HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-11-1, Page 1lm M1' RTY-SECQ!WD YEAR ATO. 22�; •++++.++14+++++ '. ;+° t'F'4$44' W'i.:t4$4.4` JONES & MAY PHONE 32 'urchase Your 'inter Require Early et) Our Fall and Winter Stock now Complete i[Ic Would strongly advise the 1?ityizr oP ,yoor requirements for, the 1 Present :nt stock' rices on 'under treat'', #rosiery, rlirrg winter ;3t once,. Our � �• s ,c t =.for men"- n orad boss, .dress 'gouds, $tuts, scapi »', are fHrliy 2.r ,, to irivat� � ° -. . Herat less thani the new prices will b', $o the adti isihiltty a 13o3wng next a while present stock laettli i5 ;1PP4rent. $' ea 1.41 dozen eight, ee c• Ladies' Cashmere hosiery l SAY ties ie,. 75e and':. siert' Special at a pair Iaaitr Itidies' fleeced and VZ181111,1Cr0 i:osiery, 1111 they last at axe pair. LadiesUnderwear Specie z. ladies' heavy avlr'nte 1i -' d v.,<sesaro) Crafter Sltsa iai Ch1/ lairs .Prate Doily,5e per garment. Coat Sweaters for Everybody lave', our Immense stock of coat s l•s att r•:3 ,for rrxtouts were bought before the last eidva axl values, Make your vel etiore earlyo `r H 6 laoszx Ire av ' P 111 o r t.ar Glx* t;1. o y . 4t1uz11I viz*s '-1,tM largerei zea 1 Mm flees Youths and Boys' Overcoats lw 'tit& lz rr ixertiseall, slack of two ercoal na«3u1y' 1it11p' lK lxricc. Calm early as bast lints :rr st l Ladies' and Misses ' Coli !ar :ed, ?rt es .rraasleral Now l_1oose Furnishings, Dress goods, ilk4, co e ttab blankets, etc 'yc Wonderfully attractive pricks. Boxes .for shipping °iarcels to soldiers in heavy tor: t'v0 sizes, now in. stock. :~.Ian's furnishings New Christen its Ties, .Shirts, Collars 0}wa°a11 Smocks, Caps, etc., just arrived, eh D. st.l;ple�s, lnt�lnsa l'ucl lsapa xs i,r Jones AND II. S. Field Day 1 The. Exeter slatah Sehool held ibeiz * R Field Day on friday off` last xl°cek. Ther ball team and girls h sk+„.thole team 4, from Licata I igh School ca-ne ulr" and koied efriewitv renes- lip' the, x? 4. in a ha:A>bali game NV lalayed :off s e i grounds t3tt. 11 Tc n the $ bort a C£ 4 �$ f' 4-1winning 6 to �. The w a,he r ltd +1 line anti the value ve as a: food a v • hibitiozn,,, Thi . +i -the tit • r Alli tet ,. and 'St each an • home tea a several txm r base bat Iai the ninth irkt Cf'.er leaving 'il} 'vi- ". i $ wow runs, r trer:`i t. L. ik4 was ,n, ret 7t happened early ii P?[+«zie .z.;-9d.ecli 3.ak1r`ly 1 -'x -t-'- rear. divers_ Sorer .e. Bret orad Traylor^; a3. TrAz.•rxlrter. " Ira t:lt+• aft/. ei a ' la til game woo, lel the Exeter teazzx l 1€ weather IreAr, *,t^l, 0 car i 4 zt €l9cdog the far -' er Olio rata;; girl''.a ll,lsket ;alr£r this timt, the -vin ' rsq.; as fkt:+ F3 Fa x+ The 1,"aiue n"31-, > tr'rritzsx+httt cult ar #}s� gel°3k'ess 1o5ola. his llodl.:-orr, .1. - �s Clot>d�on. .tlf.l.l .t,. Forwards. Ci;"urr•, :Ail. 4iWIi *"h. .. Check . M..airarlt axial aI. In thee morning oprtdoor playful "fpr the seezr1114t c°,l ,r(Ferne) n ora att:tonnt of the rtno. Saturday next it is exi ▪ tha? baseball team. nirl3' la;a I - b..11 teiuls will t:o t 1113,,y ri tlrraa: arrrrt. . • 4 • I t "4++++++++++++++44+++ +++++++++44++++++++++44+++F 31 4.i:+++++++++` ++++++ Sthv s Sc'tangos Intending purchasers will do well to inspect our large variety of ranges ba - fore buying. Weilist a few of them below. CANADA, CHANCEL- LOR and Royal Jewel Steel Ranges. KER-BEN and Brilliant Jewel cast ranges. Dohertyiii h oven Steel ranges $40 to $75. g Cast Ranges $35 to $65. BUILDERS HARDWARE We :have 'a' complete line of house building hardware includ- ing Lock sets, hinges, sash fasts etc also all hardware for your new barn:. Let us supply your requirements. Purchase a Perfection -Oil Heat- er and keep comfortable these cool evenings. A full stock of stove pe 9i elbo ws. anterns, mitts 'et or ta ISAAC- tt to lir and a' daughter. T)T COT I In h, dr``�eto Ir. a,n 1tY;sr "son la h}vood on IirA'. Milford t rq tire" x -k rnIt 11 