HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-10-11, Page 3ears
Fore1ar, -white
Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited t Otite tik11a if iltii,e ' voied ne an
, 13 ery G.
(cowuded ire -tiniest ireelt)
deParApent. -initialo ox4r wit be poit1141teetwitkeauiy,9,9,a,V40 .:t•S Vr'ste.r
C.PQn prese pear, e
tinier, and he is intereste eui e ;} plant., Theppogot hatches on t
-The Canadian r er is!' nfaco i egg,s oin the leaves- 0
as a'"ns. of identifloWtin, hut NH pante-And OM ,„ , p.
tiling that" will add to thefoffieiency ;leaf and bo6SOinto the eealk H or
letter,: Write on 000. Vdo of paper onlY„ Answers ' ' (°' Inalle r '0, "....
of,his crops. Re tin& himself short+ 'jag daotaged the, wheat tile maggot
stamped and addreseed.envelope is enclosed.
Woodbine Ave., Toronto., '
-k 's all correspondence for this departm . rs. iielen L,a,w, 233 ' i'' ' Th - - t
tvbeat areas and the,areas a,thgAq ,
A clormint state 13110= as etat:1,:attaaack
ugar eed'%#,tige',- 'This flaxseed (moms° quickla 'wi i isleitatsle wan;
f sufficient' manure to cove, alieq
ionee t°es, etc., heneei 11'e s'IPP!ements tn e OPY7tio4rmth'eeasrtiuyb- bil:'Acumgoinstg, P''''.`r::e." complaint ia one form cn°olitcl:r 1.1Qw
important crope, such as coitn, pa
Plantfood of tile soil and manure b fe of 0 adult fly is but a few days A person way retire at ht, la
s 41g4 the addition of suitabertes po a ''. eo o gast as OA"71le of health, pad, befQie
Probably no ribose „of wheat- ened bY tari'ilie' crampsIge
ha a niore inmorta9C-beeging 0 agniree thne,
.: r olooR
, followed
economic Production of the 1918 eron i the rhea appear, e' re a,,,ea,
. ''Arrtht°elii: s°oro:103:elloftLrie-Y 3'
t -
4 than nroper fer,tilizatiori, 1 is.up they are gone and the crop es-,
trotdLles ate b0 prevale
No'Z'v, what are fertilizers? They c s the attaeks laf this inf„,iect. Now,
ea ,,,,,, , wise to take the Precauti
carriers a available plantfood; ie tobeat is "a a *.ro - '
0as a .'1
lr"e,li, tmcLLtyaea;n c hlcdaloi,fenotdege,O,"Ireerbwbra
sai,e ra
', 1vl"a1rk:1affIr„ucle. tAa-e
tn•i-.t".wu"t :",I'"
l.0•'i,,-, v, e,Rtan,A,
''s-d.e.af_.-', oi...J'1Se• .Sd,b, .,
4 $c-
4 ',,,T)- tAeFN'lael
a,tF.aiiet1. sna.ltl.s"-,.p;'Ii,1 ,i,cj1T1u:Wst f,c.° .".tthe,ehmLe;pp
lp.11y a.t1o:'
d y.a-
se c
a itk,''1l-ci' la(
bia,dt dattuelt9
ff ed±,adte't''Id
e. i
(4 7r. F, wsti,z'se
in naroreFeate ugrowl 4Sr74
omPsd of maeghrd er aau11nd
Pas aiion of 200 to 7::1::
1 Pllt the r tls ii;:3'acreatIeL
datbor nimpe onaUyit
't ed
nren inear 0 dra71ell''e'aao
onnata e li4.7 7. St ..: dual vas
dfertzrs Wgha
amm4 Adre4 0 B1I1c2rVibfshIng CWAdeoe oof Pioenh v
4 s Tor ormaion tare iTe
mehe I 0!erabotYra.phos
eange la7' 11 i 7.1:dwioa4tig0v;
nbw II yr s ElO LSer0eore thf 51)r 4
17 -1 41afill , 5 1 lnr1 77 ens equi dip scrlerdastYd e(179l) rd
he o Rn-ta atinarrowcesmealor in°elid.:1r:aters4:u)rf4amgP about
shof pellgive gal e lal l 1(71 1
' 4'11gPu1017 infanMatieU SoMetim:stileniifoodftbe:ldfie lethe tees
