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The Exeter Times, 1918-2-21, Page 1
altt JONES & MAY P HONE 32 New Spring Suits Coats & Dresses The First Showing Of Our Ne�v Ready=To�Wear Eastet the first ch4 Yon ? good T.iite early tills year ` o ii e like to disola,y one `slga unity to make your s. e 41g $a4F $.60 is yea ea3'ry to linran Serge arae >ho44 in¢ ra swell line 011 zA+ fly Dade an real fie alit WOO Ey. ,13 spec th see diem. Too ; k QS, them; seri One f1 you have any .idea of doings tee our br•alitifill alssortnleilt, wt and "we will be only too pleased t attention to Parlors and Li4:ing..roonl Inn for good E Sc .tits papers for these; and halt papers and oiled 11a4,ia 's In to clear cat, ethe „1 aper g fids Blaring+ co a#e 111 and Iigie$t range we ever carried them^ we have paid. many people are dol - (Aocl b'etlroo£n I.itcl0'41 c► lots of tidd, 4 i ro,4r,4r, ^+ r hathrc and BoysClothin 13o s' New Blvirner Snits. Boys' odd I3laarrner ,laant;,. Boys' Over(' See cl. xa Seri Shoe Department .;s', bro re�lindd lrtlxny� aS Suits ltiftlfi up- o.datte in Finish. They Circ the tli;. have, ever SIeo1!)E. 1;ts,tu //lack, Navy, Brown, G flx;ty, 1.13 Suits'ae cloths in Putty t+ Jones ++"1"+'F'ri't++ + +'l'a lain tee Spring Snits 1.11.'4 %wY4 1 t' '. Tlxe Styles u =s y iic'rst. Covert clot. etis, also ...tick all41 Targe Collars and Fancy C'<nats are fairly long ibis AND Aga 1. 4, KOAL SAVERS In these times of coal scarc- ity we are forced to seek some substance for heating our homes, A Perfection Smokeless or a New Process oil heater will answer , surprisingly ; in this regard. Perfection Oil Heaters, $5.00 to $7.50; New Process Oil Heater $8.50; `r it a A tO1110b @ Skates For Ladies : p2.00 to $3.00 For Boys $1.50 to $5.00; pr. Stock Men and Poultry Raisers` Feed Royal Purple stock and poultry ; Specific and secure satisfactory results All size packages 25c to '5.00 Also have a f4111 i ofEp soul, GlauberSa TSulpk'zur, lfiisn',..,., Salt Petre, f©R stdc� ,ate '44 Dashwood Rev. I: re eel' t:+ s 1715 44'(.' ' y el,, in Q~^e bring rifle. Mrs. :T. l%ellerxnan' is' at present visiting- in Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. RI"as. Davis of Exeter spent" Exeter with Mr. C. Steinhag-, en, Sr., Mr. Oscar Simons of Saskatcllcir- an renewed old acquaintances in the, village last week. Mr. and /qrs. P. Humble returned; to their home in Sarnia oni :1'uesda.y titer visiting with relatives for some time. SHOE BARGAINS ti • at and 44'aS. at the ,,(,O dt: 4`.A T LOnti las . o -lair, li i. l A duti s while 1 g< ,ting ca gooA t'i9 ei re lad 1.117 zt; toils la':t v e ";;SIT, I pf. Will Ji. i an Exeter Cnraisin . of Old toy, Inas receive- a second detar- lt DP an inter- tiaa 'f or laravetry at the fakontr coi43�� r on, lit n?-tle Knig,t is aaOtirnay Medi 4"- (✓'imllx Sttrrey, attached to at4' jra1] r itt a,1 i'altolu" : ak c several ex" - the Trani, ,kid was deoO '.44.1,44 , Military Cross some A, A ''mss ago 4 h, 044 441'~ dee r � Iris Flt been o z n r b ) 1T�:4• r 12144_ s 1.11 S week. 1 1 u�>: � cnda l 1'; E. O. :1114". 