The Exeter Times, 1918-2-14, Page 4C US IRONIC MUG A onatitutional Rern That We Guar Y " r years with a cizonk cough, so ot sleep night and continued tc flesh. My druggist ask -ed „Vfx,exple. It cured 'ray cough, I nes have gained weiv elS„ Vino' is the best and tue 1uiide 1 iiave ever bs Ren, Irattrange N C. guarantee \Pinot for chronic co1d and bror.chitis. Not a ren icine. Formula on every ty hack if it fails. ST, EXETER. t 1 Oa -- portant Event Occurred Durics tt s, coraldted di and Att e Readers of e) UUues Which i„„Pia r'f:X07,1'77" goeu tezehs on tbe West Lou '4ellt Y 7 at Co ower Mr. Ti RM LWALY -SYSTEM oub1e Track, TietwcA'..Tt • TCROSTC" S A.„ TtIZR $1 ANTI • $2 1E11 Tu U TO LC r.WL EFORE IT'VAZ th„ Ceder and onrd nee A. t-.1% 'WORM IANTON a rot can Succeed 011 34TA 0 s lead no clommerclei School ,makes success easy. We • have three departments Com - Shorthand, nod Tele- ph.V. lre give individuel in - ructions and students Inas' enter any time, Graduates am • plattee in pesitions. This is -roar dt. )ppertunitY as -.here is a great , • •trport e for trained bele. te 4.10, ; b D. "4 - rt re epartinewi or . Grsed Tweak alit' . , Raileva. ys withtk'' s r , -"ding fraVel Toe w' Tr noti 404 TII* War 'Parc 1102470,0' ' tor tft ,t ,that It would cause it i. seen, even if otherwise advisable, to *Church by the Bolsheviin. I ' change the closingorder by substitut- A score or more scientias and . ing Tuesday for Satorday. The order business men interested in food con - is being amended to include wood and. servation, and new sources of food -u plv sat down to a whale steak luncheon" at the American Museum of Natural History, New York: When it was over they declared the big mammal furnished as delicious and appetizing a dish as any meat mar- ket affords. TUESDAY. Bolo's brother gave testimony at - he trial in Paris - Abdul Hanaid, former Sultan of Turkey, died in Consta,ntinople. The campaign for assistance to farmers of the allies is in full swing. The British destroyer Baser was sunk in collision in the English Channel. The Child Welfare Week .opened at London with la.rge, attendance at, the exhibits, lectures, clinics, etc. The bakers of Canada will require licenses, and their products are stan- dardized, according to order of the Food Controller. Registration of venereal patients in Ontario is likely to be provided for by provincial legislatacm, but inspec- tion and supervision is not probable. Major J. E. Ratz, of Ottaw-a,-a".ssist- ant medical advise) to the Pensions Board, and formerly medical Officer overseas, Is dead, at the age of forty- flf (i 41+ bs be v enna, snee Ole reaut Czeniio circles there e.- ect separate peace terms will, be onehideU between Vit'reille and Ans- ete on or about February 1€, Jobu 1oenbrunUer a weatths Ceniafl f 13u/yea, Sask., has beer. /It'd livtitietlred dollars toad costs for preventing his two sons froin l'eg. steritig under the hlilitaise Service. A , 'The gage was matie by the pre - rant P91144. Tele:" OrRkf',4an XeCetved adviees Itte tba,,K14,AA Order Iris , -- uni- P' MAI no�1on of the o st for n bor. Th. iinits of the eonseripted persons oa 13 to ea) years. A 0 tbe Ioade 0.0 A'4 'S Said Moa are or ersi 155 the ear r f[j- John F, 1nLQbtt5 wi gappoieff" « be York Cot , orate, sp.xo ;le tate t 6bn s-Shteaalf'Coo" reac ate147 officers,. and 5iia Tbits d, stLerroeis t�U4 to arm wifb ettoseed s dis- stt, Otte e, gr. an Iu 05 e alt I , Is 0 kt4 haos have been ordred b Cou,ci1 to be vae- ft :mint iiatiorts art': t.itlr.,1to he in pt -a gre'ss between the Canatii n ed States Governments Took daylight saving 4,e-1ie,me for the tno countries to be inaugurated itt Mar „ „Tune, All ensioms were thrown to tile lvthds in tite Leginature in order to gir a n ply of gas to anti a bill was tearing of the the poopie 0! troduced speoch from The Deputy' Elfe tt re rintl )1,14.1"i5i)i tho 4t Sett Sf. enlg a n'te proteST.