paced iii pill width mor -The bobbing linatethis-yille,n en 0 VC0TaarclVcOe SO PDOrnolsthatthyactually The Nialtie of Fertiliers_ los a of containing wel
4(7 mighlhold altdnutsdolivesyultfoNY(en and aneay candidateterUna( in he at fWlowingalo.owdoeitpytofrtilizwhe e son%n twth ii
ead 11 11 ase quarscomethe Rainy 7:) 47 RaconsunLptionoorInre'n a ech ehidren theethethroavflelxndii 71 four tilingcee,ike Linown
t 7.- 74 l4 intiEh (0770 747 iiven Al)e-bN ll hthWn op1f theil14 (h aualt
adash7114 onoining pir a orershaQ11Peasattnlesr7 174 QtfemAndheeis -4in (b) Th11117) .1(717t led; (4., 7.7 Thewhro
4. riizend0,edforcorersfor 47 7.tt,.A,i.i edumllais IYPieaaatvicelicit as thlUhutering beginthus1 () I1(. LL awheat; edilbe freeof mut 04
diealsQhan,ned (1 77 When 710 444 47. 441,.. Joatult3y to 4, 0717 ouriThgs inthenek beieoth toe() hecost of ciizemenwith formas ne
a hGris- our conts hitilboxItem Iettcreeeend otherekareloe blto beComswn I 11 7' lready wlGm firthepbictionsofDearyahe
"SIV4ttinganduberculosiaeoften tollow4a i -t 7* nstement-ofagiciltoral experimeaOn
The PrOfitableness of the US0 01
de- fertiierLI procing more and b-
•1); sllia-b'eks
, tPlaintToldesht
ar (.:iestablishedi s
oapraticeLn coariecto,
iethe0Oer-shoesnutaorathe aY
Cured 1
3 “
ps.i ls
itr. .,
der:---1"lkiizaeo s
i i 6 tdiat•l,'fti C,e"W'r,luho-stsi`p.e.."%-
tandetor he PrrfoNhe /1am
niial lettes of"Aostralio (an0 N.-'*' The illrdle Race is for both boys
ZealandArniy Cor"- Thenamewand grs. Each peron is given six
irt coiried -77: the Dardanelles. It. has needles ani a Spool of thread, nd he
ferenee to Canada, foObere were enewit° las10reat'$- 41P- a 77711 -'no Canadian tropjuo‘Ahe Aral" the contest-
dlal 'orps,at the Dardorelles, 2, Next cones he Standing i h
1OMOVe paint from clothing, eat -Jump. Hang three doughnuts In 77
tie spotstwo or three tmes dooryay,aout four ilacs bigher
'oequal mhhtns
ii ;0'1174- .)2, anti then wash ut n sea 0 ndbehind hem and ee
' Xothingwhtens the hands, /3 ' a dowahoit.
g gae etehPioer 14
*771 Il#11 (777' OrtWiea 4J1742. L1'217 nal assatornd4
'godwTo re/107.e ;sP0011., it
re 4orc4
f Td,a
ectivels rubng '11 37
11 bowel
mid be
of Wld
ouaLlior it,
4177 737.- one,yanu-nirota5 opened.Tee ontestants ) tle.4stachean tebeto-bio„ leadsthsrticle.
7.a d en thecarethen walk oss 77 11)7 arapidly *m hpharyn'x ro the ear n 91 a ep e a
7774 1wh mut bspossible tot lIt 4)7 Whkb houid lwbontenals Restlessp1;(1;a:it:1:;p
in5igin0401slIceevaeti,etaintheboxesdeleenenmaking dtmeof o I e 17 71,, ven wedof foodhe
ge„.(1777424)onitnd$t.1"7'' 1oN.5,at41yttW ebrellm„turalbright child; fretlatint attteks bby three 0-'u:',one, wheat n the A'EOh-oPeaing
tilMtaQthbWIlO feaV(alaal "1'nielieedshe-wake tiShe eeMs
A., - •P riment Stamm, England, w er
a... been conducted br Itotho
.... . . ... -ri I.. tooth and .,„iaw formation; ireetiees ut thue„.A,„
elie 3 the Other ,1 OI
410 one W41Q artovee mete rl
" )
'.'t1" 15
i0aDe5t; al,
. A . wer- iP,o,fs_ilb.ly
tng4 bevi9r')4cu,eonerieetsa the
. e
.ss ire selgected 1,10317.
