The Exeter Times, 1918-2-28, Page 3iIf 'y as n no be so, IuC4 I CLOCKWOR TH :MER EfTEM tSoShe Of ten.. Val to I 9 the g I 14,11her, we to an opell bitof dth S ein and let 144 1141n,_411 THE BATTERY OF LAGRPPU eself slide off behind by tail. I a bu p, a di th I with M m go Up ia, time to, see 7qQg poppies 4ma].4 vanish in the jurgle be- T U R NT T 1 1E H 0 E 0 F DE.A.T11 Of ten Worse Than the 1A fyond and na my joy, antle IT Why Sbe 40foSaking F owder nngst I called, d ON TIRE EENY. Itsielf—victini' Left W A when I canDO,J's Md"ey Tile Beacon Torch li-ht�� us tbl, Iva 113, did for m e. 'The inahout found me Y1 Oary -Nervolls and Worn Out. �first, and found E_ wid;� E erly we gr-sp it� -When Our Artiliery tb kinds. Vakes it Uil- L Grippe�the, name, re forest ga rd E� was ta 1 IV e r e 0 CXOcd Ono buy
by which I-, no fith; luenza is most getipt 7 a k, DA the Geripan 11 over and could not spea and 0 Thein pleasant fox Mell(Is to All SkiiPP i, the one -ky as aeL We got T; pxev4lent thlioilgliout Ca d 1) nw, but we did, and Of 1,;o Land., 1 (710 riot, 64 rm, the and Spring inontlis W 4_kIlyone W C—, t t S pilt to b, n'til adho h4s fel its is 1cler "'y - Coolies 7; 7 he y 4, sli-Ilt,cold--and ends" n,- ',a olu astarted s runt Tor long as nemory lasts t t4e trovb4_, L thbty lJy
alUa d o ehe$113 oil -slit in tile complcation of troubles. it 9 re teph( it they rele 'Se ffic, plp,�e f hjlli�qt , A lVe S �t nfback; it full J U tt�- for my 'd in sQedL-,�g dov,r t --e� t ark, I d
,cr t, '11M�7 Vey pill'� ndca whi Th vvith R "A6 fl$b - _�k rro I m a a, d Malie -IY 0' 31 311( oSIMI; � $X r IIt le, ey th Tgouiz ia, b bad jvrAV..e4, froi w, 4he Ice t A Tr fact' i tit FA
heflIe t b' "32 0 re 02
Is a v e e n pot A sive Pell
nn -1 been its IiI --- sor in a ey, r T
t ib .. 01004 Vietilm
II�hQ e ed mri t tTr pie --I rt�, iIit71*t :"1P
InC I0 IOft Till the ,7 t )ANN, Iis d 41)ng�, 01' rpunple
A Care fo
IU 4 O ri, t ne e n i alay` 01her strong Trfner W-' d 7 tI1: NO" e Qi� tao ls tI Ll 77 --pop, 'll Ir I id.,
A ....... ... . FT YOUR cc OR Qn 110 One tow. IIA, !y ljy� At 44fug atorts. thon silo. "'OTTO itWit 'lot 1 T15's OFF, "0 AOTION I. ....... PJAX
ino I" lit tl�u LOW 'Lin, 41W."", e ,i he obtal"ied 14 d"y bot,,, Iemu 91LONZ At g"M or
TICUM drug aWre� Wat ar or In a wo do A t Y" list Illay HEALS
drop or, Cor1l 4rito Ito FR:MZ C A TA r, 0 G V L.
