HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-1-24, Page 3-7 77-7 -7 ITO,, I0 "REMS.-, WE 'O ,% U , , k ANSI i EAT DailY Place 'On Nr'T�blelf'or Reqsoo. o Thek ShouldH4vc DWIT s, f n per; ilbi Health As Well A� Eeopomy. I0190 whegtV' This great t ogan ble prod tjjet. as vi good I Ogg f lavpd. PACKING C01 N of our nat ional, ' foo(I carnpAign has It cannot, Ile n ado wit)iou taking Iirtions of beeli echoed and re-echoed for mopth4l Pains to got the right propr d to cod qa COUL4 NOT SLEEP AT 0109T., Si�Ot Of and but do we yet realize that it nlearlS: rlwalwalVer and Mt, an ok: thor- U00014; and dmghtem qf ag fps yM irdlalf; Tn4lti�0 P e� each riny pwi I *ach dsscripples 'pattly M*anv of JdA0 ndTh oughly, which meal�,�� t, least too 'r I� I 0tsr� W t riot are annualy, &ummon igbt i, gurry MQ Can we live without wheat? Lon,rs i4 a qoUblq boHer, over lee of the 0 W111 bo i6 TC rk (Orchards. , The condi- And sugar wbidl j., foull ll t1l e fraft; cognize the thAd All the IW*t tAnly nod DO well. We Mu$t a fil'eEss cool,er or half art, h o �i 01 Ir Attack, �IsQap� by tile 'leave:,, �Zo constautac due, to j,roln � 4�PArtnent to Mrs Holop LaW aryTherefore, food (with the exuption of mpk) is' HalMooked Pa011eal is awst I " te season by nylbing wbich cuts indispe Tbei-e are 1`0111' 14A-� as UK as I IBM h e oi yollb VQ umalgable., It t* ththe jut as the'disea!ej te, in the f"d alphabet, A. Fael for' of our patrlotie 0aty �� t t Igi 3 co"Fe you do A f r, Icandy doe A g In0tury eann6t, Fagged Ant) shQtQIed in opy!f commonly amm." 00" Me crop 15. Me body madQw; P, prclyin for th food: bad repulatiqn. t., ra. and Pro ntW "imp -eel) of the Man jvbo 00, h, k ir, the let 'jp4 the fruit grower frequeutly� upk cmn RQ Iiloss wbicA "ble ON to reco- saRs, partly for upkeep ava part y, espcviaI4� in It. -%,,oul: be 4 good pyu Ows =maw it is to your lV4 whAch results from th�c, Ay Angs About Jhe for all parb p 4,, If .ee, _!Ee WM mkno food !or the itext el`01), it MKS, qubMe zwd eW§w sogances -upoo cau' a or prodlces Ra greatiq eumt On oy0"Vft 4?,i. its from the, mediocre and bequently producing; the lip T h e f t;,, i u nte Pdo-)rly an the le- not r c,s P! u, by Um bocly Of 111, $6 pUlers-L n-. it A lfrull These four n n, -fla only- small, tissush And in the f cases the ibm VU deal! Amds. food Hlaterild fmqd in the frult n at, lbeccane bi-itge and age evgn, be ra8de by t ISptbe leaves of the precea nother Meet of this dlease �.a t VO ILOWY wMipped ou 11 the wind. Mi season and stored il IAy 4 aIla lo�t tb A004, :1 9 I I an inch in diwmetei5,�' trus which ve 0 i!". , # r 91 EMU! tho lepf, whkh hm, very uqqowe ta WhAr n - kt 31or Iy S L low an the undS Side of t k"disenswN res whVe or QkA Who qe-f s opt IIar�:J 4 NOR 9 . T Sri, he svengmw 1,901 ) 0, 2 so IIgum Ilow 1101 milli tho Bill I '01 1 M xth-- very two or Aree WWO, jwbbjh� than va I the A- -1 uoOT0,3 V this twou Impt We gmwwg 5 QV, llutrlOonallyr lu flIn tile filst andtwD, half to,three, pynds of of� all, be f of tiv g"Gus This Pwwn two mulpletv MOL h�,' 14, is IWd NOS MMM )VKh 3nPaneso YAM-: XVA, OPT I Q limp If for wa ;JQg CA p a's omq such as luilk or chwn; sulm "t �;, , jar, 'he i"Wr Vch as spinad" A ON tII'00 lcop V0 We, glowing ulwep, the, 1011 too ihe ei. of the Nor IM Iwo, " 40 IIf IIiVu RT in 10 QW1, 'Is JANUARY 2L Ill V Makely "Wernental IM ok undo Wn bhe ms doe t 141 SO . Mark I 4 IT tw W this agj* b t go, W(�,s ti 2. 