HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-10-4, Page 31.; 1; 14' %VAS SO BAD. Thoutht She Would Lose Child. Duriu zlie lot weather Young children are Are? much subject to diarrhoea, in, fact, tore so ellen adults, oe, account of the more delicate colistruetioa of their constitution. It behooves every =ether to look- after her ebildren on the first .sigra el any looseness of the bowels. for if they 'ale not some serious bowel,ttVabler'•Sticil as diarrhoea, dysenter.a. tom, cholera loorbus, summer comPlaint e., is liable to follow, and they,L�will -s, loose their little one by not the precaution to theek ness of the bowels by using Pr tract of Wild Strawberry. tsa .j. Hillis, St, Mare's, Ont. My litt/e girl was so had wth the doeter coeld not eurwhe INDKe elare we were going NR .f."*..................-'...,.........- ... By Henry G. Bell, Agronami Civilization is in the balance. At" gerraination, aod for the life no time in the world's history hae Ojbenefieja1 soil bacteria at work in the r thel.grain roots stretch out -r co la:tt ring for... , 'ileY191.91P- nm -root the o dunetet1 by PrO eSs r' •nr. i eritieal a period f###A, the PeoPlea 9 The object of thls department Is to place at the set, 1 the earh. The illtd„amental Prirti , pf our farm colderthe Advice of an acknowledged i pies a dgmogatio'oxiions Must up authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and crops- 1 mbe slie404111l," defended or ' art , mqt pelf and All.Offeta, , will , appear. tie this JcomiintraniAtee ergot+, in , depends upon 'nen" mull ti i -s) 9 9P '' '1,7Q'Nettslal .ssittaYrnap°;717;to 44c4,4as an questions ,t,a, erafessar Henry 0. Ben, ir, ,,,.-esorefrna,e0tth`deeSt:rniuedrotponvaolifit vfTioizinutticthpa areiAt„,T*Wilsori pli#140-imi,9000#0 vsitteo Tomato, ' which they are recill'lled. .AS space i4,411:00,0*A1t, Aqitis-, and a patriotic devotion to the eause aI4 vthe',attumfl 'al3le where immediate reply is necesParYlAhat'a'ataioPed Not one of theSe factors must be iia .7, en G. Ben awnhden,Otdhdereasno:wderenwviedo49: mhZ lee" Vill:e7dt.. w3th t-ll_e- fil..1"-tt°"' gieeted or trio-rePli a...ill rest "with o yield le th* f ,. arle/nies. The farmer, of this c,on-per 'varieties of fnoni And of Furope have done nohl , veil of thoee v eq wrip, A-.E.P.:1—We are going to so would be .a orierseason plant The te - wheat this year on a piece of 199 titrAway to prevent celery from se.4u Lfl past year, but gigantiaaees, probiems 'months. I comng land. It haS had tinlathX 'a to t.roosPlalit it late, caUse em 10 the, 1 Wler's it for three years, a very go�d ha rapid growth by balancin op each 1,,e9 -fa This summer it was„ pou, and hengest t befoie n. 4 gbed as soon as the hay Was taken, a opPortunity form geed shoots. le for a t beet, a.le bottle, gh abou • .3(ic. a bottle. but it is ti years altafP always keep Won lleri for old aed And has beep thermigily disced:, Possibly your, gro*pd is pinning:meat t saint bottom. Mt:041tICOtt f0.10.;. 40 -the kind .Pla*ttead Which causes, 1•017'Vai 0,..wlieat crop of the,' aplag or a Ph ..Sti„O 'W.9„ s are small and slow in grew , 'eh atteaat 4o9 "'otter liter va le es well in t, e a state- bread of fine , Win be Pt0Pated tO i cultivated since, 4:,414, a rank abort of ammonia 4"pitre'rerks This k export P00,000 bushels ef ' I The four , is bY ProPet Q 0 9Annot worh withp her c $. The tiny it mu lied with a cy of sa- a e, Aa1a. . much n .iers at front nt e v a abundance welbbalanc d e.stion of P Mothers and daughters of all ags are cordia department. Initials only wilt be published with cac as a means of identification, but full name and addres letter°. Write ori one side of paper only. Answers stairnpecl arid addressed envelope is enclosed. Address all correspondence for this departmen Woodbine Ave., Toronto. rio The new Trench': as long or bulky as th 4,, It reaches just to is designed for weal- on by day, and as a S10 'Veu will require poOnd of wool — at alit 're e to put on, and wod4rAta IgnOlf the celery stalk to grow- if the 'United, obably total 6fia 7 " fwb o' t • idol 1 t " Pali away, and le . ., for their own as the one wive sil be,s e, either one or :bath, , 'there iS an indication of nitrogen, bet I" °°a'',43391) e a had, rhe-s-eroea , Anatver:----The soil On Which -You ileg &'. 