HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-12-13, Page 7it has k10° apparent recip0e3 of :VOW; ba viate it, 1 am sure, PoPuiar for (- re to* alcohol was prbtbit o the Food Con 13.1 it is t.bo titediejue ed Is y'llt be 577,7°9,000 tinstr,,,,, musthe dttett the fact 1111 licen the use of whea' It for htli43,1 11neW (.41. New I take n bn$11e/s c't" wheat. fore tho -0,•ar pyrites cost approt*te-, this imPortaut 1,310 ef. LOIrS-4,- Ago,' in one act, g an 'tiers alcohol fin- raanot2 r ltte a hot pr Pule mai et0104.TOPt MI, the total ironert re- ' I 'r 1 at- cetin of e ere.> s ectile- is ‘nYe Ti-' theso ddienities tacitly,- the in- .1 • lv is• - onshile.• 00,als have been so 1 4 with such vit,t)3at the sallP - i et-, 73c,i.i..._ , i . I 's Ili. • •to 0 ni, 4r IIT MAY TO PNE, A "F%-trAt.4, , proximaiely half, er less the potash Mothers and daughters of ail ages re cordially invite to write to tnie, _ extensive s y ys„ 'h dostry, a,00 t ee3 eh from spa, ''inv on of di isterested eg. T, outlook f the supply of ertilizers, in view of the foregoing facts, seems to lordk rather foreboding, yet the increased cost of average analyses used o 1 potatoes. analyses that carry ap- e t. d its answ,r 'ous to the war, has increased bat 7:tft nlea;"°f Went ficat Qn. b t fa" naTe' and a' d iniCt 4" d- " (14 The ebieet. of thla dePartinCnt is to place at th0 SOIN I CVLidtiet bY" ofesor eury G. Bell ePertinent. initials only von be publishes{ with eac qi,es 0,r1 er. rite ort one side pi paper on y, P,ortwere w be mai e trit, 13,0 ehltit'`(' .I.Wfloin a neglected cold rr that was supplied in potato fo-tillzers a i ress ust be iven to oe7. - an S,a.,3 Y"1.1 P`" 6' 1, IvIce Pt cur farm. readere the a,duice of an, aeknowledgedt ederate anteunt 1.-Iew on tlie otemPed and addressea IS eri/Fiased• cough, a;:ealopt-naled rz.tliraPid wheezing, authority on CAbleet* peiteialag 4911s -and eroPs, ech increased 'prices being obtained Addreeg al/ correspondence for this department to Mrs, Helen Law. - 2 s eabonlit°o.dQ; dn,17t 1103), t'tshieas:1:°ur7* Qc„ , The only way. to rid yottilZelf of tile painful and unsightly 1316(4 diseases is to have your bloodptirified by Burdock ' Bleed 13itters. Jr rer4o-dres e"1.-ftv and a feeling of oppres_slon Of tightness or the produce, It is doirinful if the wc00.3tne Ave., Toronto, I Jicle of foul materiiil from the bloc.",d, an Address all lineations to Professor Henry GA Belt, In 1918 selling price a_ the average pota- , -...- ,,,. ,„. _ the skin beionees clear and smooth a Vo. havs, no doubt, wakened up in t find answers will uppeur In this cOtaintp in the order Ill te fertiliZer would. be found to exceed Miss Flo.:---Dorat eti vase:title tslic.bor atd ,other e-„...,1,e-ases, As NI!. free from all eruptions. tbrousrh the chest, - - . 7 . en ' eace-oT the 'Wilson PubIrshing Company. Limited, TorOrttat ,. ,.. the 1 h" 13 - • rifx, obt.„-,znmg *Inc • 4„, _ the terneo a s•ea.1 ou .1- ov A„ 4a d,i P143b-biv best - • chapped tlr- s "Y 1`,.