HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-11-22, Page 6ilearg ong to to CtsseL Fe 1 kPnai e 8 of :icSc‘raPublis grs';3;1)1tr,arl;iha i: ton, 1,iinited. London. ata 'reront later that„' ag:ie been e a •.• sid Tom, -P.% thi. $ :Top OT, fl sars hg"-"- Inar, You," fl&s been ask- lueried Tom, Dything about He.s een telinganother ;mese sce you. Poilard aMe fero• secvmds later Tom was ,ad into the room where a nutrther sn 1,v VePiril, was i corner oem PastiallY -from, the The Sz!otchinan gave Tom a o recognition as. he C3rtiQ up to ied 411;4=per- no get at -1104,11d at," be aid, ' c .0 . - -,se than .,-s i . bitter°"°ked "Nay," said , Phail. plpped.1 ae got to go. PM uot in any pain, hough," he added quickly, "the doctor aw o that, but it willna be long afore ane. Tom, 1 would like ye to 'letter to my mither, A$ T. c yo, she's a godly I, el, 'her sair," tit ay0i,t; t SI 3 -`1 have iive DOMESTIC SC1h e Lesson-- rou 4 Amp 4,44,tr4'r,4' carreiev"-;" 4e4te "44,1 , iro .4tiva 42gr neaher t bt Iefore we eaneil her when we lie anteeno.-1 then d&uktd nt . i le 1 ters. lied as kaiak e t that nght,'sad NgCfil--The neck s used forept1nns an. "You 5wTher iag, ,.olaps, beef tea and corning; re. need for brog' and Pan -broiling - v :Ttdil,e1 tee?. et.e: :1irgavs when 1 a gotthinkingup; eactureiii:iumtcli)eiroale,c ,itiloeuldelictotnudeincruoestreuctoieseaie6t Tolle Ihii;lacsktinc gut. thT"ointi 0 the rib) noinpe is is uteleide ., , i E e i e efece cut from the rump everaging i s i ale • ng is 1 eut. t ' ' . and 1 jusC accepted the way is used for roastieg, rot roasting and fl'°r° six to eight Imilads• mither explain- braising. i ROUND—The meet is so called be - 1 WOU1d o inc wben6 a tree laddle.i 130Leee CUT—A steak may be eut; cause of the way in which it lies on i And it worked, It workedfrom this eut of meat. It is use for' the block. The upper or top of the O laughed at rcteginn when 1was vo • pet roasting and braising. By slow' round is the inside of the the leg. you in 'Lances ire; but nian, there's cooking this meat .c nothing else that , elands by a malh end tender is made deileiotts; This is the tenderest portion. It Is v I wer ould Ay' and i't works,. 't,tioe, 1 want Ye' SHIN ----Used for stew to ciwrite to my leather and ted her this. making. Tell her that I gave ray life to the, BRISKET.—Used for -- , t,hall have to speak to the I,c'er. en t , he night before I left Eng- making and corning- *- doter,' was 111,,,,, nr.rse,s reply. ,,will Jana, arid, 1 have not touched a tiraPi RIBS—Used for roasting. you wait here? 1 wont be long be,., of drink since then, and that I died i PLA.TE—Used for stews fore nn baok. with the love of God in my heart. Wili' making. A curious feeling came into Tonesi7cT,telii, her, T„';'111 ?',',, ,.„, ,, heart. He did not know very tretch sal° -Lora, .1. vs."1 ,.„ about Matheil, bet he recalled the eon: "Write down her address, lhtet ersations that they had had in Lan- TOITA'S hand trembled anti the tears shire, and he vividly remembered ceen‘sed down his face as he ewrote t,he the night before they. had started for .aedress 13.-f the woman who lived. weary' the 17`ront. McPhail had been very inthe Highlands pf S9t1111?d* , rnuch wrought upon then. Tom had -it '4ii..11 e°1111°,rt herr",,sea.l.d.„1„leP.lelealel' 'watched his* face while they Sat to- TIller,1 ‘.,1,s„..W,at, (1°,neere, It.,..M111./1„e1;1„15„! "When I See a by or girl practic- and justly, I3ut like other good gether in the Y.M.C.A, hut wben the her ee' ,,mat' °etr --'ea,!,"?.lnIF, '''' " ^ i ingwith a metronome on the piona it disciplinariens it is not always a wel- speaker was telling them about the ample 4, ky,lb%uerteyonnolnlunst not die you muse alwaYs reminds me of a policeman on come friend. Some folks dislike work deep needs of their lives. 'McPhail's •• face had become set and stern, al- not die," sobbed Tom. , i, duty at a birthdaY Party," a lady was ing under exacting foremen. If the- thongli. his lips quivered. Afterwards 'Thine talk like that, lad,' said the overheard to say to a friend at a house war. has ..taught one thing it is the when they had gone to the canteen the Scotehmari. 