II. S. PRINCIPAL OCCUPIES PULPIT IN CAVEN O1TG-RCk1 Mr. W. lf. Eadie, ?'rincii>al of the; Exeter-sli li School, occupied the pul- pit in Cavan ' d'resbytertan church last Sabbath morning and preached very interesting sermon. Mr. Eadie took ;for his lesson, the 2nd epistle of Timothy -a letter from a prisoner of fear. I3is text was taken from the. 2nd. chapter 15th 'verse, "Study to,shewr thyself approved unto God a lvork- man that needeth not 'to bo ashanietl,, rightly` dividing the word of truth." The speaker said it was as natural for the human mind, to search as fort the sparks to Tly upevard. Evil "comes through ignorance. We need to study the I3ible. Robert Bakes was the first to introduce Sunday. 'Schools, as the. teaching of parents and secular schools were not equal to the task. Oex Sunday .Schools are the pride o2 the. -world and among the organiza- tions'of mankind arewithout a peer. Their value is incalculable. The memorization of verses is a blessing to childhood and -also later years, The speaker said that at ;3 y-earsl of age he was converteil in a Methodist revival. 'Forms and ceremonies are non'essential. Tines and method change. TIe did not knoll' the charac- ter of the Corning revival but trusted that they would be a blessing. . -• Germany, he said ranks highest in mental' philosophy and. other bran- ches. Prof. 'haat, had prepared a text -book that was 1d in our uni- versities.' Canadian minds were sat- urate(' with materialistic -1 iaylistic ideas. "Eat. drink arid be merry. to -morrow the die"" : The ` motto of central Europe ts.tha .the end •justifies the means, bent fair me.us or foul. Make money honestly if you can, but gest It. The Central powers to rule the earth gave j h4,1revised.verson of t'lle sermon ozi thy* ?Mount. Ilernliarn says blessed are valiant for they shall conquer. The words of the New Testa were k, perverted and war had to (0111-., T1 research 1v as, not ,so. much sere, seL:1Sh amb£taons. C{ontra.st � ttt�il a{ I ivzth'the words of theau w. T,eitat1 Styr forgive ther�,thWo11',i?y"tt5+ at they do P E. rti BBOKI NSIIIRE OI ..STEP RFTU;RNING ROME. Pte. "Arva Prokenshire of Stepoe ha.s arrived at 1lalifa:t ,a1rd is er: latoted to: arrive ` home the latter mart of this week, Pre. l.i-okelo`xhire Tvent overseas with the 161st Boit,. anal was wounded several; months ago Dt'l trs drone this clistr4to arrive rlialifax are Pte. I3. Viikeittif'Cod - tich (lair J Y Dyer rCoderc ° a t 3 I' 's arlslaill; Pee, T. Lo: rd had Pte. 1'. iayward, Clinton, f'r t. R. 1" Barton, Witagham; Pte,. �. I3allantx ne; Strathroy. Ti #E L '1' a T1h ; 1.4AZL`hwO41} r1 Mr, 1'horrras Iiazleevootl esident or Exeter died at , e, Londot ot. October . The r•c mains were b ort - r :rd'ty and, service- *LL the James e°s Se,r char cls; 1» E tat een-;-tet c. Circ e ; noise tare oiH; a 1 'xncast or the stet a lxslt 1141 .� + ezi Ire tote `shortie Ext. - 5: be. 1l: LATE I'lae r'e xlazz 4a Ut1 eld 11ay-' .a tax 1. +�t co�adnote ti by s or, t a5 lt.sra„wzr a oraxlrs .. ed k wtirU y ea at tz tttc"",, 1k'ovt*ti tacit ,I tTr ttz t; 11411x11. The 1.-c,.• t- -d is s1.r� eed b • lobo t"onfx1lt r1 fes' s h.ed felt ii11t' Cart: -011 - •lana Iter, ►lx . . T, Knight ; of Gioally. r, ;untl 5.irs. l%;zltglat ;trctt1',1t;etax^'d the .las tt1 town, The sorvices at tie a14 .1tte1 cctrta`tery 0X4erte. coreducted, a^xu. r. The poll', ars i4 E'2Y' • _1 � .L 1eree!.eti tt+let, i fly and. IL Sit' Q1 Main St. Annivers A Success The ar:niverso St,_1Ia•tlodist .sabbath ,fast. The wear and lame con regatimes hrztla Ir,Qrroizeg ,area oveet n,g, 1 1v I..zngford of Mitchell was tll�t . al s ea er .for the � da^ p 3 e,Pzlrs.c.p, were greatly en.,1q' pg and, evening. The ...