HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-2-7, Page 8pirir 1,6 j A. STEWARTPhone Buy Furs this at Reduced Mont Prices ahe t„ adtes Fur Coll= ared Coats s• cold e. ui 0 ; -nt Wed c. ith _ (0 oys Corduroy Bloomers tr New 6ingham yd 2O ,dni ell „now' nlaCO4 is 9. 91 than tQ Jost per et We yOtt the prloga Id temot d Ladies a or re a roar ens Overcoats r a» offering special ,$ and 3ens'OVelreo r.. ct V to by this Sea -T. It 1 . h,are it Olt _ 0 got for (tZ FILj r os too wili New -cad New 51w,, 44,4u40 '‘INO Pu fai V vd Cry Tab n 0 in open Friday Nig Sets tiered. to ban are nd.floral ner et of' Tow rip • et Report—The foflowog ePort of the Exeter Mar tod, Op to FehY dth Wheat 2.10. Oats 85e. :Barley $1.10 to $1.35 'atoilY flour 5.70, 'Middlings $41.00 Bran ,-,;43S- CreatgeA7 butter 52e, DALT•11-ttntter „38,e,„ to 4.0e Vtrkft4 POrttoes $1,50. Sugar beet pulp La tri 31c. ilogs 17,50, Furniture AND Undertaking N. ROWE TRE FUNERAL IMRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER 9 RATES ' ates Mad* t n 500; Farms 0 each insert insertions; insertion. 9 or t laneciuS' art o sale,o rent, w e. „Nt.,101„°°'''rnthTi.eheeNiausnne.osk'esriltalc°156:2„00ineriet.0isolttlel„ le:eitasr4,1„ 4Ltat hi9dna3:e'TI:eolr t „011, Ger for i'Cn and 5o per line. Auction. sales S itisertiors. ProfeQId8not ai4 ceeding one in ver year. 11 Tailored to Order WILL BE FAR MORE BECOMING IT COSTS NO MORE AlsiTF,Dieas-11Bart,d, at thelaursda, SO±DiER'S SKA"I-ING 1 713glit. Feb, 7tb.,Adnaisoa 25 you renewed your stbscri' to The ss,s Jones and Vera Sweet endon, were home over the week - Turnips 0 sA* STEWART Phone 6 Rae a ;renewed yoa tio to The Times"; C I Undertaking !Funeral Director & EmSalmer E Gardiner one 74.3" Night call And Furniture Mr. John ftKa3 of the 2ud on 0 rstuitk bas SO1dbi ni1esootb ht. aloyce o Stnntey r $9000. Tite Waverly has 'been used a dairy farti for the post 15 years and is one or the btmt farnos in the with inedern idthgsAnd ovements. tI AT GODERICH. Fire destroyed tie frame barn be - mooing to Charles DAL or the Brit- nia 'road. By the time tho fire de- ..rtment arrived the boilding was ga mass of flames, and the barn with most or its contents, including two horses, a cow, a pig and some chick- ens, was totally consumed. A lanterzi left lit hanging in dlie Irani explod- ing, is thought to be the origin of OPERA HOUSE BLOCK the fire. Mr. Bali's joss win, Lon a heavy one. Tooke a 1 Acreage o same For next R G. Seldo LOCA rela Ire , '04 Li 9 ecit NO CCI' ON visit rar 11S. 7. a1I 'I'lIerC ho orroation that s g considered, bat toted among troi A I' 0 01 IL tt -t• ttool Hein 711 ti. hro ate. Sirno 0 _P ^ III c s et &aba week. wbo bas taken than s drL1ist in London, s WTC Ptereste Loa w of the I died latt lOrre„ th tc: nda nIgh ia IOU eed tbe I/ bat has vi0ted aan yars The reereei - to •„,.,!4 4vor,N,e5 ltk s,Antotaa and has Pra,5;"' )11,j )74. -or Pt1 rouqi bati'„„etiilteil hletahle ranee .QTI0NAL $i' NDA - 10. fly, r. Lelo iekt rag ale d ott dv.c.tetllot Piao. Sr„ 1ernic'it cono,rat oty a lad of lift e xtremely diffico 'd Sotior in vocaln of t het ti'lt Meth 7 "47 igin8, ad 'd istorleit Do "h assed ti N.: WEEKS V/NTER a 1 solati ers itt thti old adage that. w for ,six weeks Of w111 I old Broil) saw his shadow nas Hay., February* 2ndo' 'a 'bright with pit:MY tOT old biotin lias retired, to peace -folly for nn�tlWr FiJI TE MR. SAN1)Elt$ :qrs. 