HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-12-27, Page 4qc, sr apor,ts Are, iia Vet - a -aa .r Proof iormilita of Vinod OTTAWA, ncingl3 that it has the , tion dx a retire: strength. tom,..din�) av�x e9cP S e a�)sio a sun I cSk: tkii;G aro- Ola - r, ,a strata arty a bottle of a weak, ra }b n, :i,erVOUS l and finds wt'ea ;avii;g it a it did not help ht'r, wijt mey reta;rned. there q� �..m:, is no guess4°s'�4rk • It'S for. -as S' like �.it 'Ear alt ,rtil.�ki4�}r""ed, t Zr;. ,and far samac; Childr"en �3 'ed.. i" lee £ a T �'�li x yii �'��`n bi'akF+.fni 113t r9 iJ'yn�� 'alta',00 .ill la t1h „,I tl t'2 A; 't ,r the, WO MSEC it#ateAt tris f r°br.l W rc3,4i4Y6+�• ' d' k•x' nottr gale hY 1r nor :at't of EEK portant Events Which Have irin; ti's' Week. ire^ �m:eE3 tea it"' ilatppenings Care- t) i,ta;aal)iiee, and Put Into liaan;i,S: and ittractive Shane for the e des of t)ur !'aper — i3 solid •:fat,. s it i,,ir"? mlent, T 1JES I o .3e o hpuse campaign of Ed-, mouton resulted in a contribution of ld,oad for the Halifax Italie: Fund. Tit,- : ai its oec ttpit 1Y the lelau{ds of. 5_4-s.sor c si and Pinha, on the coast of Alsio. 'Minor, I Lele action „as Lnt9€4Si. Jot, pti Mantrali, 11.7.cd 107; was tile oldest man voting in trio city of To- ronto. Ile cast his ballot for a Union cause tete, trawler werti, runic of, the Tyne on 'December 12th 'Ebb Germain dent' Q'- `'hese bade, rataleire ,made tt.eir a,pe. Harold Bittcbtaan, 2.2, the of Winnipeg - aa -_at must >rt"i �r 'lr•' :tri,'. ,iia. din liaggtirt .a,.•s, to allow him ex - el F. Joseph rtsity from itiOn in duntr e e:ai'ct z;; ; tIct.t del 'nomads of white- on ice,FCA+sic„ to niartet it at r?aiet I.e named that unless the fish is ni tiz rate' ,.1t.4'' Will seize and sell, 'tei.ce fixed. it at tad:: alax MAY. Binet Conncil meet; 11 is e hoc) t rreslai? ed. western Canaalians. jlae Viet -aria Cross.' tfy clearing depots are to be i=a ieaacii of the military inial, fully equipped _focal is to be established is iOto ttogine- "nra s, nd Labor Council heastiit Lakirtg over the Toronto i i'1 2 ffustine Mastt t :t the insure ,.aciutr said the people: are coda iz uranee, \ir. I'haI our, in fa soeeeh in the Conamons, vigorolIsIw defended the n llies,1 war policy'. Thc. allied Govern lents' buyers are again pure -basing meats in Can ads ttie direct resell, of the 'Victory k.Gan. were it G. B. Clarke reviewed the past year at the an- faf the tanner's' section ealkl~l red :ay the 58th if airy-, will be hoa-itles for eat grosses, an aged. `' a wood - .b si4? 4"C9 "j 3 2*f'da:le, Ont., s' a ;storm and A bra` B ,ttazlioi 4,e way, arid" Laand 01' Martin that no fo 'rferc: ti? said tl.. al fo :i" 13r tinct flag a1i a 4 e uu to t statement. ugh a a a .ea rifer War According the rdiiliN n Ener i azxdian p ho doe , bot co a tea"any all tlae auroes ri It is ehe Wiriest s' vatsivltaa hyoid teat s � l b en4'l al &l fa 1i'A,a U'kn�,;,'t1�Htr teen under (,(112 41t.a war e'oC:nnitte1 e£ tore. a l4:erogo taia� ln.^ ' 4•x:t'UL aa�i oa erat tet Ivo+ Ours '.: dKy. German :t had Cover; inquiry nadir eir- indicating, 'betel tie t. with the sanotion 0l meet., ale Daily stat eraai'.a t front #ralstaar ask i,tocl- bran, to • If, stonehonse ,ate' Production on g despite the re ark 'working 14 o E01.1c1.aticn voted 11.,:c€.I011axid'u =eolith. to. t1 13u 'eau Qtlun , ipal Re- a."( make a ,.Oahe survey_ of the ucaa.tiomt1 systema of Toronto. S,�:ii ltikk�a`. The Sores of Scotland increased t?; liviln,g was stili, big11 it rAaaa fall ctolre t ,1uotter o * i tf , 3n has Sd t til b In New York-eaa; ler-Genera l emin of 0 ittrs has had beam, died after ._ ..... death rrixaoves another the present and United as he Was At 'Veteran ra eartapait has and the Civil rail xi sin VAS born to Ire - 24, iA°40, and 'WAS edtleat. oetor ata the United Staates. attached to the army, and for ailsbeal gallantry against the .t£a3as iia Arizona he was awarded 'Congressional Medal, WEDNESDAY. Serious food troubles In the 3e l Mata: acre x'epor-ted. e t"rzfited States will send relief Pea rur� >rt Jeraasaletn, ator NuauWrt's Immunity was. del by the French Senate. lam Tiull;4i' of Pezmabroke, was killed lay the collapse of a derrick in West Termite. George II. Bradbury, former 1l, P. for Selkirk, Man„ has been appoint- ed to the Senate, The .Aero Club recommended to the Government the estnblishlu+ent of a Canadian air service!.