HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-2-21, Page 7OVER T' THE GROSS STORY 01 110 l THRILLING _N1( RAID AT LENS. How Thkrty-five Canadians Arrayed hi Sheets Captured a lxerniazi, Trench. There were thirty-five of us all. told, made up in the guise of ghosts; says Lieut. Naismith, of the Canadia,)i, Artillery Corps.' The idea was rather to simulate the frozen snow area be- ween slur lines and the German tthan to playo Fritz's trenches�upnu ersfiit4o i. P sv raidin parties b ve: .moi �a a earefully r prepared more caic l � for the avork. P _ in hand than we did on that occasion. Everything we wore was white. Over ° `hiith CF ouz \ _e ll c e is e a a to ..he t, a` e. , holes cut in them. Save fortAe l abs ... semie of colored insignia we . might, t. insignia have suggested -the "Ku -Klux" clans' of reconstr;lction daysthe South. in h. The wire entanglements hahadb been n cut beforehand, a pr,ewutiaiom es eaitial' to the sizeress of the undo Making. dor was it eut through in a nice open lane that would have revealed itseI€, Y'F+ a&Y?ly k{`a the ,:. Cernyuis, The Pati& s than at any. entanglenteaats seemed hundred 'ssnace, Ea bomb.: lery the ?ii€ The s oar Q ides - e;. tli rti1 h ii ease on it?,I;ftore r 9 A WOMAN' anN Only be Maintained ai r Keeping the Blood Rich and Pure, The woman at home, deep in house- hold duties and the "cares of mother- hood, needs occasional help to keep) her in,good health.The demands up - cm a another's health are many and severe Her own health trials and her children's welfare exact heavy toils, while hurried meals, broken rest and much indoor living tend to weaken her constitution, No wonder that the woman at home is often indisposed through weakness, headache, back- aches . and nervousness. , Too many women have grown to accept these risitateons as a part of the lot of motherhood, But many and varied as her health troubles are, the cause is simple and the cure at hand, When well, it is the woman's good Mood that keeps her well;wherall she mu t make her blood rich to renew her health. The nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood.,.arid plenty of ..,it, There isg. to e 013e ? 1''. T unfailing ;lin 1"�. r<l ,-sa,s a fa way y I get this good blood so necessary to perfect health, and that is ` through the nee of D . it illiatns' 'Pink Pills.. These', ills make new blood abundant-, ly, and though. i)tem use thousands or weak, ailing wives and It/others; have ? en made bt•i l" t, chcei finnan*d strop M. If you are ;ling e� si1y ed, ee depressed, it is a €1«1C fitnfil ow yslst seif e 'd your farall,y to.1 Pills : air' " a }, ltiebtme has lone fw? c „fa 4',[l the (10f)0,1 yo "4i „Al '4r H ..�,1,'crry, gel til lstor n, € citta a�aP { 'al s.--^ i• S :fi rex., kn.t.e#I R.1T (l4�'I ,Iii l incl sefa»ere ftorn seen and nem; rl" t lalem ; l lts , ) l o �tzsno� �tiN ;n r i a t rletl Pit to slo as'Ilty41 haha tali � d titi:e id have to y ` lie riot a�til �viss tf -.tea by r e? 40 said xlzc tr.(' 't4.a5:� 4ve`[k l'i vett: but k11�Pk,�j 1V.lo fan,e ti ti lilt of good.. I was I1i, 'iih,.nls' ;'ink Pills and thk. tri tieh t o to el lxi e 1 t t .a a, e 4' tY{�man. l.a 3aeii : Zt'3 nd ay 3a; la,i•t�--five bole <id the <tta 3,cdde„" sh nl at the ei ;hte, n r f the trent} I: was sui<rlkilt! ed. s of Isvid flame .ii o\ eaw i' aarrage'' -turned t. loris e ` t„treeeli,?:.' lti leis el4 tr:e _- 11 it co c1 Hale• way talrite. �n< silsi £A or Talken . ii £ r7''+ ('aei mi alatured N`o la 1t° lk!eitais tl! lug steel. of lx; ZYfi It aa shred€led. rr=inioz°eeinei ,lit z c es, {xlki ;(I neer �oislll be She is a wall ,tail the You shill# llet.,t1 e the S r£n . l #a+%sault�' so; :l li !tie Sti3lahiril ;a'oi Dans if Splinter and 0 S' s' Pint Pili ibars; pc Sri Geist a hoz,. a a it The Dr. 1. ;roe l>villa , On ix ty' ruin SYS i ince I' tm ' Sle 