, i o
the stAowed
- pounds of inilk and
ds of ftitsire
official records
ereanalai milk is
roodtcanbeao.natled antrnanufaq dw
goodrerie eki
17( 4l1:1
rehred apb
.e .,
'np ee
and wl grand.tire hat
rd or lage itroductiosired
wiielt ,d un erage
733.437' 174)
a of 1,02neuris of
11 a01
Potash aif rut the first
aly difer-
7.173 1170727..than 1,100 poudof
ttader ed by chAre sin3(# aderOtIS Iand 4 oorsat ight.Nt resent wheat sri,tn
prinissioa0be 311,59 41t Ihrdle. p
, iaavelarg0
1 71.1 (1777 COnf1011› tbeteheneyerhteeea bad an i.:. eOAaw.A, . e.1d5*f.edtbeorf0 s1W8t,,O 1
=My pd beusd of t$0e ushels vmrthear,fteeTt1U5
ulointeret145t Tro1714-71-home:1) Such avealey aand lw, rgtet. yf t
0147 would Ito in perfect aecerd with es deforMities APPeart The na-1", After the third nuolth ellecontinue the , the IXIt' B be 47 8"
eCingroatownbr-ape7. 7.
nalpolicyof Cyruss d111dhthy'1*8 t))u1'e11•1aid4'
hiswints' (2)de
07 e
oells sitoo(flolselgrt.ybptreteattgoonv'iahta.ioFenegou
neu4r4 ttaii.ee.
,, hrhyigrb*
.arebe( ltphal'clreotw. dedAntdee
77714.011)7 iltftheebemaeceonornicAY113m
onscipion4411- 4114. r7lcct.. 711497 • fae is 147714707-7.11, leading 14* the nitre •tnnehblabarbasinerea8edinccs"$eed‚7717 vgla'agfraviltedtilesh(1111"4enili
niiielofolthYtdtiwithwtin01siP;IML i"i,sil114* 4'''71'l( atIt
71(10147', 77-47.7 rhest skill of those dntist
iVhVe Madeeciltyof "ortho. ocoa.
lng From
WItoseeverISlet-OICOlit ha
it, toajknse
11it.1i•*eliszttte,utNirdvsYaNnovotnraf :''Atehhme'Aai,? s„smi.ti
sutaeillteillietou'rin'vee ittt$Asri1e
tteuhn7red4e /e4af
yy" owti"Nhs ; ee'svv
enm4.i'snehe a°d1f1°
f wet
tyLehspanitf returninto Jerusalemdon-estraighteng-to cot- catione rink 7.7)7.04 (1711
yldoil' pay for a liberalaPPlcation fatnier 7.4211.71 as much available plant-
11Goldti God -4purchase rood,etthose Taw tleformities. lnjutiintaltla
7. ,
I ney. Geeds-Camp baggage Ittul Of .iluipe. in same ea., . it .. 4 .-4-` I, ...r ' * 4, • tl at he rimy do bis part in 1,,'' ter ntenths. I,t' ilk 1.5° bitter whorl
Pea. 9' !. and other accessa't'les during the lour- chest there are likely to be alterations, Answer ----Assuredly, once a dav T I not pe nut Try, gm to '' ttired, so 1
contain the preelanuitionie * - - .ea late pieeeei mos,. nal 440115 eeverage. aust a al- the adaptabiitaty of the nialyses" oe; overcoming the food shortage. it is drawn. the trouble is with tlie
stations, but a careful charting of tile
er 1. tzcrs 'use bY various e.,i'ilierirrient Let line again emphasize these points ,l, cow. or lier reed. VerY often covis
Cjerus Cyrus king Of Persia,- lea f), tile swan
i. "TnItilrea Beaeto-Aninuils 'for car- h ' ' ' . '
. Freewill-Volun- roast, but at most eases the forma- lie heavy in the doro dayo 'however, f t'i' t
Anshan, s. small district of Eittim, te 77.4,7..' 07: more Private nature, Oen' of a hollow at 17713 74737' end or since it has to all gixoWers of Ntheale--Apoints whichI give bitter 771 7-. toward the dos , f ..
