HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-12-20, Page 8dr the report' of ;the Esc corrEcted i u to 'eTcdraesda ,'heat '2 Oats 12e. Ji arie�?,.00 to l.. I`arni 3 fiotzr wi.�tit, Low grade 3,25, Shorts 44,00 Ban 33.00 Oeeaznery but 4Se, Darr* b tttc.r 4 a so 44c. t'bg new ia:d 50 •'nd Glass 55e. Potatoes 41.60 to a bag Il4cka 16o to 22e Geese 15ic to 200. Turkeys 25 and 30e., Ceaxs 14 and 1 So c ocks Id and 18c,s. Th u tee oute an,ots ttctmuch,tb :..i a1ten' ks very' expensive. Vh �; i iRanb rig along your bags :ani we. pleased to fila them>—Har s r 350(.71 Ts, Y C MartieCA E fps to react T}IE TIMES becaa e. contains imponotices its that the public generally crested in and which you,Y not talar anything about untij�„ rs u »'ere past. Aside from news pare aiwaos that€erslot- inmporfence Edison 11 anxond MSc 11ee 8C3'0 Chrectn a , Chnstrnas, 1 Das is a be aeatcfel Christina NO Ps e Q R.TSTMAS CMTS IN OUR. ' O A b 7pTO 1 THEM "�`"i E HAVE LOCAL • Blessed" gift, the advertising columns, A man as- S?,'Fa?. signs; volt may be a creditor and the legal notice tells you amen an ie n inicapal Peat b;asta't e gra els at R whom to make your claims ` r ar-o 04 its surface as ..far asp stra, °from their owners and tan mad.. e r is concerned, An aectarnation , tell;, where to recover them, Thustl,e' will o right in order, \ chain oi° useCullness eont?rtn s` link by link. As a medium o' 'coenmuniea' tion, it is valuable and convenient t 4 alike to tdtose who are interested id ag raearieg ten. and it is, above ail,-, —chi ptr than -note caner, andel N R T-CB\S The election 'urns '�A e e Are td at. the Tqw tidal~ sday eve Ther was e fair crowd out to ns -_the bait: boinn oven. midi Ybt. PPEALS STARTED TED op.look! dead! raC v. i a rtostage. btaaaups, 1,3on't b; without the `___, u iw�-a� �-h��,icr--i€ Will save You its 'uric?, over and over m=ain, Hay Township x: nd tke` i'+�r 1I1 salts ribed o.e Alt o." Vietory Bonds, nogeph keeps rs are ?enaadraber your ftie ., tr"Ir`4a 9tea Semption ap, eat ridges errne their d.,t€a. s no l' esdas of r k. Aeneas :from Huron. Co, .. heard t fare Jidge ?l. ihave t 01 ose..ech. Xma and (ear Holiday we have Neilson's Ice Cream -our fit] Timely '1'14S ac,.<tate r`r are 5 good old SLIPPRES colors and sty1,- W$, FOR alai at Fens for A Tei I: PE' 22nd by lir. SIGNED 1_ P ~:STS i'ROOF Li rc-cul. £iT S T !NG5 e preme e in gh Vill age o ^: r ;,1`?I,tr0?3 a,since otpoint Electrical re Sensible, f� Practical, Usefti Appropriate HOtpOilit —electric table cooking is all the eadvooiie now lou. know —and no hging onld ht Heater � ��be more appropriate than Hotpoint 3 -beat Grill. it boils, broils, fries and toasts —two operations at cost of one. Q point radiant 6riU —the portable electric heater th; arms you while warming l ro m. Provides clean,~ c ar instantly. 11O1dSEANTED-1 ild Ia rated number' of horses lar, go -A arae- ztcd dUtoa.. Geldings €rota €eve }ears elld 1r and op iseeagb3ng €roan 1556G pounds $. rel ..p, nares r€w sears &Id exp a etgbrhg from 1100 rounds tap, P'ait1zi i a 'jag retlotred snuff to d,snose of el final ready m4rkee by It"..nit.. oath ." ;tp on pbeve NO stac4 49EE9 Til fPr T ERY., sign -r- this electric Iron:=ail bey poi ed by any housewife. Over and a half inions in u- tpoin Toas - es g toast quickest--ri, ` alae �� b Fitted it AVIV -red has b4-er0 Stewart Alway to DERN 1 G LOVES t litipping earl 33 dal eav for w 3,43 Ire 1 717 widows a Soldie e. tags on! -SING RAT ay advertising r e9. Ora appileation. sertions $1,00 Real Estate for sale