10. cen, Nor xNe L AgO; hao (lapnlaurn-IN whkh us 3 %" not, IV vAhwiamn, arouwd by dw iol,� h4hXotta bo&q V1 anL inner mude it for 111111 tw, I- t hii A (vast ing sms 0 ithip t cupdRionj but it rmlovM pf WN dw,6 0 he pQ his bocq, he dMeient, whto i� Ann) frolo wQ bread und a mAoramon and f6 II114 a�'m , UT Two of nuardmWe meb. the V,ql trg(! nsay= llwent hand in hnwL 1 00unw! A the rwhen in hVn of all t§ (k the other side of the lake. Noised in the house -That Mith these influonual Jewish' that 4v,� luld bolne, Ili all wv MAY HIM AQ& Onn dw tile Uoth Dunn Quin I pvnfasml OL dOWV ;qqpp we an Ile %N -L it, tile 110111", of Met MY grWaly' WithOUt V00111 even about tlie doon--A of (I But We MUSt W= he no no "r0re scl hurwmz��v(, W n- W.Wshm. ba of tile Of' W cook n0ler c"cals V ImAt as %MV Imunwiv s to VoWer in Q, it, II, Arm hethe ­41ig amwo So,% in their bArIV as we do Mthout propm MAN thnes i ks of du itt, I= Moths had farn, R UlTZ all available sphe; awls Um mnm% The nlie bIns0lemeth-Assumei God,49 MPY am unplawble and he nuok. lilt! In the fan i SMD% 4"" ille aro not so My to VDA [n sgne not only what I d i wM, and any of the dmwmy hom 04- Of .131 iosity will enishi I of Sill, LURE, a MCI! dmO In in,t of no nbo, our i l>.Ra pa, und we eunnot tile valinary The Hint eNowNfuL dQ pomH (W Am, omme to get &UlagoL mlm 01" hill i's into a home on die a&ew of swAng. Perceiving in his piri st It File of Go e=s in dw pmw Our Hak W4 ThoexNaordhary Rom hue this intuitively as he did on, lafects, shwo wiul the eneption oi find tile of tile great fleake. Imtemnir UA was wbwt at hwh. Some In the ImAhat one I hnow. 1 21 1A) bey gill not make a IWA WRO Am an nverilp on P SPAW wmd uso their--INa �Vllich is onsir to smm-Ho coll- we are nut usk"Xi f deny oulays of cumll Ilmd and IWo "%mg w1h alt MI, uAln, his cd gond news, , two tit) 1, S-I�il ich i'I we; ourso"s mllmt antwon out t I I And informally, move dMicult daim to ujakc� to, bt,1! Seven oun"s of ment or' .1, am! dwd 1 As soun as sch,od N thno .,k mail sick Ills per the ,tb,er Antler! She falva her Wed and hurNes Aw the o""M Sw Ai'the or to fol oMer eemalA far prt %F C� Ct t h: of the Pal`�Y_7 1 11 Let ea(li resolve whed ov � -s mmather hit he ban Episode of intense intertit, contrast is not To !Q lkmi in ChAr fuu, visa up� ly aUgment tile exciturlen, Four! and but betweea saying She buys fimin to buy at the At one I�jnd of fmK awl Thus, the It orgmen", or 'be helimu, thme one-Nurth an, inuch of ,Somo � on, I Nrm COOK jonl�v phAhb"s bring their kind of beside polaws Pod= wmk lmd h0stille go n4y%g 1�1, filli 11pa they get' 10. That ye may other grain, 11HOY rYe� QMMY H onebas a gar&nL HERZ., dw door. give, it practical, test As 'to whether barle Accordin to as of%n ns Wwn Roks kqg in am- Aial whc-n. at they 81w I � but aim will ado, prodlep num fat anti lie. has this; autbority� or'llot. IMI mix Te tm"horungilly at onew Eton 4. They uncovered tile bas Milt 4qfng the year ana v=a he iky, dwskilmm 0: up 5"y Q. Wu; out die root" One of Me is shovon 11, the mre, just� she will he sum not to Pwget to cartW test of for t p. nktwmes Q all the Gospel nrra-: as the Mn had manifeMd itself ill Me, clt olade orferti"Ky if tive. aafendq, The eager, he Son of man --This is an e"emse iring tl, Jesus! favorite title far his of Such a mixtum wbc light and as self in the' a C, a s lt-e man on Ids pullet, Has maAed die bootm, that I brot three Gospels, Ill ud anything -flint canAot bo, carry him up the