9 have been thinking it party the other evening. But that is a necessity for discipline and the Prin- Scotchrean had tittered words which all oot sin' 1 have been here, and- it"rds';. severe remark to make. No one would ciple holds good in music. So make Tom never forgot, richt. It's a.' richt. Witheut„-he -; unduly 'restrain those in attendance at the acquaintance of the metronome. He wandered now if McPhail had ding of blood there is, no reml•slonel'iei a birthday party from enjoying them- Get friendly,evitlt it. Realize that' it meant what he said, wondered too if sin, and You can't purge away iniquity he had realised the same experinces without paying the price: 1 ani a part 3 ee a your selves. That is what the party is for. always metes out 'esti and • which he, Tom, had passed through. of the Price, Tom- The Son of God, The metronome is more like a drill fear will be dispelled. Besides you It seemed awful that this tall, stal- died that others might live. That's 1 instructor. Off duty he allows the will be the gainer. Its demand for wart Scotch/nail was going to die. Why not only a faet, it is a principal. soldier soldier certain freedom, but on duty strict time is all for your benefit. should men be killed in this way? Thousands of us are dying that others , ,exactnes is demanded. The click of About the only criticism one ever Why should that lonely Seotetavornan, mae- live. Christ died that He mighcl, the pendulum is the comma.nd for hears direeted against the metronome McPhail's mother, have to stiffer be- give life and liberty to the world, and strict time. The metronome shows is not against its character, but its cause of German sins? in a way that is what we are doing. The nurse came back to him. aele I can't richtly explain it,' it's too deep,, n ', o favoritism. Whether it is keeping physical appearance, viz., that in con - wants to see you," she said, "and the for ene•, but I see glimpses of the truth, time for a march, a waltz, a sonata, or trast to the graceful lines of the vi l' hied a Tho so," she Torn picatuntsl in iih ° e in the each camp in Su him if 1 could e: afraid A • se any 9Y .tricw s'‘• , 0 GU BEEF SIRL -Used for hroiiig, PLANIC Used for -etewing. RUMP—Steaks from the rump are cooked by broiling hr pannmg. The s and t.-,oup', back cats are used for Hamburg teaks, pot roaster apd corning. The soup lower part of the round is the outside or the leg, The first few steak from this poztion are tender; the rest is and soup! used for Hamburg steaks, stews and )i)ot, roasts, 41.010.10...1111104.1011.000.041..+4,1010.4.0.4110.01111111.111111•14 1 FIELD CASHIERS Ali11 PAYMASTERS IN FRANCE CASH DOIN1INION EXPRESS FOREIGN CilEQUES THE BEST WA(TO SEND MONEY TO THE BOYS IN THE TRENCHES 4411.1. C011 01 11 any People alKe a -Line `kfouse (The .‘ 'Ouse as -soon as theyTor e. o. The moils t.110fIe azae-lik-,e ppdItts- te e magnet aere, 0,94 „DArm 0 ,bave you learntthe secret your. the faltering attempt of the young be- or the harp or the.piano the outline' of self?"ginner's exercises it is absolutely ina- the metronome is stiff. As one rriusi- eI think I have's' replied Tom. On partial, though it never .scolds nor cian puts it, the design is cold and en_ the night of ,the atta.ck I was on setttrY praises. , And that is the secret of its cympathetic. But at heart the elevhe no prejudices in metronome is kind for it serves a help- theyI could noctomsazbiuttihiNavamrdssurliekei favor of wouldn't or against apyone it always ful and unselfish purpose, got the $erip of it, and I feel as though ' ___________________ God spoke to me." "That's it, lad, that's it!" said the paraphrases. 