1' Tile edditien Of lnalnlica tfus;; „a osf fAr°,gliCtIlliftt'14-, ' I - I tell evetya are planning 'to gr9W YoUr Wheat isq, or a fertili4er high in ammonia 'WM ''4.31_144"'Qn''' ll oath, it. 410-nhte11 * give yeti a etrong growth' E 0 P --Would YOU advi-e sowing for til er •easieQ.!;71., velylaela, Tbe Place' relatively IOW in nitrogert end wil/ ttn-; tend to prevent this, 4oul„,,9i, . and of straw. Would advise you to add both lime anti acid phosphate oo land' n1rable e alSO fOrn Carrying 10 to 12(,<Ic Deid P110hp *Kum, heu would you, adv$,, paign g pVa06.717e2r's-aiwo.,sa,ssboez.nontl,tIlvI3en,Mt.e.torkile: arto, 1% pot4,5,11, yolk 11,1 v haiiidiel the aow much per natal? 'United KingdOril 'uccessfullY Virst nit' -------------. aL'ive the PaPer, a •irnall flag ill one cera a b t f bl What be don4 th a V w,44 be each needle, ati:°1ben2-9: d e s: vrow_ sKeneoitoOd asntf.f.tephuroln2 e until you have 4 etiehneedle. Then titre he ..00i large dar 3 -hole around g a smail opening ett e 0 a gorooa Dam- oP Yiel Pugh etten iori to p unt- l patri ,1 Perla It 15 g°i3C1 at le4t 200 to 300 lbs. of fertliblizteer tba.t is, to sown t° 'wheat iso n, theel It4-1•Y' 't. year -1 r e ;heat p,ge in the food'? I I tions vh er thetellowtg•Ogge = xravi!-Ither:00' Oa L f hls wor en In each it ct if ellen m three upfu p enough to make a five minutes, ati ebottetin. ea one-haI u4 see With a tablesPo it get perfectly cold, eggs,beaten )04 0, I of suga , alesPoq .. , power. a out /DU, nali pt g, flea e cheesec -Will ng,', O k op, the safe side he flre And that votl the SOU c011'eetlY in Prear'ing )Vauld it 140 'better to SOW the 'acid; e trie 11 lin rnorn e 'wen er soil the moat earefel tillage: as al- I Have Your table -set with red, -White d i • --------------------------- thos ibate aborti before he' has damaged the Walsh 'wheat er°P remlY stated., which operation will of f and blue place cards,. a white cloth rt 1 /1 0341 fl/P/ PS5 LIPOn P tg get Df. rowier $ when yona$k for it, . , ge44iO4 maitufaatitred entY bY `4110' crt. givIng,' toe seem-liedvuorou„..g-iwheat„. and hew nmeil per acre? Couldtto so great an extent that in Job' it • T, co, Lhaitcd, Toronto, preparation, if the ,seil tends to De Irut the lime and avid plieephate and °ranked 01% us against .an average too open and light, follow the sowing sow both at one operatien in a Iiiiio!.0r0P estimated at 1 00%., It is obvious, with rolling and then a light barrow- drilla then that the entire people of p -13s. < have advised acid Ph0sPhato A11swer7.--Litine and acid phosphate" continent mn§t exer6se every energy suwe I believe you aged a reatl!Y are both beneficial ou land to be used ennserring food; farmers, every in- *ailable 'form of PhosPhark a6(1. :fnr wheat in the spring. The benetiti telligene44. inPraducing more fo°cli 1123 ow to 0.5t c oblo a vreat, laity beenbe oaten itt AS 'dee111 Otter) Cotttroller, Avrites ya, says the, off the seed top as soon aa it appear,-;, timothy or alfalia, I-1010 may he Ilan a le PeoP e 1114Z' Trl ' w ifcA ii.A1 ed bet it merely grew up again. I , applied any time this fall or through!, 7,,iethods or Incroo,iino„ Cron ''.s vatu-',Sow4,41 (110 SVevi of this in boxes thoz,,the winter, Pr if ilte ground is. to lie ' .,„ - ' for last of February, 1K7„ and -set the left for spring plowing it could be ap- tile question the farmer is a I Ow plants out in the open ground about i,Iplie4 ionnediately After the ground is i t°"daY is!, lloly van I econelnieallY i the the middle of done in ejny 5011 which plowed, ju$t liefore it is disked Aral { c. zw5e' mY Nvheat 'Yield ''' .12'' alls‘ver . . . . . 