stone sMps on we AM it ou� ten "Vgmables boiled Xor dinnei, -e's �; eurs fourteen iirneq. Sol, 6T with it had beUer he dispen"ed a little more water -than ordby orous wRb oxemdo anti wrrect f"d_! To ban] hm back mguM. anxi is outside of the house, leading to the heng and Me rod and flat roof, dig, through anwas a Alessianic HUE, as is sun iW m1th ht these times. null saves it by it 01 e to ood dixt and branches qovmipg the noof ti7.,13-27 but Jesus' use of it: In The Interests of Emnomy through a ecdander before disidag ur. timbers, while the debris raUld down; idmi He him' with humanity as a And anoMer bat as importmA is into the midst of', the nngthrong! MAE, He I tos Ow eMer 'brotiier, , BeWifes Um sming of wheat far ow, Me vegetable. This !my good soup birds equally fit. Donl expect gwd; A 1"uter Ev"ing. as shown by Ids title and! his lifit countryl sake, we Alall do we',J to:,stoek of pwaly %mgetable origin 11, belaw, makina a hale Mg smue tot, re mabd to sat of eamlot be dmw in the eme of nH cows, d t dowti the pm�ilytic into the very pre-' Am MmAy oil earth.4oxerd sect by Gid 1 economize in it for our own. Qm� seasons WsMy wQh onlon in; Ill a 'in heaven, but alm by he Sm of man,'pared with other cereals is e& I butter, wRb �rotons nd grated,cocks or that have been but it e laore sence il: the Siviour. t sp9ed and closely con-' their faith -mad on eakul -Ale does not dimlaini; pensi.ve. We call get inore foo in I chuse, or with the p-,iznl)ere( a nd thea, the 1mvImad twilight eu- Wmh Ut pre"". the fall nd ing 011, en in the Shwal be bred with- ypersistence ill over- eyery some of we word, fron; biff A'dish of spaghettl4amao se"ed nned for we Take up My bed --The mat or� early Nvinter in preparation for ex- every obstcle which tood in und of optirleal thn we can from a neighbuhn roof deep e9hed w1h, in we n"I Ho" roonths, sily rolled up Po 'bitioll soch mles are I befl Ret which could be e. I twelve-ounec 'loaf of white bread, and �hl 7-1 and in doing which lie would display Mn callous. his restored powers. Me oatmeal xvill not. cost, oi C-lullf as 1 Hill: fidd mid Nee beyond JJ0, Sorqe.of the AV h a's the bread. A loaf of A S 7 R i DI 0 L E 0 1M 5 eve P1 ,, illustrators represent the paralytic-asiolu- r'eaec 's that hens that "Ave Blendig in one nib, gmnMe bbur Own, sho L CUI)f eachbull only few weeks furnish � 1.11, uldering a fou'r-pot bedstead. bread, 'u, gray; F shrubs znd 2 man is whole cornmeal, oatmeal (finely fertility ill their as rule WHOWD ced �Man having laid heavily for� aloft m"As, I find it fai- better to separate iTheir invitation Ave Wiarnilngs of He , wt Trouble mid, Every ma�lt of, disease has vnish- rye Tw6Q mossms "d Orim mHk ed, hill Evident to every Trq6t Should Be Heeded. One- Were; ill have two and One-hal the I ens of my best bruding PA I 41 IN HEAD me or more r ll atnazed-The.Eum Was open to I food value of loaf Of CV, ILD KEEP NOTPHIVIA; veeye, and, the eveiA jiistified tile hens and handle them to hmwe tbe,, 'mZ �.Nyhitc bread and. will cost About tile feelings of ':Ulallu tll&Lt,the Son of man had Cie laying not over A of sinoke 40TRERED HER. UN STOMACH. authority. Glorified.God�The rnuT-isarne. One-half Pound of ing eggs are wanted. When %" Telling once tic� of little Slaking muring and disgruntled scribes aj�e �5upplemented by a half A Pint oE nAlk �vhich come over Fome people fj.,om time silent, for. nothfiig can be said against will furnish more of everylbing needed is one of tlle wor;� thus % bmeba their full bill is coll- homes, Wind_sor. Peterborc, I , Out.; to time are w4 Tnust Hot, go the marveloth; feboratfon of Me sick My the body Man such L forans of siAchbly lesq as they can e kept 1 VVhRher the toibwDrn baskm to Sit twvTi tes 'I sick for about unheeded Timy indicate an Mall. They recognized in it the h"d lcaq tatlaul a, Nn c4t largely oil screenihgs and theaper! 