HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-1-24, Page 11ir
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Big January Sav
Cotton St
10 A
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Our Prices ar
a today s h
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gi riots
o eie 2c;
wry I� agluca -»s of€E2X
Croinufn chi' ;sal -in int'
Indigoes e¢c,
6 Factory Cotton
A Bargain -Be c d �C
OP 1
ad a a ea a
a yard
'�sG� ire
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loos irtf,shings,
d i' '
30. koe
� sac3-ifie+
't' Plls, oa;
f tion ha
In these times of coal scarc-
ity we are forced to seek
some substance for heating
our homes.
Pali-loanI)ant,e.- d:Xnee',rill
eld n the 1 �arciz ]tnr litdi, r.i A4''edw:
neAny ev o inn, ja ,'y 30, in aid :sl" the:
Patriotic Fund. Everybody wcice ne*
"Tie ]adieu ivil1 br v, their luncls Ys�s-
ket. _ G0u:i :music will be form ]Yed,
and a hoz tine. a 'in stare. 1ic1:
9 r
A Perfection SlnDkeless'or
a New Process oil heater
will answer 0 surprisingly in
this regard. ,A Sll
Perfection.I al'vHeaters
$5.00 to $7.50; New Process
Oil Heater 48.50
For Ladies $2.00 to $3.00
For Boys $1.50 to $5.00 pr.
dtdCmWG&. u " "'"...:,J,nX .:
Poultry Raiser
The girls are developing great eiz-
thusiasm in their practice gainer and _
are adding to their numbers cortin-
ually. They have now opened their
games to the public and there are
quite a number of interested fans.
A hockey team from the Thames.
*Road played a .game with :the Est;-
Ex -
ter juniors on '1`Yiesday evening. the
latter winning 1 to 5. It was an ex
citing„gauie from start "to finish The
'referee had a bard time keeping the
players under control, but there
were no penalties imposed. The
Thames Road line up was P. Pass
more, G. Passmore, J. Hodgert, R.
Fletcher, 'R, Williams; C. Prouty and
W. Essery.
The Zurich team drove over last
Thursday evening and this time suc-
ceeded in giving the: Exeter', juniors
quittr:a trimming, ,the score' biting°9
gaits a trimming, the score being 9
to 2. The rvisitors showed coder tit
improvement since their defeat' a i.1
the hands .-of the Exeter players a
couple ,of weeks ago. They were too
fast for the. home team at every stage
of ,the game and almost -checked our
boys Off .their feet.: Exeter :scored :a
goal in both the first and last periods
The line ug vas;— Zurich—R." Wea-
ver ia3. Sieber` Ir., Rau, ' A. ITess;
L. Q'hrien, L. Calif/is. ..I'.. Siebert:
L'xetcr=l3. ;Itivers,: A. Ingram, II.
Bayle, : W, >,illansen,, E. 'aylo iv
li?EN T I
1,Era. June 3cri{s na4s:d
hz aa., om h:^r on iK'esley rip
cs€ ti£ci illi;; 3' mt sa 1 a' 3'
tfa ; a ;eears �znd d. 4
; the Post
J sage s z h _' e
on, ,slug ;last
,he as
st eat,
gt n 404
end sh,t15
ptd Jon
1 tgr>
o r FSo*n, �y p
o ail rt
1 the hist
T toltin, Assessor; 'WI"
ite-orn Strang area, 1
tors. Cveorge
I), Winn George R.'"elh-ti, Sault
pecior, In Morley. Secretoin.
Vieweis and Pound lieeper—
Same as lost „-toir.
.;:ick Children's' hospital and $10,4
tlie 'Horan Co. Children's Aid So-
itoinher of accounts were ass -d
id orders issoed for payment. ;
ooncil then adjourned to meet on : E
stock and poultry Specific an
siilts Ali size packages 25c tog $5,b
leGillivray on,
The Frst meeting of the nouncil
cot orl Ifav Tonwship for 1918 was
luild in the l'own Hall on. nfonday,
All the inemban Avere present. and
sobscribed to the statutorY declar-
ation oe office and qualification as to
property. The coirneil was then or-
ganized as follows; Reevo, john 'La-
porte; Councillors, Casror W.alper,
Sameel Deitz, John Campbell and
W. E. Turnbull.
Reeve Laporte addressed the coun-
cil briefly on Municipal matters.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted.
, A motion was passed. fixing the
salaries of the township officials as
follows; Clerk, $1'75; Treasurer $125
Assessor $95; Anditors $8 each; care-
$ta2kIverr$a30ay/.mena, hero Boardeof 'al
_Mr.' 'F. „Hess, Sr., was appointed
Mrs. Rupp caretaker, Albert Deid-
eman member ot the 13oard of Health
and Elmose 1Clopp, assessor.
The clerk was ordered to subscribe
for a copy for each, of the members
of tile council, the treasurer and
clerk, DE the :Municipal World
Some tronble on the hay Telephone
to at the next cotincillmeetin,
system in oterenen will be looked in -
Ross and TaYler M.