yrtia liege Ids 7. 7.1(L2 rts liir.g of' n- ' - lieS' it'i'4'ron$1.71erable rat con.
the east or Babylonia. Within a: rela- teniple , - obviou% wheri the parts uro 4,ueited in coffee., hut more uouris.hing. it is shows th ,t new phosphate eon Ile used ore established beyond, a' question byi their lactation period. The ottiLd:y
the rebuilding oe the a breast plate which the ehildnnakes tent. Not as stimulating, as tea or 'yields or wheat obtained at Ohio
tioely AlOrt tittle lle eOnCidered„ the '' 9.), 1.. Preinu.ations for the returncareful eitnerimentation anti actual es.--lweeds a winter pasture also give rieo
,, whole of western Asia. One o his and the re_ofirn itself. Judah and with each inspiration," ' ,- " , therefore preferrtble in cases ey,,here *at 777ate7aq11 profit- on, wh7 at. it is periteliceTth,Lat itlhe largest erapS 0.,!O a bitter flatetir in tnilk„ The 7.e771e11-7
was' Benjamirt....41)g author holds thg view, When enlargetl tthisils areTound in tea. and coffee exeite tlie riervous eye- strongly advised by tile experiment . hes qua it:, Nt eat can be prodtkeed' in this case is to heel} the cow from
.. passages, that tbe sOuthern leittgdern sent else in 90 per cent. of -th4" eases. insomnia: This is not to say, however
_ _ .. A . similar study shows that nitrogen , lowing five impktant factors:
'*t 171011 ' ' by giving careful attention to the fol- such, pastores, .
na icing of persis, First veitr_A ound also in other Old Testainent children aden9Ids lir; sure,
most lamortant -early conquests
Persia; hetice he is generally known f tO be pre- tem, causingspalititation, tremors and
king of Babylon; in other \voids, in I: consisted of 'two tribes (.1„ Kings 12„ 21, Tonsila aro. tiometimes enlarged from that tea and coffee are to be abjuredand phosphoric acid giVe material, pro. , (1) Thormigh drahmge ,Or the soil; 6
C. 538 or 57. Sereiniali-The kefer- 23)1 oilter poesages asaert that Ju.dali birth; but they usually beeetne so by for most of as.•When taken in motiera- fit 'at present wheat prices arid fell'. ' (2) Thorough preparation ,a the" .. .
mice is to Jer. 25.. 0 12, fter whore "the alone, cortstititted' the 'S. outLern king- successive attacits of tonsilitis, or tiori the latter tire ttholesome. lizer costs. Complete fera
tilizer or seed -bed;
Protnise is made that' aseventy tient (1 Kings 11.13 32, 36). Strength- ,- '
:..,,ears the power of Babylon was to be ened-The Tinhyloninns and the Jews ' -- . - those carrying patitell as well as nitro- t 3^ Selection. of suitable 'varieties of i
. ..
