HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-1-2, Page 8PaIone i 6, A. STEWART Ph n b c� e� e wish our many friends customerand and osperous New Yea adzesCtotii C We are clearing all ourMisses & Ladies Coats at prices that will pay you, to buy, providing you need a good r1 I Coat. The cloths ate good and the styles are what being worn this season. Acreage �kf et s 'Jude led,` i!c Aindere 'ea Coats hoa.t .oc vary Shoe nr 1 pears tree r correc t Report -The cart of the Ex d up December '6 al Wheat 2.10, Oats 7;e. Barley 5L00 to 1.15 Family flour 5.70. Low grade 3.25. p Shorts 44,00 Brant 38.00 a, I' Creamery lxitier 48c. Dairy butter 42v to 44e. Eggs„ new /aidd aQa 2nd classass 35o. Fotazkocs 51.60 to 81,85 a bag Ia, C s 112o {z to 22e. ie a _e `Cs 3 i 25 °Tiaxkevs ., and 30c, c liens 4 1%ts� up1 mo Inc, Plum chicks 18 and 18e• Bogs 17.25. THE EXETER, . TIME arks 2 e, 1x d. T •1 kzcei 1lFlynn 1 n ears `s ith lei; 3lr. 13, G. 3<:tdon d 1r'tug -the past wet alpx. L Hikl�d #Aa4 413ta, ±Ptt�, 7j+E^�%c�h I ` ezeas, \ens' rs ro in to}vn, t �e x• o_ o �11i�a {lades Ilcd_ d iced ith her sisters th.> holidays, e dl 3':Isks Ednaa Davis isa O dOitvisit= J[, E Gardiner ore. ANTED Turnips Col EP I ita e r edCoats eftte anklets iti'iil �x+Ivrano s?=rart . \1'e 14r' e, raedinm a t ; o =xlsl�ly 'c. 1o M4 e ' Sheep -feed Coatc l',000. 1R°aiIll ;keep sk qtr .A. STEWART Pho R E E E TB .r9, R (3 & I N ; T 7►' Overcoats and Suits or. ,�lv3t 16 We have a small stock of these which we have decided to clear out. If you want any- thing get in this line come in and our prices. RUBBERS We have a well assorted stock and our prices are right. BOOTS AND SHOES Children's School Shoes in big variety and at the lowest prices. During this month we will have many odds and ends at greatly reduced prices. Come in often so as not to miss them. G Also k list. t l/dbur'y ape pArets. was in Chic on bi yazaess, bt.en confined to all �'•th la •ri e �� of Loxelon, spent 31g acquaintances 0 London, _cIan ri s- t(nYn .QCer Mr. and, Mrs. J'osb lnAvaodof Lon- don visited; -with relatives in town, 1 over the holialaiy , A. band will be in attendance at the ring: next Monday, eve ..dC2. ,, Ca 3aldren 15. Dr L L Folliel and children ici $t, :Marys spent 'New "•ears 'frith , his ' mother ix tOWL, + /:Mr, `Reg, Bissett of Chatham has reta?rz edd after spending the holi- days at his home here. 1) 'and '7Irti. D. -mils -ter spent ser- eral days during the; past; week visit- s ing r, laxiye�s in Toronto.; Mra 1, *'E, Uandford and daughter or [ NI"`e5a I iT2 glee of Ingersoll, spent New , '' Yea -4 v s a E ng- admission L. SUIT TailoredIf to Order WILL T `LiFAR MORE + 3315: OhIINtaT _IO I1 C .E IT COSTS NO MORE same ext Fa Seldon Offer e Phonograph Grand Anyone may- own a Phonograph by buying' a few --records' now, and in 30 days time ` pay so much per month on instrument. Outfits as follows :- now)month,8 Amberal 30 12 records ($8.40$5per i mths 50 12 6 " sc 12 " 75 12 se 9" '' 12 Edison Disc 100$8. ( ) 6 double records 10 $10 per mth. 16 " f1 Gd 150 6 6C d t 6.0 12. '' ‘` 98" day nothing on instrument now, only, for there' On a: caentou. paY less.h1 we lay .for; 1d see'''a 1( ia's on .the 0 0 itau y 5 r4L 1918. 1`arrcl oaf ,Szrzz;a goer lxon:e mother an tea 1lo ±alu tb rk, of C<tit. 1 in 701 0. ' -es in taw*. Ii ri ce 1I3v S ?Pis "view aYea.rs izh ,revives in' hch i1 Mrs, May pending ,sever lel, days tis •re, 133 kcvill. an? itarg ner Misd l gent's, of v anxkils� IiavE: kn�i .tguears, 1 he home of y i, ii'zaa l zav°ice rs JzAla*I ilcly.arltzze* of t?z teri'ille' i 11 .144,11,011: k f1vk' d Ays at ih home of her brother, :Arr. 1.. D, 1`ineent Miss li'avitt 'tzazs ret;irzteMai frozii si rtic`rica)a °ssfka'ri sive` Pais ben near-; e�irelatives the late 11 ugh Bea- ton. ullettion ith <a,d of the Sick:ChiId ren's i lO5))itaal Toronto c ill he taFken in `James St, 00Sur 1 y school next' Sab- i