HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-10-18, Page 5,f!
'Thu d Octob 1917lEtli,
11M) STO
e's DiaPePaln Makes Sick, Sour,
assy Stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes/I
If What YOH just ate is souring on
VOW stomaeh or Ilea like a lump of
Mod, refusing to digest, or you belch
aid eructate sour, undigested
flood, or have a feeling of dizziness,
liheattburin fullitesa, nausea, had taste
Oa mouth, and stomach -headache, you
lOwn get blessed relief in five minutes.
Mot an ead to stcoaach trauble forevtn.
/Ay getting a large fifty-oeut case of
_rapes Diapepsin from any drug store.
°You realize in toe minutes how ueed-
3eaa it is to suffer from indigestion,
epsla or auy stomach digader,
the quickest, eureat 8ttga44'4i0o,
aoa ie the world, Mitt Iff,440„gal.
a sa vi) bed
01 the1.
distchurch ,Cjtrn.
d evenin,t.,-. OtOto
ed by a concert In t 0 a
dY NVelcOr0. , SA''("- bit
• Edighoff.r.
Mi- . flied of Exe-
er Ivere.
v* Ale _come of Dr.
Rent/edge titt'Siniday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Kroft, Mr, and
Fred Prefiter spent the we
.nd With relatives in Galt.
The teaelal-fr of or school attended
he Teacifer's Convention 'aield at
Exeter on Thursday ari‘d Friday,
Frank Campheil spent last week
et'. Robinson of Oranton will prech
here "-next Sunday in holfalf of m
Don't forget the sale of Jersey caws
'Hecror Afillson*s next TuesdaY
9 rd inst.
Mrs. George Lingard fell dow"
ome steps Sunday and broke some
her ribs.
Vatter Pollen has pix4iased the
of Milton Hainea' Woodham
ossession thila &L
Cane Y u 'Cedar Swamp
* and is
ed on 4f�r' &pI*fldicjUs
Eli Lawson udt- b
TOT0.100 ,S4
•oar boy ven,
ell Clark la:
*o1 kre Bank of Commerce,
Bill tins returned froin
ot .has been visiting
the last -elt.
Miss ir,licy LiruisnIt has ta
ion a -s easiataot operator
l'elt?P1)00 OftiVV.,
Tint? of NeW Tfareberg
s daughter Mrs. 0, Zic.(
(lays Iasi
S'riet e
oxes to
. Chris
Mr. .loyd Stacey, of
ie few days liere with
irg the past week.
„ G. lfallitity,
here ii -siting
riile and ststers,
vie • atai.
, 1 C.,
i "unda
!Il a t --- o i 1
ith a , t
-rife k spent i d
auto!! spout thc '1
1.7 liH1it. 111 tlayrielta
r. ft , ?.(1 1' oaStratfo
s in lawn Sunday.
1 . theketishire oa St. Cathar-
oitOrig at her boom here.
hd Arm I buil or Grand
rid 'lit Sunday with Arr. ana
ivered a pas.
ecta Hive: t
Mr. De Joan c
is Al s Joan ofi'ur4)(17
ksgivina isolidas
alms Giailya Hardy has roti r
rota Tilsonbarg, wbere raw apen
amber oi` 4 eek' with her graatt
parenta. Dr. ;lad 4T r... Croaker.
Wilfred IIIIChaWitt a Lorelei
umillied by his wire, ;
av days bare recently v•itli his par-
ts, Mr. and Mrs. Androv flachena
or wn
ting meeting a
iiesdaY evening cb#
a nualber of newt
iember followed by light refresh-
ments served by the ladies.
The farmers aud gardeners, as well
who have beeu prevented taking up
some of their root erops during the
()2st couple of weeks on accottat of
he Met weatuer, are «ow very busy
taking up Potatoes winch have turned
out a splendid crop.