1.2. had been. a id pig yard before. We or , dug trenches ten inches deep putting A i on the bottom fivo incloe,s of rotted ' immure mixed with a little. earth and oted them in this. Now they are 4,1 tov„.t....4 !lave quite 4 allniller of ;of the Ihne i5 net go directly traceablelbal'.er e91.1"41,Y ar4d d_. I&111 Cit' plants :which began to go to , tvlient yields but is Clearly shown Inalcing the rood .stoek go as far RS s ed three weeka ago; I tried eat -ling ;if the grain, is Roo ,„vith tiavQr aed possible so that the needs of our OWD 4 course bring as- much of the ,eoli I Iplantfood as pessible into ,shape for f. ,its,Censomption by 'OW plant, Second:1 ijeveiT greWor of who should as furl las possible, ,manure his wheat 1ields.1 ii,ivestoek ;manure ,sopplies three of the important eonstituepte ef plantej food, nitrogen, vJlticit catiSes the heat straw to grow; phosphoric ucid,i which hastensthe ripening 0.,7 the crop', ahd a centerpiece of red, white and blue flowers. The birthdaY crike may deeorated with the flags of the Alliee- For ohe game you could have a Port of 4history bee," like a spelling bee. The prize should go to the child who can tell the gi•etriest number of hietorival eveate ceerectly—foe le. Stallee, who were the generals at the llattle of the Plains a Abraham, eno ir laaae Brock, who made '..and plumps the kernels; awl potash,1 -was S Nvlatch gives strength to the erop to 1e-1 Otte siet pieta; tilSO,SC:$ and hasten$ eg hip'. of the 'kernel, A shortage in any f these constituents' of plantfacol la a xvhazit. of VOW' quality. In ' picture barrotecil. At: application of 2 to 4 It:7'n, 1",,ei,"'88', Y ramag ; conuecticn it should be carefully' other ga toils of grouud limestone or one ton iTher'InIng IrequentlY Vati5e8-,ItoteAl that live3toelg !,nantire,tvhile dp wi per acre a air,slaked %Oil give 5arPlaa water 84t tg'ing aljle to run is good for most crops, it is somewhat of emirs ,I.,•ou good results. The e' id pho:Tbate can be • n°o* 4:f tgl ae ho 1 I Ina. tee hands, Squares. a0 11 their iii eh s 0 P a 4 :01 orry to say, lioNvex he -ti dsr:T:11 gPtt ede ignec'5'5.reararlo'sre radaYtechichnelail"1:314sfer*ora8;1 cP,artit them witil a HometMaker: — A well c dietary supplies body-building, heat- and-energy-Fupplying and regulating FuhstanCes the right proportion. in sufficient quantity. SimPle can fkilill requitetheitts. t tO 5,Mead the variety or wer niari„- days than to provide man. Ads a food in 11 meal evera llowmg are eXa " of simple b Fruits eela11-1)::411t2dn';i4tolemin Egg, ir 14 !reit or veg. 3, R&a' d hee-e. tart fruit. 4 vii bread, apple c . M. OtutOOS, :Tecond vegetable, fruit er odding. TAM: Soup, c r 7. Whole whea lines. These are n a and conaitiorea ieeds of healthy ac . 5 the capital of Cenada, 40 e. we ettlebrating thie prize should be sone do 'etith,sitIta ' 1432Z. Thi 11.2alre SOM111 etbin ibne r cat, h 10 el on retWit' it'e"Mg 81881t the YQuIlg''/Avlieilt, in that It 'carries a yelatively Ctmada: 'A744 •e, the siirgin f 'The lir 0 "Rule Briiaunia and 0 They Imo hi,: rown to good height, are kept fulled at the time the wheat is sown. :Madera- wheat rilal't" large amount of available mtrogeni a fore thol; ng C tirac5 a day, tO know the cause of it going to 50ed lnd fertilizer dropping attachment. advantageS ProPer seed -bed tivelY• short supply of the constitnent ing at atte 21 poeati good, stittC1-, off or pereolrite through the soli, and, 'unbalanced for the prodoction Leaf," the wattr be, nd leak isealtitY Planta but would like drills tire provided with both tile seed Second: proper sell tillage. The ',medium supply of potash. hilt a re a-, sing the N left i bason sink, with the and how to prevent it. Applieations at the rate of 200 to 800 ParatiOn arrto aPrerent that it is un- of plantfood that catoses the crop to Sara:— . 