IratlAflerzrn, `Gr"e i ,f ti' "i"ears Day aas$e 1 in form. )dost or tb� c "45 i tin day in entertaining t'aaino 1 'by friendG, Lieut. :Bruce Young of ll%azazilto'. cerstiy invalided borne from Englaa itatc�l at ,he belle of Mr, \Vinfer ocer ibe week. nd, Ili s lA alga A`;1 to rs"aj#nts ht air ire the CkilI,ak*: 0, s been durka` to" Baird sang' a i'r„4 itt 4301t'a ST. cl,nreb Si rig Tita� av 61 v n'altilt Mr. ^awl Mr; en visiting 'moi weve iu 1)eoit ;0t y asrd al;, nt se a;rnS {,ta in 'Windsor tend trier Remolds vis- iz Ilairod;as iairirg \t' 1''4kC•e 1 v'''lw` with owaa. . lzietic e in aitel iia et Lan end '.Mrs. d" Se e. ve eK, sr;, Jack ',t'alker of Toronto, don, orad :lames of NNlitlbank die of 'Hamilton and Jenny visited their parents, Mr: Vrrs. Walker during 'the' ltai.: +t. %yek k, v4 t ekaIrtA{a'.v i cams, of Flimv Te- eded mleniozuiry from China will adalress for t1` d schant of Craven„ u- C'resbyterian 'a if1'o1* next Sabbath rrn-n'u( at. ten o'clock and willpreach in. rhne church : at eleven o'clock. Mr. I Donnelly a of k�'tabener vis- ita<i «carr &trades, with 1Ir, Scuxthcott: who spent the Christmas holidays with .his another. They both left Monday morning to spend New Years ; in Kitchener. CLASS RE. ORGANIZED s'i4:itt 1I aird ar,Erncefield will in- * lodge, No. 61: 0,OlenSth 3lrs. (Rev.) kliarla and Miss Ma'r- t;are t Sharp have rr, turned home of ter holidaying in Sin,coe. Mr. and:, Mrs, John Lamport, of ita, Man., are visiting relatives is laxeter and Stephen. Cnpt, S. I2. D and. Mrs Hewitt and babe left last week to spend a few mouths in Toronto, Miss I'arkiuson and little Irene Bow ziaan returned Monday after spend- ing n week in. London. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and 'children Brainard, Minn., aro visiting at atbe home of Mr. Jas.` Jeckell, Mr. Latimer ,Grieve of Toronto, spent the ,holidaIs with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve. Mr. nnd llrs. T. 0 Sauthcott spent New Years with the latter,'s sister'. Mrs, H. Hutton, of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson, and two! children of Artland, Sask., are vis- iting with relatives, in this community; Mr. and Mrs. 0. Decker and babe of New hamburg' motored over and. are visiting witlr,'Dr, and Mrs.;Br+own ing... Following the revival services the Young Men's Class of Main Street; 1letbedist church has been re -organ- ized under the leadership oar Dlr. W; 3. Statham, The class will nieet prev- ious to the S. S. session. NBW "TEAR GREETINGS On Sabbath last .Evangelist John- ston who is conducting revival .serer vices at ' 'Askin Street Methodist church_ London, < sent New 'Year's; greetings to the churches of town'; the message being delivered through Reeve 13, W. F. Beavers 1 WATCH-NIGIIT SERVICE. ! A watch -night service was held lit James St. church on Monday evening from eleven to twelve o'clock. The service was well attended. Rev. S. W Muxworthy gave a short address, A' prayer service was held just as the old year was going out and the. new year coming in. THE LATE MRS. BERN. ` Mrs. Iy, ,Hern of ljsborne died one December 3Oth. aged. 64 years fiver months and 25 bays. The deceased had been ailing for..nearly two yearn and for several weeks past has been at -i tended by a nurse. Her maiden name, was Jane Willey. She is .survived by her bereaved husband and two 'step-, children, Ephraim Herta and Mrs. 