HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-9-20, Page 4`GRAND. RAILWAY SYS, E tel oese.ers'' siotis zc�et tc� c zeiw Ia°Int Sdskarch % al.- and, Ai • le- s eat e h, inelus;,e, ate NL MADE IN VA?a:.D.St` IL ` AND b ',RTON IS 1. 77,41B. TQ guT va E RFQR iso .1'.p A L!y a?V'"D wl , •j (,, , aU QN Neo m; 'QLLLI.'W▪ iNG s rxrs tact oz ttcE 4 e. +� a. : iP iiiStl QtAJrQr,�,. •rL x. h'?A^e33C:`.£1, * i sttkcis.._ Y . ?�$ual tte*stiQza i 'hC r et1 ?domes i and..�h ltd t nor shoed la ! a Positio u,r'sng three months :• we til -ed mlo wxj over 369 calls ♦ for tined help.. vita i #AhA ��Q S �t 4"441-"1"474 41- ,"si Ir3i l�R a,nd iii« gooat. : #4.:. (1lAciail, 81Aort� l'xhy depart- Pea r 3 IN T 411 oaf g less ,fit t Last meeting of he ',R1.5.1 eouxtei1, the rate was struck at 304 xz itl whidtb L.by ,far the highest rate the taxpayers of that town have ever had to pays Ontario s Best Commercial Schon. REi a Noti Creditors In the matter ole the Estate v` Samuel eo;ge Latnporte of the Towns`hip of 1'sbori e, Cvanty of Huron, merchant, :deceased, Notice- ishereby` given pursuant to atututes in that behalf that -01 credo rs and others bavin,g 'claims ea - the estate of Samuel George: Laiuporte whti ['ion or about July. 9th. 1917, are *e0uire on' or before Qctobed dst, I9I7,, send b Prepaid, to or deliver to Messrsy Gladpost- auast ;& St a tiory, of the yjllage , of Exeter" lacitors for the EX, utors. of the saiddeceased thstf,cI s- tinisxandsurnanies, aaldressesand des- criptions, the felt partioulara of their claims_ the statement of '_their ..ao- +counts and the nature of the scour, tetiea, if any, heir,,; eby- them. And turttiex ,take notceh�„ttiat after said last mentioned dote tlAe Executors, will proceed to distribute the fits of the deceased among the. par- �y1utitl d thereto, yyA h vii4�C a rd nilly to ilia eta �,'t#iwhi= ctA tlzes shall then are n4kis ilnd that ti . said Executers, shall pot be liable folk otai€I atiaela or any pert thereof, CAE aR,r perseA , flef ' rRt sl^iAose lR 4n. ,notice i c...i of A ince been, received by..." them at ` e time o sac distribu- iion. _ GLAD AN & liritol t otiee :coo. OiAts reditors atter ol: ate of, Eliza 6if the e of Exeter; u Muton, tiWidow, • deceased Notice, -is hereby given pursuant to Statutes irk tbaat, behalf that all ered, Roza andethers having` c)aima as gainat the estate of, the said 'Eliza: ItrooksT„ls o died on er abeut` Aegust Kith 1917 are required on or before - the 18th : day et September., 1917 to wend by -post prepaid, or, de- liver to Messrs, Giada se, cit Btanbory, if t ° Village ; of Exeter, ',Solicitors for the Executor of tilt said deceas- ed., their ohristain and surnames ad- dresses end descriptions the -full oar- titrillara of their claims dive state, meat of their' accounts and tba Aa, tura of the securities if any, held by them. A ad further r tette ixtie® that after aunts last mentioned data the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased Arnow the parties entitled, thereto,' having regard only to thh claims of Which he shall tZeti bare naive and that ilia Executor will not ire liable for said assets or any part tiaereof #o ut3F parson or Nervou3 oli whose fstaitazs 'siotiee shall not [save. been received by him at the time of !soh distribution,. MADMAN eh STANRI T Selieitere for Executor I>r`Aterl t Exeter this tb of Angus They Shall Not Pass The foci►rtal Cry of Canada at the Second Rattle of Ypres. - The defence of Ypres, follow - g the first ghastly gas attack April 22, 1915, exalts all history. By it our men were transfigured and the undying, imperishable Soul of Canada revealed® In the name of these Heroes of Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Vimy Lens,The Somme, Verdun ---aye and the Death less " Old Conteanptibles"-- webeseech you, Women of Canada, to Dedicate Yourselves and Your ` Fa1<nilies to War Service - "What follows almost defies des- cription. The effect of these poisonous gases was so virulent as to render the whole of the ling held by the French Division practically incapable of any action at all. -The Stand of the Canadians "The Left flank of the Canadian Division was thus left dangerously ex- posed to serious attack in .flank, and there