11411Pr.4l.. 11i.eafi'' on this L xad •us ca r nl4 J •.i rr,: 4d all th ;4. I P?A so 4 aan ,lien1no;haI: h4 1 t h an Ti last, nix;ht coy 141 hear an n lie E;o;ez- aa, 14 tk ver 'I ar, 0 tO-i,n Rutght in w rit44 g4 l to Mrs. `Fittootge, town states that he. did "not know why they had, aicarti d; !it to him,:. bar in. presenting it ted tli3.t 1L 4va4s for w, vices ren ga 41'4' 'at' the. i,-14,le 0. Caimtsrai^ .'night is More than modeot in refer l c-nc' to his'mark dad deeds an the^ir" " ing Line la;°;t his Exeter gi'i1e11d' -. •e -;lad to note that his services have R zTicarated 5 �i ection. i� l such distinction. SPLENDID "1'li.1 4.'1'F TO MEMORY Or TWO (3 SOLINE14 E1EH01'S was n 1440. rtteino J-uri a r 2tti7,EF1'd £' S^rv1e 44 a., held kXt 44;11 Meth 471'-t chorch an fi rtTr x, last 4 •h=_', th+ base- ' se -[a was : mot --e :44aia' r 1 athdlence Arai n'd a'¢:".ag Tin= service, est.'. Afi,T is" -d 1i] w,4ac of :II t'se 4 'ter or 41(14011 i ASt roc r4 4 zl t 1'4L 171.4 4461, time '441 44 ell 4'd 4V n lA d tt 54ilort,,tll tilt 4- d. F 3Cl°. 4xad 4'ortl 17i'or14 101144.1 nZ tl4:at 411 ;oi4t," ov,'rsj aTl# iTl4'it+lt ficial Boa church to ,lin 'third ye o: it,. enn 0 i. Q' 4 014",*411''44 1 at €'s ti4ne xr ,sK:, 1l4<it 0111 a 4r.Kt ,. z. t Twr i beir l Y 4,01 LF"BRI NOS I :LNOY 411Etin .414 LL !A,,t'YE4 'FI#o;,. Busse11 of Tortl)i4) a '4lri%e grade calf for the hand:loinin of 8100.00, This caul is •t full: brothel` to year-old -old ste6r r. Ma) 1 .:1st- 'fall at the. Toronto Steel; s,Xlcc' and 'xrurehale -d by Mr. "tassel). DIED 1N 1tE111N A Mrs. 1501inson wife of Geo. liob- ihson, of Regina, a, died suddenly :on. Feby. ":1111h. Mrs.' Robinson, bad been in her accustomed health Lind ba11, prepared to go to church' batt not feeling '"i°ttli wont' to the °'home `'o£ h r Son. Shortly after entering the house she .fell uneonseiou54 and died almost immediately. _ She is survived by her husband and three ,childr,'x) Mrs.'ya . bunter. of .Al'.a.' k. Saglc.4 \ yrs. !' ritzlty, and W. ll. oft Reginal. Mrs- Robinson and daughter, 3Tr:-. Bunter bare 'visited in town at the, home, of 1rr- John 'Bunter. "LITTLE LOCALS. Mrs. Vroo)n:in and son. of Sarnia are visiting i w:th Mr. and life... ,leo. .Anderson. Miss lfargaret tafoxworthy spent Tuesday 'in ',London and 444111 Visit..ior a few days in Glencoe. Air. 'and tiers. J. -sir. Bern' have re- E'i: .$2000 worth of Isla- . ice rlceesl;to clear turned ',from ,'their treading, trip to ata big reduction, in pr. Norwich and have taken up their res - 3i, 33IERLING, Hay, P0 `idencc. on Sanders St, DEATH OF CAPT. McNEVIN Pte. Chas, Dobbs,' son of lir. and Mrs. Freeman Dobbs of Biddulph, has been invalided home from England On 1:i+eb. 3rd. Capt. W. Gordon` lIc- arriving at Lucan on Monday evening Nevin of Goderich passed' away at TITE LATE AlSTII1JR IIOS..KTNS Gravenhurst aged 24 years. Deceased On Tuesday %lord:. was 'received in town 'that Mr. Arthur oskins aft Brantford had passed away after a, short illness with pneumonia. On.the was the sen 05 Mr. Wm. McNevin, of that town and formerly of :Zurich. Capt. 3.1eNeviin or Gordon as be is known to his° friends; 44 as :barn in Friday previous a severe cold devel- d' which turned 't Exeter and spent his boyhood days ol1e'Hoskins 44 Tc o pneuarly and lir $ s ns passed away o k1I Tu^, - p early .s here, at -Zurich and at Goderich, 11'. day ' morning. The deeeaset1 is well studied: for dentistry and had practi- known in Exeter having a large eon- cally completed his course at Tor -„Rection here. lie ads born an 'tl]c onto 'when he enlisted in the spring- 11)• 11 1oulin Island 1x]1came. t 4 step hen .township early 