The Exeter Times, 1918-2-28, Page 40-44-cOrtvEnolng Proof leeilehe formula of leinol l'Iningly that it itaa the crcl enfeth• papteaas, tram ' 00th st. p. .4tes,area ettneeteelera Ce Kan* and $444 OlLY4-004Pbtiephides, teat:teem Any woman who buys a bottle of Vlined for a weak, ran -down, nervous Odition and finds after giving it a ir trial it did not help her, 'will have her money returned. Yon see, there .no guess wark bett Viriol, Its forrnida proves there ia nothing like it for all weak, run -dome, overworked, nervous men sad women and for feeble old people tand delicate childeen, Try it one* and c ire Se'r. 8. COTS -i4 no to T S TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events 'Which) Have Occurred During theWe rhe Busy World's Happenings Cart -- oily Compiled and Put Into }Iady and Attractive Shape I'm s Readers of fhir Paper I'd Hour's Innirwinent. Tbe TESDAY. al strike was he pe'sonal interention as to ae tbI yea gad that di GRAN Et TRUfl RA.I.L.W.etV SY$gM ductions and Al lons inTraiaScrv fective Sunday IV 3rd For particularsapply to flt e. War Time prices on Rail Fence at !an feta!,cnrns c-47 et rb dr stow or b V 11 ecna br3 ot ow II kind PIats our ;rtilizer you A. J. LATWORT1iY GRANTON 44 44444444444-444 )444404 E THAL ,efe, You can Succeed Ontario's leading Commercial : :44 School makes success easy. We have three departments Com- • • mercial. Shorthand, and Tele- * grapby. We give individual in. t, structions and students rriay • enter any time. Graduates are la 'placed in positions. This isyour * • • opportunity as !there is a great call upon us or, trained help. • • once for particulars. ELLIOTT President D. ;,„.. ItcLA.CHLAN, Principal,: +404444444404.44+44.444,44444 :Write a W. gi 41Ni:A "SYRUP OF PIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD eficious "Pruit Laxative', -can't harm tender iittie Stomach, 1...1veg and Bowels. (Book et the tongue, mother! If odted, your little one's stomach, liver <land bowels need cleansing at once. linen. peevish, cross, listless, doesn't eel); eat or net natnrally, or is fever- 'Stomaeli. sour, breath bad; has sore diarrlata, full of cold, *ice a Poonful of "California Syrup of i,and in a few hours all the foul, tied waSte, undigested food and ntlY'AMIt'inle out of its little Outsrpuig, and you. fleve, a e'again k ypi" tie of " Cana about t taxa by etlerre sbp the reesan. bas eueli bu not, it s sa, by aeilo; the captan au.1 crew hav tey reitchedLverooL Prape recep Imsniral for soldiers of eh at:re inet was urged by 1)r, Forbs 1 -ay at the Legislature, The United States GovenirnoUL ha Ioted several Montreal telephone rs 14 -1 -to are bilingual. to operate exchanges in France. Ottawa Syriana haye given the Do- eion Government a fine Painting of ly Oily to express their joy at "yerame cer Jerusalem eatcherrepf fiananoque„ who is id to be the oldest onphnented by alae. tilts re - Parse The • oriel es and oyes in tb ,tt as a pre ead of $413. covered, erpokot has aPPOt Lt -Col. Ru1m t s red _1 , tineaa orgaoizott the ds of handling t WEDNESDA Y. British Engineers v against the man -power pro - 011 bO -bowing bow tle:U Jaaerailways inthe ha !t Iron, died at re%ned on hersek. D'. 1. 