HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-12-20, Page 7AS SII0 IN THESE SKETC GI THE W. ZONE. ES'„ 'aI Neper Itn2w How "Gond a World Is Till I Wet To Fight,, Says Wounded Min, Ira the wards o£ a :big London. ho pital I stood at the bedside of a fr -shadow of a man, He had a gent timid air, and looked mildly throu gold spectacles. He had a era? wound in his back and had struggl painfully back to life after a period great stafier°ing and danger, followvi znem able battle on the nelds, nee, rtes Ellen. Adair, was an American—and a sehoo ml ter. He told me he had joined t Ctea;# tis eighteen months ago, b cauee his - conscience had prompt biro, With every disability and Ii cl e r1 #n ,stip t etin be imagine he had thV`Irwar� 'el into the iraf �� � e called war. ` 6Ve talked a; little, while, for he h friends in I. opdon, and be wa tl of a casual nisi SIt's as queer, utaad sort of wa^oz^ls it?"" I staid.•' looked at me protesting] t serve;, atest the'=sI uilding 'nu q ..:,.... cost. The am is all fc Cec1 ''Wheat Biisc Whale wheat in Ali be; gttoed, t'4' tneN!r' gp" ^for the disco.•el'y of azice. Chemist., et once ed experimenting, and at length; ^chemist working on the lniperial Arm at Vincennes produced a subs ��� �, • � stance which so far met the reciz;ire- d-ges ib1e form, Two or . nzeiits that he was awsrarded be ow I 'three of these little loaves of eted prize, baked vvtzole wheat with milk The inventor followed mechanically i - what he believed was the physiological a, and a l tt.e fruit rnake a hour - process which, took place when under• gal ishiug, strengthening meal. fed cows produced the butterfat, in 1 A, their milk from the fat stor•ad in their own bodies, He first redaaced beef , fat to small particles and placed it I uncle:' Heavy preseui'e, and theca ap- plied .heat to it, of'low temperature. This separated the, stearin from the olein, through crystalization, the re- sult being a fat free from taste and , odor, and which meitecl readily in; the G mouth. Experiments proved that it was as nutritious as butter, and :was e capable of being kept for a longer' period without becoming retired. Shortly after this discovery, in I87i►, :the Franco-Prussian war broke out,! le» gh I el ed of ng. of g r: Made in Canada. and ultimately Paris was besieged, i d att Ars i Futter ayes soonat a a lire 1zat,rri, and ��' � laterS s �•.the :supply ceased: altogether, lea its place large quantities of I , the i 4oleoraiargaarine}. ww^exo. f !new substitute, } the! F FROM i RR' manufactured, and it gained such a ! strong hold on the public that Paris I, r. rough the gold -rimmed speeraeles, t every year. . It, rs,,, �ei great war r . c1�po, no," he said; "don't say the lease don't say that! I have though great deal about it while I have bee lVS AIL y,t i.ANII'S SHO alone consumes immense quantities t: Iafpeninea tri`"the Entero d Ialo ui to result in tli i;�ltrtxor ll+ on of tlri food into Canada: lying in bed and it is a yery good world, and I never knew 110V7 good world it was till I went " to ,light France!" „lhid and High S ririts, He told me, in an almost awe -strut voice, of the wonderful kindness, cam radeship, courage, dutifulness sand un ending patience and endurance of th with whom he had been thrown, I soover knew that men could be a hart," be kept repeating, Is cif that Anroaican school tae bank to :nae when a trio r I happalled to be in a Iii la'otad terminus as a convo tai avtimade(' : e rived in a Red Cros to^tarn, Tito scene revealed s1al�:rcii. stoicism and Cl aliseipline.-cit weld he idle to say there was nea'ei' a g;roa and no triltutaa to human weatknesse among this mass of suffering and dy ani mein Vet there was such, eheer fulness, s such 1 1 t Y arawe,y, so much thought for (Altera, such courtesy an' gratitude ai rt tic taw ^ i ' a2tl � c, w those t to �? ;In tic minister for ed to them, that 1, VAS aintired. The other clay I was diseuesin., courage with a group of soldiers. One ee them said, "I was afraid before I went in, and I was afraid afterward but I wasn't afraid while I was in IL' And that's the view of the majority where courage i eoneer'ned, There'. the apprehensive fear .beforehand, and tho awful fear'in retrospect, but