• R Tr frere sible 'where, ltaal,cliate reply is necessary , that a *tamped ions by more t:-:; 31' 404""- ooltift.at, • ands. , Orie should lie careful to drY'• prices at the figures ssi". ortfin'ASIsZ-tgead • writes3---"-cwo vcais -sno star haye had to conen theY are fge•elve4, aPuce la° limited it is ,advit-, end addresesO envelope ,be enclosed wito the neestion, _lie question in another way-. Ati- a''',11 t 0 hands thoroughly after washing, crop years- vou cannot cut the prices moth troul-sled vith hails and 1' PI es, alld have found I"' when the answer will be trailed dIrect. „ f „i 3. A th ' - -3 ,t on In3- face AO body, 13 frind ailvisc,ii Ig.ot, three bottles, and b -fore I bad I I proxunately 840 per acre wib not like- droPs of lemon iniee - Eubbir7 a', rears ; ioriow -be Domestic Science Henry 0. gall , • or gray, greenco_or, plications• of 1,500 pannfis per acie o -tPP e vase me at mgat, 310 er . in spite of the coad facts. me to take, Burdock Blood Bitters. I 11 s ry e, ture o am p ospliate, WIng, e ' ' - -s ,3 arm:- ou are a -wise .- tb 0-8-4, which vd.do-isti torn -tel. -1e cost- ,.t. -p- good reirette is co vcertne with n few 1 This Is a ei bronchi -34s, w.i•elz l'otato Situation. extra. burden imposed on, boat ant -3;31, cut lemoi'l 1=antij-vill.;',... a' • 4,1 • * They 7re ...4:01/- 11•Ineshed the third °"' nlY bails and ..1 ef the f;-indemehtal article ot supplies troops and regular freign,, Lie • tol t, ale - Ion „ • is ,r,„ • 4rahadlztd met and the source of. lts.13t, fegred that even worSe ctellges-1 nts „- -""• Alata 1„ a croche aper. Your plan of preserving tem RustfOtlg,f1Q0a Bittersilas beei t that has apneared anY neINs- --moet.a.,„ any Pau s could 1)e.- paemayloala 0.7 sortie more serious toNidie, _ I oritato-growers- are goinsts to be socee not curksi exceeti a Cost nor move' 31-ta7n $itiO , Pieee of _ _ . c.o.A. y 11, punples had all disappeslred, and Inv 4,v may turn into Cortditlens r7') "d toe Rroduc:,railvvv...-ya acie ti -is k.ons.ce- ,nrrig You aslremove stains and whit,ert them. „ebly one of the bes,...t series oil the fac•s4 and 33.1bwere as 3.3 13 and In the transportation of array fLreatest plant -food SUPtilY are so int, Om wflityet face the Industry. „ , re/ate(' that they deserve in °paw to k to a Pine Syrup n33,4 -thereby prevent. bron- ' • „ - • • "Vir A pay roe to tertlirze ray potato, basket- 1 391 a in a scrap book will be aopreciated dier40 Tears, You sPeclal consi(leration, ' - t crop in vgew of present, costs-?,^; in six p. SO II, e m 3 - DiP the 3 9'en by the wee dauglAer.s. You " aukt prtetaasonia taking hottl, on . • • .., , -•. reduce the roc p.oductIve ot France,' Inrae f cid The ne, nas not, ntseo. s ntgle air ---not, ask ny the 1-"ood Controller doesit't NeW Fidulazdi • Ins • t "eetitt 0)1;4401# ttle farmer s ecd•.,a-, e ,rtitr •-• litAxi, '4 ,..k -a-, znam ant elginflp* matorial. from whiel, meoeh et- the ,v3d..,t • - I 4 pr•ce o3, 1....,..S ialpoi tea cad _ ...• ,...... .,,,,, " • i food prvightet, but conditions would Piece a very slig, '''' a Pure white nronibit the distillation of grain f - 14183 y tint; art d, liquors in Canad7 You Li""4441WI thlit .Per111a-11)" firucluce cereals tO tilf!P **10 acid lias Magle is Spanish cr, a 4, ,41040, oni 380.8Q4,001. 14,ed tton for go-tc•a, • t evidently overlooked. tbe • eoupcil of August 9 AttAll41,41,0itUY MK', f434, ' illAit',#194ttt eenntrieS tieed.NiStes or 3,1113 der, oit iron., The ; '.7., ,,, i , .1 .., , • me ..., 1 f wheat. fg*r dist . 