5. Mott Ing tor a sir ky road, tefl u Is d was iII e Treasurer o he Norris! G»ernnent has 0 to the provhwo as C013., its .4, es In 4-- eigatee b relief of Ibe Toronto. f Industry for ttie month of January showed an increase of 64 per eort, over the same moneh of last year. Mr. T. F. Barrett, president of tbe Peunsyiearila Central Coal Co., in an interview described the new plan of distribution, which, he says, will re- ieve the scarcity. Ruthenitens, alarmed -over a rumor that their lands were to be confiscat- ed, were assured by Premier Borden that the Goverement hats no such in- tention nor would it consider doing so. Samuel Wright, cf Oxford County, died within half an hour after the unexpected return of his son, Pto. Alurray 'Wright, whom he recognized a.nd who had been wounded at Fres- noy nearly a year ago. THURSDAY. More outbreaks against the Jews In Russia were reported. It is planned to draft 100,000 raonthly in the United States. The British air raiders did con- siderable damage to the German town of Treves. Extensive damage was done by Roods in several parts of Western Canada. A new regulation is issued with re- gard to personal parcels for prisoners of war. The Ontario Legislature, will main- tain fisherman's price of whitefish at eight cents per pound. In two weeks the Canadian soldiers at the front subscribed a million and a half to the Victory Loan. Mr. Z. Mageau, M.P.P. for Stur- geon Falls, criticized purchase of land for Bureva.sli Prison" Farm. The number of men directly pro- duced by the Military Service Act to the present is 21,938, of whom 1,227 are Imperial recruits. Fishermen on Lake Erie and on Manitoba lakes are petitioning for exemption on the Same basis as farm- ers, as being food producers on a large scale. , 11. Biron, of Quebec, 60 years of age, while shovelling snow off his roof, fell and, being caught by the leg of his trousers, hung suspended antil he died. Royal- Northwest Mounted Police officers returned from the 'Yukon re- , port the coldest weather for years in That territory, the thermometer regis- teing at one time.86 below zero. Col. D. M. Hogarth, member of the Ontario Legislature, was promoted to brigadier, and assumed the duties of Canadian quartermaster -general, re- placing Brig. -Gen. McRae, Premier Borden issued a statement reassuring naturalized British citi- zens of alien enemy birth of the se- curity of themselves and their lands and ether property so long as they obey the laws. FRIDA1. A two -million -dollar shipbuilding plant will be erected at the foot of athuret,Street, Toronto< 4earmy uniform nes.rthed" New' i1cor1gt The Germans are busily aeqUI:cilig ontro1 Of powerful Austrian uf"ws- papers. March 11 to 16 is to be farm ,ims ement inspection and repair week rougbout Canada, France's urgent need of more, wheat production was disenszed in the Chamber of Dept/ties. Provincial Treasurer T. W. Mc- Garry explained details of the $3,- 000.00 0 Provincial loan. Ontario Railway Board orders speeding up o Searboro' branch of "o inn & York iRadial RailwaY. new Portfolio has been ercated, the Soldiers" Civil Re-establishment Department, under Sir Jas. Lougheed. le Nova Scotia women are to be ven the franchise oil equal terms ith wen, according to 3 promise in the speech from the Throne. Miss Frieda! 'Held, the Toronto seltool teaches" dismiss'sd after charges of pro-Germanisni had been disproved, was reiustated by the Board of F./in-alien. Mr. W. O. Alike!. Bine., posal for discontinuation of Osgoode Law School until after the war tor consideration of the Otaria Bar Association. Saskatchewan school convention are much exer the language question, an a large majoritY are$14 for only British -hem 'On Cot, C. A. RePloglon, Btisb far/ writes- and n, A. cawenne eth tor of the London Morning Post were each lined ii/00 and COSt$ fOr pUbii3hing an article inviolation of tbe milltarte censors/17P. Taa eep,eentions resPeeetaranin k of Americana ank etiler egiat tes Senate. al Appeal 1 dge is allow - on lo hona fle fareners, resent mull Juno 1, and re, pprls ot reasonabje results in food groduction wiBre continued enIption from militaryservice, d eve lied by canine - 0 1 British ore' !mein' took the bst" eho. The nieatless days in the titetes have so tsreffected saving. A permanent, Arnav Aii,stralitt was urgeAfl mission. 