HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-12-20, Page 44 KWO STRON Convincing Proof publish the formula of Vine e convincinely that it has the )A r to create strength. olt -n Cos Liver and iSefr Peptones. Irma and MaugauesoReptom,2,tes„ Iron =and Ammonium etrate,. Lzme and Soda etizerniamsi-Lster„, Any woman who buys a bottle o Vinol for a weak, nm -down, nervous condition and finds after giving it a fair 4-ria1 it did not help her, will lay,t her trioney returne You see, there is tigs wodc sarut Vino). Its ft) is -nothing like it f oteerwo.ae and for feels1 hitdrene T That the Cnnsunas GRAN TRUNK MTEti 'TP w -I EDS SNAD4 IS AN TIME TO EUT WIR ORE IT ADVANCES 'IN PE,I0E E TOE` ON TOUR TB7. roubwixo ether drct. r F nee Posts Z42t long xtud lOft long Lodi= o ugh., Shingles, Lath, ent, ,,-- CLATITV001-1 GRANTON ad Ontario's Best Commercial School • 4 Courses are thorough. th- el instructors are 'experienced, 40 ; students get individual attention • 4 and graduates are placed in positions-. During three months ; 4 we turned down over 300 calls • ▪ Ifor trained help. This is tha i* school for those who want the • • Practical training and the good. • positions. Commercial, Short - band and Telegraphy depart- • • ments. Get our free catalogue. • It will interest von. • LI, D. A. 21cLACEILAN Principal W. J. ELLIOTT. President. • s-iss s - JAKES OFF DANDRUFF, iHAIR STOPS FALLI ve your Hair! Get a srusil bottle ,of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. A -1 ; P itie <thou 0 4- 1-11 o tt,oiuts abont frmhontse ,tone iogtag the tcaEarold'14, 1=3onniatit home y oar God tney 'o est 3 ; 1 I hsr T.4.4 st'efi tre belle fi ben, rk=1" 0 w, tflt Tatv ne3, so /A e 01AI 4 it- txrc °"0.1-ert soags, ubile o,oher in " ot Bough" stollens:is "AU ye Sincrin o Doors. who have scorned each °fixer or injur- ed friend or brother, come gather here." And then there's that grand old hynin "Adeste Fideles," sung in every church in thiS land d th ethers, at this Christmas season 07z. C.0171e, ai 21e fatthjul:, Jul/jai and trisririphant,i C07}1.0 ye, oh, some ye lo Bethlehem! Clirlstnias would nnt be Christmas, of course, if the "waits' were to tieg- lent one other of the most beautiful of old carols: Tforzt night, peaceful' 'night! Through, the darkness 'beams Hoiy nisriit, peaceful nigh! Throngh the ,darktiest, beam.s a light.' . - Yonder, 'Where they sweet vigils keep O'er 17e babe who, in vident, sleep, Resz- hearcrly peace; Iteste 'in heavenly peace. in, brittle, colorless and scraggy i is mute evidence of a neglected ' "nf dandruff—that awful scurf. ere is nothing so ,destructive to ,Jhair as dandruff. Itpab ...the hair I s f• lustre .itsstrength its -s-ery evelriu Lily' giroducin4 feverish - t, e• a itrthinissof• the al which if fe,,111,4t sa air 7:12tior 3 - 41 g eitne TI* tkere are any of you who+lh mind an after ChriSthlaS Cr.riillaer even- ing of song to the accompaniment et harpsichord, a spinet, a lute or ti.plano or even the modern and inu,cla adver- tised disk inachine, it might be \Veil to - this On the company: "1 -Lark tho Herald Angels Sing." Bark! The herald angels sihg,, Glary ,to, the ,rnewborirt ,king; ' 6 'Ori1;,/nt Ob portant Events Which Have - Occurred Durinsthe Wei. le Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Hoods and Attractive Shape for the iteatlerS of ()or Paper --- Solid Flour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY-. Purther successes were won by aliait troops on the lower Piave. Judge Bazin of Montreal made a scathing indictment of soeial, tions in the city. Gustave Herve„ the Fench writer, said Caillaus was- the Centre 01 tbe Paris peace propagandists, Alajor W. L. Grant, the new bead master of Upper Canada College made a starenient ,SUPPOrtiP"" Uaion Government. The wastage of (i the latter hair of 5,30, while the enlist ChlY "'The Veteran, of the Great War Ve Itas coanneiticied ; it ii,suPPorts nan troops ?ti thec was 19,- ents tota,tled Ibelat orgau ns ASSQehl. 