1 wi,Ait,;1 ,44,ittlig itinfi for,,,,,._,ip ,,,. 04 4 . .,, , a ,S,Obroarlile ealltrifl ,, 4 ',ell P.11'14 ', 1 dernantt dewing thgt summer alit"; fall - will app livibt - - , t. t - .3 ('3 , t, ' 1"' If ' I ' C4iR0t1117111.3' '41t,,,c1.;4!iiit, tic .2.4 'i,„, g„,„, ylv$(4.., mall,14,3?4,fil,r to •*eop gr , . -44.1,- ' ,t.t.,..i t- up tile nor, eltly dimint latl, ' Consistent e fort is ben „ Syrup ill' I fon '' gavaltno iinitlat ' - lit - it .,„ . , age lie 333 quality ina-: b?ur's tinie, :for seven hoYS dad ten, venni ins pu • 'file new rtte3 150 000 000 bushels of whelt to ex 3331 - 4 Per "bit e'tf 5111P11-itil.' 114"-.•-Qwl°tefrigar Cod,',.negfi.1::e(1,',Ifs-1-:.,,,,,, ir,,,,,,t. ' 6, t v-0 ,,,,,i, play, for one boy , saves for food 3 • consl berable gate 1 11 *Walleye a bottle of it on hand." Canad4 lilts hut little in -excess .01 lv 13c. '1:1° ngt funTPPt a "bctItule f°r "1--)r'n ' ' ''' ' ' ' P ilstr''' a'S .9 l'ilre ase PYT/ws --- ."-% -+-- -A:* "''' .3 -'1'''' (11;c1lit.V ''' Of' r atAd 'Din; gfr.ls k entitled "The Con -1 quantities of barley ern and TN7f, . 9..., # ..,,,,, ,, ,,,, i ,,,,.,,,, f #,, , ,.. , , ,, , ''' AUlerle4 has deMestic supplies of suit- ,I..-4111,.a.e11 ,,P°t".`.tt." th5"4.11 the ititlil'i°-1-1`z- ' "1...,-!e'ic"Cf"" -aLf Relthie`", 1-nt S4 ----"Ye., Yen atn'a at -nelleet lilt" \\orgy ; - 4' ;9 pot uP 10 4 yellow t Intrt this eat. Now it we are to ant the r te a 98c per unit of sulphur .„,„ 4-,„ 1"-"'''''''`',1'g ,,1-''' PrAT '"''''." l'..11,,' ""'" /t‘"Tnt3'.'4".'"‘"' )1-1'€ L3S1N 1Se n n ' a '. S 011ur in the foi'm of brimstone but ' f& (1 of tut' '44'01"W croP wall . ‘-'eatrY Wualinii-S.IltIrlag 01411gua- ertY to sena 3. 13 and candy Co the >01- ursippt,r; *t pine trees The trade mark; ' Maintain our position in the g1 13)133- ItY Tb'T,-Nti‘ourdeo,,fiatilteti* ratailla., nittgt'atiate ot matteriais for ., N'vitit wcil vnormous 1,„„ar respon'sibil. available plantfood, All of the elder tio.11 with yoiir city sisters over the diors, These delectables" are rot in 01.11 "0 growing sec- l Pr4ce ‘,41' :Potatoe.:4, "arera 'YOU? 10:ell eluded in ,die list of articles for which" . im crta en we mu t ' Oat. av"1 feed se that Wheat Tull,F; ahrea'l ities facin,g us, there is call for no, attd Pr°Inineut -+ b, no•a.oes i▪ ri C;tilegla is a liantired -exported by parcel post, the limit: ' „ere 15130 cer airity as to ow soon it ,- , go tlie- extent tligit, is absolutely neces- 1 swan neri-it, ef the acid monufact.nr„,1 tiorhs of this' continent lzave, tle-it,lie,P!!„ce .Ldf...rt?ta.toes 133.3s not l*een fix- you must have a lidense before you and the popidace in tile 'countries tAlat a fell tile Illakt11,-lg ef exi'llik:$iv es' all"ci 1 intil':2nn:ItLiattletdiatil:ttillIT1r7ie7i1:13gettliretlaimal°i1J-I'f(Olrul.&11(''istlt%:::1:1.5 tT"ibPeas.:1.1-beli-ealacleficxr:'Inleoll cc-latingasrelilidiclutildeilling (31:1)1°(.3f -i-n-1'13- erg°1e-in-vttb--‘re. 1 sary to "t t43'3 the eraties in the field ' ea are ravagsed 1)Y act'''41 e°141"4"' r4, (3.141 may be found 4'3'3.',_ 39* to take even a, ot• Potatoes ell I- eoutinen, an • 're:Polls; frorn Poris shwas- that France" larger percept of ooti(17,ailib rwrrriauv!iudichius feeding of the growing crop' tAtsee'n! 