Anniversary services ivill be held
it the Aletkodist" chinch- here on
P11I7CIaV October 21 tlic subJect
the morning service will lie "Joseph'
and. His 'Brethren," and the evening
subject "Etija and the Prophets 01
Baal." and 00 the Monday evening
{allotting- a .song service end miscel-
laneous recital and for telfichl Herbert
FiereY will he Present to entertain
LEL akalienev.'
Miss Annie Iludson of ,
ich., is visiting au Ji 1.` Itiale
nd Mrs. d. Undsont
Alr. I.Valter R. Mille' has soid- bis
tfift-aere fatal on the Goshen Line
S00/11 In Ifs brother-in-law Mr.
sVorips4;irak: Wha virill g''t Pass.'" sion ne
il talent its(
t}' ail; ii w and.
. "
Ie l '
cupied by ,)Irs, al; ,1upj,, Mr. Ger-
wilOget po-ssesiirt be
hetd irsday after000n
raking ace ixi ZLe Lothera*""
eq. Two .,on. Theodore and Ferdin- it4ei:
one daughter; .Emelia, sur-
vive, ber.
ceatrea. to
tit this fu
The tibiae of Mrs, Helen Polloc
of this village was cast into deep
I gleam 00 Sanday when the death
'tqk 41a of her seventeen -year-old
'1'daubter,..."4-erie. The deceased had
be afferer of that dread diseairet
en ptioa, and although every..
thing 'jsibIe v. s done for her ik
Of fl 4V,ci, She was -a bright
young girl,' will be missed' by hen
bereaved. "I. and 4 large circle
of relativeeOnad friends, The funeral
was heitl q.. Tuesday afternoon. in-
terment takh7g place in (be Hayfield
cemetery, Rev. P. B, 31eyer conclucti.-d
the service ihe house.
77 00,
War zont.t.s 7. ,99777; red,
.)11,44- Cliag e glee d°111e7Artaijrcl
Vimy ifrft
Telt( 11,a5 ndze4444 at
ed shock front k 141 X011t
01 f. `110 Vtsitt here
or a few days then. bei will leave for
• lit in military hospital.
P.11.01* 11e7chert las sold his
e, 00-ac7.e farm au- tbe Parr Line
ay. Ins son-in-law, Mr,. Jolla Blab'
. for the ,..40144 711 $7,0e9.( Alta
ardsoo has Iva 'et) tae farm for
from Marat 1st, lal`a,
expiration of the hAalie
Jt HaIr tits 00ft, fltlItY and
t a 25 cent bottle
at Ciandcrins.
or heavy bair that Os
uty and is radiant with
bas an incomparable softness and
Or and lustrous, try Dandorthe.
t one application doubles the
beauty et your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves overY particle of
=draft You caa not have nice
bear/bealthy hair if you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf Fobs
the hair of its lustre, its istreugth and
its VerY lito, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and Itching of
o scalp, the hair roots famish,
loosen and die; then the hair fails out
taste Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderino frozu any, drug
liter° and lea try it.
• Jolut D. Dick, of Oakville, a
n pzinied his Mother, Airs. T. i/ica
here frotil Oib,vilk bore she hat/
been. with her soil sitice his Avitaa/
tleatit o eetnale of no.
The Rebekah Lodge of Oddreliows
RY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his car on an
open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily the
Ford is handled and driven.
If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some-
thing good in store foryou . It is vastly different from just riding being
a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford.
Young boys, girls, women andeven grandfathers--thoPeands of, them --
re driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic,
with exceptional ease and smoothness,,. while ,on country roads and hills
its strerigth and power show to .d1antage
Bu y a Fordarid you will,w,ant. e ,wheel'' constantly,.
rout the a
4 day
Do Pot keel
_ 1',7 -.1.
ere are W000ded %,t014.11
130,t Jittle .1Se, to do,
wouldr obit* fxu.
N ALL 1.VIN1 13"
Tag money for 4 171 e 424.77.t
-ork or sore time. your choice4 eel!
tng oar ura1'7 ui:r4lre
et01` enotti
25 yeas0.0.1re
Oita,:ftee r 1,Qi'v each week.