'ilication at 111'0n Go - bread price.s in .tout says the cxing Com - Cost at Liviui, was y a corresponding iti- eas.om cost E. ¶olton, ormer 31f,P. for North Wellington, ancl eieove of Clif- fortl dtod, at IIIS home inethat vfltage frorp4nenmonia, contraeted While nails t0g for Victory bonds. 21. tonnage competed in the 0 Of NO;Yeather Was within Table diStanCie of the tonnage osaes In that period by enemy at' taeks, it was annotiaced in the House of Coramous by Sir Leo Money, Par- mentary Private Secretary to the inisgy of Munitions, Foreign .Secretary Balfour told the Ouse 0° CORIVOIOSS that a V,OS4 Illa- tion had been received by rea ixi freon Germany laZt eptent- bet, ugh a neutral diploma xo the effect that Geri:nal)) d be glad tO get into with Great Britain in regard peace, The BritiSh Government d it was prepared to rec'eive Uon dte tGoeuirroaakne, Gaoni-d- it with Oreat Britain's iot'tuany returned no reply, added. (ireat Britain dated $5,000,000 to the Halilax Relief Fund. The Austriar. battleship Wein NVIw trpedoed and sunk on Sunday. ° Side:ant Kemp 'took over tit ad mth 'tration of tile British Ove ees bn London. Goneral Allenby made his official 'ntry luto Jerusalem on foot, accord- ing to a statement made by Lloyd 'gerrfic tos was intlicted upon the German .i w lot they ntade an, attack upon the British positions near Dal- lecourt. The Central Powers bare announc- ed their willingness to evacuate Rau- ania if a new dynasty is formed to dethrone the present king - Food Controller Hoover of the 'United States has issued an order re- leasing 75,000 pounds of oloemar- garine for export to Canada. Official figures show that the death toll in Halifax reached a total of 1,226, in which the citizens who are reported missing have been counted. On account of the famine cornii- tions in Germany, Chancellor von ertling is reported to have been grateful lei gifts of food from 13a- varian friends. Hon. W. J. Hanna, the food con- troller, is making strenuous efforts to discover who started the story that he ate a meal costing $4.20, which accusation he denies. Nine men were rendered uncon- scious in Toronto by drinking essence of ginger. The druggist who sold it to them to be used as a bever- age was heavily fined. 1Lieut. Boehm, one of the. most suc- cessful of the German aviators and successor to Capt. Boelke in com- mand of the squadron on the western front, has beeia killed in action. The London Times has called for an investigation of the situation that I led to the recent Brit,isheseversse—at ' Cambrai. Carelessness is alleged, and the probe will probably be ap- plied. There has been a split in the Brit- ish Columbia Cabinet over the Union Government— Premier Brewster is supporting the Union candidates and Attorney -General Defarris has spok- en on behalf of the Laurierite candi- date in Burrard.., General Mewburn announced that the previous contributions of soldiers to the overseas forces will not be taken into consideration when. the drafts are made under the Military Service Act. The meawili Probab- 1Y be arranged for conscription ac- cording to their age. FRIDAY. Italian troops repulsed big Teuton attacks and inflicted heavy losses, - War service badges, of four class - e, are now ready for r3istribution. No bran or shorts are to be export- ' until Canada's needs are assured. The chairman at Gordon Wal- dron's meeting in Parkdale collapsed sud,denly with a strOlie, The d',,Timrae depois for returned soldier's at :Halifax aicl. (it/01'0e are be done away with, Froin the, 1t of Pelirimry *vital& sale ilealers in fresh frvi :And veg- etables must have licensiis. ),laier-Genera] Meribu,n, LI lei, t er .3f Militia and Defence, as issued Christmas rtiessage to tne Citnaii:an Rev, ,l)r. John NeiJ, Mo<leratu,ol eneral Asseranis- supper ' C A t-csbytenan as Otooj rest was involved, granted temporarily to man because of his oceupation aphis good upon his continuing in Phat ea./ploy/I-tent, but not necessartlY eith the same emidoYer)' A tile starting in the Arcade building in Ottawa, used as a Base Recrung Of(Ice, may have