'exemptions granted wdor Ib \Uittary Service Ant in Mootreal di tr are to be reviewed by 11lOg ender G'n. A er naneo to de 1,4 'ti 010 (111 The rativ.ays ha overnment appeaIi Orin for naiioaaliaatlou and u rates, Ontario de- rganizo an IuternaUonI Show to replaeo the nelpb tat r Fair. -Itisti Columbia Goverament 1 take over teed eomplete the I at Eastern Railway, the eoru- y paying e1,100,000. 1. G. lefrktird, Russian rePreeente- le of 'Massey -Harris Co., says Slav peasants and workmen have reverted to vodka and that Poles have armed to reeist the Germans. "The Parasite," by Arthur Mee, IS banned by the Secretary of State, pos- esdion of a copy rendering tho holder liable to a fine of not over $5,000, or ewe years' imprisonment. Capt. Scott and nine of the crew of the steamer Acadian, formerly the Senlae of Halifax, were lost when the ship was wrecked oft the Newfound- land coast; six men were saved, A Pay Adjustment Officer is to be attached to each district, pay oflice to help returned soldiers and their de- pendents to obtain prompt adjust - merit of difficulties relating to pay or allowances. le ho a Pe - MONDAY. John Murphy, of Toronto, was found dead in bed by his wife when she awoke in the morning. The London Gazette announce that 2,600 war honors have been granted to Imperial soldiers since., 1914. Wm. Williamson, Deputy Collector of Customs, Belleville, passed awaee yesterday morning at the age of 64 ars. Princess Patricia has been appoint- ed -honorary colonel -In -chief of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Infantry battalion. Two eighteen -year-old boys were arrested in Montreal for stealing boots, valued at $3,e00, from their employers. The S.O.S. call is pressed into ser- vice daily at many of the Toronto ho- tels, owing to the lack of rooming accommodation. The Dominion police who are in search of defaulters under the Mili- tary Service Act, arrested a private detective in Toronto. - The liquor men of Qttebee are bringing pressure to bear at Ottawa to hold up the order prohibiting the shipping of, liquor into prohibition provinces. • ' It was announced in the Reichstag that the Germans shortly expect to clear the mines otit of the Black Sea, after which shipping will be imme- diately resumed. A number of pies secured from De- troit and used at a tea given by the Daughters of the Empire in. Windsor were found to be, poisoned. An in- vestiga.tion is being held. For the rest of the season at the Technical School, Toronto, leading trades unionists and workere will study Aristotle under the guidance of Prof, Milner of the University of Toronto.' New regulations have been passed at Ottawa dealing with the exporta- tion of silver spruce. Putere . ship- nients shall contain no silver spruce suitable for use in the manufacture of aeroplanes. At, the session of the Congress of National- Service held in Chicago; Charles Edward Russell, ae Socialist leader, denounced the pa.`etleil,te of :eieleee uaerman spieelA America.Hau, :y•de-Cala:held,.ettha,,t, ere 25 CHOICE 'COWS 25 At Central Hotel, l5xutor, 00 .A.TURDAY, MA14CH Zrul, 1918 At one O'CIOCk sharp, the 10110 *11 .10 COWS With, calnes a.t foot, 10 -COWS due "March 1st 5 Cows due, ;middle, :Mardi, Terins-8 Monthscredit on furnish - nig approved jo,int notes. 