HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-10-18, Page 4An v'tg' rates Ofd Ple ctor.", will telt yoat Alit the s of Vin0i, a printed below ae elements needed to !m- Paint of delicate child -ten, e atretagth. to gid,, people. Iver asst Baer, Iptocaest Imo Btisend:as,aP seP.pto4,1-rtmarzz3 tu ra ztazc�x C5tra a I4 pad Sada OGymmarvPh aPha.t s, c4ig,ataa ThhSg W110 have pura,i', a tg o firsts down ohlrd._e . o{ aged gaartents nay prove this at guar expe^.se, 'Bedd :the good t does children ltd t,,ged there is nothing like ;Vino o 'restore st:.engt:i and vitality eryp wome:i and over, 9wn men, wry " re Rti :t your z'.cney tat proves otit•: rotret:on. lusty ybeen coniine, 5 Csnc- 4 AIL A g ds of Ontari0 if a It' '_l,` Red s ser to No "R13C7.1: ' iADDE IN f.%NADAi: $18 Arai X22 PEfi. TON TI Iii TO pWUY W.i:R R E IT ADVANCES rasxr�aa tlL`OTE 'xOU ON YOUR S i\ Tff 'DLLOWING' r rOU s„ dee rnbGx Cedar fence Posts on and 1Oft Ions. ev:^.ent, Wall guard and Bead, L. A. J. CLATWORTIIY GRANTON Ontario's omrnercial CENRAL -re ea ande Best School t5' is Courses are •thorough., the "® instructors are expericnced, ,®y • students get individual attention • I, and graduates are placed in; • laositions. During three months 444 we turned down over 300calls 's de for trained help. Tails is the, 2 �, 'schoolfor diose who ;want tbe .a • practical training and the good positions. Commercial, Short- 3 hand and Telegraphy depart- • ments. Get our free catalogue: ® ' 4 7t will ;interest you. • D. A: . cI,41ClILAi� Princival o fiJ. ELLIOTT. Pr eside } 404 • 44 ..4,00...•••••••••••c* ,ext1se s. Greenway day -ci 2. ,i 2 : Ei, txs, t tits tay Aie@hodj'E S. S. It i etxag lb, z`lly ISI . The '' 'classes sac Ivith. their tcaelicr and ac a i lira R, Iliatchi Supt. had call €1 on the .teachers and - re.tarl` fol x report, Otte of 51!x. George Stanloys. class frust L scan, took; -the :,air, After sintoina rend sl to tiq> {cr l as; Cel .1a4c- Piti nn aiitl 31 r, Lindsay gave two: earnest their as solo 1;}• Mr ? iliott salloired by a soul stirring; pr erical and •,k.r1ueiIt adalre, s by ll:r. George Stanley. -Hach good sa•e. issue will 1. th retain as zit ;were itizl>resscd with the benefit of a feed oigania¢afiott u: S. S, and, church work, Corrie strain... in a rc; eat tette° In .Lle T. 4u A, la sa nae Mr.. ;Richard', •'ell, asst,.: Supt.: and. 51r .. O. HM Wilson treas. arca the dele-' rowel enjoyed the Wes e rtes: appointed to attend. the Step eheol `Fair. They have one of the la ss e.iipped schools iii these parts Both Miss E. Gilhohu feaOhea° and, pupils ire to be. congratulated on- heir nheir a=ccess as they workha'rinon aoaa,ly together- its the every day„I earnest work that vomits always, n NP, S. S, Convention at Shipka, :q Thursday nest, A .number , are plasaning to go t, Parkhill to hear l►Iiss Govenlock re turned ua,issiohary from 3apaaz, o! Wed. next - M GEORGE ,G the Grace of Great Britain and Irelanc _ . Yond the Seas, King, Defender 0i O A Pr ce e i"reserts GREETING : anon cal 01.1 .mei e Act 917. V# uty Car ads for t +, Sale so tc, do by;a' And 3lii�Tjfd eIa�isa who inc And W fauuidat Re +G ptec 41, tion' Governor -Oen o. n Council may place our tis of Canada, or .any pant of. on active *evict any, Cat 1ad'incl bei snag =s,s, it al'Pc eno •o trial peer �a:'nnt'. %n ikt:r Th- r iaai kQ of Rr ii 4i, ','enmw.w:,. . R8 jfur tioua.y I^'er'c a.s valsautre,•°s, and by' krir4let"to •'Gari our. f �'p'1taaCa�x#ece�sit} of tainine under these tcsn iitirsrist the praelucttiiteaiess or' output of zt�rt• culture and hen, astay ist oa~r staid Dorn%nion, we have determined by end with the advs e zaad coaascat of our Srixatr asrd House of Com ragPS of Granada that it 9s expedient to secure the men so required; xaotrby ballot as provided by oar ,said Militia Act, but by 'selective rira.t ; such re•enforcement, under the provisions of the Military vice Ace 1917, hereinafter referred to, not to exceed ons hundred sand :nett ; And V Thereat it is accordingly enacted, in and by the pro;•isione of an Act of our Parliament o£' Canada, holden in the 7th and. Sth years of our reign, and, known as the Military Service Act, 1917, that every one of our male,subjects who coulee within one of the clatsees described and intended by the aid Act shall be liable to be called out on active service in our Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada, either within or beyond Canada; : and ;that his service'. shall be for the duration of the present war and demobili: atioet after the conclusion of the war ; And d ' Whereas the men who are, under the provisions of the said last mentioned Act, liable to be culled out, are comprised in six classes of which Class '1 is, by the provisions of the said Act, defined to consist of all our male subjects, ordinarily, or at any time since the 4th day of August, 1914, resident in Canada, who have attained the age of twenty years, who were born not earlier than the year 1883, and were on the 6th day of July, 1917; unmarried, or are widowers but have no child, and who are not withitl any'of elle following ;enumerated R.X.CEPTIONS i -- 1Lembers of our regular, or reserve, or auxiliary forces; as defined y our Army Act. e�m 2. Members of our military forces raised by the Governments of - any of our other dominions or by our Government of India. 0 o�d, 0 the United Kingdom e British Damn* ions e Faith er r wi ed Class a Antd 'Whereas t,'t�iosrs It 4�9 ay in Canada holden 14 the 7th at' Ac the War Time Elections Act that ,.. from. voting with such of their sans age, shall be exempt from ccainbatant And Whereas shall be deterrnl ira the,nict .Act of ibed 3 u of our. latrllassxiaaatt of !III ign and known aa, ns thereby atrviccdi®quas1 tI day a s at o f legal sad naval ert.*iC,.r lsrovided: by a "let that epplieatie our said heal and that ata latie-4 from peal.: in deem ne f an; exenaptioi digest pari ;. Canada lex Ceimeal etiv e d A+e'c And Whee Service as alnic - ad, tli amd hereinbef ire deal t dMUititry for eaertsptiota asnalst subject deteriaaih&ci to cal ineleded crsbed ; i; Now Therefore <now Ye tli t do herald gest the said Cl,aasai 1; Comprising the tern in our ssid Miiitary Service Act, 1917:; and ser. inbefore defined or described as to the said class belonging, on active service in our' Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada, either within or ,beyond; Canada, as we may, in, the nd or direction of our Military , Forces, hereafter carder oc ad eve do ;hereby strictly cosnnsastd, require and cnjeaiex that each than who is as Member of the said class shall,, on or before Ekce' Ifltln day of November, 1917, in the prescribedform and mariner, re, t5i ia*elf for military service, unless application, for his exemption shalt, thea have been nurde by him or by another person entitled to apply on his behalf ; wherein .our loving subjects, members of the said class, are especially charged not to fail ,since not only do their `loyalty ,and ml1egiancc require and impose the obligation or easeful and Implicit obedience to these our strict commands and injunctions, but more. over, lest our loving subjects should be ignorant of the consequences Which will ensueif they fail to report within the time limited as afore. - said, we do hereby forewarn tied admonish theist that any one who re hereby called out,'atnd who without reasonable excuse faits to report: as aforesaid, shall thereby comm°t an offence, for which he shalt be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for any terns not exceeding five years with bard labour, and he shall nevertheless, if we so require, be compelled to screeSmrsaediately in our Geld Expeditionary Force. And we do hereby proclaim and announce that for the greater convenience of our subjects, we have directed that prescribed forms; for reporting for service, and for application for exemption from sere - ice, may„ at any ..time on or before the said 10th day of November;. 1917, be obtained at anypoet office in our .Don -minion of Canada; and. that reports for aervice and applications for exemption from. servicee if obtained at any of our said post offices and property executed, shall. be forwarded by our postmaster at the post office from which the same are obtained to their proper destinations as by our regula tiaaa'pre- scribed, free of postage or any other charge. And we do, further inform and notify our loving subjects that local, tribunals have been established in convenient ltalitiex throughout ur Dominion of Canada for the hearing of applications for exemptiion om service upon any of the statutory grounds, as heresabefore set ut; that these our localtribunals so established wi'It, begin to sit in. he discharge