> The women of Canada are asked to pay not more than 85 cents a pound for Christmas turkeys, The late Czar and his family may leave Russia. Than llolshe5-lki have given hila permission to depart. Roumania will remain loyal to the Allied cause, the armistice being a military and not a political move. Colon, La Fortune, who is in his hundredth year, cast the hundredth ballot at Port Dover on Monday, John Wilson, aged 85, a retired farmer living alone near R.ensall,. was burned to death when his house was destroyed, owing to his putting coal oil on his fuel, The Winter 'Fail' building at Re- gina, costing $140,000, was destroy- ed by fire. Seven hundred soldiers were sleeping there, .and Iost their personaleffects and equipment. Engineer Wm. Walsh and Fire- man Percy Ramsey of Sarnia 'vere terribly injured in a wreck on the G. T. R. near Stony Creels, and died in the Hamilton Hospital soon after being admitted. Lieut. Brach Papa, of the Italian army, and a pilot, recently attained a height of 7,025 metres (23,048 feet) in an Italian aeroplane, mount- ing to this altitude in 65 minutes. This is said here to be a world's height record. THURSDAY. The British steamier City of Naples was sunk while under convoy. Over 1,200 invaii.ded Canadian soldiers arrived al an American port. General Sarrail, chief of the allied forces in; Macedonia, has been re- called. The old French cruiser Chateau Renault was torpedoed and sunk: in, the. :!Mediterranean, John 1.. ''.lett; speaking, before the Canadian Club: at Toronto, made a pica for faith in Itussia. ! The Duke and Duchess of Devon- shire have gone to f aiifax to visit the♦�h< hospitals and aid the sufferers. 'i. big decrease in. the eggs and bovdir in cold sora e an the ;,let ;of e n:aibox as compared a -ilii the lst INevember is reported. �anaT% i -hie uzs Darl+ i pan 0,E,, M.D., fbriner+ Health Coaandssionee of NOW o ti, has Leen boo aght t 1talil x t0 e} 4110 l Idof C a m d• i tee.. I I Q)tr'nne c i i 0 L W i i) 015 is {itxQ'nto Penny 13aait",ati �4ed I that the money spa ;4` out5 double the a110tnit 'of t sent within tbe keen to be tall st the expert the Mlles of -MO o, wife James Ate of latex is prolaibito Dolt C' 4 1917, nu - ally Tou- rer Itu- tiro is Ito - than +x„ f d�"�Jlp b iaav': .L TOUR 'WINO :/tads ni Lumber either dres- u zlx< i long, t,it d left long. Aoard and Oe, TEP • 1/41/ Ii\VIY emoloy experienced strectors, nive thorough course 'positions. This echool is one rie the largest and best Cornmircial or free Catalogue con - tiling our Commercial. Short- 0 oiver arid" Bowels -- tti:T-reci, Tongue, Earl Tasee, in 1, Sallow Slain and itf.iserable I -had - ;clogged boviels, which eause Tour stom- which souir-s and ferme4ts like' , mental amino and „night avd, any on r The trt Laziest of liquor ny part of Canada wherein the Intoxicating liqUor is illegal prohibited. an and after April 191 The manufacture of intoalcat- ;or within Canada will Ile pro- : d on, and after a date to be de- ed upon further imvestigalion onsideration or the actual coo- t s of the indusiry. regulations to carry into e be other provisions ,above men - are being prepared and or as apprcved they will be en- tintlem the peovisions of the immures Act. foregoing ,proviefons will re- , 'n during the war and for e months alter the conclusion Fire at iii",..rupps. Exthange Telegraph Company con Amsterdam, dated Saturday, otes The Echo Beige as follows: "The Krupp plant in Essen is afire_ Dutch workmen have been or- dered to return to Holland." Another despa.feh from Amsterdam on Saturday said: ` --It is learned from Dutch work - :Jen that an explosion occurred in "eie electric power station at the !erupt) plant in Essen, awing to a eaott meal, lihe building is re- ported to hare been damaged seri- The plant at Essen, the main es- lablishmeent, of the Eirupps, the larg- est manufaceurers in Germany of arms and munitions, employed about ...0,e0 men before the war. It has been expanded greatly during the er. Facts relating to its present ien and the number or workmen are _tent secret by the