'H3' Kyle. The funeral was held on New' r, Years tday, interment in Zion ceme tery conducted, by Rev, Gs. A. Barnard and Rev. C. W. Baker SUFFERED PARTIAL STROKE Mr. A. G. Dyer has been seriously ill during the' past week the result` of a partial stroke.' , On Thursday' last Mr. Dyer was passing through the "woodshed at his home when he fell to the floor and ;being unable "to' rise called for' help. He attracted she; attention of a neighbor and was car- ried into the house and has since been confined to his bed. At times his condition has been quite 'criticali Ir. Dyer is well advanced in years and little hopes are held out''. Lor,' his recovery. LSLEY-STEVENS, .; The mar aY P ra gter iaf Mr a vvxss,; r Bonney Wehave large number o h v a Lnbe i NewSuits d r e � ail and ve at - N ItO Go av your arrival -- a at a n„ k y r r1�. a wide assortment of fasnlons, chosen colors, soft, aand0ome browns and beautiful greys of all shades. l a OWI ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' ,SUiTIN%S Is the finest we have ever had, The studied, exactness in measuring and becoming des- igning of our tailored to order cloths, produces a complet'ness of fitting and a pleasingness of appearance that a ready- made can never hope to equal. No lady knows how well shs ran appear in a suit or coat uatil sake has one cat to meas.. tire. Our stock is completer C1IVi US A. CAS Sbeere ADJES AND GENTS' TAl1OR Opposite the Central Hotel EMS.--T1i,ose v<ho donated trust he Soldiers' Aid for T3e'rorx Sani-' Ina, :can have the ems by` calling same at' Mrs. Sanders' Store. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising rates'Mad* known on application, Stray animals; Ono insertion 50s_ three insertions a to ns F a .0 Farms or Beal Estate for sale 50o; each insertion for the month of four insertions;25o 4 � Or each subsequent f s se' uent Insertion- ` Miscellaneous articles for, ale, to rent, wanted, lost, found, et* each insertion, 25c,: Local Readers, Notices. eto., loo per line per inser- tion, No notices less than 25o. Cart/ of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10. and 5a per line. Auction sales 2.00 for cue insertion and 3,00 for two ser iris Professional n t a a xsot +es- oeeding one inch -$6.60 per year. II(IRSES WANTED -I `vont aix tUl- 1 linaated autuber of horses in good con- clition, Geldings 'from five ,ears old and up' iveirla ng from 1500 pounds up, Mares Pram 4 years old tap ands weighing Irani 1300 mounds up. Parties having 'required stuffto diepdse, of would find za ready 'market by writ ing me or calling up on phone No, 83. Exeter, G. 7. IIO '1r ENSILAGE FOR 5.41E The silo at. the Canning„ Factory is open tend ensilage, i offs ed for exile axe 52.40 per toile, Pnrehaser to pay' for a+ c ilaakl „ on R. G. aelcion's scales. EXETI R CANNING CO, 1 AYOrk& ar.d Again txa yea:, ice House wages a .�ti�i UAL iill?ITTI`,G;, 1 1ETkli AGIc14;L3.I 'l SOCIE rla?, lx Annual tleetmg of tlic Exeter uric kaitural Stciety will :xe '`1end itx ahe Town Hail, Exeter ora, Thursday, Italy lith, 1918, al 1,50 o'clock x,11; 1 " Luc impose of electing Presi- dent N ice Pr -e ident tankl Onecttars for the e z.ir.g y^eaarr,ancl .transacting o;h - er. important bunnese. , All members latkid interested partiea alaould attend 1�" meeting. The Directors arm ,particularly: re - e before the mutual a.aac.:.tccl-•lam xneet.,bcl r h nna I anectin at 11 o'clock sharp. J. nELERIDGE 1.G. Sh,LDON Acting Pres. Setny. Mrs. E. Sharp, or Tctte'nham, spending New Years with her son; Rev. S. F. Sharp at the Presbyterian manse. r, Mr. and Mrs. Clin)ord Spackman, and children, of Guelph, have been visiting with relatives in town and; vicinity. Mr. Chas. Dyer of Montreal was cal led home teat week owing to the ser- ious .illne s of his"father, ,Mr, ;A'4 ,Gld Dyer. ' Little Misses Irene and Madeline! Stewart Of London, visited Ithei grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Wan Creech during the week. Mr. Bert Gillies was home over the week -end in uniform. Bert was ,on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Walkervilie and. has signed 'up with a battery in Cobourg Miss L. Oke, or Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Biggins, and daughter Miss Ferrol, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. '':Hawkins and other relatives, Mr. Elgin Amy, of Outlook, Sask. arrived last week and is visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Amy