'The Lord ‘ is my "ment Tom knew the meaning of the clYing man. eagerly. "Tom, do ye, Shepherd,' surely ye ken that, Tom?" word Sacrament. think Ye could pray now?" i "Ay,' replied Tone eagerly, "I know The next day the Scotehman died. By this time the Teem had become that." The nurse was with him to the very very silent. The men who had been Then the two lads recited the psalm last, and just befere he breathed his talking freely were evidently listening together: last breath he lifted his eyes to her to that which I have tried to describe, "The Lord is my Shepherd; 1 shall with a smile. , but the two lads were not conscious of not want. "It's a' richt, 1 nurse 1 he said 'what , the presence of others. "He maketh me to lie down in green my mither taught rrie was true down "I don't know as I can pray in pastures: He leadeth mie beside still to the very foundations." , words," said Toni, "somehow prayer waters. . "Ay, it was grand,/it was grand!" , seems too big to put into words. I "He resthreth illy soul:: He leadeth said Tom Pollard 'when he heard the just 'think of God and remember the me in the paths of righteousness for news. "It doesn't seem like death love of Jesus Christ. But happen I His Name's sake. at all, it was just victory, victory!" can sing if you can bear it." g'Yea, though I -walk through the After that TOM dld his work with a "Ay, lad, sing a hymn,", said the valley of the shadow a death, I will new light in his eyes. It seemed nsi Scotchman. fear rio evil: for Thou are with me; though his visit to the Scotchman hadl Tom knelt by the dying man's bed Thy- rod and Thy staff -they comfort removed the last remaining cloud 1 and closed his eyes. For some time me. ' , which had hung in the sky of his faith: nothing would come to him; his mind "Stop there!" said Inc sootchmaii (To be',c,e tinued. '1 ' seemed a blank. Then he founcl.him- 'That's eno'. It's a „here, Torn; tha T self singing the hymn he had often why I'm not afraid now. I'm in the sung as a boy, valloy a the shadow of death, but I Jesu, Lover of my soul, inna fear: the Lord is wi' mjs$, , and fly,e's g6 '0,60 -id a ray hande''' 1 Let me to Thy Bosom While the nearer waters' ti. irni4 'go neev; aid While the tempest still'is h romin the (.1,0,.,, o hot stay a, 'IOng" 2: T.f7d !lel i;lientetfi'lie °i:teshtm;1°157a. 'S,t:ohito,'1:11i,13:ugsiii'itchlas,e'isd;13:as,:,,, , Ay,hthat'..)4,P%A*.e n I dinna% ood-laY, entre ag 'ail,''qit'Yin f thing'4' Ye AA'',' t. 0:0 (Y ,p, 4" 1, ,-„he gel I,' t1g ,O, eescittoe the11el, a if•tt.,,hoe tLw e.,,, 1.1.,,,t15:,,, \ il, ate,.,a shall a § , ''d Watertnaj A' 6 e 1. n 2 TEC'd Seems , a Ver./ large number of cups to get from a pound of tea: But 'that proves the fine quality of d Rose Tea, whillOes further and :tastes better because it c84:0,1# chiefly of rich, strong teas grown' in the fanii,tis district of Assam in Northern India, A pound of 'Red Rose gives 250 cups. Kept Good by the Sealed Package SiMASIIIie:G A SUBMARINE. Newest Contrivance is a tached to a Moat. 'where near it will do the bus'ness the very least it will fetch the sub- . ` mb marine 4 44 :sur,,S. aee, to he promptly dispatched bY gunfire. The newest contrivance for smash- ing o submarine is a bomb leaded charge a and ha" ing from a float, $uprose the "sub' to be located whije travelling under water, by oh - servation from 411 airplane or balloon, S'eseentaft71:4alig ofgtitMl.istifish, a0 4ls1, 6‘1'ing slia°("' under such eircurn$tances, course, it is blind, It dat,'S not know that danger threatens, But meanwhile the patrol 'boats gather and prepare ; to do some fishing. The Llehoat. 'Mader water, emiot trvhouref al ttalsleteurthanimost t IVier'erl;eloincellesn yit is i going 4 a much slower rate, To drop a. bomb in front of it is an easy mat- ter, The bomb is attached te a float by a; wire of any desired length, any fifty feet, if that be the supposed depth at which the "sigh" is Moving, T.Vhea it hns sunk that far tbcf, resi5tance of the float yanks a plug eat a it, there,' by oausing it to explode. I Thie idea ;was originated by Sperry, the Anterivae ihwenter of the gyro- scope stabilizer. It is thought to have t miportent advantages over the method '1' hitherto nreJ, whereby hemhs ceuip-; fi !led with delav-actioe fuses were drop -I • ped in ;vont 01 the submarine. Bombs of the latter kind are liehle to go off too scan er WO late. In ; either case the submarine escapee damage. But the bomb with a goat is bound to esplode at the required depth, and it will inevitably snmeh the U-boat if dropped at the proper ' moment. It does not need to bit the "sub''; the load of high explosive it earries is se big,thet if it bursts any -3 ,rzr.y ITU, eqlQ.thAi4f: r4 4)4 kaeifieSmIrra 11. 