destroyed, which would' result in „the 'Wlio remained behind' gladly
liberation of the areWS. Since Jere- those who decided to return.' aVsseiSsstee,lds Kitchen Patrititism yInotiuY tbheinskomeoferymosuorlaotiwonn thoe*0
ou"swohmeen. Pgrofitanadt plhiroesspehnotripcri:cceisd. , Ooengsiavne dvAhdeeqauataendfergtoiloizdatqioonal; iseed,
I secMuroestd Wechoinloe mthicealpiggasinasreonyohuonggs, aanrde
mirth's message is dated about 13.''C.1 of the louse ot Jehovah -Compare *2 where" ander the colors,10 kaimr that soils or on soils containing a bigh (LI) Control of insect pests and dis- for that reason it' is advisable to
604 the Tater Jews might well sea in Kings 24, 13; 25. 14, 15, and 2 hron,. 3,
,.oti; with thousa.nds of oth'wmm
er oen, percent. of uck, potash is especially
the return of ,,537 a fulfillment ef 36. 7. His gods -Better "god." The Dy Ruth M.oBeYle .. tire ueing your 714)71 and your 7V7773 in , deseraole. ,
Jerernitih's -prediction. The printery chief deity of Nebuebadnezzrir 14115 4:!Mit 730-11 And .,tw6 of jnY nephews' order that he "may be Well Provided . -
Fertilizers have an important bear
interest of the author 17 177 the rebuild- gardak, who lied a magnificent terriple have enlisted. My daughters are mak- for. , .. in on the next frte.ton in. ecOnornie
ing of ,the temple. . jebovali/stirred in Babylon. Sheshbazzar-Both he Ing . surgical. dressings for the Red
up. -It is only natural that a Jewish. and Zrubbaber are named as goy- Crass. I am kept so busy at hdyne Scalding Poultry wheat production, which is insect and
„writer should trace the impulse which nbrs of Jedah (Ezra 5. 14; Hag. 1.-1, that 1 caret,he of any use, and It 173 7 disease control. The most, destructive
prompted ethe proclamation tee divine 14; ete.); consequently it hits been hard to have to go on front dayeto,daY Dressed 'poultry for longdistance - • ' • i • • • - • i . - . .
'trisect. effecting lie .wheat. crop is the' iumanity in this 'tremendous crisis of , the life of fall. rigs. Three weeks be -
suggestion. Cyrt2.3 himself asserts that thought by many that the two names just as if there wasnt a great war shipments had'heSt be drY-Picked, but
his policies of kindliness and gen-, refer to one and the same person. It that we have to win. ' Yet- there ' for near -Ty markets or home consumn- llerrssiall F
ly. This insect iays its the world's history' 1 fore weaning teach thein to eat, sup -
I plying a box or creel) which admit,s
form of the decree of Cyrus. Jehovah ernor of Judith. Platters' . oe, . '. was managing a home
, Ezra 6. 3-5 contains a moi' original 'bazaar preceding ZerabbabelOao goy- She was a farmer's wife, and she „
god of Babylon. Proclamation- refer to two distinct persons, Shesh- do to help. - fact, scalded birds sell hest. -to ;home
tien in any of the inscriptions of Cy- not, absolutely certain. Knivesi-Bet- realize it, but her part in winning the ing point777.possible, without boiling.
. . , given me -There is no indica- bowls --=The meaning of the words is working.' h.ealthy PeoPle. She 'didn't The water must be its near the boil -
for six hard_ trace. - - '
.,. , ., .
. . , , -
said grandfather the next morning.! Pigs miie- be self fed from six weeks
NfevIvaiell:n,ngowabhoaurtd aannydvrd„hr3err.e; for ti,,e bog
"It's just a s I told you, aAN:anyabfeolr, ': i
ij middling- and okiM-inill- adding Int-
' eein.,,ese°:,e sifItteids hgTes°t1,1nhdes°vaevtse.r, to start
1 the little ones ordv. Feed a. little
e e o
erosity were inspired °bY Marduk., the is more probable, however, that they doesn't seem. to be anything that I can tion scalding is perfectly ,proper. In
Jehovah. The glorification el' Jehovah adding the figures in verses 9 and 10 that al the son Who had enlisted and legs should first be dr3Opieked, so that Siorti's
W•th dd ck feeding-. a self -feeder
leas that lie el,VaS*, a worshipper , of ter,."censers." The 'total secured Thy W2d• :Was probably as important as Care miist be taken in scalding. The "That bad fairy lias gone
, . • self-feeding at about. ten weeks a age.
, it av,ill not be necessarY to :immerse The pairi With The Lantern.