iIont, 4-�; 'r N'
I 6at yol� lift it ATTACHMENTS
Till" From Salt Rbeum
Off,I ro*t and W!t On Hands,
2, o�it of 5; in list �Xttltllt Wil, yctim' ciin hay
At Ve ry Small Cost for
tollohQ(t tW i1rolil"d, wit1l, a 110111in""' Not M fro -M Vic, a ini)(11, III nt
tile bi'vel, hir at the $11e tim, Only tirly I , .F. NV. BOYD & soiq,
figure hi a liv the williejiv:z of soreneqa or irritation.- t1w t 27 Notto Daroo Stroet Wcst, mon1r,,,aL, stom-iisPellt the wilimited 1101 even lghteb elv adven- til it 'will keep the little t that il h0v %N-110 wrif es ill the froni It Itilt, it i in I recognized that where one of the Most ir, a ,00d Order kl ! lillowe'd to I'llat - 1
storilach bowels are -1, g the history of in. tS, ]a (lilt for a wil gemen ndrug doesti't eat plifliary seielwe, S Buisat Etllar I4b -ened i;JP tht eorn, livalth of the little one Nvill 'good! or callu.q, Thick $Nyllen Tissues, OUP little Party eon,6sted of them so I Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore. t her and thillt lie will thrive alid be happyj amysolf mid a f6rqst 0 ness from Bruiss oiv Strains; ex allu
w1l b out. It is I tllwy loosea and cole- I Ito the b" ilot eo We went, jtlu�rlie old I by ra ail llkt,� a 'charm. acips Lanienesq,, alla3,s the into tbo dells`o�st t , )y medicine dearor worl Wi, spri -C, S02 ju 25 a box from D i For a tow cent,3 110 major, Prt of the The I- cr, rernove the lilir or OU call get rid Ur as a 1, y I'lle � I- nklvars, hard wm, sof, cor or Corn be- lay up the horse. $ llottle )y le Co.; the nril:--t Frenrt)l, E� ; L, , d, ists or delivered. ook I M fre"- S041 athe tljcl� 0 . ly, I � veell, the toes, as'w�ell li tile, A�, at of OhImIC!,
a place, Nve phollist, repeating the. while cro 11111SAillft nd as Paiuflll � A S RBINE, JR., for maiik-indan Stw froln the O.P. -it th alluses Ott bottom, of Your feet. It' antiseptic liniment fo-i brulse�, cuts wound-, I ; either returned or es�;eaped, write c door (if 00 dt'g- large tracks, th-,�t the mahout He Guessed Ire ffadWt. -9 Of never disapolatr. azd never burm,;, strains, swolien veing or g'Ind uthe B.C.A.—or batte,,� �'. V y usc of
,y coln- !told us were made by -a wilid e1epilant. them -. "They have n L epreS.Sio, e0p V
snamusinj _�; bites or infla-mes, if your druggist heals mid �oothes. $1.00 bottit at 1"'tbilches i6f hl I fter an hour of trekhm" We, a nthe Britis'n 01 y 9) ... 9itbeir Own, a concentrated, unutteved' hasn,t any ,reezone ye� tell him to Wilitellyoum _and Fleet 'Jtlst�o get ()ttle f�� t'suffering in their eyes. a 'little oil" tile major's sainbar, and E _' toolz ' he kind of aFor '11?rce Sa llple E ath by Al
joke which Jack Tar ail ad -
to tej,n ll�iid got hini Nvith, his firs ; patience in their voices. There is all �yholc_sale ilouse. OU from, hie W. F_ YOUrlti, 1. D, F., 516 LVrr,=,5 Bid,., "Cuticurn, Dent. A,
tre in e t $hot;; dOW11 to .-ive and take wit onlritalt A'ar" lirect char -e ol' hi� cz_t�ile, uld is Nve,dashed his frellrls� the diereilet, in the world between' 2IJ AbSorb! Jr., tit vld� Boston, IT. S., he They in. tur,� pas ll, 01- is quite seriously ffirined that, them and the Ses. . ..... S or, trumpeed "Ibudl. The beast an American squadron consisting of' IIof, tile w's, not quite dead, -,Md E-- jumped the UlIS.S. D the Front. The latter, eve,no, when 50- ( ar(i and the, Wyoming, Nvith destroyers and'other, a proud, tests from lue, craft. c Me un the , irth, the British I 0 TH E R S
