HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-1-2, Page 7I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r -,'O S P IT A L S 0 NN VU f r,, I,,, L l We ivere� talking IV 0 d i e F, -- n D 'f- flUR!"Gi I- a- 'Order of St. 3fichael avid St. George ls Cars Provi eil by AI.H.C. to Convey 1v but oa, perves on 04, 1;,�, moverbent for t _e� CoInSg �d R Ol- �o : � , 0 I .:i �� I 11 I d ou t� y� , r t� "the 31Qst.Di Wounded Across Dominion. Bo ):, -", , Al Nve all lii�,,w Help t, t; of od. tAA had The 0,- of St. and St, visitors to, Canada hay c, close, we, beeil to demanding the I Geore, of i� f Wale thqti�.Princc o �s or lr-�aklnx praised the hospitals, and sanatoria thankful were still able to whole w1wat, i b e 4% - I is i n r ail. ancient su gll A F�ZONT JNE TRENCH WIN, pplj,�.d. by,the Government throu- carry a, For wofton- riously I (10 not the tTea'meiit of retutrned soldiers" r fa tile ilitary llospitals� commissionfor lst foods n bread stug" , la or hearing one shell while we Sub�stitute vlhol';� r remaiirl� and the �90iqols co inducted in cannec' under the bornbardmen and yet, meat, eggs and jo -b, tile vocational m4 for ti n with, i 0 'ta for remember every other t that t in� re Relief Obtained Froin The whole wheat grah the �'4 that, of sl� was f pi Oil V or -a ng, and -education, but the bos- lapp rememaer sc -in<- 4, I �'Q*09! t VbkelS, tile ShuttlQ-like in- Tnsion hat Conles From rd - just lie, fell, ar most perfect food e hit, knev% , d y e t and th stitutioris which are shot "roni Coast I do no� remember feeling fw I were %inited, eir st, 11 Explod;ng S h e 1, N. t 0 M a -q h r 0 d d bearing the bed him or giving him de oas 'ie an Omer to coast over Vic r hav�� he B sh Ii. Wheat Biscuit V from England, have no �esitation in declariri�- Iude the T'he epithet of, the Order of ee- vvr4eat made 1g, and after, be had beei� buried, laylngl nIrder digestible by stew, -coo ipg In +h Cal's Complete -%yith r y the Prpet, t so far ve -rid the best I)atfd part him k attract Wrds, sow, raCKing a -y, kiti�hen, all RZ see ii n ethe rext � leld says as lie, Or tiny ti-011,,lit of nhim IS CW) 9 le 'cases Lieut, B;(�IJe, 4�9 -lig- 1, iidors, af er, iny ni! W! let' tile pla:llts gq to PLY. e hat Il(� a perfq,,A �ouud for inlaild, point li� "be locate 1, II re),Y�ember the, b,,slde m, p� �ry parti(Je of the ctl\, for, r e beds rf-� stand- fe h r of a raid a worl,ing';sPez"-ing to 'a' alid my Wheat- in is ftg IV101 by the see i;),- b;i t 1 Y, at " - u e, P, t- M,� linell in 'p,illow,,s as Yet T do neir o- Would p, qlle other of the trep�'4 Aveep ­5you make a slesin!ai ilig min 0 eftil in k e,m the bo, S! e tile or aeIlent to carry 7014 illrq*k For e with ever unit IvbQ has III the I kit I sha'�I try- to, ex- ,1.4 of (,ar,3 to look after,, -lie nien, rp gm me -ot yo" oare am'i C C , a I Y Terstto'' t it, ifor the he has t IEAR 4�, .-gagA. Pat r rem,g Ito pit I h IIb6l* 7 leca oAt It po�r� To i�p f Aft r X L11$ Ill t aGear Co r ;f . . ... ... 0 er lit Tbe ot "'ww"iNV110 0 "It Rou M WOMMU. iII", 04 . OR M "ly Q IC . ....... .... iMM, N I'O 12,1 T -0 IM. A fat . . . . .. It Ieba I-.,rf f a in the to r or f0 oil' Fq iph, u 1) t hNo Tdri to not, tbt,the iZ my W�,re irden y ould soon be over, to pra� for the ul-n who want suell cour, TrnnsEorm Silvvr Into Gold by Chem I- It, �'. ­,��`.A e . et of a tj I I nIofrililei;, wid under flne (,I,' While t 1 1 e 11 r s v,rera rthe re making f rection of r us men tD17 to one, nnotbor, unless one nmowit of Mtentio. It "St out t1o.