al- ways strong courage within the act- ual sphere of action. "What did von find particularly in the Ranch trenches?" Tasked, for he was but newly returned from that pare of the line, "Two things only," came the quick nr, "Mud and confident, high sl its! I gossiped with, officers and men of the territorial regiments in Champagne, men long past their youth, but stalwart and admirably solc3ierlike. I talked, too, with artil- lerymen in thelArgonne, and with bat- talions rd'elite' who have battered the Germans on the battlefields of Ver- dun. Everywhere I saw smiles and cheerfulness." Hardships Cheerfully Borne. He. described some of the scenes to fare, and the horrors of discomfort, which these men went courageously through. He had passed a young sol- dielr, crouching in a tunnel sludgier and muddier than any creek, writing a letter home too his mother by the light of a flickering candle. ' The young soldier had looked up as he passed and had made a joke about his oozy rest- ing place. Other -soldiers' were in even worse condition. "The French , army is a smiling host," said he; "their courage is amaz- on Everywhere- in the French array there is high appreciation of the' Brit- ish soldiers, and also of the Arrieri- mars. Men of both armies are looked upon•as the Frenchmen's worthy com Intereet to Irish. nn SE1tf lLLNt' AVOl Srr Edward Carson has been on . a I visit , and was the 1 :tinny a serious illness has been, tQ the western front, k guest 'of Sir Douglas. Haig, s avoided by. the prornpt: use of Dr, a'r`il-: T MaryRname . ic�amara was fined Rorty* � a n�, fink Pills !'hese hills aa'.tually - shillings at the Limerick Betty Ses-aenrieh and purify the blood, and its: -' sions for having light weights in her; this way build up the system, tone and e shop, , s renatlzen the nerves and invigorate ' Tho Cootehill 'Urban Connell have y the viral organs„ $ decided to allow mere tight for, plablic'' Serious diseases gezzertally' 'come use this waiter°, and: are relaying gas 1 front some simple disorder chat lras -' motile. , been neglected. Therefore any` thin - ,f ' Mpg of the blood should bo looked up- !). as a warning `sign, and more serious y illness should be avoided by the use • electricity, of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, In the `i the: South of Irl; blood is peculiarly liable to getout e and: .for England, 3 of II where they have engaged for inland , order ---to boeoruel-thin and watery transport. I and to lead to a general breakdown The death took place recently at 1 In health. This eau be avoided, by the 1'teayc ille, of Edward Egan, principal occasional- use of Dr.'Williams' Pink a .'1 . Palls which cl ' • ai i a , ro salt of lsuitable f the arra of Johnor the most, Egan and Son of, os A d r s loi t.! Sate constitution, ' ns#itn f ton Th ti at �f - These 111 e d. s s will For wll P A tractor ; glue You a :aero' appetit :im irovo u demonstration was given; 11. I yo r fi I � a om Dublin on Ow y i 0 Irl Y At a erecting of • Castlerea, it was des»ded y` at once to have the tow: citizens to take et igbtet i1 A large nunrber of -laborers have left cruse of young girls and women the by a ^oun 1 d fr digestion, tone anti strengthen weakk- g1premises oThe°O'Connor Don, Clon- erred nerves, banish depression and. alis, Castlerea, lack of energy, clear the complexion The plot -holders of Taamaw^ai'a Have of pimples and blotches, cure pain in " l; the back and� �n , 4presented D. O'Shea secretary of the Igi oral weakness, cause Allotment Committee with an address' the disaPpet<ranco of headaches, diezi 1 , and a cheque. ' nese and heart Butt©ring. Give those; There's pills a fair trial and you will toonnote aIrs.' �V, 4li w%as a�earctett £300 at the Dungarvaan, Sessions against 'the rid 'wonderful change in your condi#ion. ' Lux Navigation Company, for ' the loss lour spirits will Uriglz#en, good health of her husband. and strength ° will return, and you will The Derry Board of Guardians re- feel like a new. Person' on,Yo You con- firm #hese statements nor#s byerq cingPacted at therra t.mee g thattheie .among your friends almost anywhere twenty-one cases of scarlatina In , the workhouse, as thousands and thousands of hope- less