1'- erg ifb.. Cleaning azd D The postaian and the expres man bring Parker Dyeing an Cleazzing Service right to ;1\14 door. We pay carriage ono wzy. Our exceptional facilities en,, sure promptness as well as ab. solute thoroughness, — when you think of clean- ing or dyein think of PARKER'S. Write for hook! PAR eure to address yonr reel tear1y to r eiv- dept. R'S DYE WORK, LIMITED YONGE STREET TORONTO 4 0,5 IVIANUFACTUREWS OVERSTOCK To be ()leered out at WHOLESALE PRICES 500 Phollogi*aphs Reg. $50 too Au exceptional opportunity to get a first- class machine at a bargain. EguiPped With AJ MOt1% lintverstd Tone Arm thee plays all makes of records and one Control' or full or 'modulated volume. Has, in fact, all the features found on the higher priced machines. The cases is in mahoganY nresh. 41 in. high. One year guarantee with each machine. if not as represented return within 10 days and get your money back., Price while they last $25 cash with order or C,O.D. G. D. -,ROBERTSON, zixanteractu.rers' .a.a•at, 77.BAV ST, - TORONTO otcl Del Coronado Coronado lieaoh, California Near San Diego POLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, BAY AND SURF BATHING, FISHING AND BOATING. 18 /Joie Golf Course Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. - _AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager DE I G 0 US ES Y DESTROY GERMAIN:. ,roRE 'CE„ done! Sir ia's Oil 1,Ve in AJnenhutlaiGirtiefipitoirist: Is Story •Fen those who do not know Colonel Sjr John, Griffiths, whether as Mein- ber o11151Plbe-i atliazneuerasely tled t,iniervi:ines..ttariiant4- fairs or in his newer capatiity sol - 05,,,,r, \ by the m:count -which he gives in the an- nual report of the Rumanian Consoli- dated Oilfields, Litnited, a the wan in 'which he wUs edprcaehing ileithe c selttp a rliloyscd?r&san thet,hl London CO2T0- 5Pondent. Probably no coinpaelhas er presented a 'mom racy document to s shareholders, and through the v l'6±-OrY the pereona1ity a colonel thoroughness.15.P1:ehsiesntderi(sretgoale'lldeofi-fee071hsei! quer.ces, his habit a overruling those who stand in the way. He did a great pieee °/7 1e17°;"e1;!e':Iyie'llil. R2flUITCI:T1,3ea:Bc)o,newideb carrfNo- 'r i ing. through his Job with a rothlegg•g thoroughness which Po Oertnali gen- al could hope to .better, Colonel Sir JObo- "Norton GriffiLIIs ed to render ,the oig 10 thi," Cermans., ptond at once with the natural nee of the corapanies—raO4 et t e not British awned --to see •1y worth iiiions d eopupissiou very ed t'or th futnyn' 01.0 on indnstry,4Ti6:1 enxkns toleal•"o the wells in etteli eceehtioa ibat later. 10 and 001 •a„.. IN oftle(•r 'ning ot ati i1i.0 because hd decided ljtt 1 Memo 011 1=4 , C" A orlt the tanks and tIie ll The Remant d lint:evo dangerous to stay any longer, power house, brim fua , n catelt fire and explode at itay Colonel Griffiths, however, wo hour of the word "danger," e "sted in setting Are to the house. He took a ligbtod fuse 6 hay 0110 entered the building, se 1., Ibe the oil in the basement Which had pre- viously been pumped in. Se strong was the gas in this building that One could have been asphyxiated in min. utes on remaining inside. It is a miracle that Colonel Grifilthe (who was slightly burned) and the rest were not killed. The only explanation is that the gas mixture in the building was too strong for quick combustion and explosion. 