01 43'1 Th cause e celery pounds to the acre give good results necessary to go into a detailed discus- rizen, phosphoric ado,. lovestiera- be made as folio rboy tnua then bo boilod, and are plants going to seed hi that the habit If you have net manured your land sion of tho Profit of good. tillage in tions have shown, thcreroro. that 'aoe, l'uvonoing r a day or rotoo.e, • Ilswer' zoleot falling vouttee3. with. of the plant has been changea. In just before the '.heat I would advise' Nrheat Produetion. If the soil is to .; farmer can very profitably supplement dee or 1;eati3 Dna hater, IC its WWI State tile eelerY Plant tends to You tO 11S6 MiXture of, fertilizer ejlteh „and hold StlfriCienCYr of =is- farm manure with an addition Of acid pr0po roalit4,1 thoy ore be an annual. The. gardener grows analyzing 2 to 8% ammonia, which afte, it must be deeply stirred and 'phosphate, Such an addition re - Pod fried, 1141 431 or grilled. A bloat. it as bleimial, that is, he trnes to get will provide nitrogen to start the th0rougblr Pulverized. Such tillage duces relative straW growth and in - 'Hyper Laee the $ame mount the grown pinitt r,:ithout the seed, ally growth of the young erop, and will allolv „fOr the desirable circula- oscs the production of grain, iroont os L„esh herrings You see the some habit in wheat when 0 to •12€0`c phosphorre acid, which will than Of air, which is required for seed (Concluded next weela) 1 IK or winter greatlY hasten its ripening and the more costly salmon and turbot Yun 1'. niter Wheat seed eniti bt.., bought, by the2e tun rye in the spring. Very few of the plumping of its kernels - (.1 thorn. Tbe salmon, indeed:, pleat, send up shoots the first year, By no Means Would I advise the v eptttiecie s ‘.111Ttl e o 11181* b :a I ent tfbi°0tnfits Fshtl:y‘ Pdo t1:4111: hy the ;idIf ou select the Iand teshaei ercidds AnhSauiccx.kbi ntgha eonislotiblxutebuilrictompelhvaisUpalidiaocrtiiedenP:Iticliot:0Pi in the terflhlelals:1111,1dhnle(44irtnisirrnzelnitralgtiol fioraecisbvaltslial: generation you will have ontirelY aehl phosphate to a forat which' is mostly doe t 011 in which, it is changed the of the plant and numb more slowly available. packed. The ()entry Girl's Creed I believe that life in the country Market Calendar life at its highest, fullest and beet. I If not tomniented previousba crate believe that there I have the greatest chance to develop Into the womanly fattening should be startetrin October, woman I tiesire to be—fine, broad, and all cockerels and pullets intended A good incabator.should-prove pro - for sale carefully and systematically 'sweet, true, wholesome. I holievo fattened. .. fitable on any place having sufficient that the broadness of the country, the roorn to keep chickens. AI ket in October roasters (crate strcrngev than the, others. The last half of the hatch„ will be lower in vitality and will be unprofitable ,to keep; the broiler,. or frying age is the time to dispose of these. Mark the last half of the hatch and dispose of them in time to make a profit. ar ruggedness of the landscape, the fed), last old hens, roasting young beauty of God's growing things all docks, old geese, old turkeys. aronnd me, will mold altd temner my mixing a ration for crate feed - character; will give -me higher ideals, ing poultry, one of the first things to greater depth of, thought and a consider is the palatability of the feed. Selecting Seed Beans. Bean growers should take steps to secure good seed for next year's plant - INTERNATIONAL LESSON OCTOBER 7, Lesson I. Psalms of Deliverance— Psalms 85 and 126. Golden Text.—Psa. 126. 