HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-10-11, Page 5eday Oetber II 10-17 3. oran epen t Thanksgiving ia owe at Seaferta r and Mrs. 1�aW motored to t. Thernae"for t a , Mts. Thomas Lj ad Miss Zle'r- ile spent Thankagivipg at the for- gner's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Joan iferown. A, quiet, wedditig was CQ rate at the bride's home On, gaol -plug at 7.30 when, :Mies Liza 1 Seer was auited in marriage ta Albert leareg. After the tog:remora* bridal coeple left oil a &hart tr . . °queue Aug the villagers that tvereii 'village for Thankegiving were rria Palener of Toro ato; alr. en Sarearook and Mr. ViC1Or ie of Chatheni; Mr, Lorne Brown, Miss :Mildred Brown of Eitcbener Sa.ratel Finkbeiner of 'Sarnia; Muriel Nicholson and Mies asid:e Londora, Mies Olive wed Either of Landon, ver Centralia Mrs, Spencer of 'oat. Thomas epea ew daes in tbe village last week. The Pa triotia aeagee meat thi week coe Thelaielia .. a instead r ANT.44esta.,,,q. rd. It Ha b ee ay 0, .,,,,,33 ee 1o)1or .3 Lae Ft burp, X. oho 1 a 4(1 V Ito ecor49 epanied Vaieeuive a lei imeie last 11 -re couver, llamelta 0 1.0ft 0 S OS r and 'r hfla yea 1100P* Tengne, fiad 'Taste. fil Shia and Miserable Read rem torpid liver and Is. 'which cause your rns acoVied with mull. hIcii sours and irementS A a aWill barrai. Thatt'a to untold xxiscrif-hlin• ea, had breath* yenow eara, eVerytillag that Is assailing. A Caticaret ve your cOnatipated thor0b 3 out by tuorniabey ough cleansing and while you sleep -a 10-ceui. box 'our druggist will keep you feel - o roontha. 'lbitrioatyhevris:tp04r:osi nt,s_tairt, 44;in were; end Mrs, E. palaw,0 .wit0 hlt4h0A7r' is � Yd frien4ts; Mao. Et*, 4a).ag IN v:i;t1t. 3Trs*er();natUilier;s:::4 Ana Miss Annie Ess on Monday afternooe a eorcomittee from the Petriotie League peeked 12 eata for tale boys who a ee 011'0044e. This' is a Christmas tree from Centealia S, $caool toek. up a 6peCial fOr 0111' aoldiet boys, iusteed of treating oureelves to a S., ;,S. picnie. Oa MondaY evening the friends a Rad aeighbors of Mrs. epburn met itt the. chuck and presented Mr. Repbure with a gold -headed umbrella, ais Mies Pie wad Marjorie with a beau - lad pin each as a alight token from Centralia friends to them, before they teave for their new home. in Loa Whale .1U A°gee!). visited realiyes at Sunday, Breeks of Toronto spent iir g with her parents e a d 1401g ar Lticala apeat bere with Mrs. jeeePh 3 fore *h 33 Jnbs and," te Gun day av with ii Lecan, anirson of Wariviek attend- edding on Saturday and vise etives bore, aleNed of Med a as here ok and zonal:med. to bold flee - or 1 son'a sale on tho 23rd of al* e a West pent the i and ara)t Sein eon Par ail of Strat- wjth friertas OrleY 04 o. 3 Dashwood $u1 UM )liss eye Day at her Mies Blue of oth vasitod w' ite in • to on nfondaa, NIG Nor -Pao -I 1111 olscirni atlesaiving at his bane, Ball left Saturday for payee e she will remain or winteE rown, of Aubura was a C.W.0 Over Than vine' visitor Day atiss Euloten alueather of lea 'dee Normal spent the Istaidays at aer hotue here. Mrs. Brown and daugater Miss Ad- eline have retotreted on an extend- ed visit with relatives in Thedford. Dr. and Mrs. E. A, Broughton of Whitby spent the T,hanaseivieg boa - ay with Mr, and Mrs„ J. Kellerman Lloyd Edigboffer and Wilford Koch of Stiaiford Business Collage visited at their laintes here over Taankagiv- i . sses Mina Ehlers aaa Pearl ateu and Mr. Elgin Schatz wbo have been attending -Normal Sphool at Strat ford spirit tbe Thanksgivbag laoliday with their parents. 