'Harriet Sandors, widow of tite i ant s'-antnel Sanders, passed attay ot cooni mooting in 1...xezt,-..r or the womro tlot home of Mr, and Mrs. \\Milani , trill be neld :It 3 'clock al :Mts. Antos' Fisht r Jollies Slreet on Wednesday ro-iionco. whon .,\Inis Powell von npea!' c)1" 171,-, I, week, at the odvanc.,11 age 00V1/4'0111 ..'11 :It Empire -13 a',1dt, f.tt, ". Ail it 77 yeors nod 3 months. ,The de- m iitteuest :0 t-,;• itlritect, c msecl was born in Devonshire, Eng, —.). l'enholo, A, 11, Iloilo:, ond at the age of 121, yeors came to t:sideitt Cann da. with her parents, sett/ing on Is. eon tsry the third concession of Stephen. In 1860 she. was married to Use tate cedtt We have a large number of New FaIlSuits and. Overcoat - tags that await your arrival— s wide assortment or fashions. chosen colors, soft, handsome browns and beaostiful greYs all shades - OUR ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' SUITINGS Is the finest we have ever ha& The taidied exactness in measuring and bnnoming des. igning of our tailored to order cloths, Prodoces a comPletness of fitting and a plea.singuess f appearance that a ready- made can never hop: to equal. No lady knows how well she eij appear in a cit or coal a 6.1, Ale has one era, to reea*- . Our tttook is comPlete, A. OAT.I4 GI The Big Sale is o:i The t „as -ill be gre e.Y. China, F0110ing The "b„t-c- bargainswe ning 'eek4 av fo 'offer klf 100 bandpainted etps 25 hand -Tainted co RIO bandtainted cps han4-fainted assorted s Salt and Eutte asan laott bons, atone and arge Ida a'ge jugs • e :3 for50 TOR een,tral sets an ther, • (.iold 00 t1I0 an ,rsary dtt-t Sttnda,y S�a nelv,Sabhth when 110v. od Rev. IL Wi 1 s °vy "0411i f tbo8 *a VI at cbsreb bas flu4- to the 1ttm't de ttb- We Joiea I'1par!o1le FAS. Tho tib Hnrea UoorL nt r. Ztb a 11 I, rt V. , SI't' cal* ‘I›? , ralt0„ '-ell of Wtiltba, on e hVO shjees. Afterno , . It Of, IlIZ OtIOt.L 'II/a ilvelltzlg c„... i. 8 'ctt.'14, °v,rit',,eg A r '0011" at oleFlat: e meetings arc loin: a rfairs, Tito ler- eby. 15 to 22 will be Toilet Sale week POWE 101 St BAZAAR o bebev- thie ther if audio - e day 1.41I AT BLYTIL Fire broke out in Blyth on nforulay moroing BlockaIls and lion's hard- ware store. The fireman responded qttickly and soon had the Tire< under control, although they had, to work with the thermometer 20 below zero. The loss which was caused more by' water than the fire, will amount to tabour 10n0 covered by insuranco. ho learanc Wonderful values for this Wonderful clearance Sale Prices below present cost of production. Buy shoes now for all the fainily and save dollars on your shoe need, Sale begins Tuesday, Feloy8 121 and continues through Febritiar o e first day to this wonderful, clearance sale an e the best bargain 51'147,irtM i4v741 31 gorn 4,7t ANKS SA ni Q01 Sand Vrs, tobo prod 1- tnot d hr The ly of the late about a year ago. The dmeased hod ri,t Sanders 'desires to thank ibe. been ;thing for several months. but ind 11"en confined to ber bed only Christmas. She was a member at the Trivitt Memorial aurch and was high*, respected by man -Bends She is survived by Tour sons and four daughters: W. D. Sanders, of Ste- pheno S. 'M., and 1). 13. of tonit an .r. A. ol! 'Woodstock; Mrs. ,jas. B1.111(.- 0101. Mrs. Wm, Risher, Mrs. James Hiti. of town, And Mrs. Joshua”. 