has been in the west for the past six>yea's. uneral I3ti ;�1�scrr el Pearl dot :'Walter , ;axes a Choc 1 4.41a i0?etro9 n ;hex tzretu�a YI on epi ii 01 an+ TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN As 1 am a candidate for councillor Ste hen I respectfully solicit your in p p y vote and influence. '1 promise if el eeted-to give the duties of the office my earnest and .faithful attention: \Tubing you the season's greetings GEO. PENHALE TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN I respectfully ksolicit the votes and influence taf the elector of the Tp. of Stephen for Deputy -Reeve for the ersuing year. Respectfully yours; , JOHN LOVE. Misses Edith and Emma 'Heider:deni have ;returned after visitate In 'Ktta The jprice of. jute and eottcr advancedvery much, this m sacks very expensive. When yon feed bring along your bag's? will be pleased to fila., vey Bros. Furniture AND Undertaking ROW THE . R.N. THE IrUNERAL, DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DE.T;F,R 'i chener. stir. it rank ` Ii lintetf of Stratfordt spent 'New Years at the home of Mr: 3. ;Sne11. Misses Flora and Dorothy .Dunneyi spent New Years with, Miss Ida Wane' bona o London, r' Mr. and Mrs. McCreagth, of Luck now ispent New Year's at ;the thomci of Mr. I. Armstrong. 111re..Wm.. McLain' of Pontiac, Mich,. .arid Mr. Gayest of Clare, Mich Visited Xvith their sister Mrs. Jas. 'Taylor: over Sunday. Mr. J. Weeper of Iiair,row has re- turned to his home after visiting Irel atives in this community. Mrs. Wal per and children will remain some; time longer. ; ; r Mr. and Mrs. 11. E Keddy and son of Melfort, Sask., are . visiting the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kedd Mr. Norman E. Keddy of De- troit rzisited with. his parents, oven Christmas holidays and Mr. W. H. rKeddy of - Fenton Mich. spent the New Years holidays here. SOUR, ACID -'STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Dia e sin" p p neutralizes exces- sive acid, in stomach, relieving dyspepsia,. heartburn and distress at: once. Time. it In five minutes all ach distress, due xtonacidic No;rx1<lieestxon he8r urn,is'oi of_.gtl, or �e'raaeta�one od; hdrzzxess�hooGxxi oiil od'�em ork'�lt� f sett to`maehs'. estonydie`h4lcee l anr1`l zxa44e ng"� ai``g� l8 er ofPaiVie' 'rDialiepsii s�. �• �a se>f xri los �ff rneltnel ,, �Jw.Msv '4 u er�fro e ttuel 1, riELEpHoN ECTORy BUFFALO OF FERTILIZERS BRAND :Fn ordcx4 to help the production In this zeean I':anx offerina aver `° P r il' eCarload Prices, but lxz or erf vale to �get bis e t i;~ r[ at d rarurer 1kt GIatl,nGa.a e da this everyone that wants the Beat Fertiliser (which is the HUFF?, O" BRANDS)' 'at the lowest price,'niust wend his order early -not later, More the 15th DAY O1 FEBRUARY:n.1918,. BUFFALO IDEAL WHEAT 'AND CORN 2-10-0 at $38,754 BUFFALO AMMONIATED PHOSPHATES 11-2.12-0 at $37,25. I3UFFA.L0 GENER:AL. FAVORITE E 1-8-1 at ............ ..< $37.001 = . 'BUFFALO FARMERS`' CHOICE 1-10-0 at .:,.r r,,... ,$31,75 i BUFFALO 16 PER CENT 0.16-4 at t.d s 528.E !. i3UFFALO 14 PER CENT 0-14.01 at k e y....,;;..$27a01 s t' Payable June ist, 1918 { i Remember reb. '15th, 1918 is the last day I can take` orders at fila prices., t t 1 will ideliver 'at Exeter and, Centralia as seon as I get order's einattnlil for a earload.< ; ' Phone orders Dashwood 36r2, or write to Exeter P, 0.1 N. STAN LAKE W.Taman MADE TO MEASURE; CLOTHING, :: READY-MADE CLOTHING FANCY VESTS ODD TROTJSERS ' ' I t I 1I HATS AND CAPS i '':"1 SWEATER COATS i I I 1 : ! SHIRTS AND COLLAR'S SWELL RANGE OF NECKTIES ; , BRACES AND SLEEV�EIIOLDERS, , in Fancy Boxes GLOVES AND MITTS T?NDERWE AR -2 -piece Combnuitioxt PLAIN AND FANCY 'SOCKS r; 5GSPENDERS WALKING -STICKS a VERCOATS=Light, :and Heav tBt1yIOCK„6�,AND OVERALL :A 1 ��� $tt�.M,e 4 .:`,.� & vti H�isb �L')j M� gni C, �.'• BLEBS for •PA!..4X1" 2T'`S`;'N'slATALaa, yip; .naaz..AM YVexn? M1 F'1 4t II !t its 3i