HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-9-20, Page 3peommta Roo
Extract of Wild Strawberry.
yourpreserving with
Laraic ,
ug4r •
to be dreaded, nred for which prompt re -
and aftentimes conapse assoaiated with
violent ,yemiting- occurs, make it a disease
atThe,pairt arid sufferit ., e weakness
an attack of diarthoea, especially when r‘dae of- Our farm reader! the advlee of an ackn
The ehieet of ttt at, partrnent la to plaee at
Conducted b OfeSSOr fleury G. Ben -
Pure cane. FINE/'
04,14.4..et.tfe4, wood To
_ *
thI 0 I
an per1.140,, , C ., ,..11..............
Extract of Wild Strawberry in giving -
'file salutary action of Dr. Fowler s asses- :::: orPloseteArda:f:iii'd.;T:stwhah4: lbeQallaceiWt: IYiq1*4souon,lox:Ils 1, rti.P.:11:',60, 5::::, 1./ „ .b: ta tio et s 1. ,Pactit:RELrpeele. esnQp:t:tiltaProsi anik".. a:is nYepc enig:00er::teelda tIT isGia: v{ a: le3rityll!s'an: :Tht lhait
where wee sweetening piger.
t'ann.14 t inn ., ffigh
10, 20 and 100.11), sacks
AtlantieSugar ttt any 0 the large haeltsteres f
.-210e..ase50-sliate TEhyisTherieteprataY'in' iirisg jautloiery"I'*T.m' aLyiPhPlile hall
,A. WI ;rade-Pia4 .. e
d it up with an t\ &. IL cOuld fi .
lief- and a teadY care are greatly to be
ter, 0, AO newer. a eellelf lltre A ce is lirolt414 em a „,unirareTsT.;:los°*ears: Daught r:—The author of " ir
afraost instant relief from the. pain, Henry G. B c etameed and addreaceke Ole," °Pe' me tha 2 and 54b. cartons 4ttst ari4d Yamr•rielIntyg,Iningadtelle 1 q
• &than when tele tieseeer mei Pa, an a wre -"'''''''-,4
a peer for the treetment of 'I bow 1 s qt'estlea---13 reW-411:-h-a-‘-: --a- field inent or the greie,Arpt
stools, settling the stomach atid braci
etieeking tim tea frequent and irritatiug
. orig. .....,,,,,
lases rsesses. Stephanie:a-a. a at paekage and
Order 3:)., name in.
7ards It
cool ilands of your& or old a1 a .ng very rapidly. I with, however, to 110 grain drill is a-railahleanY broadcast
day ir
, tamps at, ywidusen., Netiore, year; a:a have a farm th'at has been fertilizer broadcast- an'd working it in
groW a green crop to plow under next distributor will work al)PlYiag the '' dniraod:e's c:otfnt.;in-nectioalr': eo benaolo and 3 ;:aheskyaep,att:41P9144Cf' arnd,,,id eame01417thgetraqi,rtfl r ewrhat. the
edil:e9aPisa a°1 -if a gal 17eeelrl inn?e. t ogRetuhhe r :1-1;ed teh°eInd ' her out a
sse te
Ofi'Corn ithich'is now clean and grew, teen da before-olaXkilitt 40:11fst:Iliri inaI• packages
MONTREAL, ,.. p salve ta h:rpaserol-taad t'',intemboorldgntyheer 1 0
up the ts'eakened heart, render it with 1 --- cold cream, 15
leira':ElxvirirtaecT e',i1VTlitt% s'etrua,sewdbrrrr;e17:::-ti run quite badIY; but as you hnow, the , by harrowing and diekin't When
remedy of itt sari, - its value„ if matured will be greater at planting tint it s ' laa '
have foiled it tolagi. 114e most ea.tisfletory Corn -crop this year is very tate, and fertilizer• is applied with a'''g-rairi drill
i :a:1,11gs tr_oorubled with &wt./lot-a and than usual Will the'Sowing of''nro'n in .'the Ta:le foheuouell': 5ide',o
T Silgagiiie pAriess,,,,dgerra.aGt,e,- Substit t
EY , age.