- g of the 54 ijwia„e ed dt1i e front a a vie etgraaias 01;t aL rev' 00 nta- 200 tvut'14- ptured. orte of the most 's of Italy, has it hia n 41) lsh C01 r ef0.41 u,-tarb ttCtt, ve ' ir a 11 4454 ttfr4dZ$fl' duViug nb.1tti IteT;out's .1,s, i 1 to the Ohleho n01 niOUr Ini- )0Xttt'U'5 btought. hi by ustending set - 45 Ei EXPT Audi Sale IMPORTANT BREEDERS' SAT - Oh' CI1814L]3S, GlIORTHO-tZ I3ERKSHMES AND OXFORD DONVNiS ALSO A NUMBER HIGH-GRADE COWS AND CALVES, ne held at Evergreeo Grove SOck Farm LOT 4, CON, 3, BLAN- ARD IVATNSIJIP one and cote-baU Atites o9414git#oI 1C0011 on TUES. 's *Or1me091/vg at 12,3u wanek sharp, theif011iPPlng. , IIORSES-3 Clydesdale goes sep- pos4,,1o be in (foal to 31a� .L ROA elarOleatine years old in. foallo Ppa 1 Clydesdale Mare eizzlit Yea* 1 Percheroll Gelding rising twoltOarre old, 1 Roadster rising two years old sired by Datten. S11011THORNS-25 head, io1uding five young Rolls, These ,C0,0'S are a registered a, aittmher' haying elves nt and havt, been hand milked. GRADES -1 cow due to calve in 1nrcb;i cow freshened, 1 farrow cow 1 J'ersee Heifer ten months old, two Darietita ealvee one Hereford calf, PIGS -15 pure-bred Berkshires, in- cluding 2 sows off iinlracted st°61;-• -'11EErt—s emee-bised Oxford Downs Aj 0. oihy lLsy. ty RW OA' urentris %III be kabies Pa uerly ot C1arlts- bnrg,rt ulturai agricul- tural o e theti at Tweeds in It* seventy -t h year. Live stoek eotrumfLtion dealers go 40 Ottawa to confer with the Minis- ter Agriculture on footling grain 11 hogs before soiling. The Barrie Board of Trade will nd a large deputation to urge the Ontario Government to develop peat beds of the province. Mr. Samuel Wood, sett., father the late Samuel Wood, formerly of The Globe editorial staff, died in a Toronto hospital Saturday night. Rev. Dr. MacArthur, the noted New York preacher, in beginning a series of sermons at Weimer Road Baptist oiler deemed Church, Toronto. welcomed the nis- meal eence_ establishment of the Russo -Greek anSIr .wtio McKee, notrt4; ProprI No..1, Sr. or II:trees 1-* 1 -.RS OT,TtAND„ 40. S. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & MIME:VENTS Oa Lot Con. 3, ,U,sliorne, oa Wed- nesdayFEBRUARY 27th at 1 o'clocie sharp, the !bellowing,— H1/4ra1ses—Mare rising 8 yrs. old; 1 mare rising 7 }leers; 1 geldMg ris- ing 5 years; 1 mare rising 4 yrs; I filly iresim; ,Z years; 1 geldi.tig ris- ing 2 years; 1 roadster gelding„ fis- hy' 2 years 1 toadster i11y etsine 3 1.,•ears Cattle -3 GOA'S due 111 March 1 eow dun an. April; 5 Melees -ed. cows; 2 ;ay - 'pow cows; a heifers (tieing 2 yrs.; 3 "4teer-5, rising 2 yrs..; 9 steee ewalves; heifer calf; 5 young calves, Sow due in „Nlarch; about 100 hens, 3 chielett buts, ImPiements—I-umber wagon pr. bob. sleighs. buggy, kl1lass,cy-L1arris binder, aearly new; steel rake, 'spring. r(oteth -ulteriator stiff -tooth cultivator, new-; corn cultivator, scuffler, grain drill, steel „roller, set iron barrows, 4 eec- tions; 3 ovaairtg plows, riding plow manure spreader, they rack, wagon box gravel box, sce,les, 1200 lbs.; fanning rill, pulper, De Laval cream separa- tor with power attaelmtent; 36 ft. extension ladder, cedar posts, 2 eitis double ;harness, 4-1-liffletrees, neck - yokes, ,forks, illPest shovels and other erticles ;boo Mos to inei-xtloe.; mit 500 film c 'Ole and 1000 four ncb tile; -Q teet g41vagtie.ed pipe; uartiltya , and timothy hav whea sereet, some oats andHoutabt ed tfeetl. seitel Pffect Mbnv A A, ',A at 0 A w ;levee to eight `emere-of stwrUy are to take ep thir cluatters liego , eonsUtuhsg a tsesb strain e sorely -tri bous1)ig nicomn0d tion of the cIty and :its nvirons. like nurnher of Gern�n Prison root Great Rrirain