each ' On for, the intiniti Of 3 Insertion, celianegas articles sale, to re vanted, lost, fogad. et* each 'loser ton, 25e. Local ReadOM Notices. eto, ido per line per init* notices' ltflP41, 2.5:13 A per line, 'AtiottflVt' one in5arlion and I" tp Safety Co Pad; aluminum ; metal, fl Nible operates from lamp for soothing pa r heti 1%.7a temperature easily regulated. kes cleaning a pleasant pastime. or sale or As fli FOR esigns an et BilV 1,0 110 00 11 day an VI' Mel rd. Treble Deputy led Sidne'y Davis, ;po 1 James Grieve, poll clerk, No. a .at IITEs. Ann :Mitchell's brick office building corner of Main and ellengton Streets; by PereY DJ/ 0„ and George Anderson,' lion No. 1 at the North End Fire Hall, 0„ and William Erichwoodi pelf cle By Order. jos. Senior, Clerk, and Returning Officer .A. STEWART Phon TO Splendid Showing o Christmas Gifts Be practical.-6ive somethtng useful You will find our store filled with the right Handkerchiefs, towels, gloves, mits silk hose, scarfs, neckties, braces, arm bands garters, sweaters, hose, suits, overcoats, boots, rubbers, cozy slippers, etc. etc, You will be pleased with our assortment of useful articles. B. F. BEAVERS Grand Phonograph Offer Anyone may own a Phonograph by buying a few records ow, and in 30 days time pay so much per month on instrument, Outfits as follows Amberal 30 12 records ($8.40 now) $5 per month, 81 mths ison Disc 100 6 double records ($8.10) $10 per mth. 16 `` 4lk ou pay nothing on instrument now, only for the records u pay cash you pay less, Shall we play them for you? ur ,store and see and hear them. We also have olumbia's on the same basis: aS 31. town nel r0neral lel (dal Service and Evangelism of ',Iliodist church has been in Hai 'Vox tvhere, the Methodist church sus- tained n loss or 5125,000. Liteten Tribunal No. had eases. Of this number 157 exoniptioi „ uv granted; refosed 22; given a tett 'months to get ready for service ,granted until the married alien called 6. the train that t wrecked ,riera Stoney Creek on uesday when a senger and a freight tram came gether in a dens,- fog% Be Wire 3. me 'that he escaped, without injury. The 'Bank nr Commerce staff last week receive4.1 their annual Christmas bonus from headquarters. This is the jobilce year ot the Bank of Coniceerce andithe bank donated a bonus to the employees equal to 10 per cent ore their 'present salary. The bonus comes at a very- appropriate time and no, doubt be much appreciated by the staf f. The Soldiers Aid held a successful bazaar in the Town Hall on Friday afternoon last. Fancy and useful articles, home-made cookir.g, ana candy were on sale and in spite of the inclement weather the bazaar was la splendid success. There were several booths for the sale of articles the hall was nicely decorated and light refreshments were served, A- bout; 5125.00 were taken" in. ILL WITH PNE(DIONIA Word has just reachel the parents of 13dr. J. A. McMahon 17th Can Bat- tery C. F. A. from Liford Emergency Hospital, Llford, England, saytrig that he is 111 that Horne suffering' from 'pneumonia following. the ef- fects of being gassed, and subsequent exposure to wet and cold 'While ly- ing in a shell hole unprotected, fon several days and niodats. The message states that he is going on Well and. hope for better news vitb the next report. Undertaking Ftitteral Director 8z Embalmer Gardiner Itt Tuesday or 'next week, lei 1 as the Christmas spirit is already , This is a season or the year ' teverynne should, try to slatted, extent as aossible. The Idett Tor atuy should, not