1 drY, a 7, 015411 ". un-' 7atrit coruellaenle Q°1f i:Plasite.: N..1;sa:e1;n:.:Idd halTIltit ''' trabila: eTIre;
- „ ., incorporate *he benzoin w'tit the rn-ss ", contents
Rub with a spate/a or flexibie knife
on a flat tile or plate A mixture calla', said, f one
gbtha re t
449 - tl
a they
Itt t a long Jame- At last i er crap now interfere with. Or detract one VkitiOt drops the beans and not
Purchased a b4ile Pi Y'atur P.arld rented.)-"' in an waY from the Oreser1t et"00 rip- the hole drOPPing the seed- S94e. pees Paid fer d'ai?Y. I'm have' re- td to coSMiern-18,6T3hepersileaegner. 71.1.3,as., ounce 0 white NY= artd beat- NS -hen /aw 0 thei
and after 1 had used but a qiiartet of it /cold add thee. drops 0 attar T!evorY lost aill„
2-86 Pea cent. Protein, 4,48 Per, or7arori''sres
era, eattiptetely cured, ening early? And bow mach, vetch eueeesefal bean grosvers go over the dueed the, dairy farmer's rir to a ', I. shall
ef tlikoltild.t no circumst4f114.1304.twobeerTlf.0044.,,,, . ,.._14.tres ow.,er s ould I be al ers3;,-eve.ertonittdc Lzrdeonstsg.0 .„5poe‘irrlial;re7 s._ frieelitclurz'o,, ire0a,litdhettreir;etoiltIle tdimrieni-Zwitltli: mPaaiiiiity w,aitPiiietriltaPit°Ppeenttgoaaaez"' t l'Italarhe 7, aceaa 3 p:`breee',10t.,92rilrite,e.,:ef i'l:e'teg,
„Teuder ali4v
i i Jet 0 a
the past 72/years-
Refuse substitutes- They ' be
relnedta 'having been te rket for You will gipa
You do not experiment
buy it,
" Powler's'4 is a d reliable believe it
'ou condition of the I, '*. good 'aux- takes twice the time it mixes the ferti- 1
nAl can plow
e seed should be e ered be- i Que$tinn—J,13,A,;—As / have a field eost of prodeetion,
to sop, is a imsbel ""e to abnet:liZer therelighlY with tile soil, aral the
throe Peeks of Vetch,
'no illjurY to the cora: into tire soil and avoids the fertilizer hecessary. Several datrYtnen
to imProvo the' one with the other- While this method 7,, terp,t:rf:i.iyinreb,7uvigr.7.::
n material whiell "and the bean -s coniing. in contact, the t ,,O*04,0,-let "if theY 41*'e able to 4'44
kender bean plants are ae injured, for profit have increased at a smaller! ponds of butter -fat per hundredl Stir Ire.,1 a . a
production and Ir u t t e r - f a t , tl-ra !char: clet s dtu:,7:5; s'e9°°:1:v7sh errof3:cu'isratadh7:d:efil7tr'grei I kru' tainudu Pe'r.0°8". i ::°e gew:dre'Sr az ct ;le :dee ullet :it. elPaa';;Pl:°d:aPh' it tauahles. ea 1 i a 0
1 poi:rids of dry matter' tboee fed ‘ae, „„,
n corn a on account of floe admix.' teusPoon,ful butter
o 'rkgboir)i,e(hirearirei:1,1)thetarar,soo,taei‘ateraagnde ,fel'Irot..jaealtzraftielai!,, olaa,
it, ' Muffin Pans in moderate 'P00%
' ,
rap aera 0 (Ws stage, I! the seed, 'This orbs the fertilizer the cow pay for the large grain 1 •
c. 35e, e untry
ttired only by 'The T, l'ilil- veen the corn valve, and t r workg lfalfa which I think would Yield T'eAll_tew Ad ' -, grain ration prodtieed 81,3 pouud,3 a i verspiratIon stabis can be remor the
by 0 levelltng cultivator - magazine unit f6i
bet done, of course, by a a writing You, for inforntation, been held la ‘'etlees i ls
5 *evlie,"''' 4.1°71 kbeaellodStf'-;;O9f f7eudrIpdesr elifu nhdurtetde r' f poundsat; j sf ra7t111WL:It'ebV10bi7feorbe.Y1VS:31kiial'g. i n s ,.