sufferers have been restored to rides, and any day you will hear -the `Tommies'' and the `Sammies' applaud - a in. the French trenches. The other day, ,I met a man just re- turned from Rheims, "the city. of Ger - s damnation," as it has been call- ed: In spite of the fact that it has been -a scene ef desolation, he had en -1 joyed the most delightful; lunch of his life there, and told me he considered. the French women the most competent n,earth the streets of ,Rheims are grass-- ts, he said. The1 g&*dens are tars neg- Thetcathed fh'ias its chancel: estroyredaaio i �, sines Lam.. Its fagp,vu fabs, Two lodging -house keepers were fined :£2 each at Armagh Petty Ses- now health and energy by using Dr. Bions for not supplying'their lodgers; Williams' Pink Pills. with registration cards. It is stated that German is the only language taught in a number of pub- lic schools in Oklahoma. ORIGIN OF�� OLEO\ARGARINE, FIRE AFFECTS ANIMALS. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50' from The Dr. -Williams' slledielne Co., Erocic- y vide, Out. u er us u e First Invented at Order of Napoleon IIT. It is interesting to note that war, which has been the deciding factor in inducing the Canadian authorities to allow the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine in this country, should have also been largely instru- mental in establishing it firmly as an article of diet in Paris, and in general: throughout France. The factsi are these: Emperor Napoleon III. was anxious' Some Go Mad With Fear While Others Remain Cool in Danger. Most animals are afraid of lire, and will fly from it in terror. To others there is a fascination about a flame and they will walk into it, even though tortured by the heat..— A horse in a burning stable goes mad with fear, but a dog is as cool ""i a fire as at, any time.; He keeps - his nose down to'the floor, where the air is purest, and sets himself calmly to finding his way out. Cats in fire cry c =ao^bite checked aa•orste ed tilts stunning street d Call Pattern Nqf, 8100, La Dress. `Pattern in 0 sires; 34 t bust. Price, 20 cents. SlLIFT i CORN IFF ViralOOt3T PAI rte p 3 ati apt tells:.hoc✓ t :o7;n od' caUus sp it of v�.hn f.r,gers,. 0 dry 0-- xou corm -pestered nd. ii omen need suffer no longer, Wear tine shoes loot rtearay kl!acct you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few cirogss of freeaone applied directly en a tender, 'aching cern or callus, steps. soreness at once and soon the corn er .burdened callus loosens so it can be. ' lifted off, rent and all, without pain, A small bottle of freezone costs very 'little at any drew, store,, but will Posi- tively lake elf every hard pr soft corn cz callus. This should be tried, as it "s expensive and is said not To zrri- ate the surrounding skin, if ycur druggist nas:':t any ire ell bhn to get; a small bottle fo tam me wholesale erupt; lzczassek ne stuff and acts like magic e 2 t7A The Egyptian goose as are small brightly,.colorefi goose kept for orna- mental purposes and rarely seen in this country. It reseiables the Wild *.oae iaa„shape and weighs iwo.pounds lets it each class. tti W, !C2 FOR T I -E l acticaily illitenawrr in Tropii neer ca t ntix fleez:nt Years. 1 c;e ,_,Bta a ;,..0ew y rs igo a calxyasit aaeople n El nieri lr�<eslings t a starthe biz a-rolby g i"'e plaedntt11 sit recently there iarere no ice at. plan � rn the Puerto - P1wGa consular district,.'wh eh comprises the zaorthe n' half of the DDominican Republic, Now every towa•ar of !,500 izala abitauts naoi°e as its ic:o !)font, Sartiago de los Caballeros, Ivith 000 inhabitants, the largest town oitiso this region, lads a tea tela plant which scks fee at i per hundred pounds at Y. the factory and twcnty.4 ye sea=ts ad- ditional delivered. 