destroy- ed a ballot -box containing military °test it so, the counting of the arY votes lnaY be delaYed. SA'13.111DAY. at aerial activity was reported 3 the 'French front, The Toronto City Council decided to go into the meat trade in eonnec- tioa the Civic Abattoir. Sir George Foster, Minister of _rade and Commerce, was injured by an engine in the Toronto linden Station. Polling in Halifax Will be on the 29th of January, the same day as in the calamity, in consequence of the 'Pile Germans scored a small suc- cess east of Ypres, when about 300 yards of British trench were (son - need, $herIA William Carney of Sault Ste4ttatie, one the *best known mettein Northern Oittario. has pass ed **ay - he rumor S that General Currie tends to resign haro been contra- cted. He still leads the Canadians rn Fr411r7e. 11tiS have beu awardeIn th Tinted Strde tor 4,000 sbtps witb a net dead-weight carrytne, apacity of eight million tons, rT7hule tag:tut all: nrIeSe t 00 r thQetleVu bJee- tside of Mont 041;'''tvas $17,649,000, illy 29,500 splople contributed. Dean, Inge, of. St, Paul's Cathedral, 'Idea, knOWII ftiganci as the loomy dean,' has said that 0111Y rtbeceoZal.l.ation of tile nations can end Premier Lloyd George declared that thi l. tile testieg time for the Allies, Tttey must hold the rein- forced foe At bay until the spring, when tigt3A0sericans will be ready- norgeWrolltra41°!,by aQt",iBuress•t°itui Pae, was ounI Sound the elaarge of sedition. He ed that any words spoken by re due to the fact that hip ighbors persecuted bin) oo account his 'Gorman angeStrY, ' great- ntlfatber immigrated to Canada nt Saxony. MON Petrograd deni.s the report that e former Czar hes oacapetl. All of the crew of the I3rltiab s cattier Knight of the Thistle nded safely. A large number of British rk- ii urged the establishment oX rationing system. The safe arrival in England 0 umber of drafts and details o troops is announced. ThO French nlinieter of Marine said real progress was being made In the anti-sulnnarine campaign. The food controller has issued re- gulations for the 'trade in cereals, and has, fixed prices on bran arid shorts. The Royal :Military College, King- ston, litis beeu offered for the use of Rio naval cadets till the Naval Col- lege at Halifax is rebuilt. While driving to a political meet- ing at Highgate, Solomon Gosnell, proprietor or The Monitor, was struck by an express on the M. C. R. and instantly killed, Rev, S. McLean has resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church at St. 'Mary's, in protest against in- terference with his liberty of speech in connection with the election. His Excellency- the Governor-Gen- eral has received the following cablegram from his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales for communica- tion to the Mayor and people of Halifax: "My thoughts are with you in the overwhelming disaster which has befallen your city, and I sym- pathize deeply with all the sufferers." TUESDAY. A house-to-house compaign of Ed- monton resulted in a contribution of $10,000 for the Halifax Relief Fund. The Turks occupied the islands of IVIessonissi and Plaka, on the coast of Asia Minor. Their action was unopposed. Joseph Mante11 aged 107, was the oldest man voting in the city of To- ronto. , He cast his ballot for a Union candiate. Two neutral merchantmen and a trawler were sunk off the Tyne on I)eceniber 12th by Germanadestroy- ers. "These bold raiders made their escape, Harold Hutchings, aged 22; the son of a Winnipeg millionaire, must go to war. Mr. Justice Ilaggart gave a decision refusing to allow him ex- emption. Premier Clemenceau of France threatened to resign if imM. Joseoli Caillaux was granted munity from attack on account of his position in the. country. The Premier got his own way. Harry Lauder has made a reply to lklayor Martin of Montreal, who de- clared that no foreigner has a rigbt . , to interfere in Canadian - politics. Lauder said that he does not count iiiniself a foreigner in any land where the British flag flies. With reference to the German Government's statement that it had received through a neutral Govern- ment last September an inquiry iri regard to itseliv*kalms under Cir- cumstances indleatnag that the in- quiry was made Wifhthe. sanction of the British Government. Daily Chronicle prints a stat'ement from Lord Robert Cecil Minister of Block- ade, branding the whole thing as un- true. ' Brigadier -General Bernard 1 Dowling Irwilvbf,,di4eg.a l e many -years kiai 'ertta".)3reF, who for , -his summer nome in Cobonr30, died after 1' a' 11- illness. „ His de'ath r.