19 rie ew tg'17enel:earmi.1:elgl'I:erti%aPdbrullf:eg;:tial
row sectional harrow, It v urns as seed 1 take the lib- Severn 1eccwal, e1sP e
tel write 0
„tion wed
e trivet
4 wilt
**41i1P0 ttaw.
e thiesfh
ading mattarmers
, or
droited, Taranto, Out, t,
'drill. - 'T in regard( to the sante, If you skill1York $tate.,ta deferral ^oat .0 milk Produced was $0.687 -Isiah the ,, best and, s.inlyiest v.,:a7 t° melId a
stand art! 1 4
into the 'Show, r
301 also annint the riPening of the COrP., it for seed? (4) Do yell tPlitk,°' t'°•1111et terP'51Initeingle
they would insure 'a good catch, and would Peva it injure the .futtire ero
of fertilizer analYzing aPProximabe- ls the second crop the one to cut for relattre
Y'„ 2 per cont.,.,unnlionip.. 411a 10 to 12 seed? (2Y About (liolv many hashelsradth par,
' cent- 0'41'040' PltosPhorie acid per acre is an, ;average yield? ' (3) these teat ., diaav 1,b,et, botrenedde.3, to dooe:1„..,.,,tristitoltialpgegrarn:i:nir)tertvdm,Sto,nOt5511 N(Voitvi:rtbec gostraoincgineitt.:vuhrti?a,.:tibt,:::,e(,01.411pts:eAnsutub:r.irrea owfhnlei:,!,pdtetiple., tb.,) peolao hctm'seive,,,s aro
cows were used, ' re- grain ,ration, The average ntat pre -1 ef aehtt9wledgeinoent. f°1' a wedding is put into the hands of appreciative
'eet h ' ` " feed) 'w al43,8ki-1 with tile silage ra-Jitn'41Y $4“114' '''''e a"'-re$4" te '''''e graght Into touch with others whose.
ains, in one of:silage ration and 22,1 cepte with the
bfor mg ''' compered' 0 burrer-far v; -es 13'1 cents 14th the''''; and iron witlt a hot iron, 4.7 A le.'"er' that Widerta steadily, Good reading
''s ation, and the. ration- The coat of feed Per Pound ; ,,,,u..rien.1; sdeinett?thec'ele,(Int.5.ttaa173;viearYtCrtehnett, theTheesthoubrisohaimeeloltf 0:ft/tee folliaer:idizacr.eceine
".flie addition of 200. tps. to the acre .i, I will appreciate it vet,' much. (14) euP31./14 t
. kindly answer the following questione Position, ,fie crave.
entbinz.,„ and decorating tile Mane and
raVS• Or00Milrtg the coat, tas after they bitiont. They. thtiftt, Ansa, -er._As, a rtaesthe se aa I area portton,of tit
• and go theoegh an the Queetion—F.W.(1.:-1 -Zient told re. past hot Iteather has injured the„ mare Ooge
theY Will be stilajecteci telly that atte should not cultivate prospects for seed? ' a CerresPO
au old saying but cannot give any of air:isa* tt:ilt 'produce thee ia( reee't , .
„ a * 'St A
igb r P
a ro:
of All5), with the ga.trin ra-Inl'-her bw"' sncitr''d c7cmitainingut401'
'tile other traernbe,s - ' kis '"o
• ain Substitute ,
ei. „„ f re to display wedding ' t '
cially set apar ' e , 'a tial needs are greater than their
g th.
1 ad the, poor become the berae5.
show, Etnitnal.' '
tail, mid touch -to the appearance of
nposure of young 'horses to th nytbing to this and if2so state witv it :- ' ' '- ' ' , The general platt a? (,,
n of i' buth-
° tbrenglt Your cahlmas if there 'Is reason that there are more bees at thel segeer4 Prefut"
t,solts. 'Will you 'kindly advise yield of seed ip .6!uo!ad-a) utit" ,f.'-o-e-ifie-4titathe la7euiligultett:ucost a
iti c ,
°:ti"IY P st.charge of 'the wedding- ring Aral
att, ed, Tlw be,t maa usitaliy
lq -vtill-iT"TI,cfoiglolrfat‘4saliieitlslr'be t)a,eal
i ttiin)iiente form of spontenee
A great dt'Al more titan
'in tract„ is pat '
sbort spells of sere eyoather ,,,,hieh hould not be dtine4:', * enenlop'e nt'Pe7Intliilileoefsl:ntwetirtfian°1tliethr: asreeeuflohir; was te eettiPare two ' n i vious
-ft - In el
freettentler darlag tile ittill CaUS.' Art6werl—G.r.awIng hea"s allauld ha the sante period of the firet crop. 7711e' 'uhmild earrY " Pea bl ) the s , clergyman'e fee. 4
t0e5 ho
•1 c
cgitlaostri at:sito ns'et'Qi1113,r 1
1 nt, seilacgatts r Aran 2.84 per 1,,, Wauld'he 13enet, °
w ritmen. On
s hrin14111d in live lveight and is n cultivated very earefalb':. nen Ni,v110, geed ghotild be cut; wilen about tWO,.. sum° amount 0 dry matter aulrh- the
ataad tlds sort of treatment with less rb i d '- - , '' ' 11 iNgt if)11 some sited' wilt be' 7047 larselta,‘ itt,70--tt"). age, Inairily silage; in the other ' Oise groin ration shrank' 9.11 ,per cen. t. eindg7nittnetet'eali. Palraaneafgerbteiunt:itgihnbg, ars .1' PeulaT4pilltnos4;e:s, upply of: a
Illdrane t° Yallid and eegantnienl de -11140.!a large aren8 e't been' $aY tua' thirds of the Pods'are tilled; otherwise ents' ' in °Pc reta
e ot en
voioutnent. , older haraea seem a mosk,Of the work ehould be put °nth() the earliest tilled n ds ill I Itt.""* -fi "a were te be derived lergelY 'forn it lilt: and .tzained 1.89 per cent. in tile follawmg idea appe.