1] Sli:i 1.1 they liatl atiernptCd to p€:lic«trat'e k made !good our ret: re without ihe. lar of aa, man, I»he incident is here cited only to suggest a phase of trench warfare too often overlooked. That is the , fuel that despite the passing of open field fighting, surprise, stealth and strategy are stillcomponents of the work of holding a, section of the first line trenches, There is niuch. of deadly routine in trench fighting, yet the op- portunities afforded to outguess and outgencral the enemy',are fairly nae nterous. TOO MUCH,.GOVERNMENT. Fourteen houses of Parliaiuent For a Population of '5,000,000. How many people in Canada fully realize to what extent I Australia , is over -governed? For a small' popula- tion of just over five millions there are as Governor-General, six State Governors, two ' Federal Houses of Parliament—the Senate and House of .,.Representatives—and e twelve State }l'ous'es of Parliament. That is a total of seven Governors and fourteen Houses of Parliament :Lor five millions of people! Each householder has therefore to vote for candidates for four Houses. At the Federal elections he has to vote for the House of Representatives' and also for the. Senate, which is the Up- Iie :'1=ioiuse. The House oY pepresentatives has sixty-five Members, who are elected' for a tenure of three years,.• whilst Members of the "Upper House are elected on a State basis -six Senators from each State -thus making thirty- six Senators. Each State has its own Parliament, consisting of the Legisla- tive Assembly and the Legislative -Council-the” Upirer-House, The reader has only to think over the above statements to realize to what extent Australia is :over -govern- ed, and the numerous Government of- ficials that abound everywhere. Baked Corn Pone. Pour two cups of boiling water o;er two _pups of corn meal that has been • mixed with:one teaspoon of salt, Mix well and allow .the mixture to cool. Spread in a shallow pan.that has been greased with bacon .,.' of ''4 k fat and f pout over te,• niore of 'the `hot` ie todu" laf° Bake s about one,houz in,at at{ oy` n until it Is • crisp, and brown, n�c'itd a :beat n egg can be added, � f he of Y�AlaII: tdl 1", fa' Waled recipe die ; vt still fro tart #3 glias; . Dat pass! rou shall not pass a7 ii D PROVE TO BE A ECONO ALASKA. End; of the War Will See a' Rush t Establish Claims to This Rich Country. "No zbergen, virtually the only. Sand" of any value left.on the raises to present an import" K?$ 1011 after the war ends. Jut - i up from one of Europe's: most northerly points toward the regions of perpetual ice, Spitsbergen received little attention from world power's, even those near by, until; its import- ant mineral sesour es were revealed, By some it is' said the ° country will prove to be a second Alaska in " the ssurerises awaiting its ent`,:lete. ploration and, study. Coal in,an >aientl = unlimited quan- tities, y tities, easily minc-�d without shafting, abounds hi S aitzbergen. Besides there 1 u found found de oars of iron m z pe rlal� • copper o i i Dia anti .:O e re a � t `ri eg` pF p p py reo rnden.iini, r,<l.e.) . � a � a, z,ne k�lc other inin€ rat , Areas claimed bythe, five i t! is aR a^.: 1 S i7 � 1 is tom,,,. History can just one uandred since tt}�';first $ Pacific, east. pi', 0 o rav!slzed i3nd the those slain torture, shall ani audmain e about him,. 