1n life ,'vitii his of 1915 with an artillery unit at King parents, He 44 -as 63 years' and f stop :Afterwards , transferred to the months old. The date Mr. ilbskiiis. Dental corps. Ile 'vent overseas in; 44 4 "4-4441 4wi111 the Verity Plow .4 (4. June of rhe'samc in l xetcr and '4*hen fihey moved to year and after a Brantford he w ent', with them and. ..tort 'while in Englanrl crossed Deer 1 to France where he remained for over, has since had charge a 'the moulding a' year. -7 ;Ie contracted a severe czsc o'C dcfpartment, I{e °:vast 54 (h �1 to 'Ciel en Rowe wilt mourns Chi floss of bronchitis •which afterwards develop �' lovin�g husband. lir �7;oskins 4i"as ed into preum0n;a and being seraol)&3 prominentlyidentified, wit ,.the Meth threatened .with, tubercular."troirise, dist`chnr h'in iirar'tJld dTE:is stir 44 ret nacd hone in '.ray of 'last ,Year .� nd '•vent .ta,Gravenh'lrst for tread=. vived 'Mrs. J. lie .dug ' � Lrs bro- nt. 11 , seemed to :maks some, im- 1\1,!r' «, too -n ^ i fare': ins of 1 cement but about three 'weeks rias, 1Llrkton, Chas and Ed of 'Chicago;' 1�bercular niening'1t1s' set 1D c; o 4144 roan icavcs a c,rldeen l'ie's .l�amporte (514 , l tai .1 a!by m1r1, iso 1'vo sxs,- E, n 7 llor �oY�lsely, dayp'inoru7nLfo17c lio 1iSUUa1 Fatal ;result. ; I1, side 1x1 °, °F' p; '41' k,fand elson, of ?T4d 1 Turf o a a`;Sis YY 41 ii% jg ri i s The:. rn ind'. 4-4- 00n, Ar 61 04 lie/l ,lar..i•d picture, i?illi try' t'1040i 14 T1 '4! itber bo 4oa',n Ie;c ;o 4i dy' and 7, clow, ShOr't. obit 11:1: y 1d by the 'Pastor an;1 c'vc-.ral Troll' 1+11. 8;—' 4v4'144'n oy 111" EnatrySti: Some WT. their friends 4i` la'. o-1 the f y' iAed .17 `ir rxiP i1.. a 4, 1, l aCL t xi`r Percy Sparl4 L d xd hal purchased the* of ,la Scott on the act S1K C., ItS Olt` iCOa' Sig € u -loads xF coaXI arrive'. in z'xs°n 'this veek 14rhich will go a' loll v •oa ar'1., v •1- •c n the 1 iA t �• a ads r4 t 1 c. S 4 s yt r ',refor the s�^i f4?r ., n F R IVERS.4R'r' The 'Thames Itoati r'resbyteri #ll clinrch 4T l hold their anniv6 r- arc ser+ices next Sabbath, February 2"-, Rev. A. J. 1 fcConnell will be the PO b 7-a�Gker rt,A o %lie. tliv. ^ �iTEct3T. I3. ^,E �1�� T f r f this 1., f C 334 a3emp 1441 off' Invert .e.� 17 ' I4 lar Detroir, to take a post gerduatO ebartal]ractin C)!'-. lie 44111 be asway s•cral 4u18%s. C. NLBF,XT(3 Ile- SE 4n. he icy 103 rit 1' TO N' he ex of 44454. --"ad ,17;011$4 ,a , lea. d 4j'1`. tri, -4 pii71 eci ilgia, -04 toe -c5; - • '1' s rtase,;oii a�. e, with "1.144 Luneral ii btto . 7414 lit tJ ema.>ns 4411E be.,br4ott h� h `Pliktero,l held oxrai V c+14 4..1 r4°1tta wail I04 1nE't*r1 i'I:rnvicli,il, arTniCl, e Quite :1 inum t1 costatme. : The 'pri rl to 1tik;• , r•rtla 15044 r4tntt)4434 3:11 5 4• r4 4474*ere 11 w erd- atd" tr^ r4 1444 #4' atia;A=.x xn eat'wen 15114 'in ay> fell *s Sga*2 4'-' an[I g it. .4 ,lx hot E,°Ql114 h1 • c�-ac c'ir-acrrrc. t7'.. h a• 1'474 .1 44 h N rk:^ 3"^ Pl St 4 Svc 114 li is 11; It 444, 'a,'ti Aon`:t'y 144:5 4 14 i•rd* #;,V S 14,4E 413,' i.r.4i 4114nd-hake 44: ysls;',1"l11 t0 se I ,IYIt :a 4l? loft. ' OCic I ' 4 u^T i,_ u�£ 1ai'13 1,r.fr 14144" '1. ci11rc1 o)L 'I'lt1Er 11,1' oi' last NATO,: a horse to tlr. freorge Dunn, of n,' lo'o <fit its leg while trav,'r- ,l oad and lt)x4 th r " +r r r had t6> '.: be killf�d )'he soads'`at times during the 1) week liar,-' been in alxt1ost irefta ssal4l,z 'oomillion and a horse t+'"I+l4ing off the road 14 -as Habit' to 4]l: tlanitk' It distance. This Walk 'What la xplimed Ta mr."'Dunn horse with 4114 abovee resillt. 