HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-12-13, Page 154 Thursday, Deceniber -ill, 1917 VINOL K GOOD BLOOD Posative—sc;aci,e0„n,ve.Mteciicn.sgfoPr rat3nal• mia arCggly so in name., Their :nab- erkOrg,,,laty•tel to prove their claims by telhog-Ignat their medicines contain. The only way to be honest with the people is to'let them know what they are Raying fee, Here is the Vino!, fo04e, Irtiben the doctor knows WoOke, medicii ine contans, t ceases to, ba a "patent" medicine, rt Codl..iver and Beef Peptones, Iron and .,,:', IA ameants4 Pentaaat.e Iron. and Ain, monium Citrate, Lime Sind, Soda Okypero. plies:ph,4;;Cascarirt, An do.. r will tell you that the in4 ,,.gyrileidelennrtischoleVbinlo°01'daasndnabTleilhaabnoavee: rnia and create strength. When the blood ispureand rich and rcd, the body is strcng and robust. You can provw this at our expense because your nitlitey will be returned if \Finial does no Ove your health. W. S. COLE. DRUOGIST, nx.ETER,.. _w at the- host druggist in all Ont- , ario towns G AD TRUNK tIVSLWEAP% The Double Track Route ?, JiPt It`Vet it_RA A l'111t(iNTO 4.11$1 Q1110,1.00 uEiiii tit I Nil 0,t,11 clEil V It*: I 814411tng Yam otA night irains ithd, 14 Parlor 04,11iUltPAinciv31 03.y trains Mgt hifOr414,190 from. aity Grand TrUnk Ticket Agent or O. E, Vera. bur. Itiotriet 14ASSenge1' ,Ant, Onts• N. DORE, Ageott Bseter a Farmerst • . MADE IN OANADA, FERTILIZER $18 AND $22 PER TON NoW 18 TUE '1'131ETO BUT WIRE FENCE BEFOltE VL ADVANCHS IN , PAIGE . LET ALE gLIOTB YOU ON xoun NEEliS IN TILE FOLLOWING All Etude of Lumber either drets. setkldr rough, .....r. ' riltingles, Lath, Cedar Fence Posts Oft, long, Vit long and 10ft long. gement, Wall Board and dteady Roofing. AJ. CLATWORTHY GRANTON „„ 4. A :raW Ontario's Best Commercial School • • . • Courses are thorough. • .4; instructors are cltpgrienced, • • students gat individual attention • 41 and graduates are placed in • • positions. During three months • - • we turned down over 300 calla • for trained help. This is the It school for those who want the • • '',L• practical training and the good • I positions. Commercial, ' Short- • hand. and Tclegraphy depart- • meats. Get our free catalognet. • • • it will interest you. 4 • , 4* 1), A. 21eLA ELAN , Print. pal • 4 C • YT J. ELLIOTT President • • • 40 *441 illkileGilkilt***********410••• 'GIRLS1-1-51AN.-JUld ISA SKIN, WHIT6NER 1-low•to rnake'a'bretimY 1,eauty'letiett for' a few ceits. Tho juice. of INVO fresh_ 1iluom4 Araittea into to bottle containing three (amens 01 orchard white nm,14.es it 11010 kpit11101' pint of 1,110 most reinarkahle keinoti HUAI beautifier at about Cho cotil, tom most pay for a hinall jar of the, ordinary cold. creains. (:tt re 61101,11d be taken to strain flic lonon juice through a line cloth so lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion 'cep fresh for months. Every, woiaain knows that lemon Juice is used to 'bleach and remove UC11 b1enus1ieS freckles, sallowness and tan and is`0,,. the ideal skin softener, whitener and !t\tf beautifier. , Tut try it! Get three ounces of orchard °elute at ane c in Olt, and two lemons from Om er000r and make up iplarter pint Of tlik Brvevtly fragrant lemon lotion and 1,111,Ckige it daily int() the face neck arms anfi-hend4 490 o.Dnors 0.30; ,,,C443t1e,ROAW414 A'/AAI,Ag, 4,41,140,P, n Ang, Amp 440 p TWA, ei tydeal ot ett edit ,AltonadtAdfo,hy •th,*040.41004 9,01,4•1,, JietabP 0 Rey or Infart$ an Children. - ritliers Know That uine Castoria Olgir""Mr:Tyrall • t-t1J6*4° rcsulli____flgthercripmiitt , and revCt, fear i„,„ er"irr"-- 72tid.144410C171 ONTRPAt iS.V041 6 °nibs f 35Do Enact Coy ei Wrapper. . „ A 1, V ek,d, F,t,t310, N00t4 - . aakerAaaii 99,4•4"00"N*), "1* 1r01,C11,1Tv. "" THE MOLSONS BANK CA PITAL AND RESERVE 0 1J lidos itt Cfntadu A Oencral Banking dutiine,s$ Iran$aco: 7,I^1.S 0 t„.111iLlIT :BANK :ill/NEI' JEDKILS SAVINGSHBANK.DT•PARTIVIENT. 