appeared tube a prospect of their being overwhelmed and of a successful attempt by the Germans' tocut off the British troops occupying the_, salient to the East. "In spite. of the danger to which• they were exposed the Canadians held ' their ground with a magnificent display of , tenacity and courage; and it is not too much to say the bearing and conduct of these splendid troops averted a dis- aster` which might have been attended with the most serious consequences." From Sir John French's Seventh Despa General Headquarters, 15th June, 1915 y signing t.. n the Food Service Pledge. aerit�y�e<is not great. Than Shalt Not Want The Undying Pledge- of ledgeof Canada's Mothers- -to Her Sons. When baking use one- .third. oatmeal, corn; barley or rye: flour. , Or, order some brown.._ bread from your biker - each, day. Substitute for beef andbaconn such equally nutritious' foods• as fish, peas, lentils; potatoes, nuts ; bananas, etc: Third, and this is ; moat 1 irx>ta portant --- positively prevent the waste of a single ounce of food .:inyour horse. A Food Service Pledge ,;and Window Card hay. o will �dehvThe pledge been r be _ �e ed a .d . r "Dedication u: >< , . o ndo ' a � ���„�.w-�+.�Yi��is..,..::v��,r,tG.4..�,.... , st.• ,.n,.,.... ..s:4.n,_.,.�as ✓ i4Is r.or,t rf The Kind You ave Always Bought, and which-'' has been is we for over' ears -baes borne the signature; of .. a has been a under his 7RaZ „?. its inrfana P • ...GGA a A1iowSAno &1l onservlSdQAto deceivBInCe you � Ai EapeCnetnetsrf: stitsba, t Imfirltitaetiwonth aanndd.:ltu nSt. vasorgtehdes 1th iot�= I Infants and lhlldrenE rtence: against- Experiment., 1 6 What is ASTO'RIA castoria is a harmless substitute. PICastor Oil, Paregort Itpleasant. liropS. and Soothing Syzups, it is It efaitlailXsi neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic subs.; 1t ; age is its guarantee.. icor more than thirty years it, has. been in constant us*tor r the relief of Constipation, Piatt:Yencg„ 'Riad andhlle ss a therefrom, and bg'rt and I3oweTs, :ate .. Ile assimilation of 1a'o l` $Dg healthy and uairauasee ,) The Children's Panacea[ i e Molhet''a end. CASTORIA AMAat Over 30 Year: The .Lind You_ Have Always Bough T APJTAL AND 8, 00,000 A Genera C]RC.11 03 Bras eines ie Canada anking Business Transacted 1B I ETT I.12' 4b` CREDIT AICA EY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ezest ii111 D. Chir ed at highest:cit:rent rate„; ,Mauoger. Exeter Branela THE CANADIAN BA OF CO MERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER' C.V.O., LLD.. D.C.L. Pres; CAPITAL PMD UP,$15,000,000 S!R JOHr' A1RD, General Manager 11. V. F. JONES. Asst Genal: Manager. - RESERVE FUND, . $13,500,000 COLLECTION ',BUSINESS Our numerous branches and widespread cont. nections enable this Bank tor render unusually efficient service in making collections.' .e.f JE it EXETER BRANCH—A. E. . XUEN, :MIANAGER 3 j i Crediton .Branch—J. A. 11IoDonald Manager.- (, t I:,,tAPI Tax US o'BNE & $IBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL .FIRE INSUR- 'ANCE (COMPANY $ead Office, . , President, Vice -President,' 'DIREC :WM. IRROCK. I, J. L. RU8$ELb', Farquhar,- Ont. BORT. NORRIS' THOS; ;(RYAN. TORS 'WM. ROY J. T. ALLISON AcGBNTS ! JOHN ES'SERY. "'Exeter, Agent Us 'borne, .aWnd. lBiddulphNI, OLIVER HARRA.: IS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert; 'Fullerton and Logna,eety-TIRTUULL. i-1 8ress, Farquhar;;; GLADMAN & STAN [ Ri' Solicitors, Exeter, C W. IROBINSON m;> I'CEN$ED L1CTIONEER °AND ' Ynpunea of $�u ogextiFarm18tockron �fr���x-gip° !DR. G. ;1. ROULSTON. L. D. S.,. DS t DENTIST i , 4= j'A. 1111 llonor Graduate of Toronto Univer- 'city„..• Office over' Dickson •i& Oar1+-- ing's Law Office. Closed '1Vednesdytd4 afternoons.- ,Phone Office 5a an [Residence 5b. DR. A. R. ItINSDIAN, L; L. D., DAD Honor Graduate of Toronto Un&ve sity.. J y i DENTIST Teeth 'extracted without 'pain. oa- - any bad -effects. Office over Glad-• man & Stanbury's Office._.1l%aiis$tb; Exeter. u ,ROWNING, M. D:, 4: . S. Graduate Victoria Uiversy., Office ; and.: Residence, Domiiaioatn.- Labratory, Exeter. zYq � ea . �: �ro�'�r,: f H,u,rma Public or stns 01 G,' [f3 A a of rx,Solicitor, �] olsonliank, olio loney to Loan: "p Intertest 0 �l. fi