„fat on:Auction. Ishe cow$ fed; WOrttart living re a small town Orl 1 Orltr1117 tit , , .ftnitSti.
1055. It it doubtless true that animals silanid be given to ion is ebendrint and the dente
keep down the jive bushels per acre is ail average tion no silage was te be fed and an lit- in milk and 14,18 in hutter-fat pro-,
becothe ner,ustomcd to winter weather, weed$,,,,, u you will cat:tipsily dig, up yield ot alfalfa seed. tie Tousbag,e as seemed 8tise, the hulk ductiers Upon the conclueion oe the the outlying countrY tiistriete. Her adily decreasing. It weuld be
but treetterit changes from fine fen a Plant of henna' YOU will find that itsI. --- 0 the nutrients being derived from; experiment each It a eowe was found, first sten Wan to Collett among her seek eraplaYrnent at some other
colts without 'shelter. ' f
ace and sufficiently wide to extend "1.,tImg growth and is 'well' e$tabbsd" carried prth
nefically e same amount of age -fed 'cows atir averaof ge forty-
T the alfalfa erel) /)as made 3 Pread concerttratea. The two rations fed to baveeg,ained in live eiTeighteethe sil-; acquaintances ntl the n d beQhs 'and _,a..„..._tion:._ _ ........,_=,
weather to had stems retard gains in roots spread Out fairly near the stir.
Four yearling Pereheran iillies With between the ed,little injury W.oill be done to the dry matter'. il't one over fifty- per seven pounds per head; the grain, -fed every night except Friday nights and
'wage weight 0 1169 pounds en row. This s.
°ver bIlli s thteN;tatriteee,ease, a deep :aaiyf
lfpaelefially ittll:ietellrlit'elin
ollincsteosetede, cont; 0 thi$ dr Y Inatter NYtta derived cows an average of fifty-seeen Pounds.
'r Saturday nights? All who Ore, please .
of corn and oats (tele -Milt of each by hns Puld° nl"irilutn gmwtht such au
pasture, with a ration c)f six pounds cultiv443°2' 0 beans p When the plant crop Is top.dressed with. Manure or from silage and iess tion 6gliteall Per The facts reported seem to justify
Alan despised e o I be -
fertilizer so as to give it strength to, cent, from grain. In the other over the conelusten that silage can be made
The bot 'weather which has just 'past fed. 6'4 (01 7 e '8 , that the boys who were Ids neighbors
weight)' daily shrunk an average of you Will 'find at blossoming time, will to take trie place of considerable 'gram side his desk and tried not notice
severe weather on October 18 to 2o, roots between the tows. , The roots meet the coming winter conditions. fifty-seven per 'cent^ .ef the dry mat-
„ ' ious dairy secttons. Groin more ;were snickering behind their hands.
32 Pounds each during the 'spell a eut off a large percent: a the small . '1 ,
, ter was from - grain, to silage being that, is be,ing fed 'to,dairY cow's in var-
of last year, at an Experimental Stzt- are the conveyors of plantft.od. Then Should not have injured the seed pros- Th
sligbtly during the same period, . , certain extent ''''starving tile plant
Iuexpensive sheds ,whieh mill pro. ii,,,tom blossoming time to the filling 0 ,and has dried out.
