HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-2-21, Page 81- 4 0.44 PJd .k`I o e 6' r . , STEWART Phone 16 .orr This week we have received'a cars ofre `ane it �., ugar. February is considered the right time to buy. If you want 100 lbs you had better buy now while SOU can get delivery. a go d Seeds Turnip Seed mvo c u1,.£ o3di St 1'4 'Yt e it t1 r uantiiy ar adiatn Gra', ia! West. e Boots o 'w qtr tae,, t ,low py ep i =i �r`' awbl -old wiih' nA er.. e. .A. STEWART P�oiie: POWELL'S goes on el offeringsto February It PIJW E, etea {TEN YOUR WITH LEMO auty Iction for a fe'a e tanr freckle*, 'OaItt ti Jule refits t nes* sttrr graver ha the lemons arta az:y tiraY r,ttart; or tenet, counter will Supply y tau with. three ounces of; Orchard white for aL i'e'� int: Squeeze juice a cents. , �lij e ,the ,! f r 4s two fresh Ictna»s into to battle, 'GI ea last it the orchard white end shake well. This=alias a quarter pint of tho very mon skin whitener and complexion flee known, 3,1assap tins fra- amv lottioj daily ant otto fax c,' surd hands and just sec how sallowness,reaves. and. R Fk t 7'Q a eand how 2mocattt r disappear tli_v,tt C r r �s '3 � '�Co61' : 'C soft an d. char the akin x tP Yes! s Irand the beautiful 'resul.e licca you. '1a, z,hSis'mc Feby, II New tr atu�' srrst�+�' v'aj nrr Sri;' v yrr:l w•ttb BAZAAR t''::EDISON The Ontario Flaw d Co. requires 300 acres and Mill lt�r the Exeter Flaxi land rentale.. paid when fla. : 1s Sown rttrsd,":?.g,r.t. 11) TO . os. phone 13 TER FLAN LS, aboursommummyommannormemmomm ct et RcpU rt: of t. ,.:.. ed ill) to `1, rednesda 1 S heat: 2.10. Oats 2Sa. 3ane'{.$110 io Family flour 5.70, iiliddtings,; $44M0 Bran $33. Creamery. 'batter' Dairy butter 3Se t 1 gds 50e, to 52c. Potatoes 1.60 to L85. Sugar pulp ..! . z beet . 0 perst - tf,aa � ?� 0,41;. Lard 34c, I3o„a 17.75. ,20 n• Q4ara elf y3tjtlY�, f Marebt, 4 40e, 13t?N. eociAI, TheTharnes Road Rea Cross"Society=' are having a boX social and entertian uaent in the Thames ,Road:' church on 1"rOder eve 1st, cousaurncing at eight t?' jtp _ drnission 15c. Every body wveleo o. Proceeds in aid of Red. Cross, work errs, W. A. `l'nrnbzrll: Vr.siaent; Itoxia Caxan, Seoretary., CARD i\ s hart Boa ANTED Turn #. Aiso Acreage for sante For next Fall G. Seldon li LOCM e t,: -a; ore anc3 �t, vitt - 4 tis r 3?, lfa3 Qn .�iauda`. S (o!s rs 5lkant —'trot ate ten dirt', v a,ry air 4 :at arr nxca� alpil i&t1AtR ,rec'tstly` halt e2rip. ►Sider ,5 taf. Std•talZe «1xc iia t3o-iti.x, t sol 'plea >#ilia y .t1ait' to lel* ;ingot l:;Iraan aft mer eonfajs•t1 tp .,lake home th't•ou for soma tw.d k,.-- Cass abYa11 of a m s Road. Veho,e siting her eoriain=:, airs, Joh t' And M Telt Alex Smith, Morris 1r SZtetolard. "t#f° tin as !,rat 1Ilti �etCr l On'my ehestt a e411<:. In my ►tore a iirtt' (trill pray poor Iran r Ncs{,Itt my,froulal 0, ye winter bree C1 r n_ haandred and !iffy tltousniad oC t?ts farmers of (hoar' o are to a'ecesvir` r.al',ndurs from, the Otatztrio Depart - It )part at of Agriculture. 