HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-11-22, Page 4t9 That' ageriaCa, v „ nay„ Uf a¢ f s the youngest o£ thrw a, was stervons and t '` i 4ir%3 rot x,as most unfit t 4t41 and nal;'11 ,,f'` sing seemed tri' p iran. 1 learner r.f Vireo/ and ei it to him. It ha xestared his health , and str•ength e has gainp ,t.in weig#trfir., !tl,}. al rederick r', Mon Pa i, . 'inol is ik"tfatai reaves" � �'or c Or 'hz le, t?t. ..... yeas childie so you bi1d e$a: GRA .: rAMWAY YSTEM nl. of O tat` tyle Red Deer and 'the 'ioC�s C '?° lw `E, gSONS y• E. Celina -wood. 631195, No. Co„ 04th Battalion, France G. Coehra_:e, 6013188. Co., Can, Forestry Corps. 33. 1:. Pi, France tie Craig, 401770. robes. D Ii C 11 •S.0 OnR O, on, End, Sat ocr i4Sh� aldro.S. Crews, e,696829 I3_ Co. 1.th Bait., C 1ZT B5'.F.,. France, "oohie 1013126. C ).:Can, 4% vestry 11'. France335D4 . C oho, 3. rv, lst Briga, seg, Eng. And. Eng. cotnlre en 1 aF d Addresse Bos Overseas '100.11 Cts IIXS" 15w :d' f31s7MtldL.s4:a it!' e'u ov+ the Il �att� rG to zx t The `;first tat of nan$cs nx1 thre .eel1r,' si fa'c r u; ,. • a ,, 1,orp .i C•L. I'.atta. ion of tha ,.ena sautte- ition.s. 'r Hoar• i, as:follow; Sttvtiu Ri:p'o, 651189. e, Will a If '\ a11:er, 651598 nit :ll�troprr, 654283 Psri. w ric cit:rrtton, 654695 Pre. `Perri 4ppleton, 651684 tfus Nestle., 651826 l:'t... Jay, i2, Ali arshall. 654315 4� • '• 5 r 10t -t,„ wi,arN, 65•,,..2 36, Pte. N. G. Stacey. 654651, M.G. Seeei'io' Pte. 'Fred Tucker, 654107, Pte. Ira- Taylor, 051187 Pte_ L. Day 651711: The followingare the rr- yso Ithe h 161st now 3r f The address isas follows, The e,.a f , .Oise Overseas Battalion, C. Company, w 'Titles' Campt.; Surrey, -England, Pte. 11, G, Appleton, 651307. Corp. John „Cornisb 6554022, Pte. Richard . Cornish, 054702, Pte. Walter Harness, 654501 ., Pte.Albert,1,oltan.5412 6 4, Pte. Lor - Lorne Cadsnore, 65.15085 Sergi. Milton Pfaff, : 654078 Pte. Cyril Tuckey.. -654305. I Corp. Elmer Willis. 654489, l' Pte. Jack , Lain;g654353 � • Pe.. Victor I4ogarth, 654705, Pte. .Hilliard <x rton, 654875 Transport Section. 'erre. Lloyd Rivers, 651131. Sergi. H. Piss tt S � Ge 654123. Corp. S. V. J. 'Cann 654012. Sergi. A. 'Ii. Gambrill. 054517. John. Mallett 654506, Pte. Bruce Walker, ':654778, Pte. Citi ilium Munn, 654529. Pte. John Willis, 051502. i.e. Garnet Ford, 054531, 4 Pte. Chas. (Cameron; 654503. ak�ka 'te. TomDrirnacornpc, 8440501` t4',ron',iPEg. E. G, 4-'1n(1ei son, ':401325, D Coe Sec, 12, Platoon 15. xla 5 0,53,3 .:3rd. ]7iv. Bch :Brigade France. Prianacorzihe 334013 toss Barre e l `or icliffe, Eng :s of the England. au E. Do:wn, 0 0 0 FAO' y, elicr+ id rry x"T 0: CT1fi1 5 � "; n .SR, itrr y, re,' 6., Fraltee` t+ ppefi'8tt, peal 0 ll araair tri' ',L�,, suer leg.J.1(aa ht,,2 lo'urt (. it'rw Uor,.., C,ari. t;e•ti. Base. ,:.5'.1?. France. 65 ]12'2 Signkl Go. C,EP,!i Shoral9;Lris Ci p. ssex, Eng. le .Lai DL.allett, 100054, raaavilrz, Special Canadian TTapit i9, EEamsgate, Kent, Eng,' A. Mallett, 880065. 18th illatt, Can. B. E. 1,. Wratiett. 