HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1917-9-13, Page 5"ay, Seilte0lhe
`A rt,ust Bill attended London
air Tuesday, -
Mrs, Follicle of Exeter is visiting
Oit the aletbadist paesonage.
Mrs. C. Zwieker arid afaster Ger-
ald have returned from Toronto.
'Mr. 3, A. McDonald manager of the
Sank Of Commerce has returued to
bis duties.
Mrs. S. .Brown of Kitcheoer
tended the ruueral of the, late 1r,s,
Moto, Tuesda,e,
Rev. LiLt, presiding elder conducted
;communion seevice in the Evaligeli-
cat chnrcia Sunday. -
On, Thursday last Mr. Russell Clark
was stricken with aa Attack of ap,
nelleitis and was operated on at
Ilais borne on Friday. At the time a
writing 334, is doiog
Another or our aged end moat re-
iipected residents passed away at
titer home in the village Suedey more -
jug the persoo, oe Mre*Ifenry allotz
Lira Decaased 1104n.W0 011.111g 101.
'derable length of time. The rhe -
•a held to the Evangelieol• cents
esday afternoon. 'The sym-
by of the community is exteneed
he breaved familYs
The yo
:at ourrd. onM uday
nwheu rgaret, the only
of 'afo, cold, Petra*,
id, froin an tthe ofqttinsest
women was
in her 24th
lsteemed io the coin-
°pular amog be s-'
• oily was bereft of
Jdie ln years ago
'1 elY aad tohavel
mpathy of the'
to the Minn
Year itr,t4s.
clittlitY an
ibociates. Tti
their de ug 1. ter
littbicti makes it VA,.
!Wt bOt b gr1s. The,
commuoity isextenden
- their sad affliction.
RevAlps of tIrenteo Fres
urch orooeleil the pulpit
the Lila:Age of
took charge
he Irliewille cite
ia e ilbsehre of the
izes nen retails .
'Hector afilleoten
t Gun 4
•Thames IZoad
• -
Quite aflj,pber from this vicinity
atteudede Me Fair this Week.
Mrand), ag, Fergosa
ren a Anderson visited at Mr. ().
Carols on Sunday. t
Tbe hnrvest has been eompleted in
this neighborhood and a good. deal
oL the fall wheat has betel sown.
Mr. and "'Mrs. Doope, Sr., Mn. ataa
Mrs. P. Doupe. and elaildren
ton litr, and Ofrs S. 1.Va1kole, and
children of Fullerton were the guests
of Mr. and airs. Arthur Doupe
Sunday last,
Remember Bethany anniversary ser
vices to be held next Sunday at 2,39.
ad 7.30 p,m., Rev. Houston of Ton -
don will conduct both services, A
freewill offering will be. taken. Spec-
ial musie will be'reentered,
Pte. Clare Gowan, kilted in action,
was the son of Nasseall Gowan of
Granton. 410.._analtated with the 135th
and the ot lorto to his father ad,
vised him t his so o had been kin
led on Anguat 18. 'te. Cowed was the;
eldest eon ad assisted hie father
n the farm before enlisting in Nos
verher 1915, His last letter was 're',
eeived enl/londsiy of this aveelt.
Richard ,Frolabs has received oftio-
ial notice that bis son, Pte., Hetliert.
Hobbs has been wounded to France,
Officiol word has ohm been sanely -
al by 'Mrs. Serail nfiddleton o Chia
Wage steting that lier son, !saws
commonly known as "Ike" had rm.
veined a golishot woued, inais right
Grand Bend
Laboi r Day was titting
here as a lad (Moss
or the root weather 1450
d for wbieli the sum of
as reeived. DQuitions front soin
buss moo for the 0.x?enses
mounted to *Ili After all
paid the 4.4101 10.5.47
the Red Cross Soo-
the Crediton
V e
iety, The ten
Brass Itsud
Rennie ae.den SOt
on thea' boneynioon
sya with his, pareute.
Quite a number from ar
IlArC attending Loudon Fair.
Mrs. David Parkieson or St, Marys.
visited last with.