. .Quest on_ j :.....i. am trying ,,a). rg7:0„:nt.. There were otfwsieile- --and ensiloieg them., or feeding them. hrethert Alt"), was a little fellew/ he '
'When Laura's and Mary Anna's Mg' -
Alan's Great Surprise. it; neinistote:rieoly:etiniittlearnabiteo.and,1:,,rh. -
thin. Aged mares in foal lest only if you cut ofr the roots, you are to a elects unless the ground is very sandy silatTe used in the test was a feeds rich in ,proteiri—clover, alfalfa,
mixture of°one on 0 soy beans and soy beans, eowpeas, field peas, vetches • , in that others would stand; 'Ibub no
faifa thiia yearit fo".:. the first: time wiih: as many say beans in tile raisture as as hey, ,will be possible to further re -
toot colt -s from wind, ram, sleet, and tbe„ Peds of beans is a critical period duo the amount. of feed eost, and to (, nhiagdht°t exgcoetnot brerdidlatyeingnbdtSo*actluotedkae'‘:e/riye ts.tztitledthekirtlher said, oyou x n;at; 1 ill'el: :1 ede
Sr) 0,W will prevent part- of .sueb. loss in for the bean cron. „. At such It time it mit a nurse crop. I will give you a COWpeaS. The silage earn was very
. increase the profits 'of the dairy herd,1 thought it WaS a herd thing to -do, e
. . s-;1
weight. Growing horses should not be requires a good. supply 0' water; brief outline 0 what 1 did and ask '''' . Then came the great surprise.. The
housed too closely .amt prevented i ram hence any injury .to its root ,sYstem yellr advice as to the next move. 4 i peeially in the spring arid early sure- , ,tert112erthx.:Italeiaan sleweadyls;
':.:nati:il' Isicel
ishould not be, sulojected to extremely
taking plenty ,of exercise, hut -they 'should be'earefullY avoided. Another Plowed ,soven acres this sPring, three
reason for avoiding cultivation acres bean ground last ' Year, four , ' Verses 10-17, Daniel continues Ids', try 'boy it would not 'llave seemed -
, rative 0 the lesSon. text bettins. ,rner. Perhaps, if lie had been a cieu:0-ii
lesrliziinelg;l' dhoasredIllsheeLf heetbleiNr"ebdeilurs t‘leieerceityh,istvtarer eetzliarls4Ye. he eaelowwaydsidcalhhee, tknow h ait$ fIBe-
bad weather if they are expected to blossoming. time is that there; is, a acres two -Year meadow; worked it un -
The other hOYS Went, te !and rested, bright 'ef eye and ready
Malie iiitisfaeteey grutetil. tendency during damp weather to
lintestone on it,eetising about, ten tons 8.- igior seeks te save him,
the lions. ChanlibserillaBileYttielli,r,°71zolo
chamber; that is, a room raisedattended, ! for 'work. She said she ,could tell
a-i)-0-tv-f:; IttglZn.r: ' school ', that Alan
EUROPE'S 311NERAL Wii:ALTIL • sPol'ee' being carried by the cultivator
spread bean disease, by =the bean
to the seven acres. Then 1 inticulat- the flat roof of an Oriental huuse . , _ _ eat up late and who .7.vent to bed'
. a and they were allowed to staY 111) and i teVahrtlyi-bs,
the work they did in chool.
or on ,the shoes or clothing '.0 the ed alfalfa seed and, put it on about TERNATIONAL LESSON
. could pick them out and name
Russia Command 80 Per Cent. of the workman. . ., . . one peck Or acre and dragged it in at
once, with a ,peg -tooth. The field* is 'SEPTEMBER 23.
in later Judaism to pray with the face
‘pyllittrede olectruusieatiantnes—s aAndstraeitlidrienngienentstTanoi- etlo.orpylaLepouintgd,00etp•ad until tirimine:,'Iao'teelle..ek .1 she
Long after Alan was in bed, with them if she chose.
Output of Oil.
planted beans on, heavy clover sod,and
Question—R.F.D.:—I have this year _____
., When. the teacher said that, seeerni
According to Prof- GregnEY, -of have a fine -crop of beans- heavy clay for the most part, with a Lesson XIII. Daniel In The Lie 3 turned toward Jerusalem, or to the
tem le• which signified a turning to- .
his head on his pillow, but with. 11.illi;
Glasgow,„,the main mineral wealth of I bave been few sandy places- The field is rolling Den-1Daniel 6. Golden ^ P '
so it is pretty well drained. The seed ward Jehovah. Three times—Perhaps - , .,
. bel.0,3,e.ss pwliadveinogpenbaihieiausferdoitto lioefaithtene.
!hay looked foolish and ashamed. But
ittle .girls turned red, and at least one
Europe is to be found in :the ' great told I could plant another ° eroP of Text—Psa. 3/4 7. fh mornin -it noon and h the
othe teacher did not. 'mention any
plain and uplands -beside it, which are beans next year without any ”, added eame fine.. a good stand. ,ro.day the Aa,_ardin, ...,0. to Dan. 1.. ii, Daniel con. iejr.rening (Ps'l. 55. ,17). Delie,er___Tra_ houses, 017 hide and seelt round the f
able to. tave'Danief, the king seeks to houses or shouting like it d' `list ' -
1 tans, 3 '.. names* she only said that she was
rich in coal, ‘oil, and iron. ore. These fertilizer on, this same soil. r would alfalfa stands six to eight incites high tinued at the court 0 Babylon from
Changed --That nothing ' ." '
sorrte ;hat Alen was the only one Who
minerals are sufficiently near the.snr- like your. advice on this subject. An- and is eommeirciu.,. to hlossoni b t ' the days of Nebuchadnezzar to those 'eneer 'max'
dared to stand.' Then she advised. all
worlcin, as they occur in
have been successively folded tinting
face of the earth to be accessible for
beds which other question I would like to ,ask is,
cial fertilizer? .. When is the best time
Should I be cornpelled to use to use use it, fall or spring? Should I a good many piae" the ieayea are of Cyrus, who, according to the author,
quite a few thistles and ragweeds liai,e succeeded Darius, under whom the
turning yellow or pale green. Also
come up along with it. Now the ground aid to have, taken place .Dan. 6.