German Govern- ment. It was reported unofficially in October of last year that about 7 0,0 0 0 persons, including several thousand women, were at WOrk there, and that 20,000 were to be tided lo force_ Eutinas lyres oitaesi. vietilance of patrols and 'eritis were crowded with cis shoppers, and several at - tn'ea,--"i. Students and others, a. to La 1- 111011 ouilding-chant- i0,490 pesos," whim). wasr 'dint of the monthly subsidy, 4,ter been obtained from Pier - lit von fouxburg, the de- an Minister. dispereed v., hen charg- roops, but patrols trotted down -to -a a section all g each, other, "The pub, s'c'ald tie:. outbreak •it will be vo,cied in Ca' lion -dollar pair) and paper 1'a , lir established. at Rands-. in connection_ witli silio-no, enue 8'5,000,000. prnaticially robbing letters '714.O 'foods 'co:qtrgIler lattS: „Warned' writ tarlo gad sou, d TIlh(.0 Oa Nat •hibItion tends aver 'hove on risco ^ of this The business a the United Perm - d $1,000,000 this year, which Is 0 re increase. IV, Wood of Baltimore lost a collection of hUtterilles and cts, the 'work of a lifetitnet when fire destroyed his hou$0, :fudge Laren, Xlegstott Appeal Tribunal, said many fa morn aro do - lug nothing to increase production and are simply profiteering, The spread between milk distribu- tors' prieeS and those paid to pro- ducers is limited to five cents in On-- tario and eastern Provinees, and live and a quarter cents in the "West, J. L. Parson of Regina, for some timo at the Headquarters in London, has returned to the Cana- dian 'Government Staff in Franco, Colonel Charles Mitchell of Toronto has hie.en appointed to command the Italian Trench Warfare Sehool in Italy. MONDAY. A balloon, new from Akron, Ohio, to Toronto, bringing a party of lige, two to Brantford aud three to To - Norman Follett of Toronto is under arrest as a result of an alleged illegal operation performed upon a girl now in the hospital. Thirty-three thousand children of soldiers were made happy at the en- tertainments provided by the Sports- men's Patriotic Association in Mas- sey Hall, Toronto, Pour a,rrests have been made in connection with the hold-ups on the Hamilton. highway and the purse - snatching on the city streets by youths in autos. An earthquake shock of great in- tensity was recorded at Gonzales Heights observatory, Victoria, B.C. Louis Pearce, a well-known dairy farmer of Concession 6, Norwich Township, South Oxford, suddenly dropped dead while chatting with the mail carrier. The Women's Union Government Association in Montreal will con- tinue as an organization, giving a loyal "but not slavish" support to the Government. New Year's messages telegraphed and cabled by noted men of the United States and Europe were made Public bY the Universal Film Com- pany. The following statement was wired by the British Premier: I have no doubt that the ever -granting eague of free nations will free the world from toe metal- a manta, - 'tic civilization." Kit for the Navy ,;Lads', t 1? Tnfal lei 1.14 Children. en. Know That me Castoria . Al Bears the Here is a eoiupae.t and comprea. save Isit, designed to carry nil the gs oeede€ by our boys in the navy, ep them and their belongings fit and nifty. it is Made of blued And a iattlo Jell cotte e naonel, stitnilt will; Jell #hterid and bound Wit braid Short len the of breis ewe ci in it serve to inert eomb,; brushes, Pens This kit carries an nubblea lxer of things—al=ong thein these: Soap in a soap box, Talcum powder, scrub brusi1. pencil with eraser, Paper, Post cards, black and white thread, needles, pins, snfete pins, troth bran.5ii, tooth paste, hone buttons, 'bachelor but.: tons, safety plus, corncob pipe, btu of tobacco and has room to ',pare fo Queer things, It rolls up and is tied with the strong braid or tape used fot g' binding it. One of these :-:its, fitted out, is a hue gift atleng with is gay lit- tle bag of sweets, or t411.101 110 eguall #ooliah, for +( hrhitreas, Fa LONDON, Dec. 24.—k despatch to the Esehartg,e Telegraph from Copenhagen says: "The Berliner Zo eays Em- peror lias informed his eov-- ern-neat that he comemplates going to Brest-Litovsli- diplomats ar- dve at all agre case will "eildeav 'e all the sortfereigns an „ilurope in a peace conferea one atter the Napoleonic "'Iliac emperor, , ni. id with having declared tha ieverybody wants peace, and that t tfutune offers so many great tasitsa at a totes must co-operate , vitt/in-it c -Patters Stolert. GENEITA, Dec. 24.