Alias Fdn Uu»niug s
iiit St. Mars, the gtost o lte,r eousiit
Noble -P akin...on,
The farteral of Margaret
Aanghter or 'Pa t riek IrGe was lar-
gely , ttv Ode, d and intern -toot was
made ot R. C. semetery near Lucent
.hlr. and Mrs. Albert scott of Sao -
Outshine, visited at Mr. John Mor-
Ica's oa Sunday.
Rev. •Hugh Hazelwood of Toronto
COI visiting relatives around here this
From the middle of July o the
Receipte, ilaiarice en hand,
$1.75.62; Proceeds froiu bn-
rutr en Aug. 3rd. '20.051; aecttivecif for
orn 2,$0; penny Woe for Asgest
8,94; eolleetion front park service
„Su; procods from -sale of tags et
GsIa 1,MY 105,17. Total 543,14,
E X pe s ns 4..s or lmosar
-5.75; Rosa and Roadie for goods 4'2,75
goods and postage 9.51; total 7$.04.
illolance an hand 405,10. The bale
aent to Ifymatt Hall for August. 40
pillow altos; 11 towels; 351 pairs or
socks a 7 day shirts,
013.ildren Cry
• Dashwood
Mrs. White of Detroit is vsi
her ;neatens Mrs. Witzel.
Rev. I, GrauPuer has leG, for Rip-
he will c°133.134eac'e
Mrs. 'fwitehen bag return
iled to be
home in London, after visiting with
relatives here.
Walter ?assent'. Czar Kellearnann,
Elgia Schatz, and Ede Kraft, attend-
ed the Exhibition Let Toronto.
M, M. MaPhersoo of Math°.
Montalto, is visiting with relatives
in Ifensall.
Mr, and 'airs. Owen Geiger Imre
been visited receutin by several Of
their sons,
alr. and Mrs. W, Elder, were in
Toronto visiting relatives ,and taking
' the Exhibition
etas. Than of Morrmn Ata.,g
visiting her mother, arra,
sr.. and sister, Mrs. Hugh M
• Mrs. Jas. Sparks was
bt week to meet her dal
Wi4O tame ,frora Jrz
visit here,
Miss Flerenee Ford of Ca
Dakota, is spending a crenate or week
or ao with tier relatives in Hensel
and, vicinity,
Mr. Fred Bonthron, youngest Son
of arr. and Mrs, iloutbron, tithe, has
bei living in ChiPago for SOMe rime
Ilea enlisted for oversees,
Dr, Alex McKay, of lBottineati, Da-
koto, t.vere here attending the forteral
of his late 'brother, Saba AloKay of
Ilia village accompanied by his wire.
Quite a nurnher Attended the moot-
ing of the Presbytery at Clinton on
bursday of lest week, to anapest
e eivai
in by Cerei church, to
Mr. :cConnell of Toronto.
Mrs, al. Bootbron amturneti home
last week after eV...ening a member
weeks, with relatives in Detroit.
afol her friend Airs. Afiller. oeeatias
'Walker. of SAlgotaec, the latter twine"
4 fine autottiet' resort on Lake St.
The farmers in bi
been i pro Vi far Very hur
day irt order to secure Lheir 'ery
largo -eros 4.111d. are battliog hard
osajog to the scarcity of ie1 butaeetaelaAr
ately the ra bk•V has boort
pretty fa etara
3. E. :Mei/0'630j motored to
gailsonburg taking with aim Dr:
Hardie and taeralters or bis family
to spend a day or so with Dr. and
Mrs. Crook,er, Airs. Ilaride's parents
and upon returning itoole were no-
cotupanied by Dr. Conker, whospent
3 day or act here.
alias Florence 'Reynolds who spent
her summer vacation here, retutaied
to Calgary to resume her duties as
teacher and was accomattaled by her
sister. Miss ',Beatrice, as aar as Lon-
don, and Miss Bessie Urquhart, who
also spent her summer vacation hero
with her returned
parents, the same
day to Eton, orth Carolina, to ite-
sumer her duties as Dean and was
accompanied to London by her sis-
ter. Beatrice.
are busy foal
a/A and sowing falt
N41polwill of Attlfsla
aoeut tbeorepaat of rats week in
Iginden. t
Revs ord and wife, oar
former' A Called on friends in
the village on Tueeday.
The creamery staff all took a hol-
iday on Werinesday and went to Lon-
don Fair.