'The other taw which Y ge in population from 2,500 ao c,5fitr lavvice plants of Trona ` to three tons eanaeiy'r llae price; ice at these plans%,r111.11,':"41: y from S2 84 ne-*^ ii,Jr Ire;d avid aboai psr. Cert ads:itAoeliveretl, T e lit 'i1mip 1 eprl tlzraers of fee are .r tic a c e tiA�'�ande S � r, tl the b ,e loo ut i a, is ;ia'aniag to: be a s•rr'zi:l`; deaaiar_d for ice fro m private Ail „ In view of the high. c or priceor fFlie a, ow:is g prosperity of the coma rya it is slag- ^ If gesred threat it might be passible to iin ,,Iltl macre (,1 Y*- of h{'-' l�'rge ilia eia,�A}ss, eafe*h t and hotel; to nstuU their' a.w i plants l and rein ig°era#ors, fi A. Scotclirrtaat az d aan Ii'ial;,raair ons±i s, set out together on a holiday, ,And' Sandy intrusted all of his ratziey to'i lair a icl with the ettict itsFztarsttpaa, not tri €give him” more that/ a staated eum for *:envies each day, days Sandy pleaded for [" tt in aain. Afterwards o Pott that, oaa the let - :al to onigrl; with his Wish,: t; of lied every eight win- n1 elan a:a was asleep and sex rched coria never succeed Where dad you keep's After a a increase, 1 confessed he:}std Katt, .,I let nigloc, azail every aright; tilt leaking;Ila is nalle t sour a ockets, 'I As-a�s up in Iiae. 'rrrcii'Meg, i took it +oars again," firs Note themany smart features of this simple dresa' m r, s; the box -pleated tame, surplice waist, long tight sleeves and the wide loose bent. McCall Pat- tern. No. 8079, Ladies' Dress. In 5 sizes, 34 to 42 bust.:' Price, 20 cents These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70' Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Activities of Women. Forty thousand women are working in the mines of Germany. Several Holyoke College' girls -are, working as •drivers of milk wagons. !ablated Eyelids ort? 1 "c , Eli(s.laitimcd IVI stn, useaad l'/rads ,ckl' Oily , - d r Mleveci by?Iconic, i t it In ,, / r'rCyeurI rsnu I k1 's!~liCi. ; NaSentlleg,Jert EyeCamiort i^ At Ym+r rani r a1 m or l F 9 Ma � Remesl [IRE Y meal &7N rror Eoteto. tAurina ay. saki, In Tisa "..4e. For book r.I the Thi Frew. Alk Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Gbamiso 4 Curiosity Aids Red Cross. A farmer in a 'village in southeast England "raised $1,000 for the Red. Cross through the' agency of a Zeppe- lin bomb which fell in one of his fields. Thousands of people crone from' near- by towns to see the crater, which is described asenough l"big error thr to put a house in." The farmer, charged each visitor a small admission fee and turned the proceeds over^to the local" Red Cross. • Kimura :Komaka'was the first wo- man to make suffrage speeches' in, Japan. LEMON JUICE IS a FRECKLE REMOVER Girls! Make, this cheap beauty lotion In ,,, to clear and whiten your skin, Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a _bottle containing three ounces of orchard white; shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- fier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer bas the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard -white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each clay and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes! It is Harmless. piteously. They hide their faces from the light acid crouch in corners. When their rescuer lifts them they are as a rule quite docile and subdaed, never biting or scratching. 1 iiatlilUIU c,} ® -. dil11111111(1 Birds. seemto be hypnotized byfire, '1 1 nd keep perfectly still; even thertut Six Mi taste Pud Here's a new one—a /nest delicious desert that can be made in a hurry. quacious parrot, in a fire has nothing to say. Cows, like dogs, do not. show alarm.;. They are easy to lead forth and often find their way out them- selves. Pencils in Japan. , An unthought of 'result of the war has been the creation of a lead pencil industr;s:- in Japan. In 1911 Japan im- ported 65 000 000 pencils 'm t f hich came from 'America and Ger- To one and one-half many. But with the opening , of t cups of milk add one cup of 740 „one level table-, AM aazre supplY, *pee 'cut .off earl 'native gria.nue, only comparatieelya anent], ed overVu'u u0 et a '1916e -the:, eeliaek ,0 168;09 'Cteo ' We can't expect ,our neighbors to say pleasant , things about us' if we are all the time growling about them. 'Every living ;thing likes to have the strol«1 the ighi, way—even editors like it. )1=4's Liniment Cures Garget C ern inventions. .2'The foritiere1aintfact ate I was cured Of pain ul Goitre by ,eIINAIM'S LINIMENT, Clhatham, Ont. I was mired of Intlainmation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia bY INARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale Out 3 11 BAILEY Tomato and cheeee.