„ - link bet+be . n 1°11"11-1iA 9.t.her Statet e Present'''' nskstis as 4)0 aqigiis a ae i HOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED 3 4 rv for Fletcher , Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs.'" Mothers can rest easy after giving "California. Syrup of Figs,"' because in a few hours all the clogged -up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you hose a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless `.`fniit laxative." I'dillions of mothers keep it handy be- C311S0 .they know its action -on the BtOirCr Wei^ and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," wlnch COB» tains direCtiOnS PAX' babies, ebilelTe4 all ages and for grown-ups. Greenway Mr,and, 2k,t1',5= 1. Stove have a YO Mrs, li1xts and Miss Lillian were hi. London last week. Miss `Gilholiin of Bright visited her Mrs. II, AfcIutosh of Parkhill cal- SexswiI h, speut - few -days vie this vicinity. 4).Ers. Bay Pollock hasretarrne her home "Kerwooti. after visitt with relatives here. IlIoS5.itsizWterakin stXti: AliSS Zillah English has actunned from a visit in Eort Herons Mr. Jerry 1:iroohey was badly in- ured last week by a falling pultey le 11,5 under the Dr.'s care astdi is ,do, en as WVa as noe be expected-, ElectiouIday4.)assed off iluictly ixx aur aleighboritood voting being ,dont,, 0.1 the sclioot „house wistia, na 0' as Dasniey Retool* Offiear. heeT t,An t k- It Al Item h let chutob ou Cbrxstiuts vight. Pro -- of songsrecitations ties by the nxeuxhega eau einisie "1 • nd dial tbe ;iniay The d in the West school ((day zxigb1 sc&e well attended 4spi1e of the bad ,weather, The gx-axmue was exeeilwxt ud Stint.a US itt good 11411110r= eVAIS Chrisuxxa, tree entertainment iLI be held in tile school house, this sday eve/hint in aid of ihe Rect Cross fund a „gott programme is Isi'- ittg under the able inanag.)- tint of the teacher, Altss Ethel C, Cp se, The !service was svitildra WU iu the Methodist church last Sabbath eni be emigre t ion attended Grace cherch svhere Ens .)Is. Varney con - `sleeted a beautiful memorial service Lor Pte. Chris. laelkhersua who died inalfrance !NOV, 2nd, 1,47. Auction Sale FARLNI, STOCK, &. IMPLEMENTS 13.. S. Browu has received Enstruc- tions Trona Walker Kerslake, to sell by Public Auction on Lot 11, Con. 11„ n riday, Dec., 21st, 1917 counneng- - To- tiaborne, across Irani Su.ushino churca ocANAT.:) BAN i K., ing at one o'clock sharp the follow- . 4 ....... ERCE The Eind YOU Rave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty and hearsa'shbaesehmeunderboilltilesignature orf-, ' - sona.1 supervision since its infancy. . 44e44: Alloy no one to deceive you in thiS. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " JUst-aS-gOod " are , InfExPanertshneanutsd tChhiatldrteifin—e Bwitheriaelindee enadgalaung:tr ..,Eth:Pebrinlealetts Wd What ,is AST° R IA .. ' cas,.is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric;) Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contain& neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its . i age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years t has been in constant use for the relief of ennstipation, FlatuleacYr Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying 'Feverishness arising . therefrom, And by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids * the assimilation or Food; giving healthy and natutal, sleep. The Childretes Panacea—The NotheT's Friend.. ENUINE CAST R IA ALWAys, Bears the Signature 0 u Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THC, C.g1,474SUR COMA toolosor...16=•61..am INC RPORATED 18 111 a is • • • • • • • 0.41•041VV10.