Mrs. Sherry ,froin Chicago ‘Ind
Mrs, 'Hastings of Exeter visited Mrs*
Jas. Oke. and also called on friends ie,
the village last week.
er. Finlay'a brother and fatuity
are visiting' at the earsonage.
Mr.. and alas. John Cole andnifieft
f.iFacey atteoded the Exhn ibitioin
Toronto last week.
ss Alma Roy of Granton, i visits
sisters' afre. fark Clark,
Mrs. Giessen Gila
Glenn Facia. a Camp Borden
the week -end w-itie his parent
rid Mrs 1.1., C. .Feeev
t'Toles Bolfeur and son
tl„l1ruve imod to their home in Moose
r f,
carats-ne' o:nag a coupof rnerth
lativea sod friends tern
OUR'rEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may
travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford
owner you can get it. • You are always "among friends".
• There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through-
out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners
1 ---for gasoline, oil,, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or
motor adjustments.
The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of
e car itselT. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only
compWith the cost of spare parts for other
will re1izthe advantage of owning a Ford.
Ellen Dow and Miss deseit-
'QrSts. 1.:Sli•-?dnrr• aco
riYs' base r,ttrrletid
after et
"tb relatives in this viceeitY
e. A. Irodgert bas lamn appoloted
legate Dom tle. Fellarion 'Wo -
's L.stitete at the district cnn-
tin io tendert On Thezeday
in the laterests of the Red Cross,
On Friday evening, the aongregeti011
. t ItparY:seettiltiledrelbr?ssaeli*dti%dnat°1-g4lothael..
foot of Fullarton wh0461-Itia bean vete"
valued and actiVa lil ',boo of t
rockers. flea. Air •iti 010., read the
church withstaaa beilit i al MallogallY
address after whiat Dr. Proudfoot
spontled Appropriately The pro-
gramme consisted ae follows, 50051
solos bn arr. Ifeivitt, of .Mitchet11, zt
tliwt 4 tti, .Atisso$ :kialrgi.,, and
Graham and selections by the dente
ouch woe seraid ,at the close' or ea.
711:1, liire dr °
We haws h.arrisd that you ot j"
tatted to nave Fullsrtott to lake uj
year residence in Mouktota and as
the clauge or abode will neceesite
our rieveranee from this enagrega-
tion, we,`the membera a 04 adharents
or Boys congregation boae aasembled
this evening to bikl you good-bye and
to 'express our good will to you 'an
to those near clod -dear to you.
shall MISS yoo and your daughter.
Wittnifred, at the regular services ou
the Sabbath Day for you lava always
been present in God's Douse wheat
it was possible for you to do so. 'Yoet
have also oaan present at all the hies
iness meetings of the congregation
and have given most belaort council
and you have always been ready to
assist with any gathering associated
with the 'congregation. 'ott havo also
given liberally to every branch of aho
church work. Your home too has ever
been °nen to entertain any miSSio, ary
or any one representing any departs
inent of the citurch work. You have
beeu most loyal to lloys ehurch. There
were other congregations nearer your
horae. bat as your father, the late
Professor Froutifoot, D. D., first or-
ganized Ttoys congregation, this con-
gregation had a special attraction tor
you, but we appreciate the distance
you have had to drive to church and
appreciate your faithful attendaace
Mrs. Proudfoot is president of the
Women's Missionary Society and has
also beezi one of the leaders in the
Bed Cross work carried on by the
congregation, thus, this congregation
will iniss your presence at all the
services and your help, and we meet
to exriress regret at your leaving, aad
to wish you success in your new prac-
tice and happitaiss in your new home
mid beg that you will accept this
written testinaony arta this gift as a
token of our esteem from Roy s coa-
gregation. Signed on behalf of the
congregation. David Ritchie, Minister
Itobert Graham.
Mr. Nicholas DieeLert and son. oS
Detroit, visited relatives here during
the week.
Miss Gertrude Smith of Detroit is
the guest of her friend, Miss Mabel
Mrs. Sberar of Gurxie, spent a
few days at the Evanelical parson-
age. Mrs, 4lowie accompanied her
home and will visit in Goraie, ifor a
few weeks. -
Mrs. B. A. Caninbell and children
attended :the Toronto Exhibition.