'tee some tune ago, when Colonel Grif- fiths told something of this incident to a number of friends, they little dream ed from his manner of telling the story that miraculous intervention had been required to make it possible for hirn to tell the tale at alle PLANING MILL WASTE 1 I Used by Toy Makers and Has a Good Commercial Value. That a market for virtually alt of the waste of a planing mill is to be had for the seeking is evidenced , in the occasional bringing to light of whatis being done by some planing mill managers in various sections of the country. The latest has to do with a planing mill in the Northern States. In turning out some of its products waste blocks of various sizes were numerous and served to fernish all the fuel required for the plant. This material had a fuel value of $3 a ton. One day a visitor looked the plant over, noted the waste blocks and be- gan to figure out the ritunher of thern in a ton. He offered the manager $17 a ton for all the waste of that charac- ter tuined out. A contract was made and the visitor informal -the manager he was a toy manufacturer and that the blocks Plirchased would cost him less than half of what it cost him to make dem. The mill manager Mime- mcgsmanaractor cliately placed his thinking cap in or- der, secured samples of,all the ploriing mill waste, called on other toy inann- facturers and before returning home - - found a market foi' alt the waste about • the plant ex.dept the sawdust. The final -result is that the sale of the waste purchases all the coal nee.led or the plant and loaves a profit aver- vould score' Panalysis of the witste pro- w and plititing thU muth of .1 p crcial EEL() New Autoreatia etc„ "W. 1440 'coati .e, omp eteewl dehaustpipi Olt ,(4 11 oes , 41.010.10...1111104.1011.000.041..+4,1010.4.0.4110.01111111.111111•14 1 FIELD CASHIERS Ali11 PAYMASTERS IN FRANCE CASH DOIN1INION EXPRESS FOREIGN CilEQUES THE BEST WA(TO SEND MONEY TO THE BOYS IN THE TRENCHES 4411.1. C011 01 11 any People alKe a -Line `kfouse (The .‘ 'Ouse as -soon as theyTor e. o. The moils t.110fIe azae-lik-,e ppdItts- te e magnet aere, 0,94 „DArm 0 ,bave you learntthe secret your. the faltering attempt of the young be- or the harp or the.piano the outline' of self?"ginner's exercises it is absolutely ina- the metronome is stiff. As one rriusi- eI think I have's' replied Tom. On partial, though it never .scolds nor cian puts it, the design is cold and en_ the night of ,the atta.ck I was on setttrY praises. , And that is the secret of its cympathetic. But at heart the elevhe no prejudices in metronome is kind for it serves a help- theyI could noctomsazbiuttihiNavamrdssurliekei favor of wouldn't or against apyone it always ful and unselfish purpose, got the $erip of it, and I feel as though ' ___________________ God spoke to me." "That's it, lad, that's it!" said the paraphrases. 'The Lord ‘ is my "ment Tom knew the meaning of the clYing man. eagerly. "Tom, do ye, Shepherd,' surely ye ken that, Tom?" word Sacrament. think Ye could pray now?" i "Ay,' replied Tone eagerly, "I know The next day the Scotehman died. By this time the Teem had become that." The nurse was with him to the very very silent. The men who had been Then the two lads recited the psalm last, and just befere he breathed his talking freely were evidently listening together: last breath he lifted his eyes to her to that which I have tried to describe, "The Lord is my Shepherd; 1 shall with a smile. , but the two lads were not conscious of not want. "It's a' richt, 1 nurse 1 he said 'what , the presence of others. "He maketh me to lie down in green my mither taught rrie was true down "I don't know as I can pray in pastures: He leadeth mie beside still to the very foundations." , words," said Toni, "somehow prayer waters. . "Ay, it was grand,/it was grand!" , seems too big to put into words. I "He resthreth illy soul:: He leadeth said Tom Pollard 'when he heard the just 'think of God and remember the me in the paths of righteousness for news. "It doesn't seem like death love of Jesus Christ. But happen I His Name's sake. at all, it was just victory, victory!" can sing if you can bear it." g'Yea, though I -walk through the After that TOM dld his work with a "Ay, lad, sing a hymn,", said the valley of the shadow a death, I will new light in his eyes. It seemed nsi Scotchman. fear rio evil: for Thou are with me; though his visit to the Scotchman hadl Tom knelt by the dying man's bed Thy- rod and Thy staff -they comfort removed the last remaining cloud 1 and closed