1'ponevery page ars as s ot a'.of r C z, more %ita�a � '-s � s- r s t. J aQ' o� #inns orxcjnrn r`r, d G' that will 1 r 1 kccI> the. . rtrmer from forgetting some things, Haat sarc aftean ince ovdrlmrker. E very intcrdsnotand, : svpsarate full-length wheat- gives the 1.armer data or the mostvoluable na- ttare. in regard to live stock breeding seed preparation and other import - t Phases of farm work. hoe Clearan Watch our Store for cials It will pay you to make a trip down town and look over our specials exhibited. P ted, Every day we are adding New Lines for clearance. See our south Window for .. Special �Sale�� of ShoesSaturday, Fe..ruar 23rd �' 14.E a pair - 20 per cent discount on ®vorc®wets during ear. oar Sale continues through February. X41 A. t. F THANNS, al.cr Clark and ,aanily desire the friends and nelailibiars °k>nd,ness std ,sy mpath wlur-. ¢°ness and subsequent dearth; to husband .and father; lar t;. r) an dna` �i h �a � n P, q tit. i J � Aunt � � : n 2rt?c ? �ie)ata c, ..+ Xa ,a w :t in Three Rets, In ane 0 " fna#se Exet r,- Pro:, eds wad ,S- ocieta die s' LAX LAND 'WANTED Th; Ontar•ia Flax Cr. rea3,u z�;; ,500 •r s of lanai or E :et;er i tax 'lilt. I,aed Raw as? paid when lax .>s C?cva' Apply JOE DAVIS, te_epaoze 3. EXETER 'i LAX SHOE 13AItGAINS •2t;f00 worth of No.1, shoe, €o 'elea a big redaction in price. 01, Rf3 I:LINC, llay, P E3 APPLES ist a stuaalll can j to aro +art„ a r4 P L< *tall a rved v E G. BtpY+ Saturday .tt s, d tit' olT the nitertE'1 , •-4 til r,.• imt if Tailored to Order WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING IT COSTS NO MORE We have a large, number or New Fall Suits and Overcoat- ings that await your arrival a wide assortment of tastalons, chosen colors, soft, handsome browns and beautiful greys or sst alt .shades.. OUR ASSORTMENT NT 01? LADIES' SU!TINGS Is the finest 5,,'e have. ever had, The studied: exactness in measuring and becoming des- igning or our tailored to order oloths, produces a completnes of fitting and a pleasingness of appearance -that t a ready- made can never hope to equal, No lady knows how well she can appear in a cult or coat until she has one cut to meas- ure. Our stock is complete, GIVE* US A 044.14 Sheere AND GENTS' TAI&Ol Naim. Opposite the Gest Rotel xpeeted ! ' as tart; II -N la id, ,all. incl, dP; s tjo — spw° tis. r ntla;•r, 'firs : Poll 4 her husbnud over l e. Ildt rtoar, wire he' time of , e her busbaiad sh;, as and py T oC Granton, . t?f lEei rtorr ija t its and Mrs, W ,,, 4105, Mrs, Fred Cook 4" iarrt, John AreC ll yf Sd bet 1' e�ttld d i dI eerr:tlE tland with 14 ogor anal she resid- ale, atlr, 3c- tarvivedl by' itstt Graig, oBila- Lon- 1 and 11 P 511, :lac°d iu Exeter las and ad- iPFratl-!5Schoo) aw as wart, vet aria;. t'1rA Ijapn o Thos, 1a Tucker -ear ,?ljat Dalin {ve 0 did edµd g+ta.a, leo Sea stec.a tud rt c 17.1 ie alI to t ste toile wirer tlatrtt-yt tar rutin, Mr, 5sttat;.s 1.1111 tat tt w» ha^ Yuki tis 5 ;ter 5trsti Dirt • 3th coat, of Ezht za,, lreinat or:e zind as ctttrarretr ail• s went o frrtlUoo, ter V'i'ta. Fink - A, of thief same as'f Irlla:; Th ricea:paid was $5900 ,'owes'ion wit it at hi given Tora year° ow -inn to a ro'vioa#1 fen Mfr, %, 11, :Musgrove, ,0..P.1 ., for North Huron, has a been appointed latast ;.t titer oa° t�'irr lasarst, ire is Yasatrw# or I'iclering Township, bot liv laronnearly aIl hia la.o Ott tvsi larincipal of 1i Ingham sebool qa4 xnnrs'y!" years and took a deep, in- eeestianal rattle ttes coming Legislature. gislature. t t'kenha deldest r a rhr Wm, itil.enhead of Druce - itld in London at t i,c ar:a Hos- pital ;-Iatal she has been ,for some time, ^was a consistent ,tnenrber