-'e, to us had r W no t- is cei�,talnly a mewl. uch I)Ionnis as V olLer of, re, not often ouymr M1131111� vi i n an oit, Tf 01V� Close At za pineh it ean f to us it 111ake I.u7 look at gold Nvith convine craft, ,ele Skilled olle nother in a llervouA number of cyT,0) G demand still ali�e, III- bo ileceived. It Color of nl, Use ()4! a (1'�J I I �; in tilt, r trii, quire "Where did that one gold, n1l f ilia 0 Jrllo at-' fli- ncy f I is a 20fl, n tture for gardcller8 Lot frames ter eve i linve not ovo, U I Ir , i 1V Me i �'L I to and e hoa,4r- Any of old who of It 1MIre* proper, eqtlipment to cater to As tllQ b0111bal'dMent becan, IWith heseier our lughing and trick could easily have made incicu- o01110 IMiDd, MqnY of ie returned ble, money twe lool�ed colif nother I a by transformin- silvcr 7i; are lanninc, to 7; t la,fla- men .7,nd NvIien we spoke, it was in. a half into.tbis seeming old for the' ll�e in the ,,L ardeils fle the Thare inot need now itio of greedy, gqt-rich-quick`persons Th,,� all tinies Ijust outsi iiii of tin trY to SlIONN, hfellow,; around you Baron tic Retz (original of the Storied ri Aw MIAMI the Class 0- you fell, quite at ease, for each ho inurdered scores of; is 010tir,'!Y 1 (ire exactly what lie Ildevil nee not ahe COM Children to 9tiin the help of t' igreen full POWEM -it haIa buryin- party ould have "Slle tn for" the sclie and out of th! -b t 'Oft'' in" G Q dell- some Cemetery a offbind. usthus . .... . v6uld be busy at Iccies w1liph ill brin f aneN to 'the ill th price -,vay bell ffin lincs, To imi si the th �,. The Coriarais� to ver into gold :ill ind idcould direa lon is o prepared landscape only hope and Pray that lie would not you, have to do is to take green I Irlardeners the one- I gures at tile ph ron, citrate of be one oll t ie central fi ate of i od cable, de�)andin- on the salt in should nil ver nitrte—a sufficient ability ad art ourl. The e ]lad to do 80 per cent. of ter fr the return to comple, they have onlychance w 9. ed,ucflon to enable them to look to when one of the boys the first, 40 per cent. solution. of the tile circuit. hensunk 0113 cess in this line The openings or would be Ow effective the sue_ f buried under fallen para-' second and a 10 per cent, solution of Just 11 rnt i of cours�e, and ill rer -ire limited quantities of adis ill practice ti nains to, r pet. Then we Would pull him out. Or SwIlla tmtil sal such Vork the third. Mix equal I ting isn't tht� only duty a I-ar' lion it m all Was hit then -,ve would, these, shake vigorously for several be proved. V I* ar. C%oc--lurc to is landscape deners Will be,w it T`r-,i�ty, The p- as e:tpom who place, him a minutes, allow the stuff to settle for re to all exceptional, close to the parapet s � --� 4* of 'Ole � A P L ­ F- s 7 V , I M cather and Jampness. rers nov s grow? Ina 'ns -Ay, pos We and call for stretcher bea a quarter of an hour and pour off the ac3tes, core and stiff b� C0NTTC"-CA NLADIAN S. tBy the tinne the bombardment was liquid. It will leave behind a,, jelly- is impractle-M I ChIl- Ie S,� " �'; Tvy it in not. The,, pi -r -17, bjan27 orfered I -is ant, al Olt W could only -%Vhispel. �to like residue, whicb, if spread on paper, t so. or sale blail lneurz gxa, a its hei T Rod StEfes Firms Do ach other, and that only when neces- tui�ns blood -red. te Our of the and'thc relief for all IyourL Ill ct )i for the be I the Red' che a thus obtaffied," hePains a s,is Sloan* Lake Fisheries. oss. Bids l -C in frorn evel-y r Cleka and cortvertlent to sary, Our ears had, been deadened to "In. one of, the. forms -N -- - the,sound of b our says a very eminent chemist, "this; Ti�MilleEyeper, AtYgrDrurryit. prbs, Tirpitz pr urstin shells Ml inal The greater portion of the'Canadiall, nerves deadened to what might, bap- soluble silver assurnes a s 2 Free C ill' reduce and leave iao blemishes. I carry or use: does not stin, and hape e cyo salye, in Ta 3c. r r B6o"c of v" to afrord the most bacon on -o mptly. Does not- Nis- �penetzaba5 without'rubbing, lahe-fishing business � is controlled' by �,pen to us. We kept � a. constant look- actly resembling metallic gold, in bur- urline2ye rc-c-dy Co.. stn�g lameness pi ut U11 In record. Unit4d States, firins, and this is due to out oil tile Ger an 'trenches. if a, nishod. lbilips hich have all the-.bril- ter or remove the tile fact that more than 90 per cent. man was buried there we His Present. hair, and 1=4�c clui be liancy of gold. Spr worked. $2 a bottle delivered. Booli 6 M free. t re always ead in a past-- ilds its market in �hnds Lo get him out,, for Wa were a f! of'the:total output I condition with ne brush over pa tr. It was niother's birthday and'Bobbie ABSORBINE. ill., !or, the -mai,cptic the United States. 