events narrated in the lesson text are
1)- IDnasItlrieuInieunatss. omf nilrauctlici—Word mi lit be done by the king or anyone
e se 9 .
1 g to rescue Daniel. -
1st...3. coutr.ury 0 a expee_ a axa: was all 'the sarne while Alan was a lit -
t 11" t f
c.loefliovoacreerd_ Al
tle boy; his bedtime when he averit to
4.6rSifilriln;g, summer, fall and tvinter, iti
,,1study their lessons. But she told Alan
, except Alan. to open their books and
to go home and have a good time. Ile
various epochs 0 mountain forma- Under earlier kings Daniel had had school was eight o'clock.
earned a'. holiday, '
tion, and consequently have been drill it in or spread it broadcast, and was so wet last spring that we:could opportunity to prove his loyalty to the -
not draw out manure and we have 200 • tam weaning. perhaps,. dancing girls, an was well, and he learned his i
or concubines: The kinie was so trou- lesSons epastly.: Both his father and ' ''
Alan , walked, a step at a tirne,—a
brought repeatedly to the surface. how much.to the acre? This is a light
spreader loads or,,, better ht our „barn- God 0 Israel as his usefulness to
step a a time, ' politely, --until he
Oilfields occur on the outer side : a lo,a,in' sand soil.
yard. I decided' this afternoon upon the -kings; under Darius his faith was bled that lie did not 10dul e In th
usual diversions. Lamenta e— e -
e his mother told him that lie was well
reached the big outside door; then lie
mania and Alsace. Eighty per cent.
the Alpine ,MOuntains, in Galicia, Ru- '1,--AntWeri—As a rule, beans ;should
not follow beans.- They should fol- looldng the field, over to go over with subjected to a' new test. The situa-
tion WaS this: The friendly attitude ter, pained, or agonized. God . . .
angel -,--,A. full recog,nitiOn tha.t the de- e„
h learned his lessoos so easily be -
and that his ey,es weie bright and that fhl eetvt top
powonf the steps rall' 1::e': homeiinto
t at .
a the European oatput of oil isepro-
. , ,.... low a cultivated crop ,like, corn or mower, and din it quite high, then top- the officials, who 'plotted against his
of Darius toward Daniel displeased
liverance is due to divine interference, cause -he went to bed early every night. t
The king rejoiced over: the 'rescue of Ile' thought they Were niistakereibut automobile ion the front seat 'beSide
duced in Russia, and if it the end -of good sbape,and you have used a large
potatoes. Of course, if Your S011 iS in dress it. quite•heavy. What Would you life (verses 1-5). ' As a part of their
Daniel and then ordered the accusers he did not say so. Instead, he Rept Lee for the ride into the country!
the war she has acquired Galicia, advise? 44„.4 - ; 4 ,scheme, they induced, Datats to sign a
thrown to the lions. , He also issued'
Russia will produce no less' than 90 decree forbidding any man -to ask any- thrown
decree exalttng the 'God of Daniel, his thoughti about it to ;himself. p
' Why sow choice wheat and timothy 1
amount of. fertiliaer this year, and . if Answer:—I believe you have handl-
per. cent.: The Galician •oilfielas are the -beans been absolutely free of ed , yournewalfalfa, field -wisely. I, king, for a period' 0 thirty days
disease You may safely plant another would not tap -dress. it too: heavy with., (versee 6-9). At this"point• the liar- ter. - .,
thing of any 'god or man, except the
and heaped new honors upon the lat-
prise. It was in June, a few weeks
Then one day came his great surs”
seed on land, Qand weeds and yellow-
, eharacterizerl by being exeeptionall3P-
dock and plantain in the hezirt?