11.itattl 1411 V -t 0119`4,1U1 41,43i1 tia "VV, ('-htt Al 1s k 111t 1, I:Xi k JhI 11 t•ert,o Cidtoto, Aadvognott wth, Antdiican CIV11 011,104 03 *cad Atmtrptin Oro at todd000l,thodld 31('O Pin tPltatAftOn Of *Al by Ihd t$0,104 Stattk, Tao hOr'16-11c,„.kistets an ken 0 Ut1, keentiut batttdiddti nnoit tite• 'Nor rbeteitide.. • • • • • • • • • • • • ik• aleseiereito *row . , • • Thu Poll of tiatono Sri tto Alt,Attlan.tOctinl. ,Thia 000t 0tet tho Pooh oY onetiat 1t01{0ettfrOni,v00 • ' To, ddttantd toa do,o-o:t. 1101, 01 00A mask.: A un doAp sods thd ',turn 10 troops to ho Pius otoparOd for 0tm 50 •••• -• - ...'.........,„,..,, ._ 7t714„' ,,,•t,tv;,.1.isitdtfdK5n11?yan.I o.1l•t-r,c.A.....,iu,odATONi4i..,.:,1itw!,(11161IhnVo',•... bb 0v00000Ib300rth0l1it71,.: llt! • o,' 41' , 0 e ,1'.... 1 • A woundo0 Isids,ttaft` offion,addri,ssino hum, mooting hold at Potroorad support. tho Gownrnment. Ho is ,,,!„arnino 00 cornrados to beware of Gorman frotorpizzog, The:Prince or Wales, Princa Albert and Omi)orooi t to royal r300rners athe funoral of HRH.00 Duchess of CnonaIlght. 0' 100 .„, tt ld'P1111:100t,03110A1d0t1k11 •13 thttiv 0,4 '1.:0141* 4.1.464 j . :Tr .1011011iiitikitrigii(01111144ARgiWirilpi /itokiltiikkko4%ia- 0.19,r otkorl Araoaa.i...r 11 i,,,47ipt.;„:,?,,,t0.1,P49154)111,1,411-00ffY;',.01IT',571105,' ia 0. t (. 00 Yoi THE C- AN BAN ts OF COlvimi7 CF SIR EDMUND WALKER,' C.V.O., LLD, D„C.1-, President fS CAPITAL PAID UP $15.000,000 it SIR JOI-INI AIM), Geral H, V. F. JONES. Ad'A. Geol. tlaros.g, REsv JNt 13,500,0C.:3 A good banking connection. is an essential to tho success of the merchant. The officers of t1iO3 Bank are prepared to consult with you regarding current acccountc, loans and collections, '93 EXETER ;BRANCH— A, E. KUEtIN, MANAGER Crediton Branch -3. A. Mc Daaa:d DR, G, F. ROULSTON. L. D. S., 11 D F. DR, A. R. KINS.31AN, L. L.1), D. 1)8 DENT:ST I I Honor Graduate of 'Toronto L' 1.11Ver- Donor Graduate, of Toronto Univer. I sitY• sity. Office over Dickson & Carl': 1 1)ENT.ST 0.:101.:livo s .05 bf f. i creh. oCuleos.'0, df f iNc\eret15.n.a_et_idal lny4a Tt12,:;11txt0t1shettiebiLl:e.dxst (litaftf::::cputdsr.), ,(:)vtiorii.hicr(0,1t:e(.t7 ialer (:;111.no 11 ad „ rAirtillnEj.111,1.`sSiimOuRTNGEAL& 14,1 111.1B1,3,Er N11,sTu Bito\vNiNc.4, :D.; M. ANI3E CCMIPAYY ' I 'S. G Tadliato Victoria lTifivers:ty., licad Office,, li.trtiiihar, Ont. Office anI d csideuce, 'Dominion Iiice8-idFcricIsdellt, ti • laT:0S..Y °B11T. 'N13,°RI•1:\•tN. Ate ISI Lahratory, br:sto°cria ''Exeter VinCoroner of 11urou I t DIRECTORS 1. R, CARLING, P., A, ,TNN,r1\11,. (1j1S°SeElii:L, ' J:WIM . 113°607N1/3,13rl• 8:i°3 , 811 •1rici t°10',' el:t0°trtor :arY'1 '1-11)111. oti1c AGENTS , ':'Nfolsons 33a.uk, etc, Moneyto J.ostu at. lo)s•cst ra e. of ,Jt.)11.N ESO3bLtV. Exe. ter, Agent UM -0 Fln teci:csit uiEI AIN sT Ttut, borne, and 1.13Iddulph. OLI VER HARRIS, -Allouro, Agent for Fullarton and Logiia. W. A. TURNB.1.11,L, Seely-Treas. Farquhar, G1ADMAN & S'TANYiE-RY Solicitors, Exeter, MONEY a'o LOAN We have a large z)inmint of prioate funds to loan oo fart') and village properties, et lowest r5Le, of int', crest. , G LADI.11AN STANI3U11.Y. D. W. RORINSON LICIENSEI/ A IJCTIOINTEER AND1.5ari s e L S nil: .1) V.4..LUATOR f‘or Cou of ron ttsr- Outtrio,'-'4rfcl, ,s, _0;1 6 Perth ond M:cldlesex. I7a50115 Stock siF- Saleo a 'JWL1 t1l Of ri(.il Lan oIsutl 01 Ware] )o m5 o deer: f 0 1 Celitrtil:41;41,4' C 11 it (11: e Etotol 1)1 a in' St. :b19t,ps,' Charges aitiollAFP' Folt FLTCHFRs erate ' aud • A '101o0l.s'10 0, 0 r, „, A, 14 4,1 , rt1",,,A.10 dt1:; . 1,4515,14, • - -Ajt -rt,) ,