717.0.1:174 'W CO., Out,
18 it IVE
• 059"1" 0 17.
• t. afarya. for yea r$
snacceeding the la( T. D Stanlel,
• at his home on alentity raoruica
• r 77week's ilinoso of i.ovittikonia
• 81 yt'arS. '
Mr. Wr, W. Iliek of Ariteliell receiv
' telegram, troni Otta‘va On
b47 1)1771 that its son, Pte. EreeS1
• had been killed at the front.
41.9 the seeond oungest son or
Postmaster V, W. Hicks and enlisted
Ut the west. l'wo other .sous 4tre alsco
v eas.
Canada and the 'United 87477.11 prob-
ably 'keit/ be 0 ble 10 provide '01''t hi
reqetrements or vereals other
than whaat during the next twelve
The 'Allied peoples themselves have
been economizing with wheat and
wheat Cour. As Lord Northeliffe said
in :Montreal, "There iS 113 etlehtbing
as white bread in the Old Country,'
Irontthe King's table downwards."
Other cereals are being used but
they cannot be used alone for bread
The .Allies must add them to wheat
floar to make the war bread now in
universal use in European countries
Excent ,in Italy, where the peoplo
normally consume much corn, there
are few corn mills in Europe. Corn-
meal. not being a durable commodity
cannot he shipped across the ocean
741 grea qua titles.
The Allies mest have a wheat flour
basis for their war loaf. Unless the
people of Canada -and the United
States are willing to aubstitatte other
cereals for part of the wgleat flour,
which they ‘,.normally consume, they
will be denying war bread to many
thousands of people.: Substitution, of
at least one pound of. cereals for one
pound of wheat flour weekly, per
person, would save a very quantity
oE wheaa, for esport. It would „still
be far short of meeting the normal
consumption requirements of the!
Allies bat it would, save the, situation
Hay council met for its September
sitting last Saturday in the Town
Hall. Zurith.
Andrew Mitt.elholtz was autliotiz-
ed to have Zooids.. DraM south' clean-
ed out the anioutat to be expended in
such a-ork not 1.0 exceed $200.00
The following orders Nvem passed,
M. N. Nesbitt. for C. Rupp, to Dec,
3Ist, $39.00. F. Farnconabe Smith
Atvard drain $27.50; Can. Erp. Co.
75c; G. Blackwell equalizing U. S.,
sections $4; W: Bell plank for bridge,
can. 4, $1,20; 17. Dacharme, sheen
killed and. injurcd by dogs, $4.; it
Turnbull, seork aud lumber, $5.60;
Jos. COiriveau cedar and work, Car. -
tin. bridge. $7.50; Al. Deitz, building
bridge, con. 5, $180,00; Jos. McDon-
ald culveit and. work, con. 5, $12;
L. IN'. Denorameownrk and gravel, St
1,Lealeas,st. wthuarenei, cm1011/ha salary, 300.00;
T‘jv:osirieckPyillteveble)lidakingiku:s1:,:e.'$a2/4ri.0.; ncii,D:1020c.0D.Otliii:N3Va551.01:;11;01:,
1* "7 WOr
P. AlcIsaac three, months .balary 233.00
Com. work. C
I gravel
P.B. 17 O5;Jon Jeffrey
o et
Look at the tongue, mother! It
Coated, your little one's stomach, liver
and beWela need cleansing at once.