Nesbitt, for C. Ravi) to' Alai:ell 39.00;
Northern :Blectoicr Co., soppties ,2,50;
13ell Tell Co., L.D.T. for Nov. and
Dec. 3.-1:1; Bell Tel, Co., service, Zur-
all, 5.00
V V4
tree loallets
army -
'lot appeal from the "y,-. C. A, ;in -
W. C T, 15. aro undertaking to fin,-
orice. the ieaflot distribution and sup-
ply ,one half De the ftiods for free
drinkables. The leaflets are. in,O,ed
dioision alone 2l),000 requests'
free; chinkables are .suppEed
Ils statiotted along, the ratites, lead -
and from the trenches,. Sure-
_ , work iG More truly Chri,s4:ank
and patrione, and worthy of generous
euppor t.
The AV, C. T. need $25000 nbis
ear for this work. Th.c:y gYropoGe
raising S 100E0 by private subscriptions
of the members of their society and
other interested parties. Cash don-
ations may be handed to Mrs.1 E. A:
Follick. Exeter. The balance of' $1500J
they propose raising; by "A Silver
Thimble arid Trinket Food to witicli
be -placed. in teich home this week
vassers will call at each home on
Iliersday, jou 31st to accept dona-
ons to the fund. The following art-
icles -win be grate:ally received, --
Ohl gold or silver thimbles, bracelets,
brooches, rings, chains, or links of
chains silver match boxes scarf pins
old gold or silver NV` a t ches, odd ceff
stods, g,old or silver tops of
S 2.1101 timbre 11 a s, atcti chains,.
let artiales 'in sterling 'or ° triple
plate gond or silver coins NV hiCh hal:0
b•:!en In 0 TI xa'n0 11 Or Punched, also
articles in': lerass, Articles hat vitt
be melted clOwn and the proceeds coed
harmless inks o.ir, soldier boyo, so
mi a ti' zap r> date.
cert �e closed
Come Tian
abs. t:1io.i,sitlfp
\V. 1 .joill :1)1'4 I. ii iill1:,::1 han1;4.:;o:,'1....
l Audre and T. II1E.nkin,
Secretary E. G. Sal-
mi the diAriet conve.nz-
in London, Ow 1st week
- ,,sociation IDA, in To-
the Gene
The anti leeting o Pres-
, i, was. held on. Monday
evening. here was a large atten-
doney of roetribyrs and adherents.
Tho, re,port of the secrerary-treas.,
showJd that the Missionary oriel -inns
condition, being nearly two hundred
dollars more than the congregations
allotment. It was tinartimoosly de-
nynd to Si200.00. Mr. E. J. Christie
was re-elected to the 13oard or Man -
Cr. Seldom and Will Smith were ad-
doci to the board in place of rinenibers
resigning. Orr. X. Grieve ;teas
elected secretary -treasurer to till the,
vacancy caotsnd iso the resignation of
Mr. John RotectIffe. The /fleeting an-
jo'orronl for two weeks in onder to
complete . the busines.s, after in
other o f.c,yrs of the congregation
onre reelected.
n.bsolete lralowle,dtge have none.
Rat my- aunt's washerwoman's sis-
tor's soil
Say to a la 00rer on the street
That he had a letter jtist last week
,,,iritten in the finest Greek
0_ a coiored in Texas town,
That o Latin in the K'hindike heard the
a tin
find rl
train 0
coon o, ch
mitside 'teas
which the men 'S
SID tho ran
h's 110
he 1
Th :11
Controller w hic shows t the ut-
most effort must be Made to increase
siring acreage and to secnro !torah
longer :protlectioli or bread grains in;
1918 than was done 1017, Mr.Iloovo
er has already pointed °of tInit shies
have to Int sent to more distant tooth -
tries to carry food staff to ,Eurcipe,
fo‘,,vir ships Neill he available, lo carry,
soldiers anti supplies ,frotri this con-
tinent, with a result that the con-
tinoed portieipation or the
sto tos and. Canada in the •wor
greatly hanipyred.
sitoatiori has been thoroughlyt
eanvassent and. among those who bare
st .1.clied it, there is unanimous agree -
!tient thot the only soluitoo of the
problem is 'greater production in
North Anierica.° In this corinectioni
it is especially important that chn
spring acreage sown in bread, grains
should be as large as it can possibly
;Every ',person who can poss:bly pro-
m al his or her contribution may be
Those who can /lot prod c foe d
at least conserve it. The otnio-n- -co
onomy is imparativ,e. The situation
to-olay is critical and world, is
rapidly aporoaching, that condititt
when price will not be the Most in-
soccess_rd prosecuf ion of
svar by the Allies will donna
very large extent of the food p
tion TI coort conservation ilni,
by the people On. 'Ion,rtit Ameri
Baron ithond la. in (t. r.CO