his eyes. For some time me. ' , which had hung in the sky of his faith: nothing would come to him; his mind "Stop there!" said Inc sootchmaii (To be',c,e tinued. '1 ' seemed a blank. Then he founcl.him- 'That's eno'. It's a „here, Torn; tha T self singing the hymn he had often why I'm not afraid now. I'm in the sung as a boy, valloy a the shadow of death, but I Jesu, Lover of my soul, inna fear: the Lord is wi' mjs$, , and fly,e's g6 '0,60 -id a ray hande''' 1 Let me to Thy Bosom While the nearer waters' ti. irni4 'go neev; aid While the tempest still'is h romin the (.1,0,.,, o hot stay a, 'IOng" 2: T.f7d !lel i;lientetfi'lie °i:teshtm;1°157a. 'S,t:ohito,'1:11i,13:ugsiii'itchlas,e'isd;13:as,:,,, , Ay,hthat'..)4,P%A*.e n I dinna% ood-laY, entre ag 'ail,''qit'Yin f thing'4' Ye AA'',' t. 0:0 (Y ,p, 4" 1, ,-„he gel I,' t1g ,O, eescittoe the11el, a if•tt.,,hoe tLw e.,,, 1.1.,,,t15:,,, \ il, ate,.,a shall a § , ''d Watertnaj A' 6 e 1. n 2 TEC'd Seems , a Ver./ large number of cups to get from a pound of tea: But 'that proves the fine quality of d Rose Tea, whillOes further and :tastes better because it c84:0,1# chiefly of rich, strong teas grown' in the fanii,tis district of Assam in Northern India, A pound of 'Red Rose gives 250 cups. Kept Good by the Sealed Package SiMASIIIie:G A SUBMARINE. Newest Contrivance is a tached to a Moat. 'where near it will do the bus'ness the very least it will fetch the sub- . ` mb marine 4 44 :sur,,S. aee, to he promptly dispatched bY gunfire. The newest contrivance for smash- ing o submarine is a bomb leaded charge a and ha" ing from a float, $uprose the "sub' to be located whije travelling under water, by oh - servation from 411 airplane or balloon, S'eseentaft71:4alig ofgtitMl.istifish, a0 4ls1, 6‘1'ing slia°("' under such eircurn$tances, course, it is blind, It dat,'S not know that danger threatens, But meanwhile the patrol 'boats gather and prepare ; to do some fishing. The Llehoat. 'Mader water, emiot trvhouref al ttalsleteurthanimost t IVier'erl;eloincellesn yit is i going 4 a much slower rate, To drop a. bomb in front of it is an easy mat- ter, The bomb is attached te a float by a; wire of any desired length, any fifty feet, if that be the supposed depth at which the "sigh" is Moving, T.Vhea it hns sunk that far tbcf, resi5tance of the float yanks a plug eat a it, there,' by oausing it to explode. I Thie idea ;was originated by Sperry, the Anterivae ihwenter of the gyro- scope stabilizer. It is thought to have t miportent advantages over the method '1' hitherto nreJ, whereby hemhs ceuip-; fi !led with delav-actioe fuses were drop -I • ped in ;vont 01 the submarine. Bombs of the latter kind are liehle to go off too scan er WO late. In ; either case the submarine escapee damage. But the bomb with a goat is bound to esplode at the required depth, and it will inevitably snmeh the U-boat if dropped at the proper ' moment. It does not need to bit the "sub''; the load of high explosive it earries is se big,thet if it bursts any -3 ,rzr.y ITU, eqlQ.thAi4f: r4 4)4 kaeifieSmIrra 11. 1'- erg ifb.. Cleaning azd D The postaian and the expres man bring Parker Dyeing an Cleazzing Service right to ;1\14 door. We pay carriage ono wzy. Our exceptional facilities en,, sure promptness as well as ab. solute thoroughness, — when you think of clean- ing or dyein think of PARKER'S. Write for hook! PAR eure to address yonr reel tear1y to r eiv- dept. R'S DYE WORK, LIMITED YONGE STREET TORONTO 4 0,5 IVIANUFACTUREWS OVERSTOCK To be ()leered out at WHOLESALE PRICES 500 Phollogi*aphs Reg. $50 too Au exceptional opportunity to get a first- class machine at a bargain. EguiPped With AJ MOt1% lintverstd Tone Arm thee plays all makes of records and one Control' or full or 'modulated volume. Has, in fact, all the features found on the higher priced machines. The cases is in mahoganY nresh. 41 in. high. One year guarantee with each machine. if not as represented return within 10 days and get your money back., Price while they last $25 cash with order or C,O.D. G. D. -,ROBERTSON, zixanteractu.rers' .a.a•at, 77.BAV ST, - TORONTO otcl Del Coronado Coronado lieaoh, California Near San Diego POLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, BAY AND SURF BATHING, FISHING AND BOATING. 