when peevish, crOsS, listless, doesn't
Sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever-
, stomach Sour, breath had; AM
.throat, dtarrhtea, fug of cold, Stlfe
spoonful a "caltioania.; *Rip
rT4,4 in a few '40.0r4 all *Ifet1001
'"ited Waste, undigested f"
mw ile gently moves out of its
ttIO hoWela without griping, and you
have a well, Playful child aqato./Ask
your druggist for a 50-centatewe of
"California amp. of Fige;" wJieb .0012*
tainssfull d1reens for bables, ehW
&en of all ay.,*and for grown-up‚s
West Huron Teachers
from kage one
l*pckr shott'ing 1)74
tl f $1.34,0, Was'
j77. treceiv-
dilt1 te' following' names as ce',s
the AiKtelation, arol oil motio,t was
ed Past Pre,,„, Olios
;Olio Attboro; Prash-tent,
R. adRe'ilknV945:d(14.1B4rnelg;r4\11t,eorcsi(TeStleI'-.
Ticas kV. if. Johrist(Ul. Kip77e7.71
7.017:; Mo f\liss Coastailev,
Vottzd cioderich; Christenit
Johnston.. G.lerich. N,,. 5; A. NI
Itoberton, M, -A. Go'lerieh.
Air, 3. 1-1. Joi'mston of N'ictoria
School, Godefich, introduced the sub
ieCt f Eormatioa or Teachers;
cotuperoing4 417 assotinizoa
cominitt (iv cmit."-stirt( of )1essrs,
N(s e;e1r t,1:nun
Normal l'$'18(.10Eoril.f.''.10a:
07 (;ogra.plty ami an s7.""'4;!,(i;-,
dress gave 'the associat:nr. 1 g. tieal
of iateraaiing information about teaell
ituff. titti stilhect, introJticiag hi;
sithieet Dr, Emery expressed his picas
ure at being i7... 7.47 37otir association
aceaua. of the large number of 7.11711 770171 /rola coititty tab* attend
7)171 Normal School in Strat1 ord. lie
h that the tyourigeat pupils shoelcl
be taugh: geograplass that is, home
gesearaphy, should ba, taught
out 01 -doors. by obserNotioa, inves-
tigalzoa and experimentation. Tbe
country js znore important than the
wall niar, or the geography text book.
Then the leaching of this subject
s17ouls1 centre about it/an. In this con-
nection he %you'd make, muell of the
etaical i71 of stibject. This would
icad to a kindlier feeling in the minds
of all towards the people ot` other
nations. If the principles of go-.
graphs' ,were well manioc the poli7.
w,ould know with, a moment's thought
many ,lacta about. cities and disteats,
The diseussio4l was continued by
Inspector Tom, 'Messrs. Elliott and
Ross, anti Dr. Strang, all emphasizing
the pleasure 'they felt in listening to
the commo77 sense methods advocated
by Dr. Emery
I Strang related. many Rem-
inascences or litty-fottr years' teach-
ing Taeoe he made very interesting
because he told thein naturally, He
attributed his early sueness to the fact
that he tried to put his best into all
his work though ,he had had no train-
ing alone- the line of teaching, lie
spoke of the many chang,es, that he
bad seen come, for.instance, when he
was young no „girl would be allowed
to attend a Jiigh school or a univer-
sity, or obtain a medical degree. He
thought womea teachers should re-
ceive the same salaries as men receive
for similar work. ° He suggested that
teachers should develop individualOty
and especially build character. Te.ach-
ers may have been remiss in teaching
patriotism and that maY ha the rea-
son W14. we. have so many slackers
toalay. Alt were delighted with
the address and ihope that Dr. Strang
11.'71l be spared i -natty years to attend
our Institute Meetings.
The President, Miss Mabel Bailie,
177 the chair. Forenoon minutes aP-
.1-D°71Eme71 corttinued the sUbject of
Teaching Geography, and showed how
tile teachers can help their pupils to
bserve the phases of the moon, tlie
variations in the length of the daY,
the appearance of the country, to
earn the definitons, etc.
The discussion Was continued 1)7.
Ir. Torn and the president' emphas-
wliat Dr. Emery had said
Inspector Tom spoke 041 ale TM-
govement of [the Teo.chers' Work.
e gave many fdirits that (vere
I -Ie advised teachers to he -very
areful tlie coalition ofthe clos-
ts ,sitice the condition of tlie closets
indicative Of the morals of the
cliool, lie recommended the use of
arang''s tablets and ohe Spelling
(sok very highly commen.ded as a
eans of teaching reading. NIcue care
14 Slop
cOPY of' eaai-ne
or each centre.