3„,e Thames Road Rey, A. E. Jobas was in Toronto, during the past week. The laaborire and Exeter Suncia,y chhol Association will heel tbeir ara nal Convention at Bethany elm -eh a October 16th. Miss Laine af T0111t1- , Sept. ief the Elemeetary ana Rome Dome'nf tbe Cider -to 3, Aasoeiatieu will hs1 Presee14 preethed an excelleu la Bethany lam. Senday af- in tbk, aireserteo of 'Rev. Max - W1111 waspreaelaing an/steel-- moue for latv, Tiffirt. Miss rthy tang a fine aolo 1was U1t4Ph appreciated be tled rCugregation. d oe 011 ItI 114 U. F, Wurde Cock,If and r - Mctuleeb. and San. A 1. isI er1 fZati ad U; Lt11iiett. 1, Mllath and San; Zart alga, Plyoth Boc.oriz, 3, fe 41litizb, 11et J7kleCtilloolt Levy; ;Bach, Ca ,,,,.1..., yell a C. Levy W1tlt WyaxIdgttea,.._LIep, W, Dave Campbell; Bott, I) Cate n . Columbian Wa- dotts oek, Lt trd nral. I. Step - 1st and, 2d, J. Steplens. Sipgle Conth lthode lslnnd Reds. - et. . C. Stillatunat' lien, C. 1 :pplett; cockerel, Roy i 8roak, il ''in i ; pullett, Roy Brook ecessarY Farm Equipment M ORE pn a abnyd progressiver aOr e 'the Fordfarn icars as ss I: oe ckee cis _ sarY farmequipment, the same as the , plow, the hay -rake, the drill,, the mower', the harrow andii -other labor and time -saving machinery. , A fanner with a 'Ford ear can dispense with one or two of his horses andmake the trips to , town, railway station, creamery, or to the neigh- bours in one-third the time. In fact there is no ' farm machine made that -will save the busy ' farmer and his busy wife so 'much valuable time as aTord. And it's so easy to take care of—far easier than a horse. ' No bed to make, or hay and oats to get no harnessing and unharnessing and , no stables to clean. The Ford practically takes care of itself. - , Ask any fainierIVII0 owns a Ford if he would „. ever againAry • to get along without 'it. His answer will hasten your decision to own one ".1 ,,,t01141?.-e-ama Mb' ego,. tie aticaete .Coma , 1 coeketele tax ad and. Singl i Br en.-Iliai, cockeee.a.,pg, 1epktt, „ ist and teacite je aela Lege .0k, W. Deietie, hen, liv. Data. '4 and; eoekerel, puliett, J. ate ,Sliver Campine.-- Cock hen, ../d) Mph and Son, eecaerel, pullet, . . eCullopb, and Son, .let and aad; Oimmon Geese. --Old, alre Doupe, yoang, Wm. Diehana. Pekin pee/ea-aid aed young, G., Riley. covet:awe Deeks. -Old, J. Stephens, E. Sweitatir. yoeng, S. Sweitzer, Thee, Crewe. ,flarOnee Tarkeys,-Ola epa aoutag, •Millore Rregory. , PETS collection of pigeons. --aa Denbant Leater alaQuicely; pair oe rebate. IL Break:, pair Guinea fowl L, aleCurde 11. F, Wurdel. DAIRY PRODUCE lhs butter, Taos, Marr Marriott, Die aase eUn. butterto ck, Thos. Marriott, wo le fa •Id/r,t1 hale. eN. Gra-de-Fat sb Wm. Rime GRAI. barl L. Walkog large. QatS„, "'_. . W. Doupe, L. W'aj .. Walkom, WS' A. ni. Doupe w Steal -lens; i1VC arwc and and 2; iamb, G T ND S Amo leoupa r commoil oats tiniQiIiIr seed ; beems, I) ir eaailae c , Stephete, a 10 damn- 'e: ileatti'lireSntP aer iield carr 1r) • • red mang0.11.1, T. trewe, In lennediste mangolda Win. Bibby, thei yero3,- tieingolda, 013rion. Denham heaviest i)gA.oettko,dAii3ina,:kooNih:.1::911„1/4,rtrio,i. ui3isc)i.etio,i;t1..