18 /Joie Golf Course Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. - _AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager DE I G 0 US ES Y DESTROY GERMAIN:. ,roRE 'CE„ done! Sir ia's Oil 1,Ve in AJnenhutlaiGirtiefipitoirist: Is Story •Fen those who do not know Colonel Sjr John, Griffiths, whether as Mein- ber o11151Plbe-i atliazneuerasely tled t,iniervi:ines..ttariiant4- fairs or in his newer capatiity sol - 05,,,,r, \ by the m:count -which he gives in the an- nual report of the Rumanian Consoli- dated Oilfields, Litnited, a the wan in 'which he wUs edprcaehing ileithe c selttp a rliloyscd?r&san thet,hl London CO2T0- 5Pondent. Probably no coinpaelhas er presented a 'mom racy document to s shareholders, and through the v l'6±-OrY the pereona1ity a colonel thoroughness.15.P1:ehsiesntderi(sretgoale'lldeofi-fee071hsei! quer.ces, his habit a overruling those who stand in the way. He did a great pieee °/7 1e17°;"e1;!e':Iyie'llil. R2flUITCI:T1,3ea:Bc)o,newideb carrfNo- 'r i ing. through his Job with a rothlegg•g thoroughness which Po Oertnali gen- al could hope to .better, Colonel Sir JObo- "Norton GriffiLIIs ed to render ,the oig 10 thi," Cermans., ptond at once with the natural nee of the corapanies—raO4 et t e not British awned --to see •1y worth iiiions d eopupissiou very ed t'or th futnyn' 01.0 on indnstry,4Ti6:1 enxkns toleal•"o the wells in etteli eceehtioa ibat later. 10 and 001 •a„.. IN oftle(•r 'ning ot ati i1i.0 because hd decided ljtt 1 Memo 011 1=4 , C" A orlt the tanks and tIie ll The Remant d lint:evo dangerous to stay any longer, power house, brim fua , n catelt fire and explode at itay Colonel Griffiths, however, wo hour of the word "danger," e "sted in setting Are to the house. He took a ligbtod fuse 6 hay 0110 entered the building, se 1., Ibe the oil in the basement Which had pre- viously been pumped in. Se strong was the gas in this building that One could have been asphyxiated in min. utes on remaining inside. It is a miracle that Colonel Grifilthe (who was slightly burned) and the rest were not killed. The only explanation is that the gas mixture in the building was too strong for quick combustion and explosion. 'tee some tune ago, when Colonel Grif- fiths told something of this incident to a number of friends, they little dream ed from his manner of telling the story that miraculous intervention had been required to make it possible for hirn to tell the tale at alle PLANING MILL WASTE 1 I Used by Toy Makers and Has a Good Commercial Value. That a market for virtually alt of the waste of a planing mill is to be had for the seeking is evidenced , in the occasional bringing to light of whatis being done by some planing mill managers in various sections of the country. The latest has to do with a planing mill in the Northern States. In turning out some of its products waste blocks of various sizes were numerous and served to fernish all the fuel required for the plant. This material had a fuel value of $3 a ton. One day a visitor looked the plant over, noted the waste blocks and be- gan to figure out the ritunher of thern in a ton. He offered the manager $17 a ton for all the waste of that charac- ter tuined out. A contract was made and the visitor informal -the manager he was a toy manufacturer and that the blocks Plirchased would cost him less than half of what it cost him to make dem. The mill manager Mime- mcgsmanaractor cliately placed his thinking cap in or- der, secured samples of,all the ploriing mill waste, called on other toy inann- facturers and before returning home - - found a market foi' alt the waste about • the plant ex.dept the sawdust. The final -result is that the sale of the waste purchases all the coal nee.led or the plant and loaves a profit aver- vould score' Panalysis of the witste pro- w and plititing thU muth of .1 p crcial EEL() New Autoreatia etc„ "W. 1440 'coati .e, omp eteewl dehaustpipi Olt ,(4 11