, .„Arinabel's curls nodded, but her lips
oyer or the decree,from the point of ill. Captivityzo--'rhe company of exiles dressingsadded, "Only, grandfather, he was a ilv.i,ill saPvae nofty per cent. of the labor.
-here may be due to .... later \yea -king falls far below the total given in veise the girls 'Who were making surgical
This is the way',a. woman--ao homeThe little fairy of whom I am going good fairy ,,,,You see he knew that
1,a.‘Itnenr.inngea°r1rY aseve°eini---
eCononiies expert=who is 'giving her their color and . cause them to lose in theandorkgepteoi jneltit'gh-dtriov;Ihke:an. to, tigoe 1 tOinnuoptilstsuuii.e)p, iyw I:Ili...NI
ein in.- o a ei , whichw o change
suminer; on trees', ' or ...wherever they in the world just now, explained it to_
tbe bead is allowed to get in hot .1Nater the day he must have slept very awaY•
brightness. ;Neither the heed to tett you ,was named Jack, and he bog d
dark hours, a tiny lantern. During Waling
I often -used to think hoWl .
IOW the ,pooltry -to roost' outdoors in , ,
. , carried about, through all the Icing, ,. o, Y 3- fite pei cent. of the labor mao be
niett lifter night jack sta ed there, t -_ . . . .., .
is avoided -- -
It is not uncommon on farrno tn, aie tithe and her talent to the Government their
t find 'means of conserving .the, toed nor the feet, should touch water. It .
, , , - , , which is- so necessary and so scarce
. ., The market' generally accepts 01411117 for he was up 0, nigh- to land' sleepy he must have been.'" • ,,,,, i ,-
Grandfather smil,ed, "That's lily 1 Agopanthus and amaryllis' bulbs
may find a eatisfneteo,peoeh, and this me ; ., , _ it will present a sickly apPearance,
e.1,37 advantage should be tak.en ,eif 'ter nionths The,practise ' t '
is no , a Now, there isn't anY wealth. exeept
"War," --she, said, "depends' `6..n wealth . -
that are' either ,scalded or clry-picked,
fowls very late, -but in such, snug places
-that no rnertal, could eoer , diseeeero dear little , girllie said, laying his : ,
W.intar is fast ' apprOaching, ^-and is often permitt'd avvay into the Win- : should be, petted nOW. for winter flow -
:good . one, The
'ofter the fall,. that' Which 'conies out . Of the 'woods, with the exception of broilers,. With him. At night,. though, it was easy hand on ber eurls, "who is going to
weather starts. If the stock S.Fa not . ff-the terms. So you see the fate of. Oowable.Scalding else) increases the grandfather sgaid, had el,,e; NtYhaot' SaC' 11
e 1,11, ednua i:In1A.tahefaateroyo she -can. in -.ev eryone, 1 nieraiGunrg, .oteoei.b_e ypaers,ylovtaitneito,uorssmaanrdt 153„ael7ni:,.
door . woik that can 'not conyeatientlY out of the sea, out of the taine4, and the latter; dry -picking., alone 14,1 al- leelfsutglisethusieeeuwhhta,tAhneniarelled ihke.:',1i'Ait'
the fine' -weather few doing "such out I
be 'done 'when the weather -is cold or already Olaeen placedoin the hOuses, it the wOrldha'figs on the farm, the ,far- 1 t nn h I, l'ier mina 'still on the ti - t
If Y°tI g° i behind the counter. Applicant -Then
°hid ,be done at once. ' Exposed mer, and the farmer s wife -an not • - • t other o -ou'll find lack there 1
fairy, said, . And I m sure,
i what ' 77 P1) MS to Me when the door
'tendency. to ecay, It is claimed what no others ever could ' see. She
aofenceS to. repair, roofs - to, examine, hens 7never have; good 'egg recorda '
the, leastets the farniers wife: if is that sca.Ided fat. 107717 (10 not, cook, s,0 declared that, jack was just ,about 'five 0 an b g, 3, -
- inches high; that lie wore a peaked with his -sante little lanterai,,dwadrning i . ,
7. 707* on the, ground. There are sh,
.i slams'?
the woman of t le louse who p a s well as ;If di-, orp_ie to ..