That, the p-,xecutiye
e. and three others,
the 'Presidedt, With the
chairman. be a ctornmitie
agement of these ,libraries,
The report was adopted,
Dr. Eatery,apoOe on Agriculture
aed gave us "airrcxeejleut address, He
deplored thata*t,o)fooand girlo are en-
am-Poredof catiol, thinking of farm
f_fe' draggOrt and don't considet
04t best live in, the totin-
g. and tile best life is lived there -
'fie urged greater aad atill greater
pro -duction.
sholild leach the 70i77:-4
of J1rmng Eariners may be
it mai not tinder -
Tract -7)rilejpes of farm-
tag, 111 ae ys firtd 1ltat farmiag
is a ,s e ' ftre lik be
drawn (94.zlrd. 17. t
lie plit„ arge value017 Town, -
ship IF.,'izr$ , N. He uid haw
rY Pe0til -II as city people
re and a f the
nrt s •P.
vere pre
r Roll of our t
ia s " read and reanor,ded
reibriltosiasLogecotbovraTolim 701 Robert 1447(1
al. Agnew; ANr 11. jobasIon spole
for Roswell Dotigall, Altirray M. Fish -
W, flendersou Forrest arid Roy
107 IS ,
learty Vcde,;'" of thaaks -.1 .-'e PasS
111 eking 'Exeter School Board for
una, of lire schoel, the Exeter
for xilte fexcellent luneheort
inecl the retiring officers of last
11f4 all 71703e who took part
la night's prograiarite, and 1)7. Ent. -
'The 4i1t470.7 of the National
hem brqugut 3 4 -net essftfi
ceting Io a close,
Will' .
Th4. '-':130:11,5 't
d into
ij 1
o ning three oz.
r wa
V,hal4 gnat'
O 171117 of the moat markable
atztifier about the cost
0 .f1,23Cita/11.1e ,j;ithroonfid bb,e,
train the lenton
a, fine eloth so no lemon
.p fresh mouths. F.very woman
41*'ntbia lotion will
arawa chat- leriion juice is liaed to
bleaeli and reznove stielt blernisbes as
freckle:, eallowness and tau and i
a.3 ideal skin softener, whitener 71114
Just try it! Get three ourices or
orchard Ivilite at any drug store and
two len:ions from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of this seacetly
fragrant lernon lotion and mas.aage
it dailyi nto the face, neck Arens and
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper - A
Solid Hones Enjoyment: -
Hugh Warren, a widely -known
farmer near Crampton, North Dor-
cbester, was stricken with apoplexy
while plowing, ancl. expired at once,
though apparently in his usual good
health when beginning the day's
orlee Winters and Douglas
Houghton of Hespeler road, were in-
stantly killed and three other men
were injured, when a G. T. R. pas-
senger train struck the automobile
In which they were on their way
from Galt to Rockton Fair.
Matiltoba trades have obtained in -
tresses of wages.
Great Britain has requisitioned
four Swedish steamers. '•
The revolt in Russian 'Turkestan
has been completely quelled.
The Sinn Feiners are working
hard to prevent union in.Ireland.
Premier Sir Robert Borden an-
nounced the formation of a Union
The local tribunals in New Bruns-
wick and Prince Edward Island are
That rural eligibles in Essex county
are not corning up for medical exam-
ination is the complaint of Major
StrafabsutrYw.eek five French and four
Italian ships were sunk by Teuton,
subTmh ea rcii nuees.
be Housewives, League
has rapidly attained to a membership
of ten thousand, and has accom-
plished many useful things.