of tide 1''.tesbyterian church and Sab- bath school lege? andwas rxincla beloved .1 e by ' 11 'tithe knew her. ,Twoo brothers are at the front. She Was buried in I3aird's cametery beside her mother who died about three years ago. The 1'arkhill churches will hold un- ion meetings for four Sundays to con- serve ewuel: Meetings will be held in the Presbyterian ch:arch, in the Meth- odist, alit" English and Baptist church es in tern, Caretakers have had to start heating the different churches a about noon on Saturday ,to have them, ready for the morning-• service, so that the closing of the:three church- es on elloadey and canceling all, mid- week services for a time will save considerable fuel. e, 1 tea Two years ago Mr. -and Mrs. W. Y. Evans rno ed to London from Grantee Mrs. Evans has -been in, Victoria Hos-' pital since' last October and died there on. Wednesday. In November her hus- band was taken` ill and brought to the hospital at which she was and died in a couple of days; front pneu- monia: lie was not• able after, reach- ing the hospital to recognize his wife who was brought to see him' from another room. They leave threelittle girls, Irene aged six, Verda nine, and Beatrice eleven scars o1d Mr. and 3I s. George Foster. of: Var- na,the ,parents or Leola ,May Foster, made a fruitless trip to London last week in an effort to 'sa-vu the life of their five-y:;ar-old, child. She'hem stricken with . appendic t; s, - ., They were advised to rush her toLondon for an operation. Mr. Foster caught the morning -Bruce train down, and' on. arrival at London hurried- the oil Child to St. Joseph's Hospital, and - preparations were rushed for an op- eration. Beton the operation_was started the :girI expired., The :atlnr returned on the Bruce train the same night taking-- his little daughter's body with hien for burialat home. The funeral was held,to Baird s .cena,c- tery last Thursday. Mr. A. T Clatworthy, o Gaantonl. 44 wascalled to rldt.rton t1 by th" death o,C' :;his Thos. Clatwvo thytw1aose" c sa r ,o. To of xh6 s r a, 5, interred -in, th 'service; A Shore, flda rton or deny a lidoo l Tr 4Y N:ES—Op John Maywire' c'tiI.�4'1N•-�c. ears. re a o 0 eicall hear 4s on or` tQ 1300 oalyand rock qt .,14, Con. 5, Step. be received 20th. So STANBURir Barristers, Exeter ENSILAGE FOR SALE The silo at the Canning =Factory is open and ensilage is offered for sale, at $2,40 per ton. Purchaser to pay for weighing oda 13 G, Seldon'sscales .EXETEIR CANNING CO ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising rates -- Maim known on application. Stray animals,—One insertion 50s; three insertions $1.00 , Farms or Real Eatate for sale -500°, each insertion for the month of .roar insertions; 25o for each 'subsequent ins r e iron,Miscellaneous ar t letsf or -nate to re tete wanted, lost, found, obi, each insertion, 25c. Local Reader*, Notices, eto., 100 par line per laser, tion,' No notices less than 25o. Card o€ Thanks 50o, Legal advertising Ula and 50 per line. Auction sales 2,00 Cro- one; Insertion and 2,013 for £`:v insertions. Professional cards not ex. ce di n e a one a ob 46,1?0, per year,. ol" ;II'r, , ijrdl IYIr U,>lsoa•nc• by Re rave•nherad, se . oat ifo:Nevi', y' ud;;j.n, 1ai,1''1?11i--In « t;trahy on Td=brtaiac} ltltla, to Mr.' trzd Mrs, John killer a sora, IIOSEINS--In Brantford, air poly. lath, ,Arthur Hoskins aged 03 :near„ and ad I , months. TiOWE-7th con., tIcGillivray, atur- day, February 0, Charles ' Rowe,'; aged 90 years,.. KEIIOE--In Se !forth on ' 1ecresda y Ib wry 13th, 'William 7ehoc, aged 57 years. 