„1:44,,:;g4;telaorrsa:ignoli)areaingrasrnOreiolittlirs5,1; N. "1". Crewe; loog beets, T,Crew J. '.ivien; round ltecate 1', Crewe 1. :Me tz gh ort ; 30ilie cabbage, NV, Sineiajr, j. Cole; ,red eal)bage, T, Winaingateati, N. Doupe. Sr-ar, catil1oaer tlittot . celery, Urquhart, N. Doupe; tomatoes Priditam, 5. l(tanp; rotirat citron, . V. (Irene,W. Bibby; long citron, W. Sinelaia• Pridlianz-# aed pumpkin, 'M Gregory, E. N. aditier; rectal; melon, N Doupe, T. Crewe; table squash, 5, Cole, Ethel Atkinarm; znarinnotli squasiz. T. Crewe, I O'Brien; ahite ()atolls, T. Crew, W. Bibby; red A1n- ion3. ditto; euctut,Ilbbeier:: IhoBnaibei.lyS; Dotne.`.t; con veg.i W. e sultan wiiite beans, J. O'Brien, Sweitaer 0 :RUITS Apples,-Vellow Transparent, A,, Doupe; Blenheim Pippen, L. McCurdy Alexander, D. Roger, Jt Kemp; Cul- vert, Addie Creighton, I. Marshall; St Lawrence, W. Ratcliffe, fall pippin„ Mar.;hall; other variety, S. Doupe; 20 oz. pippin, W. Sinclair; Baldwin, W. Denham, W. Sinclair; Fallawater, S. Doupe, L. McCurdy; Roxborough Russet, W. Ratcliffe, H. V. Crago; Mann, W. Hanna; Xing of Tompkina, W. Sinclair, M. Brethour; Northern, Say, W. Sinclair, I. Marshall; Onta- rio W. Denham; ,Petvaukee, W. Sin chair; R. L Graenings, W. Sinclair; Ribson pippins, Lester McCurdy, A, dr, Doupe; Snow-, L. afc:Curdy, W. Hanna: Talman Sweet, L. McCurdy, F. Pridham. Plums -Abundance, Ethel Atkinson; Lombard, Lester McCurdy, ai.Doupe Bradshaw, Wes. Shier, H. V. Crago; other xariiity, W. Steadman. - Pears -Sheldon, C. S. Atkinson, '1'. Washburn; Bartlett, A. M. Coupe Annie Urquhart; Flemish Beauty, Ev erett Doupe, Annie airquhart; other variety, Jas. Stephens. Grapes ---Blue, T Marriott, Crago; green, Dr. Campbell, Atnos Dupe. - FINEARTS • Crayon orapastel, Mrs. Jas. Jones, Lila. Taylor; Col. 'photographs, airs, J. D. Graham, J. Epple,t1; photo, Mrs. Jones; peacil drawing, Addle Creigla ton, Lila Taylor; painting „in oil, fruit or flowers, Miss McCallum, Lila Tay- , tor; painting on glass, . Lila Taylor; paintiag in oil, figure,also landseaae, also on ehina, Lila Taylor; pen and ink ,sketch, Mrs. Graham, Dr. Carripbel paraerapiiya Ila Berry Mrs Jones - pierced brass, air,s. Jones, 5. Doupe; Stencil work, Annie, Urquhart, Mrs, Jonas. CANNED FRUIT' • C,al. pickles, Jennie Robinson': aliss Me.Mccallum; Peaches, Acidic Cre:gh- toteaplums, Addie. Creirgletan,-J,Keine curairits,., Acidic C reit+ fon ; cherreis MiSai4lik'acal1utn, Miss Creightoa; rasp be141 yetle Switzer, A. M. Doupe ; gaps. e1 Marshall W emelair, tt 401la e•:14:1reinelige Wa; veitliee.CraiaaVitir 17,1 '40 14,4 •a 14" Ca a 0 ba lee FLOWBBS it plants, S. Brown , of Geraniems, '13,,row, ,)lfg 'cacti. St Brow;thsee Plants, Thr,' Wathe". c011eetiOU4* 110W OtZer: 110 aweEthel Atkinson; foliege plants; 3 varieties Saaael Brow, alertle 'Sweeten', LA)1ES' WORK • Coante roaue, crocheted, Mies. Eliza Sider, Jennie Robbaeim; couaterpane knitted Thos. Marriott, J. Robinson; patebwork quiet, Jeanie Rebineen, aeadbana; Jap or artiee 4uiIt, Jemithe Robinepa, S. Doupe; Slumber Robe, .Tenoie Robinson,; Aegban, 3, Rolea. sore WnI. Sinclair.; ladies- upas -wear hand -made, Miss A. Creighton, J.' Robinson; hand -made laai. Tbomas I TION diet, iit atomacil minute*. Time it Th. ach distresa wi heartburn, s gas, aeld, or food, no dls eas, blaUn. breath or heaaaebe. Pape's Diapepain la noted for its speed in regtAtitaa Upset ataaaaaho. It is the sureet, quickest stemaolgir_etn- edy in the whole world and ,besidtifIt is ban:liege. Put an mad to atataftell trouble forever by -getting a large taftY-cent case of PaPea Dlaeoeleein troM any drug store. You realize in five 'minutes how needless it is to suf- fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or anY Morava/1 disorder. It% the quickeet, surest and moat barmlesa stoznacb doctor nthe World. 