elware, Yo nd t All hev6 Dal 1111hout, III spite ot pro- satisfied look, if in wakilig theivi The Gun suprem�, effot. suniething of the glory to' ball11 the beat—a religious cere- i flagship sigmiled to, them. "You re' I and exaltation of In the 91,11, Pits, ,rouped round the i MODY that in-ust be performed before to an those 1110- so great iron Monsters, th th Bridge." chor, west of the Fort H The Fo a t I ments still clung to then). They are ffy -every two; the aniiii, H - a�l dies, else the natives are But the Americas Passed under tbell T 0% B E
Spit a L, : !N1.1arriors hurt in the great * 'at not allowed to eat the brid-e and sailed oil. Shortly the 2001bs re And iiow o" brought gladly and Should Re a -d Ales. Monyhan!s
metal weighing, perhaps ccrred an awful thing, B triumphantly Indi
grou,ped the xitish admiral made,another signal.- guil,-riumbers. There ome., where they know iveil ,�vbat i, Aleglimala turned round and started We signaled Letter Publishtd by
just now that you were welcome awaits them. most important of all, the layer—the Off With ine on her back! The mahout to anchor'west of the Forth H r PermiMnon., uinler responsible for- the handling called, commanded and did ll in his why don't' "How different is 1, the, a afe N�I'ay to Treat S'lomach Trouble At Floine e _nr the dial si you stop?" All(] -the I ght, by which the great I PoNver to stop her, but it was of no Ilied The sight of hem, Mal)y stonnaoli orsour a ol he in- flags-Ilip irnmediatelvi Ind.�'ItVdia R. Pinkbam�a, full of LF arid Whoso llol , an Unforgett lo re- t n aeb Vegetab e"Corn-P
many ton.,,is di- Use, and I realized that she intended signaled the reply- "Well, I Iinto t oliudbelpedme ab" ;0 rellevL the f),Uess Nve, ae� S )V'th ae'd afto-r 1lea]*lN_ Pao but t1i re�ted oil to file, target, CUTring nightmare. A voice, so much
There are to run away. yo IU call imagine MY have only, passed on6 bridge s yptp? weak, everY Ieal think these re qe durill t e time, I
I RESULT of indi,�estlon %viiell to l,-euerate moro gas and the loading' and ramming numbers 'eelilv`s! ibut insisteat, rill,,�s in your eaE:i vroduce more trouble t the. next waslpokingfo war
tT I hail'everythin., on the t1ley re thL C.,USJO r
who bustle Zip, carr, gi between thi meal, — to give If totbeconrin ofm
enilpad' ��,ith me—E-_2 �Won't you help us?' It is just I
�in , S gun. rifle, aids oA shell on a tra , and ram it home in EMO N JUICE is s -is uepsln, etc,, glasses; carnera, and o' coaAs'—and I "They kno%v -kvhat,it is to' tcri 111cals drop thern for a while and one th- t I am
LI do vliant- to stomach full of �,as nd acw, as instead get a 5-,,raln t;tibzts of recom ending it to the breech by ineains of a long, wood- i FR E C K 1, B, R A� I 0 V E it Y� it would be for rL man wbo lid step- i knew I must fry to keqp thern safe., ly�, without -,)raise. to suffer 'silentl ;
1111re from i any lied air a tack to rnb linhilont oil his drupiglot and ot her ex,p e
en rammer, tiped with braii�. -There I I Jay full len -t -b onflie, pad Avithout s�,MP,ltl'Y, tdache tweach etant
and easp- , C wit"I home s, �jrls! -1 the taciz, Disurat Mothers. Before i -the N.C.O. in char e, who sees, to 1 ed tile side Make this chep beauty the enemy. i stornachs too 11luch i (I; ed does not 9 U ropes, nd,]�ept, my ]load: surrounded by -as and Gas disteilds the stom- 90st food but will ricutrtLlize tjjo� ex- taking it somedays e stoinci,,, Ji:ep Esuixt�re�l ith ni-a. hey ar the uri,aieen heroes and ive, a,01 Walls, a full bloated op, Lhe food t,and NVIll the gas the elevation of the guri'vvith wheel, as low as could. it to clear and whiten your cessi,'e acid i