7I1 I ;S Ll..,, n 'Clinton, on Saturday, Feb. 9th, John Wesley " Mills, aged 59 years and 7 months, t LARKE--In a.Cra„diton on Sunil ati Feby 17th Walter alttr Cl arpc aged d to1 years, 11 months and 3 days. O'NEIL-At mean on Sunday, Feb. 10th; Albzrt,O'Neil age 77 years at the residence of his son, Melvin. MA_RSHA.LL—.in 13lanshard' on Mon- day, Feb. 11th, James Marshall, aged 83 years, 4 months and, 27 days HODGT t9,'—In Vancouver on. Feby. 14th Norman` Ilodgert son of Mr and Mrs.. A. E. Ilodgert formerly of Exeter. SHOEf3OTTO:4I London, Thursday,, Febraary 7th, William Shoebottom formerly of Ailsa Craig, in his 76th: year. FOSTER—In London, on Monday, Feb. 11th, Leola May, only" daughter :of, ,_Mr. and Mrs. George Foster of Var- na, aged 5 years and 5 months IIS IMIE1IORIAM In loving memory o' Lola 13., young est daughter o J. W. Taylor, of Exe- ter, who died Feb. `155th, 1917, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Landon, Ont, Although a year las gone Since, last ave saw your face, The memory of it still holds clear, For naught can take - its place. 'Tis only those who have last can' tell- The pain of parting without farewell;: We, miss thee and mourn thee in silence unseen, And dwell on: the memory Of days that have been Fath r, mother & fanny Under -taking Funeral; no 74 Director &'Embalmer ne; Night,cal Have you ren len, t0 The Tam wed you I10RSPS WANTED—£ want an u !hatted number of horses in- good comm; clition, Geldings rrom five Sears o1 and up wFecighrng Crohn. 150E Poilud*6 up. Aures .frown 4 years old up ottrill weighing from 1300 ,pounds up, raft' having required stuff to dispose f1i would find a ready market by' wxfti'' 1,n ` a:Lo'ca Isog g r 1 e up on phone 83, Exeter, G. J, 1W " Furniture AND .:. d r t R. N. ROW E FUNERAL DIRECTOR FURNITURE DEALER 3 ' �x r wilt tate nccw'acy ceaf ,,se' e or o cn3colot.on in asathe; l�Solor Go par , :3', mztcd, 1 �r,>aaf n,a fix, ' haet irciAncing of lief Iw4aaa VJbile 'material* coct what he Mazwefl Cvmt+at,i; finds, at it ixnpog ojacd self for les# than $104x, at:} note officid:ncy, durability, economy, ear and; atandarcl equipment arc all prese prexent in Max:vGlf. On the other lu1sod, 'these being co -ore inates1 a the !1T1x1velf, alb hoax could tet ltd pzaying tr ore money for a! txao'tor ear would. be cithier l diger .ria a ar greater luxar7 cf furnishings, J atlscar words, the Maxwell is built attd tole€ ort then MIDDLE LINE of real vs lue. finding of the Maxwell on the lessons learned in sraza duction ono vast teak, We believe it to be scicutifica «-»correct. to ihtriEtl Ira •hich lreautg they are 0 "� iI �lrsalutol 1 p 0reale ;� x a r ie t'1ff p 47 t 1 i I , .� r.,rrrir � . ..# i W. Taman for MADE TO ArEASURE'CLOT.EING! E2EDY-MADE,' CLOTHING FANCY VESTS ; ✓ ODD 'TROUSER' HATS AND CAPS _ SWEATER COATS SHIRTS AND COLLARS SWELL RANGE OF NECKTIES BRACES AND SLEEVEHOLDERS in Fancy Boxes GLOVES AND MITTS UNDERWEAR -2 piece--Combinat::on PLAIN AND FANCY SOCKS SUSPENDERS WALKING -STICKS OVERCOATS—Light and Heavy SMOCKS AND OVERALL SCARFFS AND MUFFLERS RAIN COATS ri 0 Ilii rp ai �N&f'd1