HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-12-13, Page 9. . . . . . . . . . �T,77 2 Turks in ArQ Forced Ge '1� 41 �a Save, tile jeti I% vakice of the B r�' i I Z ; I)tllt Vto Formal Cn' ,, of _,UN.ed Nsl NPW 7 cow, T -a-, '10r, f a nite ue ec I ugg'Al f N 00,v: ug sori N "41 k" '"'1 !0 IN A'4� f0tch. ao t" E�. ai*t�� were 0 wly tq!TJera*a- 40 00wrat Allenby )-ep4_ft0,4 th;�E oa to ana a* �s4t# r he attacked eaetny,s pou", and V�0*0 Al"�, CO3, troop. A%olp of B01). v 4_1 This, the most tremendous queS-Elon in 'Canada's history,, is td be W&AV aus answered witain ten d - strong eri�emy w, nlamd Our answer involves Canada s honour, her freedom'and her future.. Jf�ru -in 04'?,w 'r4e HOY sAle -Sbc ci�y� bei4g, thu:s i�30ailpl, 15urro4der- to 04nerW Alle.TWF. ', Old-time party --,-estions are being advanced, To obscure the grave;Z**1W The Cb� aucellc�r s4id Gero�,ral A47 1p,10�y expiMf"d to 4�mer jerusali�m issue ever placed before a nation. Canada is* in real dan-ew. The omeially w -day, ;Jceowpanied by the 4S of: 00 Iral- 34 COMM, 0 of tile clouds that obscure her vision must be brushed, aside so that, tne Frenc 46, k A 0 Party at issue stand's forth' clear and distinct. 'gre J I ior ip 4 ;added gge IV 0,��,;geat eare,! a %.5,a United Quebec to,Rulu All U`all �da- mav "d 1b 'EA F F1 W�T RAFT. To -day, in our national crisis, Quebec alone among, all the public mectin s throughout that provilice. Iffieu, 111inority, Men Will "Ve Called in Color4 on provinces stands inou� united than, ever before. She knows what in Quebec are (lie of org�aliized. ol)structwil" �Unurtry 3rtL OTTAWA. W(,�, first she wants: To be successful in her detennination to rule �ill Canada, Nlilitary Ser- dra'Z'.t Qf incu, under tb-� -is but to secure a w seats in each of tho other 11rovi -es 4V, -t, w-;'11 bc, to thk,� golors (i) WiflidraAN,,al. f ro)1`1 the war. Quebec 11, fc, lie (2), B"ifingual sc1lools everywhere, Quebec leaders now seel., to'divide the rest of Canada into iactions on 3. ; It Yv-,ts originally ioi kiw(l in viq i�roclaniatlotx Weakening F C�111,ing upon tbl� fir.,q, ciasiA to regla- of the ties,of Dritis-1.1 contlection. by insidiously bringing isito political disclis,,�ioii old-liirw party que I -III Quel t'(% t o Pi (4) Political c;utrol of Cauada. tions"to div�rt the public Illit d fro wc, Tier purpose and her it tb, fkr,�f, druft, an active ambitions. 4��"V�tee by Deconnbor 10� Itut owinf; From the Ottawa River� to Labrador and the Gulf, a com., to oic fact, thut; it vc�rviarm� proper - lion of the men in, tile first 01,153 mon purpose actuawi Quebee in lier deterinination, to profit United in her detenmination to quit the war, Quebec would, roporting I r e d ho ervfee or el.Ntmptlon until the la�,t by the factional divisions of Canada, and to impose lier will upon compel a. divided Canada to do likewise. P�Y 1111KIII 0111y oall, tile f 1, iy.� i o t the, tinio imod by tht, pro - I * I.L-nglisli-speaking people prevent this calain4v. elxiiiation of Owlbor ; for compli- all the people of Canada, ance with the Lair. it Is round. that Within the last few weeks,, Quebec has mobilized all her However well-meaning Laurier candidates in Ontario may the. work of regi.Rirars and tribunals f orces to dominate Canada under the unifiedleadership, of Dourassa be, they will be helpless against 'a united Quebec, has not yet ta�lvaneed sufficlently to loake It practje��ble to (�,all a draft to and Laurier'. Can;ada Rnows th" t these two nien, in.their earlier the colors on. the date Indicated, Apart from the splendid work of the small English-speaking 'It would p�robably topossible, itis ada ki'lows 4ays were personal friend.-, andpolitical associates Call, pointed out here, to make a call population, Quebec has failed the Red Cros,_ lias failed the low in Y q recent es,, the ' gr"adually dr w apart—until in iqu Patriotic Fund,1 has failed in recruitine- wid. has failed in the -aboutiLlecember 2.1, or Deceinber 25. helped to bring about his defeat 'at but it Is felt that tile members of Do-urassa opposed Laurier and the draft,4ibould be accorded the op- Victor'Y"Loan. 