1.143 - wood, of Usborne. She. is also sur- vived by one sister, .1"rs. john Mit- chell. The funeral tvas held on day afternoon last, internient itt Exe- -ter cemetery. Mrs. R. Bonthroii and daughter, Miss ,E'lossie, are visiting relatives in TOT011to. Prayer meetings instead of being held in the chonoties are being held in homes in order to save heating the basements. The collection takito up in the Sun- day school oi! Carmel churoh amount- ed to thd som of fifty ldollars for the poor Armenian children. The ftael question is becoming a very serious proposition in our village and Our stores have' arranged to close every evening except,.Saturday night beginning with Monday, February 4th at six o'clock in ord,ir to save 'fuel. . The ',friends of Mrs T. Neilands of this village will regret to learn, that she had an accident at her dirronater's home in Toronto, Mrs. A. Ring's, where she has- been visiting: She was on her way her, when coming. down stairs she tripped on a milk bottle fracturing her leg, which will lay her up for some time. -- One of otr pioneer residents in the person of the _late Mrs. F. Manns, who had resided in our -villages since its to-oinning sand has seen many changes her., has passed away. The deceased's maiden name was Ardelia Sheffer arid shortly after sootling here 11'21' husband passed dttay and is now sorvived by...three sons, oamely Charles of Froloisber, Sank., .,Gordon -rantfo,a,. a'd of the, firm ,an boat l0 engo la II V neighbors itiol friends for their kind assis t ono t and ex pintss Ions of sy mpat by during 1 he illness ;rod dath otT Otrs.„Sanders. HORSES WANTED—I want an un- limited manlier of horses in good con- dition. Geldings from five years old and up Weighing front 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up an4 weighing from -1300 poonds up.Portles having required stuff to dispose of would find a ready market by writ- ing me or calling up on phone No. 83. Exeter, G. J. DOW • ENSILAGE FOR SALE The silo at the Canning Factory is open and, ensilage is offered for sale at $2.40 per ton, Purchaser to pay, for weighing on 11. G. Selddn'sscales EXETER CANNING CO. "MILL FEED FOR SALE"—Owing to the fact ton have secured large con tracts Tor 'flour, we are running our mill 2-1 -hours 'daily, and on tJais cotint we have a ,large qoantityner mill Teed for sale, and quote you the following ,price,s in your bags at torn mill. nom% Shorts at $40.00 per ton 13 a—. at $35.00 rier ton, feed -Demo at $3.00 'per bag.'' - 11. COOK. SONS -6; CO. !Henson LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the co.st of a mall jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem- ons into a liottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no leinon pulp gets in, then this lo- tion will keep fresh for MOnths. Every woman knows that lemmanoyuice is used ach ond removensitch-dilernisnes4i Si-sallionamos tan and. Ate cr. 0 f .g 9*,„ ab nientla aniV a 9.40, ee yt a fall a tr, da 111, 1?; 4 AMA ;Ann- 3 11 BUFFALO BRAND OF RTILIZERS ;o help Ute poiIntto th I3UIfFALO l3UFFtL() 13171174L0 BUFFALO b BUFFALO 1 BUFFALO Settlement June 1st, 1018„. Remember rices. 1 deliver tor a carload. Phone orders Dashwood 36r21 or write • hatwantr (whieh lo tlte RUFF I0W0$t pc SC, 191. BAL WflEJtT AN' °MATED PHOni [NEIAL FAVOIt IT E X.MERS4 ClIOICE. °rt.:NT 0-10-0 PER CENT 0.14.0 m, del "QRN -10-0 3 . 5. LATES I 1-2.-..1.2„-.0 ai 1 at t 8- L -i0-0 at .. . .. ... ... "i3327718. Ili. ' „.,., ,..... 427.00 3' 11010 •ur o nru note to cotuen4 b. 15th, 1018 is tho 1 EXV 13 day f cau take 0r1109 at a-1ia as soon as 1 xeter P. 0. N. STAN LAKE W. Taman MADE ,TO MEASURE cLoTurNG RE.s.DY-MADE CLOTHING . FANCY VESTS ODD TR.OUSERS BATS AND CAPS SWEATER COATS SHIRTS AND COLLARS SWELL RANGE OF NECKTIES BRACES AND SLEEVEI1OLDERS in Fancy Boxes GLOVES AND MITTS UNDERVTEA R-2 piece— Combina on LAIN AND FANCY SOCKS S[TSPENDERS VtALKING-SflIC1S OVERCOATS—Light and 11eav S3IOCKS A1D 0y1311.4.I„I„. SCARFFS AND .-Ardv,g4i,rts pT COATS ord for nougho 40 •. 07.4reNTRKI-Affr 71ig , ' rt-,7•Pt5' rs.