5,, pet cent, per annum off for cash, ' 41 C. W. Robins'ore; Auctioneer , PrortOr. Frank, !Coates Clerk. Auction Sale GLEARLNG SALE OF Pant STOCK GBAl, POTATOES ONIONS & IIOUSItHOLD .E'URNITCRE Ou Lot 6, Concession 10, Township Hibbet on AVednesday lath Mareb, 1918 ar one o'clock sharp Haei follow fOTISES-Brood mare with foal marc years old. filly 3 years old filly ars old. 'filly 1, year, 1 gelding 3 ,vears old, all agricultural. CAI:TEX-Three -cows dee at time ot sale. 2 cows with calf at foot, two cows due later, 6 tat steers and, het - s2 years old; 10 yearlings and aives, HOGS --Three brood sows-. 12 at,4 hogs 110 to 159 lbs, a. buutbr and Pulletts and det A Rill line a pq and II hat is itt a well t sw„ 1- asolia POS, nuxeti 01a005, VOSIOVAY rietor bas West. TBI4A1,5-sAll sums of $10 and un - ash, over that amount 12 months e lit it ill be given on romisbit,g ap- vd „ioint notes, a discount of 5 cent per amain off for cash oil it amounts, ortat$, Proprietor, ef S CAelEitON, Aectiotieer NOltitIel to ;let 55Cler fa t stu velti oline Model. 160 grein i400 bus, oats fib earitity of lisy, Po a an Join otice t Creditors Ard 4t Vdlage 01 Bei 11, 4otutty oE Lhiron, w dow dece Notici . is tereby gven pursuset tatuttis in that beball that /.11 ors and others bavisg claims a aint the estate of ,-rdclia Matto, v.'ho died on or about January 241b 2918, ar,, required on or bebore March lfith. 1918, to iend by uo%., prepaid or deliver to Messra Glad. man & f7inbury, of thc village of Exeter, isolicilors for the Executor of the said deceased their chris- Can andsurriarnes, addresses and des- criptions., the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their no - counts and the nature of t.he scour. teties, if any, held by them. And farther take notice that after s;ud last mentioned date the Execntor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased, among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims' of which he shalt then bave notice and that the said Executor shall not be liab-e for acid assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose e1airn9 notice shall not have been received by him at the; time of such distribu- tion. GLA1)31A1°,1 & SI`ANDURY Solicitors for Executor Dated at Exeter, this 201h day of Feb- ruary, 1918. j ;lamina ("ultivation. It is not generally itnown that tbe banana is an annual. The fruit comes to maturity about a year after ibe shnot is planted, the trunk of the tree subsequently attaining a height of from eight to ten feel and a girth of thirty-six inehee. From this trunk, which is of a fibrous nature are thrown out long palm -like branches, at the junction of which appears the fruit, eatth g•oup of bunches, num- bering from four to twelve, being called a "hand" and each hand hav- ing eight or ten bananas upon it. bunch of eight hands is the ordinary standard size of -shipping" fruit. From the root of the tree several shoots or suckers sprout, each of which in turn becomes a fresh tree. The life of the banana -tree, how- ever, is not usually long, for it is felled' after the fruit is gathered, and sometimes indeed during the op- eration. Jamaica contains ' many banana plantations, varying in num- ber of trees from -twenty-five thous -- and to two hundred thousand, for the most part cultivated - by the small settlers in the different par- ishes. The cultivation is very prim- itive. The land being cleared by a big iron hoe, a hole is dug and the sucker is planted in it, in most cases nature doing all that is necessary; but in larger plantations the