0 oul Marriott. 'Wm Ratcliffe; embeeidery a lace stitches, Thos. Marriott; en- Misa McCallitria; embecedery, Dias - den cotora, Thies. Marriott, eeab, heryoiedieet7..Tient • hnos..mnar'orriolat tzers .Msa opt, tr Thos. Marriott; emb. ceizttre-piece „Topes; ditto in SO Grabate; emb. larchriger, • Miss elcCalbari; emb, altazat afelliek• ' en. Miss A. Creighton, p i1roines Tas, Jones; , j'Janes,aedcit :Oele,Thom atia Marriott;tarriatt;nj e311111b,. cart linen. ca ila-Thc(41m ra as Jones; eab tray cloth, Aq 0. Graham; Mesa A. Creigat ittuelivaa set, airs, JAL. 400a tab, sesa piUpw 0olor4, Mrs. 31 " Res. Wzu,Siltlelelal entie mire"itPince a•,,„s-riotbMe Stacile,Q1telata; Jones, pillow shams, Mrs. Jones, Thos. Marriott; bedroom slippers, Miss M. alcCalitim; set a scG3tqatrania.5::1;elaiAliss A. so:t.zteaotiritirapsza:iii snwn Grahem; airt waist, Miss McCailoiu; work. Miss M, areCalittne. :`,41..rs„ 0. "Shier; rat irtat rt -1W, Wm, Peetaein, retattro1nce; 1#2,4zlibe.v113113iecell, 0.1%.01Sica:e7itletoe3r: ttrt,41rrittomitb,31,:sorojna;.tijanowelstleia.,nliitbe., Marriott; ettith. I ^ os, Marritar, Mrs. VrOehtl, Mis1', are 'lett; erecbet work a cot J. la Gralla braidii co ined Thos. .5far.riott, A. Can ta; tatting, Miss. 31%; Robe trison, alias eieCallitra: tea cos Miss J. Rebizeson,; towels initialed arra. J. 0, fitabeirt, Miss A, Crearbtort pincusitioa, alias Cretgbton; tat. EeCnt14m2, F, three handkerchiefs. nfiss 3. Itobin- a. Miss M. McCallum; endereivaist foneys 1.i'ss A. Creighton, Miss Eliza Shier; Jur•tres shirt cotton, Miss 3, Roh011som, Sieelair' knitted socks wool, Thais, elantiott, Miss, 3. Rob - Itasca; stockings, well T. Marriott; darned socke and stocivings, Mrs, 3. Graham, ..11rriS.9 Creighton; knitted raittaladies, Mrs. 3. D. Graham, Thos. Marriott; itnirted mitts, gents, Thos. Marriott; vol. fancy worir. Mrs. Jas, Jones; E. Shier, „Bed Cross ,or Tat riot - to work abown by a Society, elelp Bit Csicubt„loratriotic League. EPARTMENT encit drawing, Ernest Gunning, F. C. Mack, „Velma apoupe; writing, Ma- mie Parilitam, 'Margaret Doupe, leuth flaana; flowers, col, weeds, col., weeti seeds, injurious insecta, gr,1sa es and grains, Mamie Prielhatn; Col. of photos, Doroilar Ryott, Wilbert Will - C• ol. of native whods, Ira Mc Curdy; early potatoes, Willie Doupe, Ryott, Winnifred Dobson; Ole potatoes, Kathleen O'Brien, A. V. Crago, D. Ryott; garden carrots, Ger tie Francis, Andrew' Stewart, •Orville Rogers; Parsnips, A. ,Stuart, Ira Shier K, O'Brien; cucumbers, 0. Rogers. XV Douai", D. Ryott; sweet corn, Ira Shier, .ZNI. Pridham, Francis; heav- iest pumpkiri, A. Stuart, ,I. Shier, F. 0, eiack; citron, Ira. Bibby, O. Rogers I. Shier; Ortioas, W. Williams, And. Stuart, I. McCurdy; earnatoese Relit Marriott I. McCurdy, Ruby-Brethou; 1R400grtelricsrn.Ms.o3.p-raiopiplaletns,; IiciVinfcgCoufrdayo, rnp- kins, Victoria liamm, W. Doupe; Ap- ron, W. D01)8011,; b1111011 holes, Dor. Ryott, M, ;Prialiam; beans, C, Switzer cookies, M. DeniPe, C. O'Brien, V. Shier; sods biscuits, M. Donate C O'Brien, I-1. Brethour; liglat cake, H. Brethour, Doris McNaughton, li•Shier dressed doll, Reta Denham; bouquet cut flowers, W. Williams, A. V.Crago G. Francis; largest hen egg, R. -Den- ham. Doupe, Pridham; stainps R. Hanna, W. Willams; water eolor, V. Doupe, F. C. areal( ; peeellesal- Mc- Curdy: vine peaches, V. Hanna, -beets Rce,1 Denhann-W.. Nr. Pridliam