are to Oe guar- teerd in other Parts of the country, and preparations are afoot to provide 1'A nds 000 ltor Thitas Germany @Pre% 14‘ v.esLL1sguthor- atter. as only' -an be exi�De' Or t co' s1; querte;'e, for the of, worindtQP9, Young 4550e1011et1 kute and C football and c lowing the example set pecial care is to be zuvu for useful vith a view 10. avoiding native labor, in se - the grounds. in Switzer devoted to vocations'', erupt:Mien cordance with rules laid down by the authorities, tbe employment provided roba.bly will take (be fornt of von- t-rueting 'movable houses or cabins for use InBelaiatu after the war, and 1 making furniture for the same pur- pose, work that is already occupying many Ileigiart interned soldiers and refugees. To accustom the an prisoners to regular emdoyrnent tutd give them a certain amount of confidence in the future, workshops are to be erected In the Wolfhazen camp. Raw ma,- terials are to be brought from Ger- ninny, where the finished work will be in due course exported in order *o avoid eompetition with Netherlands workmen. According to present plans, some of the men will be put to work on the land, 'while students will be given facilities to continue their studies at Netherlands univer- sities, . oti heating as well as COAL 1 The American transport Tescania was sunk by a Hun Ll -boat off the .e, i coast of Ireland, with a loss of life +1 of 101 men.. A British destroyer, one : of the escorting feet pursued the 1 ie submarine and is believed to have . e. , sunk it with a depth bomb. Two `4.' 'thousand ores hundred and eix Amer- . i lean troops were saved, FRIDAY. 0 A, bill was introduced in the Login- AVrittes orc s tic:liars. 44 i ?attire which will make the pro,,..ifle„.„ .1 of Quebec bone-dry after May lst, 4; e 1919. J.V. e. ELLIOTT President Tne Cunard liner Aurau- a was tor- ' 4: redoe4"by"a German submarine after ` CHLAN'' PrincIP-aL 4..1 is-ndinz Cargo in Ireland. NO lives O. It l were. lost, , Col. Theodore Roosevelt was oper- a _AKEs OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FAL ave your Hair! Get a small bIlt f Dancierine right now --Also stops itching scalp, Ilfu brittle, coiorlens and 'ecru -gee-, us mute evidence nf n neglect„,:x1 ,dandrbS—that, awful scarf, r is nothing so destructive to as daudraff. It rti`es the hair lustre its 'strength ana its very n.„nafly producing a ieverise- Whine= of. the 'scalp which if e, .10 ated upon for fistela and abcesses set both hos ears, and his condition is serious. Shipbuilding has commenced i44 aloastralia, and before long, it is offi- cially stated, a dozen vessels will be laid down in Anzac harbors. Cosmos 3. SliarIev, one of the lead- ing manufacturers of Galt, died at Inc age of 83 years. He was well- known in Canadian business circles. Lord Beaverbrook, the Canadian 'who receives so much abuse from his fellow-countryme-o. has be'en ap- pointed illinister of Propaganda by the Britieh Government The Boishaviki have been cheered by the strikes la Berlin and 'Vienna. The workers of Petrograd sent a 'causes the hair roots to manifesto to their Teuton brothers and die—theu Ibe hair areine frrther effo-‘s to smash the A little Danderime to- monarchies. tinse—wili surely save Premier Hearst and Proud - foot. K.0 , have arran-;ed that 3:10 e1ec onb. lion, I he lied in ttAA 07,1000: t setbe future ontests " orreention of re,presentatives o 1, Western Ontario ei ii8S and owns \-‘-as urged by Conserviition otheials to store uo. 