Mr. Hubert Klopp, clental 'student
of ;Toronto; is visiting his parents
here. ," -.1,• lt.1• 1':`,
Rev. II. Reinbe attended the .annual
synod cif the Lutheran ehureb, hein
at Heidelberg. e
• Threaten, to Ex-pel Priests
cre:eof tVhae,icAosall-
n' h sse Dienta
r es s ndre1igtonS
OH. t0iten-
Vrifj:13:14,9.91:s ktLti
rmpOrtant Events iNhich I -14v
Occurred Ourinxth We,
The Busy World's Hoppe in
ully Compiled and Put luto
Handy and Attraetive Shape or
the Readers of Our Paper -a.
lourss Enjoyment.
E. D. Morel,lE''‘'r IrSitDY
isAhI;aelfist. was
sentenced to six months in mason.
Twenty-one Norse ships were de-
troyad, during the. month, of Augoete
Attacks on American sailors were
made in the eseeets of Cork, 'retouch
No. 4 Base ITkisadtal, argamzed by
the University of Toronto and sent to
Salonica in 1915, has reached Eng-
air, R. 3. Fleming announced a
e Toronto Railway Co
accented the award of the, '
t iOkit 494X4,
E. StB1:14:n4tiss
' 'Preaa
'on grounds, said the people
0 c are falling into line on
calla. -On,
ticiattlfe F., Carroll, Liberal M, P,
etitueney truek out, 00 the score
toe aueresefolle mimeo
o have* te for a tiew witiarf be
wartime economy,
Sir Themes Winie, itt reply to faied
Shaugimeessns etotement about tho
rotrehase. Stated that the pro-
POaal tor the c.p.,R, to bun it eame
not from the Governmeet, but from
the companies, and was rejected by
e Goverriment,
in a (Wand on newspaper reports,
raziliall Mbalater or War bas
Intend that Xtrazil will not send
a to Europa, Tbe anis stance -
iso atate* theouteAltooititeAttielitiLttr.
Germ ,
Whit. •
port 'of 1
:1 a4e4,panare 114e4" °
1,, 004terrri: ese,4::;74itrtel4it5OS;#44
Samuel Gomp
emidiTne:illeeta!:otrie.iss4g9,0,..,,:o :011vestliejeCteed at
The "pep,ce" MaY
Problem, '
e ea:it:eat:4:4:as:
lt '2
Commons had to be deferred,
Archibald POD, aerrior :itnil: a -
The franchise bill not being fallY
printed, its consideration in tbe
r:e::taeio:the:oardocseie . -
'Sir GeOrge Fester'
r:tFil7:144kdot bt,,h"sisoeatit,wd:nirtreeie:runtloisron°1:.itodore:ro,
q Se dl.e.a.z1eoelo:;:-14: t
e being '''PeavseeT.e.4.41. 'rne fl
int f tlie$0
t 46r0b,latr,70zaa t
9 s.ock
r fixing a date for disclose
the full liabiles of tee company,
rhe statemeot that the German
"oreigli Secretor", De- von Kentil-
nalin, is = favor or a negotiated
is made in a despatcb to The
urtor Zeituog froro Vienna,
the dnocarto; tiealacllciae:plYatotrisaiai;:
1, s ,
yon Euehimann's (faint onii
0 agood impressiou Ittlfiestoe,
-1 ' 1 e.14'fer'e el i 4f t:at et h.:11 le trnall:sr' ilut3-
"tuation, 4P1 I°
Q -I a stew
Who ho a
to -Upset
ment That rlatelt 4r1 There -so"
Draatie MeMsures Ito Al
PETROGRAD, Sept. 11,-reter
XerinskY Mooday issued a proclama-
tion to the army, the fleet,
tees 04.th
Ing the a
nd also to the eora
rmY at the froPia out -Ho-
oted coup of
040 V. N. LT
had been' ,
General Lo
, GetteX"
Celombia, soya t
were •reported estioyed, T
'ato to the deportment was
ore Baraoquilla, where t
aeualtiea was unknown,
Ttn) police have given nat
tails of the auti-couscrintloo
miters' program. which luelede
nier af Lord Atholstan, the
iiwt. of his bouse and of
I Star office, the nssnsai
lion of Roza Arthur c1glzen attd
Premier Sir Robert Borden, and th
dynamiting et the irItmout bulld-
A big Romanoff OnspIraey was
nipped by arrests.