\\that i" -to be eaten. ' if she Plans, well, ." , . . - hat, and that the light of, his lanternerVeryone to keep aavay. n ee , In- .
front eau, te fed." iciURDOCK,
. her gjandfathe.r house Was li1-6 'he fair)" , 71. „
' as it danced Over the bin. marSh,near deed,'gra illna,dfra tshisearii ho, \,,,,,v,a%,ss'a ttr,yerytogorood_
,our 'own conntry. and the men at the
of the lads --most of them just in -their .., , . l',., 1')Iujr:•11:dniraethc'efra 'ha:1'e 'several tithes TnembelO rm.
, No woman' can think for o moment
twenties, remembeir • thai--- rs,oineo warned -the 'little girl when she came 2:hefpoitahl'ierw'rheoopliiediecvalide.seilitliye 4iiiiks7(;....
where" at the 'frontelnd not feel- MI- to visit. him, never to have apytle-
' ' .... ' . " '-' - : to do with T' '1- He said that if t61a. 9
in order that theY,. May 'have . plenty., . - ' " ' Jack was a fOir„Y, a"sOshe &i L&& he e'-', 111raself 't,l'ie fraih af a„sPecial 'rel.- '
.-,'WILL -MAKE YOU EAT, . , . . . h . - -
pened-to starve herself, if fiedessary,
, ,jri -`/-t.le Vock., , ., Otiders,, '-are more .
premptly an,d, carefully filled+ new than
later ,on "tvhen.there isiM general, rush.' or less-, wi-th §orne ort 'of tee -re trpuble; ti5 sa.ve 'meat, to -soYe butter, 'to use efopd,, is : themost miserable, of all man-
% The,,moolting seagn isesurely put- .,bot witen it,'StartS to be t...ittegitlaTrlY, Perishable fruits • and vegetables.' as kindee. ' , . ' ,' ,, • ,
oe . , Throegh one .,11 4* or anpther" a large:
inajoriY-.01 PeOple are' troubled.; more:, • A feo' simPle thingsta .a:v.,9,',IviV,at, , diOstion mi. -„has, to pick an4,c1100,se i'Lls--
13ut no such- s.acrifice-as that is neces,s- ' ' -- - ', .
sary What does the ' nation ask you. , i
. .
,, ., ,,, ,, ,Th. suirererfrom, (13fs,pepsia_ an . 31La people -'follow him into marshy lands
, , I was certainly a very naug ty on..., 'who tion... .
1,4 l
j wouldlie nothing -better than to 71 (1'47
''. f,atIiiieril-rtphl'eil-11111'Z,d-Inftlinenevilel Ow'ffell.?1.11-1'P.: increase pi.odoction
wite.i..6. they, wo-old *be sureeto he,stuck - -now let an., we ,
, .. apparano.o, ,and eyery. 0717 '1 a ,while Pains seem to foe. as possible ' in *11 111 , to ' ConserN'e ' ' *ee.'",nt,,ilie, little he does eat cauies sue -It''. -"But Aniilabeli‘alth"gh she Prenlisecl ' . '
ting a rusity,,,Linattractive.„
,shecttollirouoh kie then a ,,p,,,-ses anxiets, 'those ,,q).ar, earl be shiPPed lo_lag• diSe tort4O4,,,:nnd iskdigeSted so'limPerfectlY n,r1414,ttr.314ee -"iTtbtuieldbintieev%,raelveienng .tiriY.Ii.ttc;;:ign6'-'.' --,-.. ' than bY ' Pett' ht:g tb'a,t ext. i'a
o ' ' e.i.Xo',W1.S. ."--,T,hey .need, a tonic, a .a .,
e pieces of lila zfront.:,in,,",the.drink:. ea arm., - . e, .' o , - . ,. , : , e tances... ,'"' tha*IPA:1_601111-44ittle good: -
b t'' ve"."Per' o69t7' CI P.