Rev. II. B. Coumans, the new
Horne Mission Superintendent of the
Baptist Church, made an appeal to
Mothers to give their sons to the
Food Controller Hannasays the
sugar shortage is so serious that the
'c r nt candles, confection-
,,Stnay have to be pro-
fer infra
lea between
Commission o
irch,- .as Pres
larval- lee
es itt
4 ezln, 0,,
ec tool sit i n
0E4*M, C ti
Po itt, dted eaddettly
of Ceimian subma-
led :n. theusmontit
Baro- Rosen, er BaiaE
reYa;Nrhugt00: has Published a
Premier Lloyd George told the
obrOGreat B in of the world
shortage in foodat,
1ae In the retai
Price 44 baeO' oreshadowed i
the Gyerfli,E
.000, t
Y over $.5,1) (i„
An order of rpatriation 117
sued for May ny A, E. i
of Torouto, take# [7.150007.
battle of St. Julien,
Sir Thomas White, Minis
Finaliee, aPPealed to the rept
ttves et' the fratprual ittatinsiVp
cieties to support the coming war
Bills or eredlt are to be furnisbed
for the provision of special appli-
ances for returned soldiers needing
ueh, in addition to their pensions,
ADY ba,lanee ram/ail:Otto to be paid
Ele aft4Oehrs'D.:.0"1.:t.
tbair lives
zeppelin waa destro
7117 troops scored anoth
Germati East Afriea.
ederie Villiers, tbe war cone-
d ill at Medicine Hat,
Citarles Stewart has been
rm a aew Cabinet in Al-
, C. J. began a cam-
p1t111,9 to get to .olors all eligible
'Tutted States.
a 1 by nes
$0011 C77enCe aid reprisals,
Tile election is now believed like -
70 be arranged for either the first
or the second weelt in December.
Of the first 300 men who took out
papers under the Military Service
et, 250 applied for exemption.
The institution of a National Flab
Day is to be celebrated by barittuets
in Montreal. Quebec. and Sher-
Fool ' Controller Magrath 13 trail-
ing regulations to limit profits on
coal by brokers, wholesalers, and re-
The last of the live columns start-
ed on the trek !rota Camp Borden,
and the l lane reached Thornhill Sat-
urf,diarYs . a Hit.erL11.°W°nIlliama. residing near
Leamington, was electrocuted by
touching a, fence wire upon which a
Power line bad been blown down.
It is stated that no more examin-
ations are now to be made by Medi-
cal Boards of meti who come volun-
tarily, but only of those who are sent
by the Registrars.
An order -in -Council has been Pass-
ed authorizing the payment by the
Dominion of two-thirds of transpor-
tation charges on fish from British
Columbia to points in the three
prairie Provinces.
The Union Administration, as a
member of which Mr. P. 13. Carvell
was sworn in Saturday, will likely be
completed by Premier Geo. H. Mur-
ray, and also the inclusion of a
Labor representative.
Food Controller Hanna has raised
the embargo upon the sale of canned
vegetables, which has been effective
in stimulating the eonsumptiott of
fresh vegetables and increasing the
supply of canned goods.
F. C. Dunker of Kitchener was in-
stantly killed by his automobile
overturning in a ditch when he took
one hand from the steering wheel to
take a bunch of grapes out of a bas-
ket he had just bought at Clarkson.
An Italian steamer with Greek offi
cials was torpedoed and sunk.
Mata -Hari, the Dutch daneer, was
reexpeocruttelin France for espionage,
sioder, and aa. J. B. Hazen, it /4
on Atlantic .fish to the central Prov-,
Julian front were repulsed by the
Canada is to have as a special E
'l; -.1 -
Vol.' at Washington, a Iligh Commii
Britain and Holland was made pub -
I-Ieavy Austrian attacks on the
Mary Karney, aged four, of To-
ing with matches.
Serious trouble has been caused by
ed soldiers at Halifax.
ing paying the transportation charges
The new agreement between Great
roAto, was fatally burned while play-
boot-leggers selling liquor to return -
The Naval Department is consider-
Iri is ci ;43,,,itleaaer7apardieed.aught(a
one7of Pariy-Bound,i'-'"
I in