'wood for next y ear. The Gooermaeflt bas passed an e,.r. der -in -Council putting rat° effect a once, pending the passing of an a el Parliamnnt1 its pledges of attelitict: natronage in the civil serv'ee. le legislation will be ilatroducot hi HearselGetveznnie ls'osession theedical profrods- --s °ee9t7111*.ecnatie°11341'atforn' tid Id epor utt SS s?'4W4L e ers, lamps, table, ad under, easiover - oaths' credit u _1 .ot. rtt notes, Four , , „„ , •)er Q"cri4' *Kt tor cash on credit a ttrionts, ' NV. Riobirts`pui Paul Co" -i” .Auet3mter, Prctpri,c tar Frank Coates, Clerk, Auction Sale 11 942 4013,,Algtg' Cgd'a PlItOr 'eTX4VIalldRegtILT AillgthaSiOtaell$41lOntivt'ElSof D---4-E---51-NTS-101ILDREN roirapiesDi8EStiotLc nessandRe$I.CordaillOct Opium Morphioe itorigine liar NARCOTIC. .4T(pe of 01d11,54,ValflaVI fb ot/t15 ,Dettf ."1.4x &too AI*/ Sil/P eXed .PQ,retrytt arzAiSoite erf040180 STO Por Infantsand Children. Mothers Know Tha Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Us Tt Exact Cop 0 • cot4oAs.Y. rtr: SA s' 40r sate AA S7 0. 0, nslih, On 'R1D at 1p,m.. the p0r4nni property Where Spiders Work Hard. In a -large English factory that produces surveying instruments, spiders are numbered aznongst the most indispensable workmen. They spin the delicate thread used for the cross-hairs that mark the exaot cen- tre or the object lens in the sur- veyor's telescope. Spider web is the only suitable material yet discovered for these cross-hairs: Human hair is transparent, and when magnified has the apparent dimensions of a' rouea- hewn lamp -post. The spiders produce during a two - months' spinning season thousauds of yards of web, which is wound upon, metal frames and stored away until needed. spider "at work" dangles in the air by its invisible thread, the upper end of which is attach -ed -to a metal wire frame whirled in the hands of a girl. The girl first places the snider on, her hand until the protruding end of the threadhas become, attached. When the spider attempts to leap to the ground she quickly attaches the thread to the centre of the whirling frame, and as the spider -pays out its web she wraps it round the frame. At one time she removes from a spider several hundred feet of thread. - The spiders are kept in a large room, under the supervision of three girls and a forewoman, When the little workmen are not. spinning, they live in a large wooden cage. Flies are their chief article -of diet. During the winter months the spider colony usually dies, and an entirely new corps of workmen must be re- cruited. The girls who have charge of the spiders are n.ot isa the least. afraid of them. On the cOntrary, they re- gard them as pets. Other Views. "So you want to marry ter, young man? -W11- know you Have you' -en rt bet. ?" , " ought *3- 0 One a it 03 • 197t8. ro registerd h G. .1.; ra ham:L;f stt e c b "therl ":.17 4450 i44 '"..',7"rs 0 t 1 atije,—Mags--Otse choo1master 111590) 14 old, on. bolt calf 11 montl 845); and, one bull cult (Ju 11:).$2o1 five months old. Orte no. -rt cows Lad) Wat (0800,11, ibm is an extra fin le Ole dam f Scitooltuastt- , One Cow, Lady 1)tteh.ass (104111) as; One rod cow 5'rears- , Laura Duchess 4th, 4124q21; One env, -11 nears of age, Pie Crust 2nd, (104401), this cow has a buil cab` at her fctt; One red cow calved 'March 161h, 1914, Janet Me- l:area (108332), ttil.S cow has a bettor calf at her foot; One rottrt heeler, thYnin J., (113147) calved \March 4111, 1915; ,One dark red iteifer J.Zosel to (128064) ralvcd August I,st, 1915; Oosived jurtlyc ,.1r9c1(15.1.42fliero, fMtia)rey,a;Gborevy, fetanise have been. hied and are supposesi to be in calf to Shen -thorn bolls possesing the tutarits characteristic of this noted breed, tata ali :If the, 000IS arc good milkers and have all been" milk- ed by hand. Alsd ono roan heifer, Highland Mary (121951) calved Aug- ust 26th, 1916; Oe ,ed heifer Flora Macdonald (122706) calved October 1.6th: 1916; One heifer calf Mary Queen ot Scots calved May 1)17; One hciler calf Annie Laurie i(132799) cal- ved November 21.st, 1917. All of tbe above cattle are recorded in the Dominion Short