'to tile at-- The seed alone weight tgi the United ICingsions being alone inVed j22po,000 bushels of goe5 into -tile' nmnufacture of avail', with available '3 t1'3'011. en,tts tue Or..tar]CA f r-tt- art acre eleven pounds., and for furtherance, to raniA431-3 tho, necieF is 31 that we should substitoto ble fd.ospnorie acid, 1,918 Wbat is in et, of potatoes in our diet. The ml.:14111-1Pf°7;11314:3'soni planting season I mil" otts ullWe tn/ in 1- Chilean nitrates se 4 th sto acreages and to tin- nitimfa irer at a price of apfiroxini fttluv", ately 3 ltuntireil-weiglit., NOW it i larger crops ranges' from 84,73 to ..:5,00 ilhatired- !Med, That the;ie elrort bore weight. Munition mannfacturers use) lt is now becoming large quantities of 134 1,3.14. in the] 'dent that a filnilior manufacture of high explosives. Am..' its Place in tile other ammoniate ti has fortnerlY 3434 af44:, 14," with: tit are ;15 im r' ar grains* t*aziced pe lg. to pi "Allier« "It out tus▪ sing rato ac vent the cost of Franco seven pounds, gWf 'the sanctity , the gSiteS; e 0 be, glark--, committed 3, s the gates, officials. mem %sus a t. them:3" that,j, caste. Porlf,y the order e ItsiteS 'N't•i314d,„tiseasselves cerement .. -it the httg ' ' Sabbatb,..-0. 20s Nell- 12, 20). , „ stsisset tir ss, .mit ti-. ;the da3"lt'‘,T.I.Itions NebRtrialb boiled t° rvi3, icSs came. on the day liefere, the $a*: Abe Salletit!," of the .$3313liath dtiv 'The' 22° '-' 43 arr ATENT YOUR I Some stronie tle.ece, (.. ' OVI.,r) 11F,'.'" mar h ra et of information , ,nleyLightt'ootiZ,1„=„1;;i„•c., 1 .04' Tofoa IlIGHE PR* PAID For TOW -TRY, GAME, EGOS 4. FEATHERS Plea0 Write for 1,4rtieu14.re,, P.Oult 11:1 0 ifl� For ;In; z8;1•1 they v,:.o-i-e„ t(i 1' (3.1341". Slittt ;Vee01,1rit. 4.a4* gitforrri I t O OS4 1 a il the close of the naive ap.T ttlat nivall will Five zits -Psrsgingit tenilaiits on Proper recognition to the effort of , whirl eSp ° 1.; '3ampaign tc Whe tddelity c0.1,11d rely: thiS of the cause ..0.. theIr 11(4145, htialpaign almuld lay (emphasis l»ore carrying ursderIal tyrtitizers is Sul,. n done to prc-,.not t; porter irom (icing -Jehovah. ,.S.tutre • - Better, w7+1, 111Q inducad by bribery to open the gates. gracious." he mitnife,tatious of t,19", grea Iceercrs F 313 1, 44'1918. To nlY uthld such a , fornwd a large part the nitrogen.- - 1-411 111'47 61' illr"" than ever upon intensive methods in I • t f .3 13 This' material I,lnrilan- -See on vet -se 13, Without divine grace aye te unlimited 131.e place ad Mini t 15-22. old hone zinnd ° ef animal Pro- producing pot a t.e, s tetrt, 'Pbe Potato too, is bei„,,e 1(3 3)21 -more and more as of the eltY wail for PurelinseS• 9* 3(3), grower is InCed with tile great scart,' basis for the nranufnettire ef high ex - ;ferusalem---A, temptation to go out- tile divine lot 00. l'erses It; g,ive ; 3 a l 6,11,01111.41-Yi„l f ifnit 1l(1 i7 :t‘.'I ect44 btned nthen iloranY1n iler'lift alofrmthe 1ifthSlt S;1:ha0e-rhe'tr i toral 13evelop mer itdltrotvoffarmabd\RiateasPosves. sos e `C r ‘10;ktCnS Oetizi,tl'84r'tebe-tor'-t 'Rurla n nn iPaYla‘4ttentee°ingeA of Same, JO increuSe hisrefrigeration,aaiasare-sult*ourlabor,() ng ana„h