Enemy dopota in Belgiuw
aided. by British airplanes,
General airplanea are
ing the way for a new drive
Thomas Henry Harrison of Wyatt -
wood eonimittad suicide by cutting
his throat.
Graham Bros. 01 Claremont won
two gold medals IA the Clydesdale
classes at the Toronto Exhibition.
Speakers at the Toronto Exhibi-
tion luncheon emphasized the im-
portance of the West as a market for
live stock.
Mayor 3. G. Kerr of Chatham, was
nominated as Federal canditiate for
West Kent at a Will -the -war eouven-
tion in Chatham.
Mr. James Morrison, aged 92, of
Beaverton, who saw the first fair in
Toronto seventy years ago, was a
visitor to the Exhibition.
Plight -Lieut. Walter E. Fiett, of
Toronto, bas been awarded the Croix
de Guerre for bringing dowo two
German planes in one raid.
Judge Winchester has forwarded
to Ottawa the names of forty-one
persons to ect on the exemption tri-
bunals in Toronto and the county of
Loans of $100,000,000 each to
Great Britain and France were
made by the Washington Govern,-
ment, bringing the total advaticed to
the Allies up to $2,266,400,000.
It is reported in an Athens de-
spatch to the Exchange Telegraph
Company that the Italian com-
mander-in-chief has received orders
to evacuate Epirus, which constitutes
in part the southern portion of Al-
bania. This, the despatch saysahas
been officially- recognized as Greek
Marshal Joffre reviewed the scene
of his great triumph on the field of
Marne. •
Two Canadian soldiers were killed
in the German niglit aerial raid over
The people of Brussels refused to
be en fete on the occasion of the
kaiser's "visit.
Men recruited under the military
service act are to be handled on a
territorial basis.
'The British Trades Union Con-
gress, meeting at Blackpool, de-
nounced the submarine war.
Politicians are awaiting with in-
terest the announoement cif the date
of the Federal election.
The Trades Council of Toronto
entered a strong protest against the
provisions of the :ranchise bill.
Sir George 'Bury, at the Toronto
Exhibition luncheon, said the Rus-
sian revolution was born in the fear
of a food famine.
The Ward Six Liberal Executive
oofttaTworaonatgoatmnsatdet4 representations Psrsee, seoecnr,o; tovanti::nfos a ist::
many lawyers on the -exemption tri-
•,,nasmiereleocwftiloiiiliifstitndoo: Lavuolaniet: , erthoef
e r oEufeeetionsoAraciplinisttalb•roY
A 'hite
olt, ay a tne
iih‘or'nolev"4444a. L'elionner was er crew
2ivg.51 eoric: nd
An eStato of $125,000 was
private own servine with
aullnus overseas.
'the Toronto Eat
a total attentlaue
o 7,000 over 1910.
tobort Sangster, oue of the oldesl
idents of 'York County, Oat., dIet
Stouffville, aged 30.
Itev. Rowland, 11111. former Angli
minieter and missionary and tat
farmer, died at Carnarvon
After annnuneing the dtsm
Geoeral Korniloff, and at-aijng that
he woUld be poniebed for treac
he PrO414414tiOn addriz
"Against Keraileff's
direct individual tailitat
ente to Petrograd, moat dec%atvc
measures Itave been taken,"
Pretater Kerensky hoe declared
that A Slate of war exists its the team
4.400kt of Petroarad, sad h
. e or,
ere, Koratieff, commander,
Rutotiou artoiea, to
iQQeEnPt Getteral
nd for aupreme
Elemborsky has
flueoian Cabioet
a,e,stoeiated Press
1 Geverament re-
Korellofra pro -
act of reheilion,
sabr suppreszed,
basi decided to
placiug ail power
up of
Petawawa Artillery Camp Is
cldedly cold at nights now, and will
it is expected„ clotte about the end ol
this month.,
Mrs. .Agnes Boyd of 124 Cooper
avenue, and Mr, John Thomas Wood
were killed by a train while niotr-
thg Toronto.
Rev. Dr. Pidgeon will, subject to
the conseut of the Toronto Presby-
tery, leave shortly for work with
Canadian soldiers overseas under the
auspices of tbe Y.M.C.A.