trees are planted with some degree of system in the form of squaves, and trenches are dug for irrigation, the banana thriving best in damp stiff soil. An Erroneous Death Notice. Erroneous death announcements „ are extremely dangerous an China. The Jih Pao, one of the leading daily papers printed in Chinese in Pekin, was completely wrecked because of an announcement it printed of the death of General Chiang Knei-ti of be V his eedkdieiiiiir tbirty elliati„g'4,Tras not dead, and Gene the uh° _happened ,demoliOed 'tewsPaP8r t th01)aPr h'eclinPletelY, 69*301 -,4,4 edea itt Auction Sale BREEDER'S SALE PURE SCOTCH AND "SCOTCH Top - PED 631-IORWORNS, GRADE SHORTHORNS AND ("LDESDALE HORSES. Capt, T. E. Robson, Auctioneer, will 0o .SArEDNESDAY ATARGif 13th ‘0(‘. HannalaiIly°bieyi noPtn.:"..ebL oetinct Allireui:ktS'114:Bla,fa:tinredlhol\tirvsnooate"h aaallea; Commencing ,at 12.30 sharp, the CLYDESDALE 11ORKES --- Pearl Gift (Imported) (16085) "1364Y'; Geld- ' 01400 five years ofd; 135y Geld, Op years old; driving horse, ive 'e!ars old. PURE-BRED SHORTHORNS 8 gow e 'with ealvee 'by tside ani e coming ilesuloon-)TIairjeohRwanBdiTALI:s-ii ; 4thtrwee30.-yeeeaat; old Heifers; 7 yearling heifers, Old 'bell got by Best Boy( 1 hull ris ing two years old; 1 bull eleven months old, GRADE4' SHORTIIOUNS-- 5 cows. due in March and April; 3 heifers rising two years old. WARRANTY -All `hulls are, guaran- teed 'to be breeders and all females that have been bred are guaranteed o be breeders if given reasonable care Provided. laotvever that in ease any ,lainui401041 inf a itibs e tboa nbdrse eel -iv 4;tt ittiotloihthaLere slX9bhanintat may be AUX the ioi fUtd. e f e4elighenOW''sX ita sa ngdo'T animal Ages U0'tbe11 Prove a r withis 1 o 111. ef wII,I be t1t !1p th are retair h sent -by d• 4 s known 'breeders ;liaise is made. C'ertiReares of rogisiratiop Shorthorn Herd Boo., tut with .melt lot aold, No Reserve, Everything will be i3o the higliet bidder. %eisiQn L10 be final, Oatatogue (;),' Stock furnished U of sale. TERAES-10 months' credit ou halt ttble Paper or 4 per cent straight, ef for cash. AUCTIONEER5--CAPT. T.13, 11011 seisted by EC 5. anoNvx-, rn ANN are fu rt ti 01 )ISPIj Auction Sale CT1ON SALEOl SIEHURATI tORN BRi IC A T PL4EG. ISSTIE1Rj EtsP SWINE, HORSES AND FARM IM- pLNIF,,'N-rs, 1' SCCtIruad'erff(aaZt11) 10LtbitV sttlbefirle ; Pa has dtded to give up farming at will r sate by pulilie 4tIetiva at his tarm on Lot 14,, .Coneceseon 2, 1 5, ' rat -alai, a mile and a quart - t Kippen and hall 111;';"C 04t FRIDAY, MARCH, 1, 1913 at 1 p.m., the following deseritheti personal property, to Ilorscs--One registered Clydesdale mare sie years of age, Oswattl (36032), One zeldirig 3 years etf age, sired by Colonel Graham; Otte nettl- ing Z years sof age, sired by Lord Arinsinong. Cattie.-Males-Orie superior roan hull, (Schoolmaster 111590) 14 -months old; one hull calf 11 months old (115- $25); and ,one bull calf (fudge HoLlen 115826) five months old. Females - One man. cow, Lady 1,Vaterloo 2nd (98000), this is an. extra Iine oowancl is the dam for Schoolmaster; One red Coe-, Lady Duchess (104111) 6 years of age; One red cow 5 years of age, Laura Duchess 4th, (124982); One wed cow 5 years of age, Pie Crust 2nd, (104401), this ootv has a bull calf at her foot; One red cow calvecl March 16th, 1914, Janet Mc- Laren (108332), "this cow has ahe1fer calf at her foot; pne roan. heifer, Lydia J., (113147) calved ;March 4th, 1915; ,On dark red heifer. Rosette (128064) calved August 1st, 1915; One wed Iteiker, Mary Grey, calved July 1915. Aa of the above females have been bred and are supposed to be in calf to Shorthorn bulls possess- ing the merits cliareceeristic of this noted breed ani all af the cows are goad milkers and bave -all been milk- ed b3 hand. Also 'one roan heifer, alary (121981) caie-ed Aug- ust 2611). 