d rria'm - alh .erY„ - :L r)(04e ee'e,-.)L "e- •5l3. l ,i o Ily caryingon trgiiic. h0ce "a lea lerilereiorenalP nz t ent* areil5*SimPYrritl**iPly oy- alied European govertnnen,sareCOMlosedayAIndefolatnote on1nd I41 1 erer Leopmju,t pno11(t 3> ne r°a)'1'133 '.3:3)3113. entl of the imrant itemn tietin>933.31 '-113,1 more forAmeriintoAfter e0-nv11 n,1 vomnision (13 (onat rather mimanagement, ireally a tpg tdio41-beeO ti ntgr*‘'ntn hesll mn 11 loss. act-mte owls are ot 4apable or , isyhaveltoariw,eetiol, Cost bushedepends on eld ipracr a-;."- ' r h a t t coureofwh hde esiflct wQnd hmldhe n 3,,. 1. 'lula-wiltfrom 8331143 >1 3.4> 3.1'. AVinepro-ses-ne grapei.' The threat, siccomplislasd 3,3uepost4 the Inintis of all public-spirited citizens ivvitich is the nIOSt PT:pensive' ei,Yield Per Acre (Buzgliels) were Pfaceil in a reeePtacle :Ind 'then' fer 'he trade144 withdrtn'w• Levit:es- interested In this im1o7 1439 oblem _ ----, trodden -with bare feet; from the press Temnorariliv Neilemiall had aPPeinted of national nol' - food clement, without the aid. of tbe 0 00 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 006 the juice flowed into reeentnele 3aunt, of his attendants- to guard 1°3- olio..rf.;,,tis A oe-, may appear er down. Shoaves-Better with' 3,...3...3 ..."".."*''''-".•"'..--,1•1.7_,,r" ,--'""`,..1.?.- a nl margin, "heaps of grainr these were' , rainerdi stiltg,; contained in the sue- 7 thrive withouten food, hut what- ' -.$20.(10 -253 .-5 .29220 collected to tole them to the vity i'or ever progniowliveness the hens show it , 3'0.00 .428 .375 .333 .30 .272. .25 sale, It would seem that work and is in.ct, iii '3311;11, lior perma4 nent, nor -10.00 .571 .30 .444 ,;10 ,203 .333 •1307 .285 .266 o is ,,2,. business flout t1 on the Sallinititt 50.00 .71 .095 .555 .50 .134 .410 .384 .357 ., 4 . healthful, 330.00 .859 .75 .060 .00 .543 .30 .461 .428 .40 .342 ,30 ns nn the ether daYs of the week. Sti eau I eii t •t correspond o , 70.00 1.00 .875 .777 ,- .70 .630 .583 .338 .50 ,466 AO .35 13urdens•--Better, (-produce." To tit on the Sabbath "roua'llagze," the bulky feeds, such 80.00 1.142 1.00 .888 .80 .727 .656 .015 .571 .533 .437 .40 these thinirs was a ' hay. alfalfa and corn fodder, \'.'3'.33.11 are , 90.00 1.28o 1.120 1.00 .90 .818 .75 .692 .642 ,co rl i I.5 ViOlixtion of oft-repeetntl exliort-itiOn'i fon ev.s0iitini tlati dairy, horse stable 100.00 1.428 1.230 1.11 1.00 .909 .833 .769 ,714 .fie0 ,57.1 -.,0 by prophets anti Priests (for 14 3)1 80 i ii ; nd, in filetini , n rshig all ris of I 110. 0 0 1, . 1141 1 .375 1.22 1,10 1.00 .916 .846 .783 .73s .628 ,55 Exod. 20. 8-11; Dent. 31 12-13; a livog.,doth. Besides furnishing Yalu- 120.00 1,714 1.0 f0 1.33 1.20 1.09 ..0 .923 .857 8 .0 .685 .60 2; 58. :W.; Jen 17. 21; Each. 20. 16; 22., 1.30 1.18 1.08 1.00 .928 .866 .742 .65 26). Testified -Better. as translated ' , able, nutrients; for most• green sttifrs 1:10.00 1-855 1.625 -1.44 above, "I protested against their selling ' contain protein and carbohydrates in cost of 1/1eduction ef PotatoesT°1ean supply in order to keep meats provisions on that day.' Alen ol lyre fair euantities, llic succulent Reds . - serve to 9.) 