6,4. At: Milson, 054367 13 Co'y lilt Can. Lab., Hatt. B,E.F. France. , t 1. corp. W. l., Dlit;r.hekl, 101321 rad C.0,f,D.- E. Sandhog, i w 1.Ty the, Kent, Eng, Sergt. W. 3. 'Mitchell, 306, t No. 1,h s erir m' ,C e t a ,Sutton Are, Seaford, Susses Eng., s dr.: 3. A. `DIcliahon, 89744. ?6th Battery 7th `Brigade , 2Ld` Can. 13.E:F., France. ; t ; Pte.''Norrnan Norry, 1045429. 201h Batt., C. 13.8.1' France, i y Oke Pte. � A. 6518:.2 6. 53th. Batt.,' Can. Tit_ Co'y. Can. !Convalescent Hospital. F14, Epsom, ora. E P nq. Sergi". C. V. Pickard4, 595, C,A.:D:C. Napier Barracks, Shorncliffe, Eng. ; Pte. W.115. Parsons, 802262. 75th 'Batt., 11.1;1. France,. Pte. Pte. Wilbur 3. Bowe, 267138 C. Co." 28th Bat.t,: .13.8.5' Can France. I Spr. W. 1toy Robinson 505076. C. 1;. 'Cable Section, 'Can. Corps, Signals B. E. F., "France., Pte. :-Dou gla.•c Stewart 401641, 4th C!Aanrras z. Britt':0, 13: 73 1+0 S !ranee Pte. Sid 3. Smith, 654092 'Batt., J3att.. P. In F. Ward D. 1 W ar: s Warren I:t d. 1• .Guildford, I3na. Pte, Earle a e 'Sotzthcott, 654535, 2nd General Western Elospital. Manchester, _England, Pte. Victor Sanders, 644703 16 Can, Field :Ambulance." till itley Camp, . Surrey, :England. Pte. L. V. 'Treble, 491114 Cali. Army Dental Corps. South Camp Seallorth, Sussex, Eng., 1)vr. Cordon Taylor,152863. No. 2. 'Reserve ALT.,A,S.0 226 South Norwood N'oiwood, London Eng, Pte,, "F, Charlie Treibner, 1009303 C. I3 T, 1011 ldatt.. Can. R Troop, 13.1;.5'. France. Pte. Wm. L. 'Triebnern 523038 1st C. SL R) Battalion ^ � yvat r o d C. E. Pte, tivtlltam'4 z1c,65481 C Com.pan'ty, 101st Battalion m �� \Vitt ..s Cramp "Surrey} Eng. 4th, fan `, tt Lest dG Rw1 Training 13vr Gordon E' Wells 33 0591 _1 i C. Go C enadaan An in Army AJ' 0•, Notice Creditors In the matter of the ]:.state of Mary. Ann Sanders of the Village of Exe- ter, Cotantti of Iluron, ww�idow, de-. ceased, Notice is , X €tt. 3wl? iratit to Statutes in :helpsredY !tors, and.; Others hey il oiaS s ge gain t the, of th said r A.731 Sanders, wl pe died, on or about Septem %e.," 7, 1917.i. are reindred onor before the 10th, day of DeCoMber, 1917, to send by post putrid or de- r liver to Messrs. Car1040%4 & �" ,lo 4, i1,. of tee Village o E* ter, 4o1io1Sors for the Executors of the said deeeas-p ed; their christaiu and surnames ads Re and def l;,tons tine soil ba" t3olars of thipottti,nis the stater 8' J gent of their 0t ;ttnd the na,� tin4,e of the g F t iS ;,1Ki �anv by diem. And. t+l e srtagke 1".94d that after such itst ,niers Toned c fir" the &aid Executors will proceed to distribute' the aasets ifa the deceased ornong the parties entitled thereto, f4dyt g regard only 't,4gx elaisns or tol,4, they shall tRMx• veaotict that the..T;sr euta7, 1z ill nae ir_, pole for said assets err ray part any Perk plans nott0,- .� bt'en ved by therm, tet the, eltah distribution. 1P Is 80,o� Can l ' restrg 1apley Lake, Bagshot. Surrey, Eng Pte. J. Perry Windsor, 190227 Pte, W. Sims, 654539, I'te. Lloyd Eaagiand, 654393. Pre, 'Fred Hopkins654050, aCsC ithe. 0 ve• tine o•t a Nltt It is "Odra 6ny taw wio'. 