5. Verses 1-3. Jehovah's loving-lciad. ness in the past. Brought back the captivity — Better, "restored the fortunes." In themselves the words contain no reference to restoration from exile; but the psalmist may have in mind the change in 'fortune due to the restoration. Sin arouses the divine 'wrath, the divine wrath prompts the sending of calamity. hence the 'withdrawal of calamity proves that truer PersPective „Of life, than I could Te the birds do not like it, they will. the divine wrath is appeased, which, ng from fields known to be free from ever ain between narrow walls in a not eat. enou h to' Put on the" flesh. t • that urn, proves at Jehovah has for- -g P anthracnose and blight. Seed from give, or removed the people's sin. city with its shams, pretenses and Next to this' comes the composition of plants killed by front before the pods 4-7. The transformation has been false standards. I want to try always the feeds and their cost. The ration are dry should not be used. marvelous; but much remains to be to keep myself sunny, sweet and. sane; must bc palatable and one that will T ' seed—properly d If he eal would com lete hi • • he use of good, one. y p s eornrnent on Pb 1-3. Zion --Re- presents the J e w IA conurtunity, Dream --The experience seemed too good to be true. Said they --The sub- ject is indefinite; equivalent to "it was said," Even outside nations re -- cognized the wonderful transforma- tion. Verse 3 represents the COM - 1 MUDity as appropriuting the words ef the nations and as reealling the joy Of the earlier experience, 4. Disappointment -,has come; and there is need of a new manifestation of the divine loving -kindness. Turn again—The benefits of tile former in- terference are exhausted. StrearnS in the South—The South is the aeid region to the south of Judah, called Negeb or South -land. The streams' there, full of water during the rainy season, become dry during the sum- mer. following the drought the life- giving water returns, filling the people with rejoicing and hope. For a similar life-giving return of the divine favor the psalmist prays. T b There is this great point in favor of dairying: It brings in revenue every month of the year, and in every month the dairyman knows just what his income from that source is going 5,6. hese verses.. shoulde inter- preted as a continuation of the nraYer in verse 4 ,("Alay reap . may come back"). The beginning may be hard, but, if Jehovah responds to the psalmist"s plea, the end must be to live u to the ve Y hest there is in • 41 h ithout cost,ing too . turn ut_Bette otui. t , glerious. be ornitted, Be he children aboalc them, all, -sten plings 1221 TI or y y meet adults, Doll Dreams wonder what my dolly dreams When, she is fast asleep? I sipos She claeams she is a princes:. ool. With, 'stead of her old clothes, A golden crown and seen dress All edged with snowy fur. Sometimes she tireams of nie, guess— '. often dre:Dmi_uoyf.11:earilly Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Dorothy Hart, She Was a dear little girl, but she had one great failing: she never obeyed promptly. She was never in any hurry and was usually late everywhere she went. Next doer to where Dorothy lived 12i nlei to make the most of every Op- nuch / ' • to be. There is another important • . . • . again, as in the past. Th a resent point: Dairying is a safe line; there disease—is essential foi securin . P , portunity to grew bigger, broader and Cleari, fresh water lessens disease , . e' distress shows that the divine wrath A disagreeable job never becomes lire fewer ups andt downs and fewer e large -yields. -It is crop insurance for b , • • . 