4) 144 Il 8 A ®SI"' lk 0 eel,:1 the of ' 41 Ira '1 0,4754 t+xzrl.) evttaing la- of 144(1., 4411141°4444 wxs 1.440„ .i4, leer"'m'i at slum}.t- 'tzons st.Ial) z waS $r rc,_d by 1441 ladies. After s1.,'4'4< .# musical: and: literary l'(',STarl]' was given. Th' ,cv- i'liing 4vas cnJoyod b5" all present. Ow44- ing to the bad condition of; the rnaiis 'tlir'' were not as 'many* present las there otherwise ivo111(1 have then, The society deal...4i ovor ;1110. 1)T,4-'TA1\' 1t IzIE,NI)S ATTEND I)1'S'E'.AL. .tu)on4<t1104,' v1no .14,4,'zido(1. the fain , r 1 f h 1114: Ralph Ii d .s - borne, the�� ofx;s Reddy., bnrTX, onFriday ' List '4 t C S of l� 'ere Arr. and t )yrs. I+. 1i liestic, ]air. and, Mrs. Down of Lawrence Station, In-. Ed. 3)own, of Shedden Mr. S. Down; and .iris. Pearl Down of E'rano 4 airs. W. Vallis of Talbotville Mr. 1'.° Jef- ferson, of ef-:erson,'of St. Thomas; lir. R. G: Kil- patrick. lrrs. tom. J. Kilpatricl: and :11iss Edith Down; or London; Mr- and 3rrs. E. N. Reddy and daughter or Lc troit, ler. W. 1'1. Keddc of Fenton, Such., and friss 13alsdon of Toronto. KNITTING' CONTEST CREATING GR ' 'i` 1 . E �..T lT'LRESTi ESS. It^i —NE1T, `pretty m{'dtling took place, at the home Mrs. ne O f 1rr. an C 1 , rev Thomas hn)nas Neil, of Centralia on Weatiesdav, niornitar, at eight o'clock when. their (10 4.4hter, .hiss Estella was united. in 4narrlage to lir_ '1Vm Essery only son of Mr. sold .Mrs. John Essery of :'Us- bornc`. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A, Finlay. Mr.- and Mrs. l;ssery took tile::. morning train' for Hamilton and other points and on their return; will reside on t:he groonis Fitt,, farn1 on the 21.d concession of Ctsfibrne. 1lot11 bride anti groom are popular youTng people in the com- munity and The. best wishes of a host of friends, will follow thein. DIED IN VANCOS.7VER: kir. Norman 31. 'liodgcrt son of Mr. and Mrs. : A. E. liodgert of Regina, :Sask., and formerly of ' Exeter !died in ',Vancouver; R. C., 014 February 14th. The sad ne'w's came as/ a. shock to 'the parents. .Norman had gone; to Vancouver about :a year ;ago, in the interests or his health and from' all, reports he \vas getting along nicely. So 'particulars as 'to his death' were, received. Mr. and,: Mrs. 'Erodgert' left; immediately .for Vancouver to make funeral arrangements which will be held in Vancouver. Norman was well known in town 'having lived here, until a young man. Thesympathy of many ,1rineds '%-ill be extended to the bereaved. HAND SEVER,ED Mr. John Reeder who has been workin, with a bean thresher in Stephen and McGillivray "'met with a serious accident on Thursday ae in threshing beans for Mr. Teo, Dei- terich near Dashwood when hig hand got caught in the 'thresher. He was feeding the machine 'when a bundle' of !beans struc,k his arm. The glove was caught iri the machine and the' hand and arm clra,wri in. The. thamb 'arid. first tl.vo fingres and part of, ths, third were served. The aria was" badly mangled ,to the elbow and may( have to be antpatated. The fortunate ,man was brought to the, boor or his 'brother _klex tOVVII, d -ever. since has suffered .consider-' 044, nr alt ti, -s '' o.:. ,' I, er bi?os "'.41ter Gtrl1 t er of '-;a rx kta 141,.,14, 1 ' 4, la ileal S a X x school met at the hor1re Of ,nr1744 Ihist and all had a very sac 'ini ler". (cal',', 11ir. �9idne'x dark find Mfr,, <' � 11i• t I. 41 f i r �.r4 d o cnttC d^ �` � 4 61 # � t 4, :11, of 4114 1,:''' 134. 