'nervous wrecks and I only craved ac- it takes in dr34ng a u s was.very anxious to, vher a pre- Through 'heatillt- for sores. sweiiin-n, DY Falix Z,d I,fl,mm I On our Great Lakes, a very that':o� g6ld leaf. In fact, a r 11 Price 31 "d $'I a bottle large tion f . some kind. , The stretcher nybody sent, but, unfortunately, the recent the -,�Teeil, much g in is lost fter it dmgz1--ts or dcliyucO. Will tell you more H koa writc. fishipg industry is carried on,' riot only bearers alone had something to take would mistake it for gold leaf' The holidays:liad somewat depleted4 Bob- reaches the bill. grain selling V.1� F. YOUNG, F. 0, F., 516 Lymans Mg., Muptreal, effect, however, may be befter seen by bie's exchequer. during the summer and autumn their minds off the hell, 'we were living. at the preset high none of us 1 Jr.; ao- ml�n, i1a C'm 3. months, but also ill mid -winter, whei' brushing the substance over 'a plate say, mother," lie ejaculated, can i;, throu.-h, The rest Of us could only afford to let ny spoil on our 6� fish are take�through,the ice, lie there and wonder if tile infernal of clean glass, the,tesult when, the "would my drgwing- slate be any use 1 hands. be -transported lo,-,- Wiout(around the trenches perfect goltl-col- No, dear," replied' his parent th can :, to you ? " I and, owing to, climatic conditions, din would ever cease. s paste has had time to tryj being a th most" beautiful and '5, W Q, ,E 021)e The sight' —the dead, e Iq me wounded, demolished du-vout8—me ored, mirror," ulyinr thods of re- a smile, at Go, They are fro Z oil natural- � nothing.to us. Q'tside, of tile fact' "Well, do you thin1,'you`d:'Iihe to -1E ELOCK ENG a5,soon as taken from the I W1 watex[that we -were there for a'.purpo e have my tin steamboat?" in�jujred Vie 670 That wet piece of la"lid that yielded lInd 4 are shipped to various centres ill 1 that m us y. t�,ew,. Automatic Valve Tyr�,. Coniplete with suply exhaust 1ping, purpose Nvas to hold o'U'r ench ohl ' t ouble this year could produce a s all yOut"I aux'o 1 the United States, especially in , y.,r "No,"thank you'T lit, flYWhCel, CtC- Will Z100CPt $1,200 G.,Sh-fOl 11 e. the at all costs, we Nvere like dead men. . il tle mall"t, 'answer- :good Crop in 1918�if it ha d t e drains S6�lgh there, is Firing e e4. 111dithe 'ELECT MC GENE RATCH3 states,� al't a 30 110-120 Volts D.C. growing demand. for 'Canadian �'Well . plaps I could'do, U e Ing lake It seemed ho'rs, even days, since we Ill accept $425 cash for immediate sale, rkets also. fish in,Estern ma -half for you,, he continued a 1: ad heard,the first shells come over, �, �Mix, one� phit of corn -mea LEATHER BELT. Double, 24 ine,' We only noticed, In a 'subconscious one teaspoonful of� happy thought st,ruck To keepi irons &m i-listin sugar, and one-half. 7 O' f he exclaimed ell- 'al of cheese evIna $300 for immcdlaie sale, althougli belt is in con., 9 rub with way,,when they at last.starte& to tea,spoollf bs, rubbed �'11 say, mother,' Will'�Ocepl 'TL�tton fat' and,*rapi in browii,paper, ��slack,en,'and when finally the, born- fine.,� Put this o a thusiastica 4 . -what,'. dition m d Iily, ­I� tell You M I ne`w One would cost about um t n saucer and set in take a dose of cast( li-cTore put ing, s'the rats' runawa, 'The vvill eat of r oil.for you, R P size. Dilate of iron li ex ardtnent ceased altogether We woke Y. y out -crying." Larg idil. In a� few days'add,plast6r horrible dream, -,66 $3 2!/2x4S Ing, 11 t e for many PIL, -that., minutes of fix P tile or,p" ow lot of fli! same mix- ,O a n a 'Solution 11 2aring for' the,wounded and turP,,,Ak e.xats, when, they Aluminum street Mi e Xlelen Irink FAIKS, r, and water aIl'ounce 0 lAcing the deadl'�ibiit of sight eemed ter�;a berf,i,eathig, adopted by a Swiss One 10 i 4 inch cLl 1 f sulphate,of Iroll W, m th L W5 h d 10"J, of a 't iiletal's. lightness aud and Nve a a]: Or ag, h Mi a s lot, ilk y iME 52