4 better. to Teach out alevitys for higher among „pootry. Filthy drinking . - . as not entirelY% disapPeared; henze more attractive by sitting down and exceptional losses lit it than in any growers tO lay in. their seed while th and finer things. I believe in good ter is the source of much trouble. •- there is still opportunity to inspect the w p,reh iposasim. ist stands between hard work and plenty of it. I glory The question floor space for hens, fieldeor they can pick froin the cream his people and their God. He awaits in the brain and the Muscle Wit, which like many other questions connected of. commercial stocks instead -of hav- to accomplish -my task of striving and With poultry -house construction, can- .ing to take whatever- may be available ' 1 1 . Th fl or space which a hen requires depends on I later • t .carefully selected, clean 'SeVeral things: (1) The btreed of the) poSdsee.cigrfolw'tin in one s own seed plant overcoming, that I may be reedy for about ,$33 for the first year and $28 tis her wooin voice again dreading it. , The best thing to do it other branch of farming. to go` at it and 'get it out of the way What „does it cost to raise a dairy F Jeliovah s reply to his plea, and then b i t the w itin people the s I th 1 t t quickly. . heifer' to one year and to two years old? r ngs o a ga_ nCanada e Pelee s pos sys em . Feed alone at medium prices . costs o had a large eat but 00 000 a . little lie dog except her Ono ay Dorothy's uncle bought ier yellow chickerh It was. so round, fat and fluffy that she named it Fluff. er mo er o er p it in tile little ehicken coop that her brother Jack had made for it. One day Dorothy's mother told her to run out on the lawn, because Fluff was out , of the coop and was runnino all 1 around. But Dilly-Dally—for this was what every one called her because she always was late—took her time and when she got there she found that ,FohVieeklyen;ls. dog liad eaten her beloved This taught Dorothy a severe les- son and DOW she has lost the title If Diliy-Dally by being alw.ays on time. When her uncle heard of this he bougnt her anothar chicken, and we may hope that Dorothy will take bet- ter care of it than she did of Fluff, A THE TRYST. She came with luring loolcs• she came With golden beck and wiles; "And Will you go with me," she said, ".down the amber aisles?" Right willingly with her I went; A rustling path she took; With her eyes there were the dyes Of gentians by the brook. Her hair gave back the dappled sheen Of sunlight on the corn, And she had all the lovely mien Of one to beauty born. surance that their God has not for- is restricted to 11 pounds, in the - g saken theta; the manifestation of his the harder things -which are to corms. _ "United States to .50 ,pounds. • e •1 t . . . tr- loving -kindness rn a complete deliver- . e for the second. Cost' accounts of Calling from wood and ri 1. herg some hens require more space ance and restoration is at hand. Saints tension c'f the Parcels 'Pest s'Ystero in raising calves by the Ohio, Mas- 'Tis Autumn bids me to the tryst (2) ,pbe nature uf the are safe. Once the beaas have beer. _synonymons with ohis peopier, per_ aria .b g " h ' • • 1 tec all s f s." that needs of the country. sacliusetts and Connecticut Experi- Beneath the crimsoned hill. Po s. t ose w o aie o jects of special ir.ent of Agricultiire were used af, the 13read ,pudd1ng is greatly improved t oth . thres ed is difficu t to de t baps better avored one , - men t Stations and the tr. S. Depart - —Clinton Seollard. by the addition of raisins 03: currants. food andhowit is fFtl-e Hens that which` have come from diseasedpods h • sii• - OFFERED TERRIBLY Winter where thneigetiVngt ofitiheobitoaoind plant 133y planiningotrheeovseeed in hills and truly pious. Turn to folly—Thee • basis" for these figures plantings. The grower should manifestations- of Jehovah. 1VLercy PA ioN this feed cost The two - le -eear-o .1 • WOULD WAKE UP SMOTHERING. commddate as‘' many hens as a house• "--" are fed in a heavy litter during e It is ossibl v irt the seed consideration: Fear --Those who ar • STOIVIACH y p ying with Bo deau. mixture - lause giv s ense only rf translated Labor iiiteret and ' fi ereU a the exercise necessary without too as 'above "And' to those who d t ' " o no . 