'Dare we, trust our sold'iers, their wives, tbeir portunity of �spendlng the Christmas the polls. Canada knows that from thatLfinie forward, until a few children, their pensions and their allowances, 'to Quebec, that will sen-�,on with their families and weeks ago; the breach between them steadil' widened until envy' Y, st, and which will resist taxation for friends. It has, thorefore, been do - neither give,. enlist nor inve, cided it) fix januari �i as the date and hatred, each toward the' other became the possession of both., - t �1 upou, which thefirst, members of the the support of our men and heir dependents? athema to Laurier., Bourassa and his followers., were an, draft will be requested to join the ,Should not the people of Canada ask themselves, before it is Canada must decide whether she will become a deserter depot battalions. Nbticewill be sent t too late, �Nl-iy these two men. have suddenly atyreed to bury the past, and quit with Russia, or fi-lit to, the end for liberty N-,itli Belgium. in due course by registered mail to the men alrected. How many men will actually, be why this sudden embrace each of the other'? If we will. but let the This decision must not be dictated by the only Province -whicli, scales drop from our eyes the answer is obvious. The all -compelling has shirked. its obligations throughout the war. called to the colors on January 3 has not yet been determined. Between 'f Laurier influences of Quebec have combined to force the union o 20,000 and 25,000 have been gener- All Canada. knows.that Germany has been working through al�y indleatil, and it, is probable that and Bourassa in the common purpose of Vrench Canadian dom- this will ze about the number. Ho* agents, spics and bribes in every countrV in the world. The latest the first draft will be selecte , d from: ination. evidences are the revelations recentiv, made to the world bv Presi- among the man in the class has also Aot yet been determined. We concede the right, of French Canadians to make , corn- dent Wilson. Do we Canadians think the'Kaiser has ove`rlool,�.ed mon cause of anything they think it is in their in teres,ts so � to do. C nada? If we do, what a fool"s paradise I a Revolution ill Pottugal. This is a free country. Btit�as the Vrench Ca'iiadians'have already MADRID, Dec. IL --A telegram cofilbilied,'to assert theirviews, it is the duty of -the hour that we received, here from Oporto says that the, revolution, in Portugal has ende4i r-nglisli-speaking Canadians get together and present to Quebec Nvith the success of the revolutionar- ies, and that the Government has re - a -united front in t1le defence of our rights. This is imperative. signed. Germany benefits by division among her enemies. Upon Dr. Affo,nso Costa, former Premier 'With sixty solid seats Quebec. is about to accomplish .1 1 1", whom would she look in Canada'as fttrthering hel Idesi-Ils? Not and. Minister of Finance, has formed Botirassa, the real master and idol of Quebec, is in a Provisional (tovernmeut, including her designs. Sir Robert Borden,.Mr. Rowell.and their collea-ties in the Union Dr. Sidon.i Paes, formerly Porto - s guese Minister to Gormany. It is Te- ight of his goal. Government. That is certain.'� But can the same be said with portedthat,all is quiet in Lisbon and respect to the leaders in the Province of Otiebec wh's To attain her purpose. Quebec has not scrupled to ignore o e attitude Oporto. 41., British' traditions and', to suppr ss freedom of speech. , So thor- in.this war is against Canada's c6ntintiation 'ill the war. , We To Investigate.Disaster. oughly organized is, her canipai lie discussion re ret to be compelled to s these things but we must not shut, A g gn to prevent even t 9 HALIFAX N.. S., Dec. 11—Mr. of'the war that Unionist candidates are preiqi�ted from holding our eyes to facts. Justice Drysdale, judge in, admiralt Y, has N�en requested by the Federal Government to make an investiga- A tion of the� collision between the The Citizens Union Committe"e, anxious for the"m,aintenance of British ideals'and traditions, Mont 131a]nc and the Imo.- He. has fixed Tuesda:, Morning next%at 10 "th alarm the,,,m f Frenlch-wCanadian domination with its inevitable influence views W1 enace o clock in the �6urt house here,for the opening of th-e enquiry�. lvl�. Justice Drys e home -and e dale, who is an expei t lapoti �th the'school" th state.. men a women on admiralty law, will also be assist- -sp a- 11� '', .� . ada, ed',by nautical aSsessors. 0 e, 'call upo 4it Eng h 04- W there or' n i e ' king nd to, realize that—Can cm n ime pa, y que ALunounces Vew P t* rt k�sfions:'Is­ at the, mer ' of A unit d Qu h d ed'.by political fa'fions a d'ol CY e e ec. 4 - A- NDON, Dec. 11.—A proclarna N' th ofFren h -Ca adia dominAtion., tion to thiB Russian nation has been on Government alone can -save naaa from, e menace c n LO Ca issued by the Russia Governmeulv-,Q; �,i� Ng 5 an h aledines al -- -6 nouncing t at R N Kornilo% assisted by the imr Q ft Union. ComM ittee ists and constitutional demogp* have:rafsed a revolt '?�n(l CIeUl"l Ult war in the Don region ag-ainstgpeg 'people and the rei,61ULiV�. Partisan War -Time -Organization t Support,Ui ion Govern onr 6 n ment J�etaiu to Be 46�c&�1 fT, q!'O DAUPHIN, I being out three. hou,,s ret "nogn, tl�e,,jun,� nr q ns, Lfeii'; am a 'UMN