Alex. 13. alacIntosh of Iiumboldt,
Sask., has been appointed Judge ol
the., District Court Of Dattleford, and
Ilarelay Webster, K.C., of laeraville,
N. S., judge of tbe County Court for
District No. 4 -King's, Hants, and
Colcbester counties.
Archie 13. McColg, M.P. far Weat
Kent, was nominated by the Liberal
convention at Chatham,- and R. L.
Brachirci for the Provincial seat. Dr,
D. B. Neely, M.P.. of Humboldt,
Sask., made a sensational statement
charging Sir Clifford Sifton with a
"tight -about-face" on the Question
of tortscription.
The moulders are in conveation at
The crew of the British schooner
J. A. Holmes was landed safely.
Sohn Mann, a prominent citizen o
Brantford, has passed away at the
age of 80 years.
Herbert C. Hoover urged wider
use of cornmeal for, breadmakirig in
the United States.
John 3. Doran, • a Toronto real
estate broker and former oarsman,
died after an acute illness.
The yield of vacant lot cultivation
under the auspices of the Rotary
Club amounted to about $50,090.
The four men accused of connec-
tion with the dea.tfi of Dr. IVIacRob-
Me in Hamilton were committed for
Great War Veterans will establish
an emergency fund to meet the need
of special cases requiring financial
The Central Canada Exhibition at
Ottawa was opened by the Governor-
General, and the Western Fair was
opened at London.
Rev. Dr. Dobson, of Regina, re-
ported that steps are being taken by
the• Collnet°rlrRH
Ploeleaf2a. sk.Cameronatehhasevan tobiseenring
downthe prices of fruit.
called to Ottawa to serve upon a food
control committee appointed to deal
with • the slaughtering of young
calves, lambs, and young hogs.
Several large producers of beei
and mutton in the West are agitat-
•eitnuagilyeefmso prohibitionreaatd4:13st octo ntl, eervkei theiing ct, ouf.
Tendesd be.tngr
Militia D
restoration4 at the tho des -
An official statemesays
G'enera 'Ialkomaky, 4also provod
Karp" refusing to tak
oZ the Russian arinles In, aucces!on
to General lorniiciff.
The Soliliena and Workmen's
body, the statement adda, has or-
dered allthe army organizationto
obey the Provisional' Government.
Germans Lose Heavily in Attacks ou
LONDON. Sept. al. -Again tbe
French and the Germans are engag-
ed in extremely heavy iightbag in the
Verdun sector, with the Gentians try-
ing to recoup their losses of the end
of last week on the right bank of the
Meuse, but with General retain's
forces holding them back almost
everywhere and 'covering the ground
with their dead.
Over a. front of nearly two miles
the Germans Senday morning, fol-
lowing unsuccessful attacks Saturday
night io the sector of the Bois des
Fosses and the Bois des Canrieres,
returned to the fray with renewed
vigor, especially around Hill 344. At
some points French trenches were
captured by the Germatts, but from
these later they were driveo out and
the French lines were entirely re-
established. In the fighting around
the Bois des Fosses Saturday night
the Germans left nearly 1,000 dead,
on the ground before the Prowls
At various point- on the front held
by Field Marshal Haig the British
troops have delivered successful at-
tacks, especially north-west of St.
Quentin, where German position an
a front of several hundred yards
were captured and prisoners taken.
Northeast of St. Julien the British
• lines were slightly advanced. In
Flanders the British guns are still
roaring ix the mighty bombardment
that has been in progress for more
than a fortnight, but as yet the in-
fantry has not been loosed. for the
impending dash bat° the enemy. terri-
Soldiers Lynched Prisoilers,
11. --The town of Laivesha, in the
Government of Kazahan, has been in
large part destroyed by tire. The
people of the town suspected that the
fire was an incendiary one; set bY
prisoners of war quartered in the
vicinity. An attack upon toe prison-
ers was made by soldiers, 20 of the
prisoners being lynched ann a num-
ber of others badly beaten.
In the village of Niccholivsk, itt
the Government of Samara, soldiers
began looting a great quantity of
wines stored in a,hUlleling. Two hun-
dred of them were trapped thereian
burned to death. •
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