333.3.11 the evil effects of 1 fresh for the znen on -the firing line -People who had came frmn -filet . . . , P part. lirpotnte seed -bed better end i.-(1).es-unnly tile- lx;iato' eroP With a lrirgerl, ef Europe. Tankage and blood aild Phoenician cItY of TYre- It is -not ` the 'highly concentfateti foods al -id ahl (iunniiiv of available plantfood will, known when they settled, in Jerusaletn;1 in their assimilation. . necessolily increas'e tile cost per acre °tiler o er in us rv lave usua th ' d t 1 bY-Produets of the packing and . i-iy -been iised they may have gone there to carry • Ivitil°111 gi.eert staff8' " an inSnfii'lent time increa.-ie the yield per" acre to an ", t° the extent of a 3113111091 and a lialf c°,,,„1.Xigth'it,17.iiiie abui'llialtinisle'e a'aillonIeglt,ticIdeldedoasht"e.i stlpply, are very likelyqo be Weak and extent that will mean the ultimate i always mean high-priced , "'meat any saunles on the subject of trading '. "le '"ieggs from floekS Inaintalned to some extent. but will at the stinaC 1 tons per annurrt. High-priced crops As foreigners they may not have had • Weak mean P°°r production of the era]) at a e°11sider- animals, It is iinpossibie for the on the Sabbath; but in a Jetvish coin- watery. eggs naturalla and Chickwith, bly reduced cost Per bushel. The farmer to feed high_prieed corn and nionity theY should have 'been re- words of verse hatches, y, s wealzened constitutions, than which follownig table is more or less an i sell his livestocl: zit a low price. Now, strained. The closing nothing is more difficult to combain empirical statement concerning the t in_order to hasten the maturing of the 16 should be translated "the, Jet',.s the brooder. We cannot expect strong cost per bushel at varying rates of i\ es cie , , ., g. i . , (children of Judah) in.,Jertt„isalem,: ations closer and closer. They are feeding more concentrates, an,..r1 C011- retest to the authorities that had al- lowed the abuses to spring tip, Con- , pit.lets from -weakened chicks, con- yield and -acre costs; but this state - of generations tlie constitutional to the potato-groiver if lie studies it centrtrtes of considerable benefit. sequently in the rnatter of a couple ment can be vigor of the entire floclt is impaired. of 'higher qualitY at the tencled--or, "expostulated.,P " Nobles carefully. To illustrate its.' use, let critical period. Asa result "the de- --Whose business it vy-as to enforce stands for stamina. It means health mend for stock'tfeed 31 3.', increased tlie law. Profane --Secularize it by Above everything else, green food me point. out that if the potato -grower and vitality. Green food virtually spends but $40.00 per acre in the pre- eilo,,ruMusly. treating it as an ordinary day. If ' they would only study their past •Iiis- guarantees high fertility in the breed- paration of his field and the handling Potash tory they would soon discover that it the crop throughout, and obtain s . The One' constituent, that the libt t ing Seasons. - It means strong eggs, e a o- was a similar -disregard of the law of • 1 °afpprdximatelv 80, bushels per acre, • Jehovah that brought each hotter livivi-lel his potatoes cost him 50c. a bushel. growel` Is esPeclallY "In el ested in has upclergun „„ niust, severe competition ferings to the peoPle. " This evil--_. hallatdchPllevielltlY attad pthreo'dnjeeegstgrso:131g1,atac , chicks. Green food, exercise -arid If by careful fertilization of potatoes,' Subjection to a foreign power, pover- plenty of fresh air, which means sun.