0544 4.1 eapen;es ratts't' bTe ael'clede°11tos ' . b s ra ' X 6 S , AND CONSTI T . event at an expense not warranted in turn o .o Glory—The glorious truth . righteousness WITh t9. protect the plants from anthracnose, t t .f, e Gl IlEART ,41140 NE,RVES„ I nuieh *apace . (3) 'V,entilatiort.2:-%The Ihouse ,poorly ventilated will not ,c- largef . , years ..te that io one move s among the seed I properly ventilated: ,A few peace --When the nierc • , • teliile the • 't • 1' • ' Y, 01 y eat h rain 01 loving-lciiidness, a Goa and the faith- . when poultry houses ..were lcelat . heifer ereust be credited with a coif CILIRED BY. and the manure produced during tWO MILBURN'S years. The net; cost, at medium pric.'es 414(211 .114 was thought thet each hen should have ing ' • righteousness, thtet is, his fid t 4 for tile first year arid $2908' fmr the arithi•acnose .inost readily' are the covenant relation between himself ,IVER FoILLS then givert in tile bulletin as a44.77 (=.cond At present high prices 'he I D laid 1 • „ s ney PiLs are a specific 1 kidneys are ill the whole bod • '11 e LA)CA L en re er. (011-) 21 t...n a sq7are feet 0 J-1°°1‘ u h h • s and Israel a'111 become active This • 1 11 ea] • . , • let cost for years rises above $ 00. a -1 ney tretthles. They be " ,L Co?,,ild Hardly Siee No woman can. he s,trong an Milburn 8 Heartant erve, I warm, instead of" being ventilated it eite when scores of the fungus eau's- fulness of the people meet, then his - P unless the itideee-s arq foi- Aftei t e seed is t ie hed the glow- • . Economy., in dairying and taro in expelling all the poisoliotis Matt arld in all probability she' did, but the ' . • Will result in the well-heng• of the writes. "I cannot ,'.(2.4 *s. too highly OfWar aud Mrs. M. Powell, Non -al, Out , t -'„'e house -properly(1 2-114' v,.ith 4 tl,vo or three t•intes and 212, 'W °lit all Arites I kwisii to express my heartfelt fore neeessarv. The heifer from a - • Ina e their - , s,mc breed of does better now in er sheuld Pick °ver\ -111s seed bY faithhfoulthaomugo.illif' ohlsprPeesosPedle in the, first ituleains1.1-k.hs.aS4erledev,,s,..htearst uenrnis,s, l:re,eding good stock are there- tdi • d d d db d th I' f • 10 ' i•e eated i -a verse 11 tow -producing, tiara azid :an inferior Iva retuni the cost of her sNoSiv.,,,,, 1. paYa' inataisipwdihi7o s-,tnA?aa.; .itie tem .i1i1yboi1 321 the 1' 3 I °did n6t get one llighlkOiac.9, o'Lit of ' alre,,r...eictaie9,,,i.. 111 H(;t.trt and „Nerve ?, sql,isre _tea tnan, her. ancestors t1. 10 01112 11 Ze and 'eaLlor„, Even tilat tilliseobsesdc°n,..d.- liAn!sii7gh\t'ele'hsaeng'-e* ,saffering froth' a bad stilnach 2- )Tl ;111:0edul,7:1',not 16vsa. ggt so very. • lihat;,,,.,t,hae ktoctor was called in„ 41'..art and ; d Tor ith in heart aild with 19-/ arid, 7.1.1e1:.° gr d ve.niatietri is -'11° " 'Two 3e373‘.iis hav2 ppsyc.i..,,,d,d,,,4 to 0 sciliale feet is enough ,,e6;(3,°,Ttr:tieji.1;„il.na1,,,13....*y:1,1„,:i„n.14e*i'et'ked 12e swb,:fhvo?,tiere, i\i,:niaeetsritsoshneealstsu3egx-peTirsriae op. ,or,est,hhl, t11 23 al '51 2(3 be off WOrk for or w OB 41212- Ul• rcieciw .at,ke up' 'as. if I was .srhOtheiini, p, haitte eiTibly If 'went to bed' 1 for tite average 40i, • - ' 1,cf•• e„, S'aki., ed above, pl,omptb hi'i '1 11, ab S 7Citri).ehd"tcigt•totii'l'3S'g atpseedvie%rleae'hea,aidiGi 1I 51211" 1" ep,c0, nina• e t,et, all); - 5 -rnOriths a Year. , I was hardly able -to . e map :ilicaclaehes -,T•would'i 11 yOur reined tehing ' ; ,nlY .c , , ;care,of ,miself'71i - - , , , ,,„. sa,,, yodicra ,I,2! t • , ,rgalilialla, f ''.44 ‘° a. Heart and •,---, ..!-- er. try them =1,' A A. ? of them aiXd .1 Treter" a'74ne-,,N;'':''wo 'recommend • then(' t ''''''''''''' flu heart tro, Iza,, °-'. a ,oli'd „ ilburifs ..}tea (ja.Per ' beitett'ea • e......t reel- on reed tiriim' Co,' e ai a 42 cistab, 1 tog() 3)1 AP 1(3 diit�t,i 11 lit 11 91 an ger a 122 9r19. • 4w, tiTt 'fa 021 reef, ee' it 11 314 0,Se 08 0. 8 a,11S 01. et rice r 01 ta a 1 a ,e et 6. a and he mai Peer? eziee„. , , m. N., 0 0,p• 0 oa tti tea a5,rf - rti ;Me '0 ' tti* 414, m'14