—Take equal quantities of bread climbs and torna- pan rind pour over the bread crumbs Put a. laver. of cooked tomatoes -in a baker, s-prinkle over with bread: crumbs., then with a layer of grated cheese. Then repeat and nut enough bread 'crumbs to cover the cheese. Add I a little salt and cayerine pepper. Put I in the' oven .and heat until the cheese is melted. MONEY ORDERS Dominion II -spree's Foreign Cheques are accepted by Field Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their fall face value. There is no better way to send money to, the boys it the • Cornmeal Eread.-2 cups lulc.ewarin water, 1 yeast cake, 1A.:1 tablespoon salt, .tie cup molasses, 1 cup rye flour Dissolve yeast cake in water, add re-.' pughly, Lot rise to double ite'bulk,1 knead and shape inte loaves; letereSat 'again to double in bulk.and baker, Elit6ILLEFT PAT tIMITED en. TORONTO,. 5 �"mourar ae. ar ria tansrane a eciaaire t after. it hies aA ar•Ir. enoh t twvo fat Fra tapugFrla its neves- ,tl omy', is at good look i o Iraazr araealisi once. at drtlguis#at,l .., .� after zaieal>a peat sage and fltfa"tl*Rt oder, SQe. an $11 Ifo not buy ztiulzsit she t etaubue, Gordan Title tiiar -t rattrra °mita* as Alaitrl er " yawenzl,t it a Vogt. 0,14ay mArsWd sur p,,i ora 'ass wl Frt, trca�sa 'dal' keel 39�ti* tsr€"aiut :sty- them Olt iaVig•: 4111 spay els iTTiN44 ,ram +ialurat lnrrcatn to 1fia chow' ct /Nc, laflgl alike, tQ ray nlklt,tl of Stmt Mls era ttu4t nney can pratlura. rifzal howl 1REtlla easy. �a14 mA far aulheat]a inlyintatien,, al+aalatWt' irrr. Y4441.4hti rorMally invited to csU a" Roans H2. Union contra tiulidinx to rraour exoclaant anti egterriiie tYt+.b:r Cauniry al! prawn in Lha grin rP.FiE'.: Si7 a C soar s ' a 5 , z fto a Ince . - Iia.oeYa4iihrS>�trvs l rlx.dcf. 14N TD !Menlo! owl • ouro4 out tido by our h treittmont Nato TICURA HEALS EczEmA BAlly When buying your Piano knsist on having an PIANO ACTION S read Covering Body, Awful isflgurernent, Itched and Burned, Had to Scratch. "My baby was troubled with eczema which began on. her face and spread all over her body. it was in n rash and was very sore and inflamed, causing aw- ful disfigurement, The rash itched and burned making her scratch terri- bly and she was cross. "Then I used Cuticura of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Henry Richard, Murray Harbor, P. E. 'You may rely on Cuticura to care for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. For Free Sample Bach by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. Reduces Strelned. Puffy Ankles; Lympbangitis. Poll Evil, Estella 1 Boils, Swaim; Stops Lemenese and allays pain. Heals Sores,Cuts, • Bruises, Boot Chafes. lt is a 1 SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or YCJI1OVC the hairand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and I3ook 5 11,1 free. ABSORBINE, 3R., antistatic liniment Thr mankind, re- duces Strains. Painful. knotted. Svolien Wins, COlIrt11.• 1S1 per horde at dealers or delivered. F, YOUNG, P. 0, F., 516 trials eldg,., Montreal, Gan. 41/LPOSIIre Aches Cold rain, winds; and dampness brin out the rheumatic achatl. An application of Sloan's Liniment will soon have the blood circulating and - the pain will disappear': For neu- ralgia, lame back, stiff neck, sprains. strains, and all muscle sorene.ss. Sloan's Liniment can't be. beat.- No rubbing; it quickly pcnetratesand does work with- out stain Or O. -lag -ging of the pores. Better that _rlitstern or ointments-. For cold feet or hands try ars-appl;caticri of Sloan'aLiniment. Gencrouri sized bottles. at all daggioto. of WEBSTED'S DICTIONARIES are in use by business men, engineers, bankers, judges, arcbi-, toots, physicians, farmers,'teachers, li- brarians, clergymen, by sucaessful men and zaomen the world over. ARE YOU EQUIPPED TO WIN? The New Internstionai is an all-knoming teacher, a universal question answerer. 400,060 Vocabulary TeriTIS. 2700 Pages, 6000 Illustrations. Oolered Plates. 30,000 Geograph- ical Subjects. 12,000 Blornishical Entries. Regular and India -Paper Editions. 'Write for Spec - Pages, Il- lustrations, etc. Free, a set of coEl t. piecat;;;;" if you nexus this 'este me at:tosses Ara et gate ti