Horn Herd Book. Sheep—One -two-year-old Leicester Ram (17377) And also a number of pure-bred Leicester and Shropshire evoes; and also, 'a number ,olf cross bred :ewes, - Swine --One pure-bred registered boar (45049). Also one pure-bred reg- istered S,04r, 'Eloper,- Belle (45178). Implemeats—One Massey liarrie binder, nearly 41 -yew ; one new Massey - Harris side deliv-ery rake, One new corn scuffler and bean harvesters mac plough. one tset of iron harrows, one wagon, set of sleighs, mower, drill, toiler, gravel box, set „,.double harness disk, rack, and other articles toe numerous to aneritiont Terms—All sums of ten donere and under, eas1-4;'' fever that amonat six months' ered,it on furnishing approved bankable ftoint (rteites. A discount at the rate 'of six per cent per annum aff for cash on cred.it amounts. C. W. 'ROBINSON, -Auct. upoiG, L. L. B. P-rnlae Kippen, RR. otd (115 ,tt fiotien italtzs'-- , 2041 weand SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! ililake this:cheap beauty lotion to clear, and whiten your skin. SONS BANK OAI>JTAL Als:1) fs,18 Cencral CRC ERVE ,OCO in a shess 6acted :LUt Llflb2RS0 DANK MONEY0111)31318 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT f-nt,trest aIlowd at W`, 0. CI1AIIKS,N, ET 0.1940.11I71,1114.64.11111.10111.1011 *** S*11141411rit 'CANADIAN BNisktic, FCO MERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER' CNA% LLD.. D.C.L., President CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 SI JOHN AIRD, Geera1 r"lannr.t, H. F„ JONES, Nti't.. Geel, Menetietle RESERVE, Fur,m, $13,5C0,00& „FARNItRS'BU,SINESS Fanners find the service of 'hiS Bank -efficient and salis factory in the disconntinCand -collection of sales notes:„. Blank sales notes supplied free of charge. EXETER BRANCH—A. KUHN, MANAGER Crediton Branch—J. A. Mc Donald Manager. 73 DR. 13. 31, ROULSTON. L. D. S., D. -fl DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over Dickson ,& Carl- ing's.Law Office, Closed Wednezdya afternoons. Phone Office 5a and Residence 51,. THY. USBORNE & 'HEBERT FARMER'S 0!1UTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY Htead Office, President, Vice -President, DIRECT WM. BROCK. j. L RUSSELII, Farquhar, Ont. BORT. NORRIS THOS, RYAN. ORS WII. ROY J. T. ALLISON AGENTS JOHN ESSERY. Exeter,' Agent Us - borne, and Riddulph. OLIVER. HARRIS, Munro, ,Agent for Hibbert, Fullartort and, Logna. W. 'A. TURNBULL. ety-Treas:'Farquha a bottle tehonetnialniienegaftthrw;lOeZnnaansesiatoof GLADMAN & STANEURY orchard AI-14te, shake weI1k.4dlou have Solicitors, Exeter, 'ejit4rtei pint 0449 ,*sifft,e0ttic? and , tletion, and eo1 OfiSertutifier, at txery,'„ozta Our .grdfter4 he lemons and any ' r,store or ,t6.110 Ojfiitr wiAgginpply Oi'eurteet*f .;P:r PleYNte4t1i1gialew; nedig„ ' e hew frerlg Pc1:10:17;-',91,egf ▪ ea ' • W's 1R0BIN80N LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND vALUAT011 ftor 4Jpoofi.00 of attr.P74. Perth2and Middlesex. Farm- Salese4,13,Pecialty, Office at Co -c4: - t d t orooms Anex oor o e "o ',43„,b,stgxeter. chnAlgei 0144 ica DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D., Honor Graduate of Toronto Univax- sity. DENTIST _ Teeth extracted without pain.' oq- any bad effects. Office over Glad -- man & Stanbury's Office. MainEik-- Exeter,. J. iNV„ BROWNING, S. Graduate yiotoria UniversIt74, Office and Residence', Domitticw Labratory, Exeter. (AsSociate :Coroner of linron° I, R. CABLING, f, A. Earrister, Solicitor, Notary Publiq, Commissioner, Molsons Bank, Money to Loan Interest. , OFFICE—MAIN Solic:tor for ttm, etc. at lowest rates it,f2; ST EXETER Oh MONEY fro LOAN We have a large amount of ,privettee funds to loan on farm and village: properties, at lowest rates 'of int-- erest, GLADIANT & STAN:BURY Barristers, Solicitors, A ter. Ontario. ' ',EX