1 umka of'' 9 ed at b# of constr#i present tie Siad vestment of vessels the pa Dian enteriri vessels, ti which ar e o. either being hti tracted for. iv .sthese _n g• ntic The incentives for �..es. ,e,i gigantic strides in British Columbian shipbuild- ing have been the demand for ocean tonnage created by the C,�erinan sub- marines, and;the many extraordinary y facilities which the geographical situ- en of British Oolunalbia end her ,for resorts oia•er #ar tie shi p ltildinl trade,. It was for these L". soars that the imperial leritione `k 4 f ... �' i e 'F33 C31` a d cf-ed 131- . . n I#1 ti x� I Yen �k k 5 ;rl31itielh Columbian ca:`ried on mainly at V„ zye ia, but NOW Westmi; of eonsistifle r i 1St sal.r '4 rsii3 l vi, y •,cPia3 e1 pao 1''to uphial+ berge*i claim isca s t,l? ass" same niaai*a1€�a ip, 3 claim lei4 "oda tlieu. I the e re n t i y s it ti i With the end 0: will be thig a p, with zeic.c tl.a la tr„ lively r0Ce»it tines, to 'bolster eontontions >af the vau.ioaas e.lainn e as Spitsbergen is slurs t€i aict:upy e( eRti u` R 'two .. elsiiTda )raise io pial".4 each believe !,'�cia„534C 5iea1n3 ¢1ryyR l' 224 zr»vt fOro tile of,,iv22 on 9 t l Retina ttetsil'. �r'IM.I ii a IR r the:laet fox yea ced in Br.b Col= o. t zsi er I u n h m Ise ship to he valla- dollars In process h i province. 4 ;represents an 16 DAR. Mine Iaxa ttP uin OA ritish 'Colum- eohstruction, are have been con 1C1 el eros! byi no oft l8 a, n t .lie to fn t 5i. g' a he Says They, Are "All Rigft, Gives Her :Reasons For Saying Sts-•-'- Why Arer o to hPopular uta n la W They v Prairies. T„esllevil1e, Alta, eb'y 4th (Spe- ue esterA omnia;- 1>tord, of this gives her opizton of Dodd's �� r iE?ills. "1 Wish to inform you that Dodd's idney Pills are all right;' says i'frs.. m e ee o x d t t� d t��� � r an sei` last plain to little children shall c again— 'rhe gain The frail crushed ince- first and li oreri And in vrra n t: a. Only a c_.rlrl And in their ckford. dwell; 9 have only taken 'two boxes, and my bacl as fico. Q eo*arse keep , .3 w -, l r e„ 1 _ n�' on tais.;-,{{py diem .�,hei.en . _ .. tFain3: r�i�. kidneys are not gust ..;gnu,.. Pills s re "Your Diamond Rinner Pi.l� zi._ dad ' too; Mrs. Eekf rd anded. n 3� o,, Mrs. e. "1 leo them Iii the house F nd take p n ,,,_ one oceasionall ' as requires , " r What sari es one most on the r � the praise e plc l' i ,prairies is warm the p o� ft r iis[:�l i �e � 'ii' They I t L sed Tor an r, i:,l^le �Tou �`2'.., tc-he, �ri�sy1r„cafisTtsp lz.tls1l�,� a, rle�ti se dil-bztee.: and. droi isy r r z � .s i "hs's. uRAG as4 apd iao1 poli grads Yet these frail el his path, Anil at the last 1 T 'These helpless lea: into hell, is 350 o fear s e ria, fa tt e ,sag sae it . o0 ds .hail . p or ease, a 7 12in, a Money Orders, 1Joaz.ir.ign Express I''.iorie Orders p sale in lave thousand offices g3o 1• crt .r..at Canada., C c, Zavitr. of the O, A,C., ca vat -reties of potatoes are arid. ETT $ .r TQRA*3T , F+ aura+ cc ra,q, '.a es eed the sap stn; ;than. Lai g Pl which wt i cies ' the e s=x^ t:ae kens the a 3'. a,e l�.ing'ti i'i 55 ss e<Ilo ud lite h fitter German, you shall not, shall not pass! God's hand has written on the wall of er as's-- Yon shrill not puss-! You shall not pass! The valleys are quaking, The torn Mlle are shaking, The earth and the sky seem break- hit a e k- lug, :hut unbroken., undoubting, ,, a aj endeta She stands, France stands, 'int l still holds to the line, She counts her"' wounded and her dead' You shall not pass! ' She sets herteeth, she bowls her head; You shall not pass! Till the last soul in the fierce line has fled " You shall not pass!, Help France? Help France? Who would not, thanking God for this great chance, Stretch : out his hands and sun to suc- cor` France? -Harold Begbie. 'Value of Peanut. The peanut"is a substantial food, according to the Confectioner's Gaz- ette, six ounces of shelled peanuts be- ing said to possess a food value of -2,3 ounces of round - steak, 5 ounces codfish, ,1 ounce rice, 4.2 ounces rye bread, :35.5 ounces spinach, 5.6 ounces' apples or 6 ounces' bacon.- The pea- nut is rich inlet, and also has mineral salts important in the diet, such as phosphorus, lime,' sulphur and iron. Ox tails manse good soups and stews at small costa There are 3150 British Red Cross motor ambulances at the front', , . "Italy's 1917 wheat crop was :8 810, 200 metric tons, compared •with 4,804,-. 