of their duties on the Stat dayof November, 1917, and at they will contialue to sit from day to day thereafter, as may be 3. Men serving in our Royal Navy, or in our Royal Marines, or in t our Naval Service of Canada, and members of our Canadian th necessary or convenient, at such times and places as shall be duly notified, until all applications for exemption from, service ahadt have been heard and disposed of, also that risen belonging to the class hereby called out who have not previously to the said 8th day of November, 1917, reported for service, or forwarded applications for exemption through any of our post offices as aforesaid, may snake tions existing in Canada at the date of the passing of our said: tri Expeditionary Force. 4. Men who have since August 4th; 1914, served in our Military. or Naval: Forces; or in those of our allies, in any theatre ofractuat war, and have been honourably discharged therefrom.': 5. Clergy, including mem bers of any recognized order of an. eras- anvely religious character, and ministers of all religious denomina apphcations an person for exemption from -service to any of our said burials on the 8th, 9th or 10th day. of November, 1917. ?vllitary Service Act. : 6. Those persons exempted from military service by Order in Council of August 13th,, 1873, and by Order in Council of Decem- ber 6th, 1898 ; And Whereasprovided by our said Military And we do hereby moreover notify and inform our loving subjects who are within the class hereby called out, that: if, on or before the 10th day of November, 1917, they report themselves. for military service, or if, on or before that day, application for exemption ;.frons,.; service be made by them or on their behalf, they wit! not be required it• to i� moreover rcover rovid Service Act that our Governor-General of a Canada in Council':pray from. time to time by proclamation -b on active service as aforesaid anlas p call out b y a s of men in the said Act described, andthat all men within the Plass so called out shall;''"from the date ea of such proclamation, be deemed to be soldiers enlisted in the military e service of Canada and subject to military law, save as in the said':n inshallbef activeCanadiansetabsenceatas respectively signified to our said registrar; • and we- do hereby rm, forewarn and admonish the men betonging to the class hereby ca report for duty, or be placed upon active service as aforesaid, until day, not earlier than the 10th day of December, 1917, which will;: y our registrar for the province in which they reported:' or applied; e notified to" them in ,writing" by registered post:; at their respective eC P five out that if any of them shall, without just and sufficient cause, fail to report for duty at`the'time and place required by notice in 'ting so posted, or shall fail. to report for duty as otherwise . law required, he shall be subject to the procedure, pains and -Aril Whereas itis also provided by the said Act that at any time before ;a date to be fixed by proclamation an application may be man in the class to be calledy one o or invocal tribunals; any out, to ''of our -local tribunals,• established in the manner provided by the said Act in the province in which such man ordinarily resides, for a certificate of exemption from service upon. any of the following GROUNDS OF EXEMPTION :-- (a) —(a) That itis expedient in the national interest that the man should; i nstead of being employed in military service, been a i ed work in which he is habitually engaged engaged n other (b)That it i sex expedient eat in the national tion al interest that tth the man hould; instead of being employed in military service, be en a ed in work iuwhich he wishes to beengaged: g • h othas special qualifications and for which he has (c) "That itis ex edient in th P a national interest that, instead of being employed in military service, he should 'continue to be, educated or trained for any work for which he as then educated or trained ; being (d) `That serious hardship would ensua, if the ^^^- -- _- -, active service, owing to' his exceptional obligations or domestic position ; (e) .111 health or infirmity ,� (f) That heconacientaousl ob Pets wwsx� service, en res i y J t0Lt1 lL�l,ild! ds lil ram,,ohrtoin�- - Of ielthi 121 religion .d sutcb at�r" and tfatio ;e g�E asking of weal,at e tenet- and`aru4% og�nixed