•...•..6.0......2114011• MOLSONS CAPITAL AD RESERVE $8 0 CO 98 Brat ehes Canada neral Banking Business Transacted AO CIRCULAR LEITER 0 AM MONItY OliDE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Jnlcttit c highest W, D. Choke, Manager, Exet tut tat BI 211102 liORSES---Agr'icultural team risitta 5 and ti „yeaars old. 1 good lartner'e .re driver ?quiet and liable fou,r, years old; 1 good, road mare quiet and re- liable 3 years olti. CATTLE -1 cow due Feb. lith; 1. tow (due Alarch 10th; 1 cow due afarch. 7th, 1 cow due May 15th; 1 hatter due May 23rd, 1 cow fresh' in 5 choice steers weighing about 1100, pounas, 2 yearling .sosers, 2 year- ling heifers, 4 spring calves, 1 young calt. reIGS-2 Yorkshire SONS'S with lit- ter at foot, 1 Berkshire sow due on March 15th, 2 Yorkshire sows due iu .5l.arch; 2 sows due Jane 10th, 1 sow due Eeby. . 1st; 2 young 'Yorkshire sows purebre(d, -due la 10 shoats 3' months old, 14 young pigs ti weeks old at time of sale. POULTItY—About 80 hens and pul- lets. tiAY AND GRAIN—About 200 bus. feed `barley; about 75 Jana; seed bar- ley; 300 bus. seed oats; soo bus. feed oats; !about 125 bus. of mixed feed;" wheat and oats, quantity good (hay; geantity tur.nips. IJNIPLEDIENT6--21-fassey-Ilarris der, •G loot cut in good, shape; 5 foot Massey-Da.rris mower; Frost and Wood seed drill, 12 hoe; ,cultivator, steel land roller, horse rake, 4 sec- tion set of harrows;' Cockshutt riding plow, svalking plow, hay loader, hay, tedder, .set of bob -sleighs, goal Chat- ham waggon, waggon sprtn&s, wag- gon 'box, gravel box, set earns trucks, 1 isculfler, 2 furrow plow, 1 buggy Premier cream separator, root pal - 'per, a nuniber ce.dar posts, a quantity of basswood, and herolcek iumber, hay rack, pie- rack, set_ of (double •harness, set a hVv eavy •ork, harness, (fanning mill, Massisey-liarris 'manure !spreader in good shape, set; otli1,matehect pine barn doors 0.2 feet sq ,:are, extension ladder 42 feet, grind stone, stoneboat, 3 sets svhiuffietrees 1 pig leiate, chains, hoes, shovels, and other articles too nurn6rous to ..-,;(‘R.O.ittvely no reserve as Proprietor hie ' d.Ahis fa SArm. 1, A Lssu. If . LE— ea cash; OtPsnOl e. °sr oim joint notes O t ooOnftirs li 12 snOnths "cl'e ar a sisgOunt ip- oft1237Ptr1?- proy,.-lieu Of - " /.33 s)C, off for cash Walker t,We'rslake S. Brown Auctioneei -Tohn Ser Cler John le'LO11 Of" CO SIR EDMUND WALICER,I C.V.O., LLD., D.C.L, President CAPrim.PmD Up.$15,000,000 SIR JOHN AIRD, Ccocralivlanager H. V. F. JONES, Ash, Goal, Manager RESERVE FUND, $13,500,00Gq os. The Manager is prepared to Consult with prospective' customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they. will be met with courtesy and given prompt service. EXETER BRANCH—A. E. KUM-Li, !SIAN/WEB Crediton Branch—J. A. Mc Donald Manager. 1 - 171'' DR. G. F. ROBLSTON. L. D. S., D. D DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over Dickson & Carl- ing's Law Office. Closed Wethiesdys .afternoons. Phone Office 5a and !Residence 5b. THE USBORNE & HIBBERT ATIMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY, Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, 11,0)3T. NORRIS Vice -President, MOS, RYAN. DIRECTORS WiLR3ROCK J, L. RUSSELL, j. - AGENTS S' zeter, rne. i*unr°' Agent °r Eirbbert F! and Logna, TILL, ecty:'rreas, Farquhar, AN & STANBuily lioitors, Exeter, INSG, DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. L.D., r H,onor Graduate of Toronto Univeze- sity. DENTIST Teeth extracted svitliout pain, co - any bad -effects. Office over Glad, man & ,Stanbury's Office. Main, Exeter. • 3. W. EftOWNING Id. D MEP 5. Graduate Victoria. Univ_erslitY, Office, and Residence, Domiffiot, Labratory,Exeter. Associate 'Coroner of Einron I IR. " O�inmmss . , jork.SeorlA;gitor, Notary olc, s..too MIons Money e O'EtCE 'SOX Pulalits th•- itria 7.1 AA' 0. 311 b a, .tte V, t 'Itet =3' a It 11 111