--A vtilise con - 310, paper ro e Telephone Girls BA 0 . _ ,...,,,„ 98 Branches in Canada Ge al Banking Business Transacte SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT rtilc,u(d at biglitst cm 1.V,', D. elflike, 111arager, 13xoto Pretty ladies, made of painted wood, conceal our telephenes and invite us to tell secrets that will never be be. trayed, These are the l'pingoerafr girIS and they make fascinating gifts to either men or women friendS, Each One stands at the front of a small board on which the telephone is to be placed. The mouthpiece is un- screwed and wben replaced forms the crown of a hat or springs front a high corsage bouquet or disappears alto- gether or is frankly in evidence, just as you will. The pingocraft novelties are made of wood cut out from thin boards, painted white. The figures are out- lined on them ready for painting and each IS painted to suit the individual taste. The little figure at the left is holding her hat and, when she is placed, the mouthpiece of tlie 'phone 'becomes the crown of it. My grandmother had twelve ehlii nren, and one uncle undertook to teach me the art of worship. He iised to lead me to the sandbanks of the Mis- souri river, where he would set fire to a pile of driftwood, and then, tak- ing me by the hand, sing sacred songs to the tire and river. In. the mean- time he -threw into them offerings of tObacco, red feathers, and sometimes oak -twigs. I never knew the meaning of these offerines but I always felt that some living thing actuated both tbe fire and the river. Another uncle came to visit us peri- odically, and every thne he came my brother or I suffered at Llis hands ' Sometimes he would rush to tiat spring, carrying mc horizontally tinde7 his arm and would plunge my heal into the water until abnost eated. His common form'ef discipline was 1 to let me bang by nay hands en the cross _poles of the wigwam until -my arms ached. My body writhed before droppedt This uncle seemed to like best to command my older brother to tie my hands and feet with a rope, Then he would order me to resist - 1 an ordeal that would make us both cry. In the winter he would also sometimes roll us in snow naked. The punishment of Indian children is usually in the hands of some exelct rather than the parents.' Our punish. 'ments were inflicted generally hdeamte, had disoboved grandmother br resisted, ' had fon It Le; Man 130 eerie(' withett @gallon. at Berne' is Said to., HE CANAD OF CO SIR EDMUND WALKER,' CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, NEL SIR JOHN AIRD.C,„. c.a1Manager The Manager is prepared to consult with prospective customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings Or Current acccrmt, the making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given nrorant service. EXETER )3...RANCH—A. E. KURR, '311iANAGER Crediton Branch—J. A, Mc Donald Manager. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over. Dickson & Carl- ing's Law Office. Closed Wednestiya afternoons. Phone Office 5a and 'Residence 5b. FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE IN'SIT11- 11NCE COMPANY 'Farquhar, Ont. THOS. EYAN. Head Office, Vice -President, DIRECTORS AGENTS JoHN ESSER-NC. Exeter, Agent Us - borne ' and Biddulph. oLoVER HARRIS. Munro, Agent cr Hibbert. Fullarton 'and Logna. W. A. TURNEULL. WM ROY T. ALLISON Solicitors, Exeter, El IITCTIONEET1 AND fd Middlesex. Fain ork 'ert;ems next deo- to die entrei oied St. Exeter. Ob trges mod - and satisfaction genron:,,t A Honor Graduate of Toronto Linty sity. DENTIST 11 Teeth extracted ;without pain. 03 It any bad effects. Office over, Glad - ma & Stanbur 's Office Main St S. Graduate 'Victoria Universit7., Office and Residence, 1)omin.loa, Labratory, Exeter. A,ssociate Coroner of uron Parrister, Solicitor, Nota Molsons Plank, etc. , Interest. ' OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. MONEY TO LOA e have a large' amount. of p properties at ion -est Tate:•3,,, Eatristers an EL Es ter. Ontario.