi�ht­-, of all age ordially invited to write to, tKit abo t "Dr �-y !3eQd corn is constquently et a pre- o. 175. Ail area of . . . . . . . . . . . �4 lnitia�s cilly be P441J,�4 and its answer 4enti F U Wood S'2' 81w, had, i"rn ed on 28th-, the varieky q, orwian laled ,,ii� th� rreans of 4, ation, but fiitf'�iA n ust �e qN,po in each ad,�,es. rn hat suffident ey's Favorite. The 5.oil was velrY� letter, wra, g(,liting nic-dicine ih 'doe.- a e one sidp of Paper '00 Y. it G seed corn Fil 0KING, FO w1ft be RURAL SCHOOLS ter, but &d no Pr dtile' n be located to eare for the -191 anY.,-ucll epared, It h Slie gdque bottle �51, Dr. _V�Tocd's is is surely high time, it'islpast teli libeilal for ti�i6 MIr;�., Helen Law, 23S d sh Y, Me ure, WPdb,ine Ave., Toronto, N PiPei 0 e eays it has el good biusine5s for orttarjo,� dressing of sta Mall By Lo,a ), I4au all the dQCt4,)r,u, to (if) a-9 a6d e q e s a C d oil a kasis pro-, $11e, 'he A teniurlate of That r an each day� W yrup ,have tle hQt-,u -lil the n -ed 75 !�i, t eI ne 4th -d rMh "m the lung t to know t1ii bY '�he verage yle,ld of onvay and this "ept r-1 eqlieA -err -,e o1R, la of th rn a- i :ori p ar acre y-, e T) t I 1� e V I y thal TO for couglis im Ole ill Tairly, of on �.J, lie' he41an farme-es �Ivojd a NveekI, ot I ki�� IIww Ias' n59 f est too abur o N -re t, Q lier I '111 ilburn C� js_b� idiit C' Tl T 0ii fi01' -1 cap llos 11 �omg I"lug te y �3 P Is m Tr t( acid. Thi d ic Ji anip' p - + Ib 4 �Ard it f�lr TI d and tA.4 ilb b Kt lug crop at v, fl,e 1), he ba ty aelp, llTbe er stepi, IIbe, I)Y! potinds, in Au 4,Q Liaw,� oIrom notbli,g to 41 I b T I the aT e tip re, 7i� , X to Q t of 41,8 to ',A - I IIIIIIf A' n. �j , " , M - � , I "i L" � 14, YJ ­ " I VR'WW ci t Ifell IItoil oI4 IIt tit q is tO 4041 ,o n Itt tbe 'nou (I i i ;A�year Thll�, is, the 1*0 t Ilithe to 0i 4;4 i t iow1u., "Abe Id itvlo t,lo of tile pla re. larfrell for ripcIll! %4 _0 iVir, n s part of the of the the i:, inima, If A�fvoin fill thQ the Morn- fertfli Th and h�rgo I i, obttL4 plot, ZQr progre" Iproteii4, g . � , i ri r c , I Ii nda Krii'at national thool "1),A . y be in vilmer, :r ase fe ill! s time i)y 'SO tile Middle O goull., ae's so th,. rowcr� L corn llh �� Ioncol Stte�i it- is the torn crop cvbicil is will pay ttention to 8tep 0 cltnning products of tliese are P it darIng the viiinter with kero-, most eiTLetcd by early frost and sJ,)W t1lis merls of tile arirQr 11.11 I1aLr hoI o", iwmc groWing season. Probably the neces. of tboir crops. ng year, And, I nri surf�, IdiCt OTI Orl 57,> l'Pidem i'or ,4 �,, 110NN"to 14 ic, of Colds A wlleeyting, Sneezing, genemll lo work if fliey firmer tf,i Tf ly, �,f th(I birds develop Colds I !ftuQll ' The food value shou)(V arproperly -41 nd his ot A Rain-droj) Is"P. Colds are catching. Will soon dedfll,at trees t,-: ' not differ materially from One of the in rel,41nin, oil the of it drre cows doe Of clover for be iso4tted, NVJ1t, One Tvcher heel) 0is ard that the at of red Watch how they spread throul; y, r - a " clover, pupils were to lie fcr is ,ivL 010jr dill As a Matter of � 4 , . , . for filet the ]ionic, or .111 office, or choolroom, oil Vard cleaniiz, up, and the out- of st, 11,07ig Is -11 wonis ill this d ot enough difference in I Or ulltll illo symptoms I' ` any, place whe le congregate. need o be paillied and kepiia food re peop re giv- alue of the two, plants to make any difference in compounding Offering cures for icolds is , popu_ in repair. chisseg for n en rollgh-� dy (lays Of the cold'i disappearod. Re- ell out; to the d B i I fodler is t any sick birds frla the flock w3 hir philaut hrophy. We are all ready Ili fact, tc introduction of the bot, their sr,efling le_<�on. On feed to be u."d in. ration; one would take the plce sc,on s noted alld,treat toul In coops to pass on'our prescription n(l preach lunch s.sivni may lead up to s high wrten phS i other fowtge, -for -Sing a Of il a y of the other. Alsike makes just Is ra by Q)enl selves, or hill and bury them its merits. But the very be -t time a point of att,ainment s fhe teacher food vilue O ep. It may lso be Things to 211d write, good hay When it is cured under just ., 0 f potatoes" Sne If they re not Nvorth. tre, to cure cold is before you get it. -%vishes to raShe hY needed in d fed to cows in spiall Son of time, as favorable conditions. Cattle