ery, I. McCurdy; bea.os, 0. Swit- zer; sunflower, Ira McCurdy. SPECIAL PRIZES W. G. Medd, Winchelsea, for best dairy cow any breed. A. Cole, G. Gill 3". J. alerner, M, P., for best lady driver, C. alills, Adrian Pringle. The Ladie.s' Institute, Kirkton, bist collection of baking, A. Doupe, W. Denham. - ke A. Taylor, ..13.1rItton, for the best light horse or eolt any age, fast Glea- elicit, for best Draught, Agricultural W. Nicola Merchants Bank, Mit- er General Puepose team, arksey Bros Wm. Forrester, Mitchell, for best .,grade steer any age, 11. D. 'Huntetre Alfred Paul, lairliton, for best grade heifer any age, J. Delbridge. t James btyil‘glhbootr3er,otrifit,:dir:kegtOrtilt11:util.rt:bie.srt foal, . Rodge. Tit "Prof/acts of iUy confide what do they Pa P e tey PhilE1SPPlaiZt on the distant pi Ptirlt,ssoa's .of laNtery ylfia 331idonf's eyes, t uf 111 AU arts of the Prese1A1 age, ig C0111 it uc1 9, thee:etas tr11,411., or laud: tbe blinding lie:lir Ot3.,,' ignt Of t et r Sad t e might ri the w flout o4igh1 01: 5 of nda al God on laa star, ' presu Tetorbo equest • etilloo:oceeaoh,loet 1114waa 11 M iallY 4n - ton of fish. CongressSenator ii1.1-a 4a 1 PO°f ¥n1 e Jett 0 • The personnel alltall- F11 I• Cabinet . as MintatQerade to t• TeThhu: so at. ee• t Anxi4,usgp e eltar p,,, D. mecall4m o . of rest, /eraser M. P. P. for East 4o ate e*c�d i. en into Sir o ral ' r 0 • ar been4fetnromwE, me:s:keti111):17,,,susuupdieenItYoraatl Mount a 0fi4N17- 0001,3!: 0u or Kara led 8. Nit Beall has andidate Matthew Ford, in the eUeihbolenceisei Chatham, m , P. eWt Eestaatr.talinudg A. PI a0 r tWai elode y ., e a The Dominion 0115 ntbs ending 7,477,904, than, te A. 0roigb,toii,' itibbea .lairriott; crochet and r°°het NV*Ti'' NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK 2es'•"Tlit.'""tilEATESTe. ea'„alteerawr., ge-foeta, dein 1 • 'nportrnt Events Which Ma Occurred Duringth We, o u • Vor!d's UnppenJngs Care- y OompUed ansI 1tut int „Itt c$hapo for th Benders of Our Paper A Solid Hones Enjoyment. 'F,117.'ES Teterboro postmen bae -"shed for Lord Northcliffe said the German subs are seeking Americart trans- paolirto:rri of Contillatio In the United States, A British food mission has 1 •ed Dr. Sun Yat Sen, wlfl be punished bY the new bend af be Chinese Re- Plibiic. The .nowsprint inquiry before Com- missioner Pringle was resumed at Ottawa. Two steel fishery cruisers were launched at Collingwood tor the Naval Service Department. Collectors in the two-day campaign for e1S,000 'for the Harailion Y. M. C. A. obtained $7.939 in one day, A Dominion -wide campaign . to raise $300,000 for Methodist mis- sions will be inaugurated on October 3.4. The coal situation is declared bet- ter in Canada than a year ago, the stoppage of 'shipments /rota the United States being believed only temporary. The Brockville Mayor and Council have accepted the Min,isterial As- sociation's • invitation to attend a ,monthly Intercessory service in con- nection with the war. - Cbatham mechanics; the Board of Trade, and City Council will ask the food controller to haye the embargo on eleomargarine •importation re - mored during the war. The Ottawa school trouble is to go back into the courts in a reference to the Appellate Division to deter- mine the validity of the legislation passed at the last session of the Legislature. d • THURSDAY. Heavy Austrian attacks were re- pulsed by General Cadornaat troops. The Presbyterian College at Mont- real has conapleted.., fifty years of Work. One