1 thAn dokn and imt foi�l, yF_-vrs Nvith pains in iny head and y of Go. upet nd you a, r,,Aw grains, aqd shmid be kept suakidug! weakelled W0,14nVQAe bearl ando in Iny It pays at All times -to use ill it. most of be Unle ill deep litter for will spreaA a- - disordered state, of Q ng", other' forms than for both i So 1, MlAq hew thoy-vhl-, French Controllof Metal. h It I 'not aceessary for you 4) be The eyerke thus enforced our Earth; in 8un on the Those w1lo, wKwhe 511 sw! tAvg Alwe I takog steps to ensure the ealth Does your fandly v9b IdGM H Awill 0AY puts them in hardy, igorous q6ndk , j,,f,j Love broods over it tmy md 11"c P110before economic dwml,clpment and, control of eat.ureal for bl�cakfast? A Ish Of, le'thal, old and well-known reinedy mom TheplalewhhWhOhMeNe" LmAIg the smwovhRe Wsh, of q! Ww"ing inn so I was VWP their cae t)ecoules hopeless, otmeal made fyom Blooll BbUm, wbkh V011 regu- Li's L1�:a Equal fm Ahwgdeofug tho h her mbleral and Kehl industrys hRw,, of the dry cemal will the place latE, the stomn ens r� to Q mawd Amuld Q6 nbas.been formed, cli so be to scratch For his, foirnd that dwy wwv doin0lble good, ly)fht 10611 without. any ill fter Arld;'uc`w� All things "ade realy, Will I 00n,ed Mug theyn until ow I Inn wo�ilic!Ls of white bread,' I _,41 gram, and Men the breed%g sAck is abs as Upper ena0ed the Societe Mineral et Mo ",Wait leach aboub half' in inch thick n W01, an I -un von, INN "OWINW0, , weltos:-"Alt tu wlth_a capital bf $2?,OQO�000 for� N.B. la-st 8ujynnei, aki A Mr,�. C; as ncommended: the aud three Mes sqmaq and g4d is We Wce I kniv so wen, hd to you her nly re vAyN glop winter I� had' dizq � and,�vcak, s1WAK Me Pww�d of fodwTig qu"Woyal MPCIRk, too i inge can be AdlIowed to run NMh the hNfleshles. Served ahmng,,and. b - it RIN headaches and,h" 0011 metal. hwhows of Me cob- Burdock Blood rK I � is Worth S bens troughout the N MAN Nyhen MEN MA m, A triend 1­�ommended Milburn's Reart for l trotibl" ari fro it y The is reprcsent� nwa,3,iroubled %�rith in- ply,cl on aecc,uut of- Ui(� acquaint- na 91 we add'a to give zest, nd And DArve, PC to yters norbid of tile liver, so k�ep t. I 11 �Ld' only dxl adan g _�esbou, and )va mo b��d I could not (ig he�ts, 1, uOt a 1 ancy of The Ads t e �lkn two bons wilk, svome emp cun found iveat re '_ ' I anything, on hie, by ibo o�f uteurise M muc I as Id"IllY re,lommend thom t) Me SOL nwAt we havP. a in" When your window shades bidile wbo sufferfr6m Ima ymok m 046RI an organ i *h1ch MN for US 0 u-, sailed Clean th!�Tll by 1,11bbil we may a Pri(,IeZprq any I , ,_Te�rt 4n Nervo nDyveolmy and extension of Nmm I ject the h B Blood, Bi�t:etl basbeon matin- MT.g oamf a n 1 nw Be metb(w Yided 1h a oatmeal is 1roperly U QUM Q bbiwt in Is of distribution, treatment, null) piling 'wdod high bw NeAnd, jure cif clile pia,6 1-10t water m1ei q)1�''Mra oi -\�,ipe lgil. and marketing 6f the`nletaw Prod ced You keep thejqnt the 10ghesV Then fr�� by T� -&46ad Abb. IOven& tent, the Pile WHYApt 11P over ith, a soft; c1l'y clow� b II