like will find it, the diet, an _� o Hygiene is more efileacious than casy matter to make her,school the� The put a-,vav it just -is well. ., But in their growing drugs. itls'tdsed for sheep in habits, red cloverinCalsike vary con- roughng -c&, Careful eting, I ealthful, Contra of the cohnnunilly by bringing took their scats,,a,nd _e 1( Beans With Small Cost. i a., Her' � work Nvis 1kiegur. At " e an ointed sleeping -windows open r -in or sh the home interest to the school- Siderably and a farmer wo ine Iuld take and a ]lot water bottle ,It the feet P I IoNs ed the grou rid early and worked this into consideration, whether he if i ptlPils will not only be able to do bet- without I ivork tivalue s goo,d it tmes both ways so ,is to grew alsik ceded for -warnitli, ter work, but there will be a new in- e-1, tile fire ws iiglitee tbe pot�,_ not be closely ente,n, or, ccount ol, song Of e oxi clover For ill- makci it I ivith two -row stance, alsike grow in'soil that is Wet feet conduces to colds, If You with each oon in I cal. toe,_ put in to bake. When dinner the corse stem,;. T h �_ -f c e d v a I u e of dis,mnt lands. qorn drill, tiventy-eight inches -Part: too moist and too sour for red are anxious to get rid of a cough, ol, The Xfecessary Equipment timo, came" the pupilz� wedismissed i of the forage is almost always ell- and droppe clover better still t8 outgrow- the habit of! Sing a song of recess, d a'b�saii every tell inche, for five minutes in the opert all- Dur r hanced by the grain it contains, as,, I I e row rl, 'I th s to thrive in. Alsike clover grown catching cold, weaI Just lio-w can a teacher in a poor, wand play, alone is much more inelffied to lodge warni shoes, and I ing this time, tl�erooru aired an j even, where a good job of IS! two-roNv Cultivator nd hood them th, keep the feet dry. i disinterested community establish this four girls spread paper napl-ins oil i done, some beans will nearly lways n. song of n red clover because it has a -weak systcrn ? First of all', a stove, fittd each desk, setting once. Harvested them, eighteen acres, or reclinig stem, the lulielt' remain in. the straw. Alake a happy day. It Is a. pretty I L I Ili one day wth two bean pullors nd for cooking all& bking, should belboxes on t good practice to mix soj�e alsike clo- e desks with spouim and� If warmed-over meat flavor, a side�delivey, rake.. secured, Where the school stove is bowls holding the potatoes. suitable,. then n oil I The campi-ii inidated by the Food celory salt will. give the desired taste. I -lad two' men ver in with some red clover in seeding not or alcohol I This particular teacher's school was 1 ? to pick UP a11y down, for on nnxch�j�of our. soil a por- stove with a, portable oven should be'in all isolat I Controller to increase consumption, of tered beans.; We let them dry a. few tio ed, non -interested district n of the field will be more adapted Each child should' bringi �frozen fish as substitute for meat uphill the f, from home a bowl or cuD and tea- one �overseas is ineeting h AR days and then, tresbod them rom to thdgrowtl� o alsike clover than of and Tier had been a in F EE TV IRLS field, Had 3.29 blishels of beans red clover, conseque tly, one is rea- Her first task had been ti� nreclu'rec fkat-picked two pounds. spoon and fork. The boys of thelvite all the mothers to lie f much success. I sonablY sure of, getting, a lax- r boarding ROLLED of- hay if he I mixes them tha I ger yield ch u to hold house for a discussion of schoo n he would r one separately. hey iiake the dish-cloths'an I d towels. subect of -ood sc to and -the girls nlay ters. She tactfully introduced the cooking, utensi -,row eithe the GOLD T SO BAD I do llot maturejqst at the same, time K lilliclies and� HAV The Iollowrhg equipment is sug-, howod nany leaflets and pamphlets! U00KET yet the difference isn't enough to pre- WO.ULD, FAINT AWAY gested for this work Double boiler, I she had -secured. -vent cutting both plants at the s6rae AND ettle, sauce -pan, strainer' or sieve, 'time wifli011t very much lessening in TNAT WAYFOR TWO YEARS. Then she llo-,ved her talk Nvith egg -beater, quart, measure, measur- delicious lunch, serving the alue. of either as A food. inany, varieties H Al N, Ra We I Ing cup, can -opener, tables DOCTOR EVEr.R,WVE_ iilost always mix a little