400 metric tons': in 1916. • The peace that would hand Syrla', and Armenia back to the Turks would! mean the peace of, death for ,multi- tudes. Cocoa .and -tea steins' can he remov ed by dissolving�.ane`heaping teaspoon- jful of soda (b,�ttking',.soda) 111 .4 pint of hot water. and 'Dicing the stain for a few inintiteite p..• tl ponek two: lalespoons The groat VA • It i ,prominent place in north European fairs. Tench Seventy Ocenpati At the present time in Montreal there are 1175 re -educational courses , given to returned soldiers comprising, instruction in seventy different oeeu-. , potions. The policy of the Military ;Hospitals Commission, to ,combine _in- struction under' competent teachers selected from returned officers, N.C.O: s and men, with the praetieal instruction under practical conditions, has been' found to work most satisfac- i torily indeed, the marked interest dis- played by the men and their ambition to succeed, is a, constant inspiration to. the teaching staff. The great willing- ness of manufacturers to co-operate with the vocational department in 1 giving over their plant facilities for instructional purposes indicates clear- ly the wonderful- appreciation of the Services rendered by returned men at the front, and the, importance of the great economic problem which con - 11 <pipt 14 tit wcs it tbds l{t lipid er aan y#Skit, ;tui: raj .suspu iousl Si 3:I ill.i:N dli1C,'1 IS SKIN ?§ BUTEN R; Itosv to inaI e.:a erealiay laeax lv li?i sil for a few cents., Th,e jtii.:o of taco f;• h lemon strained tato as holtle containing %tlii• ae ounecs of urehard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most s.e- niarkable lemon :,kin beautifier 11 abou.. t ie, cost one roust pay for ai small jar of the ordinary told creasers, Care should betaken to, strain the lemon juice through a tine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, thcis this` lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used ' to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles. sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just ,try it! (let three ounces of orchard white at any drug "store and' two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and . . lullt,1111:::13.11:s:f(4alsr I the oil conies in a Can, e '1-' soon tis opened i bottle or res e jar fronts the nation. hands. ICEEF' jaITTI,E- ONES WELL IN WINTER - Winter is a dangerous season Tor the little ones. The days , are so changeable—one bright, the next cold and stormy, that the mother is. afraid' to take the children out for the fresh air and, exercise they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped up In oveitheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with, colds or- grippe. What is 'needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own-'1'Eth- lets. They -will. regulate the stomach and bowels !and drive out colds and by their use the)daber wilhbe able to get over the winter ,season in perfect safe- ty: The Tablets are sold ben medicine dealers or bY mail it 28 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co lirow the Bova Can Help. . A novel and practical. plan te, use and thus to e p no -the .eampaIgn Tor increased hog p0d4tiplei:', -,Canada ,has been taken Cetine.1 of. L the glass per for the time beiii PF of DIAMOND -CUTTING 4NDUSTRY Ideal Occupation For Maimed Soldiers, Says London Paper. The old proverb about diamond cut diamond used to be true, but to -day a diamond can be sawn throfigh by a thin disc of plaospher-copper revolving -about three thousand times a minute. For many ,years all diamonds had .t,o be sent to Amsterdam, svhere the Jews had a monopoly of the trade of dia- ritondscutting. Even the Cullinareudia- Mond -was sent there