British flyer recently dis- persed a company of 500 German troops. - Ten months have been gained la the manufacture of American de- stroyers. The first class of recruits uader the Military Service Act will be call- ed up on Saturday, October 13. • Captain Hugh Aird, • son of Sir John and Lady Aird, is reported missing by the Royal Naval Air Ser- vice. It Is pointed out that transporta- tion aad other charges will increase the price of Ontario fish at other Hon. Robt. Rogers, exeliaiteis, Public Works, has been:„Orkeiell inatian by the Conservative The Province has ordereaaa of waste leaaa,wita.„,a eel couragikidirlY;aatin5 and catt 0 11 1 a aft.1 lsst year, One of the most cial confeiinces eve minion, tope maw Lord Readiag, merabers and Canadian 0 Captalzs ah a Redat 0, Russian troops seo erent points on 11 B. e o ega,tions 0 nue th r 11- od uceezaei at 10 Earstere .55 ellaehs in the an werqs repu1m4 1)y 11, e pastor at Church, Toronto. London ratepayers vot ▪ ur- dacyfv they eptottnii itylaorrdi,ty of 1,17 • Licut,-General Currie -visited the Canwilan °facers' Training School at l3exhlfl, England. Frerteh Deputy. was arrested on a, charge et com- merce with the eneraY, An enormous organization is to ba eated throughout Canada to ea- palgn for $150,000,000 for the Loan. The Government has passed an order -in -Council temporarilY taking over the elevators at Fort William and Port Arthur. Word reached the city that-Dadet D. A. Swayze, son of Judge SWarle of Lindsay, had been killed. 'while flying at Camp Borden. Dr. r, D. Drake of Landon, for several years house surgeon in the hospital, and G. T. R. physician, died suddenly at his home, A new scheme to dam the St. Law- rence has been et going quietly, and a company, It is said, will apply for authority within the next two weeks. Five persons, one a woman, were drowned when the barge Athens; coal-ladent broke In two and foun- dered in a gale twenty-five miles from Southarapton. la Latta Huron. A short time ago returned soldiers honorably discharged and who were employed in the civil service in To- ronto, reoeived notice to report for =edictal examination under the Mili- tary Service Act. Secretary •Law of the Great War Veterans wired,Hon. Meighen for further information In 5re ga rd to this, and received the reply that returned soldiers, honor- ably discharged, who have been in Frappe, will not be subject to the provisions of • the Military Service Act. This ruling, it is understood, applies to returned soldiers in all parts of Canada. TUESDAY. The Russian Cabinet crisis is over. Italy's wheat crop is reported shorhte TRussian railway strike has been °rely partly effective. The Austrian base was badly dam- aged by an Italian surprise attack. L. B. resumedElevatorsBoyecreat .art tiheLdeheaandofr thelae Directors It is probable that the use of grain for alcoholic beverages will be pro- blbitedinw Canada.nao Ecuadort officially receive the German Minister to Peru if he triHesowtoargdat o pthearea.m; blacksmith. of Phillipsville, near Brockville, was found dead in a pasture field. Albert Scarsbrook, merchant, of Petrolea, while apparently in t/ie best of health, dropped dead on the Through mistaken identity an American war vessel fired upon an, :anonItalian s:•baaarine lig011 0‘,t eail:r Thos.1atli,efiah1a 0; hihomearashurn,'°l't fit,deaean'fllin:Preslml'aPdwasdownd Noel j0ai vinbaibeen a ed erltldept ohGe0 athn reported ret eutrpc tta 644., O, 6909 4. ',Oil at Induct- 0110illtart a,