- and a little more careful culture at an w1t 1. _el? . 1 - • man ember O" and the lctivit f ft e - ty, attacks by surrounding Diiti011S, - shine, too, are the greatest boons to aggregate cost of $60 per acre, he can , - . , g. , • , 1>431!) 11(3," absolutely cut off tile ` ` Y ° '° etc. ' Bririg more •ivratli--Persistence 3) (33,3 the -yield, from 80 bushels to the present pr'retiee can Ineati oil' '- poultrymen. Given these three ele- 150 bushels per acre, Ile can reduce E''.1ro,Peall' ,,sUPPIY of Potash, so that, further manifes.Cati:o-ris Of the 'divn-it what. formerlys_sold -for $40 a tOn now: w-rath . . ments the poultry keepe; 9* 111 have lus cos. per bushel 10c anti has 70 . more bushels per aere to sell. ..2_-_ -1.-:,...›,..,, .4.. , is; quotedp,Eit-74over $35o. a ton Trus Verses 19-22 describe the steps takt- ,,,has an inipoistarA place, very little use for the medicine bottle. "thiSs°Yriral:hcaovset eolvaeirm; id° 13 tpb: fe)e(;tea, )ue se irn-oltiaii:r:;,,g.,:s3,flluotstiiegs, :0 aintlfti,tnre. of gunpowder andl a.n.ri re, . . • “ .„ ., ..., .. .-.,... . , Daughter, S„.;aui sT t fr of the European '4,771" " t tl hi h rice of seed and increased . ci)st of fertiIiZeii arid. labor, It sue -eated- great incentive for FQ:Dri S Yeart,. a cost, if potatoes yield 200 bushels -fp': arch foi.liciShe supplies. This has the acre, the cost is '50c.'a bushel; sti 'gre" Aii.,:ded7 mere or less in" the WOULo GO' INTO FETS. if that yi..6'ld can. be increaSed to, A. ' of_ tile kelp industry, ' bushels per acre, the cost will be. 10..'• less per bushel. There are,t-ivo point*, ing , sjo.ritY-o,, 'ginoMin, nii,r ,eliainee,_ riltg01 r he 1918 potaogrower o lee tleseasveosatlieun113 113r3m33 one oe e or rinothlarhteUdli 1are hgh in fhe4e ra:tioubiedd 11'4 : , ' ,.:..- a. ;(- .e.en r las with spAe heartroubletremend°us callf°rfdSec°iC1 di tiialiereitilizti°lej:1'':l'n ro he mrliscaonvd Littltentionipai Othe lght aenetii'inap mlliesuntil the Iteartg' i91eipi61,,Aitg,„Ti,(iso,,1„.ta:, pe 4idarl, and thYBudd if41‘liagbai:r°1:e1utl1'°Al iizS; andfeel self the. 6smother it era,.. lR°': es of 3. !iwf aese ;aeisP:t3o_totet:tl;°ler° ''311,he,AsPecily nteretedin t1kere ProalecgaPP°)IPtt p: p *,feter for htc1104.0 'Kersthe,no - - ' 4,, e: secure0At is not my purpose ,',to 00 s 1f 13.2 iqb 0 'to he difficulti -, o f ce the fertilizer indust ilnkofar '. as •it se' a, •heal;Ing „49- ---- -61 ,,„ 1' ' , FLOATMA SPECK "itchier, ett-r-n-;,,r, Tup.7.20 11•LrUitr, k;;Nt..4 BOTH CURED VT 4,ts'Eti;1 81 var 34 ES and (41NEN OUR A)VCE -33131 to us at once and Res riefits of High Prices Ta,-ic ...if • stem vo; er VOSSON r A. "Victrolas $27.50, $4-1. 50, $63, $79, $117.50, $225, $285, $365, $370, $445, $520 Vidor Records -90c for 10 -inch, double -sided. Vidpr- 'ietroia and complete -outfit of 15 double -sided records, 30 seledtions for $41.00. EASY PAYMENTS, IF DESIRED te for, Gittalogue ils irw, over 9000 Viclor Rec ords S:uP1).131 f,ertll 447