. .ai,„ ,,,,sv a 4a, afra..4 ,.‘tog9.4illilliree'T.s,,Ileart aro. 3,\Teri,;.e pips will ,;,,.,,,-This ' does ,...not' rnean;`,,t hat ,' 3,,,dit",intiat,. ' • -.1vIiit,,,,oirlittie-g,•ii d • t ,-,'-e-o '', si.d0,',that'Jack'w.as,:...a,gp.cci faivse,
oil '..4,Kp . ii...,,pg anept relief .th elle' AP. gile )°.a -r :fatal -127,-a 140 11 ' gesOalAMitIlts°gieth'nrg'• that' will' Patiiil'''''';'i''' '.-1 . ' 44.. LI ''''
„. r, their steintidli*Olit, se itewill'inantifacture9P'ea'7.11'4,/, 'srie w-as'P'5:11"-?!
she' said.iAli,ev 'avoulanu ,• 100, lbs. -of. finish on, a • beet'',
In ,111; olii. d , , . ,, st , , , _ / ,‘ 1 , , e.,,,,„di ,..,,4,,,....,,,,,,„.,.. ,, ee ,.ts no arcuiciai eolao de, , -
no ,l',:adeed to the..masil.-4S;'igo-,0,,,,ljne i 0 re
tiii:iti.04,0*4.4t , 0 -der :AO keep",.•theiiiti
But 17. dae ;ion, itsliottL':;-'1, :nt:14p',,l'e rBini ietnei Ss ni
eine, at . this time,' , ' SunfloWet:;aeed,, 1 ? e.. g ea,ltit,.-,44 6;6 us , I ,;,' One Melt 17:ilea An'
mixedowith the grain- feed occasion:. g 'AP ilir.
!•,' tgPstitutingcorn ancl4,t
;,wholeso.the food
046.cte.to'fio'rp.1,'healtir:.Y!te°O'rieidistlell'1161„. l'eelld-gOlaotregIaiiilgdgfiti,lieel‘'''e%,'IL
allY, eeill'adi Irister to file 'featheri'r' P. .eaiiiikr, eli 'Nylleatj': ' ' *olkIlLikoOde414e,
tn o ,p2tih,aat,;Efolo::,,,•:''i'mne,;Iniain,ieatolt:iicstl;re:isloesttao.bt,u6::,is ).;•,Ciecd, it,1°A;iis O 11' §00
75,14)1 111i. aVd aU t ii0iitlily digested* aaciOassimilatay: 0, of -them alicl"4 •E
*ritds - have usedgBilidock itek"'haS.;b-orre
cil. t '.g'
1:6 •YiStAP ' at
' 44-t;f70e ''ill't:§
eases. finish hogs as ° early as possible,
Attention to these five details willi weighing 200 pounds when marketed.
enable Canadian wheat -growers to do 1 Gains 0/1 adults are expenSive, and
still more efficient work in the cari-! reeding them during too long a period
paign for increased 'food crops, and loses money.
thereby render great service to Weaning time is the critieal stage in
view of Jewish religion.' --There is, accepting the offer of Corrui. -
for leaks, and general fixing up of the during- cold weather.
entire:house: The runs, too, neetl a_
good- cleaning up and spading.
AU the old hens, not intended' to
wintereover, should be sent to market
ghil(the prices are good.,
Now -is a good time to lay in sup-
nliee- for the winter, especially such
as incubators and brooders, and to
occure new blood that may be needed
ad To Sit
To Sleep
Her Heart Was Sa, Bad,.
Caponize'all"the'serpIn'nun :de'
erels cluriPOO 'October.
74171 bring
Schoolinister Recommends
.:1.,\Ien and women in all walks of life Wile
occupy sedentary positions ,are more
liable to liver troubles than those who '
are active from morning till night,
'When yott don't get the proper exer-
cise the bowels do not Anove regularly,
your liver becomes sluggish, the breath
becomes foolespecks float before the eyes,
eve'ra„ ,,,,,tbing'turns black, constipation sets,
'inE,latid,',:brings in its nentereus
trelib1eS,4,tha1. could be prevented if the
Were only looked after properl
ilburn's axa-Liver Pills -will a1i.
egidate.,t e bowci,
e ot exccle1itlILaltil
atadt6a ebbe], 4,
'AO, ilia 1'440