° approlrr let- rotes c .for a a Ttl. in the avenin' eve;re a 1st zee tubers of Cavell choir;, the afternoon a special S:uuiay was sT log in the auczitor- k church orken a sr tial carrhol out, Cts qr the day !'1 (tr ata•ti viee6 of '. arc' Lela er was Iy? di rogri4rr,I The r4_c.. over Sa I£a the ,F The Langrot-1 refit h. fifth '1'2 1,r o or has text at is to d;i k'Ita1 'dr1 .moi? Too l[ i, --c to 4wi^ e ea clealtiE 1%11 3r it cti ill{. •Hy"Y C ok oret1-1pg 1' asat•al f'rt;«i1 1x1' duo i'.-5 active -tees. flrrik': tT: f rig ti, zz1. as ;t:•n3.. stets of dk.,tratct11t1 is (:1- ha`ttxs that, Ale t'f 9x+1 £ax, neer1 ,00$ erathar,. 11. ark,V,.!adeti With; tr k«° rrlorc ikstn a a"G' to "a,tiotl eto heal aztdr rtct�n.treect:lon etnllt ti --rel .all tlae 00),Vr'r arhtl„ wisdieet$ ref teem? l tr€ ,1t$ FAY tlz zt caret of tht: evil s: ill --ssr,- - <thee .; good; that rlklp£z Coll -make 19 ' bas ttH s llsct �a 1401 .tis pleecitsr1 + nr1 z ffe rtx tae,+a<"s xeosltd g.t l': htzzl 1111 to€;.tin:' 11in i� r.ttr se't1a 11" o; peace - dtc "+ear Meth'ro ft I A"nt lief ati lt�zr�ip £� A ra ti m1} �1b hst, , ax1 ;stir 1441' ink 1 130:5„ rt`tl, o, w'1'ar hta 1' L --r1; 'h- t*1Adt7 Lea t1 "1 rizos2l; �� tint esezlt. a, Circ, Fere aRted t t"S4 d;i.4tL'r'ed tllGiz stazld the p tr ce erosiaved. ons or sacze 1-0$18, utaao uq us io b. men. 9410 have oat nt+`- tret o r xarusev_ i 11- can Ccare ee mlalish azT�-t131Y- R'''t .. ---1 slbQaa.i.. $1✓ rT an, the 1.. 41g." n1 en v` a irOTeln vc th]C_ a Tt tid tu t-' g'4 uron } ou uraeeet Phe hope ;4i tit 1n taxa 'lacy th o' kilo yalac;s= iu, l call.kle ,_1 -tithe as robbed R � a a yr Canty `fa 1 opt^s5 ,hare be, cos t%ey �.1 as ge lla hf axil ol° you tier is Celle° ill tgosnc$, day'. 1�I 1 02 d Jesus oL v } rlolldlri' k1e ae'gst1 c,,, ab„ ttr ltr^lis'-a,lb; 111 rr.1T,i*W4" 11.nF1 7ilrx` l,ct•^;r,ti Cat'' i :111-1 r nzrlrutFttra• as: ti gr ly Caret. Its>,.� Clirrtort. w,ts- r.-elrlel �t1x-$4.. iy does Canada. Raise by felling Bonds? p ONDS are issued payable in ten or twenty years, as the ease `rely be. " It means that repayment of the money will be spread over ten or tentg years instead of being raised by taxation to meet current expenditures. To raise by taxation all the money as fast as it is needed to carry on Canada's share in winning the war, would be au $lubearable burden llpon the people. It would mean that more than a trillion dollars a day \V id have to l;e' raised right now. Tut to raise money byy selling Canada's 'Victory' Bonds means that those of the .lest generation who will benefit by the ':sacrifices this generation is making; -who will share in the freedom this ,generation is fighting for and largely Paying for -will also pay their share. * And when you buy Canada's Victory 73onds you "make a first-class business in - 'vestment in a security that is absolutely safe, , likely to enhance in value after the -war, and bearing a good rate of interest. You help the country by keeping open the British market for Canadian products and this helps the general welfare in which you share. And again, eery Canadian wIto buys . Victory Bond b ; 7 ; tka., financial partner or backer of Canada in the war. When you buy a Ca, , V clorvBo1]d you give a personal pledge. ellat. you are going to help to Win the war, Every man and woman in Canada can `help to vin the war by buying Canada's Victory .Bonds. And Canada wants the personal, individual interest and co-opera- tion s era- P tion of every man and woman in the Country. The buying 0f Victory Bonds by the whole people unites them in a determination to \vin the war. Every purchase of ' Canada's Victory Bonds is a blow for freedom against the tyranny of Cee_lllan Kultur. ,Evety bond sold .is a new guarantee that Canada is in the war to the finish, until victory is with the Aries and the world has been made safe to live ill. Every bond you but- is ie r. p1eedgke �v, that Canada will remain. true to hee Empire, she A?�ies axed tea freed��.-m,��.:���, So it is Bothpatriotic 'arid ootl ne 3 to 4 Leto'. o argei iri iL: tir4 -1 xo �Y,1p+Gal0 ')fin Lo ister of Fiance anada, lit 11