1916; One ,,red heifer Flora Macdonald (122706) calved October 16111, 1916; One !heifer calf Mary Queen of Scotts calved May 1917; One heifer calf Annie Laurin 1(132799) cal- ved November 21.st, 1917. All of the above, cattle are recorded in the Dominion Short Horn Herd I3ook. Sheep --One two-year-old Leicester Ram (17377). And also a number of pure-bred Leicester and Shropshire ewes; and also a !number .of cross bred lewes. Swine -One pure-bred regis Ce re d boar (45049). Also one pure-bred reg- istered sow, 'Kipper', Belle (45178). ImpleMents-One Massey - Harris binder'nearly !new; one,new Massey- Harrlisside delivery rake, One new cora snuffler and bean barvesten one plough. one <,sfet of iron harrows, one wagon., set of sleighs, mower, drill, gravel ;box, set !double harness disk, rack, and other articles top mime -nous to nientioni. Terms -All sums of ten dollars and undet, cash; over that amount six mic,nths' credit on furnishing approved bankable yoint (mete's. A discount at the rate iof six !per -cent per annum aff for cC. asb vvonr.,. :11Reorpoe,diii3:tii\T(iaspin:oeNtir:t:tA:.u. ac t: 2 W. M. fie0.1(G, L, L. 13. TORI or WahEs ,and Children Mothers Know Tbat ..H000010.0 • • •• •Castoria • ogowareprZ, dilotooer glti,0001 AN.LFAN'T "Illgo$4,41t°14.401tr€14h1.tiee::6:21.1 of get Co , Usa Fer Over ST f4' gains -ems 4140404itiv, #4 K. Ye (3,15()NS BA PITAL AID I Bisucbes in Cauatla CANADTAN 13 OF CO JYLERCE SlIVEDMUND WAVER., SCR JOHN A1RDeCcnct LLD,, D.O.E., President H. V. R JONES, Ayet. Cen I, CanTALPA1D_UP415,000,000 RESERVE FUND, S, 13,500, tOANS Froii T E PURCHASE OF LIVE-STOCIC This Bank is desirous of assisting farmers toc inquire liveastock and is prepared to givc careful consideration to applications for loans for this purpose. EXETER BRAN'0131-A. E. KORN, stANAGEft Crediton Branch -,11. A. Mc Donald Manager. 02 DB, G. F. ROULSTON. L. D. S., D.D13 DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over Dickson & Carl- ing's;Law Office. Closed Wedneedya afternoons. Phone Office 5a and Residence 5b. _ ••••••1•11110 !THE USBORNE & HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSET- • [ANDE [COMPANY Head Office, ••Farquhar, Ont. President, ISOBT. NORRIS Vice -President, TfloS. !RYAN. DIRECTOR.E1 1 D. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D., D-31/11' Honor Graduate of Toronto Unisex- Sity„ , DENTIST fn. Teeth extracted without paking7.:( any, bad effects. Office over GI. - man & Stanbury's Office. Maintilt. Exeter,r • 11 3. Wo BROWNING, M. D., M , W- S. Graduate ;Victoria Universitpc, Office and Residence Dominion1,- Labratory, Exeter,. • Associate Coroner of Htiron I. R. 'CARLING, fa. A; •L;f1ruisSELTI 3. T.NVAMLLIIPOYNiliacrormistateirss, io.nSeor,so licitor,lic!tootr, fo Notary Probtliofini •, vi 40ENTs _ [.1 5liolsons Rank, etc. JOHN ESSER-Y. 'Exeter, Agent Us- borne,and Riddulph. OLIVER HARRIS Munro, nt f U1RNritULL. Ii Secty -Treas. Farquhar, GLADMAN & STANIIURT Solicitors, Exeter, lElibbert, rauarto Age or a and -I,egaa. A rr , W, ROBINSON. ' CENSED 'A-ITICTIONEELIV4ND 011ntte Huron Money to Loan at lowest rates 47', Interest. OFFICE -MAIN ST. EXETER, ONSL' MONEY<TO LOAN We bare it large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest Prates of int- erest. ! GiaADIAN & STANELTRY 11 Liarristers, Solicitors, Afain t. Extea tor- Ontario. i!"