be ce moans of excuse io forego the gift of some useft11 article to brighten the' lives of those tvd mingle with. If ever the Christmas spirit needs renewal israt this( time for POrrow and sad- ness lias tinoa a place in the lives of so many during the last few months' that it is a rare privilege to borstt the clouds Apart and let e of the rays of. cheerfulness and glad-, Christmas spirit in at lids season .votz` are .,,,ere of getting it out. See that the less fortunate arc not overlooked, SOCKS APPRECIATED Miss M., Pym of Lsborne is in re-' ceipt of the following letter receiv- ed in response to a note that was placed In a pair of socks knitted, for the Red Cross. Dear Miss Pym, I received a feW ,days ago, a Pair of socks from a Red Crass Society, with a note stating that they were. knit by your sister and yourself/. It is indeed very kind, of you to remember the boys across here, and' I appreciate the soeks all the more commg from 'Ontario a province in which I cannot claim to havo any friends, having joined up in M. C.', Gunner No. 1260373. lArith my best thanks to your sister and yoorselt wishing yolf both a Mer- ry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Yours sincerely. M Mackenzie NEWSPAPERS FOR FTJEL Nela 'ekeltange prints the ,following: Formula !for the ',manufacture of fuel out of old newspapers which it. 'IS claimed has been used most suc- cessfully. ff such is the ease it will prove a great 'boon, 'to the Citi- Z,7/IS iespecially ,thns year of scarce and {clear 'co'al and, it Its well worth giving' a LcutL", 'I4,'hg logs will burn from an hour to tin -hour and a half, in any ,fireplace, or stove. The fol- lowing is the,...Aformula; "Spread five on a.,,tablr.,. With folded, end toward you an egrn to rol in a tight roll.---03efore the fiirst- section 'is rol- led ea`mpletely, insert a second, sec - tient add newspapers until a roll two or three inchgt§;,..in dianacte'X' 'made.' 'Before finiString the ' section of the. roll — shess, except* ou sit et -dui Furniture AND Undertaking R. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER UIT lf Tailored to Order WI'LL iBE FAR MORE BECOMING IT COSTS NO MORE - We have a large number of New Fall Suits and Overcoat - lags that await your arrival— a wide assortment of fashions, chosen colors, soft, handsome browns and beautiful greYS of all shades. I t OUR, ASSORTMENT OF Is the finest we ha.ve ever had, The StUdied exactness in measuririeitlindietreconaing igning of our,,,tailored to „o cloths, produces a complet*,ess of fitting and a pleasingreess of appearance that a ready. made can never hope to equal, No lady knows how tvell she can appear in a cent or coal until she has one cut to meas- . ure. Our stock is c,omplete. Wedding Cakes and Supplies leci eave your order for:Raisin Pies s as Candies of all Kinds, Nuts, Oranges, Figs, Dates Chocolates in Boxes or Bulk Are are agents for Flowering Plants. See our assortment f we haven't what you want we can secure it for you Leave your order for Cut Flowers Lu ches served at all hours, Hot or cold A. FOLLIC1C Phone 34 r 2 Christrilas is near a liand Look over the following list for suggestions lor useful Gifts]to Gentlemen. Up-to-date and close prices MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHING, , READY-MADE CLOTHING FANCY VESTS ODD TROUSERS ATS AND CAPS SWEATER COATS SHIRTS AND 'COLLARS' SWELL RANGE OF NECKTIES BRACES AND SLEEV:SHOLDERS in Fancy Boxes GLOVES AND MITTS UNDERWEAR -2 piece— Combination' PLAIN 'AND TANGY SOCK'S -SMOCKS AND OV:ipl-t,A,,p