'- lief' in paraffin. - ' ,
, last point', is i.•eally, the point of would g,ive it a second top -dressing
crop .next year where these stand. The manure just at the Present 'time, bat , .„ , , , . a - tA firm belief in one's power to do an kind of day when everyone wishes to
before the long vacation, and just the
greatest iniportance, -Since bean dis- either la,te in the fall or early in the for vegetable storage, are particularly act foreshadows its accomplishmeat. be outdoors, even the teachers. Birds
-,YOU- CAN CURE, eases live in the soil for one or two spring. My thought is that too heavy, ' •
ll _, were singing, and the air was sweet
SO Bald Viitit Kidneys
, By THE USE OF .years.... Gna-Your. light sandy - loam a, top -dressing might stnothet out
plantfood for nexttyear's crop if you
expect. a good crop.. The problem is.
soil you certainly Will have to provide
'not make a good healthy growth,' I
cutting and manuring . . p -
some of the" tender. plants. If. after
• • the crop ' does
. '
, The temperahire must be -kept as
There are three thing o keep in
a ' ' ' '''' ' - with th ' 11 0 roses. A gentle
Caused Dizzinest Weakness to play. '
. as if to call the boys and girls outside
. , breeze wandered into the schoolroom,
Would' Faint Away.
11111huin's Lan -Liver Pins. just the sante as , is faced in feeding would advise . you to top -dress still The air, Must be as dry as possible
calves. - ;If' YOu expect the calfto. do farther with 200 lbs. per aete 'of ferti-, all the time. ,
low as:possible without freezing. '
' 9 , - The children. were not studying their
and Smothering Spells. lestons as if they, caved at all who DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS
. ... . . ,..... , well from , tine year to another,. You lizer carrying 1 to 2 per -cent. aril -
When the heart" becomes affected, , . •
- - " '' - - General. Welfe was, or where the
have to 'look out to. supply, an abund-imonia, and 10 to • 12 per cent. pbp,s.' , The, place must be kept. dark.
there" ensues a feeling of a choking sen- highest mountains are, or the longest
ess of breath, palpitation I
Mrs- Albert Williams
A free motion. of the bowels daily, ance of suitable food., ." Now fertit phoric ncid This will tend to invi o ' , a • '
, , Kean the'teraperature as near • 32 rivets or the largest cities, or how' to
writes: "I have the greatest pleasure in
should be the rule of everydne for if they lizerS are' carriers tif iilantfoegl and al.. ate ' the plant and ,,give 'the caop , •
do not 'move' regularly conAipation is though' ' ' - " ' ' .' ' ' -
th plantfood which y u dd- strength 'to withstand toaster
g r- 'deg; FahienIteit as you can; the ideal sation, a shortness
dizziness arid .a weak sinking 11
throbbing smothering, seasation, and ', Alan was thinking of his, big broth
telling you what Doan's Kiduey Pills
Edam cask
sure to follow,,and bring in its train many ed • this' ear may not all' have been tions , , - feeling of oppression andanxiety
'-' range ts between 30 and 36 'Fahrenheit. ' spell hard WOI'ds.
, .other trouales_Whea the bowels' become -Y .. . ' ., . . ,', b - . . - n 1- Potatoes fl' large quantities will not ' , , ,. , ,
, , - . n e st sigitof the heart becoming
• I The high school boys had a -holiday did ftpr me • -
a, --Sone ' er Lee Whti was in the high School.
, MisSeEinma E. Melanson, ' Iialifax, . . . - , .
" logg d up ' ' •
. , ' ' , y'ou , Will find it Profitable1 to make'oan
used up yet I am of the opinion that
'freeze' at 28 deg. Fahreoheit if expos -
than . an, hour or ttvo. " -' , Pills should -lie taken and your wilt`..finci
ed to this temperature 'for not more
conIct not t Ci. an
s an o o anyt mg. I had ....
, , . , weakened :,agilburn's Heart• and IsTerye '
th t fternoon and Lee bed planned Teri years aeo 1., as so b d wth tri .
addition , of plantfood ,cias, next year's to take the baby sisters, ,I,,aura and kidneys that r would faint away •cl
, • t , been that' sve.y for t WO ars • and, had. '
N 5 viites.' ' '",` 1 am now 26 years of age, '
' 'Storing, Potatoes. , . To figure space allow VA cubic. feet a t ieye ,,,,,givepromptreliet and soon.
,e ., .oione an I could but did •
and sir,tee, ' 64713ave,b,'epto,gica,tly,, . ean clop. ,, . ,0a lightspOdy, soils, es...., - ' th t 1 "i011: ' - ''''.''Mary Annt in the automobile for a ,
better until one day soine one put 4
the -tat' earthted 3 or'4 days matter, it ''i pfofitable -Wtoptdress cellar is best. , The. material-',US'e& in
There rriuS'ii- be -ventilatio'n. If You
, jug, N.B., writes: 7.l'ifiguffered greatly , teacher said to all the ,children, 'You
mr. johr,v.Doucette,'..Rei River Cross: 'Alan was thuds -mg of that Al;1011 til,
another young girl lia.ass*rtqc,dtit -..e;
so pecially if they .,,nre:, l„ :orr,,;;,:trt. oagarne In storing po s a cellai -or hal
for . each. bushel of ipotatees. --, erase:, 1 , , .