1 Notice :o Creditor. rit0 t";;;tats, of 30 0ttn-hip of Steph ;one enrientan Notice is hereby Stat sttl..ibt that be !.tors�rid. other be% ""at +wd+1 ,' esiote I3*4 Joao e *ito died or Or 14.11, 19,7%,a i r+' 3ai tine lOth ivew pars h1 t 115 that ult ered v14, Rt' tit 't'iilai, o FIpt3 'r� 1 t4tt7 101 tris st.i i; And farther tap asl, ment10' rs wi9l Pr its or the ti on, .the lt.9rpie4s vzrt tle,d hay: rag azd rsla' to the el'0lfl' ^e. With iliey 1pasll lips an trey," 'no anal I11 -1I tile; ? ase.ttroxss Will not 11,11,k for s`iid, sa;i„se e or ane part tlieereof 10 4115 licrsoil or Pe'rsons of wtltoxe clrtitoe 'notice Shill not hove li est received by then:. atthe lime or sr,cls +i•i°at;ribuiion. C1i.iI.Uri .N 4ww f ih I rx4� sr$ ADE IN ?ANADN a 1 RTILIZEIi, 22 P. 18 A ND,, RTE NEPOS Ail Rinds dl Le. zed Gr i,•ou(02, Shingles, th, Bft, aorag, C 013 0^ 04t 1 q J.. JtT%V 'II ' EN .'O N o. ady p. be held reiladureby • o@them. ' ` nl. 'aeoAj;: z, i►"lns, 11' r*ire notice that after said' lapylk tip iLonett date the Executor willp?rnceed to. distribute the asaetq the deceased among the par- ties ,a Algid thereto, having regard only td the claim& or which, l;e stall then have notice and that thee said. Executor: shall not he iiabie for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim3 notice shall not have bean recetped by him at the time or such, distribu- ti0fl GLAD5iAN & STANOUItY Solieitor for #•%aeeutdr Dated at Exeter this 13th, day; 9f ;.l(}Y ena -cr. 1917, 1 Auction Sale OF' a ;1RN1 STOCK & I:tIP, Cara I.:01 :16, CQ •`rt f R1DAY, NO,IFRUBR At 1 kr"cloctr„ } harp, the fol narta Horses -Draft µ.,o.34, 5tS1's draft horse 4 yrs- o14; 494 Old; rle,;tnut annate, real ,n f: r rifiA t, or s,•tita,rpe for ami ,1r t 0t 5 extra good thil, psw arra h' yn add extra, ^e e*1," '$ 6e Sept.. 4; 2. -Irl .. a [4 r'1 r cag. 2; '6 rail 4 e1 kt?#f4r1agk3rred jgy OA; 5 ;+t '$l Ontario s Best Commercial School y9 z K*xw' 4°aR o lilt tai *Mut into 13l t1, crest y $; d hl: : e4. or. ,for Executors this 26th %a}* of 917. A. 1TeLAO LAN 1'riocip; . EL1r10TT, President t 4t4y+lFgrF#siR44►• lwFR dor Infants and Children In Use For Oiler 30Yea rs Always hears O- the Signature of EUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY Last year, as in years past,nearly rro ever • Clergyman and drool Teacher. in Ontario helped to spread the Gaspe' of Good Health on Tuberculosis Sun- day and ' Tuberculosis Day in the Schools. This year, under the aus ices of the National: Sanitarium Association,en- dorsed by the leading Clergymen of all Denominations and by the Depart- ment of Education, Sunday, November 25th, and Monday, November 26th, have been appointed for the annual•. ' s days. observance of these da -s. At no time in the history of the world has the necessity for physical fitness been sogreat as i iso - t t da •. 