lis Can da s elofiPs penalties by law prescribed as against military deserters. Of all of which our lovisubjects,;:and al ! others whore Hese presents may concern, are herebyrequired to k 4 take notice, rendering strict obedience to and compliance with all these our commands; directions and.'"requirements, and governing themselves :accordingly. n TestirWe have caused: these Our st rnony Whereof Letters to be made pat ent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed WIT- NESS: Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, Victor Christian William, Duke of Devorishir e, Marquess of Hartington, Earl of Devonshire, Earl of,$urlington, Baron Cavendish of Hardwicke Baron Cavendish of Kesghteyr,. Knight of Our Most Noble Order of -the Garter, One of Oar Most Honourable Privy Council; Knight Grand Cross ur Most i Distinguished Order o€Saint ;lViichael;And Saint George, night Grand Cross of Our Royal "Order;Govern y 1 Victorians'Crov and -Com . e-CYederhl mender u► -Chief of Our Dominion of Caaad' At Our Government PAR Our ;City of'. TWELFTH day off OC' B .R, in` the year ;o , ..f .., •, thousand nine i a ,rev i. eig,.:;. e,launrlt'ec1~ And Seventeen; and in thee: of Our Reig irS ti Children Cry or F ° eher'n The Kind, You Have Always Bought, and which has beep In use for over thirty years, has home the signature ofa and has been made index his .,” sal svn sce its .; � GSC * A11®now no uperons toisiodeceiin'e ;youinfancyint t€ is. All Counterfeits, imitations and Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trine with and endanger the kaltit of infants and Children.. Ex erience against Experunent. fat is T Casioria is a bZariniess substitute for castor Oil, Parege Drops and Soothing" Syrups. At is pleasant. it cont e neither Opium, Morph to r r' other narcotic substance. Its'', age is its guarantee. For more than thirty ye., been in constant"usse for the relief of Constipation, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowe the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural 4 Tite Childieli's Pant it • he ?tut .elr's i°riezld. INE CASTORIA W iJse dor Over 30 Year Kind You Have Away u A T. fa AND R SE J i'ai dies in Ca BA rseraiaRio3allinessTracted A': T bAr`.ls o oiu» s SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT nicrest aaMucd athighest cuticle saate D. elflike, 2alauuger, Exeter Branch THE CANADIAN B, OF CO MERCE :tr, cOMUNI) WALKER,'.4„.„ C V O., LLD., D.C.L. President CAPITAL PAID UP. $15,000,000` StR JOHN AIRD. Geniis! Manager' ' H. V. F. JONES, Asti, Gen'L limner RESEt;vE FUND, • $13,500,0001 MONEY ORDERS For small remittances use the Money Orders issued this Bank. They are payable without chargeb at any. dank_ in', Canada (except in the Yukon Te as follows: rntary), The cost is; $5 and under ..`........ c, .... , . 3 cents over $5 and not exceeding $10 ..., . 6 +r 44 510 cs t{' $30:.......10 sc sc 530 " " ` $50 ........15 . ca PLUS REVENUE STA.MPS iTZ2 EXETER BRANCH—A. E. EIIRi't, 1f1 NAGER .Crediton Branch—J. A. Me Donald Manager. MS' T Uf3730RNE & BIBBERT DR. G. F.'ROULSTON. L. D. f3., D. ctaI FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INBt"JR- ANCE,JCOiMPANY' Baead' Office, ; Farquhar, Ont. President, RO;B_T. NORRIS Vice -President, THOS. RYAN. DIRECTORS' WM. : ROCK. 3. L. [RUSSELL, J T W,M. ROY ALLIa3ON : A,GENTS. r :: t JOHN ESSERY. -Exeter, Agent tis - borne, and lBiddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro,Agent 8 for Hibbert, Fullerton ; and "Logna: W. A. TUURNBULL, DENTIST_ Honor Graduate, of Toronto Univez+-a- sity. Office over Dickson & Carle ` ing's Laaw Office. Closed Wedaec... afternoons. Phone Office 5a a*dy !Residence 5b. DR, A. R,KINSM-AN, L. L. D., ID. D IV,. HHonor Graduate' of Toronto leniver- sity. DENTIST' i r1 ; °. Teeth extracted -wit i hoist pain: os±: - any bad effects: Office over Glad'' naan & Stanbury's Office.., MainSa;, Exeter. F 8eety-Treat. ;arquhar, ,... J. We ,p.ROTvNING: IiT. ';D: -Itist, far tGLADMAN & STAN/1[3111T ( j S. ,Gradate .Victoria Univettsity,r. Solicitors, Exeter, r ' Office nte ., oRreos side er ncofe,D` uDormI � -Labratory Exeter. 11 INSO Irma ttIItieVl o}, I t1 n e' Jr' tire S.. DARLING, B. A. a titter, 8olioator, ius eta I?ub9 sio'Oner clic to for r Mo1sons Aun1 el as oney to 'oa itt �s intest � ._ t. .. �3 . rp�3�'%'a. le ee le ra res 03'.- at