alsike cloVerl Those who hanever been iroubled pooll, tea- i of sandwiches, and they began I give J spoon, ble brush. I to be interested. After,illia, it �h s,beautIfW rolled gold seed in with the, red clove seed fo with kidlicy,ttouble do not knoiv-the knif e, vegeta Z; 1, locket aild 'chain f ae of all charge to r suffering and, btitcher kiife, tN,,,o dish-pns, potato all easy inatter to tell them Of food' any:gIrl lvh. will sell 30 PRckag_i� of Thousands Peo the reason stated above those Although generally de4cribo,7 Our lovely embossed Easter Postcards 0 afflicted undergo. I malslier, six, fruit six jelly values and,,,vby they must vary thel iscase, Constipation can: , neve" -at 1-0 cents a, package.� ally "vork r exist, w it, of deth nd Fi The dull pains, sharp ad qick I glasses,, water bucket,' dipper,'balKing contents of the lunchbox. Send lis llame We will send yet do't kno Uniess some of the -organs are deranged, YOU t*(' cards to sell. Whe sold, id oint to the fact that. tile J,par, tea kettle, dish -cloths, paper nap- scho -has long si -.y and w, will send you tl Which is generall us the riorte ieup That nee cea,, y found to be th;6 liver, eP& ill Tvil, require at ention.. kins, here the box is obtained be merel ;ed. to It consist of an inability to regularl-v hi Gils E`Ver��' Once In a ys ff I y 1), Wooden building- where s Kidney Pills a' f 11,� little' at- re sPecific Or, free, the. cost of this equi evapus,le, the bo,wels, an(l as a regula,ir HOMER -WARREN CO� tentift is l�ald to it at �Ihciilne, aud it all kidney, troubles. piient, in- chiidi-en re UTINVillingly driven to DEPT. -4t TORONTO. !$'only� wh(,n a T1 r s. Albert -Williams. _Edalll cluding the oil stove., should not ex- study tile "three R's.11 It has be 6me sential to goneral health. the c -111 have� the �y dollars -he centr� of its ff0ralbunitY, the lead- v 1) i;eglected. tile of ceed t enty4ive or thirt xuites: greatest pleasul Tli� i larity ho-uld no ex C in telling you Doan's Kidney.:Pi teacher could. get up a community e�,_ here, is only, on(� eure for the, er of its social side and al Free did for me. �Tell years ago I ',was so, tertaininent'to payfo this'ai active Afilburn's Laxa-Lwier Pill ha'Ne no d4rosejagentfai: good. All came abo t equal for relieving and Curing constipa- Nerve 1 would faint' 0, in her scheme. Iiu bad with my kidneysth, . .... .. . (lop and all i's -lied troubles. andtould not,starid io do I er� because one woman saw tile grea, pos- I w'Mrs. F, Prince echin of doi -1 l, It, 1164 been that cc sibili-Lies in her school 11. A cli -,b �Che ued h bav*(" aid do' did n' 'd writes "! had one of th o 's,o' 0 combined I -,d. fter �a, time 1e girls constipation my dootor said he ]lad ever Z-rX I , e, ist cas 1TTZE,�, GIANT b ne all, I could, btit or get'any� w e 'ai m,y he better! illitl One,' dy some One put 6, Iaw W 'little book iii Our,I door, nd I s ho it, in t Is* known, and Al Ixa-Liver Pills 11burn's I could,no. slopp-ai, COhlnla, RubbE�-r type, and dur- another young girl 'hct suffered. like 1'� tvltiAees to a dinner they -4- We will g­�v �(" cured ine of it, My fther-in-law had airon' bodIi�� J�a i)erfoct eecl roller. ed Chair., t, A. frieud advised 7 Cha UIy used them,. in fact lie ivaq One Who iady a be uspd, lidii'writing letters, was then so'I th6ughf I would try I --anotlier way of a rd For n invalid or afflicted child 9 vethem to me. A. of people Postcaras at ay that', aft ;,. 4 i a bill -heads. tag6l� eqc. and I am -glad AO ls, s I this The Ib ng intere t il ion o)ier cannot affold a wheel chair Ortinr them, and the all four boxes.F,hve never lia& file sarini d here ust t inga,iam, 1 loil tile Isysteill the o t nt, I' bi banks to "Don flia�, they are th6 liest pills t dPlate and, ree"'t - n� , - in, a p I Y, S, i llers fro air 0�f �1, r fo sell you naJn a a we� �sen cards in Wheii�,aaking for "Doan Used, Send w do ­. I Ta na anc stef, to the rockers 0 a'chair y�o 4, the. earde, Whe thPills" ses IT. o w ca n o1cri mena us th ,that y, -with OtIle Lnixa.-Lividr� Pills a re, 2 5 0. ill 'send 'You will d ig grey box ro which is comforta'ble �6d. of size to be 'at all deales or inailed direct ofi'�� trad6 iiiark of I I h b By mkinp- ! � iza le time , , . - - i through ll doors. put up by I thi., co I 1.� , , , X 0 tfte­other,, find,t1his an excellen -Liluited, I