3 One has but to scan the reports ` of -re- jections for active service abroad to note the many that are unfit. "You have tuberculosis!" has been the pro- nouncement to thousands of 'young men in Canada and the. United, States during the past few months. A thorough physical examination a year ago, might have exposed the weakness and prevented the develop- ment of this dread' disease; and yet, ins spite to of sucha warning, thousands of 'men and women will continue to disregard the danger until they too have become victims of Consumption. If you would :'avoid this disease, watch your health, avoid needless wor- ry andover-work; see that your food g is nourishinand that it' is. served at regular intervals. Above all -get out in the sunshine every minute you can spare;. see that the windows in your place of business and in your home are open so that day and night you may be assured of a - plentiful supply of pure, fresh air. '' CASCARETS" WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Por Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,' Sluggish Liver and Bowels- Take Cascarets tonight. Fd5 4d• Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion Sallow Skin and Miserable ; Head- aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your : storm. itch to become filled with undigested° food, which sours and ferments like gar 'bage in a swill barrel. That's the first eg to untold misery, -indigestion, foul; g ,pbad breatb,ellowv ,sl in, mental`. hhz#ig , ths horrible; and �A Gtretxi `to nigliit, v,il rnstipatecl at1bule aseasis a tiorou;ka; ori straighten `you' +or Auction " Sale OF COW, CHICKEN, N, IMPLEML NTS HOUSEHOLD .EFFECTS, LT C, At ihe "Residence of the o(tvat;crs Exeter North, on SATURDAY, NOV. 24, 1917. Ata lo'clock sharp, lire following :- Durham cow, Blue. Bed separator, nearly new; table, wood stove, veran- dah seat wheelbarrow, hanging lamp quantity wood, cedar _ posts, plank and lumber, grindstone, emery, roll, onion crates, glass cupboard, scuffles°, on- ion scalier and lrftee, ,pictures, coal oil stove, small table, kitchen chairs, bal}_vbuggy,.baby cutter, about 2 tons, miller lsay, clock, ladder, 16 chicken, bucksaw crosscut saw, maul and wedge, crowbars, carpets, quantity of toots, 4 !swarms bees, feather tickand other articles too numerous to Terms Cash. C. W. 'Robinson,• Harley Sanders, Auctioneer .Proprieltor Notice to Creditors a In the matter of the Estate of Anth- ony }Tolland oE the Vilbje-o� Beams ville. County of ".Lincoln, gentleman; deceased. Notice is neercby given pursuant ant to Statutes in that behalf that 01 cred- itors and others having- claims , ag- ainst g g- ainst :the estate of Anthony }Tolland who died on ` or about October 2ssd 1917, are required ` on or before December 1st, 1917 to send by post plrepaid or deliver to Messrs Glad - man & Stanbury, of the village of Exeter •c• see solicitors' fed* the Executor of the said deceased their chris tianandsurnanres, addresses and des- eriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their at - (1 f9 e tuta ,]note., Cot AR rant TS 917 n hogs, r. tuft .4 1 11 X crotir'1t igl1 scale„ a�.ltltdek a 1 cxeti{1 cepa t£t1"•i,1 .Daisy, root , 4ulper, set lteavl;