was an awful I Illy a few turns of which—sucli is the ride. I wouid. cannot guess t half their'pam.,, =IVe fotellng while the acid and out of and tbc 1"ning righ Your bod,� AS ralgiaso badly delicate blance'of the pi' not have believed that Squeeze the Juic_e of two lemons h1to of the-, _11 is fire ece-�-he call, n ' le' It re at present more t i)arca in -ious e pliant could o t'such a p 9 ace han a Olnacll� NaturallY tho food ferments forms tie, ! -a r t, so,o L et sngle-hnded, elevate or dej)r�ss the throug a bottle containing three ounces of million and , half d1gestioli i., i oft,til yed in it -is not a,
h thick Allied, prisoners of CS not live, but after jungle; but e fiew,'and del, 1, for this Purpose a. e -y esult. ; and in this retinoa �orm will taking three bo e required ralige. trees came in,Meglirnalal I - nol sLomai2l mi, is the i I muzzle to th orchard whit �sake well, and you�warin Gernin,hnds, TheTrisoners; Artificial pizsh this not iliure the tolach in any way, Way have a. quaTfer pint of the be of, Lydia E. P j n k-- In there is the lanyard numbdr v,yho she nierel pushed dowu ,vith 110 st -freckle , Society, of which. Principal �y V e get�bje X flres the howil fort'whatever. I� slek with t Re' and tan lotion, and complexion,beati- Huton of,Universit y Colleg-6, Toro-nto, Compound I was ook but I nfa f er, at very - small �cost� is p -resident, is appelingiAluough the t, �tly relieved of The cord lanyrd� q great seelig9d tojeep holil OyAe ;,ull I v e -ario fk money �o be I r r: neurlgia, I bad the breech, and the, 'ya' drug sto n -a ry at the 011d, is 'fitted into the tube'� at and the rifl Your g�roce). has the lemons and any churches of Ont lan rd number. rPOr tOil6t cOuliter.ivill supply provide the bare necessaries of life to At last I Saw a low boiJgh'�conumg, thr�e gained in stren-th for. I I and w, that,all w, _Ort the rl-ht and only a ou'rces of orchard hite ISr able to -couple' and I felt u and do all r' Ky opee few,cents. this s�veetly _'who have no round
of- f&et away f oin the' �iuu -iives a, had been -,Wept 4'soine, thne before, t Yet contributed I WHEELOCK EINGINLE, 18x42, my house7ork. �My baby *hen seven the treas- Now Auto matIc.-Valve Type, 'C Old weighed 19 pounds and is a Sharp crack, and my hair was oinbed straight by lotion,into the face, neck may" send ti eiv dontio P followed by'.an e,tr-splitbing Lach (lay otri:llote witii,su p-ly alid ex;laust r;lpin,, I 'Zee b and "see how Urer`of the society,, lugh fiYwl'061, tc, -Will accePt'$1,200 'or Immediate sale, roar, a The, bou-g� calight'iny h6ad better than I have for long'tii-n e,
f flame, and in 'the viull pit there, `With,an lnever had anv''inediciile do 'me
11 0 eldes "and 'bleinishes dis-Tappear and m i d, Ell CITRIC G14,'NERATOR, 30 K.W.,,110.120 Volts D.C. 1-1117 how f1s a moment of Ta)?,z hurry One and on we. i'e the skin. I E L much oot The easiest 5 cash or imin lnd� Wtm pulls open -the lettirl';r t realized th' S eali MR accept $42 adiate sale. ch 4 n
c I , bel of.smohe, l,' ny dip 9i lick of f ad �pin, 9; FU T , L V4 Y S, Large _4ze. Os' IM or vubbin t two others rush up ith 'a fresh bell, ��Lhe manure or the lanol 1) e Gel. 20 lyer Peers thkou.-Ii his, si goes. K)y I the !�o. shouts orders and ill thar, 1 FAN, Buff'alo dicule Co 4 i4 i tic 11' 'd -e ealth ofer �whitc! but tte tl y a fjnou� ul)ralse vead in 1�o l d ag, h brightl y 'forth its kire the It E, A, L 'ESATES CORPORATION , . . . . t PIS, I