4ti` 42, 01` i:lark :11Tu,e sday.', , '11,x1 («r.0. away t1hoin i.14,1 4iiiag.l' on Sundaly rizorn OW an t r of all , k c ti ,. '4. 41 lad 1' `^ S 11 L 2 %., e i V. t r t,r Cl1 ra o l r 1� I, n *� l� e f'1A •it yrs ; 4 ,4.1,'1 ,'; �.; : Das d a." b Gn4 ill for ; 1144 Ova reit iii I '.b Y1 4' be•n P The Knitting contest by the Sold- iers !Aid Society is creating greaii in- terest.'lhe society divided itself into two sides' .for a knitting, contest for the month of February..' caricas of. the 'town and country has been: made and 'women ainl.'girls ,,!' 'busyl every- day =eeryday clicking the knitting needles. The society now have about seventy -fie spindles of yarn out 'which costs in the .neighborhood off nine Hundred dollars. This, following close on the contest by the Patriotic socciety when over 1400 .pairs of socks; were knit in three months represents .41lot of work and money that has gone into socks .for ` the soldiers by tile women of Exeter and community. CO: TljrIl LOTION,S ACIniN 014 LEI)GEI1 The re surer t Ler of he IliusboT a !, 0411 #ttnity i °e tt+xc+ 1f tlaa'z4a.1 131 " al]a4 tf'- 1, Po 11f1 aX a is 'r -i tua +1" a a'1 1 ,'.1" pd'd'I'3 1.41E 5 affil cry, on »�sa.it> tor" I cd aNV NC 114" t lis Sonn, of the older residents 4:11L ecail the clay:: when about their only nt- of sugar for the ycar -wtis hat secured from i hc: xnanie trees. ing *So: hig .-pring drive on Lim( n front and the fanners and, ci s of Canada are preparing for a 'big spring dzive on the, fa.rins and gardens, tile second line trenches at Conditions on the farm havc eh, ,d years, 'No longer ia the farmer; look- ed ,upon as the hac,k,r, orals Itian; ' Now be is having his place in the . Tide, is due partly to the change of conditions. partly to the NA-ar, buil vrincipalty to the Tarniers them. - solves. The farmers as a class have ,been quick to adopt nearly every, 1110,1c111 convenience, thus solving- in a inarked (.1.e,gree. some of the problems confrolitine; them. Cori:lit:nos have changed -fast and the successf.u1 farmer has had, to step fastl, to keep paw with tliPm. in comparatively short time the 1Turon tract has I:eon cleared and built tip and a monu- ment 4o the industry and thrift of this class of people. Tile cleared fartud ,xcellent roads in every directions 'irie 'bridges and good clrairtag, sys- tems have been attained at much cost be. it money or labor. rrcf make ihe 'arm a success requires as much knowledge and 'Nvisdom as any line ot work. --and in addition requires much more manual laboi '1 he. call o o '1,11eal to all 'ha{ i"tbnut as hard price to -pay aS is that wbich. Hospital .1.or' ConSumptives, desires gratefully to 'acknowledge the follow- ing contributions. received in Exeter by the Field -Secretary- of the Nation. - 1.00; .Tohn Rind LOO; .3. Statham ery 1.00; Jas. LaNvson 1.00; Th caU t-; pr 4.Lice has been. nobly long• hours and hard. Nvork.‘vitli the. present scarcfty of the,q scai-city Of ft :el tile farmer is cal lett,” thing ;to go into the busb end spot); the cola svinter day to snonx,c, woo ing but 'perhaps if "'the' into woods to'C '44r