to be "cleft" in two, sayi a.London weekly. But there was a time when a dia- mond could be efficiently cut in Eng- land, and the time is coming when- it will again be possible. Mr. John Hodge, the British Pensions Minister, has it on hiS •list, as, the song says, foe he regards ',mond-cutting as an ideal occupation for legless men. It is a much larger trade than anyone out- side has any conception of, for, not only Is the nutting of a diamond. o slow task, but the number of diamonds which ?equine cutting is,very large. to be driven by steate bat now lee - does War bring some compeneations 4roAtable oecupation to our litinair Y., 0, ure cm to the The NI Sti e" King" I got my co ,, jammed - with MINA D'Sl nd it was as well r bathed it LINIMENT next day, Yours very truly, T, MeMil LEN. The movement in England looking toward the adoption of the decimal system for currency,' which has the" backing of the Associated Chamberstt of Commerce of the United. Kingdomy is gaining ground. Wring Linen by Hand. If you put your table linen through the wringer you will laave creases which are hard to remove when iron -1 ing., Rather, wring by hand, smooth- ing when putting on the line. Do not use starch. Iron with hot irons while the linen is -still quite wet. EAGLE moron STYLE The telebr art uta ri't ertys t:a,ti it you Ites: ;tor ucsrd ase; tsrItt1.1.:(.1 oantfotscoSr;On.r..,ndd.,r.col",,pLft: t.„:15 STOPS LAIWEAfESS Splint, Curb,Side Bone, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and goedree Its are lestine. Does LtOt Anger remove tile hair andhorseiata svorked. Page 17 in parepliletwith ach bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 1.11 free. Al3SORRFNE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swelling% En - heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you 51, F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can, nigh Prices Being. Paid for Syrup Restore Pinkba Aurora ,„ Shin titiree,ii eura, Dept. sengleitir rite KIESO SICK E 14THS ytta E. Yes" able Compound. ontlis rtse Ivo pains in my back nnti sides until I became so wt-ak om chair to Chair, got so nervous mid jump at the test noise. was entirely unfit to do rny house- work,. .1 was giving up hope of ever 'be - try Lydia . Pinkliamsinissgt.'ligealei'la.:7heemnoenIrritr-Q' pound. took six bottles and today am a healthy woman able to do m ownt woman would txy Lydia E. Pinkham 3 Vegetable Compound, and firid out for themselves how good it is."—Mrs. Calm aud A. XIESO, 596 North Ave., Aurora, Ill.. Thesgreat number of unsolicited tes- timonials on file at the Pinkham Lab - Pure syrup commands a price, maple ove owners using our trulissupioiv Evaporator hare beeu making g-ood money on a rising mar, ket for Years Ion can do the same „by,, ordering your machine now in readiness for next season's crop. Write for l'roe Booltlet 8 Wellington St.,4Montreal, Que. Write to.sciler row wow' big elm women iloys wail Girls, - Toes, Coaster Vralses1W /UV rifit MOTOR ATTA 1014011, me71,4,1141?1,irls:44i)..:PIPtcaerawrt:iesorhpe-rilcai:s0171%7 UOYD Rama 54rEtst West, Mentrenl, oratory, man of which are from time to thrie pub ished by permission, are proof of the value of Lydia E. Pink-- harn's Vegetable Compound, in the treatment of female ills. Every ailing woman in Canada is cordially invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential)., Lynn, Mass., for special advice. It is free, will bring you health and may save your life. aciiinery For Sa e 1 WIliEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust 'plp7ncik, flywheel, etc. Will accept ;$1,200't'eash for inurtediate 1 ELECTRIC 'GENERATOR, 30 E..VV., 110-,12017olts 1).C. Will accept $426 bash for immediate sale. PULLEYB,, Large size. BIJOWER, OR FAN, „Rueful° Make. 14 Inch dischargeL--$30. AL ESTATES CORPORATION, 60 Front