'- - ' - effect' a ConiPlete cutettt.:• - 1.ride into the country Little brocher 4 . .. , . , ,. .. --
little book in our door, and I, saw he.,
a moat e 1 -al attd'fashioned ,,the land aftereploiiitin '", fie ,spring building a storage .'.-hbuse' does 1.1ot . . .'
, ,,ir :_.
orehouse ' sem' ' , . . 1 ,
itlir atglishnia9oVt9htiep.S...;;Ciied.,12/11111esra ,IlynliZeii3irt,iy vao.aujdpeleYaOstie/b00 aCS for a MO : -
VMS then, so T ilicaight4,#0 " '''
reme ies,"ca,s, U a .,,,ete., t t
'dtted niamire, greatly matter.. Fithar 'Wood or stories' t„. lis'tbie 'with. th:rwiad -'en- s•ri.,•cell
,,,,Tinter,' a.' great ' deal of doctda,talittedidne but Lt--"' aud I am glad 'to„sateillitil
" ga'eerneei d
enefieia ,s lar, aye d*i: it
a; *
eseedted, :Mented by.,
',,phate.or a..,e,
, -
1 lc
at, al ; 1.- , -hog-' should.- be waterproof-. 'Depth unders
:ugh in ground is not of nioment so Tang attata
. ,
Iiittpring leave the:door openat night, , ,
closing in tile day. a Doors or win-
nie to ose Milburn s Heart- •Ne '' ''''
Vailiag through the '
. ,
- , books and sat st, aighta glad o listen
quickly all the children closed their
thing again, thanit
• only, .,,i,tAnt Y- sister . ' • '',"
vi 11, with 6 to 8'14 6
e(.1supple- masonry will serve. "-The :material 'S1r,21.41.3r Pre reCeived no b ' .-'1/:'''f''''''''' ' - .
euefit. , , - fiend advised . t ' ,. "'four, boxes I hate,'
d'b' '''''''.--rve ''t 'h t th t h . li dt -• tl V
frOM , q0.101tation ;ler ,theJr
casional 46,1 haste kept,
his was, .9,,cy,ea isteagoes
„ ,
4o. le ef"42,0 ko '4
available pli o te at.
et e A
% ^I
er'' e e ige
d• rate
'at „Of ceurse ia, the storehouse 'istheilf ,, ,. , , ,.,,,v0,1•10',-'-','"' ' ' Px, oae, and
'OP ,749 notehave to consider this., 'The StOte ,opiss'ele,404ittetes. 'Potatoes
is, su Teter,. q nsuip agains .revni
, 'nary itense cellar: is safe etiamalt breathe; , Dirt' ..choltpketheir respira,
"do7s at either endttasecore a draught,
,i- . . - i s, an efore I lied finishedetheifitti .0 W„ _14; e eac el. a o sat , Lae,. Doe, t wirli ,,, .p.,Th
°42.1,11!N f Iin*Og 4 e are: etrP01116'1 ' ,e
iboheig'lh-if:lit.eInitielidbthetterith::::it,::tia' wexiiiie:X.,peeting a surprthe. ..The neat ',Pit-ttii,itt-,•'-airli.4;t3,,,,,' ";',i;
:alb -Heart and Nerve Pill 'it
was completelYIVO' ''' ''''t Alan Wished ,that Ite'Wasg,lin," ' ' Anoineohl ''
a ittlet, e 1 t 0 eXespf in' that '4'2 "7 t ade*tir)4" b
vial at' all 'dealers
Millpitra,s; ex? ar
8. 4
, 4
es,'Witli 0., double cellar, the
1.' pi,Wof the -.eotintry‘ tii.''' '
4., ,..m -i,' ' T . 10R.. ' Cover, he floor completely be `s
" ealers, ,oratriaile ti this is the questio' `,47.
'receipteepriee,,,b - e
mi o 12 i- et& i hee ti le
.11` P,a '0 114 „eSt
at it e 4t.t it roil One, part and,. the. other a ' '''' ' b ' - 5-Cia'
,.;,0.her. • ' - , . .
. .
• ow,, , 'I, Li
s id.
ex,e;,yee egin, putting thein ..oit top Of 1" "''''' a. t... '.